Accepted by Department Council Made by Assoc. Prof. Y. Koeva, md, PhD

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Accepted by Department Council

Made by Assoc. Prof. Y. Koeva, MD, PhD


Lectures and laboratory seminars in Cytology, Histology and Embryology І course, medical students, winter semester 2012/2013


Laboratory seminars - 3 h.

Prof. P. Atanassova, Ass. Prof. Y. Koeva, , Dr. A. Fusova, Dr. F. Popova

Lectures - 2 h

Ass. Prof. Y. Koeva

І week
17.09 - 21.09.2012


ІІ week

24–28.09. 2012

Cytoplasma. Cell inclusions
Microscopical preparations:

1.Lipid drops

2.Glycogen granules in hepatic cells

3.Pigment inclusions

Еlectron microphotographs:

  1. Cell membrane

  2. Microvilli

  3. Desmosomes

  4. Interdigitations

  5. Protein granules

  6. Lipid drops

  7. Glycogen granules


Cytoplasm. Cell organelles. Microscopical preparations:

  1. Nissl substance (granules)

  2. Mitochondria

  3. SDH - activity

  4. Golgi complex

Еlectron microphotographs:

1.Rough endoplasmatic reticulum

2.Smooth endoplasmatic reticulum


4. Мitochondria

5.Golgi complex


The cell

Cell – morphology.

Cell membrane (plasmalema)

Cytoplasm, cytosol

  1. Cytoskeleton

  2. Specialized cell organelles

Cell inclusions


Cell orgenelles

General organelles- structural, ultrastructural and functional characteristics.

1.Еndoplasmatic reticulum


3.Golgi complex


ІІІ week
01– 05.10.2012

Nucleus in interphase. Mitosis.

Microscopical preparations:

1. Nucleus in interphase

    1. H-E staining

    2. Foilgen staining

    3. DNA synthesis (histoautoradiography)

2.Mitosis in cells of pea radix

Еlectron microphotographs:

1. Interphase nucleus

Nucleus in interphase and mitosis.
1. Interphase nucleus - structural, ultrastructural and functional characteristics.
2.Mitosis – phases

ІV week
08.10- 12.10.2012

Microscopical preparations:

  1. Phagocytosis

  2. Acid phosphatase activity

  3. Secretion (secretory granulea)

  4. Mooving of cillia – demonstration

Еlectron microphotographs:

  1. Cilia

1.1 Longitudinal section

1.2. Transverse section

  1. Secretory granules


2.Acid phosphatase activity


4.Mooving of cilia

V week
15 - 19.10.2012

Epithelia. Unilayered epithelia
Microscopical preparations:

  1. Simple squamous epithelium

    1. Н-Е staining

    2. Impregnation

  2. Cuboidal epithelium

  3. Columnar epithelium

  4. Unilayered (pseudostratified) ciliated columnar epithelium

5. Henle’s epithelium

Tissues – classification,properties

Unilayered epithelia

Multistratified epithelia

  1. Histogenesis

  2. General characteristics

  3. Classification

VІ week
22- 26.10.2012


(preliminary examination)

1. Practical part

5 microscopical preparations

5 - electron microphotographs 20 points

2heoretical part – test

40 points

60 points total

Discharge: 70% /14 p. + 28 p./

Connective tissue.

  1. Histogenesis

  2. General characteristics

  3. Classification

  4. Cells.

  5. Intercellular substance

  6. Fibrous connective tissue

VІІ week
29.10– 02.11.2012


Multistratified epithelia. Secretory epithelia.

Microscopical preparations:

  1. Stratified squamous epithelium

  2. Stratified squamous keratinizing epithelium

  3. Secretory epithelia

3.1.Simple tubular glands

3.2.Serous, mucous and compound alveolar (acinar) glands

Connective tissue with solid intercellular substance.

1. Cartilage

2. The bone tissue

VІІІ week
05.11 – 09.11.2012

Fibrous connective tissue

Microscopical preparations:

1.Loose connective tissue

2.Collagenous fibrous tissue

3.Ellastic tissue

4.Pigment connective tissue

5.Adipose tissue – white and brown

a)Sudan III staining

b)H-E staining

Еlectron microphotographs:

  1. Fibroblast

  2. Mast cell

  3. Plasma cell

  4. Collagenfibers

5. Multilocular adipocyte

Blood tissue.

  1. Histogenesis

  2. General characteristics

  3. Classification

  4. Cells




ІХ week
12 - 16.11.2012

Connective tissue with solid intercellular substance.

1. Cartilage

2. The bone tissue

Microscopical preparations:

  1. Hyaline cartilage

  2. Elastic cartilage

  3. Compact bone – decalcinated

  4. Compact bone – Shliff

Еlectron microphotographs:

  1. Оsteocyte

2. Оsteoclast

Мuscle tissue.

  1. Histogenesis

  2. General characteristics

  3. Classification

4. Cells

5. Myofibers, myofibrils

X week


Blood tissue.

