Програма по бъл­ГА­РС­ки език за специалности


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Кон­курс­ният из­пит по ан­глий­ски език се про­веж­да в рам­ки­те на изу­ча­ва­ния в сред­но­то об­що­об­ра­зо­ва­тел­но учи­ли­ще лек­си­ко-гра­ма­ти­чен ма­те­ри­ал, раз­ши­рен до ак­тив­но­то вла­де­е­не на ези­ко­ви уме­ния на ни­во Ad­van­ced. Из­пи­тът се съ­стои от дик­тов­ка, те­сто­ва част и пис­ме­но за­да­ние.

Дик­тов­ка­та е от ху­до­же­ствен текст и има за цел да про­ве­ри до­кол­ко кан­ди­датът пра­вил­но въз­прие­ма ан­глий­ска­та реч и вла­дее ос­но­ви­те на ан­глий­ския пра­во­пис.

Те­сто­ва­та част се съ­стои от след­ни­те ком­по­нен­ти:

1. Re­a­ding Com­prehen­sion: нех­удо­же­ствен текст с об­ем око­ло 800 ду­ми, със за­да­де­ни 10 сми­сло­ви въ­про­са и от­го­во­ри в мно­го­из­бо­рен ва­ри­ант – A, B, C, D.

2. Vo­ca­bu­la­ry Test: нех­удо­же­ствен текст с 15 праз­ни по­зи­ции и пред­ло­жен мно­го­из­бо­рен ва­ри­ант – A, B, C, D.

3. Gram­mar Test: 15 от­дел­ни из­ре­че­ния с пред­ло­жен мно­го­из­бо­рен ва­ри­ант на изо­ли­ра­ни гра­ма­тич­ни еле­мен­ти – A, B, C, D.

4. Pa­raphrase: 10 от­дел­ни из­ре­че­ния с пред­ло­жен мно­го­из­бо­рен ва­ри­ант на пе­ри­фра­за – A, B, C, D.

Пис­ме­но­то за­да­ние разработване на аргументативно съчинение (изразяване на мнение) по зададен въпрос. Към заданието е включен къс нех­удо­же­ствен текст за ориентация по темата, който не трябва да се копира или цитира (изцяло или частично). Препоръчителният обем на съчинението е 200–220 ду­ми.

Кан­ди­дат-сту­ден­ти­те тряб­ва да се овла­де­ли прак­ти­че­ски след­ния гра­ма­ти­че­ски ма­те­ри­ал:

1. Член: Опре­де­ли­те­лен и нео­пре­де­ли­те­лен. Ос­нов­на упо­тре­ба. Чле­ну­ва­не при соб­стве­ни име­на, гео­граф­ски наз­ва­ния, аб­стракт­ни съ­ще­стви­тел­ни.

2. Съ­ще­стви­тел­ни име­на: фор­ми, об­ра­зу­ва­не и упо­тре­ба.

3. Ме­стои­ме­ния: лич­ни, по­ка­за­тел­ни, въ­про­си­тел­ни, при­те­жа­тел­ни, нео­пре­де­ли­тел­ни, въз­врат­ни, от­но­си­тел­ни.

4. При­ла­га­тел­ни име­на: об­ра­зу­ва­не, сте­пе­ну­ва­не и упо­тре­ба.

5. На­ре­чия: ви­до­ве на­ре­чия. Об­ра­зу­ва­не, сте­пе­ну­ва­не и упо­тре­ба.

6. Пред­ло­зи и упо­тре­ба­та им.

7. Чи­сли­тел­ни: брой­ни и ред­ни.

8. Гла­гол, ви­до­ве гла­го­ли: пре­ход­ни, не­пре­ход­ни; гла­гол­ни връ­зки; спо­ма­га­тел­ни (be, do, ha­ve, мо­дал­ни гла­го­ли), без­лич­на и въз­врат­на упо­тре­ба.

9. Ос­нов­ни фор­ми на гла­го­ли­те: пра­вил­ни и не­пра­вил­ни гла­го­ли.

10. Не­лич­ни гла­гол­ни фор­ми (ин­фи­ни­тив, ге­рун­дий, при­ча­стия).

