Конкурс за независими изследвания Програма "Стимулиране на върхови научни постижения"

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Конкурс за независими изследвания - Програма "Стимулиране на върхови научни постижения"
Краен срок: 15 ноември 2009 г.
С финансовата подкрепа на Фондация "Америка за България".
Програмата за независими изследвания на Центъра подкрепя млади и утвърдени учени, работещи в сферата на социалните и хуманитарните науки. Програмата не поставя тематични ограничения пред проектните предложения на кандидатите. Присъствието на изследователските срещи, публичните лекции и дискусиите на индивидуални проекти, организирани от Центъра, съставляват част от програмата. Одобрените кандидати следва да преустановят преподавателските и административните си ангажименти за срока на участието си в програмата с цел най-пълно ангажиране с изследователската им задача.
Центърът ще предостави следните месечни възнаграждения на одобрените кандидати:
- Четири 5-месечни стипендии за млади български изследователи по 700 евро; и
- Четири 5-месечни стипендии за утвърдени български учени по 1000 евро.
Възнаграждението включва всички дължими данъци и социални осигуровки. На участниците ще бъдат предоставени работно място в ЦАИ и достъп до всички информационни ресурси. Те ще бъдат включени в текущите изследвания и академични събития на Центъра.
Настоящата програма е разделена на два семестъра:
- Семестър I: 1 март - 31 юли 2010 г.; и
- Семестър II: 1 септември - 31 декември 2010 г.
Кандидатите трябва да посочат предпочитания от тях семестър. Окончателното семестриално разпределение на одобрените кандидати ще бъде направено с оглед на тематичния състав на групите.
- Всички кандидати трябва да бъдат български граждани.
- Изисквания към младите учени: избираеми са пост-докторанти, асистенти и научни сътрудници, защитили докторската си дисертация преди не повече от 12 години преди крайния срок на настоящия конкурс. Кандидатите трябва да демонстрират научна зрялост чрез поне една значима публикация по тема, различна от докторската им теза, и чрез  ъществени академични постижения, съответстващи на тяхната научна област и етап на научна кариера.
- Изисквания към утвърдените учени: избираеми са доценти, професори, доктори на науките с поне 10 години значим научен принос, засвидетелстван от техни публикации (поне една издадена монография и публикации в реферирани международни научни издания), участия в международни изследвания, конференции и т.н.
Повечето международни събития на ЦАИ (семинари, проектни обсъждания, лекции на гостуващи учени) се провеждат на английски език. Доброто владеене на английски е предпоставка за пълноценното участие в текущите дейности на ЦАИ. В зависимост от аудиторията, устните представяния може да се изнасят на немски, френски или български език. Изследователските резултати ще бъдат публикувани на английски език. Кандидатите следва да посочат/ коментират езиковите си умения в документите си за кандидатстване.
Лице за контакт:
Г-жа Ралица Петрова, e-mail: petrova@cas.bg
София 1000, ул. "Неофит Рилски" № 70, Център за академични изследвания София
тел.: + 359 2 9803704 / факс: + 359 2 9803662

Стипендии за обмен в Норвегия, Исландия и Лихтенщайн

Дирекция "Европейска интеграция и международно сътрудничество" на Министерството на образованието, младежта и науката е междинно звено по проекта "Развитие на устойчиви схеми на мобилност чрез стипендии на финансовия механизъм на ЕИП". Основната цел на проекта е да подпомага образованието и изследванията и да допринася за развитието на човешките ресурси в България.

В рамките на проекта е създаден Фонд за отпускане на стипендии. Неговата цел е да засили сътрудничеството между България и страните от Европейското икономическо пространство - Норвегия, Исландия и Лихтенщайн, в областта на висшето образование и изследванията, като предоставя стипендии за студенти, преподаватели и административни служители с цел обучение или преподаване там.

Стипендии се отпускат на студенти и преподаватели от акредитирани държавни и частни висши училища в България.

Минималната продължителност на престоя за студенти е 3 месеца, а максималната продължителност е 12 месеца (една академична година).

Периодът на престой за преподаватели е от 1 до 4 седмици.

Стипендията се състои от обща сума от 1400 евро за първия месец на обучение в чужбина и по 800 евро за всеки следващ месец.