Microscopical preparations:

  1. Blood smear - preparation

  2. Blood smear - examination

Еlectron microphotographs:

  1. Neotrophil granulocyte

  2. Еоsinophil granulocyte

  3. Lymphocyte

Test – 30 p. and preparations –10 p./8+2/ on Epithelial and Connective tissues.

Total score – 40 p.

Nerve tissue.


2.General characteristics


4.Cells – neurons, neuroglia

5. Nerve fibers

6. Myoneural synapse

ХI week
26 – 30.11.2012

Мuscle tissue.

Microscopical preparations:

  1. Smooth (visceral) muscle tissue

  2. Striated Skeletal muscle tissue

  3. Striated Cardiac muscle tissue

  4. Impulse conductive cardiac muscle tissue

Еlectron microphotographs:

  1. Myofibril – skeletal

  2. Cardiomyocyte – myofibril

Reproductive tissue 1.Histogenesis

2.General characteristics



4.1. Oocytes

4.2. Spermatozoa

ХІI week
03 - 07.12.2012

Nerve tissue.

Microscopical preparations:

  1. Мultipolar neurons

  2. Pear-like neurons

  3. Pyramidal neurons

4. Myelinated nerve fibers

Еlectron microphotographs:

  1. Myelinated nerve fiber

2. Myoneural synapse

Early human embryonal development.





Primitive organs

ХІІI week
10 - 14.12.


Reproductive tissue.

General embryology. Gastrulation.

Microscopical preparations:

  1. Oocyte

  2. Spermatozoa

  3. Early gastrulation

  4. Late grastrulation

Еlectron microphotographs:

  1. Oocyte

  2. Spermatozoon

Теst 40 p. and preparations -10 p./6+4/ on blood, muscle and nerve tissues

Total score - 50 p.

Extra-embryonic layers

  1. Chorion, amnion, yolk sack, alantoic diverticulum

  2. Umbilical cord

  3. Fetal sack

  4. Placenta

ХІV week
17- 21.12.2012

Extra-embryonic layers

Microscopical preparations:

  1. Umbilical cord of 2-3 month old human embryo

  2. Umbilical cord of newborn baby

  3. Placenta

4. Fetal sack


Anomalies in the human embryonal development

1.Colloquium in Cytology – 60 points

2.Test on epithelial and connective tissues – 40 points

3. Test on blood, muscle and nerve tissues – 50 points

Total score points for the semester – 150

Exellent 6,00 – more than 90% more than 135p.

Very good 5,00 - 80% 120-134 p.

Good 4,00 - 70% 105-119 p.

Satisfactiry 3,00 - 60% 90-104 p.

Poor - less than 90 points


  1. Basic Histology. I.C. Janqueira

  2. Textbook of Human Histology, I. Singh

  3. Human embryology , Inderbir Singh, Sixth edition

  4. Clinical and Functional Histology for Medical Students, Richard S. Snell

  5. Practicum of Cytology, Histology and Embryology with CD , P. Atanassova, Y. Koeva, E. Petrova, N. Penkova, V. Trichkova

  6. Handbook in cytology, histology and embryology. Assoc. Prof. Yvetta Koeva.

Made by Assoc. Prof. Y. Koeva, PhD

I медици

Колоквиум по цитология:

Студентите, получили 80% от точките на практическата част (16 точки) и на теста (32 точки) от колоквиума по цитология се освобождават от раздел цитология на изпита по цитология, обща ембриология и хистология.

Студентите, получили 70% от точките на практическата част (14 точки) и на теста (28 точки) от колоквиума по цитология се освобождават от практическата част (микроскопски препарати) по цитология на изпита по цитология, обща ембриология и хистология.
Семестриален успех:

Студентите, получили 90% от точките за целия семестър (над 135 точки) се освобождават от входящия тест (микроскопски препарати и теоретичен тест) на изпита по цитология, обща ембриология и хистология. Същите се явяват на писмен и устен изпит.

Каталог: files -> Files 2011 2012
files -> Прогностични възможности на тестовете, използвани за подбор на млади футболисти
files -> Правила за реда за ползване, стопаниване и управление на стадион "христо ботев" благоевград глава първа общи положения
Files 2011 2012 -> П р о г р а м а анатомия на нервна система, сетивни органи и топографска анатомия на глава ІІ курс дентална медицина, зимен семестър 2011/2012г. Седмица Лекции
Files 2011 2012 -> Програма на лекциите и упражненията по анатомия и хистология
Files 2011 2012 -> Програма по анатомия за студенти І курс дентална медицина зимен семестър на учебната 2011/ 2012
Files 2011 2012 -> Програма за лекции и упражнения по анатомия за І медицински курс през първи зимен семестър на учебната 2010/2011 Г
Files 2011 2012 -> По Анатомия, хистология и ембриология
Files 2011 2012 -> Програма по Анатомия, хистология и ембриология, летен семестър 2011/12 г. І фармацевтичен курс

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