Лаборатория по приложни биотехнологии

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Лаборатория по приложни биотехнологии


Завеждащ лаборатория – доц. д-р Костанца Иванова Павлова, тел.032 642 430

e-mail: konpavlova@yahoo.com

Професор Атанас Иванов Павлов д.т.н, тел: +359 898 690 599,

e-mail: at_pavlov@yahoo.com

Доцент д-р Дора Миленова Бешкова, тел.: +359 32 642 430,

e-mail: beshkova@yahoo.com

Доцент д-р Гинка Иванова Френгова, тел.: +359 32 642 430,

e-mail: vafrengov@abv.bg

Доцент д-р Милен Иванов Георгиев, тел.: +359 32 642 430,

e-mail: milen.georgiev@mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Главен асистент д-р Васил Георгиев Георгиев, тел.: +359 32 642 430;

e-mail: vasgeorgiev@gmail.com

Микробиолог инж. Татяня Стоянова Гочева, тел.: +359 32 642 430,

e-mail: zvezdolet@abv.bg

Микробиолог Катерина Атанасова Георгиева, тел.: +359 32 642 430,

e-mail: katia_ag@abv.bg

Биолог Иван Георгиев Иванов, тел.: +359 32 642 430,

e-mail: ivanov_ivan.1979@yahoo.com

Технолог Елка Василева Генова, тел.: +359 32 642 430,

e-mail: elisgen@yahoo.com

Технолог Светла Стойкова Костадинова, тел.: +359 32 642 430,

e-mail: svetla_6408@abv.bg

Лабораторен работник Василка Димитрова Ушерова, тел.: +359 32 642 430,

Анотация за дейността на Лабораторията

Научният колектив на Лабораторията по приложни биотехнологии работи по две направления: микробни и растителни биотехнологии. Изследванията са свързани с метаболизма на прокариотни и еукариотни клетки и възможности за регулацията му с цел създаване на биотехнологии за получаване на биологично-активни вещества за медицината, фармацевтична и козметична промишлености и на стартери и адитиви за хранителната промишленост.

Микробните биотехнологии са насочени към изследване физиологията и биохимията на дрожди и млечнокисели бактерии за синтез на биологично-активни вещества. Изучават се метаболитните способности на нови изолирани мезофилни и психрофилни дрожди и млечнокисели бактерии за получаване на ензими, екзополизахариди, каротеноиди, антимикробни пептиди, липиди и др. Морфологичните, физиологични и биохимични характеристики на млечнокисели бактерии, култивирани самостоятелно и в асоциации са в основата на проучвания за формиране на стартерни култури за получаване на здравословни млечни продукти с висока физиологична и хранителна стойности.

Научните изследвания по растителни биотехнологии обхващат получаването на растителни in vitro системи и приложението им за биосинтез на ниско молекулни биологично-активни вещества (включително адитиви и антиоксиданти за хранителната промишленост), ензими и полизахариди. Провеждат се научни изследвания по оптимизация на биосинтетичните процеси, по изолирането, пречистването и идентификацията на получаваните метаболити. Специално внимание се отделя на приложението на различни подходи за повишаване на ефективността на биосинтетичните процеси (селекция, елиситиране, двуфазни системи за култивиране и т.н.).

Лабораторията поддържа активни контакти с университети и научно-изследователски центрове у нас и в чужбина (Германия, Франция, Италия и Холандия).

Изследванията в Лабораторията се реализират с проекти, финансирани от НАТО, ЕС и Фонда за научни изследвания към МОМН.

Действащи проекти

Биосинтез на екзополизахариди от екстремофилни микроорганизми, финансиран от фонд “Научни изследвания”, ръководител проф. Серафим Влаев, ИИХ, за ИМ-БАН, Лаборатория по приложни биотехнологии, Пловдив доц. д-р Костанца Павлова
Неконвенционални методи за получаване на галантамин от Leucojum aestivum in vitro култури, финансиран от фонд “Научни изследвания”, ръководител: проф. Младенка Илиева, дтн
Изследване на растителни in vitro системи на видовете Salvia с различно плоидно ниво, финансиран от фонд “Научни изследвания”, ръководител доц. Атанас Павлов, дтн
Алтернативни подходи за получаване на фармацевтично значими иридоиди от растителни in vitro култури, финансиран от фонд “Научни изследвания”, ръководител доц.д-р Милен Георгиев
Оценка на потенциала на растителни in vitro системи за създаване на биотехнология за получаване на биологично-активни тритерпени, финансиран от фонд “Научни изследвания”, ръководител гл.ас. д-р Васил Георгиев

Лабораторията по приложни биотехнологии притежава колекции от мезофилни и психрофилни дрожди, млечнокисели бактерии и растителни in vitro системи.