Процедурата по подбор на кандидатите се организира от Междинното звено в сътрудничество с висшите училища в България. По време на първия етап кандидаитите подават документите си в институциите, в които учат или работят. През втория етап Комисията по подбора прави предложение за класираните кандидати пред министъра на образованието, младежта и науката, който одобрява кандидатите и техните стипендии.

Необходимите документи за кандидатстване са автобиография, мотивационно писмо, академична справка и ниво на владеене на чужд език за студенти. Крайният срок за подаването им в изпращащата институция е 1 ноември 2009г.

Пълна информация за програмата може да намерите на страницата на Министерството на образованието, младежта и науката.

Стипендии за градски изследвания на докторанти

Лаборатория "Изследователски център по социални науки" към Софийския университет обявява конкурс за стипендии за краткосрочни специализации или участия в международни семинари и конференции. Конкурсът е предназначен за млади учени с интерес в областта на градските изследвания и е по проект "Градски изследвания: интердисциплинарни изследвания за млади учени".

Могат да кандидатстват докторанти и доктори на възраст до 35 години (защитили преди не повече от две години).

Кандидатите трябва да представят резюме на темата на специализацията или на доклада. Изисква се също кратко излагане на мотивите за избора на конкретната специализация, конференция или семинар, както и данни за евентуални други източници на финансиране. Общият обем не трябва да надхвърля 5 стандартни страници.

Освен тези документи се изискват автобиография и две препоръки от хабилитирани лица.

Стипендиантите ще участват в ежемесечни семинари на проекта. Специализацията или участието в семинар или конференция трябва да се осъществи до края на април 2010 година.

Стипендията е в размер до 4000 лв., а крайният срок за подаване на документите е 10 октомври 2009 г.

Документите се подават лично на адрес:
София, бул. "Цариградско шосе" 125, бл. 4, ет. 5, ст. 513 А, катедра "Социология", лаборатория "Изследователски център по социални науки", или на интернет адрес: rcss@abv.bg.

Europaeum Internships

The Europaeum offers internships to doctoral or post-doctoral scholars from Europaeum universities throughout the year. We are committed to providing engaging and fruitful work experience - with opportunity to pursue research studies in Oxford libraries, join lectures etc. In this way, we seek to extend the mission of the Europaeum to build European leadership, foster diversity and provide opportunities to supplement research and background education.

We offer interns for one-three months, and each intern will be asked to support general office work, work on current events and will be given a research project to work on and help develop. We help in finding housing and we can offer an honorarium equivalent to £5.70 per hour (our minimal wage).

If you know anyone who might be interested, please send a CV and covering letter, including details of two referees (preferably one academic and one professional) to the the Europaeum office.


Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) - “Ideas” Specific programme

Grants for Starting and Advanced Researchers

European Research Council (ERC) grants will be awarded through open competition to projects headed by young and established researchers, irrespective of their origins, who are working in Europe - the sole criterion for selection is excellence. The aim here is to recognise the best ideas, and retain and confer status and visibility to the best brains in Europe, while also attracting talent from abroad.

By challenging Europe's brightest minds, the ERC expects to bring about new and unpredictable scientific and technological discoveries - the kind that can form the basis of new industries, markets, and broader social innovations of the future.

Calls for proposals

Call Identifier

Call Title

Publication Date



ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grant




ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grant




ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grant



Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) - “People” Specific Programme

The 'People' Specific Programme will be implemented through actions under five headings:

  • ' Initial training of researchers to improve mostly young researchers' career perspectives in both public and private sectors, by broadening their scientific and generic skills, including those related to technology transfer and entrepreneurship.

  • ' Life-long training and career development' to support experienced researchers in complementing or acquiring new skills and competencies or in enhancing inter/multidisciplinarity and/or intersectoral mobility, in resuming a research career after a break and in (re)integrating into a longer term research position in Europe after a trans-national mobility experience.

  • ' Industry-academia pathways and partnerships' to stimulate intersectoral mobility and increase knowledge sharing through joint research partnerships in longer term co-operation programmes between organisations from academia and industry, in particular SMEs and including traditional manufacturing industries.