11. Гла­гол­ни вре­ме­на: про­сти, продъл­жи­тел­ни, пер­фект­ни фор­ми и упо­тре­ба.

12. Стра­да­те­лен за­лог на гла­гол­ни­те вре­ме­на.

13. Съ­гла­су­ва­не на вре­ме­на­та. Пря­ка и не­пря­ка реч.

14. Сло­во­ред и струк­ту­ра на про­сто­то из­ре­че­ние. Мя­сто­то на пря­ко­то и не­пря­ко­то до­пъл­не­ние, на об­стоя­тел­стве­ни­те по­ясне­ния за на­чин, мя­сто и вре­ме.

15. Сло­во­ред и струк­ту­ра на слож­но­то из­ре­че­ние. Слож­ни съ­став­ни и съ­чи­не­ни из­ре­че­ния. Глав­ни и под­чи­не­ни из­ре­че­ния. Свър­зва­щи и въ­веж­да­щи еле­мен­ти.

16. Въ­про­си­тел­ни из­ре­че­ния.

17. Услов­ни из­ре­че­ния.

18. Ем­фа­тич­ни струк­ту­ри.




He was not at all afraid of dying but he was angry at being trapped on this hill which was only utilizable as a place to die. If we could have gotten clear, he thought. If we could have made them come up the long valley or if we could have broken loose across the road it would have been all right. If he had known how many men in history have had to use a hill to die on it would not have cheered him any for, in the moment he was passing through, men are not impressed by what has happened to other men in similar circumstances any more than a widow of one day is helped by the knowledge that other loved husbands have died. Whether one has fear of it or not, one's death is difficult to accept. Sordo had accepted it but there was no sweetness in its acceptance even at fifty-two, with three wounds and him surrounded on a hill.
He joked about it to himself but he looked at the sky and at the far mountains and he swallowed the wine and he did not want it. If one must die, he thought, and clearly one must, I can die. But I hate it.
Dying was nothing and he had no picture of it nor fear of it in his mind, but living was a field of grain blowing in the wind on the side of a hill. Living was a hawk in the sky.

E. Hemingway, For Whom the Bell Tolls



10 questions, 45 min
Instructions: Read the extract carefully and then answer the ten questions below. Select the right option (A, B, C, D) basing your choice only on the text. On your answer sheet, fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.
Leonardo da Vinci's works of art made him world-famous. But there was far more to this great man of ideas than just the Mona Lisa's pretty face.

Leonardo is often thought of primarily as an artist, and with masterpieces such as The Last Supper and the Mona Lisa to his credit, his place in art history is assured. Yet his notebooks, filled with his strange spidery writing, show that his main interests lay elsewhere - in engineering and technology.

The notebooks are full of drawings and designs for all kinds of inventions - from calculating machines to tanks, from parachutes to helicopters. If his pioneering work on anatomy is also taken into consideration, it is not hard to see why Leonardo is considered to be one of the greatest geniuses of all time.

Born in 1452 to a Florentine lawyer and a local village girl, Leonardo was given only a rudimentary education. After ten years in the workshop of the artist Verrocchio, he set up as a freelance artist. Some of the work he did still survives, and reveals a stunning combination of technical skills with very careful observation. It also reveals an emerging fascination with technology, with technical drawings of equipment of all kinds. Leonardo was particularly fascinated by the technology of warfare. At this time, Florence was at war with the Pope, and Leonardo realised that this was an opportunity to make some serious money with his new inventions for better guns and other military equipment. However, the war ended before anything could come of his plans and he returned to his painting.

But Leonardo had had enough of life in Florence, especially the intellectual elite whom he blamed for his relative lack of employment. He began to feel he would be more appreciated elsewhere. At the age of thirty, he left his home town and eventually moved to Milan, where he spent seventeen years under the patronage of Ludovico Sforza, the Duke of Milan. Here he continued to combine his scientific and technological work with his painting, which was increasingly influenced by his interest in the mathematics of perspective and proportion. During this period, he painted The Last Supper and developed his ideas for chemical weapons and flame-throwers.

