Доклад на комисията относно прилагането на Директива 96/67/eо на Съвета от 15 октомври 1996 г. Доклад на комисията

Negative impact of Directive according to unions/work councils –

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Negative impact of Directive according to unions/work councils – (Source: SH&E Limited, October 2002)

Lower salaries.

Insufficient conditions for the take over of staff in German law.

Deteriorating work and security conditions for workers and customers.

No participation of work councils in AUC to get information from first hand (not from the workers) and to come up for social items.

Lower quality levels.

No social aspects in the tender process.

More safety and security issues; also as a result of higher turnover of employees due to lower salaries.

Increase in activity on the ramp can lead to congestion and thus longer working hours for employees (this will become worse with more handlers).

Deteriorating working conditions: more pressure on staff due to increases in productivity (e.g. the increase in workload / productivity is equivalent of 15% less salary in Germany).

With the contracts between handler and airlines becoming shorter, there is less job security as job contracts become shorter as well and increase of the prospective risk for losing a job; shift to more flexible contracts for employees.


Results of Directive - (Source: SH&E Limited, October 2002)

Positive results

Negative results

Airport operator

More competition

Space problems: too many handlers in limited space

More choice for handlers

Management of the apron more inflexible, resource allocation is more restricted

Stimulated new economic impetus

Dominance in AUC by national carrier

Better customer orientation

Decrease of service level (not covered by the Directive)

Cost-reducing pressures lead to lower prices

Dilution of profit and performance

Quality programmes to ensure service levels

Obligation of airport operator to guarantee the running of operation restricts competition with third party handlers

Formal procedures to be followed by handling companies have been beneficial in terms of safety and security

Tendencies toward uncontrolled market access, with no limitation, difficult to make a good evaluation of the suppliers

Difficulties in case of separately ordered service parts to meet the logistic requirements

Additional staff training and supervision needed

Process to limit handlers is very stringent.

Handlers have been disincentivised from making long-term investments or devising long-term strategies due to short-term airline contracts and commitments.

Extra demand for access to airside has security and space implications as well as the allocation of scarce resources to satisfy all handlers.

Additional administration and supervisory work load for managing body.

Handlers are constantly seeking ways to reduce costs and sometimes these measures have an impact on service standards.

Self-handling operators make use of infrastructure or resources that could have a greater utilisation from third party handlers.

If several agents provide different services to same carrier (i.e. representation, passenger, baggage/ramp, etc.) a great deal of coordination is required to ensure acceptable standards

Directive required airport operators to put a large amount of management resources into ensuring compliance without seeing any specific benefits.

Airport Users’ Committee

Better handling products

Limited capacity at airport

Lower prices

Some handlers have bought market shares and then failed to deliver either a fully healthy product or a viable alternative.

Higher productivity

More choice for handlers

Less monopolistic behaviour


Efficiency improvement programmes

Market rates driven down by competition

Lower prices for airlines

Lower profitability for both airports and handlers

More choices for airlines

Less attractive employment conditions

More choices for employees

Not one single handler has economies of scale

Opened access to closed markets for third party handlers, removed airport monopoly activities

Strong competition may endanger the quality of services and create safety and security problems

Approached market conditions within Europe standard of services.

High expenditure for tender procedure

Started a focus on the abuses in the industry

Additional expenditure for separation of accounts

Groundhandlers are being respected and consulted on airport procedures

In some countries the national legislation protects only airports and staff, not the new entrants.

Have a sense of security in the industry and therefore being a better employer.

Airlines are able to undercut third party handlers by at least the level of the access fee, which airport companies are unable to resolve on level playing field.

Directive open to too much interpretation, leading to inconsistent application of the intended principles of the directive.

Airport operators still required to maintain their profit margins and therefore to increase ancillary charges to compensate

1www.ec.europa.eu/transport/air_portal/index_en.htm. Проучване, извършено от Международната консултантска компания за въздушен транспорт SH&E, Лондон.

2Т.е. обработка на багажи, перонно обслужване, обслужване с горива и масла, обработка на товари и поща по отношение на физическата обработка на товари и поща между авиотерминала и въздухоплавателното средство.

3Решение на Европейския съд от 9 декември 2004 г., Дело C-460/02 Комисията срещу Република Италия. Решение на Европейския съд от 14 юли 2005 г., Комисията срещу Федерална република Германия, Дело C-386/2003.

4Същото се отнася за приложения Д, Е, Ж, З и И.

5OВ C 279, 17.11.2006 г.

6Братислава, Будапеща, Ларнака, Любляна, Луга-Maлта, Пафос, Прага, Рига, Taлин, Вилнюс, Варшава, Kраков и Kaтовице.

7За попълване на картината броят на самообслужващите се авиопревозвачи също е включен.

8Дело C-363/01 Flughafen Hannover-Langenhagen GmbH срещу Deutsche Lufthansa AG.

9Виж бележка под линия 6.

10С изключение на Кипър.

11OJ L 272 of 25.10.1996, p. 36


Каталог: pub -> ECD
ECD -> Съдържание
ECD -> Към общия бюджет за 2013 Г. Разходна част на бюджета по раздели раздел III — Комисия Раздел IV — Съд на Европейския съюз
ECD -> I. въведение
ECD -> Съвет на европейския съюз
ECD -> Точки за открито обсъждане1 Страница обсъждания на законодателни актове
ECD -> Доклад на комисията за финансирането на сигурността на въздухоплаването доклад на комисията
ECD -> Регламент за изменение на Регламент (ЕО) №1466/97 на Съвета
ECD -> Доклад за 2007 Г. За фар, предприсъединителната помощ за турция, cards и преходния финансов инструмент
ECD -> Открито обсъждане в съответствие с член 16, параграф 8 от Договора за ес

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