  • Лабораторна технология за получаване на атропин от in vitro системи Datura stramonium

  • Лабораторна технология за получаване на беталаинови пигменти от трансформирани коренови култури от червено цвекло

  • Лабораторна технология за получаване на галантамин от растителни in vitro системи на блатнo кокиче

  • Лабораторна технология за получаване на розмаринова киселина от лавандулова клетъчна суспензия

  • Лабораторна технология за получаване на глюкоманан от психрофилен щам Sporobolomyces salmonicolor AL1

  • Лабораторна технология за получаване на глюкоманан от психрофилен щам Cryptococcus laurentii AL100

  • Селектирани са щамове млечнокисели бактерии с висока протеолитична и бактериоцинна активности. Създадени са мултифункционални стартерни култури за пробиотични ферментирали храни

  • Нов метод за екстракция на нативни клетъчни ядра от трансформирани коренови култури от червено цвекло

  • Двуфазна система с временно разбъркване за генетична трансформация с Agrobacterium rhizogenes на растения свръхпродуценти на антимикробни субстанции

  • За първи път успешна трансформация с Agrobacterium rhizogens на ендемични за България видове лопен чрез третиране с ултразвук

Подбрани публикации – 2005 – до момента

Pavlova K., Panchev I., Hristozova Ts. (2005) Physico-chemical characterization of exomannan by Rhodotorula acheniorum MC. World Journal of Microbiology & Bioetechnology, 21, 279-283

Pavlov A., Kovatcheva P., Tuneva D., Ilieva M., Bley Th. (2005) Radical scavenging activity and stability of betalains from Beta vulgaris hairy root culture in simulated conditions of human gastrointestinal tract, Plant Food for Human Nutrition, 60:43-47.

Pavlov A., Georgiev M., Ilieva M. (2005) Production of rosmarinic acid by Lavandula vera MM cell suspension in bioreactor: Effect of dissolved oxygen concentration and agitation, World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 21:389-392.

Pavlov A., Werner S., Ilieva M., Bley Th. (2005) Characteristuc of Helianthus annuus plant cell culture as a producer of immunologically active exopolysaccharides, Engineering in Life Sciences, 5(3): 280-283.

Pavlov A., Popov S., Kovacheva E., Georgiev M., Ilieva M. (2005) Valatile and polar compounds in Rosa damascene Mill 1803 cell suspension, Journal of Biotechnology, 118:89-97.

Pavlov A., Georgiev M., Panchev I., Ilieva M. (2005) Optimization of rosmarinic acid production by Lavandula vera MM plant cell suspension in a laboratory bioreactor, Biotechnology Progress, 21:394-396.

Berkov S., Pavlov A., Ilieva M., Burrus M., Popov S., Stanilova M. (2005) GC/MS of alkaloids in Leucojum aestivum plants and their in vitro cultures, Phytochemical Analysis, 16:98-103.

Pavlov A., Georgiev V., Ilieva M. (2005) Betalain biosynthesis by red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) hairy root culture, Process Biochemistry, 40:1531-1533.

Pavlov A., Bley Th. (2006) Betalains biosynthesis by Beta vulgaris hairy root culture in a temporary immersion cultivation system, Process Biochemistry, 41:848-852.

Georgiev M., Pavlov A., Ilieva M. (2006) Selection of high rosmarinic acid producing Lavandula vera MM cell lines, Process Biochemistry, 41: 068-2071.

Georgiev M., Kuzeva S., Pavlov A., Kovacheva E., Ilieva M. (2006) Enhanced rosmarinic acid production by Lavandula vera MM cell suspension culture through elicitation with vanadyl sulphate, Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung, 61C: 241-244.

Georgiev M., Heinrich M., Kerns G., Bley Th., Pavlov A. (2006) Production of iridoits and phenolics by transformed Hapagophytum procumbens root cultures, Engineering in Life Sciences, 6 (6):593-596.

Hristizova Ts., Angelov A., Tzvetkova B., Paskaleva D., Gotcheva V., Gargova S., Pavlova K. (2006) Effect of furfural on carbon metabolism key enzymes of lactose-assmilating yeasts, Enzyme and microbial technology , 39, 1108-1112.

