Професионална Автобиография

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професионална Автобиография


Веска Стефанова Ганчева

(име, презиме, фамилия)

Служебен адрес:

1000 София, бул. „Климент Охридски“ №8

Технически университет – София

Факултет Компютърни системи и управление

Катедра Програмиране и компютърни технологии







Образование (учебно заведение, специалност, година на завършване):

Технически Университет – София, Магистър инженер компютърни системи, 1997

Технически Университет – София, Магистър инженер електроснабдяване и ебектрообзавеждане на промишлеността, 1992

Научни степени (организация, степен/звание, година на придобиване):

Докторант на тема: „Методи и средства за повишаване надеждността на програмни системи”

Научно направление:

02.21.04 Компютърни системи

Заемани длъжности (през последните 5 години – организация, длъжност, година на заемане-година на напускане):

ТУ – София, асистент, катедра „Програмиране и компютърни технологии“, 2001-2003.

ТУ – София, старши асистент, катедра „Програмиране и компютърни технологии“, 2003-2006.

ТУ – София, главен асистент, катедра „Програмиране и компютърни технологии“, 2006 до сега.

Области на професионален интерес (ключови думи):

обектно-ориентирано програмиране, програмни езици, .NET технологии, бази данни, сигурност на програмни системи, софтуерно инженерство, компютърни науки

Езици (равнище на владеене 15):









Основни публикации (през последните 10 години):

  1. Vassilev N., Peicheva Tz., Gancheva V., Program for choice of standard lighting parameters of street lighting installations. Proceedings of the XI National Conference on Lighting. 2001.

  2. Georgieva J., Gancheva V., Testing of Object-Oriented Software, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies CompSysTech’2002.

  3. Georgieva J., Gancheva V., Functional Testing of Object-Oriented Software. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies CompSysTech’2003.

  4. Georgieva J., Gancheva V., An Approach to Data Validation in Web Applications, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference COMPUTER SCIENCE 2004.

  5. Gancheva V., Software Testing in Different Software Development Lifecycle Models, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference COMPUTER SCIENCE 2004.

  6. Georgieva J., Gancheva V., Techniques in Creating Secure Web Applications, Proceedings of the 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CHALLENGES IN HIGHER EDUCATION AND RESEARCH IN THE 21st CENTURY, 2005.

  7. Gancheva V., Problems and Approaches to Security Testing CGI Scripts, Proceedings of the 19th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Systems for Automation of Engineering and Research, SAER`2005.

  8. Georgieva J., Gancheva V., Architecture Supporting Web Application Testing, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference COMPUTER SCIENCE’05, Greece, 2005.

  9. Gancheva V., Input Validation and Testing Web Application, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference COMPUTER SCIENCE’05, Greece, 2005.

  10. Gancheva V., Secure Program Systems Using .NET Framework, Proceedings of the 4rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CHALLENGES IN HIGHER EDUCATION AND RESEARCH IN THE 21st CENTURY, 2006.

  11. Georgieva J., Gancheva V., Zamov, A., .NET Framework’s Security Concerns and C# .NET Programming, Proceeding of the International Scientific Conference COMPUTER SCIENCE’06, Turkey, 2006.

  12. Gancheva V., Ilinov H., An Approach to Management Web Server, Proceeding of the International Scientific Conference COMPUTER SCIENCE’06, Turkey, 2006.

  13. Georgieva, J., Gancheva, V., Web Based Application Testing Model, “E+E”, 1-2/2007, p. 41 – 47.

  14. Gancheva, V., Shishedjiev, B., Georgieva, J., Security of Data in Web Applications, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Challenges in Higher Education and Research in the 21st Century, 2007.

  15. Gancheva, V., Shishedjiev, B., Georgieva, J., Mladenov, V., Web Service for Data Validation in Web Applications, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Challenges in Higher Education and Research in the 21st Century, 2007.

  16. Gancheva, V., Georgieva, J., Data Validation System Design for Web Applications, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technologies (InfoTech-2007), 2007.

