Publications in scientific editions1/ Публикации в научни издания2 1979

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  1. Anonym. [Z. Boev]. 1996. The Bulgarian Ornithological Society is finally established. - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 6: 82.

  2. Boev, Z. 1996. [Notes on fossil birds from] Bulgaria. - Information Letter, Society of Avian Paleontology and Evolution. Lyon, 10: 5.

  3. Boev, Z. 1996. Gamefowl in Bulgaria over the last 8,000 years. - In: Botev, N. (Sen. ed.) Procedings of the Internat. Union of Game Biologists. XXII Congress "The Game and the Man", Sofia, Bulgaria, September 4-8, 1995. Pensoft Publ., Sofia - Moscow - St. Petersburg, 398-401.

  4. Boev, Z. 1996. Raptors and Owls (Aves: Falconiformes et Strigiformes) in the Archaeological Record of Bulgaria. - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 6: 83-92.

  5. Boev, Z. 1996. Tertiary Avian Localities of Bulgaria. - In: Mlikovsky, J. (ed.) Tertiary avian localities of Europe. Acta universitatis Carolinae Geologica. Univerzita Karlova. Praha, 39 (1995): 541-545.

  6. Boev, Z. 1996. The Holocene avifauna of Bulgaria (A review of the ornitho-archaeological studies). - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 6: 59-81.


  1. Boev, Z. 1997. 75 years of the birth of Nikolay Boev - the founder of the modern nature conservation in Bulgaria. - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 8: 9-22. / Боев, З. 1997. 75 години от рождението на Николай Боев - основоположник на съвременната природозащита в България. - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 8: 9-22.

  2. Boev, Z. 1997. Species composition and the evolution rates of birds (Aves): a review of modern concepts. - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 8: 137-146. / Боев, З. 1997. Видов състав и темпове в еволюцията на птиците (Aves): преглед на съвременните схващания. - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 8: 137-146.

  3. Boev, Z. 1997. On some ornithofaunistical and ornithogeographical peculiarities of Bulgaria. - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 8: 147-154. / Боев, З. 1997. Върху някои орнитофаунистични и орнитогеографски особености на България. - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 8: 147-154.

  4. Boev, Z. 1997. From the Bibliography of Nikolay Boev. - Historia naturalis bulgarica 8: 23-34. / Боев, З. 1997. Из библиографията на Николай Боев. - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 8: 23-34.

  5. Boev, Z. 1997. Prof. Dr. Nikolay Yosifovich Burchak-Abramovich (26.09.1900 - 15.10.1997). - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 8: 126. / Боев, З. 1997. Проф. д-р Николай Йосифович Бурчак-Абрамович (26.09.1900 - 15.10.1997). - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 8: 126.

  6. Boev, Z. 1997. The birds of the Roman settlement of Arbanas - 1 near Pernik - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 7: 28. / Боев, З. 1997. Птиците от римското селище Арбанас - 1 край гр. Перник. - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 7: 28.

  7. Panovska-Assenova, Chr. L. Assenov, B. Bechev, Z. Boev 1997. Results from the Census of the White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) in the Former District of Lovech in 1994-1995. - In: Petrov, Ts. (ed.). The White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) in Bulgaria. Nature Conservation Series. 2. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds. Plovdiv. Pygmalion Publishing House. 75-79. / Пановска-Асенова, Х., Л. Асенов, Б. Бечев, З. Боев. 1997. Резултати от преброяването на белия щъркел (Ciconia ciconia) в бившия Ловешки окръг през 1994-1995 година. - В: Петров, Ц. (отг. ред.) Белият щъркел (Ciconia ciconia) в България. Природозащитна поредица, кн. 2, БДЗП, Пловдив, "Пигмалион", 75-79.

  8. Ribarov, G. Z. Boev 1997. Bone remains of the wild and domestic animals from the Telish-Redutite prehistoric settlement near the Telish village (Pleven district). - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 7: 61-70. / Рибаров, Г., З. Боев. 1997. Костни останки от диви и домашни животни от праисторическото селище "Телиш-Редутите" при с. Телиш (Плевенско). - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 7: 61-70.

