Ege academic Review Journal of Economics, Business Administration, International Relations and Political Science важно!!!

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EGE Academic Review

Journal of Economics, Business Administration, International Relations and Political Science
Това е официалното, реферирано списание на Университета „Еге”, гр. Измир, Турция. Статиите се поддават през следната уеб страница:
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Ege Academic Review publishes articles on economics, business administration, international relations, and political science to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas among academics, researchers, and professionals interested in these fields. Ege Academic Review is based at the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Ege University and published four times a year, in January, April, July, and October. It is a peer-reviewed journal and welcomes contributions either in Turkish or English.

All submitted works must be original, must not have appeared elsewhere, and must not be submitted for publication elsewhere while under consideration by Ege Academic Review. Those works which have been presented in conferences and whose abstracts have already been published can be accepted for consideration on the condition that the presentation and publication dates and places are stated to the editor. Authors who wish to withdraw their submitted works for delays or any other reason should write to the editor. Submission of a manuscript for review is assumed by the editorial board the acceptance of these conditions by the authors. There will be no royalty payment to the authors.

The editorial board reserves the right not to accept manuscripts for consideration if they do not follow submission guidelines, to return them for revisions, or to organize them in the house style. All submitted works for publication undergo peer review, based on initial screening by editors and subsequent double-blind refereeing by at least two reviewers. They are published only if they are found proper for publication.

The working languages of Ege Academic Review are Turkish and English. Articles in Turkish should follow the Dictionary and Spelling Guide of the Turkish Linguistic Society (

Manuscripts and all editorial correspondence should be addressed to: The Editor, Prof. Dr. Özlem Önder, Ege University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, The Journal of Ege Academic Review, e-mail:

Online Manuscript Submission

Manuscript submissions to the Journal of Ege Academic Review must be made using the online manuscript submission system at Users should register when accessing the online system for the first time. Detailed instructions on the manuscript submission process are provided below. If you experience any problem with the online submission please contact with the journal secretariat.

Journal Secretariat
Görkem Mustafa Türker
Ege Üniversitesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, Bornova, 35100 İzmir, Türkiye
Phone-Fax: +90 232 342 38 21

1. Starting Submission:

First, the type of manuscript whether business, economics and international relation should be determined. Then materials to be submitted are controlled from the submission checklist. The dialog box appearing in this step can be used to contact with the editor.

2. Submission Information:

In this stage, author’s names and addresses, title and abstract of the paper is saved to related fields. Submission of keywords and JEL codes accurately are of great importance. Information here will be used by scientific databases and search engines.

3. Manuscript Uploading:

The file including the manuscript is uploaded by following the instructions in this stage. THE MANUSCRIPT CONTAINS NO CLUE REGARDING THE NAME OF THE AUTHOR AND AFFILIATION. The instructions on the manuscript structure are provided in the submission guideline section below.

4. Submission Confirmation:

In this stage, submission is finalized after running a final check of the uploaded files.

Каталог: wp-content -> uploads -> 2011
2011 -> Евгений Гиндев световната конспирация
2011 -> Наредба №36 от 30 ноември 2005 Г. За изискванията към козметичните продукти
2011 -> Наредба №36 от 30 ноември 2005 Г. За изискванията към козметичните продукти
2011 -> За минималния и максималния бал по паралелки в рио област софия-град
2011 -> 130 годишнината на ввму “Н. Й. Вапцаров” разкрива новите предизвикателства и перспективи в развитието на флагмана на морското образование
2011 -> Съюз на математиците в българия – секция бургас пробен изпит по математика за 7 клас – март, 2011
2011 -> Член на Приятели на Земята Интернешънъл
2011 -> Права и задължения на учениците
2011 -> В съответствие с ангажиментите в рамките на фаза 1 от мониторинга за изпълнение на задълженията по Конвенцията и Препоръката, през 2000 г
2011 -> Разграничение на трафика на хора от сродни престъпни дейности д-р Ива Пушкарова

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