Комисия на европейските общности брюксел, 30 2008

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Human resources



Initiative(s) to meet the objective

Responsible service(s) and timetable

Progress made in 2007


13. Simplifying procedures to increase both efficiency and employee satisfaction.

The Task Force for the simplification of administrative procedures will propose specific measures to simplify and improve human resource management and administrative procedures.

DG ADMIN by June 2007 (originally by the end of 2006)


DG ADMIN, based on a collaborative effort and consultation of all Commission staff, prepared a Communication to the College enshrining the key principles of the simplification drive and proposing a detailed plan with 85 actions, to be carried out within well defined deadlines. This Communication was adopted by the Commission on 4 July 2007 and its implementation is ongoing.

In parallel, the Commission will present specific measures to simplify and improve the Commission’s staff appraisal system (Career Development Review). These measures will complement those presented early 2006 which were already implemented in the current exercise.

DG ADMIN by the end of 2007


New rules have been presented in March 2008 after an intense consultation process with Commission services and staff representatives throughout 2007 and the first quarter of 2008.

The new rules should be implemented in 2009 and should allow for a better differentiation of career speeds according to merit. The assessment and promotion exercises will also be significantly shortened.

Staff skills

14. Aligning resources and needs better to make sure that staff have the skills and qualifications necessary to perform their duties, in particular in areas such as financial management, audit, science, linguistics and IT.

Following the conclusions of the evaluation on the Strategic Alignment of Human Resources, various measures are being prepared.

DG ADMIN by the end of 2007


Among the measures already started:

- the development of the HR Community;

- the dissemination of best practices;

- the HR Professionalisation Programme;

- the development of HR Metrics;

- the HR scorecard prototype;

- the specification of the HR reporting facility in Sysper2.

The Commission will identify any shortfalls and communicate its specific needs so that they are promptly taken into consideration and included in the work -programme of the inter-institutional European Personnel Selection Office. Provision of specialised training and measures to improve the recruitment procedures and, in particular in areas where a shortage of skilled staff is identified.

DG ADMIN and EPSO, ongoing tasks.


On 13.11.2007, Vice-President Kallas submitted to the College a Communication (SEC(2007) 1412) describing how EPSO had served the Commission's needs in the last few years and spelling out ways of improving the situation.

The Commission will take measures to improve its Job Information System so that it enables the organisation to have a global view of its current human resources and to produce easily detailed analysis by corporate processes.

DG ADMIN in collaboration with DIGIT, SG and DG BUDG by end 2007


The e-CV project was delayed because of rearranged priorities.

There are now approximately 3 000 CVs in the system, but full deployment and use will only take place in 2008, once the matching tool is tested and validated.

The Commission will adjust its management of mobility, where necessary, so as to achieve the ultimate objective of ‘the right person in the right job’, in particular as regards sensitive posts. Proposals will be made during 2006 to mitigate the impact of mobility, with particular attention for specialised functions and small DGs and sites.

DG ADMIN in collaboration with SG and DG BUDG, by the end of 2007 (originally by the end of 2006).


The revision of the Commission's Internal Control Standards, was concluded in October 2007 and guidelines on sensitive functions (January 2008) were subsequently adopted.

It should result in a more harmonised approach of the Commission's services in regards to the definition of sensitivity and an improved monitoring of the most critical sensitive posts, thus significantly reducing the issues related to compulsory mobility.

Continuity of operations



Initiative(s) to meet the objective

Responsible service(s) and timetable

Progress made in 2007

Business continuity

15. Ensuring that the Commission is able to maintain business continuity in case of major disruption to its activities

The Commission will adopt Commission-wide policy guidelines and develop business continuity plans.

All services with the support of SG, ADMIN and DIGIT by the end of March 2007.


All Directorates-General developed Business Impact Analyses and Business Continuity Plans in spring 2007. A communication test took place in July 2007, which examined both internal and external communication channels. A Commission-wide business continuity exercise followed in December 2007 with satisfactory results.