  9. Bernard-Laurent, A., Z. Boev. 1997. Alecrotis graeca Rock Partridge. - In: - Hagemeijer, W. J. M., M. J. Blair (eds.). The EBCC Atlas of European Breeding Birds. Their Distribution and Abundance. T & A D Poyser, London: 207.

  10. Boev, Z. 1997. [Notes on fossil birds from] Bulgaria. - Information Letter, Society of Avian Paleontology and Evolution. Lyon, 11: 2-3.

  11. Boev, Z. 1997. An attempt for an ornithofaunistical and ornithogeographical characterization of Bulgaria. - In: Biodiversity and Ecological Problems of Balkan Fauna. Sofia, 26-29.05.1997. Abstracts. Institute of Zoology - BAS, Sofia: 55.

  12. Boev, Z. 1997. Chauvireria balcanica gen. n., sp. n. (Phasianidae - Galliformes) from the Middle Villafranchian of Western Bulgaria. - Geologica Balcanica, 27 (3-4): 69-78.

  13. Boev, Z. 1997. Development and recent achievements of Bulgarian ornithoarchaeology. – 3rd Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists. Ravenna, Italy, 24.-28.09.1997. [Abstracts].

  14. Boev, Z. 1997. Falconry in Bulgaria - History and Significance. - In: 7th Scientific Session of Biological Falculty, St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, May 1997, Sofia, Programme and summaries, 38. / Боев, З. 1997. Соколарството в България - история и значение. - В: 7 Научна сесия на Биологическия факултет, Софийски университет "Св. Климент Охридски", май 1997, София. Програма и резюмета, 39.

  15. Boev, Z. 1997. Ornithoarchaeology in Bulgaria: development and results. - Archaeologia bulgarica, Sofia. I (2): 71-80.

  16. Boev, Z. 1997. Stuart Baker's collection of birds in the National Museum of Natural History (Sofia). - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 7: 5-12.

  17. Boev, Z. 1997. The Alagoas (Eastern-Brazil Razor-Billed) Curassow - Mitu mitu (L.) - a World rarity in the collection of the National Museum of Natural History, Sofia (Aves: Galliformes: Cracidae). - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 7: 105-108.

  18. Boev, Z. 1997. The Black Grouse, Tetrao tetrix (L., 1758) (Tetraonidae, Aves), a disappeared species in Bulgaria (Paleolithic and Neolithic records). - Anthropozoologica, 25-26: 643-646.

  19. Boev, Z. 1997. Wild Galliform and Gruiform Birds (Aves, Galliformes and Gruiformes) in the Archaeological Record of Bulgaria. - Osteoarchaeology, London, 7: 430-439.


  1. Boev, Z. 1998. [Notes on fossil birds from] Bulgaria. - Society of Avian Paleontology and Evolution. Information Letter, Lyon, 12: 4-5.

  2. Boev, Z. 1998. A range fluctuation of Alpine swift (Apus melba (L., 1758)) (Apodidae - Aves) in Nothern Balkan Peninsula in the Riss-Wurm interglacial. - Biogeographia, Nuova Serie, Siena, 19 - 1997: 213-218.

  3. Boev, Z. 1998. Actitis balcanica sp. n. - a Late Pliocene Sandpiper (Aves: Scolopacidae) from Bulgaria. - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 9: 71-77.

  4. Boev, Z. 1998. First fossil record of the Snowy Owl Nyctea scandiaca (Linnaeus, 1758) (Aves: Strigidae) from Bulgaria. - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 9: 79-86.

  5. Boev, Z. 1998. Fossil birds of Dorkovo - an Early Pliocene site in the Rhodope Mts. (Southern Bulgaria). - Geologica Balcanica, 28 (1-2): 53-60.

