Библиографическая база данных по спектроскопии ядерного квадрупольного резонанса и квадрупольным взаимодействиям

Размер2.65 Mb.
1   ...   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   ...   31
. Переплет № 53-Ин.

  • Dreyfus B., Dautreppe D.
    Les impuretés en résonance quadrupolaire et la dynamique des réseaux cristallins.
    Arch. Sci. 1956. T. 9, fasc. spec. P. 160-161.
    РЖ Физика, 1957, реферат 24159. Переплет № 6-Ин.

  • Dreyfus B., Dautreppe D.
    Résonance quadrupolaire nucléaire (RNQ). Étude des solusions solides et influence des actions mécaniqes.
    Arch. Sci. 1957. T. 10, fasc. spec. P. 285-287.
    РЖ Физика, 1958, реферат 16854. Переплет № 9-Ин.

  • Dreyfus B., Dautreppe D.
    Sur l’élargissement dû aux impuretés en résonance quadrupolaire.
    C. r. Acad. sci. 1955. T. 241, N 24. P. 1751-1753.
    РЖ Физика, 1956, реферат 26826. Переплет № 4-Ин.

  • Dreyfus B., Dautreppe D.
    Sur une cause possible d’élargissement dû aux impuretés en résonance quadrupolaire nucléaire.
    J. Phys. et Radium. 1957 T. 18, N 6. P. 31 S.
    РЖ Физика, 1958, реферат 4747. Переплет № 9-Ин.

  • Dreyfus B., Dautreppe D.
    Variation des fréquences Raman avec temperature et résonance quadrupolaire.
    C. r. Acad. sci. 1954. T. 239, N 23. P. 1618-1620.
    РЖ Физика, 1956, реферат 2332. Переплет № 53-Ин.

  • Dubbers D., Dörr K., Ackermann H., Fujara F., Grupp H., Grupp M., Heitjans P., Körblein A., Stöckmann H.-J.
    (search names: Dorr K., Korblein A., Stockmann H.-J.)
    Multiple quantum NMR transitions of 8Li (T1/2 = 0.84 s) in single crystals and powders of LiTaO3, and the quadrupole moment of 8Li.
    Z. Phys. 1977. Bd. A282, N 3. S. 243-248.
    РЖ Физика, 1978, 1 Д 675. Переплет № 108-Ин.

  • Dubey A. K., Narasimhan P. T.
    Multiple pulse response in pure NQR of spin I=3/2 nuclei in single crystals: response to phase-alternated pulse sequence (PAPS).
    J. Mol. Struct. 1989. Vol. 192, No. 3-4. P. 321-331.
    Proc. 9-th Intern. Sympos. on NQR. Kanpur, India. 1988
    РЖ Физика, 1989, 7 Н 1105. Переплет № 211-Ин.
    9 Int. Symp. NQR. Kanpur, India. 11-15 January, 1988. Abstr. P A4.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Dubey A. K., Ramamoorthy A., Raghunathan P.
    Generalized theory of multiple-pulse zero-time resolution in spin-3/2 NQR spectroscopy.
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 1990. Vol. 168, No. 5. P. 401-404.
    РЖ Физика, 1991, 5 C 363. Переплет № 221-Ин.

  • Duchesne J.
    Nuclear quadrupole coupling constants and molecular vibrations.
    J. Chem. Phys. 1952. Vol. 20, No. 11. P. 1804-1805.
    Переплет № 145-Ин.

  • Duchesne J.
    Nuclear quadrupole coupling constants and vibrational states.
    J. Chem. Phys. 1956. Vol. 25, No. 2. P. 368-369.
    Переплет № 6-Ин.

  • Duchesne J.
    Radio-résistance des cristaux moléculaires par spectroscopie quadripolaire pure.
    Arch. Sci. 1958. T. 11, fasc. spéc. P. 310-314.
    РЖ Физика, 1959, реферат 26201. Переплет № 10-Ин.

  • Duchesne J., Monfils A.
    Nouveaux effets en résonance quadrupolaire nucléaire.
    C. r. Acad. sci. 1954. T. 238, N 18. P. 1801-1803.
    Переплет № 2-Ин.

  • Duchesne J., Monfils A.
    Nouvelle méthode radioélectrique pour l’étude de la structure de la matière en phase solide.
    Bull. Clas. sci. Acad. roy. Belgique. 1955. T. 41, N 2. P. 165-187.
    РЖ Физика, 1958, реферат 9522. Переплет № 4-Ин.

  • Duchesne J., Monfils A.
    Radio-frequency vibrational absorption in piezoelectric crystals.
    J. Chem. Phys. 1955. Vol. 23, No. 4. P. 762.
    Переплет № 53-Ин.

  • Duchesne J., Monfils A.
    Résonance quadrupolaire nucléaire et structure des molécules à l’état solide.
    Rev. Univers. Mines. 1954. T. 10, N 9. P. 599-607.
    РЖ Физика, 1957, реферат 2510. Переплет № 2-Ин.

  • Duchesne J., Monfils A.
    Spectres vibrationneles d’absorption dans le domaine des radio fréquences de quelques solides de nature piézoélectrique.
    C. r. Acad. sci. 1955. T. 241, N 12. P. 749-750.
    РЖ Физика, 1957, реферат 24169. Переплет № 4-Ин.

  • Duchesne J., Monfils A.
    The pure quadrupole spectrum of solid hexachlorobenzene and its interpretation.
    J. Chem. Phys. 1954. Vol. 22, No. 3. P. 562.
    РЖ Физика, 1955, реферат 26053. Переплет № 2-Ин.

  • Duchesne J., Monfils A., Depireux J.
    Spectres nucléaire quadripolaire des ,  et  hexachlorocyclohexanes.
    C. r. Acad. sci. 1956. T. 243, N 2. P. 144-145.
    РЖ Физика, 1957, реферат 13058. Переплет № 6-Ин.

  • Duchesne J., Monfils A., Garsou J.
    Effet isotope en spectroscopie nucléaire quadripolaire.
    Physica. 1956. Vol. 22, N 9. P. 816-817.
    Переплет № 6-Ин.

  • Duchesne J., Monfils A., Garsou J.
    Nuclear quadrupole resonance of -irradiated para-dichlorobenzene.
    J. Chem. Phys. 1955. Vol. 23, No. 10. P. 1969.
    Переплет № 4-Ин.

  • Duchesne J., Read M., Cornil P.
    Effet Stark en spectroscopie quadripolaire pure.
    J. Phys. Chem. Solids. 1963. Vol. 24, No. 11. P. 1333-1339.
    Переплет № 22-Ин.

  • Dumelow T., Riedi P. C., Abell J. S., Prakash O.
    Quadrupole interactions at the 27Al nuclei of GaAl2 as a function of pressure, temperature, holmium substitution and the application of an external field.
    J. Phys. F: Met. Phys. 1988. Vol. 18, No. 2. P. 307-322.
    РЖ Физика, 1988, 8 E 308. Переплет № 208-Ин.

  • Dunmore P. V., Goodings D. A.
    Calculation of nuclear spin-lattice relaxation in the -phase of solid nitrogen.
    Solid State Commun. 1976. Vol. 18, No. 5. P. 613-615.
    РЖ Физика, 1976, 9 Д 522. Переплет № 99-Ин.

  • Dunmore P. V., Goodings D. A.
    Librational motion in the  phase of solid nitrogen. III. Spin-lattice relaxation.
    Canad. J. Phys. 1977. Vol. 55, No. 21. P. 1848-1857.
    РЖ Физика, 1978, 7 Д 759. Переплет № 111-Ин.

  • Dunn M. B., McDowell C. A.
    An NMR study of molecular motion in solid trimethylaminegallane.
    Mol. Phys. 1973. Vol. 24, No. 5. P. 969-978.
    РЖ Физика, 1973, 4 Д 765. Переплет № 80-Ин.

  • Durand M., Jugie G.
    Observation of several phase transitions in tetrachloro-o-benzoquinone using 35Cl nuclear quadrupole resonance.
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 1980. Vol. 74, No. 3. P. 486-489.
    РЖ Физика, 1981, 3 E 1928. Переплет № 130-Ин.

  • Dutcher C. H., Jr., Scott T. A.
    Frequency modulated, loq level, rf spectrometer for nuclear resonance.
    Rev. Sci. Instrum. 1961. Vol. 32, No. 4. P. 457-458.
    Переплет № 18-Ин.

  • DuVarney R. C., Spaeth J. M.
    Sign of the 41K electric quadrupole moment determined by ENDOR of F centres in KCl.
    Solid State Commun. 1979. Vol. 32, No. 12. P. 1237-1240.
    РЖ Физика, 1980, 5 Д 492. Переплет № 125-Ин.

  • Dyment J. C.
    Spectral diffusion studies of the Cr3+ ion using electron spin echoes.
    Canad. J. Phys. 1966. Vol. 44, No. 3. P. 637-653.
    Переплет № 40-Ин.

  • Dynamics of molecular crystals.
    J. Chim. Phys. et Phys.-Chem. Biol. 1985. T. 82, N 2/3. P. 91-327.
    (Специальный вып. журнала, 26 статей)
    Переплет № 170-Ин.

  • Dzbanovskii N. N., Konstantinov Yu. S.
    Utilization of the discrete-phase method in NQR spectroscopy.
    6 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Moscow, USSR. 21-24 September, 1981. Abstr. P. 25.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Dzyublik A. Ya.
    Effect of NQR on the diffraction of Mössbauer γ-quants in a crystal.
    6 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Moscow, USSR. 21-24 September, 1981. Abstr. P. 26.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Early D. D., Stutz C. I., Harley S. F., Dening D. C., Tipsword R. F.
    Temperature and pressure dependence of the nuclear quadrupole interaction of 23Na in NaClO3.
    J. Chem. Phys. 1975. Vol. 62, No. 1. P. 2585-2590.
    РЖ Физика, 1975, 7 Д 681. Переплет № 90-Ин.