  • ' International dimension', to contribute to the life-long training and career development of EU-researchers, to attract research talent from outside Europe and to foster mutually beneficial research collaboration with research actors from outside Europe.

  • ' Specific actions' to support removing obstacles to mobility and enhancing the career perspectives of researchers in Europe.

Calls for proposals

Call Identifier

Call Title

Publication Date



Marie Curie Reintegration Grants (RG)




Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (ITN)




2009 Classics Colloquium

The eighth Europaeum Classics Colloquium on Teaching, Teachers and Students will take place in Prague from November 6-8th. This theme will include Greek education and attitudes; sophistry and philosophy; pedagogy; didacticism; Roman education and attitudes; and literary depictions of teaching and learning. Classics graduate scholars at member universities of the Europaeum will take part in this Colloquium, which aims to bring young European Classics scholars together with leading academic experts, with the chance to present papers for discussion and critique by a fellow scholar.

For more information about the event, please contact Martina Vaníková, at Charles University.

Emerging Trends and Novel Materials in Photonics - Delphi, Greece

07/10/2009 - 09/10/2009

The Source Event - Berlin, Germany

04/12/2009 - 04/12/2009  Programme

Workshop on wireless sensor networks for space applications, Santorini, Greece
[Event Date: 2009-10-01 ]

The European Space Agency (ESA) and the Greek National Center for Scientific Research 'Demokritos' (NCSRD) will hold the 'Wireless sensor networks for space applications workshop' (WiSens4Space 2009) on 1 and 2 October in Santorini, Greece.

The main objective of the workshop is to provide an international forum for space agencies, the industry and the scientific community to present and discuss the use ... read more
Brokerage event for science in society, Brussels, Belgium
[Event Date: 2009-10-02 ]

The EU-funded EUROSIS network and the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research are jointly organising a brokerage event for science in society on 2 October in Brussels, Belgium.

EUROSIS is the network of National Contact Points (NCPs) for the Science in Society Work Programme. The main purposes of the NCPs are to assist potential participants in the Framework Programmes and raise awareness ... read more
Conference on transforming energy systems, Nynäshamn, Sweden
[Event Date: 2009-10-03 ]

The European Science Foundation (ESF) will hold a conference on global change research from 3 to 7 October in Nynäshamn, Sweden. The event is organised in collaboration with the Swedish Research Council (VR) and the Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning (FORMAS).

Under the title 'Global change challenges: transforming energy systems', the conference will centre ... read more
Summer school on dopaminergic neurons, Trieste, Italy
[Event Date: 2009-10-05 ]

The DOPAMINET ('Molecular networks of dopaminergic neurons in chordates') project is organising a summer school on dopaminergic neurons on 5 and 6 October in Trieste, Italy.

Summer school lectures will be dedicated to the following topics:
- 'Functional genomics of dopaminergic system: tools and data';
- 'Dopaminergic differentiation';
- 'Dopaminergic neurons and Parkinson's disease';
- 'The Dopaminergic ... read more
Conference on the use and misuse of khat, Linköping, Sweden
[Event Date: 2009-10-05 ]

The European Science Foundation (ESF) and Linköping University are organising a conference entitled 'The changing use and misuse of Catha edulis (Khat) in a changing world: tradition, trade and tragedy' from 5 to 9 October in Linköping, Sweden.

Khat, a stimulant plant indigenous to tropical East Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, contains cathinone, an amphetamine-like alkaloid. Today, millions of farmers ... read more
Conference on multidisciplinary research, Brussels, Belgium
[Event Date: 2009-10-06 ]

A conference entitled 'Thinking across disciplines - shaping our future welfare together' will be held on 6 October in Brussels, Belgium.

The conference will address a number of the key challenges facing European research and development (R&D) and European innovation today. Topics to be debated will include how Europe, by thinking across disciplines, can better confront some of the complex realities of ... read more
Matchmaking event for cross-border collaboration in food innovation, Zeist and Ede, Netherlands
[Event Date: 2009-10-07 ]

A matchmaking event with the aim of boosting cross-border collaboration in food innovation will take place on 7 and 8 October in Zeist and Ede, the Netherlands.

During the two day event, potential partners from industry and technology institutes will have an opportunity to talk during bilateral matchmaking meetings. The programme also includes technical visits to innovative companies and research organisations.