  6. Boev, Z. 1998. Late Pleistocene to Holocene Avifauna of Bulgaria: Diversity and Impoverishment. - In: Second Internat. Congr. on the Biodiversity, Ecology and Conservation of the Balkan Fauna BIOECCO 2. Information, Programme, Plenary Lectures, Abstracts. 16-20.09.1998, Ohrid: 94-95.

  7. Boev, Z. 1998. Late Pliocene Hawfinches (Coccothraustes Brisson, 1760) (Aves: Fringillidae) from Bulgaria. - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 9: 87-99.

  8. Boev, Z. 1998. Peafowls (g. Pavo Linnaeus, 1758) and Ptarmigans (g. Lagopus Brisson, 1760): an unique coexistance in North Bulgaria over 3 m. y. ago. - Biogeographia, Nuova Serie, Siena, 19 - 1997: 219-222.

  9. Boev, Z. 1998. Presence of Bald Ibises (Geronticus Wagler, 1832) (Threskiornithidae - Aves) in the Late Pliocene of Bulgaria. - Geologica Balcanica, 28 (1-2): 45-52.

  10. Boev, Z. 1998. Sur la presеnce de la bernache a cou roux Branta ruficollis (Pallas, 1769) au wurm en Bulgarie. - Branta, 3: 18-19.

  11. Boev, Z. 1998. The Paleolithic Avifauna of Bulgaria. - ICAZ Bird Working Group Meeting. University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada, 19-22.08.1998. Final Program and Abstracts: 12-13.

  12. Boev, Z., E. Karaivanova 1998. Fulica atra pontica subsp. n. from the Middle Holocene on the South Black Sea Coast, Bulgaria. - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 9: 53-69.

  13. Boev, Z., D. Kovachev. 1998. Buteo spassovi sp. n. - a Late Miocene Buzzard (Accipitridae, Aves) from SW Bulgaria. - Geologica Balcanica, 29 (1-2): 125-129.

  14. Simeonov, S., B. Milchev, Z. Boev. 1998. Study of the Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo (L.)) (Aves: Strigiformes) in the Strandzha mountain (Southeast Bulgaria). II. Food spectrum and trophic specialization. - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 50 (2/3): 87-100.


  1. Boev, Z. 1999. 60th anniversary of the birthday of Tanyu Michev - an ornithologist, nature conservationist and photographer. - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 10: 116. / Боев, З. 1999. 60 години от рождението на Таню Мичев - орнитолог, природозащитник, фотограф. - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 10: 116.

  2. Boev, Z. 1999. Neogene and Quaternary birds (Aves) from Bulgaria. Synopsis of the D. Sci. thesis. National Museum of Natural History. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Sofia, 1-67. / Боев, З. 1999. Неогенски и кватернерни птици (Aves) от България. – Национален природонаучен музей, БАН. С., Автореф. на дис. за пол. на н. ст. “доктор на на науките”. 1-68.

  3. Boev, Z. 1999. Distribution of the Little Bustard (Tetrax tetrax /Linnaeus, 1758/) and Great Bustard (Otis tarda Linnaeus, 1758) (Aves: Otididae Gray, 1845) in Bulgaria during the Late Pleistocene and the Holocene. - VIII Scientific Session of Biological Faculty St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, 27-28.05.1999, Sofia. Programme and Summaries: 45. / Боев, З. 1999. Разпространение на стрепета (Tetrax tetrax /Linnaeus, 1758/) и дроплата (Otis tarda Linnaeus, 1758) (Aves: Otididae Gray, 1845) в България през късния плейстоцен и холоцена. - VIII Научна сесия на Биологическия факултет, Софийски Университет “Св. Климент Охридски”, 27.-28.05.1999, София. Програма и резюмета: 44.

  4. Boev, Z. 1999. [Notes on fossil birds from] Bulgaria. - Information Letter, Society of Avian Paleontology and Evolution. Lyon, 13: 3-5.

