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на научните трудове на доц. д-р Виолина ангелова Ризова

за периода 2007-12 г.

Общ брой

В български издания

В български списания с импакт фактор и в чужди издания

В материали от конференции

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В чужбина





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Устни доклади


Устни доклади







  1. L. Dospatliev, P. Zaprjanova, V. Angelova, K. Ivanov and G. Bekjarov, A comparative study of the methods for preparation of soil samples for determination of K, Na, Ca and Mg, Ecology 2007, Scientific articles, 221-228, (2007).

  2. V. Angelova, R. Ivanova, J. Todorov and K. Ivanov, Lead, cadmium, zinc and copper bioavailability in the soil - plant - animal system in a polluted area, Biogeochemistry of trace elements: Environmental protection, remediation and human health, Editors: Yongguan Znu, Nicholas Lepp and Ravi Naidu, Tsinghua University Press, Bei Jing, China, 580 -581, (2007)

  3. L. Dospatliev, P. Zaprjanova, V. Angelova and K. Ivanov, Comparison of digestion methods for AAS determination of total iron, manganese, copper and zinc in tobacco leaves, Ecology 2008, Scientific articles, 531-541, (2008).

  4. V. Angelova and K. Ivanov, Possibilities for phytoremediation of soils contaminated with heavy metals through triticale growing. Journal of Balkan Ecology, 11 (3), 251- 260, (2008).

  5. V. Angelova, R. Ivanova, G. Tododrov and K. Ivanov, Heavy metal uptake by rape. Communication in soil science and plant analysis, 39, 3&4, 344-358, (2008).

  6. V. Angelova and K. Ivanov, Bio-accumulation and distribution of heavy metals in black mustard (Brassica nigra Koch), Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 448-459, (2008).

  7. K. Ivanov, V. Angelova and S. Krustev, Effect of phosphorous, organic and sapropel amendments on Lead, Zinc and Cadmium uptake by triticale from industrially polluted soils”. Contaminated soils, sediments and water. Volume 13, 253-265,  Edited by Paul T. Kostecki, Edward Calabrese, James Dragun, ISBN-10: 0-9787640-2-1 ISBN-13: 978-0-9787640-2-1, 2008.

  8. V. Angelova, T. Babrikov and K. Ivanov, Bioaccumulation and distribution of lead, zinc and cadmium in crops of Solanaceae family. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 40: 1–15, (2009).

  9. P. Zaprjanova, L. Dospatliev, V. Angelova and K. Ivanov, Correlation between soil characteristics and lead and cadmium content in the aboveground biomass of Virginia tobacco, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 1573-2959, (2009).

  10. V. Angelova, R. Ivanova, V. Delibaltova and K. Ivanov, Heavy metals uptake by Setaria italica Var. maxima Alet. Journal of Balkan Ecology,12, 2, 183-191, (2009).

  11. V. Angelova, R. Ivanova, J. Todorov and K. Ivanov, Lead, Cadmium, Zinc, and Copper Bioavailability in the Soil-Plant-Animal System in a Polluted Area, The Scientific World JOURNAL, 10, 273–285, (2010).

  12. P. Zaprjanova, V. Angelova and K. Ivanov, Correlation between soil characteristics and copper and zinc content in the aboveground biomass of Virginia tobacco, Journal of International Scientific Publications, Ecology and Safety, Vol.4, Part.2, 180-187, (2010).

  13. V. Angelova, R. Ivanova, G. Pevicharova and K. Ivanov, Effect of organic amendments on heavy metal uptake by potato plant, Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of Soil Science, Brisbane, Australia, (2010).

  14. P. Zaprjanova, K. Ivanov, V. Angelova and L. Dospatliev, Relation between soil characteristics and heavy metal content in Virginia tobacco, Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of Soil Science, Brisbane, Australia, (2010).

  15. K. Ivanov, P. Zaprjanova, V. Angelova, G. Bekjarov and L. Dospatliev, ICP determination of phosphorous in soils and plants, Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of Soil Science, Brisbane, Australia, (2010).