The Commission will address the issue of the suitability of the data centre hosting IT systems and ensure that current reflections on the best IT governance arrangements lead to operational conclusions in 2006.

DIGIT, OIB and OIL in 2006 and in 2007.


A multi-annual (2006-2011) strategy to improve the housing conditions for the Data and telecom Centres of the Commission has been developed and approved. This should lead to the most critical IT equipments being moved into professional data centre type rooms in a phased approach and to the refurbishing of air conditioning and electrical infrastructure in the JMO Data Centre room.

Contracts for the rent of two new data centre type rooms in Brussels and in Luxembourg were signed. For the one in Brussels, the move was completed in February 2007 and, for the one in Luxembourg, by March 2007.

OIL planned a second room in Luxembourg which should have been available by July 2007 and initiated the required procedures. These premises are however currently still not available.

Executive and regulatory agencies

In line with practice in most Member States, using agencies to implement key tasks has become an established part of the way the European Union works.

Executive agencies operate in a clear institutional framework, governed by a single legal base23. Their tasks must relate to the management of Community programmes or actions, they are set up for a limited period and they are always located close to Commission headquarters. The responsibility of the Commission for executive agencies is clear: the Commission creates them, maintains "real control" over their activity, and appoints the director. Their annual activity reports are annexed to the report from their parent Directorate(s)-General. A standard financial regulation adopted by the Commission, governing the establishment and implementation of the budget, applies to all executive agencies. A revision of the working arrangements was also agreed in October 2007 with the European Parliament, with the aim to further facilitate inter-institutional cooperation in this field.

Six executive agencies have been created:

  • the Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (EACI – former Intelligent Energy Executive Agency)

  • the Public Health Executive Agency (PHEA)

  • the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)

  • the Trans-European Transport Network Executive Agency (TEN-TEA)

  • the European Research Council Executive Agency (ERC)

  • the Research Executive Agency (REA).

Three of these were operational in 2007. Their annual activity reports did not indicate any particular control issues. The breakdown of staff employed in 2007 by these agencies was as follows:

Seconded officials and temporary agents

Contractual agents

Other external agents




















The screening of resources by the Commission of April 2007 suggested that there are no strong candidates for a new executive agency24. If new needs appear, the Commission's starting point will be to explore the option of extending the scope of an existing agency to cover a new programme. Under the current circumstances, it is unlikely that new executive agencies will be needed during the period of the current financial framework to 2013.

The 29 regulatory agencies are independent legal entities and the 20 of these which receive funds from the European Union budget receive discharge directly from the European Parliament. In a Communication of March 2008 "EU agencies: the way forward"25 the Commission drew attention to the lack of a common vision on the role and functions of regulatory agencies. It announced a horizontal evaluation of the regulatory agencies, a moratorium on creating new agencies26 and a review of its internal systems governing agencies. A common website of the Commission and the regulatory agencies was created on the Commission's intranet to provide a platform for documents of shared interest.

Rapport sur les procédures négociées

1. Base légale

L'article 54 des Modalités d'Exécution (ME) du Règlement Financier (RF) établit l'obligation, pour les ordonnateurs délégués, de recenser les marchés faisant l'objet de procédures négociées (PN). En outre la Commission doit annexer au résumé des Rapports Annuels d'Activités (RAA) visé à l'art. 60.7 du RF un rapport sur les procédures négociées.

2. Méthodologie

Une distinction a été faite entre les 40 directions générales, services, offices et agences exécutives qui, en principe, n’octroient pas d’aide extérieure, et les 3 directions générales (AIDCO, ELARG et RELEX) passant des marchés dans le cadre d'actions extérieures (base légale différente: chapitre 3 du titre IV de la deuxième partie du RF) ou pour compte de la Commission mais en dehors du territoire de l'Union européenne.