1. Leonardo da Vinci is world famous for

A. being a great man of ideas.

B. painting only Mona Lisa’s pretty face.

C. painting his only masterpiece - The Last Supper.

D. his works of art.

2. Judging from his notebooks, Leonardo da Vinci was mainly interested in

A. drawing his pictures.

B. writing in a spidery manner.

C. technology and engineering.

D. everything that was connected with Florence.

3. Leonardo da Vinci is considered to be

A. one of the greatest anatomists of all time.

B. one of the greatest geniuses in his time.

C. the only great genius of all time.

D. one of the many great geniuses of all time.

4. The education Leonardo was given was

A. provided by Florentine lawyers and village workers.

B. elementary.

C. financed by freelance artists.

D. intended to make him capable of working in shops.

5. Leonardo da Vinci was fascinated by the technology of warfare because

A. he realised that he could make a lot of money by inventing weapons.

B. he hated the Pope.

C. he was a warmonger.

D. Verrocchio trained him as a military specialist.

6. One of the reasons Leonardo da Vinci moved away from Florence was because

A. he thought he had lived long enough in Florence to appreciate it.

B. the intellectual elite in Florence was unemployed.

C. he felt that his relatives were to be blamed for his being out of work.

D. he thought that other people might appreciate him better.

7. Leonardo left his home town of Florence

A. in 1482.

B. in 1465.

C. immediately before he moved to Milan.

D. seventeen years after he became 30 years old.

8. Ludovico Sforza was

A. the closest friend of Leonardo’s.

B. Leonardo’s patron.

C. the man who made Leonardo work for the Duke of Milan.

D. the man who employed Leonardo to manufacture cartridges.

9. When did Leonardo become interested in the mathematics of perspective and proportion?

A. While he was moving to Milan.

B. Before he moved to Milan.

C. After he painted The Last Supper.

D. While he was working in Milan.

10. When did Leonardo paint The Last Supper?

A. At the age of twenty.

B. While he worked for Ludovico Sforza.

C. When he moved out of Milan.

D. At the age of seventeen.



Instructions: Choose the option (A, B, C, D) that is closest to the meaning of the original sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.
1. Nobody could say Susan was pretty. In fact she was homely.

A. Not only was Susan not pretty, she was homely.

B. Not only Susan was not pretty, she was homely.

C. Susan was neither pretty nor homely.

D. Susan wasn’t as pretty as she was homely.

2. Everybody in the office expected that Miss Parker would be promoted next month.

A. Miss Parker is expected to be promoted next month.

B. Miss Parker was expected to be promoted next month.

C. Miss Parker is expected to have been promoted next month.

D. Miss Parker was expected to have been promoted next month.

3. Adam immersed himself in work. He wanted to have no time to think.

A. Adam immersed himself in work so that not to have time to think.

B. Adam immersed himself in work so that he could have no time to think.

C. Adam immersed himself in work in order he had no time to think.

D. Adam immersed himself in work so he needn’t time to think.

4. William was a human, but he had the instinct of a weasel.

A. If William was an animal, he would be a weasel.

B. If William had been an animal, he would be a weasel.

C. If William had been an animal, he would have been a weasel.

D. If William was an animal, he would have been a weasel.

5. Jacob recovered from his illness. His mother took him to Israel.

A. Having recovered from his illness, Jacob’s mother took him to Israel.

B. After recovering from his illness, Jacob’s mother took him to Israel.

C. After Jacob has recovered from his illness, his mother took him to Israel.

D. Having recovered from his illness, Jacob was taken to Israel.

6. Jason was terribly nervous about the operation. He forced himself to smile at his mother.

A. Although being terribly nervous about his operation, Jason forced himself to smile at his mother.

B. Despite having been terribly nervous about the operation, Jason forced himself to smile at his mother.

C. In spite of being terribly nervous about the operation, Jason forced himself to smile at his mother.

D. Despite that he was terribly nervous about the operation, Jason forced himself to smile at his mother.

7. The students’ grades were rather poor last term. The situation hasn’t changed much this term either.

A. The students’ grades are as poor as last term.

B. The students’ grades are as poor as they were last term.

C. The students’ grades are the same as last term.

D. The students’ grades are so poor as they were last term.

8. The manager complained about Nick’s outrageous behaviour.

A. It was Nick’s outrageous behaviour that the manager complained about.

B. It was Nick’s outrageous behaviour which the manager complained about.

C. Nick’s outrageous behaviour was that the manager complained about.

D. Nick’s outrageous behaviour was which the manager complained about.

9. We bought a new DVD player at Walmart yesterday. It doesn’t work.

A. The new DVD player, which we bought at Walmart yesterday, doesn’t work.

B. The new DVD player, that we bought at Walmart yesterday, doesn’t work.

C. The new DVD player which we bought at Walmart yesterday doesn’t work.

D. The new DVD player, we bought at Walmart yesterday doesn’t work.

10. “We might go to see Earl Brady this afternoon – if you are rested,” he said.