  • Early D. D., Tipsword R. F., Williams C. D.
    Pressure and temperature dependence of the nuclear quadrupole resonance of 79Br in NaBrO3.
    J. Chem. Phys. 1971. Vol. 55, No. 1. P. 460-461.
    Переплет № 64-Ин.

  • Eaton D. R.
    Quadrupole coupling in boron cage compounds.
    Inorg. Chem. 1965. Vol. 4, No. 10. P. 1520-1522.
    РЖ Химия, 1967, 8 Б 236. Переплет № 27-Ин.

  • Ebeling K.-H., Eder R., Hagn E., Zech E., Deicher M.
    Measurements of quadrupole interactions by nuclear orientation and quadrupole-interaction-resolved NMR on oriented nuclei.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1986. Vol. 41a, N 1-2. P. 95-98.
    Proc. VIII Intern. Symp. on NQR Spectrosc., Darmstadt, 1985.
    Переплет № 171-Ин.
    8 Int. Symp. NQRS. Darmstadt, Weat Germany. 22-26 July, 1985. Abstr. Oral 36.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Eckel M.-F.
    Re-NQR-Untersuchungen an Verbindungen des siebenwertigen Rheniums. (нем.)
    Diss. Dokt. Naturwiss. Fak. Allg. Wiss. Techn. Univ. München. 1974. 81 ss., ill.
    РЖ Химия, 1975, 7 Б 365 Д. Переплет № 94-Ин.

  • Edmonds D. T.
    A frequency modulated nuclear resonance search oscillator.
    J. Sci. Instrum. 1966. Vol. 43, No. 1. P. 63-65.
    Переплет № 30-Ин.

  • Edmonds D. T.
    High-sensitivity methods for the detection of quadrupole resonance.
    Pure and Appl. Chem. 1974. Vol. 40, No. 1-2. P. 193-198.
    РЖ Физика, 1975, 10 Д 733. Переплет № 94-Ин.

  • Edmonds D. T.
    NQR in biophysically interesting molecules by nuclear double resonance.
    Magnetic Resonance and Related Phenomena. Proc. XVIII Congr. AMPERE. Vol. 1. Nottingham, England, 1974.
    Nottingham AMPERE Committee, The Nottingham Univ., England, 1974. P. 13-16.
    Оригинал издания

  • Edmonds D. T.
    Nuclear quadrupole double resonance.
    Phys. Repts. 1977. Vol. 29, No. 4. P. 234-290.
    РЖ Физика, 1977, 10 Д 818. Переплет № 109-Ин.

  • Edmonds D. T., Goren S. D., Mackay A. L., White A. A. L.
    The nuclear quadrupole resonance of 2D and 17O in ice II.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1976. Vol. 23, No. 3. P. 505-514.
    РЖ Физика, 1977, 3 Д 656. Переплет № 107-Ин.

  • Edmonds D. T., Goren S. D., White A. A. L., Sherman W. F.
    Nuclear quadrupole resonance of 2D and 17O in ices V, VI, VIII, and IX.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1977. Vol. 27, No. 1. P. 35-44.
    РЖ Физика, 1978, 2 Д 604. Переплет № 109-Ин.

  • Edmonds D. T., Hunt M. J., Mackay A. L.
    Deuteron interactions in pure quadrupole resonance.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1975. Vol. 20, No. 3. P. 505-514.
    Переплет № 96-Ин.

  • Edmonds D. T., Hunt M. J., Mackay A. L.
    Fine structure in deuterium pure quadrupole resonance.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1973. Vol. 11, No. 1. P. 77-82.
    РЖ Физика, 1974, 1 Д 660. Переплет № 77-Ин.

  • Edmonds D. T., Hunt M. J., Mackay A. L.
    Pure quadrupole resonance of 14N in a tetrahedral environment.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1973. Vol. 9, No. 1. P. 66-74.
    РЖ Физика, 1973, 5 Д 661. Переплет № 77-Ин.

  • Edmonds D. T., Hunt M. J., Mackay A. L., Summers C. P.
    The high sensitivity detection of pure quadrupole resonance.
    Adv. in Nucl. Quadr. Reson. Vol. 1. Heiden, e.a. 1974. P. 145-157.
    (Int. Symp. NQR. London, England, 28-29 September, 1972)
    РЖ Химия, 1975, 11 Б 362. Переплет № 88-Ин.

  • Edmonds D. T., Mackay A. L.
    The pure quadrupole resonance of the deuteron in ice.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1975. Vol. 20, No. 3. P. 515-519.
    РЖ Физика, 1976, 7 Д 701. Переплет № 96-Ин.

  • Edmonds D. T., Mailer J. P. G.
    Deuterium NQR in samples dilute in deuterium.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1978. Vol. 29, No. 2. P. 213-221.
    РЖ Физика, 1978, 10 Д 570. Переплет № 114-Ин.

  • Edmonds D. T., Mailer J. P. G.
    Double quadrupole resonance of spin-3/2 nuclei: 23Na.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1979. Vol. 36, No. 3. P. 411-418.
    РЖ Физика, 1980, 5 Д 595. Переплет № 126-Ин.

  • Edmonds D. T., Mailer J. P. G.
    Double transitions in deuterium quadrupole resonance.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1978. Vol. 31, No. 1. P. 149-159.
    РЖ Физика, 1979, 1 Д 734. Переплет № 114-Ин.

  • Edmonds D. T., Mailer J. P. G.
    The sensitive detection of deuterium quadrupole resonance.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1977. Vol. 26, No. 1. P. 93-101.
    РЖ Химия, 1977, 16 Б 351. Переплет № 105-Ин.

  • Edmonds D. T., Robinson F. N. H.
    On matching a nuclear resonance circuit to an amplifier with an application to pure quadrupole resonance.
    J. Sci. Instrum. 1967. Vol. 44, No. 6. P. 475-476.
    Переплет № 33-Ин.

  • Edmonds D. T., Speight P. A.
    Nitrogen quadrupole resonance in amino acids.
    Phys. Lett. A. 1971. Vol. 34, No. 6. P. 325-326.
    Переплет № 64-Ин.

  • Edmonds D. T., Speight P. A.
    Nuclear quadrupole resonance of 14N in pyrimidines, purines and their nucleosides.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1972. Vol. 6, No. 3. P. 265-273.
    Переплет № 67-Ин.

  • Edmonds D. T., Summers C. P.
    14N pure quadrupole resonance in solid amino acids.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1973. Vol. 12, No. 2. P. 134-142.
    РЖ Физика, 1974, 4 Д 701. Переплет № 77-Ин.

  • Edmonds D. T., Summers C. P.
    Quadrupole resonance of 14N and 2D in glycine, a model compound.
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 1976. Vol. 41, No. 3. P. 482-485.
    РЖ Физика, 1977, 1 Д 672. Переплет № 101-Ин.

  • Edmonds D. T., Zussman A.
    Pure quadrupole resonance of 17O in ice.
    Phys. Lett. A. 1972. Vol. 41, No. 2. P. 167-169.
    РЖ Физика, 1973, 1 Д 594. Переплет № 75-Ин.

  • Edwards P. A., Barnes R. G.
    Halogen nuclear quadrupole resonances in ScBr3 and ScI3.
    J. Chem. Phys. 1971. Vol. 55, No. 9. P. 4664-4665.
    Переплет № 64-Ин.

  • Edwards P. A., McCarley R. E.
    Nuclear quadrupole resonance spectra of tantalum-181 in tantalum(V) halides, Ta2X10.
    J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Commun. 1972. No. 14. P. 845-846.
    РЖ Физика, 1972, 12 Д 595. Переплет № 75-Ин.

  • Edwards P. A., McCarley R. E.
    Nuclear quadrupole resonance study of heavy transition metal pentahalide dimers, M2X10.
    Inorg. Chem. 1973. Vol. 12, No. 4. P. 900-905.
    РЖ Физика, 1973, 10 Д 580. Переплет № 77-Ин.

  • Edwards P. A., McCarley R. E., Torgeson D. R.
    Chemistry of the polynuclear metal halides. X. Nuclear quadrupole resonance study of bis(tetramethylammonium) hexachlorododeca--chloro-hexaniobate.
    Inorg. Chem. 1972. Vol. 11, No. 6. P. 1185-1187.
    РЖ Химия, 1972, 22 Б 247. Переплет № 75-Ин.

  • Edzes H. T.
    An analysis of the use of pulse multiplets in the single scan determination of spin-lattice relaxation rates.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1975. Vol. 17. P. 301-313.
    РЖ Физика, 1975, 11 Д 644. Переплет № 90-Ин.

  • Ege O.
    Zeeman study on nuclear quadrupole resonance in polycrystalline powder of Al2Br6 and C3N3Cl3.
    J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ. 1982. Vol. 46 A, No. 1. P. 21-40.
    РЖ Физика, 1983, 1 E 2055. Переплет № 151-Ин.

  • Ege O., Goya H., Negita H.
    A signal averaging device for nuclear quadrupole resonance.
    J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ. 1980. Vol. 44 A, No.2. P. 263-281.
    РЖ Физика, 1981, 4 E 1808. Переплет № 130-Ин.