Frengova, G., Simova, E., Beshkova D. (2006) β-carotene-rich carotenoid-protein preparation and exopolysaccharide production by Rhodotorula rubra GED8 grown with a yogurt starter culture. Z. Naturforschung, 61c, N 7/8, 571-578.

Simova, E., Simov, Z., Beshkova, D., Frengova, G., Dimitrov, Z., Spasov, Z. (2006) Amino acid profiles of lactic acid bacteria, isolated from kefir grains and kefir starter made from them. Int. J. Food Microbiol., 107, 112-123.

Simov, Zh.I., Simova, E.D., Beshkova, D.M. (2006) Impact of two starter cultures on proteolysis in Kashkaval cheese. World J Microbiol. Biotechnol., 22, 147-156.

Simova, E., Beshkova, D. (2007) Effect of growth phase and growth medium on the peptidase activities of starter lactic acid bacteria. Le Lait, Dairy Science and Technology, 876, 6, 555-573.

Kuncheva M., Pavlova K., Panchev I., Dobreva S. (2007) Emulsifying power of mannan and glucomannan produced by yeasts. International Journal of Cosmetic Science 29 (5), 377–384.

Pavlov A., Georgiev M., Bley Th. (2007) Batch and fed-batch production of betalains by red beet (Beta vulgaris) hairy roots in a bubble column reactor, Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung, 62C:439-446.

Georgiev M.I., Pavlov A.I., Bley Th. (2007) Hairy root type plant in vitro systems as sources of bioactive substances, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 74:1175-1185.

Pavlov A., Berkov S., Courot E., Gocheva T., Tuneva D., Pandova B., Georgiev M., Georgiev V., Yanev S., Burrus M., Ilieva M. (2007) Galanthamine production by Leucojum aestivum in vitro systems, Process Biochemistry, 42:734-739.

Georgiev M., Kuzeva S., Pavlov A., Kovacheva E., Ilieva M. (2007) Elicitation of rosmarinic acid by Lavandula vera MM cell suspension culture with abiotic elicitors, World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 23:301-304.

Georgiev M., Georgiev V., Weber J., Bley Th., Ilieva M., Pavlov A. (2008) Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated genetic transformations: A powerful tool for the production of metabolites. In: Genetically Modified Plants. Nova Science Publishers, ISBN:978-1-60456-696-3, pp. 99-126.

Weber J., Georgiev V., Pavlov A., Bley Th. (2008) Flow cytometric investigations of diploid and tetraploid plants and in vitro cultures of Datura stramonium and Hyoscyamus niger, Cytometry (Part A), 73A:931 -939.

Georgiev V., Ilieva M., Bley Th., Pavlov A. (2008) Betalain production in plant in vitro systems, Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 30:581-593.

Georgiev V., Stuker A., Bley Th., Pavlov A. (2008) Hyoscyamine biosynthesis by diploid and tetraploid Datura stramonium L. hairy root cultures in a temporary immersion cultivation system, Advances in Bulgarian Science, 2-3:42- 47.

Ludwig-Mueller J., Georgiev M. and Bley Th. (2008) Metabolite and hormonal status hairy root cultures of Devil’s claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) in flasks and in a bubble column bioreactor, Process Biochemistry, 43(1): 15-23.

Simova, E., Beshkova, D., Angelov, M. P., Dimitrov, Zp. P. (2008) Bacteriocin production by strain Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus BB18 during continuous prefermentation of yogurt starter culture and subsequent batch coagulation of milk. J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 35, 559-567.

Pavlova K., Gargova S., Hristozova T., Tankova Z. (2008) Phytase from Antarctic yeast strain Cryptococcua laurentii AL27. Folia Microbiologica, 53, 1, 29-34.

Georgiev M., Weber J. and Maciuk A. (2009) Invited mini-review: Bioprocessing of plant cell cultures for mass production of targeted compounds, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 83: 809-823.

Pavlova К., Panchev I., Kratchanova M., Gocheva M. (2009) Production of an exopolysaccharide by Antarctic yeast. Folia Microbiologica, 54, 4, 343-348.

Simova, E.D., Beshkova, D.M., Dimitrov, Zh.P. (2009) Characterization and antimicrobial spectrum of bacteriocins produced by lactic acid bacteria isolated from traditional Bulgarian dairy products. J. Appl. Microbiol., 106, 692-701.

