С п и с ъ к на научните трудове на доц д-р Виолина ангелова Ризова

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На работата

L. Dospatilev P. Zaprjanova, V. Angelova, K. Ivanov G. Bekjarov. 2007. A Comparative Study of the Methods for Preparation of Soil Samples for Determination of K, Na, Ca and Mg. Ecology 2007, Scientific articles, 221-228.



K. Velichkova, D. Pavlov, D. Ninova. Agricultural science and technology, 3,3, 265-258 (2011)

На работата

V. Angelova, R. Ivanova, K. Ivanov, Effect of chemical forms Peanuts. Geophysical Research Abstracts. 8, 01509 (2006).



J. Bystricka, J. Thomas, J. Arvay, M. Timaracka. Scientific journal of food science, Potrravinarstvo, Rocnic, 3 (2) (2009).



M. Dimitrova, E. Dimova, Z. Mitrovska, V. Kapchina-Toteva, S. Chankova, Algological studies, 123 (1), p. 111-121 (2007).

На работата

V.Angelova, R. Ivanova, K. Ivanov. Heavy metal content in plants from family Lamiaceae cultivated in an industrially polluted region, Journal of herbs, spices and medicinal plants, 11(4), 37-46 (2006).



D. Guedon, M. Brum, J. M. Seigneuret, D. Bizet, S. Bizot, E. Bourny, P.A. Compagnon, H. Kergosien, L.G. Quintelas, J. Respaud, O. Saperas, K. Taobi, P. Urizzi, S.T.P. Pharma Pratiques, 18(3), p. 231- 258 (2008).



D. Guedon, M. Brum, J. M. Seigneuret, D. Bizet, S. Bizot, E. Bourny, P.A. Compagnon, H. Kergosien, L.G. Quintelas, J. Respaud, O. Saperas, K. Taobi, P. Urizzi, Natural Product Communications. 3 (12), p. 2107-2122 (2008).  



N. Putwattana, PhD Thesis, Mahida University (2008).



V.D. Zheljazkov, E.A. Jelliazkova, N. Kovacheva, A. Dzhurmanski, Environmental and Experimental Botany, 64(3), p. 207-216 (2008).



N. Blagojevic, B. Damjanovic-Vratnica, V. Vukasinovic-Pesic, D. Durovic, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies18 (2), p. 167-173 (2009). 



M. Stancheva, M. Geneva, M. Hristozkova, M. Boychinova, Y. Markovska. Biotechnol. & Biotechnol. EQ. 23. 373 -376 (2009).



E. Blicharska, L. Komsta, R. Kocjan, A. Gumieniczek, A. Robak, Central European Journal of Chemistry, 8 (2), p. 264-268 (2010).  



A. Prasad, AK. Singh, S. Chand, CS. Chanotiya, DD. Patra, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 41(18), p. 2170-2186 (2010).



Street, Renée Anne. PhD Thesis. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10413/801, 2010-09-01



Svetlana Stevovi, Vesna Sur_inski Mikovilovi and Dušica _ali_-Dragosavac. African Journal of Biotechnology, 9 (16): 2392-2400, 2010.



Abu-Darwish, MS., Al-Fraihat, AH., Al-Dalain, SYA., Afifi, FMU., Al-Tabbal, JA. . International Jourrnal of Agriculture annd Biology, 13 (6), 981-985,  2011



Biswas, S., Koul, M., Bhatnagar, AK Natural product communications, 6 (10), Special issue SI, 1559-1564, 2011



E. Diacu, B. P. Pavel, A. A. Ivanov, D. Bogdan, U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series B, 73 (3) (2011). ISSN 1454-2331.



S. Stevovic, N. Devrnja, D. Calic—Dragosavac, African journal of biotechnology, 10 (26), p. 5075-5083 (2011).

На работата

V. Angelova V., Ivanova R. and Ivanov Kr. Study accumulation of heavy metals by plants in field condition //Geophysical Research Abstracts. – 2005. – Vol. 7. – 03931, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU05-A-03931



Stephen, Rosemary. Coal Sludge Flood and Public Response, Roane County Tennessee by admin on March 5, 2009 Available:



Cu, Nguyen Xuan. VNU Journal of Science, Earth Sciences 24 (2008) 113- 117



Fansuri, H., D. Pritchard, Dong –ke Zhang. Research report, June 2008

V. Angelova, R. Ivanova, Kr. Ivanov, Effect of chemical forms of lead, cadmium and zinc in polluted soils on their uptake by tobacco. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 27(5), p. 757- 773 (2004).