  5. Boev, Z. 1999. Earliest finds of crossbills (genus Loxia) (Aves: Fringillidae) from Varshets (NW Bulgaria). - Geologica balcanica, 29 (3-4): 51-57.

  6. Boev, Z. 1999. Falco bakalovi sp. n. - a Late Pliocene falcon (Falconidae, Aves) from Varshets (W Bulgaria). - Geologica Balcanica, 29 (1-2): 131-135.

  7. Boev, Z. 1999. Gallinula balcanica sp. n. (Rallidae: Gruiformes) - a middle villafranchian moorhen from Western Bulgaria. - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 51 (1): 43-48.

  8. Boev, Z. 1999. Late Pleistocene Avifauna of the Razhishkata Cave (W Bulgaria). - 14th International Symposium of Biospeleology, Makarska, Croatia, 19-26.09.1999. [Abstracts].

  9. Boev, Z. 1999. Late Pliocene Bustards (Aves: Otitidae) from Western Bulgaria. - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 10: 97-108.

  10. Boev, Z. 1999. On the presence of Tetrao partium (Kretzoi, 1962) (Tetraonidae - Galliformes) in the Late Pliocene of Bulgaria. - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 10: 85-96.

  11. Boev, Z. 1999. Regulus bulgaricus sp. n. - the first fossil Kinglet (Aves: Sylviidae) from the Late Pliocene of Varshets (W Bulgaria). - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 10: 109-115.

  12. Boev, Z. 1999. The Late Pleistocene avifauna of Cave No 16 (NW Bulgaria) and its palaeoecological implication. - 8th Internat. Congr. on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions, Kavala, 17-21.05.1999. 8th ICZEGAR Abstracts. Hellenic Zoological Society, 21-22.


  1. Boev, Z. 2000. 70-th anniversary of Dr. Nikolay Iliev - a veterinarian, local lore researcher and archaeozoologist. - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 11:160. / Боев, З. 2000. 70 години от рождението на д-р Николай Илиев - ветеринар, краевед, археозоолог. – Historia naturalis bulgarica, 11: 160.

  2. Boev, Z. 2000. Palaeornithology and archaeornithology. - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 12: 157-166. / Боев, З. 2000. Палеоорнитологията и археоорнитологията като направления в палеозоологията. - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 12: 157-166.

  3. Boev, Z. 2000. [Current investigations on fossil birds of] Bulgaria. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. 178 (Spring 200). Supplement to Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 20 (I): 80-81.

  4. Boev, Z. 2000. A Lower Miocene gull (Larinae gen. indet.) (Laridae Vigors, 1825 - Charadriiformes Huxley, 1867) from Hrabarsko (W Bulgaria). - Geologica Balcanica, 30 (1-2): 25-31.

  5. Boev, Z. 2000. Additional Material of Geronticus balcanicus Boev, 1998, and Precision of the Age of the Type Locality. - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 52 (2): 53-58.

  6. Boev, Z. 2000. Cygnus verae sp. n. (Anseriformes: Anatidae) from the Early Pliocene of Sofia (Bulgaria). - Acta zoologica cracovienzia, Krakow, 43 (1-2): 185-192.

  7. Boev, Z. 2000. Early Pleistocene and Early Holocene avifauna of the Cherdzhenitsa Cave, Northwestern Bulgaria. - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 11: 107-116.

  8. Boev, Z. 2000. Late Pleistocene and Holocene avian finds from the vicinity of the Lakatnik r/w Station (W Bulgaria). - Environment and Cultural Heritage in the Karst Areas. 1st National Conference, 10-12.11.2000, Sofia. Summaries: 11.

  9. Boev, Z. 2000. Late Pleistocene birds from the Kozarnika Cave (Montana District; NW Bulgaria). - Environment and Cultural Heritage in the Karst Areas. 1st National Conference, 10-12.11.2000, Sofia. Summaries: 11.