Frengova, G., Beshkova, D. (2009) Carotenoids from Rhodotorula and Phaffia – yeasts of biotechnological importance (Review). J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 36 (2), 163-180.

Georgiev V., Weber J., Bley Th., Pavlov A. (2009) Improved procedure for nucleous extraction for DNA measurements by flowcytometry of red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) hairy roots, Journal of Bioscience and Biotechnology, 107 (4): 439-441.

Pavlov A., Berkov S., Weber J., Bley Th. (2009) Hyoscyamine biosynthesis in Datura stramonium hairy root in vitro systems with different ploidy levels, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 157:210-225.

Pavlov A. (2009) Plant cells and algae in bioreactors. Engineering in Life Science, 9 (3): 154–155.

Pavlov A., Georgiev V., Marchev A.., Berkov S. (2009) Nutrient medium optimization for hyoscyamine production in diploid and tetraploid Datura stramonium L. hairy root cultures, World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 25:2239-2245.

Berkov S., Pavlov A., Georgiev V., Bastida J., Burrus M., Ilieva M., Codina C. (2009) Alkaloid synthesis and accumulation in Leucojum aestivum in vitro cultures, Natural Product Communications, 4 (3):359-364.

Georgiev V., Berkov S., Georgiev M., Burrus M., Codina C., Bastida J., Ilieva M., Pavlov A. (2009) Optimized nutrient medium for galanthamine production in Leucojum aestivum L. in vitro shoot system, Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung, 64C:219-224.

Ivanov I., Berkov S., Pavlov A. (2009) Improved HPLC method for determination of Amaryllidaceae alkaloids, Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment, 23:809-813.

Georgiev M., Pavlov A. (2009) Physiological peculiarities of Lavandura vera MM cell suspension culture in stirred tank reactor, Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment, 23:836-839.

Georgiev V., Weber J., Kneschke E.-M., Denev P., Bley Th., Pavlov A. (2010) Antioxidant activity and phenolic content of betalain extracts from intact plants and hairy root cultures of the red beetroot Beta vulgaris cv. Detroit Dark Red, Plant Food for Human Nutrition, 65:105–111.

Weber J., Georgiev V., Haas Ch., Bley Th., Pavlov A. (2010) Ploidy levels in Beta vulgaris (red beet) plant organs and in vitro systems, Engineering in Life Sciences, 10(2): 139–147.

Georgiev M., Georgiev V., Penchev P., Antonova D., Pavlov A., Ilieva M., Popov S. (2010) Volatile metabolic profiles of cell suspension cultures of Lavandula vera, Nicotiana tabacum and Helianthus annuus, cultivated under different regimes, Engineering in Life Sciences, 10(2): 148–157.

Berkov S., Pavlov A., Georgiev V., Weber J., Bley Th., Viladomat F., Bastida J., Codina C. (2010) Changes in apolar metabolites during in vitro organogenesis of Pancratium maritimum, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 48: 827-835.

Georgiev V., Ivanov I., Pavlov A. (2010) Obtaining and selection of Pancratium maritimum L. in vitro cultures with acetylcholinesterase inhibitory action, Biotechnol and Biotechnol Eq. 24: 149-153.

Dimitrova S., Pavlova K., Lukanov, L.Zagorchev P. (2010) Тhe synthesis of photoprotective compounds (β-carotene and СоenzymeQ10 ) by Antarctic yeasts in response to ultraviolet and visible radiations. Appl.Biochem.&Biothechnol. , 162, (3), 795-804.

Poli A., Anzelmo G., Tommonaro G., Pavlova K., Casaburi A.& Nicolaus B. (2010) Production and chemical characterization of exopolysaccharides synthesized by psychrophilic yeast strain Sporobolomyces salmonicolor AL1 isolated from Livingston Island, Antarctica. Folia Microbiologica 55 (6), 576-581.

Georgiev M., Georgiev V., Penchev P., Antonova D., Pavlov A., Ilieva M. and Popov S. (2010) Volatile metabolomic profiles of cell suspension cultures of Lavandula vera, Nicotiana tabacum and Helianthus annuus, cultivated under different regimes, Engineering in Life Sciences, 10: 148-157.

Georgiev M., Ludwig-Mueller J. and Bley Th. (2010) Hairy root culture: copying nature in new bioprocesses, chapter 10, In: Medicinal Plant Biotechnology (R. Arora, Ed.), CAB International, Wallingford, United Kingdom, pp. 156-175, ISBN: 978-1-84593-678-5.

