First year practical english grammar course set 3 Determiners identifying what you are talking about: 161 236 Articles

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identifying what you are talking about: 1.161-1.236


I. Choose between:

  1. Language/ A language is unique to humans.

  2. We are looking for people with an experience/ experience.

  3. You should study law/a law at university/ the university.

  4. If you go sailing you should listen to weather reports on radio/ the radio.

  5. Children spend too much time watching the TV/ TV.

  6. The Times/ Times is a newspaper/ newspaper with long/ a long tradition.

  7. Before the days of the television/ television, people used to listen to radio/ the radio.

  8. A train/ The train would be best; it leaves every hour.

  9. She has returned to a theatre/ the theatre after an absence/ absence of five years.

  10. Since they built the bridge no one uses a ferry/ the ferry.

  11. Both of them found work in hospital/ in the hospital.

  12. Next year you’ll be able to go by hovercraft; they’re starting a new service. It’ll be much quicker than a boat/ the boat.

  13. You’ll have no trouble getting home; a bus/ the bus doesn’t stop running till midnight.

  14. There are many ways for tourists to get around London. If you don’t mind travelling in tunnels, take an underground/ the underground; if you like to see where you’re going, sit on the top deck of a bus/ the bus; and if you’re in a hurry, take a taxi/ the taxi.

  15. We drive to university/ the university.

  16. We drove to university/ the university, opposite which there was a temple.

  17. I wanted to go to university/ the university but I wanted to be an actor more.

  18. Can you play a guitar/ the guitar?

  19. In spring/the spring Jersey has a profusion of flowers that make the island a sea of vivid colour.

  20. During a day/ the day it was very hectic but at the night/ night it was desolate.

  21. It was summer /a summer of intense heat.

  22. I did a lot of work in Hamburg in the eighties/ eighties.

  23. Have you suffered from a malaria/ malaria?

  24. What is the best treatment for flu/ the flu?

  25. After a while, Maria came in, her hair/ the hair freshly combed.

  26. The Baron leaned forward and looked her in the face/ her face.

  27. He put his hand/ the hand on the shoulder/ her shoulder.

  28. Italy won a World Cup/ the World Cup in 1982.

  29. Are you staying at home for Christmas/ the Christmas.

  30. Wimbledon/ The Wimbledon is the most famous tennis event in the world.

  31. Don’t forget it’s Mother’s Day/ the Mother’s Day.

  32. I can remember Easter/ an Easter when it snowed all the time.

  33. Olympic Games/ The Olympic Games were restarted in Athens in 1896.

  34. United Nations/ The United Nations was formed in 1945.

  35. IBM/ The IBM is the world's largest computer company.

  36. There have been arguments about the role of UNESCO/ the UNESCO.

  37. Several countries are interested in joining European Community/ the European Community.

  38. There’s John Spence / a John Spence waiting for you at the office.

  39. ‘Isn’t that Richard Nixon/ the Richard Nixon?’ - ‘You mean, the Richard Nixon/ Richard Nixon/ that Richard Nixon?’

II. Translate into English:

  1. Любовта си има своите победи.

  2. Това не е истинска обич.

  3. Не смяташ ли, че това е изключително преживяване?

  4. Трябва да разчиташ на разума, не на силата.

  5. Горилата е срамежливо животно.

  6. Той написа книга със заглавие “Лято”.

  7. Опитах да се концентрирам върху красотата на пейзажа.

  8. Всичко ще се оправи след началото на данъчната година.

  9. Погледнете Фигура 5, горе на страница 43-та.

  10. Подпочвената вода е трудна за намиране. Кой е най-лесният начин?

  11. Удивително е колко неща могат да научат кучетата!

  12. Страстта, без значение дали е обич или омраза, може да донесе много страдания.

  13. Кучето яде много повече от човека.

  14. Отношението към възрастните хора е тест за културата на една нация.

  15. Кафето и чаят са вредни за децата.

  16. Актьорът трябва да се научи да приема крúтика.

  17. Компютърът има огромно разнообразие от функции.

  18. Китайците имат своя версия на тази поговорка.

  19. От векове шведите се радват на репутацията си на уравновесени, умерени и здравомислещи хора.

  20. Между нея и американците имаше десетина японци.

  21. Хората харесват стабилността.

  22. Човечеството не трябва да изпада в паника пред предизвикателствата на бъдещето.

  23. Според доклад на ООН, почти навсякъде по света жените са обект на дискриминация.

III. Are all options open? Explain the difference:

  1. The/ø books are expensive.

  2. The/ø books about the moon are expensive.

  3. The/ø books about the moon can be found on shelf 33.

  4. According to a survey more than two-thirds of people believe the/a telephone is the best way to have an/ø intelligent conversation.

  5. The/a/ø violin is more difficult than the/a/ø piano.

  6. The/a/ø tiger is a beautiful animal.

  7. My wife likes the/a/ø sea, but I prefer the/a/ø mountains.

  8. I wish the/ø trains were cleaner and more punctual.

  9. It isn’t always easy to fit in with the/a/ø society.

  10. Who was the first American in the/a/ø space?

  11. English people always talk about the/ø weather.

  12. I love the/ø Nature.

  13. ø/The Russians have a marvellous folksong tradition.

  14. The/ø music of the eighteenth century is boring to me.

  15. The/ø eighteenth-century music is boring to me.

  16. Both the/ø children are good at maths.

  17. All the/ø three brothers were singers.

  18. I sang all the/ø day/night/week/year/winter/summer.

  19. The/ø first-class traveller pays more, so he expects some comfort.

  20. She’s always dreamed of going on ø/the stage, or at least working in ø/the theatre.

  21. At the/ø present members of ø/the government are most concerned about ø/the economy.

  22. ø/The giraffe is the tallest animal on earth.