  • Ege O., Hamai S., Negita H.
    Powder Zeeman NQR study on the absorption forms for a nuclear spin of 3/2: dependence on the angle between the directions of an oscillating magnetic field and a static magnetic field, and observation of large η.
    J. Mol. Struct. 1995. V. 345. P. 139-144.
    (оригинал журнала)

  • Ege O., Hamai S., Negita H.
    Powder Zeeman NQR study on the absorption forms depending on the angle between an oscillating field and a static field in the case of nuclear spin 3/2.
    XII Int. Symp. NQR. Zürich, Switzerland, 19-23 July, 1993. Abstrs. P. 112.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Ege O., Hamai S., Negita H.
    Zeeman NQR studies on polycrystals of copper compounds, arsenic compounds, and chlorine compounds.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1992. Vol. 47a, N 1-2. P. 401-408.
    Переплет № 228-Ин.
    XI Int. Symp. NQR Spectroscopy. London, England. 15-19 July, 1991. Abstr. P II:10.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Ege O., Negita H.
    The Zeeman NQR on the powder of chlorine compounds having small η.
    9 Int. Symp. NQR. Kanpur, India. 11-15 January, 1988. Abstr. E-2.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Ege O., Negita H.
    Zeeman NQR studies on powdered bromine compounds having small .
    Z. Naturforsch. 1990. Vol. 45a, N 3-4. P. 599-602.
    Proc. 10 Int. Symp. on Nucl. Quadrup. Res. Spect. Takayama, Japan, 1989
    Переплет № 224-Ин.
    10 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Takayama, Japan. 22-26 August, 1989. Abstr. V Oral 8.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Eguchi T., Chihara H.
    1H spin-lattice relaxation in solid methyl chloride.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1988. Vol. 76, No. 1. P. 143-148.
    Переплет № 70-рус.

  • Eguchi T., Kishita M.
    14N nuclear quadrupole resonance and relaxation in tetramethylpyrazine.
    J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. Pt. 2. 1983. Vol. 79, No. 12. P. 1771-1777.
    РЖ Физика, 1984, 5 H 1005. Переплет № 156-Ин.

  • Eguchi T., Kishita M.
    14N nuclear quadrupole resonance and relaxation in 2,5-dimethylpyrazine – Evidence of level crossing between NQR and tunnel systems.
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 1984. Vol. 53, No. 10. P. 3640-3647.
    РЖ Физика, 1985, 4 H 1117. Переплет № 166-Ин.

  • Eguchi T., Kishita M., Nakamura N., Chihara H.
    Phase transition in trans-azobenzene as studied by 14N NQR.
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 1988. Vol. 57, No. 12. P. 4375-4378.
    РЖ Физика, 1989, 7 E 617. Переплет № 208-Ин.

  • Eguchi T., Mano K., Nakamura N.
    Application of maximum entropy method (MEM) for precise determination of NQR frequencies.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1989. Vol. 44a, N 1. P. 15-18.
    РЖ Физика, 1989, 11 A 190. Переплет № 212-Ин.

  • Eguchi Y., Soda G., Chihara H.
    Molecular motion and polymorphic forms in cyclohexanol as studied by nuclear magnetic resonance.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1976. Vol. 23, No. 1. P. 55-65.
    Переплет № 99-Ин.

  • Ehmann J., Fähnle M., Seeger A.
    (search name: Fahnle M.)
    Ab-initio calculation of electric field gradients generated by intrinsic atomic defects in metals.
    XIII Int. Symp. NQRS. Providence, Rhode Island, USA, July 23-28, 1995. Abstr. P. 118-119 (oral-20).
    оригинал издания

  • Ehrenfreund E., Nigrey P. J.
    Nuclear-spin-lattice relaxation in the one-dimensional organic conductor acridinium ditetracyanoquinodimethane (Adn TCNQ2).
    Phys. Rev. B: Condenced Matter. 1980. Vol. 21, No. 1. P. 48-53.
    РЖ Физика, 1980, 9 Д 594. Переплет № 129-Ин.

  • Einarsson L., Kowalewski J., Nordenskiöld L., Rupprecht A.
    (search name: Nordenskiold L.)
    233Cs NMR of oriented CsDNA and multiple-quantum spectroscopy of I = 7/2.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1989. Vol. 85, No. 2. P. 228-234.
    Журнал на микрофишах

  • El Ghallali J., Gourdji M., Guibé L., Péneau A.
    (search names: Guibe L., Peneau A.)
    Investigation of the phase transition at 67.17 K in the thiourea-CCl4 inclusion compound as studied by 14N NQR.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1994. Vol. 49a, N 1-2. P. 433-438.
    XII Int. Symp. NQR. Zürich, Switzerland, 19-23 July, 1993. Abstrs. P. 74.
    (оригинал издания)

  • El Saffar Z. M.
    The determination of the quadrupole coupling tensor using nuclear magnetic resonance.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1975. Vol. 19, No. 2. P. 233-239.
    РЖ Физика, 1976, 4 Д 717. Переплет № 96-Ин.
    3 Int. Symp. NQR Spectroscopy. Tampa, Florida, USA. 14-17 April, 1975. Abstr. P. 62.
    (оригинал издания)

  • El Saffar Z. M., Peterson E. M.
    Nuclear magnetic resonance of ferroelectric NaNH4C4H4O6·4H2O and NaND4C4H2D2O6·4D2O.
    J. Chem. Phys. 1976. Vol. 64, No. 8. P. 3283-3290.
    РЖ Физика, 1976, 10 Д 558. Переплет № 101-Ин.

  • Elbel M., Quad R.
    The quadrupole moments of the stable nuclei of sulphur and chlorine.
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  • Falkovskaya L. D., Fishman A. Ya., Mitrofanov V. Ya., Ivanov M. A., Loktev V. M.
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    Low-frequency nuclear magnetic resonance and nuclear quadrupole resonance spectrometer based on a dc superconducting quantum interference device.
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    Optically detected nuclear quadrupole resonance and transferred hyperfine coupling via guest-host interactions in molecular crystals.
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  • Fecher G., Weiss A.
    On the order-disorder phase transition of anilinium halides. Crystal structure of the high and low temperature phase of anilinium iodide, C6H5NH3I (C6D5NH3I). X-ray and neutron diffraction studies.
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    On the order-disorder phase transition of anilinium halides. 127I-NQR investigation of the anilinium iodides C6H5NH3I, C6H5ND3I, C6D5NH3I, and C6D5ND3I. Dilatometric studies on anilinium bromide and anilinium iodide single crystals.
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    Theory of dynamic quadrupole spin relaxation – application to atomic vacancy hopping.
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    Temperature dependence of chlorine NQR frequencies in second row transition hexachlorometallates.
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  • Fernelius N., Slichter C. P.
    Magnetic resonance studies of an electric field gradient around magnesium impurities in aluminum.
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    NQR studies of organic compounds containing tetra- or pentacoordinated atoms of elements of groups IVA and VIA.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1992. Vol. 47a, N 1-2. P. 141-146.
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    XI Int. Symp. NQR Spectroscopy. London, England. 15-19 July, 1991. Abstr. 7:2.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Feshin V. P.
    p,-Interaction in the Y-C=C< group.
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    РЖ Химия, 1992, 17 Б 1318. Переплет № 230-Ин.

  • Feshin V. P., Dolgushin G. V., Lazarev I. M., Voronkov M. G.
    The structure of tetrachlorostannate complexes with ketones from 35Cl NQR data.
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    10 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Takayama, Japan. 22-26 August, 1989. Abstr. VI Oral 8.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Feshin V. P., Dolgushin G. V., Lazarev I. M., Voronkov M. G.
    The structure of complexes of IVA group element tetrachlorides with heteroatomic organic compounds from 35Cl NQR.
    9 Int. Symp. NQR. Kanpur, India. 11-15 January, 1988. Abstr. H-5.
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  • Feshin V. P., Dolgushin G. V., Voronkov M. G., Sapozhnikov Yu. E., Jasman Ya. B., Popova E. P.
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  • Feshin V. P., Dolgushin G. V., Voronkov M. G., Sapozhnikov Yu. E., Jasman Ya. B., Shirjaev V. I.
    Asymmetry parameters of the electric field gradient at the 35Cl nuclei of (3-chloropropyl)nrichlorostannane.
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    Intramolecular interaction of nonbonding atoms in carbofunctional derivatives of organyltrichlorogermanes and –stannanes.
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  • Feshin V. P., Konshin M. Y.
    Ab initio and MNDO calculations of the Cl-35 NQR parameters of some organic molecules.
    Proc. XIII Int. Symp. NQRS. Providence, Rhode Island, USA, July 23-28, 1995. Abstr. P. 183-184.
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    (published in: Z. Naturforsch. 1996. Vol. 51a, N 5-6. P. 549-553.)

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    p,π-Interaction in ClC=C< group as studied by 35Cl NQR and MNDO technique.
    XII Int. Symp. NQR. Zürich, Switzerland, 19-23 July, 1993. Abstrs. P. 113-114.
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  • Feshin V. P., Konshin M. Yu.
    Spatial electron density distribution of the chlorine atoms in organic and complex compounds as studied by NQR and MNDO.
    J. Mol. Struct. 1995. V. 345. P. 83-91.
    (оригинал журнала)

  • Feshin V. P., Nikitin P. A., Aliev I. A.
    79,81Br NQR spectra of alkyl(4-bromophenyl)sulphides.
    XII Int. Symp. NQR. Zürich, Switzerland, 19-23 July, 1993. Abstrs. P. 64-65.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Feshin V. P., Nikitin P. A., Romanenko L. S., Voronkov M. G.
    The influence of geminal atomic interaction on the transmission of electronic effects of substituents.
    J. Mol. Struct. 1980. Vol. 58, No 1. P. 409-414.
    (Proc. 5 Intern. Symp. on NQR Spectrosc. Toulouse, France. 1979)
    РЖ Физика, 1980, 7 Д 693. Переплет № 121-Ин. + оригинал журнала
    (5 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Toulouse, France. 10-14 September, 1979. Abstr. C 3-4.
    оригинал издания)

  • Feshin V. P., Nikitin P. A., Voronkov M. G.
    Correlation of 35Cl NQR frequencies of organic, metalloorganic and inorganic chloro derivatives with the charge on the chlorine atom and Cl pσ-orbital population.
    8 Int. Symp. NQRS. Darmstadt, Weat Germany. 22-26 July, 1985. Abstr. Poster 34.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Feshin V. P., Nikitin P. A., Voronkov M. G.
    Nuclear quadrupole interaction and pπ-conjugation.
    J. Mol. Struct. 1982. Vol. 83. P. 321-324.
    (Proc. 6th Int. Symp. on NQRS. Moscow, USSR, 1981)
    Оригинал журнала
    6 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Moscow, USSR. 21-24 September, 1981. Abstr. P. 71.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Feshin V. P., Polygalova G. A.
    NQR studies of intramolecular complexes in organic compounds of metals of group IV A.
    J. Organomet. Chem. 1991. Vol. 409, N 1-2. P. 1-14.
    РЖ Химия, 1991, 22 Б 1382. Переплет № 67-рус.