En effet, ces 3 directions générales présentent des aspects particuliers en ce qui concerne la collecte des données (déconcentration des services…), le nombre total de marchés passés, l'application d'autres seuils pour le recensement des procédures négociées (10 000 €), ainsi que la possibilité de recours à la procédure négociée dans le cadre du mécanisme de réaction rapide (urgence impérieuse). Pour ces raisons, les marchés de ces Directions générales nécessitent une approche statistique distincte.

3. Résultats globaux du recensement final

3.1. Les 40 directions générales, services ou offices sans les 3 directions générales "actions extérieures"

Sur base des données reçues, les statistiques suivantes ont été établies: 148 marchés négociés pour une valeur totale de 156 513 441 € ont été attribués sur un ensemble de 1 085 marchés, toutes procédures confondues, pour une valeur totale de 1 383 010 782 €.

La proportion moyenne pour l'Institution du nombre de procédures négociées par rapport au nombre de marchés passés s'élève dès lors à 13,64 %. La moyenne de l'Institution calculée par rapport au montant des marchés attribués (au lieu du nombre de marchés) s'élève à 11,32 %.

Il a été considéré que la proportion pour une DG/service doit être estimée comme "notablement plus élevée que la moyenne enregistrée au niveau de son Institution", quand elle dépasse de moitié la proportion moyenne, c'est-à-dire lorsqu'elle est supérieure au seuil de référence s'établissant à 20,46 %.

Ainsi, 9 directions générales ou services sur 40 ont dépassé le seuil de référence en 2007. Toutefois, il faut signaler qu'une des directions générales n'a passé qu'une procédure négociée mais son faible nombre de marchés au total fait que sa moyenne est élevée. Par ailleurs, pour deux des directions générales, les procédures négociées représentent un pourcentage substantiellement inférieur à la moyenne de l'Institution en valeur totale des marchés passés.

Par ailleurs, l'évolution par rapport à 2006 pour l'ensemble des directions générales a été limitée: augmentation de 1,33 % en nombre de procédures et de 4,01 % en valeur. Ainsi 5 directions générales présentent une augmentation interannuelle qui peut être considérée comme sensible par rapport aux années précédentes (supérieure à 10 %).

3.2. Les trois directions générales "actions extérieures"

Sur base des données reçues, les statistiques suivantes ont été établies: 196 marchés négociés pour une valeur totale de 116 182 314 € ont été attribués sur un ensemble de 1 696 marchés toutes procédures confondues, pour une valeur totale de 1 324 647 489 €.

La proportion moyenne pour les 3 directions générales "actions extérieures" du nombre de procédures négociées par rapport au nombre de marchés passés s'élève dès lors à 11,56 % et la moyenne calculée par rapport au montant des marchés attribués s'élève à 8,77 %. Le seuil de référence (moyenne plus 50 %) étant donc de 17,33 %, aucune des ces 3 directions générales ne dépasse ce seuil.

La comparaison interannuelle pour ces directions générales, par rapport à l'année 2006, montre une certaine stabilité: pas de changement dans le pourcentage du nombre des procédures négociées et diminution significative de 3,85 % de leur valeur.

4. Analyse des justifications et mesures correctives

Trois catégories de justifications sont évoquées par les directions générales ayant dépassé les seuils:

  • Des déviations statistiques résultant d'un faible nombre de marchés passés (toutes catégories confondues) ou de l'utilisation de contrats cadres. Ceci, en intégrant dans un seul contrat «cadre» un nombre élevé de contrats «spécifiques», réduit le nombre total de marchés passés par les Directions générales concernées et donc la base applicable (ensemble de marchés, toutes catégories confondues).

  • Des situations objectives du secteur d'activité économique où le nombre d'opérateurs (candidats ou soumissionnaires) peut être fort limité, voire en situation de monopole (pour des raisons de propriété intellectuelle, expertise spécifique…). Des situations de captivité technique peuvent également apparaître.

  • Des marchés complémentaires, lorsqu'ils ne peuvent pas être techniquement ou économiquement séparés du marché principal (initial), ou les marchés similaires, conformes au projet de base.