  17. Gancheva, V., Data Validation in Web Applications, Computer Еngineering, Vol. 1, No. 1/2007.

  18. Gancheva, V., Method for Input Data Validation in Web Based Applications, Proceeding of Technical University of Sofia, 2007.

  19. Gancheva, V., Georgieva, J., Security in the Semantic Web, Proceedings of the 6dst INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CHALLENGES IN HIGHER EDUCATION AND RESEARCH IN THE 21st CENTURY, 2008.

  20. Nakov, O., Gotseva, D., Gancheva, V., Advanced Languages and Evolution of Languages, Proceedings of the 6dst INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CHALLENGES IN HIGHER EDUCATION AND RESEARCH IN THE 21st CENTURY, 2008.

  21. Georgieva J., Gancheva V., Technologies Used in Integrate Applications on the Semantic Web, Proceeding of the International Scientific Conference COMPUTER SCIENCE’08, Greece, 2008.

  22. Gancheva, V., Georgieva, J., Implementation of an Approach to Data Validation in Web Applications, Proceeding of the International Scientific Conference COMPUTER SCIENCE’08, Greece, 2008.

  23. Gotseva, D., Gancheva, V., Investigation of the Performance of SQL Query in Database Proceeding of the International Scientific Conference COMPUTER SCIENCE’08, Greece, 2008.

Научни разработки (през последните 10 години):

  1. Проблеми на интерактивното обучение по програмиране, НИС, Договор № 211-9НК/2002.

  2. Изследване на проблемите за сигурността на входящата в програмните системи информация, Договор № 350-9/2003.

  3. Средства и методи за повишаване надеждността на програмните системи, Договор № 583ПД-9/2005.

  4. Средства за повишаване на сигурността на програмни системи с използване на възможностите, предоставени от .NET среда, Договор 576НИ-9/2006.

  5. Разработка на средства за повишаване сигурността на Web приложенията, НИС, Проект №79НИ–9/2007.

6. Изследване на Semantic Web като средство за създаване на адаптивни Web приложения, Договор № 08083 ни-9/2008.

CUrriculum Vitae


Veska Stefanova Gancheva

(Family Name, First Name, Middle Name)

Office Address:

Technical University of Sofia

Faculty of Computer Systems and Control

Dept. of Programming and Computer Technologies

8, St. Kl. Ohridski blvd., 1000 Sofia




+359 2 965 2192



Education (University/High School, Faculty/Department, Course, Year of Graduation):

Technical University of Sofia, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, „Electric Power Supply and Industrial Electrical Equipment “, 1992

Technical University of Sofia, Faculty of Computer Systems and Control, „Computer systems and technologies“, 1997

Honours/Titles/Qualifications (Organization, Title, Year of Award):

PhD Student “Tools and Methods for Increasing the Security of Program Systems”, Technical University of Sofia

Scientific Field:

02.21.04 Computer Systems

Previous Experience (During the Last 5 Years – Organization, Position, Title, Dates):

Technical University of Sofia, Assist. Prof., 2001- present

Major Fields of Scientific Research (Keywords):

object-oriented programming, programming languages, .NET technologies, database, program systems security, software engineering, computer science

Foreign Languages (Level of Proficiency 15):









Principal Publications (During the Last 10 Years):

  1. Vassilev N., Peicheva Tz., Gancheva V., Program for choice of standard lighting parameters of street lighting installations. Proceedings of the XI National Conference on Lighting. 2001.

  2. Georgieva J., Gancheva V., Testing of Object-Oriented Software, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies CompSysTech’2002.

  3. Georgieva J., Gancheva V., Functional Testing of Object-Oriented Software. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies CompSysTech’2003.

  4. Georgieva J., Gancheva V., An Approach to Data Validation in Web Applications, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference COMPUTER SCIENCE 2004.

  5. Gancheva V., Software Testing in Different Software Development Lifecycle Models, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference COMPUTER SCIENCE 2004.