  • Feshin V. P., Polygalova G. A., Shchepin V. V., Sapozhnikov Yu. E.
    Spatial electron density distribution of chlorine atoms in molecules of the series Cl2C=CXX.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1992. Vol. 47a. P. 150-152.
    Переплет № 230-Ин.

  • Feshin V. P., Polygalova G. A., Shchepin V. V., Sapozhnikov Yu. E.
    Spatial electron density distribution of chlorine atoms in molecules of the series Cl2C=CXX΄.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1992. Vol. 47a, N 1-2. P. 150-152.
    Переплет № 226-Ин.
    XI Int. Symp. NQR Spectroscopy. London, England. 15-19 July, 1991. Abstr. P II:31.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Feshin V. P., Romanenko L. S., Voronkov M. G., Dolgushin G. V., Nikitin P. A.
    Transmission of the electronic effects of substituents to the chlorine atom in group IVB element compounds of the series ClMXXX.
    J. Mol. Struct. 1982. Vol. 83. P. 325-328.
    (Proc. 6th Int. Symp. on NQRS. Moscow, USSR, 1981)
    Оригинал журнала
    6 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Moscow, USSR. 21-24 September, 1981. Abstr. P. 29.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Feshin V. P., Sapozhnikov Yu. E., Shchepin V. V., Petukhova I. Yu., Gordeev A. D., Soifer G. B.
    Spatial electron density distribution of chlorine atoms in molecules of the series 4-XC6H4MCCl2C(O)C6H5 (M = S and Se).
    XII Int. Symp. NQR. Zürich, Switzerland, 19-23 July, 1993. Abstrs. P. 62-63.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Feshin V. P., Voronkov M. G.
    An NQR study of tetrachloride complexes of group IV A elements.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1992. Vol. 47a. P. 120-124.
    РЖ Физика, 1994, 1 C 393. Переплет № 230-Ин.

  • Feshin V. P., Voronkov M. G.
    An NQR study of tetrachloride complexes of group IVA elements.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1992. Vol. 47a, N 1-2. P. 120-124.
    Переплет № 226-Ин.
    XI Int. Symp. NQR Spectroscopy. London, England. 15-19 July, 1991. Abstr. 7:1.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Feshin V. P., Voronkov M. G.
    Geminal interaction of atoms in the Y-C-M group.
    J. Mol. Struct. 1982. Vol. 83. P. 317-320.
    (Proc. 6th Int. Symp. on NQRS. Moscow, USSR, 1981)
    РЖ Химия, 1983, 2 Б 317. Оригинал журнала
    6 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Moscow, USSR. 21-24 September, 1981. Abstr. P. 30.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Feshin V. P., Voronkov M. G.
    The EFG asymmetry parameters at 35Cl nuclei and the electronic effects in chlorine-containing organic and complex compounds of group IVA and VA elements.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1990. Vol. 45a, N 3-4. P. 213-218.
    Proc. 10 Int. Symp. on Nucl. Quadrup. Res. Spect. Takayama, Japan, 1989
    Переплет № 223-Ин.
    10 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Takayama, Japan. 22-26 August, 1989. Abstr. V Invited 11.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Feshin V. P., Voronkov M. G.
    The nature of the oscillation effect in hydrocarbon chains of organic compounds studied by the NQR method.
    4 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Osaka, Japan. 13-16 September, 1977. Abstr. P. 32.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Feshin V. P., Voronkov M. G., Shostakovsky S. M., Nikitin P. A., Voropaeva T. K., Retinsky A. A.
    The electronic structure of cyclopropane ring studied by the 35Cl NQR method.
    3 Int. Symp. NQR Spectroscopy. Tampa, Florida, USA. 14-17 April, 1975. Abstr. P. 76.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Fichtner W., Markworth A., Weiden N., Weiss A.
    35Cl NQR spectroscopy on salts and molecular compounds of trichloroacetic acid.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1986. Vol. 41a, N 1-2. P. 215-224.
    Proc. VIII Intern. Symp. on NQR Spectrosc., Darmstadt, 1985.
    Переплет № 172-Ин.
    8 Int. Symp. NQRS. Darmstadt, Weat Germany. 22-26 July, 1985. Abstr. Poster 58.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Fichtner W., Weiss A.
    35Cl NQR spectroscopy of the [PO2Cl2] and POCl3 groups in Me(PO2Cl2)2·2D (Me = Mg, Ga, Mn; D = POCl3, CH3COOC2H5, CH3COCH3.
    J. Mol. Struct. 1980. Vol. 66. P. 289-299.
    РЖ Химия, 1981, 4 Б 286. Переплет № 137-Ин.

  • Fichtner W., Weiss A.
    Molecular compounds of HgCl2 with organic donors. A 35Cl NQR study.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1976. Bd. 31b, N 12. S. 1626-1634.
    РЖ Химия, 1977, 15 Б 345. Переплет № 101-Ин.

  • Fick D., Horn B., Koch E., Memmert U.
    Nuclear quadrupole interaction of alkali-metal atoms adsorbed on metal surfaces.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1986. Vol. 41a, N 1-2. P. 113-117.
    Proc. VIII Intern. Symp. on NQR Spectrosc., Darmstadt, 1985.
    Переплет № 171-Ин.
    8 Int. Symp. NQRS. Darmstadt, Weat Germany. 22-26 July, 1985. Abstr. Oral 3.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Figiel H.
    Development of NMR investigations of magnetic materials.
    Magnetic Resonance and Related Phenomena. Proc. XXIV Congr. AMPERE. Poznań, Poland, 1988.
    Elsevier. Amsterdam-Oxford-New York-Tokyo, 1989. P. 311-323.
    Оригинал издания

  • Fild M. von, Kurpat R., Stankiewicz T.
    Pentafluorphenyl-substituierte phosphorane.
    Z. anorg. Allg. Chem. 1978. Bd. 439. N 2. S. 145-152.
    РЖ Химия, 1978, 16 B 21. Переплет № 204-Ин.

  • Finch A., Gates P. N., Page T. H., Dillon K. B.
    Vibrational and nuclear quadrupole resonance spectra of some complexes of ICl4 and AuCl4. Part 2. Trichlorochalcogen tetrachloroaurates [ACl3][AuCl4] (A=S, Se, or Te).
    J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans. 1983. No. 9. P. 1837-1840.
    РЖ Химия, 1984, 3 Б 1306. Переплет № 165-Ин.

  • Finch A., Gates P. N., Page T. H., Dillon K. B., Waddington T. C.
    Vibrational and chlorine35 nuclear quadrupole resonance spectra of some complexes of ICl4 and AuCl4. Part 1. Two crystal modifications of trichlorosulphonium tetrachloroiodate, [SCl3][ICl4].
    J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans. 1980. No. 12. P. 2401-2404.
    РЖ Химия, 1981, 10 Б 272. Переплет № 137-Ин.

  • Fincham J. K., Hursthouse M. B., Parkes H. G., Shaw L. S., Shaw R. A.
    Structural investigations of phosphorus-nitrogen compounds. 2. The structures of N3P3(NH2)2Cl4, N3P3(NPPh3)(NH2)Cl4 and N3P3(NPPh3)Cl5 and a comparison with other phosphazenylphosphazenes. The relationship of conformation in the solid state to conformation in solution.
    Acta Crystallogr. 1986. Vol. B42, Pt. 5. P. 462-472.
    Журнал на микрофишах

  • Fischer E., Müller V., Ploumbidis D., Schanz C.
    (search name: Muller V.)
    Nuclear-acoustic-resonance determination of the electronic contribution to the electric field gradient tensor in molybdenum.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 1978. Vol. 40, No. 12. P. 796-799.
    РЖ Физика, 1978, 9 Д 473. Переплет № 114-Ин.

  • Fisher M. E.
    The theory of critical point singularities.
    Phenomeni critici. 1971. P. 1-99. (Rediconti della scuola internazionale di fisica “Enrico Fermi”. Itali, 1970).
    РЖ Химия, 1974, 17 Б 1123 К. Переплет № 106-Ин.

  • Fitzgerald M. E., Casabella P. A.
    Temperature dependence of the 23Na quadrupole coupling constants in Rochelle salt.
    Phys. Rev. B: Solid State. 1973. Vol. 7, No. 5. P. 2193-2195.
    РЖ Физика, 1973, 9 Д 451. Переплет № 77-Ин.

  • Fitzky H. G.
    Anwendungen der Hochfrequenz-Spektroskopie in der chemischen industrie mit Beispielen aus der Elektronenspin- und Kernquadrupol-Resonanz und der dielektrischen Spektroskopie. II.
    (Применение высокочастотной спектроскопии в химической промышленности, примеры применения ЭПР, ЯКР и диэлектрических измерений. II.)
    G-I-T Fachz. Lab. 1976. Bd. 20, N 4. S. 341-342; 344-345.
    РЖ Химия, 1976, 18 Б 286. Переплет № 101-Ин.