A. He said we might have gone to see Earl Brady that afternoon if I was rested.

B. He said we might go to see Earl Brady that afternoon if I was rested.

C. He said we might go to see Earl Brady this afternoon if I am rested.

D. He said we might have gone to see Earl Brady that afternoon if I am rested.


Instructions: Choose the correct option (A, B, C, D) that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.
1. Evidently feeling that the subject ________ , he looked in turn to the others.

A. had been thoroughly changed B. has thoroughly been changed

C. was thoroughly changed D. thoroughly was changed

2. She could feel her skin ________ a little in the heat.

A. to be broiling B. to broil

C. broiling D. broils

3. Rosemary felt that the picture ________ in her memory at the mention of swimming.

A. would always be popping up B. would always pop up

C. used to pop up D. used to be popping up

4. She realized that the man in the jockey cap ________ a performance for his group.

A. has been giving B. was giving

C. has given D. gave

5. Because of her a man was going to be executed. She ________ the case in the first place.

A. must never have taken B. would never have taken

C. should never have taken D. needn’t have taken

6. The courtroom was a stage where she matched wits ________ the best that the opposition could offer.

A. with B. to

C. at D. against

7. “Mr. Stela, are you aware that the testimony you ________ today in this courtroom is self-incriminating?”

A. have given B. had given

C. have been given D. must have given

8. “How many people would you have killed if you ________ human life?”

A. don’t value B. hasn’t valued

C. couldn’t have valued D. didn’t value

9. “Objection! The District Attorney ________ to lead the witness!”

A. have been attempting B. is attempting

C. was attempting D. had been attempting

10. “I got pneumonia making pictures last January and since then I ________ .

A. have been recuperating B. have been recuperated

C. was recuperating D. recuperated

11. She wanted to run up to the jurors before they ________ their verdict.

A. give B. would have given

C. could have given D. could give

12. ________ tennis is a game played within certain rigid rules.

A. The B.

C. A D. Some

13. I’d rather Tom ________ of the new construction site.

A. take care B. would take care

C. were taking care D. took care

14. The man ________ on the phone was judge Reynolds.

A. who I spoke B. with whom I spoke

C. whom I spoke D. which I spoke with

15. ________ the impassive scrutiny of strange faces, she took off her bathrobe and followed.

A. After feeling B. Having been feeling

C. Because feeling D. Feeling


Instructions: Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C, D) best fits each gap. Then, on your answer sheet, fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.


What is a dream? Some dreams (1) ________ totally trivial, like the idle wanderings of a brain off-duty, and it is not (2) ________ that skeptics say they are best forgotten. But other dreams cannot be so easily dismissed. These are the very frightening ones we wish we could (3) ________ as "only dreams"; as parents urge their children to do with nightmares, but often their impression is so strong that the (4) ________ continues to haunt us for years. There are other dreams of such beauty and joy that we would not have (5) ________ them, and still others so vivid that we wonder whether they could be visions of another (6) ________ or glimpses into some previous life. A few actually predict the future. Is there anything they all have (7) ________ ?