Georgiev M., Alipieva K., Pashova S., Denev P., Angelova M., Kerns G. and Bley Th. (2010) Antioxidant activity of devil’s claw cell biomass and its active constituents, Food Chemistry, 121: 967-972.

Pavlova K., Rusinova-Videva S., Kuncheva M., Kratchanova M., Gocheva M., Dimitrova S. (2011) Synthesis and characterization of an exopolysaccharide from Antarctic yeast strain Cryptococcus laurentii AL100. Appl. Biochemistry and Biothechnology 163:1038-1052.

Georgiev M., Ludwig-Mueller J., Weber J., Stancheva N. and Bley Th. (2011) Bioactive metabolites production and stress-related hormones in devil’s claw cell suspension cultures grown in bioreactors, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 89: 1683-1691.

Ivanov I., Georgiev V., Georgiev M., Ilieva M., Pavlov A. (2011) Galanthamine and related alkaloids production by Leucojum aestivum L. shoot culture using a temporary immersion technology, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 163: 268–277.

Laboratory of Applied Biotechnologies
Staff - Head of Laboratory – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kostantza Pavlova, phone: +359 32 642 430;

e-mail: konpavlova@yahoo.com

Staff - Professor Atanas Ivanov Pavlov, DSc, phone +359 898 690 599,

e-mail: at_pavlov@yahoo.com

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dora Milenova Beshkova, phone: +359 32 642 430;

e-mail: beshkova@yahoo.com

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ginka Ivanova Frengova, phone: +359 32 642 430;

e-mail: vafrengov@abv.bg

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Milen Ivanov Georgiev, phone: +359 32 642 430;

e-mail: milen.georgiev@mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Assistant Professor Dr. Vasil Georgiev Georgiev, phone: +359 32 642 430;

e-mail: vasgeorgiev@gmail.com

Microbiologist Tatyana Stoyanova Gocheva, phone: +359 32 642 430;

e-mail: zvezdolet@abv.bg

Microbiologist Katerina Atanasova Georgieva, phone: +359 32 642 430;

e-mail: katia_ag@abv.bg

Biologist Ivan Georgiev Ivanov, phone: +359 32 642 430;

e-mail: ivanov_ivan.1979@yahoo.com

Technologist Elka Vasileva Genova, phone: +359 32 642 430;

e-mail: elisgen@yahoo.com

Technologist Svetla Stojkova, phone: +359 32 642 430;

e-mail: svetla_6408@abv.bg

Lab worker Vasilka Dimitrova Ushterova, phone: +359 32 642 430;


Main Research topics

The scientific group in the Laboratory of Applied Biotechnologies works into two directions: microbial and plant biotechnologies. The implemented investigations are closely connected with the metabolism of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and the possibilities for its regulation with the aim of establishing biotechnologies for production of biologically active substances for medicine, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries; starter cultures and additives for the food industry.

The microbial biotechnologies are directed to investigations of physiology and biochemistry of yeasts and lactic acid bacteria for synthesis of biologically active substances. Metabolite properties of new isolated mesophilic and psychrophilic yeasts and lactic acid bacteria for synthesis of enzymes, exopolysaccharides, carotenoids, antimicrobial peptides, lipids e.t.c. are being explored. Morphological, physiological and biochemical characteristics of lactic acid bacteria cultivated as a monoculture and in associations are the base for formation of starter cultures for producing dairy products of high physiological and nutritional values.

The scientific research in plant biotechnologies include the establishment of plant in vitro culture systems and their application in the biosynthesis of low molecular weight biologically active substances (including additives and antioxidants for the food industry), enzymes and polysaccharides. Scientific investigations regarding the biosynthetic processes optimization, isolation, purification and identification of the synthesized metabolites are being fulfilled. Special attention is being devoted to application of different approaches to improve the effectiveness of the biosynthetic processes (selection, elicitation, two-phase systems cultivation e.t.c.).

The laboratory maintains active contacts with universities and scientific research centers in Bulgaria and abroad (Germany, France, Italy and The Netherlands).

The investigations in the laboratory are being realized via projects financed by NATO, EU and National Research Foundation of Bulgaria.