Plusieurs mesures correctives ont déjà été proposées ou mises en place par les directions générales:

  • L'établissement de documents types et documents d'orientation. La publication en avril 2008 du nouveau Vade-mecum des marchés de la Commission, substantiellement amélioré, s'intègre dans cette ligne d'action.

  • L'amélioration de la formation et une meilleure communication interservices. À ce titre, le Service financier central a mis en place pour 2008 une série d'ateliers qui ont pour objectif, d'une part, d'améliorer le niveau des procédures des marchés et, d'autre part, d'offrir un forum d'échange d'expériences entre différents DG/services, afin de promouvoir les meilleurs pratiques.

  • L'amélioration du système d'évaluation des besoins des DG/services et une bonne programmation.

  • Le renforcement de la structure interne et l'application des standards de contrôle. Les procédures de marchés devront continuer à être intégrées dans la revue régulière sur l’efficacité du contrôle interne, notamment l’analyse de la dépendance éventuelle envers certains contractants. En tout état de cause, les procédures et contrôles doivent être correctement documentés pour assurer la piste de l'audit.

Summary of waivers of recoveries of established amounts receivable in 2007

(Article 87.5 IR)

In accordance with Article 87(5) of the Implementing Rules the Commission is required to report each year to the budgetary authority, in an annex to the summary of the Annual Activity Reports, on the waivers of recovery involving 100 000 € or more.

The following table shows the total amount and the number of waivers above 100 000 € per Directorate-General/Service for the EC budget and the European Development Fund for the financial year 2007.

EC budget:


Amount of waivers in €

Number of waivers



























European Development Fund:


Amount of waivers in €

Number of waivers




Compliance with payment time-limits
and suspension of time-limits

(Article 106.6 IR)

Time-limits for payments are laid down in the Implementing Rules of the Financial Regulation27 (hereinafter IR), and exceptionally in sector specific regulations. Under Article 106 IR payments must be made within forty-five calendar days from the date on which an admissible payment request is registered or thirty calendar days for payments relating to service or supply contracts, save where the contract provides otherwise. Commission standard contracts are in line with the time-limits provided for in the IR. However, for payments which, pursuant to the contract, grant agreement or decision, depend on the approval of a report or a certificate (interim and/or final payments), the time-limit does not start until the report or certificate in question has been approved28. Under Article 87 of the Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council laying down general provisions on the European Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund, a specific rule applies: payments have to be made within two months29.

Following the revised Implementing Rules, which entered into application on 1 May 2007, the compliance with payment time-limits was reported for the first time by the Services in the 2007 Annual Activity Reports30. Overall, the Commission has improved its performance for payments over 2005-2007, in number and in value, even if the average delay has not significantly decreased. The following table summarises the current situation concerning payments made after the expiry of the time-limits (hereafter late payments), as resulting from data encoded in ABAC:



Late payments in number



Late payments in value



Delays on average31

49,13 days

47,98 days

The cause of delays include inter alia the complexity of evaluation of supporting documents, in particular of technical reports requiring external expertise in some cases, the difficulty of efficient coordination of financial and operational checks of requests for payments, and managing suspensions.

The Commission has taken many steps to avoid late payments. Internal monitoring systems, with regular reporting on late payments and/or requested payments have been put in place. Simplification initiatives have been taken to speed up the process of examining requests for payments, such as wider use of audit certificates, better definition of deliverables or types of costs to facilitate the checks to be carried out. Awareness actions and exchanges of best practices also take place on a regular basis. These measures have already impacted positively, as the above statistics indicate. Moreover, in order to meet the new requirements of the revised IR, further developments had also to be made to ABAC in 2008.

As far as the payment of interest for late-payments is concerned, the Commission has had to deal with limited requests over 2005-2007.