  • Fitzky H. G.
    Anwendungen der Kernquadrupolresonanz zur Strukturaufklarung organischer Chlorverbindungen. (нем.)
    (Use of quadrupole resonance of the nucleus for elucidating the structure of chloro-organic compounds.)
    GIT Fachz. Lab. 1973. Bd. 17, N 1. S. 10-19.
    РЖ Химия, 1973, 12 Б 239. Переплет № 77-Ин.

  • Fitzky H. G.
    Die Kernquadrupolresonanz als neues Hilfsmittel zur Strukturaufklarung, dargestellt am Beispiel der Stickstoff- und Chlor-Resonanz.
    (ЯКР как новый вспомогательный метод для структурного анализа, представленный на примере резонансов азота и хлора.)
    “Colloq. Spectroscopic. Intern. XVI. Heidelberg, 1971, Borabdr. Bd. 1” London, 1971. P. 64-70.
    РЖ Химия, 1974, 12 Б 282. Переплет № 80-Ин.

  • Fitzky H. G.
    Nuclear quadrupole resonance spectroscopy for the analysis of chlorinated organic compounds in industry.
    Adv. in Nucl. Quadr. Reson. Vol. 1. Heiden, e.a. 1974. P. 79-113.
    (Int. Symp. NQR. London, England, 28-29 September, 1972)
    РЖ Химия, 1975, 12 Б 267. Переплет № 88-Ин.

  • Fitzky H. G., Gäb S.
    (search name: Gab S.)
    35Cl NQR spectra and 13C NMR spectra of polycyclic chlorinated hydrocarbons with 10 and 12 carbon atoms.
    Org. Magn. Reson. 1980. Vol. 14, No. 1. P. 1-7.
    РЖ Химия, 1981, 3 Б 287. Переплет № 137-Ин.

  • Flanagan H. L., Gerfen G. J., Lai A., Singel D. J.
    Orientation-selective 14N electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM): The determination of 14N quadrupole coupling tensor principal axis orientations in orientationally disordered solids.
    J. Chem. Phys. 1988. Vol. 88, No. 4. P. 2162-2168.

  • Flato J. B.
    NQE’s extras.
    Industr. Res. 1974. Vol. 16, No. 2. P. 68-73.
    РЖ Химия, 1974, 17 Б 327. Переплет № 84-Ин.

  • Flautt T. J., Lawson K. D.
    Deuterium magnetic resonance of water in mesomorphic phases.
    Magnetic Resonance and Related Phenomena. Proc. XIV Colloq. AMPERE. Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, 1966.
    North-Holland Publ. Comp. Amsterdam, 1967. P. 759-760.
    Оригинал издания

  • Fleck S., Göckel R., Weiss A.
    (search name: Gockel R.)
    Phase transition in trichloroacrylic acid, Cl2C=CClCOOH: an X-ray diffraction, 35Cl nuclear quadrupole resonance and pyroelectricity study.
    J. Mol. Struct. 1987. Vol. 161. P. 139-149.
    РЖ Химия, 1988, 5 Б 3193. Переплет № 193-Ин.

  • Fleck S., Weiss A.
    Hydrogen bonds in hydrohalides of amino acids. A 79, 81Br and 127I NQR study.
    Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 1984. Vol. 88, N 10. P. 956-963.
    РЖ Физика, 1985, 3 H 990. Переплет № 160-Ин.

  • Fleming H. C., Hanna M. W.
    A nuclear quadrupole resonance investigation of iodine monochloride complexed with pyridines.
    J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 1971. Vol. 93, No. 20. P. 5030-5034.
    РЖ Физика, 1972, 2 Д 915. Переплет № 64-Ин.

  • Fleury P.A., Lyons K.
    Optical studies of structural phase transitions.
    Structural Phase Transitions. Ed. by K. A. Müller and H. Thomas. 1981. X. Berlin, Springer. 190 pp., ill. P. 9-92.
    РЖ Физика, 1983, 4 E 613К. Переплет № 148-Ин.

  • Flokstra J., Gerritsma G. J., Van Der Brandt B., Van Der Marel L. C.
    Phase transitions in RbCoCl3·2H2O.
    Phys. Lett. A. 1975. Vol. 53, No. 2. P. 159-160.
    Переплет № 90-Ин.

  • Flynn C. P., Seymour E. F. W.
    The correction of magnetic and pure quadrupole resonance line shapes for insrtumental broadening.
    J. Sci. Instrum. 1962. Vol. 39, No. 7. P. 352-356.
    Переплет № 20-Ин.

  • Fokina Z. A., Kolesnichenko V. L., Pekhnyo V. L., Volkov S. V.
    The peculiarities of 35Cl NQR spectra of several transition metal chalcochloride complexes.
    XII Int. Symp. NQR. Zürich, Switzerland, 19-23 July, 1993. Abstrs. P. 115.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Fokina Z. A., Pekhnyo V. I., Volkov S. V., Lapko V. F.
    35Cl NQR spectra of some new iridium chlorochalcogenide complexes.
    XI Int. Symp. NQR Spectroscopy. London, England. 15-19 July, 1991. Abstr. P I:36.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Fölscher G. C. K., Hoch M. J. R., Tzalmona A.
    (search name: Folscher G. C. K.)
    Nuclear relaxation in the semi-metals.
    Magnetic Resonance and Related Phenomena. Proc. XXII Congr. AMPERE. Zürich, Switzerland, 1984.
    Zürich AMPERE Committee, The Zürich Univ., Switzerland, 1984. P. 169-170.
    Оригинал издания

  • Fong J., Melnick S. J., Whitehead M. A.
    137BaCl2·2H2O: Temperature study of the nuclear quadrupole resonance frequencies and apparent spin-spin relaxation times using a super-regenerative oscillator on 137Ba using the coherent mode.
    J. Mol. Struct. 1982. Vol. 83. P. 139-141.
    (Proc. 6th Int. Symp. on NQRS. Moscow, USSR, 1981)
    РЖ Физика, 1982, 12 E 2580. Оригинал журнала

  • Forker M., Freise L., Simon D.
    Impurity quadrupole interaction in light rare earth metals: 111Cd in La, Pr and Nd.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1986. Vol. 41a, N 1-2. P. 99-103.
    Proc. VIII Intern. Symp. on NQR Spectrosc., Darmstadt, 1985.
    Переплет № 171-Ин.
    8 Int. Symp. NQRS. Darmstadt, Weat Germany. 22-26 July, 1985. Abstr. Poster 63.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Forker M., Freise L., Simon D., Saitovitch H., Silva P. R. J.
    Dynamical quadrupole interactions in the hafnium deuterium system.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1986. Vol. 41a, N 1-2. P. 403-407.
    Proc. VIII Intern. Symp. on NQR Spectrosc., Darmstadt, 1985.
    Переплет № 172-Ин.
    8 Int. Symp. NQRS. Darmstadt, Weat Germany. 22-26 July, 1985. Abstr. Oral 30.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Forman R. A.
    Nuclear magnetic resonance of 14N in potassium azide.
    Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. Sec. II. 1964. Vol. 9, No. 1. P. 25.
    Переплет № 57-Ин.

  • Forsen S., Gustavsson H., Lindman B., Persson N.-O.
    Medium effects in chlorine magnetic resonance.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1976. Vol. 23, No. 3. P. 515-518.
    РЖ Физика, 1977, 3 Д 655. Переплет № 101-Ин.

  • Forte C.
    Studies of dynamics in ordered and partially ordered systems by means of 2H NMR.
    XIII Int. Symp. NQRS. Providence, Rhode Island, USA, July 23-28, 1995. Abstr. P. 46 (invited-17).
    оригинал издания

  • Forte C., Geppi M., Veracini C. A.
    Molecular dynamics in a liquid crystal from deuterium spin relaxation.
    XI Int. Symp. NQR Spectroscopy. London, England. 15-19 July, 1991. Abstr. P I:41.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Forte C., Geppi M., Veracini C. A.
    Study of the molecular dynamics from deuterium Zeeman and quadrupolar NMR relaxation of 4,4-di-n-heptylazoxybenzene in the nematic and smectic A phases.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1994. Vol. 49a, N 1-2. P. 311-319.
    Переплет № 229-Ин.
    XII Int. Symp. NQR. Zürich, Switzerland, 19-23 July, 1993. Abstrs. P. 193-194.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Foster R., Fyfe C. A.
    Nuclear magnetic resonance of organic charge-transfer complexes.
    Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc. 1969. Vol. 4. P. 1-89.
    Переплет № 45-Ин.

  • Fowler P. W., Fujiang Ding, Brown R. J. C.
    Anisotropic Sternheimer antishielding in small molecules.
    XIII Int. Symp. NQRS. Providence, Rhode Island, USA, July 23-28, 1995. Abstr. P. 86 (oral-10).
    оригинал издания

  • Fowler P. W., Kelly H. M.
    Sternheimer factors and electric-field-gradient hyperpolarisabilities for ions in crystals.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1994. Vol. 49a, N 1-2. P. 125-128.
    XII Int. Symp. NQR. Zürich, Switzerland, 19-23 July, 1993. Abstrs. P. 36.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Fowler P. W., Špirko V.
    (search name: Spirko V.)
    Theoretical 17O nuclear quadrupole coupling surface for the hydroxonium ion.
    J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. 1992. Vol. 88, No. 19. P. 2811-2814.
    Переплет № 230-Ин.

  • Fradin F. Y., Huguelet B. C.
    Low temperature 93Nb nuclear spin-lattice relaxation in Nb and Nb-Mo alloys.
    Phys. Lett. A. 1975. Vol. 51, No. 5. P. 269-270.
    Переплет № 90-Ин.