  6. Georgieva J., Gancheva V., Techniques in Creating Secure Web Applications, Proceedings of the 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CHALLENGES IN HIGHER EDUCATION AND RESEARCH IN THE 21st CENTURY, 2005.

  7. Gancheva V., Problems and Approaches to Security Testing CGI Scripts, Proceedings of the 19th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Systems for Automation of Engineering and Research, SAER`2005.

  8. Georgieva J., Gancheva V., Architecture Supporting Web Application Testing, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference COMPUTER SCIENCE’05, Greece, 2005.

  9. Gancheva V., Input Validation and Testing Web Application, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference COMPUTER SCIENCE’05, Greece, 2005.

  10. Gancheva V., Secure Program Systems Using .NET Framework, Proceedings of the 4rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CHALLENGES IN HIGHER EDUCATION AND RESEARCH IN THE 21st CENTURY, 2006.

  11. Georgieva J., Gancheva V., Zamov, A., .NET Framework’s Security Concerns and C# .NET Programming, Proceeding of the International Scientific Conference COMPUTER SCIENCE’06, Turkey, 2006.

  12. Gancheva V., Ilinov H., An Approach to Management Web Server, Proceeding of the International Scientific Conference COMPUTER SCIENCE’06, Turkey, 2006.

  13. Georgieva, J., Gancheva, V., Web Based Application Testing Model, “E+E”, 1-2/2007, p. 41 – 47.

  14. Gancheva, V., Shishedjiev, B., Georgieva, J., Security of Data in Web Applications, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Challenges in Higher Education and Research in the 21st Century, 2007.

  15. Gancheva, V., Shishedjiev, B., Georgieva, J., Mladenov, V., Web Service for Data Validation in Web Applications, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Challenges in Higher Education and Research in the 21st Century, 2007.

  16. Gancheva, V., Georgieva, J., Data Validation System Design for Web Applications, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technologies (InfoTech-2007), 2007.

  17. Gancheva, V., Data Validation in Web Applications, Computer Еngineering, Vol. 1, No. 1/2007.

  18. Gancheva, V., Method for Input Data Validation in Web Based Applications, Proceeding of Technical University of Sofia, 2007.

  19. Gancheva, V., Georgieva, J., Security in the Semantic Web, Proceedings of the 6dst INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CHALLENGES IN HIGHER EDUCATION AND RESEARCH IN THE 21st CENTURY, 2008.

  20. Nakov, O., Gotseva, D., Gancheva, V., Advanced Languages and Evolution of Languages, Proceedings of the 6dst INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CHALLENGES IN HIGHER EDUCATION AND RESEARCH IN THE 21st CENTURY, 2008.

  21. Georgieva J., Gancheva V., Technologies Used in Integrate Applications on the Semantic Web, Proceeding of the International Scientific Conference COMPUTER SCIENCE’08, Greece, 2008.

  22. Gancheva, V., Georgieva, J., Implementation of an Approach to Data Validation in Web Applications, Proceeding of the International Scientific Conference COMPUTER SCIENCE’08, Greece, 2008.

  23. Gotseva, D., Gancheva, V., Investigation of the Performance of SQL Query in Database Proceeding of the International Scientific Conference COMPUTER SCIENCE’08, Greece, 2008.

Scientific Researches (During the Last 10 Years):

  1. Problems of Interactive Training in Computing, SRC, Project № 211-9НК/2002, Project Leader: M. Goranova.

  2. Security Problems of the Input Program Systems’ Information, SRC, Project № 350-9/2003, Project Leader: J. Georgieva.

  3. Tools and Methods for Increasing the Security of Program Systems, Project № 583PD-9/2005, Project Leader: J. Georgieva.

  4. Means for Increasing the Security of Program Systems, Using .NET Environment, Project 576NI-9/2006, SRC, Project Leader: J. Georgieva.

  5. Development of Web Application Security Enhancement Tools, SRC, Project №79NI–9/2007, Project Leader: B. Shishedjiev.

6.Semantic Web Investigation as a Mean for Creating Adaptive Web Applications, Project № 08083 NI-9/2008, Project Leader: J. Georgieva.

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