The ... read more

Conference on 'Brain damage risk and neuroprotectants for preterm newborns', Hamburg, Germany
[Event Date: 2009-10-08 ]

A conference on 'Brain damage risk and neuroprotectants for preterm newborns' will be held in Hamburg, Germany, on 8 October 2009.

Organised by the EU-funded NEOBRAIN ('Neonatal estimation of brain damage risk and identification of neuroprotectants') project, the event will present state-of-the-art results from the project and related areas of research.

ICT call information day on digital libraries and digital preservation, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
[Event Date: 2009-10-09 ]

The European Commission is organising an information day on the Sixth Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Call on 9 October in Luxembourg, Luxembourg. The event will focus on digital libraries and digital preservation.

This information day is intended for researchers interested in submitting project proposals. It aims to help participants understand the work programme and proposal evaluation ... read more
Conference on the deployment of innovative broadband networks, Brussels, Belgium
[Event Date: 2009-10-09 ]

A conference dedicated to 'Improving the deployment of innovative broadband networks in European regions' will be held on 9 October in Brussels, Belgium.

The event will offer a strategic view on existing opportunities for rapid deployment of advanced access infrastructures, particularly wireless broadband and next generation networks. An important aim is to encourage regional and national stakeholders ... read more
Symposium on hazardous near-Earth asteroids, Valetta, Malta
[Event Date: 2009-10-12 ]

A symposium on hazardous near-Earth asteroids will be held from 12 to 16 October in Valetta, Malta.

This year is the Year of Astronomy, and among the challenges discussed at conferences and seminars are asteroids that threaten the Earth. Among the topics to be focused on at this symposium are:
- evaluation of the level of danger of celestial objects and their potential collision with the Earth;
- instruments ... read more
Course on 'Philosophy of risk in health risk assessment', Stockholm, Sweden
[Event Date: 2009-10-12 ]

A course on 'Philosophy of risk in health risk assessment' will be held from 12 to 16 October in Stockholm, Sweden.

Via a combination of lectures, exercises and discussions, the course will provide an overview of important aspects of interaction between science and policy in health risk assessment, with a focus on strategies to handle scientific uncertainty. This includes such topics as:
- basic and applied ... read more
Workshop on retrieval of geophysical variables, Noordwijk, Netherlands
[Event Date: 2009-10-14 ]

A workshop on the 'Retrieval of geophysical variables - using high spatial resolution optical imagery' will take place from 14 to 16 October in Noordwijk, the Netherlands.

The workshop will provide an opportunity to present and discuss research and development (R&D) activities, and to evaluate how the obtained geophysical products satisfy the needs of land applications (e.g. forestry, agriculture, hydrology, ... read more
Conference on 'Advanced lightweight structures and reflector antennas', Tbilisi, Georgia
[Event Date: 2009-10-14 ]

A conference on 'Advanced lightweight structures and reflector antennas' will be held from 14 to 16 October in Tbilisi, Georgia.

The event is being organised by the Georgian Technical University under the aegis of the European Space Agency (ESA) in order to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the space flight and successful test of the first Georgian space object - The Large Deployable Reflector.

The ... read more

Colloquium on scientific and fundamental aspects of the GALILEO programme, Padua, Italy
[Event Date: 2009-10-14 ]

An international colloquium on scientific and fundamental aspects of the GALILEO programme will be held from 14 to 16 October in Padua, Italy.

This event intends to bring together members of the European scientific community and their international counterparts. Among the aims of the colloquium are to propose a means of enhancing the scientific use of GALILEO to its partners and to contribute to GNSS (Global ... read more
Information and brokerage event on FP7 'Environment' Theme, Yerevan, Armenia
[Event Date: 2009-10-19 ]

An information and brokerage event on the 'Environment (including climate change)' Theme of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) will take place on 19 and 20 October in Yerevan, Armenia.

The objective of the event is to bring together researchers and other stakeholders from the EU and Eastern European and Central Asian (EECA) countries and provide ground for discussion and networking within the scope ... read more
European Forum for Industrial Biotechnology, Lisbon, Portugal
[Event Date: 2009-10-20 ]

The European Forum for Industrial Biotechnology (EFIB) 2009 will be held from 20 to 22 October in Lisbon, Portugal.

