Marriage and Children Bulgarian transcript

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CultureTalk Bulgaria Video Transcripts:

Marriage and Children

Bulgarian transcript:
Ади: Хората в България гледат да живеят заедно няколко години преди да направят следващата стъпка като цяло.
Дидо: Поне няколко години. Обикновено за младите хора е нормално след 27 да се женят.
Ади: Но това идва от това, че по принцип в България животът... е много трудно да се устроиш, да имаш някаква финансова стабилност и да почнеш след това да мислиш за деца. И това може би, всъщност, е основното: просто човек иска първо да си стъпи на краката, да има някакви пари, с които да отглежда децата си и да може да им осигури нормален живот.
Миряна: Да. За това определящо може би е на колко години ще завършат университет, да си намерят работа и точно кога ще натрупат някакви средства...
Ади: И тогава, и затова напоследък разни апартаменти на изплащане и подобни неща станаха много, така, известни в България, което преди не беше така, просто защото младо семейство много трудно би постигнало някаква самостоятелност.
Миряна: И все пак мисля, че в България като цяло семейството е на почит и хората са социални, и затова мисля, че все пак е важна тази институция. Затова хората се женят все още, за разлика от чужбина, където има много хора, които живеят заедно, имат деца заедно, но не са женени. Тук е важно да са женени хората; на колкото и години да е, те сключват брак, живеят заедно, може би щастливо – дано, и имат деца. Преди 30 години бих казала, преди 30 повечето хора. Но има и по-стари.
Дидо: За нас все още е прието преди 30 да се раждат децата.
Миряна: Да. Семейството преди кариерата може би.
Интервюиращ: А колко деца горе-долу в семейство? Вие, примерно, колко братя и сестри имате? Или по-често е едно дете?
Дидо: Мисля, че максимум две. Все по-често две, понякога едно, но много рядко повече.
Миряна: Аз съм сама.
Интервюиращ: Ади има сестра.
Ади: Така е, аз имам сестра, но наистина, повече от две деца много рядко... по-трудно се отглеждат като цяло.

English translation:
Adi: People in Bulgaria generally look to live together for several years before taking the next step.
Dido: At least a couple of years. It is typical for young people to get married after 27.
Adi: But that comes from the fact that living in Bulgaria… it is very difficult for one to settle down, to have some financial stability before starting to think about [having] children. Perhaps that is the main thing – people just want to get on their feet first, to have some money with which they can raise their children and provide a good life for them.
Miryana: Yes. Perhaps the decisive factor is at what age they graduate from university and find a job,and when exactly they secure some savings.
Adi: And that is why mortgage apartments and things like that have become very popular in Bulgaria, which was different in the past, [but now it is happening] because it is very difficult for a young family to reach [financial] independence.
Miryana: I think that family is generally highly respected and people are social, and that is why I think that the institution [of marriage] is still important [in Bulgaria]. That is why people are still getting married, as opposed to other countries where many people [choose to] live together and have children together without getting married.1 Here [in Bulgaria] it is important that people are married; no matter their age, they would still get married, live together – hopefully happily – and have children. I would say [that happens] before [they turn] 30, before 30 for most people. But there are older [people above 30] as well.
Dido: It is still customary [for people] to have children before 30.
Miryana: Yes. Perhaps [we put] family before career.
Interviewer: And how many children does one family typically have? For example, how many siblings do you have? Or is it just one child in most cases?
Dido: I think a maximum of two. [Having] two [children has become] more common, sometimes one, but more [than two] is very rare.
Miryana: I am an only child.
Interviewer: Adi has a sister.
Adi: That is true, I have a sister, but I agree that [having] more than two children is very rare… it is more difficult to raise them in general.

About CultureTalk: CultureTalk is produced by the Five College Center for the Study of World Languages and housed on the LangMedia Website. The project provides students of language and culture with samples of people talking about their lives in the languages they use every day. The participants in CultureTalk interviews and discussions are of many different ages and walks of life. They are free to express themselves as they wish. The ideas and opinions presented here are those of the participants. Inclusion in CultureTalk does not represent endorsement of these ideas or opinions by the Five College Center for the Study of World Languages, Five Colleges, Incorporated, or any of its member institutions: Amherst College, Hampshire College, Mount Holyoke College, Smith College and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.
© 2013 Five College Center for the Study of World Languages and Five Colleges, Incorporated

1 The Bulgarian equivalent of the expression “to get married” is “сключвам брак” which sounds a bit formal and is used for both genders, or one can use “омъжвам се” for women and “оженвам се” for men. The word that the interviewee uses here “женени” means “being married” and is used for both genders.

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