  • Fraenzke Th., Butz T., Lerf A.
    The 111mCa nuclear quadrupole interaction in CaCl2 and its monohydrate.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1992. Vol. 47a, N 1-2. P. 89-95.
    Переплет № 226-Ин.
    XI Int. Symp. NQR Spectroscopy. London, England. 15-19 July, 1991. Abstr. P II:17.
    (оригинал издания)

  • France P. W., Wadsworth M.
    Satellites and shoulders in the NMR 11B resonance of borate glass.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1982. Vol. 49, No. 1. P. 48-55.
    Журнал на микрофишах

  • Frank M., Gubitz F., Ittner W., Kreische W., Labahn A., Röseler B., Weeske G.
    (search name: Roseler B.)
    Electric quadrupole interaction of 111Cd in semiconductors.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1986. Vol. 41a, N 1-2. P. 104-108.
    Proc. VIII Intern. Symp. on NQR Spectrosc., Darmstadt, 1985.
    Переплет № 171-Ин.
    8 Int. Symp. NQRS. Darmstadt, Weat Germany. 22-26 July, 1985. Abstr. Oral 21.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Frank M., Gubitz F., Ittner W., Kreische W., Labahn A., Röseler B., Weeske G.
    (search name: Roseler B.)
    19F nuclear quadrupole coupling in some halomethanes.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1986. Vol. 41a, N 1-2. P. 171-174.
    Proc. VIII Intern. Symp. on NQR Spectrosc., Darmstadt, 1985.
    РЖ Химия, 1986, 18 Б 1365. Переплет № 171-Ин.
    8 Int. Symp. NQRS. Darmstadt, Weat Germany. 22-26 July, 1985. Abstr. Poster 66.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Frank M., Gubitz F., Kreische W., Labahn A., Ott C., Röseler B., Schwab F., Weeske G.
    (search name: Roseler B.)
    Hyperfine interaction in some group VI hexafluorides.
    XXIII Congr. AMPERE on Magn. Reson. Roma, Italy, 1986. Proc. P. 208-209.
    Оригинал издания

  • Frank M., Gubitz F., Kreische W., Labahn A., Ott C., Röseler B., Schwab F., Weeske G.
    (search name: Roseler B.)
    Electric quadrupole interaction of 111Cd in some IN-compounds.
    XXIII Congr. AMPERE on Magn. Reson. Roma, Italy, 1986. Proc. P. 446-447.
    Оригинал издания

  • Frantz G., Dufner H., Schmidt P. C.
    Theoretical investigation on the nuclear quadrupole interaction of CH3Cl, CH2Cl2 and CHCl3.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1994. Vol. 49a, N 1-2. P. 116-124.
    XII Int. Symp. NQR. Zürich, Switzerland, 19-23 July, 1993. Abstrs. P. 80.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Frantz G., Leiberich R., Schmidt P. C., Das T. P.
    Theoretical study of the electric field gradient in silver iodide.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1992. Vol. 47a, N 1-2. P. 182-188.
    Переплет № 227-Ин.
    XI Int. Symp. NQR Spectroscopy. London, England. 15-19 July, 1991. Abstr. 6:3.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Frantz G., Schmidt P. C., Weiss A.
    Theoretical investigations of the role of the crystal field effect on the nuclear quadrupole interaction in chlorobenzenes.
    XI Int. Symp. NQR Spectroscopy. London, England. 15-19 July, 1991. Abstr. P I:16.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Fraústo da Silva J. J. R., Boas L. F. V., Wootton R.
    (search name: Frausto da Silva J. J. R.)
    Nuclear quadrupole resonance spectra of pyridine N-oxide complexes of copper(II) halides.
    J. Inorg. and Nucl. Chem. 1971. Vol. 33, No. 7. P. 2029-2036.
    РЖ Химия, 1971, 24 Б 382. Переплет № 64-Ин.

  • Frausto Da Silva J. J. R., Pombeiro A. J. L.
    Nuclear quadrupole resonance study of anilinium bromides and iodides.
    Rev. Port. Quim. 1986. Vol. 28, N 1-4. P. 1-10.
    РЖ Химия, 1989, 11 Б 1282. Переплет № 206-Ин.

  • Fraústo da Silva J. J. R., Vilas Boas L. F.
    (search name: Frausto da Silva J. J. R.)
    NQR studies of hydrogen bonding in amine hydrohalides.
    Rev. Port. Quim. 1972. Vol. 14, N 2. P. 115-116.
    РЖ Химия, 1974, 6 Б 277. Переплет № 80-Ин.

  • Fraústo da Silva J. J. R., Wootton R.
    (search name: Frausto da Silva J. J. R.)
    Nuclear quadrupole resonance spectra of pyridine N-oxide complexes of copper(II) halides.
    Chem. Commun. 1970. No. 7. P. 403-404.
    Переплет № 52-Ин.

  • Freeman R., Hill H. D. W.
    Fourier transform study of NMR spin-lattice relaxation by “progressive saturation”.
    J. Chem. Phys. 1971. Vol. 54, No. 8. P. 3367-3377.
    Переплет № 64-Ин.

  • Freeman W. H., Miller S. B., Brill T. B.
    Metal-carbon interactions in organogallium and organoindium compounds. A 13C NMR and 69,71Ca and 115In NQR study.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1975. Vol. 20, No. 2. P. 378-387.
    (Proc. 3 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Tampa, Florida. 1975)
    Переплет № 89-Ин.
    3 Int. Symp. NQR Spectroscopy. Tampa, Florida, USA. 14-17 April, 1975. Abstr. P. 90.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Freiländer P., Heitjans P., Ackermann H., Bader B., Kiese G., Schirmer A., Stöckmann H.-J.
    (search names: Freilander P., Stockmann H.-J.)
    -NMR study of the electric field gradient in the metallic intercalation compound LiC6.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1986. Vol. 41a, N 1-2. P. 109-112.
    Proc. VIII Intern. Symp. on NQR Spectrosc., Darmstadt, 1985.
    Переплет № 171-Ин.
    8 Int. Symp. NQRS. Darmstadt, Weat Germany. 22-26 July, 1985. Abstr. Oral 31.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Freymann R.
    Coopération entre méthodes spectroscopiques infrarouge et Raman et méthodes hertziennes, cristallographiques, énergétiques.
    Mém. Soc. roy. sci. Liège. 1970. T. 20. P. 57-101.
    РЖ Физика, 1971, 12 Д 551. Переплет № 61-Ин.

  • Freymann R.
    La développement de la spectroscopie hertzienne en France et le groupement d’informations mutuelles AMPERE.
    Rev. Gén. Sci. Pures et Appl. 1956. T. 63, N 11-12. P. 329-336.
    РЖ Физика, 1957, реферат 24178. Переплет № 6-Ин.

  • Freymann R., Freymann M., Koechlin M., Martin M., Mavel G.
    Etude par résonance magnétique nucléaire des interactions intra et intermoléculaires: Liaisons hydrogene. – Effet .
    Arch. Sci. 1959. T. 12, fasc. spéc. P. 207-214.
    РЖ Химия, 1960, реферат 37719. Переплет № 55-Ин.

  • Fritsch R., Brinkmann D., Hafner S. S., Hosoya S., Lorberth J., Roos J.
    Nuclear quadrupole coupling tensors of 17O in forsterite, Mg2SiO4.
    Phys. Lett. 1986. Vol. 118 A, No. 2. P. 98-102.
    РЖ Физика, 1987, 2 H 1227. Переплет № 175-Ин.

  • Fritsch R., Roos J.
    Nuclear quadrupole coupling tensors of 17O in forsterite Mg2SiO4.
    8 Int. Symp. NQRS. Darmstadt, Weat Germany. 22-26 July, 1985. Abstr. Poster 44.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Froelich B.
    A simple apparatus for automatic pulse echo tracking.
    J. Phys. E: Sci. Instrum. 1977. Vol. 10, No. 3. P. 210-213.
    РЖ Физика, 1977, 11 Д 854. Переплет № 109-Ин.

  • Frye J. S., Maciel G. E.
    Setting the magic angle using a quadrupolar nuclide.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1982. Vol. 48, No. 1. P. 125-131.
    Журнал на микрофишах

  • Fryer C. W.
    Correlation of chlorine-35 nuclear quadrupole resonance frequencies with platinum-chlorine bond-lengths in platinum(II) complexes.
    Chem. Commun. 1970. No. 15. P. 902-904.
    РЖ Химия, 1971, 3 Б 356. Переплет № 61-Ин.

  • Fryer C. W., Smith J. A. S.
    A cis-influence in square-planar palladium and platinum complexes.
    J. Organomet. Chem. 1969. Vol. 18, No. 2. P. P35-P38.
    РЖ Химия, 1970, 5 Б 367. Переплет № 48-Ин.

  • Fryer C. W., Smith J. A. S.
    Nuclear quadrupole resonance spectra of chlorine in some d8-transition-metal complexes.
    J. Chem. Soc. A. 1970. No. 7. P. 1029-1035.
    Переплет № 51-Ин.

  • Fuggle J. C., Tong D. A., Sharp D. W. A., Winfield J. M., Holloway J. H.
    Niobium-93 nuclear quadrupole resonance studies of niobium pentafluoride and its complexes with xenon difluoride and some organic bases.
    J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans. 1974. No. 2. P. 205-210.
    РЖ Химия, 1974, 12 Б 285. Переплет № 84-Ин.

  • Fujita K., Suhara M., Sadô A.
    (search name: Sado A.)
    The calculation of the temperature dependence of NQR frequencies in chlorine and -nitrogen crystals.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1975. Vol. 17, No. 3. P. 314-323.
    РЖ Физика, 1975, 10 Д 731. Переплет № 90-Ин.