Current Project

Biosynthesis of exopolysaccharides from extremophilic microorganisms”

Funding: National Science Fund – Bulgaria /Project No: 02/46, 2009

Project leader: Prof. Serafim Vlaev;

For Institute of Microbiology, Laboratory of Applied Microbiology, Plovdiv – Assoc.Prof. Kostantza Pavlova

Non-conventional methods for galanthamine production by Leucojum aestivum in vitro cultures.

Funding: National Science Fund – Bulgaria /Project No: 02-105/

Project leader: Prof. Mladenka Ilieva
Investigation of in vitro systems of Salvia spp. with different ploidy levels

Funding: National Science Fund – Bulgaria /Project No: 02-105/

Project leader: Prof. Atanas Pavlov
Alternative approaches for bioproduction of pharmaceutically important iridoids from plant in vitro cultures culture

Funding: National Science Fund – Bulgaria /Project DO-02-261/2008

Project leader: Assoc.Prof. Milen Georgiev
Evaluation of potential of plant in vitro systems for development of biotechnology for biologicaly-active triterpenes production

Funding: National Science Fund – Bulgaria /Project No: 02-9/

Project leader: Dr. Vasil Georgiev


Laboratory of Applied Biotechnologies preserve abundant collections of yeasts, lactic acid bacteria and plant in vitro systems as well.

  • Lab technology for atropine production by in vitro systems of Datura stramonium

  • Lab technology for betalains production by Beta vulgaris hairy roots

  • Lab technology for galanthamine production by in vitro systems of Leucojum aestivum

  • Lab technology for rosmarinic acid production by Lavender cell suspensions

  • Lab technology for glucomannan production by psychrophilic yeast strain Sporobolomyces salmonicolor AL1

  • Lab technology for new exopolysaccatide production by psychrophilic yeast strain Cryptococcus laurentii AL100

  • Strains with high proteolytic and bacteriocin activities were selected. The multifunctional starters for probiotic dairy foods were formed.

  • New method for native nucleolus extraction by Beta vulgaris hairy roots

  • Two-phase temporary immersion system for Agrobacterium rhizogenes transformation of plants super producers of antibacterial substances

  • Sonication assisted Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated transformation of endemic Bulgarian Verbascum spp. plants.

Recent Publications – 2005

Pavlova K., Panchev I., Hristozova Ts. (2005) Physico-chemical characterization of exomannan by Rhodotorula acheniorum MC. World Journal of Microbiology & Bioetechnology, 21, 279-283

Pavlov A., Kovatcheva P., Tuneva D., Ilieva M., Bley Th. (2005) Radical scavenging activity and stability of betalains from Beta vulgaris hairy root culture in simulated conditions of human gastrointestinal tract, Plant Food for Human Nutrition, 60:43-47.

Pavlov A., Georgiev M., Ilieva M. (2005) Production of rosmarinic acid by Lavandula vera MM cell suspension in bioreactor: Effect of dissolved oxygen concentration and agitation, World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 21:389-392.

Pavlov A., Werner S., Ilieva M., Bley Th. (2005) Characteristuc of Helianthus annuus plant cell culture as a producer of immunologically active exopolysaccharides, Engineering in Life Sciences, 5(3): 280-283.

Pavlov A., Popov S., Kovacheva E., Georgiev M., Ilieva M. (2005) Valatile and polar compounds in Rosa damascene Mill 1803 cell suspension, Journal of Biotechnology, 118:89-97.

Pavlov A., Georgiev M., Panchev I., Ilieva M. (2005) Optimization of rosmarinic acid production by Lavandula vera MM plant cell suspension in a laboratory bioreactor, Biotechnology Progress, 21:394-396.

Berkov S., Pavlov A., Ilieva M., Burrus M., Popov S., Stanilova M. (2005) GC/MS of alkaloids in Leucojum aestivum plants and their in vitro cultures, Phytochemical Analysis, 16:98-103.

Pavlov A., Georgiev V., Ilieva M. (2005) Betalain biosynthesis by red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) hairy root culture, Process Biochemistry, 40:1531-1533.

Pavlov A., Bley Th. (2006) Betalains biosynthesis by Beta vulgaris hairy root culture in a temporary immersion cultivation system, Process Biochemistry, 41:848-852.

Georgiev M., Pavlov A., Ilieva M. (2006) Selection of high rosmarinic acid producing Lavandula vera MM cell lines, Process Biochemistry, 41: 068-2071.

Georgiev M., Kuzeva S., Pavlov A., Kovacheva E., Ilieva M. (2006) Enhanced rosmarinic acid production by Lavandula vera MM cell suspension culture through elicitation with vanadyl sulphate, Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung, 61C: 241-244.