  16. V. Angelova, R. Ivanova and K. Ivanov, The effect of organic amendments on uptake of heavy metals in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Agricultural University – Plovdiv, Scientific Works, Jubilee Scientific Conference with International Participation. Tradition and Challenges of Agricultural Education, Science and Business, vol. LV, book 2, 387-392, (2010).

  17. V. Angelova, R. Ivanova, V. Delibaltova and K. Ivanov. Use of sorghum crops for in situ phytoremediation of polluted soils Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, Volume 5, Number 12, (2011).

  18. V. Angelova, R. Ivanova and K. Ivanov, The Effect Of Organic Amendments On Uptake Of Heavy Metals In Rye (Secale Cereale), Proceedings International Conference 100 years Bulgarian Soil Science, 16- 20 May, Sofia, (2011).

  19. В. Ангелова, М. Перифанова – Немска, Г. Узунова, Р. Иванова, Ж. Тодоров, К. Иванов, В. Иванова, Усвояване на Pb, Cu, Zn и Cd от рапица, отглеждана върху замърсени с тежки метали почви. Научна конференция с международно учстие “Хранителна наука, техника и технологии - 2011”, 14-15 Октомври 2011, Пловдив (2011).

  20. В. Ангелова, В. Попова, К. ИвановлУсвояване на Pb, Cu, Zn и Cd от ориенталски тютюн от сорт Крумовград 90. Научна конференция с международно учстие “Хранителна наука, техника и технологии - 2011”, 14-15 Октомври 2011, Пловдив (2011).

  21. V. Angelova, M. Petkova, K. Ivanov and P.Zaprjanova, Effects of Organic Soil Amendments on Soil Physical and Chemical Properties, Proceeding 6th Symposium on recycling technologies and sustainable development, Soko Banja, Srbija, September 18 - 21, (2011).

  22. V. Angelova, R. Ivanova, J. Todorov, K. Ivanov, M. Perifanova-Nemska, G. Uzunovа, and V. Ivanova, The effect of organic amendments on uptake on heavy metals in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.), Proceeding 6th Symposium on recycling technologies and sustainable development, Soko Banja, Srbija, September 18 - 21, (2011).

  23. M. Petkova, K. Ivanov, P. Zaprjanova and V. Angelova, Evaluation of aqua regia digestion method for determination of total phosphorus in soils. Proceeding 6th Symposium on recycling technologies and sustainable development, Soko Banja, Srbija, September 18 - 21, (2011).

  24. V. Angelova, R. Ivanova, J. Tododrov, K. Ivanov, The effect of organic amendments on uptake of heavy metals in maize (Zea mays l.). Proceedings 5th European Bioremediation conference, Chania, Creete, 4-7 July, (2011).

  25. V. Angelova, R. Ivanova, K. Ivanov, M. Perifanova- Nemska and G. Uzunova, Potential of sunflower (Hellanthus annuus L.) for phyttoremediation. BALWOIS 2012. Proceedings 5th International Conference on water, climate and environment, (2012).


А. Устни доклади

  1. V. Angelova. Uptake of heavy metals by sorghum crops. Cost action 859- Phyto 2009. Final International Conference on Phytochnologies to promrte sustaninable land use and improve food safety. 12-16 October, Ascona, Switzerland (2009).

  2. V.Angelova, R. Ivanova, J. Todorov, K. Ivanov. The Effect of Organic Amendments on Uptake of Heavy Metals in Rapeseed (Brassica napus oleifera biennis), 11th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Element, July 3-7 2011, Florence, Italy

Б. Постерни доклади

  1. V. Angelova, K. Ivanov. Bioavailability of soil-extractable metals to sunflower plants by BCR sequential extraction procedure. 2010 Winter Conference on plasma spectochemistry, 3-9 January, Fort Myers, Florida, USA (2010).