  10. Boev, Z. 2000. Late Pleistocene and Holocene avifauna from three caves in the vicinity of Tran (Pernik District - W Bulgaria). - Environment and Cultural Heritage in the Karst Areas. 1st National Conference, 10-12.11.2000, Sofia. Summaries: 12.

  11. Boev, Z. 2000. Late Pleistocene Avifauna of the Razhishkata Cave, Western Bulgaria. - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 12: 71-87.

  12. Boev, Z. 2000. Neogene avifaunas of Bulgaria. - Vertebrata PalAsiatica, Beijing, 38 – Suppl.: 2-3.

  13. Boev, Z. 2000. The Presence of Apus baranensis Janossy, 1977, (Aves: Apodidae) in the Late Pliocene of Bulgaria. - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 52 (2): 43-52.

  14. Boev, Z., G. Koufos. 2000. Presence of Pavo bravardi (Gervais, 1849) (Aves, Phasianidae) in the Ruscinian locality of Megalo Emvolon, Macedonia, Greece. - Geologica Balcanica, 30 (1-2): 69-74.


  1. Spassov, N., N. Iliev, Z. Boev, 2001. Animal remains from the Eneolithic site near the village of Dolnoslav, Plovdiv District, South Bulgaria. - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 13: 159-179. / Спасов, Н., Н. Илиев, З. Боев 2001. Животинските останки от енеолитния археологически обект край с. Долнослав, Пловдивска област. - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 13: 159-179.

  2. Boev, Z. 2001 Early Pliocene avifauna of Muselievo (C Northern Bulgaria) - Acta zoologica cracoviensia, 44 (1): 37-52.

  3. Boev, Z. 2001. [Current investigations on fossil birds of] Bulgaria. - Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. News Bulletin. 181 (Fall 2001): 18-20. Supplement to Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.

  4. Boev, Z. 2001. [Notes on fossil birds from] Bulgaria. – Newsletter. Society of Avian Paleontology and Evolution, Frankfurt am Main, 15: 3-4.

  5. Boev, Z. 2001. Birds over the mammoth’s head in Bulgaria. – In: Cavaretta, G., P. Gioia, M. Mussi, M. R. Palombo. The World of Elephants. Proceedings of the 1st International Congress. Roma, 16-20.10.2001: 180-186.

  6. Boev, Z. 2001. Late Pleistocene and Holocene avian finds from the vicinity of the Lakatnik r/w Station (W Bulgaria). – In: Delchev, P., St. Shanov, Al. Benderev (Eds.). Karst. Vol. I. Proceedings of the First National Conference on Environment and Cultural Heritage in Karst. Sofia, 10.-11.11.2000. Earth and Man National Museum. Association of Environment and Cultural Heritage in Karst. Sofia, 107-112.

  7. Boev, Z. 2001. Late Pleistocene and Holocene avifauna from three caves in the vicinity of Tran (Pernik District - W Bulgaria). – In: Delchev, P., St. Shanov, Al. Benderev (Eds.). Karst. Vol. I. Proceedings of the First National Conference on Environment and Cultural Heritage in Karst. Sofia, 10.-11.11.2000. Earth and Man National Museum. Association of Environment and Cultural Heritage in Karst. Sofia, 98-106.

  8. Boev, Z. 2001. Late Pleistocene birds from the Kozarnika Cave (Montana District; NW Bulgaria). – In: Delchev, P., St. Shanov, Al. Benderev (Eds.). Karst. Vol. I. Proceedings of the First National Conference on Environment and Cultural Heritage in Karst. Sofia, 10.-11.11.2000. Earth and Man National Museum. Association of Environment and Cultural Heritage in Karst. Sofia, 113-128.

  9. Boev, Z. 2001. Tetraonidae Vigors, 1825 (Galliformes - Aves) in the Neogene-Quaternary record of Bulgaria and the origin and evolution of the family. – International Counsil for Archaeozoology. Bird Working Group. IV Meeting, Krakow, Poland, 11.-15.09.2001. (Abstracts): 13.