Although science is still a long way from having any comprehensive (8) ________ of dreams, one finding that has emerged from modern research is that the majority of dreams seem in some way to (9) ________ things that have preoccupied our minds during the previous day or two. Sometimes this is easy to see, but it is equally true even of those fantastic dreams that seem worlds away from our ordinary life and thoughts, like being (10) ________ down the street by a tiger or conversing with a dead person. Dreams express themselves in a special kind of picture (11) ________ . Once this language is understood, it can be seen that the tiger symbolized someone or something we found frightening the day or so before the dream, while the (12) ________ person appeared perhaps in order to remind us of an idea he or she gave us many years ago, which has immediate relevance to our present life. Dreams reflect not only actual happenings, but also a whole host of thoughts and feelings that passed us by during the day because we were too (13) ________ or unwilling to catch them. In fact, the dreaming mind may be compared to a (14) ________ director, picking up things from waking life that need more attention than we have given them and reflecting on them in depth by composing stories. In these stories, cartoon-style pictures and all kinds of other devices are used to express what we are feeling deep down inside about ourselves, other people, and the quality of our lives generally. And this alone, even if we went no further, would be an excellent reason for not merely brushing dreams aside, for is there any (15) ________ being whose life would not be improved by a little additional reflection?
1. A. appearing B. seam C. seem D. appeared

2. A. wandering B. surprised C. wondering D. surprising

3. A. pass on B. pass off C. pass beside D. pass into

4. A. reminder B. memorial C. memory D. memorandum

5. A. lost B. mist C. missed D. fled

6. A. world B. Earth C. ground D. nature

7. A. in routine B. in total C. in global D. in common

8. A. sympathy B. understanding C. compassion D. understatement

9. A. reflect B. shine C. polish D. deflect

10. A. rushed B. run C. chased D. jogged

11. A. tongue B. vision C. sight D. language

12. A. dead B. deathly C. extinct D. sleepy

13. A. busy B. dizzy C. brassy D. bossy

14. A. filmy B. moving C. movie D. movable

15. A. humiliating B. human C. humanising D. humorous
40 minutes
Instructions: Read the text. Answer the question in bold expressing your own opinion. Limit your answer to 250 words.

The Challenge of Exploration

In the summer of 1275, Marco Polo reached Shangtu, China. It was the end of a gruelling three-year journey. During the journey, Marco Polo came close to losing his life more than a few times. Yet he persisted and finally succeeded in reaching his goal: the kingdom of Kublai Khan.

On August 3, 1492, Christopher Columbus left Europe to explore the unknown reaches of the Atlantic Ocean. Believing the earth to be flat, many feared that Columbus would fall off the edge of the world. Yet Columbus persevered. He did not reach his goal, Asia. Instead, he opened up a vast new world, the Americas.

Every explorer needs a vision, a goal.

What drives explorers to leave the security of the known world and face the dangers of the unknown?
Ме­то­ди­че­ски ука­за­ния

За ус­пеш­но­то по­ла­га­не на кан­ди­дат­сту­дент­ския из­пит се пре­по­ръч­ват след­ни­те фор­ми на под­го­тов­ка:

1. За дик­тов­ка­та е необхо­ди­мо да се пра­вят си­стем­ни упраж­не­ния с оглед на раз­ви­ва­не­то на уме­ние­то за пис­ме­но въз­про­из­веж­да­не на слу­хо­во въз­прие­та реч. Умест­ни са и вся­как­ви упраж­не­ния за си­гур­но овла­дя­ва­не на ан­глий­ския пра­во­пис.

2. За те­сто­ва­та част е необхо­ди­ма под­го­тов­ка вър­ху учеб­но съ­дър­жа­ние на ни­во Ad­van­ced.

3. За пис­ме­но­то за­да­ние е пре­по­ръ­чи­тел­но да се пра­вят упраж­не­ния с че­те­не на текст и пи­са­не на ко­мен­тар вър­ху не­го в ука­за­ния об­ем.


За под­го­тов­ка­та на кан­ди­дат-сту­ден­ти­те мо­же да се из­пол­зва след­на­та ли­те­ра­ту­ра (ос­вен учеб­ни­ци­те по ан­глий­ски език за гим­на­зиа­лен курс):

1. Грън­ча­ров, М. Wri­te and Tran­sla­te. Плов­див: Нан­си, 2000.

2. Le­ech, Ge­of­frey. An A-Z of En­glish Gram­mar and Usa­ge. Long­man.

3. Murphy, Ra­y­mond. En­glish Gram­mar in Use In­ter­me­di­a­te to Up­per-In­ter­me­di­a­te/ with CD-ROM. Cam­brid­ge Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 2003.

4. Swan, Micha­el. Prac­ti­cal En­glish Usa­ge. Ox­ford Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 2005.

5. McCar­ty, Micha­el. Fe­li­ci­ty O’Dell En­glish Vo­ca­bu­la­ry in Use (Up­per-In­ter­me­di­a­te). Cam­brid­ge Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 2003.