  2. Penka Zapryanova, Krasimir Ivanov, Violina Angelova and Boyan Boyanov, Potential of tobacco in phytoremediation of lead and cadmium polluted soils, 9th International Conference-Exhibition on Soils, Sediments and Water “INTERSOL 2010”, Paris, France, 2010. 9th International Conference-Exhibition on Soils, Sediments and Water “INTERSOL 2010”, Paris, France, 2010

  3. V. Angelova. M. Petkova. K. Ivanov. Effect of organic amendments on heavy metal uptake by sunflower plants. 9th International Conference-Exhibition on Soils, Sediments and Water “INTERSOL 2010”, Paris, France, 2010

  4. V. Angelova, R. Ivanova, K. Ivanov. Uptake of heavy metals by maize, oat and sorghum plants, grown in industrially polluted region. 9th International Conference-Exhibition on Soils, Sediments and Water “INTERSOL 2010”, Paris, France, 2010

  5. V. Angelova, M. Petkova, K. Ivanov. Determination of heavy metal mobile forms in industrially polluted soils by different extraction methods. Kuwait Conference of Chemistry 2010, Chemistry & Industry, 6-9 March, 2010, Kuwait

  6. P. Zaprjanova, K. Ivanov, V. Angelova and L. Dospatliev. Relation Between Soil Characteristics and Copper and Zinc Content in Virginia Tobacco. 11th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Element, July 3-7 2011, Florence, Italy

  7. V. Angelova, R. Ivanova K. Ivanov. Use of Plants from Family Lamiaceae for In Situ Phytoremediation of Polluted Soils, 11th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Element, July 3-7 2011, Florence, Italy

  8. K. Ivanov, V. Angelova. Comparison of ICP-MS and colorimetric determination of total and extractable phosphorous in soils, Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale XXXVII, Armação de Búzios, Brazil, August 28 - September, 2 2011

  9. V. Angelova, K. Ivanov. Assessment of single extractions for the determination of heavy metal mobile forms in industrially polluted soils, Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale XXXVII, Armação de Búzios, Brazil, August 28 - September, 2 2011

  10. V. Angelova, K. Ivanov. Use of the BCR sequential extraction procedure for the study of metal availability to plants in soils in the vicinity of non-ferrous-metal works, Bulgaria, Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale XXXVII, Armação de Búzios, Brazil, August 28 - September, 2 2011

  11. K. Ivanov, V. Angelova. X-Ray and SEM–EDS Evaluation of the main digestion methods for determination of macroelements in soil, Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale XXXVII, Armação de Búzios, Brazil, August 28 - September, 2 2011


А. Постерни доклади

  1. V. Angelova, R. Ivanova and K. Ivanov, The effect of organic amendments on uptake of heavy metals in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Agricultural University – Plovdiv, Jubilee Scientific Conference with International Participation. Tradition and Challenges of Agricultural Education, Science and Business ( 2010)

  2. V. Angelova, R. Ivanova and K. Ivanov, The Effect Of Organic Amendments On Uptake Of Heavy Metals In Rye (Secale Cereale), Proceedings International Conference 100 years Bulgarian Soil Science, 16- 20 May, Sofia, (2011).

  3. В. Ангелова, М. Перифанова – Немска, Г. Узунова, Р. Иванова, Ж. Тодоров, К. Иванов, В. Иванова, Усвояване на Pb, Cu, Zn и Cd от рапица, отглеждана върху замърсени с тежки метали почви. Научна конференция с международно участие “Хранителна наука, техника и технологии - 2011”, 14-15 Октомври 2011, Пловдив (2011).

  4. В. Ангелова, В. Попова, К. Иванов. Усвояване на Pb, Cu, Zn и Cd от ориенталски тютюн от сорт Крумовград 90. Научна конференция с международно учстие “Хранителна наука, техника и технологии - 2011”, 14-15 Октомври 2011, Пловдив (2011).


на забелязаните цитати на доц. д-р виолина ангелова

Общ брой

В български издания

В български списания с импакт фактор и в чужди издания

В дисертации


На работата

V. Angelova, R. Ivanova, G. Pevicharova and K. Ivanov, Effect of organic amendments on heavy metal uptake by potato plant, Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of Soil Science, Brisbane, Australia, (2010).



