Научно- практическа конференция върху лечебните възможности на курорта Хисар при заболяванията на пикочо- отделителната система, гр. Хисар, 28- 29 11. 1975 1976

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Angelitcheva D., Gavrilov D, Savov A, Jordanova A, Kremensky I, Kalaidjieva L.
Rapid Screening Method For F 508 Carriers.
1st Balkan Meeting On Human Genetics, P 101, Thessaloniki, Greese, 31.08.-3.09. 1994


Angelitcheva D, Gavrilov D, Savov A, Jordanova A, Kremensky I, Kalaidjieva L.
Rapid Screening Method For F 508 Carriers.
European Society Of Human Genetics, 26th Annual Meeting, 321, Paris, France, 1-5.06.1994


Angelitcheva D, Gavrilov D, Savov A, Jordanova A, Kremensky I, Kalaidjieva L.
Rapid Screening Method For F 508 Carriers.
10th Balkan Biochemical Biophisical Days, H 6, Varna, Bulgaria, 22-25.05.1994


Belemezova M, Kaneva R, Nikolova A, Milanova V, Lolova T, Uzunov K, Onchev G, Kalaydjieva L, Kremensky I, Jablensky A
Two approaches for etiological study of schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorder.
1st Balkan Meeting On Human Genetics, Thessaloniki, Greece, 31 Aug.- 3 Sept. (1994):


Bogdanova N, Dragova D, Janakiev P, Kremensky I, Kalaidjieva L.
Autosomal – dominant polycistic kidney disease: linkage analysis in bulgarian patients.
10th Balkan Biochemical Biophisical Days, H 7, Varna, Bulgaria, 22-25.05.1994


Bronzova J, Todorova A, Kremensky I
Molecular techniques for diagnosis of Duchenne/Becker muscular dystrophy in Bulgaria.
Balkan Journal of Clinical Laboratory 2; 47, 1994


Bronzova J, Todorova A, Janakiev P, Kremensky I, Kalaidjieva L.
Molecular diagnostics of duchenne/becker muscular dystrophy In Bulgaria.
10th Balkan Biochemical Biophisical Days, H 8, Varna, Bulgaria, 22-25.05.1994


Bronzova J., Todorova A, Kremensky I, Kalaidjieva L.
Molecular techniques of Duchenne/Becker muscular dystrophy in Bulgaria.
Second Meeting of the Balkan Clinical Laboratory Federation, 120, Istanbul, 21-24-09-1994. BJCL, 2’94’1


Jordanova A, Moskov M, Belemesova M, Kremensky I.
Linkage Analysis In Spinal Muscular Atrophy (Sma) Disease In Bulgarian Families Using Vntr Study.
10th Balkan Biochemical Biophisical Days, H 4, Varna, Bulgaria, 22-25.05.1994


Jordanova A, Savov A, Gavrilov D, Angelicheva D, Kremensky I, Kalaidjieva L.
Computer prediction in SSCP analysis.
European Society Of Human Genetics, 26th Annual Meeting, 317, Paris, France, 1-5.06.1994


Jordanova A., Savov A, Angelicheva D, Kremensky I, Kalaidjieva L.
Computer prediction in SSCP analysis.
Second Meeting of the Balkan Clinical Laboratory Federation, 123, Istanbul, 21-24-09-1994q Balkan Journal of Clinical Laboratory, 2’94’1


Kremensky I, Asenov E, Ganev V.
Computer system for registration and management of a specialized screening laboratory.
10th National Neonatal Screening Symposium, Austin, Texas, 8-10.06.1994


Kremensky I.
Biochemical and molecular biology diagnosis and prophylaxis of inborn errors of metabolism in Bulgaria.

Second Meeting of the Balkan Clinical Laboratory Federation, 124, Istanbul, 21-24-09-1994q Balkan Journal of Clinical Laboratory, 2’94’1


Kremensky I.
Biochemical and molecular biology diagnosis and prophilaxis of inborn errors of metabolism in Bulgaria
Vi International Congress, Inborn Errors Of Metabolism, Milano, Italy, 27-31.05.1994


Paskaleva I., Stoilova D, Georgieva A, Spassova P, Kremensky I, Iliev D, Ganev V.
Immunoturbidimetric assay of apolipoprotein B in dried blood spots.
10th Balkan Biochemical Biophisical Days, H 3, Varna, Bulgaria, 22-25.05.1994


Savov A, Angelicheva D, Jordanova A, Jankova S, Vasileva A, Stoyanova V, Kremensky I, Kalaidjieva L.
SSCP analysis – a powerful method for screening of the most common mutations in the ulgarian population.
Second Meeting of the Balkan Clinical Laboratory Federation, 127, Istanbul, 21-24-09-1994q Balkan Journal of Clinical Laboratory, 2’94’1


Savov A, Angelicheva D, Jordanova A, Kremensky I, Kalaidjieva L.
Identification of eight novel mutation in the CFTR Gene in ulgarian patients.
10th Balkan Biochemical Biophisical Days, H 2, Varna, Bulgaria, 22-25.05.1994


Savov A, Angelitcheva D, Jordanova A, Kremensky I, Mercier B, Ferec C, Kalaidjieva L.
Identification of eight novel mutation in the CFTR Gene in ulgarian patients.
1st Balkan Meeting On Human Genetics, P 100, Thessaloniki, Greese, 31.08.-3.09. 1994


Stoyanova V, Serra C, Kremensky I.
A CFTR truncated protein is syntesized in T84 cells as a result of alternative splicing.
10th Balkan Biochemical Biophisical Days, H 5, Varna, Bulgaria, 22-25.05.1994