Requests for interest for late payments in number

149, i.e. 0,11%

136, i.e. 0,16%

Amounts of interest paid for late payments

230.736,58 €

378.211,57 €

The rules for the payment of interest for late payments are clearly stipulated in the standard contracts and grant agreements used by the Commission authorising officers. The very limited number of requests for payment of interest might be due to the fact that beneficiaries have not paid sufficient attention to the clauses entitling them to claim interest or that they deliberately do not claim it, in particular if the amount is not significant or if they have submitted the supporting documents late32. As from 1 January 2008 payment of interest for late payments is automatic and, in principle33, no longer conditional upon the presentation of a request for payment.

The Commission is committed to further improving the management of payments and instructs its Services to comply constantly with high performance standards, to assess the efficiency of its tools and to take appropriate corrective measures to ensure timely payments.

1Член 60 от Финансовия регламент.

2Приложение към годишния доклад за структурните фондове - SEC(2007)1456,

3COM(2008) 97.

4Рамковото финансово и административно споразумение/ FAFA

5Доверителен фонд и Рамково споразумение за съфинансиране

6Съобщение относно „Европа на резултатите – прилагане на правото на Общността“ - COM(2007) 502, 5.9.2007 г.

7Специален доклад № 7/2007 относно системите за контрол, инспекция и санкции във връзка с разпоредбите за опазване на рибните ресурси на Общността. (OВ C 317, 28.12.2007 г.).

8COM(2008) 301.


10COM(2008) 130.

11Communication to the Commission: Revision of the Internal Control Standards and the Underlying Framework: Strengthening Control Effectiveness - SEC(2007) 1341.

12COM(2008) 110.

13Communication on the prevention of fraud by building on operational results: a dynamic approach to fraud-proofing - COM(2007) 806, 17.12.2007.


15COM(2007) 127



18COM(2007) 185

19COM(2007) 501.

20Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council: "European Agencies – the way forward" - COM(2008) 135.

21Para 40 & 49 Opinion 02/2004.

22Para 37 Opinion 02/2004.

23Council Regulation (EC) No 58/2003 of 19 December 2002 laying down the statute for executive agencies to be entrusted with certain tasks in the management of Community programmes (OJ L 11, 16.1.2003).

24SEC(2007) 530 "Planning & optimising Commission human resources to serve EU priorities".

25Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council: European Agencies – the way forward - COM(2008) 135.

26It however indicated that agencies which are already under inter-institutional discussion would go ahead as planned, including existing proposals in the fields of energy and telecoms, as well as planned agencies in the field of justice and home affairs and that changes in the scope of existing agencies would also continue.

27Commission Regulation (EC) No 2342/2002 of 23 December 2002 (OJ L 357, 31.12.2002, p. 1) as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 478/2007 of 23 April 2007 (OJ L 111, 28.4.2007, p. 13).

28Pursuant to Article 106(3) IR, the time allowed for approval may not exceed:
(a) 20 calendar days for straightforward contracts relating to the supply of goods and services;
(b) 45 calendar days for other contracts and grants agreements;
(c) 60 calendar days for contracts and grant agreements involving technical services or actions which are particularly complex to evaluate.

29Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down general provisions on the European regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion fund and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999 (OJ L 210, 31.7.2006, p. 25).

30Based on available data in ABAC as of end of the financial year 2007.

31Net delays.

32In 2007, more than 1/3 of the total amount of interest paid has been paid to two energy suppliers.

33With the exception of small amounts (200 euro in total or less).


Каталог: pub -> ECD
ECD -> Съдържание
ECD -> Към общия бюджет за 2013 Г. Разходна част на бюджета по раздели раздел III — Комисия Раздел IV — Съд на Европейския съюз
ECD -> I. въведение
ECD -> Съвет на европейския съюз
ECD -> Точки за открито обсъждане1 Страница обсъждания на законодателни актове
ECD -> Доклад на комисията за финансирането на сигурността на въздухоплаването доклад на комисията
ECD -> Регламент за изменение на Регламент (ЕО) №1466/97 на Съвета
ECD -> Доклад за 2007 Г. За фар, предприсъединителната помощ за турция, cards и преходния финансов инструмент
ECD -> Открито обсъждане в съответствие с член 16, параграф 8 от Договора за ес

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