  • Fujitake M., Hirota E.
    The millimeter- and submillimeter-wave spectrum of dichlorocarbene CCl2: Electronic structure estimated from the nuclear quadrupole coupling constants.
    J. Chem. Phys. 1989. Vol. 91, No. 6. P. 3426-3430.

  • Fujiwara K., Kitaoka Y., Asayama K., Sasakura H., Minamigawa S., Nakahigashi K., Nakanishi S., Kogachi M., Fukuoka N., Yanase A.
    Nuclear quadrupole resonance of Cu in high-Tc Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O.
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 1989 Vol. 58, No. 2. P. 380-382.
    РЖ Сверхпроводимость, 1989, 6 G 361. Переплет № 202-Ин.

  • Fukada S., Horiuchi K., Asaji T., Nakamura D.
    Structural phase transition in orthorhombic and monoclinic Fe3+ doped K3Co(CN)6 crystals as studied by the temperature variation of 14N NQR frequencies.
    Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 1986. Bd. 90, N 1. S. 22-26.
    РЖ Физика, 1986, 10 E 733. Переплет № 175-Ин.

  • Fuke T.
    Nuclear quadrupole resonance under high pressure. I.
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 1961. Vol. 16, No. 2. P. 266-276.
    РЖ Физика, 1962, 1 B 450. Переплет № 18-Ин.

  • Fuke T.
    Nuclear quadrupole resonance under high pressure. II.
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 1963. Vol. 18, No. 8. P. 1154-1161.
    РЖ Физика, 1964, 10 Д 312. Переплет № 22-Ин.

  • Fuke T., Kôi Y.
    (search name: Koi Y.)
    Line width of the pure quadrupole resonance of chlorine in sodium chlorate.
    J. Chem. Phys. 1958. Vol. 29, No. 4. P. 973-974.
    РЖ Физика, 1959, реферат 16683. Переплет № 10-Ин.

  • Fukushima A., Okuda Y.
    Automation of liquid 4He tramsfer.
    Rev. Sci. Instrum. 1987. Vol. 58, No. 12. P. 2341-2342.
    (русский перевод:
    Автоматизация заливки жидкого гелия.
    Приборы для научных исслед. 1987. № 12. С. 134-135
    оригинал журнала)

  • Fukushima E.
    Sodium NMR of phase transitions in NaCN.
    Magnetic Resonance and Related Phenomena. Proc. XVII Congr. AMPERE. Turku, Finland, 1972. P. 361-363.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Fukushima E., Paine R. T., Roeder S. B. W.
    Boron-11 NMR of the large angle anisotropic motion of B3H8 in (CH3)4NB3H8.
    4 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Osaka, Japan. 13-16 September, 1977. Abstr. P. 50.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Fukushima E., Paine R. T., Roeder S. B. W.
    Boron-11 NMR study of the large angle anisotropic motion of B3H8 in (CH3)4NB3H8.
    J. Chem. Phys. 1977. Vol. 67, No. 4. P. 1614-1616.
    РЖ Физика, 1978, 4 Д 499. Переплет № 134-Ин.

  • Fukushima E., Roeder S. B. W., Paine R. T.
    Spin-lattice relaxation of quadrupolar nuclei in molecules undergoing hindered motion.
    3 Int. Symp. NQR Spectroscopy. Tampa, Florida, USA. 14-17 April, 1975. Abstr. P. 91.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Fultz W. C., Burmeister J. L., Cheng C. P., Brown T. L.
    Nitrogen-14 nuclear quadrupole resonance study of coordinated thiocyanate.
    Inorg. Chem. 1981. Vol. 20, No. 6. P. 1734-1738.
    РЖ Химия, 1982, 2 Б 401. Переплет № 154-Ин.

  • Furin G. G., Poleshchuk O. Ch., Yakobson G. G.
    The effects of fluorine substitution on the 35Cl NQR spectra of fluoroaromatic compounds containing element-chlorine bonds.
    J. Fluor. Chem. 1987. Vol. 35, No. 3. P. 427-436.
    РЖ Химия, 1987, 16 Б 1330. Переплет № 56-рус.

  • Furin G. G., Poleshchuk O. Kh., Yakobson G. G.
    The evidence of “perfluoro effect” in NQR spectra of polyfluoroaromatic compounds containing elements of V and VI groups.
    8 Int. Symp. NQRS. Darmstadt, Weat Germany. 22-26 July, 1985. Abstr. Poster 55.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Furlani C., Capece F. M.
    Neighbours effect and other factors influencing the NQR of Cl nuclei in crystalline chlorocomplexes.
    Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Spectroscopy. Intern. Summer School of Theor. Chem. 1967. Frascati (Roma), Italy. 3 pp.
    Переплет № 37-Ин.

  • Furman G. B.
    Bloch-Siegert effect in pure nuclear quadrupole resonance.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1990. Vol. 45a, N 3-4. P. 565-566.
    Proc. 10 Int. Symp. on Nucl. Quadrup. Res. Spect. Takayama, Japan, 1989
    Переплет № 224-Ин.
    10 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Takayama, Japan. 22-26 August, 1989. Abstr. IV Oral 3.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Furman G. B.
    Nitrogen-14 NQR multiple-pulse spin-locking in the axial electric field gradient.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1994. Vol. 49a, N 1-2. P. 97-102.
    XII Int. Symp. NQR. Zürich, Switzerland, 19-23 July, 1993. Abstrs. P. 116-117.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Furman G. B.
    Quasi-equilibrium magnetization in NQR multiple-pulse spin-locking.
    NQR Newslett. 1994. Vol. 1, No. 3. P. 29-30.
    (оригинал журнала)

  • Furman G. B., Kadzhaya I. M.
    Zeeman effect of pure NQR in a rotating frame (CW and pulsed excitation).
    Z. Naturforsch. 1992. Vol. 47a, N 1-2. P. 412-414.
    Переплет № 228-Ин.
    XI Int. Symp. NQR Spectroscopy. London, England. 15-19 July, 1991. Abstr. P II:38.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Furman G. B., Kadzhaya I. M., Kibrik G. E., Poljakov A. Yu., Shaposhnikov I. G.
    NQR spin echo in the effective fields of multiple-pulse sequences.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1992. Vol. 47a, N 1-2. P. 409-411.
    Переплет № 228-Ин.
    XI Int. Symp. NQR Spectroscopy. London, England. 15-19 July, 1991. Abstr. P II:39.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Furman G. B., Kadzhaya I. M., Kibrik G. E., Poljakov A. Yu., Shaposhnikov I. G.
    Resonance and relaxation phenomena in the effective field of the multiple-pulse sequence.
    XXVI Congr. AMPERE on Magn. Reson. Athens, Greece, 1992. Extended Abstr. P. 185-186.
    Оригинал издания

  • Furman G. B., Kibrik G. E., Poliakov A. Yu., Shaposhnikov I. G.
    NQR multiple-pulse spin-locking as a method of study of molecular motions in solids.
    J. Mol. Struct. 1989. Vol. 192, No. 3-4. P. 207-213.
    Proc. 9-th Intern. Sympos. on NQR. Kanpur, India. 1988
    РЖ Физика, 1989, 8 Н 1400. Переплет № 211-Ин.
    9 Int. Symp. NQR. Kanpur, India. 11-15 January, 1988. Abstr. C 2.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Furman G. B., Kibrik G. E., Poljiakov A. Yu., Shaposhnikov I. G.
    NQR in the effective fields of a multiple-pulse sequence.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1990. Vol. 45a, N 3-4. P. 567-569.
    Proc. 10 Int. Symp. on Nucl. Quadrup. Res. Spect. Takayama, Japan, 1989
    Переплет № 224-Ин.
    10 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Takayama, Japan. 22-26 August, 1989. Abstr. IV Oral 2.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Furman G. B., Kunoff E. M., Goren S. D.
    Nuclear spin-lattice relaxation of a spin system with strong heteronuclear magnetic interaction.
    Proc. XIII Int. Symp. NQRS. Providence, Rhode Island, USA, July 23-28, 1995. Abstr. P. 185.
    оригинал издания
    (published in: Z. Naturforsch. 1996. Vol. 51a, N 5-6. P. 710-712.)

  • Furman G. B., Shaposhnikov I. G.
    Multiple-pulse NQR dynamics of spin systems with strong heteronuclear coupling.
    Magnetic Resonance and Related Phenomena. Proc. XXVII Congr. AMPERE. Vol. 1. Kazan, USSR, 1994.
    Zavoisky Phys.-Techn. Inst. Rassian Acad. Sci. Kazan, 1994. P. 204.
    Оригинал издания

  • Furó I., Halle B.
    (search name: Furo I.)
    Spin relaxation of I>1 nuclei in anisotropic systems. II. Inversion recovery and even-rank polarization decay.
    J. Chem. Phys. 1989. Vol. 91, No. 1. P. 42-51.

  • Furó I., Halle B., Wong T. C.
    (search name: Furo I.)
    Spin relaxation of I>1 nuclei in anisotropic systems. I. Two-dimentional quadrupolar echo Fourier spectroscopy.
    J. Chem. Phys. 1988. Vol. 89, No. 9. P. 5382-5397.
    РЖ Химия, 1989, 9 Б 1381. Переплет № 208-Ин.

  • Furó I., Jánossy A.
    (search names: Furo I., Janossy A.)
    Evidence of antiferromagnetic ordering in La2CuO4: Reinterpretation of 139La nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) data.
    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 1987. Vol. 26, No. 8. P. L1307-L1309.
    РЖ Физика, 1988, 2 H 404. Переплет № 197-Ин.