Stoyanova V, Zaharova B, Yankova S, Gavrilov D, Kremensky I, Kalaidjieva L.
Fast non – radioactive method for detection of the most common mutations in -Thalassemia patients in Bulgaria.
10th Balkan Biochemical Biophisical Days, H 9, Varna, Bulgaria, 22-25.05.1994


Божков Б, Балева М, Николов Кр, Стаевска М, Угърчински М, Стоилов И, Ганев В, Кременски И, Алексиев, Лисичков Т.
Наследствен ангиоедем – резултати от досегашните проучвания и переспективи.
Iii Национален Конгрес По Алергология, С. 111, София, 4-6. 11. 1994


Стаевска М, Алексиев Б, Кременски И, Балева М, Божков Б.
Генетични варианти на С1 естеразния инхибитор у болни с наследствен ангиоедем и здрави лица.
Iii Национален Конгрес По Алергология,П-26, С. 81, София, 4-6. 11. 1994


Angelicheva D,Yankova P, Gavrilov D, Paneva E, Savov A, Jordanova A, Nedkova, Marushiakova E, Kremensky I, Kalaidjieva L.
Investigation Of The Frequency Of Delf-508 Carriers In Bulgaria.
European Conferences, Inherited Disorders And Their Genes In Different European Populations, P 22,Spain, 11-15.11.1995


Zaharova B, Stoyanova V, Bronzova J, Xylourgidis N, Kremensky I.
Study of eight hypervariable loci in Bulgarian population.
European Conferences, Inherited Disorders And Their Genes In Different European Populations, P 54,Spain, 11-15.11.1995


Bogdanova N, Dworniczak B, Dragova D, Dimitrakov D,Todorov V, Yanakiev P, Kremensky I, Kalaydjieva L, Horst J
Refining of the genetic map of the pkd2 gene.
Fourth International Workshop On Human Chromosome 4 Mapping 1996; Bochum, Germany: 18-19.03. (1996)


Bogdanova N, Dworniczak B, Dragova D,Dimitrakov D,Todorov V, Yanakiev P, Kremensky I, Kalaydjieva L, Horst J.
Phenotype and genotype ulgarianity of DPKD in Bulgaria.
8th Annual Meeting Of The German Society Of Human Genetics, Goettingen, 06.03-09.03.1996


Bronzova J, Todorova A, Stoyanova V, Jankova S, Janakiev P, Kremensky I.
Three new polymorphic markers contribute to molecular diagnostics in ulgarian DMD/BMD families.
2nd Balkan Meeting On Human Genetics,D 40, Istanbul, Turkey, 3-6. 09. 1996


Dworniczak B., Bogdanova N, Todorov V, Kremensky I, Kalaydjieva L, Horst J.
Genetic and physical mapping of the pkd2 region on chromosome 4q23-25.
46th Annual Meeting Of The American Society Of Human Genetics, San Francisco, 29.10.-02.11.1996


Jordanova A, Savov A, Kremensky I, Kalaidjieva L.
SSCP analisis: a blind sensitivity trial and the use of computer conformation models.
2nd Balkan Meeting On Human Genetics,D 44, Istanbul, Turkey, 3-6. 09. 1996


Jordanova A, Simeonova I, Stoyanova V, Kremensky I.
Analysis of the SMN gene in ulgarian families with spinal muscular atrophies.
2nd Balkan Meeting On Human Genetics,D 41, Istanbul, Turkey, 3-6. 09. 1996


Kremensky I, Michaylova E, Ivanova M, Brenzova J, Stoyanova V.
Prophylaxis of inherited diseases in Bulgaria.
2nd Balkan Meeting Of Human Genetics, 3-6 Sept., 1996,Istambul, Turkey


Kremensky I., Bronzova J, Michaylova E, Brankova M, Dimitrova V, Ivanova M, Stoyanova V.
Prenatal DNA diagnosis of monogenic disorders by molecular genetics techniques in Bulgaria.
PECO-EUCROMIC, Cesko – Slovenska PEDIATRIE, p 568 Congress, P8.6, p 107, Prague, 4-7. 09. 1996


Kremensky I., Michaylova E, Ivanova M, Bronzova J, Stoyanova V.
Prophilaxis of inherited disease in Bulgaria.
PECO-EUCROMIC Congress, P 9.2, p 121, Prague, 4-7. 09. 1996, Cesko – Slovenska PEDIATRIE, p 583


Kremensky I., Michaylova E, Ivanova M, Bronzova J, Stoyanova V.
Prophylaxis of inherited disease in Bulgaria.
2nd Balkan Meeting On Human Genetics,D 49, Istanbul, Turkey, 3-6. 09. 1996


Michaylova E, Kremensky I, Ivanova M.
Inborn errors of metabolism in Bulgaria.
11th Workshop “Inborn Errors Of Metabolism”, 30th – 31th May, 1996, Stara Lesna, Kosice - Oral Presentation


Savov A, Hallmayer J, Chandler D, Nikolova A, Angelitcheva D, Janakiev P, Thomas P, Nedkova I, Kremensky I, Kalaidjieva L.
Novel autosomal recesive demyelinating neuropathy in endogamous gypsies maps to chromosome 8q 24.
2nd Balkan Meeting On Human Genetics,D 45, Istanbul, Turkey, 3-6. 09. 1996


Savov A, Jordanova A, Angelitcheva D, Yankova P, Kremensky I, Kalaidjieva L.
Molecular basis of cystoc fibrosis in Bulgaria.
2nd Balkan Meeting On Human Genetics,D 43, Istanbul, Turkey, 3-6. 09. 1996


Zaharova-Jankova B, Stoyanova V, Kremensky I.
Ferquency profiles of three ampfl’s among the Bulgarians.
2nd Balkan Meeting On Human Genetics,D 48, Istanbul, Turkey, 3-6. 09. 1996

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