EFIB 2009 will feature 50 speakers who will assess the prospects for industrial biotechnology and bio-based products in Europe. Two parallel pre-conference seminars will be followed by a two-day conference featuring plenary sessions, three afternoon tracks dedicated to feedstock, policy and ... read more
eChallenges e-2009 conference, Istanbul, Turkey
[Event Date: 2009-10-21 ]

The eChallenges e-2009 conference will take place from 21 to 23 October in Istanbul, Turkey.

This nineteenth edition of the event will aim to stimulate the rapid take-up of research and technology development (RTD) results by industry and in particular small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The event will also address opening up the European Research Area (ERA) to other parts of the world.

The core ... read more

Acquacoltura Med conference on sustainable aquaculture and seafood, Verona, Italy
[Event Date: 2009-10-22 ]

The Acquacoltura Med conference will be held on 22 and 23 October in Verona, Italy.

Under the title 'Growing the fish value chain from innovation to market', the event will tackle issues of sustainable aquaculture and seafood production in the Mediterranean.

Population pressures in southern and eastern Mediterranean countries, the need to rationalise exploitation of fish resources and price competition ... read more

Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) stakeholders' general assembly, Brussels, Belgium
[Event Date: 2009-10-26 ]

The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) stakeholders' general assembly will take place on 26 and 27 October in Brussels, Belgium.

First organised in 2008 to mark the launch of the FCH JU, the stakeholders' general assembly is an annual event designed to inform all interested parties about the activities of the FCH JU and acquire feedback for future planning of the programme. It is also a ... read more
Conference on opportunities and challenges for water-cooled reactors, Vienna, Austria
[Event Date: 2009-10-27 ]

An international conference on 'Opportunities and challenges for water-cooled reactors in the 21st Century' will be held from 27 to 30 October in Vienna, Austria.

Intended as a forum for the exchange of information among those interested in the introduction or expansion of nuclear power programmes in the 21st century, the event will take into account the desire to build capacity in terms of human resources, ... read more
TANDEMplusIDEA project final conference, Aachen, Germany
[Event Date: 2009-10-29 ]

The EU-funded TANDEMplusIDEA project will hold its final conference on gender and diversity in science, technology and business under the title 'Going diverse: innovative answers to future challenges' on 29 and 30 October in Aachen, Germany.

Today's world is rapidly changing. Internationalisation and globalisation, modern and individual lifestyles, demographics, migration and labour shortage, as well as ... read more
ARTEMIS and ITEA 2 co-summit, Madrid, Spain
[Event Date: 2009-10-30 ]

The Advanced research and technology for embedded intelligence and systems association (ARTEMISIA) and the pan-European programme for research and development in software for software-intensive systems and services (ITEA 2) are organising a co-summit on 30 October in Madrid, Spain.

The one-day programme will revolve around the theme 'Ecosystems driving open innovation in embedded intelligence and software-intensive ... read more

European Commission public consultation on ‘Promoting the learning mobility of young people’

Category: Members & Partners, Event, Publication, Survey, Project, Job Ad, Call for proposals, Call for papers, Consultation of members, Report

 The European Commission has launched a public consultation on the green paper on ‘Promoting the learning mobility of young people’.

Feedback is sought on a series of issues including:
• How to convince more young people to go abroad for learning
• Current obstacles to mobility
• How to get a wide range of players – such as the Commission, Member States, regions, education and training institutions, NGOs – to join forces in a new partnership for learning mobility.

The consultation is available in multiple languages and responses are accepted until 15 December 2009.

Fourth European Quality Assurance Forum
Hosted by Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, 19-21 November 2009

Second EUA-CDE Workshop: "Structuring Doctoral Programmes - a means for continuous improvement"
Hosted by University of Zagreb, Croatia, 10-11 December 2009

EUA-HUMANE Open Seminar: EUDIS – How to diversify Income Streams
Madrid, Spain, 16-17 October 2009

EUA-CDE/Universities Austria Co-operation Workshop: How to Assure Quality in New-Style Doctoral Studies?