  • Furó I., Jánossy A., Mihály L., Bánki P., Pócsik I., Bakonyi I., Heinmaa I., Joon E., Lippmaa E.
    (search names: Furo I., Janossy A., Mihaly L., Banki P., Pacsik I.)
    Nuclear quadrupole resonance and nuclear magnetic resonance of copper in the high-Tc superconductor YBa2Cu3O7-δ.
    Phys. Rev. B. 1987. Vol. 36, No. 10. P. 5690-5693.
    РЖ Физика, 1988, 7 H 338. Переплет № 197-Ин.

  • Furo I., Mihaly L., Banki P., Lippmaa E., Joon E., Heinmaa I.
    Fluctuating electronic magnetic moment in YBa2Cu3O6.2.: An NMR and NQR study.
    Közp. fiz. kut. intéz. Prepr. 1988. N 9/E. S. 1-12.
    РЖ Физика, 1988, 10 Н 382. Переплет № 200-Ин.

  • Furukawa Y.
    133Cs and 14N NMR and ionic dynamics in solid cesium thiocyanate CsSCN.
    J. Mol. Struct. 1995. V. 345. P. 119-122.
    (оригинал журнала)

  • Furukawa Y.
    Structural studies on bismuth trihalides by means of the nuclear quadrupole resonance.
    J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ. 1973. Vol. 37 A, No.2. P. 357-373.
    РЖ Физика, 1974, 6 Д 728. Переплет № 81-Ин.

  • Furukawa Y., Ikeda R.
    2H, 14N, and 35Cl nuclear magnetic resonance in crystalline deuterated guanidinium perchlorate [C(ND2)3]ClO4.
    Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 1993. Vol. 97, N 9. P. 1143-1146.
    РЖ Физика, 1994, 3 C 303. Переплет № 232-Ин

  • Furukawa Y., Ikeda R., Nakamura D.
    133Cs spin-lattice relaxation in cesium thiocyanate.
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 1991. Vol. 60, N 6. P. 2100-2101.
    РЖ Физика, 1992, 2 С 256.
    Журнал на микрофишах

  • Furukawa Y., Kiriyama H., Ikeda R.
    Molecular motion in methylammonium hexahalotellurates(IV) as studied by means of the pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance.
    Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 1981. Vol. 54, No. 1. P. 103-108.
    РЖ Физика, 1981, 6 E 2358. Переплет № 141-Ин.

  • Furukawa Y., Kiriyama H., Ikeda R., Nakamura D.
    35Cl and 1H spin-lattice relaxation in (CH3NH3)2TeCl6.
    4 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Osaka, Japan. 13-16 September, 1977. Abstr. P. 81.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Furukawa Y., Nakamura D.
    A 35Cl NQR spin-lattice relaxation study on the motion of D4h anions in [C(NH2)3]2PdCl4, [C(NH2)3]2PtCl4, and [C(NH2)3]2AuCl4.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1986. Vol. 41a, N 1-2. P. 416-420.
    Proc. VIII Intern. Symp. on NQR Spectrosc., Darmstadt, 1985.
    Переплет № 172-Ин.
    8 Int. Symp. NQRS. Darmstadt, Weat Germany. 22-26 July, 1985. Abstr. Oral 6.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Furukawa Y., Nakamura D.
    Temperature dependence studies of NQR frequencies of halogens and also of quadrupolar relaxation times of chlorine nuclei in ammonium hexahalotellurates(IV).
    Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 1989. Vol. 93, N 1. P. 13-18.
    РЖ Физика, 1989, 7 H 1099. Переплет № 213-Ин.

  • Gabathuler Ch., Hundt E. E., Brun E.
    Dynamic nuclear polarization of 47Ti, 49Ti, and 17O in rutile TiO2:Cr3+.
    Magnetic Resonance and Related Phenomena. Proc. XVII Congr. AMPERE. Turku, Finland, 1972. P. 499-501.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Gabes W., Stufkens D. J., Gerding H.
    Nuclear quadrupole resonances and charge distributions in trihalide ions.
    J. Mol. Struct. 1974. Vol. 20, No. 3. P. 343-350.
    РЖ Химия, 1974, 18 Б 319. Переплет № 84-Ин.

  • Gabriel H., Schirmacher W.
    Theory of nuclear quadrupole relaxation in liquid metals and alloys.
    Magnetic Resonance and Related Phenomena. Proc. XVIII Congr. AMPERE. Vol. 2. Nottingham, England, 1974.
    Nottingham AMPERE Committee, The Nottingham Univ., England, 1974. P. 331-332.
    Оригинал издания

  • Gachegov Yu. N., Gordeev A. D., Soifer G. B.
    35Cl NQR and molecular reorientations in perchloroethane and perchloroethylene crystals.
    J. Mol. Struct. 1982. Vol. 83. P. 109-112.
    (Proc. 6th Int. Symp. on NQRS. Moscow, USSR, 1981)
    РЖ Физика, 1982, 12 E 2563. Оригинал журнала
    6 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Moscow, USSR. 21-24 September, 1981. Abstr. P. 31.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Galasso V.
    INDO investigation of the halogen NQR frequencies and 14N nuclear quadrupole coupling constants of halothiophenes and halopyridines.
    Theor. chim. Acta. 1974. Vol. 34, N 2. P. 137-144.
    РЖ Физика, 1975, 1 Д 701. Переплет № 84-Ин.

  • Gallier J., Toudic B., Delugeard Y., Cailleau H., Gourdji M., Péneau A., Guibé L.
    (search names: Guibe L., Peneau A.)
    Cl-35 NQR and the neutral-to-ionic phase transition in TTF-CA.
    NQR Newslett. 1993. Vol. 1, No. 2. P. 27.
    (оригинал журнала)

  • Gan Z., Grant D. M.
    Moleculat and structural information from variable-angle spinning NMR dipolar spectra of 13C-14N systems.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1990. Vol. 90, No. 3. P. 522-534.
    Журнал на микрофишах

  • Ganal P., Butz T., Lerf A., Naito M., Nishihara H.
    The 181Ta nuclear quadrupole interaction in the charge density wave phases of 1T-TaS2.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1990. Vol. 45a, N 3-4. P. 439-444.
    Proc. 10 Int. Symp. on Nucl. Quadrup. Res. Spect. Takayama, Japan, 1989
    РЖ Химия, 1991, 1 Б 2374. Переплет № 224-Ин.
    10 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Takayama, Japan. 22-26 August, 1989. Abstr. II Oral 2.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Ganguly S., Fernandes J. R., Bahadur D., Rao C. N. R.
    Infrared and nuclear quadrupole resonance studies of the phase transitions of para-dichlorobenzene.
    J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. Pt. 2. 1979. Vol. 75, No. 6. P. 923-928.
    РЖ Физика, 1980, 3 Д 668. Переплет № 126-Ин.

  • Garanin D. A., Lutovinov V. S.
    Diagrammatic approach to the NQR linewidths in magnetically ordered materials.
    Phys. Status Solidi. (b) 1984. Vol. 124, No. 2. P. K133-K137.
    РЖ Физика, 1985, 1 Н 1020. Переплет № 49-рус.

  • Garanin D. A., Lutovinov V. S., Safonov V. L.
    The influence of one-site interactions on the kinetic properties of nuclear subsystem in antiferromagnets.
    6 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Moscow, USSR. 21-24 September, 1981. Abstr. P. 32.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Garcia M. E., Bennemann K. H.
    Theoretical study of the structural dependence of nuclear quadrupole frequencies in high-Tc superconductors.
    Phys. Rev. B. 1989. Vol. 40, No. 13. P. 8809-8813.
    РЖ Сверхпроводимость, 1990, 5 G 246. Переплет № 202-Ин.

  • Garcia M. L. S., Lucken E. A. C.
    (CH3)3CCOOSbCl4: Structure determination by Zeeman perturbed NQR.
    Z. Naturforsch. 1986. Vol. 41a, N 1-2. P. 129-133.
    Proc. VIII Intern. Symp. on NQR Spectrosc., Darmstadt, 1985.
    Переплет № 171-Ин.
    8 Int. Symp. NQRS. Darmstadt, Weat Germany. 22-26 July, 1985. Abstr. Poster 86.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Garcia M. L. S., Smith J. A. S.
    14N and 2H quadrupole double resonance in salts of cytosine and adenine.
    J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. Pt. 2. 1983. No. 9. P. 1401-1408.
    РЖ Химия, 1984, 4 Б 1311. Переплет № 165-Ин.

  • Garcia M. L. S., Smith J. A. S.
    14N and 2H quadrupole double resonance in substituted imidazoles.
    J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. Pt. 2. 1983. No. 9. P. 1391-1399.
    РЖ Химия, 1984, 4 Б 1312. Переплет № 165-Ин.

  • Garcia M. L. S., Smith J. A. S.
    14N double resonance studies in imidazole derivatives.
    5 Int. Symp. NQR spectroscopy. Toulouse, France. 10-14 September, 1979. Abstr. A 2-3.
    (оригинал издания)

  • Garrett B. B.
    Covalency parameters in transition metal complexes from ESR and quadrupole resonance.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1974. Vol. 14, No. 3. P. 335-338.
    РЖ Физика, 1975, 1 Д 592. Переплет № 84-Ин.

  • Garroway A. N., Miller J. B.
    Demonstration of indirect detection of 14N m= 2 (overtone) NMR transitions.
    J. Magn. Reson. 1989. Vol. 82, No. 3. P. 591-596.
    Журнал на микрофишах

  • Gärtner S., Riesemeier H., Kitaoka Y., Müller V., Lüders K., Kaldis E., Rusiecki S.
    (search names: Gartner S., Muller V., Luders K.)
    Cu-NQR frequencies and linewidths in high-Tc superconducters.
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    Журнал на микрофишах

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    Стабильный ЯМР датчик для многоимпульсных экспериментов с вращением под магическим и динамическим углами.
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