6. McCar­ty, Micha­el. Fe­li­ci­ty O’Dell En­glish Vo­ca­bu­la­ry in Use (Ad­van­ced). Cam­brid­ge Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 2003.

7. Yu­le, Ge­or­ge, Ox­ford Prac­ti­cal Gram­mar (Ad­van­ced). Ox­ford Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 2006.

8. Plov­div Uni­ver­si­ty – 5 Ad­mis­sion Tests in En­glish – Bo­ok 1 and Bo­ok 2. Con­text Pu­blishers, 2008

Пре­по­ръч­ва се съ­що че­те­не на ори­ги­нал­на ху­до­же­стве­на и нех­удо­же­стве­на ан­глий­ска и аме­ри­кан­ска ли­те­ра­ту­ра пре­дим­но от XX и XXI век.

Това е скала – повтаря се, има го в другия файл, а и противоречи червеното…

Оцен­ка­та от по­ло­жен дър­жав­ен зре­ло­стен из­пит по ан­глий­ски език се при­рав­ня­ва към при­ем­ния из­пит, ка­то се ум­но­жи с ко­е­фи­ци­ент 0.8. Ня­ма да се прие­мат оцен­ки от ма­ту­ра 3.60 и по-ни­ски.

За­бе­леж­ка: За спе­циал­но­сти­те, изис­ква­щи прие­мен из­пит по ан­глий­ски език, се приз­на­ват ка­то оцен­ка от из­пит след­ни­те из­пи­ти или сер­ти­фи­ка­ти: по­ло­жен ва­ли­ден (към датата на кандидатстудентския изпит през юли) из­пит TO­EFL, ка­то точ­ки­те се при­рав­ня­ват към при­ем­ния из­пит съ­глас­но представената по-долу та­бли­ца.

Прием за специалностите с английски език към Филологически Факултет ще се извършва:

1. С приемен изпит по английски език;

2. С положен държавен зрелостен изпит по Английски език (оценката се приравнява към приемния изпит, като се умножи с коефициент 0.8. Няма да се приемат оценки от матура 3.60 и по-ниски.

3. С положен валиден (към датата на кандидатстудентския изпит през юли) изпит TOEFL (IBT), като точките се приравняват към приемния изпит съгласно със следната таблица:





































































4. С по­ло­жен ва­ли­ден из­пит Cam­brid­ge, как­то след­ва:

n Pro­fi­ci­en­cy: A – 6.00, B – 6.00, C – 5.80

n Ad­van­ced: A – 6.00, B – 5.60, C – 5.30

n First Cer­ti­fi­ca­te: A – 5.00, B – 4.50, C – 4.00

5. С по­ло­жен ва­ли­ден (към да­та­та на кан­ди­да­тс­ту­де­н­тския из­пит през юли) из­пит IELTS, ка­то ре­зул­та­ти­те се при­рав­ня­ват към при­ем­ния изпит по следната схема:

9 – 6.00

8.5 – 5.70

8 – 5.40

7.5 – 5.10

7 – 4.80

6.5 – 4.50

6 – 4.20

5.5 – 3.90

5 – 3.60

4.5 – 3.30

4 – 3.00

6. С положен валиден изпит Pearson (London) Test of English, както следва;

n Level 5: A – 6.00, B – 5.80, C – 5.60

n Level 4: A – 6.00, B – 5.50, C – 5.00

За­бе­леж­ка: Ре­зул­та­ти­те от из­пи­ти­те TO­EFL и IELTS след­ва да бъ­дат по­лу­че­ни от Плов­див­ския уни­вер­си­тет, Фи­ло­ло­ги­че­ски фа­ку­лтет, ка­те­дра „Ан­глий­ска фи­ло­ло­гия”, по офи­циа­лен ин­сти­ту­цио­на­лен път. Кан­ди­да­ти­те с из­пи­ти Cam­brid­ge и Pearson (London) Test of English при по­да­ва­не на до­ку­мен­ти тряб­ва да пред­ста­вят ори­ги­на­лен до­ку­мент и да при­ло­жат фо­то­ко­пие.

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