Singh, A , Prasad, SM. Reviews in environmental science and bio-technology 10 (3), 199-214 (2011) 

На работата

Zaprjanova P, Ivanov K, Angelova V, Dospatliev I, 2010. Relation between soil characteristics and heavy metal content in Virginia tobacco. 19th World Congress of Soil Science, Soil Solutions for a Changing World 1 – 6 August 2010, Brisbane, Australia, 205-208.



K. Velichkova, D. Pavlov, D. Ninova. Effect of experimentally polluted water on the stomatal characteristics on the leaves of two varieties of Triticum aestivum L. grown on different soil types Agricultural science and technology, 3,3, 265-258 (2011)

На работата

P Zaprjanova, L Dospatliev, V. Angelova, K. Ivanov. Correlation between soil characteristics and lead and cadmium content in the aboveground biomass of Virginia tobacco. Environmental monitoring and assessment (2010)



M. Soylak, E. Yilmaz., Journal of Hazardous Materials, 182 (1-3), p. 704-709 2010.



X. Yang, J. Chen, Y. Zhang. Chinese tobacco science, 31(2), 2010



M. E. Mortensen, L.Y Wong, J. D. Osterloh. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 2011, doi:10.1016/j.ijheh.2011.03.004



E. Mitchell, S. Frisbie, B. Sarkar, Metallomics3 (9) 874-908, 2011.

На работата

V.R. Angelova. T. D. Babrikov, K. I. Ivanov, Bioaccumulation and distribution of lead, zinc, and cadmium in crops of Solanaceae familyCommunications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 40 (13-14), p. 2248-2263 (2009).



A. R. Corrales Escobosa, K. Wrobel, J. A. Landero Figueroa, J.F. Gutíerrez Corona, K. Wrobel, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58 (23), p.12392-12398 (2010) 



D. Savvas, G. Colla, Y. Rouphael, D. Schwarz, Scientia Horticulturae, 127 (2), p. 156-161 (2010).



T. Tezoto. PhD Thesis. www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/11/11136/tde.../Tiago_Tezotto.pdf



T. Tezotto, J. L. Favarin, R. A. Azevedo, L.R. F. Alleoni, P. Mazzafera, Field Crops Research, 125, p. 25 -34 (2012).

На работата

V. Angelova, R. Ivanova, G. Todorov, and K. Ivanov ,Heavy metal uptake by rape, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 39, p.344-357 (2008)



Yi-Lung Chiu. PhD Thesis, Taiwan (2009).



T. Z. Škorić. PhD Thesis, Novi Sad (2010).



T. Adhikari, A. Kumar, M.V. Singh. A.S. Rao, Communications in soil science and plant analysis41(22), p.2623-2632 (2010).



A. Prasad, A. Kumar, M.V. Singh, S. Chand, C. S. Chanotiya, D. D. Patra, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 41(18), p. 2170 – 2186 (2010).



A. Prasad, S. Kumar, A. Khaliq, A. Pandey, Biology and Fertility of soils, 47 (8), p. 853-861 (2011).  



O. P. Zhivovtovsky, J.A. Kuzovkina, C.P. Schulthess, T. Morris, D. Pettineli, M. Ge, International journal of phytoremediation,  13 (1), p. 75-94 (2011). 



K. Zhang, J. Wang, Z. Yang, G. Xin. J. Yuan, J. Xin, C. Huang, Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, DOI: 10.1007/s11783-012-0399-3

На работата

V. Angelova, Kr. Ivanov. Bioacumulation and distribution in Black mustard (Brassica Nigra Koch.). Environmental monitoring and assessment, 449-459 (2008).



V. Teofilo, M. Bandiera, G. Mosca, Environmental Chemistry Letters, 8 (1), p.1-17 ( 2010).



P. Shakila, PhD Thesis (2011), http://hdl.handle.net/10603/1616



M.M. Ozcan, M. Harmankaya, S. Gezgin, Environmental monitoring and assessment, 184 (1), p. 313-320 (2012).

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kat Obstha himia -> С п и с ъ к на научните трудове на проф. Дхн мери атанасова камбурова за периода 2007-2012 г
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kat Obstha himia -> С п и с ъ к на научните трудове на доц д-р стефан кръстев

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