Литература: Доцински И, Христов И, Даскалов И

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за изпит по “Методи и средства за дефибрилация на сърцето” по научната специалност 5.5.2. “Електротехника, електроника и автоматика”
(допълнителен курс за обща базова подготовка)

  1. Инциденти свързани с внезапно спиране на сърдечната дейност. Фибрилация. Високочестотна камерна тахикардия.

  2. Кардиостимулация.

  3. Дефибрилация. Кардиоверсия. Общодостъпна дефибрилация.

  4. Развитие на дефибрилаторите.

  5. Имплантируеми дефибрилатори.

  6. Автоматични външни дефибрилатори

  7. Видове дефибрилационни импулси.

  8. Бифазни дефибрилационни импулси.

  9. Накъсани бифазни дефибрилационни импулси.

  10. Измерване и компенсация на междуелектродното (пациентно) съпротивление.

  11. Носими автоматични външни дефибрилатори Проблеми при възстановяване на електрокардиографския усилвател след смущения на входа му: дефибрилация, стимулация, артефакти.

  12. Автоматично разпознаване на фибрилация.

  13. Анализ на сърдечните ритми по време на сърдечен масаж.


  1. Доцински И, Христов И, Даскалов И (1995): ‘Регистриране на електрокардиограми при пациенти с пейсмейкъри и при дефибрилация’, Четвърта научно-приложна конференция с международно участие "Електронна техника '95", Созопол, 27-29, 183-188.

  2. Alferness C, Ideker RE (1990): ‘The influence of shock waveforms on defibrillation efficacy’, IEEE Eng Med Biol, 9, 25-27.

  3. Al Hatib F, Trandafilova E, Daskalov I (2000): ‘Transthoracic electrical impedance during external defibrillation: comparison of measured and modeled waveforms’, Physiol Meas, 21, 145-153.

  4. Cansell A, Daskalov I (1999): ‘Impulses or a Series of Impulses and Device to generate them’, US Patent, 6, 493, 580, Priority date FR 1999 Jan 27.

  5. Cansell A, Daskalov I (2003): ‘Defibrillation signal, method and device for adjusting defibrillation energy relative to patient’s transthoracic resistance’, Pub No WO 03/055557A1, 10.07.2003.

  6. de Gauna SR, Ruiz J, Irusta U, Aramendi E, Lazkono A, Guttierez JJ (2005): ‘CPR artefact removal from VF signals by means of an adaptive Kalman filter using the chest compression frequency as reference signal’, Computers in Cardiology, 32, 175-178.

  7. Dotsinsky I, Neycheva T (2002): ‘Fast ECG amplifier recovery after defibrillation shock’, 11-th International Scientific and Applied Science Conference “ELECTRONICS - ET’2002”, Sozopol, 59-64.

  8. Eilevstjonn J, Eftestol T, Aase SO, Myklebust H, Husoy JH, Steen PA (2004): ‘Feasibility of shock advice analysis during CPR through removal of CPR artefacts from the human ECG’, Resuscitation, 61, 31-41.

  9. Geddes LA, Havel W (2000): ‘Evolution of the optimum bi-directional (±biphasic) wave for defibrillation’, Biomed Instr Technol, 34, 39-54.

  10. Havel WJ, Bourland JD, Geddes LA, Tacker WA (2001): ‘Controlled-power defibrillator and method of defibrillation’, International patent Pub No WO/2001/026732, Publication date 19.04.2001.

  11. Hinds M, Ayers GM., Bourland JD, Geddes LA, Tacker WA, Fearnot AN (1987): ‘Comparison of the Efficacy of Defibrillation with the Damped Sine and Constant-Tilt Current Waveforms in the Intact Animal’, Med Instrument, 21, Nо 2, 92-96.

  12. Huang J, KenKnight BH, Rollins DL, Smith WM, Ideker RE (2000): ‘Ventricular defibrillation with triphasic waveforms’, Circulation, 101, 1324-1328

  13. Jekova I, Krasteva V (2004): ‘Real time detection of ventricular fibrillation and tachycardia’, Physiol Meas, 25, 1167-1178  

  14. Krasteva V, Al Hhatib F, Trendafilova E, Daskalov I (2001): ‘Possibilities of predictive measurement of the transthoracic impedance in defibrillation’, Med Eng Technol, 25, 195-200.

  15. Krasteva V, Cansell A, Daskalov I (2000): ‘Modelling transthoracic defibrillaton waveforms’, Med Eng Technol, 24, 63-67л

  16. Krasteva V, Cansell A, Daskalov I (2001): ‘Transthoracic defibrillation with chopping modulated biphasic waveforms’, Med Eng Technol, 25, 163-168.

  17. Krasteva V, Iliev I, Cansell A, Daskalov I (2000): ‘Automatic adjustment of biphasic pulse duration in transthoracic defibrillation’, Med Eng Technol, 24, 210-214.

  18. Kroll MW, Brewer JE (1997): ‘Automated External Defibrillators: Design Considerations’, New Horizons, 5, No 2, 128-136.

  19. Mirowski M, Mower MM, Reid PR (1980): ’The automatic implantable defibrillator’, Am Heart J, 100, 6 Pt 2, 1089-1092.

  20. Mittal S, Ayati S, Stein KM, Knight BP, Morady F, Schwartzman D, Kavlovich D, Platia EV, Calkins H, Tchou PJ, Miller JM, Whrarton JM, Sung RJ, Slotwiner DJ, Markovitz SM, Lerman BB (1999): ‘Comparison of a novel rectilinear biphasic waveform with a damped sine wave monophasic waveform for transthoracic ventricular defibrillation’, J Am College Cardiol Foundation’, 34, 1595-1601.

  21. O’Rourke MF, Donaldson E, Geddes JS (1997): ‘An airline cardiac arrest program’, Circulation, 96, 2849-2853.

  22. Papazov S, Kostov Z, Daskalov I (2002): ‘Electrical current distribution under transthoracic and pacing electrodes’, Med Eng Technol, 26, 22-27.

  23. Shorofsky SR, Gold MR (2000): ‘Effect of second phase duration on the strength-duration relation for human transvenous defibrillation’, Circulation, 102, 2239-2242.

  24. Tacker WA (Ed) (1994): ‘Defibrillation of the heart (ICDs, AEDs and Manual)’, St Louis, Mosby-Year Book, 366 p.

  25. Troup P (1990): ‘Early development of defibrillation devices’, IEEE Eng Med Biol, 9, 19-24.

Каталог: doctorant school -> spec courses -> 4 biomed
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