  10. Boev, Z. 2001. The Ornithological Collection of Dr. Emil Werner in the National Museum of Natural History in Sofia. – In: Bird Collections in Europe: The Challenge of Mutual Cooperation. 2nd European Symposium 09-12.11.2001, Bonn & Bad Honnef. Programme, Abstracts, Participants: 9.

  11. Boev, Z. 2001. The Ornithological Collections of the National Museum of Natural History of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences: their History and Scientific Value. – In: Bird Collections in Europe: The Challenge of Mutual Cooperation. 2nd European Symposium 09-12.11.2001, Bonn & Bad Honnef. Programme, Abstracts, Participants: 8.


  1. Boev, Z. 2002. The International Project “Fauna Europaea” and the participation of Bulgaria in it. – Historia naturalis bulgarica, 15: 54. / Боев, З. 2002. Международният проект “Fauna Europaea” и участието на България в него. – Historia naturalis bulgarica, 15: 54.

  2. Boev, Z., 2002. A book on the European Buntings. - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 14: 116. / Боев, З., 2002. Книга за европейските овесарки. - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 14: 116.

  3. Boev, Z. 2002. A useful book on the birds of the Vitosha Mountain. - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 14: 72. / Боев, З. 2002. Полезна книга за птиците на Витоша планина. - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 14: 72.

  4. Boev, Z. 2002. Der bulgarische Ornithologe Doz. Dr. Stefan Dontschev 70 Jahre alt. – Ornithologische Mitteilungen. 54 (10): 358-359.

  5. Boev, Z. 2002. Fossil record and disappearance of peafowl (Pavo Linnaeus) from the Balkan Peninsula and Europe (Aves: Phasianidae). – Historia naturalis bulgarica, 14: 109-115.

  6. Boev, Z. 2002. Tetraonidae Vigors, 1825 (Galliformes - Aves) in the Neogene-Quaternary record of Bulgaria and the origin and evolution of the family. – In: Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of the ICAZ Bird Working Group, Krakow, Poland, 11-15.09.2001. Acta zoologica cracoviensia, 45 (special issue): 263-282.

  7. Boev, Z., 2002. Neogene avifauna of Bulgaria. - In: Zhou, Z., Zhang, F. (eds.). Proceedings of the 5th Symposium of the Society of Avian Palaeontology and Evolution, Beijing, 01-04.06.2000. Science Press, Beijing, 29-40.


  1. Boev, Z. 2003. Distribution of the Little Bustard (Tetrax tetrax /Linnaeus, 1758/) and the Great Bustard (Otis tarda Linnaeus, 1758) (Aves: Otididae Gray, 1845) in Bulgaria during the Late Pleistocene and the Holocene. – Annual of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ochridski”, Faculty of Biol., Book 1 – Zoology, T. 93-94 (2003): 41-47.

  2. [Boev, Z.] 2003. Member News and Notes [Bulgaria]. – International Council for Archaeozoology. Newsletter, 4 (2): 6.

  3. Boev, Z. 2003. Specimens of extinct and threatened birds in the collections of the National Museum of Natural History in Sofia, Bulgaria. – In: Collar, N., C. Fisher, Ch. Feare (Eds.). Why Museums Mater; Avian Archives in Age of Extinction. British Ornithologists’ Club. 123A – Suppl. 2003: 234-245.

  4. Boev, Z. 2003. The collection of fossil birds of the National Museum of Natural History in Sofia: composition, development and scientific value. – dead BUT alive. 3rd European Conference on Bird Collections. National Museum of Natural History – Naturalis, Leiden, The Netherlands, 10.-12.10.2003. [Programme and Summaries]: 33.

  5. Boev, Z. 2003. The Ornithological Collection of Emil Werner in the National Museum of Natural History of Sofia. – In: Rheinwald, G. (ed.) Bonner zoologische Beiträge, 51 (2/3) (2002). Spec. issue: Bird Collection in Europe: 193-195.