Vienna, Austria, 29 October 2009

Universities Austria and the EUA Council for Doctoral Education are organising an international conference on the theme ‘How to Assure Quality in New-Style Doctoral Studies?’ The one-day event will take place at Vienna University of Economics and Business on Thursday 29 October 2009.

Improving the quality of doctoral education in Europe has been the main objective of a number of initiatives at national and European levels in recent years. However, the special character of doctoral education can make the setting of standards for quality in doctoral education more complex and difficult compared to the first and second cycles.

The conference will focus on three questions related to the quality of doctoral education:

• What kind of internal institutional quality policies and procedures are in place in your institution?
• How do quality standards and procedures in the third cycle differ from the first and second cycles?
• What indicators do internal quality assurance procedures follow?

Please click here to find out more. You can also download the invitationdraft programme and registration form. Please note the event is open to all EUA members.

Europeanisaton and ECE region Workshop - Krakow 16-18th October 2009

Europaeum graduates are invited to take part in an international workshop hosted by the European Studies Centre at Jagiellonian University at the end of October on Europeanisation and the new ECE countries. Preference is given to those ready to give short papers on their current work. Please apply to the office with a letter of application, CV, and letter of academic recommendation. Local costs will be covered, but applicants must cover their own travel. Graduates from outside the Europaeum may also apply but of course their participation cannot be subsidised, and they will be expected to cover local board and lodging costs of c €325.    Click here for more information

The ERC Starting Grant: Supporting the next generation of research leaders in Europe (PDF 1,89 MB)

Frontier Research : The European Challenge High-Level Expert group Report(PDF 438 kB)

New EUA report: QA must allow space for risk taking

Quality Assurance (QA) processes used in universities must allow more space for ‘risk taking and failure’ as this is essential for stimulating innovation and creativity in higher education. This is one of the recommendations of a new EUA report published this week.

The report “Improving quality, enhancing creativity: change processes in European higher education institutions” is based on a two-year EC-funded project, that EUA has carried out with partners ACQUIN (the Accreditation, Certification and Quality Assurance Institute, Germany), the Higher Education Academy (UK) and the National University of Ireland, Maynooth.

The project (Quality Assurance for the Higher Education Change Agenda - QAHECA) brought together 29 higher education institutions and QA Agencies from 18 different countries to explore what kind of quality assurance processes in teaching and learning (external and internal) can actually support creativity and innovation. In the past, there have been concerns that QA processes can actually inhibit creativity within higher education.

The new report contains seven recommendations for universities and agencies:

• QA processes must allow space for risk taking and failure, whilst at the same time enabling institutions to identify and rectify a failure when it occurs
• To ensure that quality assurance is context sensitive (e.g. taking account of different disciplines, cultures and national contexts)
• QA should be inclusive – engaging the whole university community (academics and students) and should not just be the responsibility of a ‘QA unit’
• Effective quality assurance is based on a successful partnership between agencies and institutions, which should leave space for ‘trust and self-reflection’
• Sharing QA ‘experiences’ is essential, and the authors recommend the creation of platforms for dialogue both between departments, institutions and even at European level (These platforms should not, however, be based solely on copying good practices, but stimulating critical analysis.)
• QA processes must support institutions’ capacity to change and to reach strategic goals
• Agencies and institutions need to ensure engagement of all key actors in QA processes.

A full copy of the report can be downloaded here.
Каталог: Documents -> Infobulletin
Infobulletin -> Месечен информационен бюлетин на нис при су „СВ. Кл. Охридски” декември 2011 с пожелание за весели празници
Infobulletin -> Бюлетин октомври 2010 съдържание: магистратури, стипендии, стажове
Infobulletin -> Ma in european history leiden, paris, oxford
Infobulletin -> Бюлетин май 2010 магистратури, стипендии, стажове ma in european history and civilisation
Infobulletin -> Конкурс за стипендия "дамян балабанов" за академичната 2010/ 2011 Г
Infobulletin -> Месечен информационен бюлетин на нис при су „СВ. Кл. Охридски” октомври 2011 съдържание
Infobulletin -> Месечен информационен бюлетин на нис при су „СВ. Кл. Охридски” ноември 2011 съдържание
Infobulletin -> Месечен информационен бюлетин на нис при су „СВ. Кл. Охридски” септември 2011 съдържание

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