  23. Can you tell me the price of the/ø paper?

IV. Insert an article where necessary:

  1. Men used to live in caves but few people make home in them now.

  2. Chief occupation of population of India is agriculture. India’s population is enormous and large part of it still works in fields.

  3. Last week we performed experiment to see how rust forms on metal. We dipped pieces of iron in water and left them for half hour. then we examined them under microscope. after few days, rust had become quite thick.

  4. Wild animals never kill for sport. Man is only animal to whom torture and death of his fellow-creatures is amusing.

  5. I want information about latest developments in cancer research.

  6. First article in English journal is interesting, arguments are sound, but statements in third paragraph are not entirely accurate, and figures are out of date.

  7. Long before birth of Christopher Columbus, people in Europe believed that land of plenty, with perfect climate, lay to west across Atlantic Ocean.

  8. Aswan Dam holds back flood waters of Blue Nile and Atbara.

  9. London University has more students than University of Oxford. Many of students at former study at home or in British Museum.

  10. I believe souls of five hundred Sir Isaac Newtons would go into making of Shakespeare or Milton.

  11. Object of government in peace and war is not glory of rulers or of races but happiness of common man.

  12. It’s shame he wasn’t paid.

  13. Andrew is studying Roman Law at University and Paul is doing research in either sixteenth century literature, or literature of Early Renaissance. I don’t know which.

  14. I am going to town by bus and coming back by train. I’ll come back by 2.15 train I think.

  15. We went on board Canton in evening and sailed during night. We were then at sea for six weeks: that is why we were away at Christmas and New Year.

  16. They share deep hatred of literature.

  17. Love of money is root of all evil.

  18. Good map would be help.

  19. It was relief to sit down.

  20. He had good knowledge of Mathematics.

  21. Man is not meant to see into future.

  22. Men used to be the only wage earners at home. Nowadays quite few women also bring home salary.

V. Explain the difference:

  1. a) They are at sea. b) They are at the sea.

  2. a) He is at the office. b) He is in the office. c) He is in office.

  3. a) We go to town sometimes. b) We’ll go to the town this afternoon.

  4. a) I went to the church that afternoon. b) I went to church on that day.

  5. a) Then he went to prison. b) Then he went to the prison.

  6. a) What if we go to hospital? b) What if we go to the hospital?

VI. Translate into English:

  1. Кравата е полезно животно. Кравата винаги е била смятана за полезно животно, но не всички са се отнасяли еднакво с нея. За какво в същност става дума? За това, че някой някога решил, че кравата била свещено животно и не ставала за ядене. Глупости! Кравата си е крава, а яденето - ядене.

  2. Актьорите са странни хора, дори по-странни от писателите.

  3. Работникът на покрива се оказа братовчед на съседа ми.

  4. Свинете са интелигентни животни.

  5. Човекът не е устроен да бъде алтруист, не мислите ли?

  6. Търси те някоя си г-жа Трендафилова, но аз й казах, че те няма.

  7. Двуседмичната ни ваканция е на път да свърши.

  8. Дай ми кибрита, трябва да си запаля цигара.

  9. Човек не може да лети. Конят също.

  10. Една жена не е редно да се среща с толкова мъже.

VII. Insert an article where necessary:

  1. It’s expensive – ten shillings … pound!

  2. The doctor sent me to … hospital for treatment.

  3. We couldn’t afford as … large … house as that.

  4. The Prime Minister lives in … Downing Street.

  5. … all … toys are on the floor again.

  6. Hilary was … leader of the Everest expedition.

  7. Frank took the stairs two at … time.

  8. So much money for … so ugly … hat!

  9. … death cannot be avoided.

  10. I talked to … both … girls.

  11. Actors like him are ten … penny.

  12. It was … rather … pleasant surprise.

  13. He was made … headmaster of my school.

  14. It was … too hard … chair for me.

  15. … half … gallon of petrol, please.

  16. … all … information we received was carefully checked.

  17. … gold is … precious metal.

  18. I would not do it for all … gold in the world.

  19. … cosmetics have not been tested on … animals.

  20. It is … such … beautiful doll!

  21. I want to see all … animals you have got.

  22. … grass in my garden is pale yellow.

  23. … grass is usually green.

  24. … desire to please is a human weakness.

  25. … desire is … consuming passion.

  26. Napoleon said that he liked … treason but not … traitor.

  27. … necessity is … mother of … invention.

  28. … sun’s warmth is … source of … life on … earth.

  29. … policy he has carried out is reasonable.

  30. Sudden shifts in … policy often cause trouble.

  31. My favourite book is … War of the Worlds.

  32. On 3rd September 1939 Great Britain went to … war.

  33. … possibility of building a new port has often been discussed but … public opinion is divided over the plan.

VIII. Use the words in brackets to complete the sentences. Insert the definite article where necessary:

  1. They came out of … at 12 o’clock. (church)

  2. Keep healthy and you’ll keep out of … . (hospital)

  3. … of Sussex has a fine reputation. (university)

  4. He’s just come out of … after doing a long time. (prison)

  5. I went to … at the age of 18. (university)

  6. He went to … school situated at the other end of the town. (school)

  7. People say their prayers in … . (church)

  8. They were married in … . (church)

  9. I telephoned … . (hospital)

  10. It is difficult to get a place at … even with the necessary qualification. (university)

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