Georgiev M., Heinrich M., Kerns G., Bley Th., Pavlov A. (2006) Production of iridoits and phenolics by transformed Hapagophytum procumbens root cultures, Engineering in Life Sciences, 6 (6):593-596.

Hristizova Ts., Angelov A., Tzvetkova B., Paskaleva D., Gotcheva V., Gargova S., Pavlova K. (2006) Effect of furfural on carbon metabolism key enzymes of lactose-assmilating yeasts, Enzyme and microbial technology , 39, 1108-1112.

Kuncheva M., Pavlova K., Panchev I., Dobreva S. (2007) Emulsifying power of mannan and glucomannan produced by yeasts. International Journal of Cosmetic Science 29 (5), 377–384.

Pavlov A., Georgiev M., Bley Th. (2007) Batch and fed-batch production of betalains by red beet (Beta vulgaris) hairy roots in a bubble column reactor, Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung, 62C:439-446.

Georgiev M.I., Pavlov A.I., Bley Th. (2007) Hairy root type plant in vitro systems as sources of bioactive substances, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 74:1175-1185.

Pavlov A., Berkov S., Courot E., Gocheva T., Tuneva D., Pandova B., Georgiev M., Georgiev V., Yanev S., Burrus M., Ilieva M. (2007) Galanthamine production by Leucojum aestivum in vitro systems, Process Biochemistry, 42:734-739.

Georgiev M., Kuzeva S., Pavlov A., Kovacheva E., Ilieva M. (2007) Elicitation of rosmarinic acid by Lavandula vera MM cell suspension culture with abiotic elicitors, World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 23:301-304.

Georgiev M., Georgiev V., Weber J., Bley Th., Ilieva M., Pavlov A. (2008) Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated genetic transformations: A powerful tool for the production of metabolites. In: Genetically Modified Plants. Nova Science Publishers, ISBN:978-1-60456-696-3, pp. 99-126.

Weber J., Georgiev V., Pavlov A., Bley Th. (2008) Flow cytometric investigations of diploid and tetraploid plants and in vitro cultures of Datura stramonium and Hyoscyamus niger, Cytometry (Part A), 73A:931 -939.

Georgiev V., Ilieva M., Bley Th., Pavlov A. (2008) Betalain production in plant in vitro systems, Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 30:581-593.

Georgiev V., Stuker A., Bley Th., Pavlov A. (2008) Hyoscyamine biosynthesis by diploid and tetraploid Datura stramonium L. hairy root cultures in a temporary immersion cultivation system, Advances in Bulgarian Science, 2-3:42- 47.

Ludwig-Mueller J., Georgiev M. and Bley Th. (2008) Metabolite and hormonal status hairy root cultures of Devil’s claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) in flasks and in a bubble column bioreactor, Process Biochemistry, 43(1): 15-23.

Pavlova K., Gargova S., Hristozova T., Tankova Z. (2008) Phytase from Antarctic yeast strain Cryptococcua laurentii AL27. Folia Microbiologica, 53, 1, 29-34.

Georgiev M., Weber J. and Maciuk A. (2009) Invited mini-review: Bioprocessing of plant cell cultures for mass production of targeted compounds, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 83: 809-823.

Pavlova К., Panchev I., Kratchanova M., Gocheva M. (2009) Production of an exopolysaccharide by Antarctic yeast. Folia Microbiologica, 54, 4, 343-348.

Georgiev V., Weber J., Bley Th., Pavlov A. (2009) Improved procedure for nucleous extraction for DNA measurements by flowcytometry of red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) hairy roots, Journal of Bioscience and Biotechnology, 107 (4): 439-441.

Pavlov A., Berkov S., Weber J., Bley Th. (2009) Hyoscyamine biosynthesis in Datura stramonium hairy root in vitro systems with different ploidy levels, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 157:210-225.

Pavlov A. (2009) Plant cells and algae in bioreactors. Engineering in Life Science, 9 (3): 154–155.

Pavlov A., Georgiev V., Marchev A.., Berkov S. (2009) Nutrient medium optimization for hyoscyamine production in diploid and tetraploid Datura stramonium L. hairy root cultures, World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 25:2239-2245.

Berkov S., Pavlov A., Georgiev V., Bastida J., Burrus M., Ilieva M., Codina C. (2009) Alkaloid synthesis and accumulation in Leucojum aestivum in vitro cultures, Natural Product Communications, 4 (3):359-364.