  6. Boev, Z. 2003. The Ornithological Collections of the National Museum of Natural History of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences: their History and Scientific Value. – In: Rheinwald, G. (ed.) Bonner zoologische Beiträge, 51 (2/3) (2002). Spec. issue: Bird Collection in Europe: 157-163.

  7. Milchev, B., Z. Boev, Ts. Toteva 2003. Diet composition of the Long-eared Owl (Asio otus) during the autumn-winter period in the Northern Park of Sofia. – Annual of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ochridski”, Faculty of Biol., Book 1 – Zoology, T. 93-94 (2003): 49-56.

  8. Boev, Z. 2003. [Notes on fossil birds from] Bulgaria. – Newsletter. Society of Avian Paleontology and Evolution, Frankfurt am Main, 17: 3-4.


  1. Boev, Z. 2004. [Notes on fossil birds from] Bulgaria. – Newsletter. Society of Avian Paleontology and Evolution, Frankfurt am Main, 18: 3.

  2. Boev, Z. 2004. Middle and Late Holocene birds from the Eastern Upper Thracian Plane (S Bulgaria). - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 16: 123-132. / Боев, З., 2004. Средно- и къснохолоценски птици от находища в източната част на Горнотракийската низина (Южна България). – Historia naturalis bulgarica, 16: 123-132.

  3. Livezey, B., Z. Boev, Z. Bochenski, P. Ballman, G. Dyke, 2004. Comments on the proposed conservation of ussage of the specific name Palaeortyx phasianoides Milne-Edwards, 1869 (Aves, Galliformes) by the designation of a neotype. Case 3266. – Bulletin of Zoological Numenclature, 61 (1), 31 March 2004: 47.

  4. Marin, S., I. Ivanov, D. Georgiev, Z. Boev 2004. On the Food of the Imperial Eagle Aquila heliaca on Sakar Mountain and Dervent Heights, Bulgaria. – In: Chancellor, R. D., B.-U. Meyburg (eds.). Raptors Worlwide WWGBP/MME: 589-592.

  5. Miltschev, B., Z. Boev, V. Georgiev, 2004. Die Nahrung der Schleiereule (Tyto alba) in Südost-Bulgarien. – Egretta, 47/1: 66-77.

  6. Boev, Z. 2004. Second book on Owls. - Historia naturalis bulgarica, 16: 58. / Боев, З. 2004. Втора книга за совите. – Historia naturalis bulgarica, 16:58.


  1. Boev, Z. 2005. [Notes on fossil birds from] Bulgaria. – Newsletter. Society of Avian Paleontology and Evolution, Frankfurt am Main, 19: 5.

  2. Boev, Z. 2005. Fossil birds in the National Museum of Natural History, Sofia: composition, development and scientific value. – Zoologische Mededelingen, Leiden 79-3 (4): 35-44.

  3. Boev, Z. 2005. News and Notes [from Bulgaria]. – International Council for Archaeozoology Newsletter, 6 (2): 3.

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files -> Автобиография професор Атанас Дерменджиев
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files -> Иформация за публикациите (2000–2010 г.) На доц. Д-р алберт бенбасат монографии, учебници, студии и др
files -> Конкурс за редовен асистент по "Персийска литература и култура" в су "Св. Климент Охридски", където постъпва на работа в Центъра за източни езици и култури към Факултета по класически и нови филологии
files -> Богомил николов
files -> Биография На член кореспондент проф д-р Владимир Атанасов Овчаров Адрес: Катедра по анатомия и хистология, Медицински факултет, Медицински
files -> Сп и с ъ к на публикациите на проф дин Казимир Попконстантинов награди
files -> Книга за учителя на първа група в детската градина : Ч. 1 / Под ред на Елка Петрова. София : Нар просв., 1984 Ч. Надежда Витанова и др.; Под ред на Елка Петрова
files -> Д ф н донка петканова I. Книги Дамаскините в българската литература

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