Georgiev V., Berkov S., Georgiev M., Burrus M., Codina C., Bastida J., Ilieva M., Pavlov A. (2009) Optimized nutrient medium for galanthamine production in Leucojum aestivum L. in vitro shoot system, Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung, 64C:219-224.

Ivanov I., Berkov S., Pavlov A. (2009) Improved HPLC method for determination of Amaryllidaceae alkaloids, Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment, 23:809-813.

Georgiev M., Pavlov A. (2009) Physiological peculiarities of Lavandura vera MM cell suspension culture in stirred tank reactor, Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment, 23:836-839.

Georgiev V., Weber J., Kneschke E.-M., Denev P., Bley Th., Pavlov A. (2010) Antioxidant activity and phenolic content of betalain extracts from intact plants and hairy root cultures of the red beetroot Beta vulgaris cv. Detroit Dark Red, Plant Food for Human Nutrition, 65:105–111.

Weber J., Georgiev V., Haas Ch., Bley Th., Pavlov A. (2010) Ploidy levels in Beta vulgaris (red beet) plant organs and in vitro systems, Engineering in Life Sciences, 10(2): 139–147.

Georgiev M., Georgiev V., Penchev P., Antonova D., Pavlov A., Ilieva M., Popov S. (2010) Volatile metabolic profiles of cell suspension cultures of Lavandula vera, Nicotiana tabacum and Helianthus annuus, cultivated under different regimes, Engineering in Life Sciences, 10(2): 148–157.

Berkov S., Pavlov A., Georgiev V., Weber J., Bley Th., Viladomat F., Bastida J., Codina C. (2010) Changes in apolar metabolites during in vitro organogenesis of Pancratium maritimum, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 48: 827-835.

Georgiev V., Ivanov I., Pavlov A. (2010) Obtaining and selection of Pancratium maritimum L. in vitro cultures with acetylcholinesterase inhibitory action, Biotechnol and Biotechnol Eq. 24: 149-153.

Dimitrova S., Pavlova K., Lukanov, L. Zagorchev P. (2010) Тhe synthesis of photoprotective compounds (β-carotene and СоenzymeQ10 ) by Antarctic yeasts in response to ultraviolet and visible radiations. Appied Biochemistry and Biothechnoogy , 162, (3), 795-804.

Poli A., Anzelmo G., Tommonaro G., Pavlova K., Casaburi A.& Nicolaus B. (2010) Production and chemical characterization of exopolysaccharides synthesized by psychrophilic yeast strain Sporobolomyces salmonicolor AL1 isolated from Livingston Island, Antarctica. Folia Microbiologica 55 (6), 576-581.

Georgiev M., Georgiev V., Penchev P., Antonova D., Pavlov A., Ilieva M. and Popov S. (2010) Volatile metabolomic profiles of cell suspension cultures of Lavandula vera, Nicotiana tabacum and Helianthus annuus, cultivated under different regimes, Engineering in Life Sciences, 10: 148-157.

Georgiev M., Ludwig-Mueller J. and Bley Th. (2010) Hairy root culture: copying nature in new bioprocesses, chapter 10, In: Medicinal Plant Biotechnology (R. Arora, Ed.), CAB International, Wallingford, United Kingdom, pp. 156-175, ISBN: 978-1-84593-678-5.

Georgiev M., Alipieva K., Pashova S., Denev P., Angelova M., Kerns G. and Bley Th. (2010) Antioxidant activity of devil’s claw cell biomass and its active constituents, Food Chemistry, 121: 967-972.

Pavlova K., Rusinova-Videva S., Kuncheva M., Kratchanova M., Gocheva M., Dimitrova S. (2011) Synthesis and characterization of an exopolysaccharide from Antarctic yeast strain Cryptococcus laurentii AL100 . Appied Biochemistry and Biothechnology 163:1038-1052.

Georgiev M., Ludwig-Mueller J., Weber J., Stancheva N. and Bley Th. (2011) Bioactive metabolites production and stress-related hormones in devil’s claw cell suspension cultures grown in bioreactors, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 89: 1683-1691.

Ivanov I., Georgiev V., Georgiev M., Ilieva M., Pavlov A. (2011) Galanthamine and related alkaloids production by Leucojum aestivum L. shoot culture using a temporary immersion technology, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 163: 268–277.
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