Zaprjanova, P., R. Boshiniva. Ecology and Future, vol. III, No 3, 25 – 29, 2004



Hubbs-Tait, Laura., Jack R. Nation, Nancy F. Krebs, and David C. Bellinger. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 6, 57- 121, 2005



Mathew, Ann Mary. PhD Thesis, Cochin University of Science and Technology Cochin, Kerala, India, 2001, Submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate College of the Oklahoma State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE July, 2005



Air Quality Criteria for Lead Volume II, October 2006, EPA/600/R-05/144bF, National Center for Environmental Assessment-RTP Division, Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC



Delibaltova, V., B. Yankov. Bulg. J of Agric. Science, 12, 43-49, 2006



Baráková, Daniela. Thesis. Brno, Česká republika, 2007



Han, Yu-Lin., Hai-Yan Yuan, Su-Zhen Huang, Zhi Guo, Bing Xia and Jiguang Gu. Ecotoxicology, 16 (8): 557-563, 2007



Nowak, Joanna. Acta Agrobotanica, 60 (1): 79–83, 2007



Regassa, Girma. Thesis. Investigation of Metals in Ethiopian Tobacco leaves and Processed Tobacco, March 2007, Addis Ababa University



Sudová, R. Pavlíková, D, Macek, T, Vosátka, M. Applied Soil Ecology, 35 (1): 163-173, 2007  



Tlustoš, Pavel., Jiřina Száková, Kornelie Šichorová, Daniela Pavlíková, Jiří Balík. Výzkumný ústav rostlinné výroby,v.v.i, http://www.phytosanitary.org



Bashir F, Kashmiri MA, Shafiq T, Tariq M.. Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability. 21(4): 199-209, 2009



Qingling Fu, Hongqing Hu, Jiajia Li, Li Huang, Haizheng Yang and Yi Lv. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment Vol.7 (2): 6 9 8 - 7 0 2, 2 0 0 9



Bakalova, Lucie. Thesis. Testy fytotoxicicty a jejich vynzity pro holnoceni vlivn xenobiotic. Brno, Česká republika, 2008 (Masarykova univerzita v Brně, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Ústav experimentální biologie)



Han YL, Huang SZ, Gu JG, Qiu S, Chen JM. Ecotoxicology. 17(8): 853-859, 2008  



Meléndez, José Manuel Pérez., Dra. Iris de la Caridad Castillo Martínez. El potencial acumulador de Cadmio y Plomo de la Nicotiana tabacum L variedad “Criollo 98” y sus potencialidades para ser utilizada en técnicas de fitorremediación en Pinar del Río, Cuba.



Meléndez, José Manuel Pérez., Lic. Ado Espinoza, Dra. Iris Castillo Martínez, Dagoberto Paz Falcon.. Avances, 11, 3, 2009.



Bushnik, Tracey., Douglas Haines, Patrick Levallois, Johanne Levesque, Jay Van Oostdam and Claude Viau. Lead and bisphenol. Statistics Canada, Catalogue no. 82-003-XPE • Health Reports, 21(3), 2010



Shuangying, Liu., Li Yan’e, Zhao Xiulan. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 26(5): 257-261, 2010



Tsotsolas, Nicholas C. PhD Thesis. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki School of Agriculture, Thessaloniki



Доспатлиев, Лилко Каменов. Дисертация.



Zhong KB, Gui M., Zhu LY., Li W., Guan CX., Guo FQ. J. Cent. South Univ. Technol. (2011) 18(5): 1408−1412 DOI: 10.1007/s11771−011−0854−8



Abedin, J., Beckett, P., Spiers, G. . Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 92 (1), 253-268, 2012, DOI: 10.4141/CJSS2010-061

На работата

V. Angelova, R. Ivanova, Kr. Ivanov. Accumulation of lead, cadmium and zinc from contaminated soils to various plants. Journal of Balkan ecology, (2004)


Delibaltova, V., B. Yankov.. Bulg. J of Agric. Science, 12, 43-49, 2006



Ж. М. Тодоров, Дисертация (2007)

На работата

V. Angelova, R. Ivanova, Kr. Ivanov. Heavy metal accumulation and distribution in oil crops. Commun. Soil and Plant Anal, 35 (2004).



Delibaltova, V., B. Yankov., Bulg.J of Agric. Science, 12, 43-49, 2006



Zhao, Q. L., J.N. Zhang , S.J. You , S.H. Wang L.N. Wang . Water Science & Technology. Water Supply, Vol.6 (No.6), 2006



Balík, J., Pavlíková, D., Tlustoš, P., Černý, J., Jakl, M.. Plant, Soil and Environment, 53 (4), 143-148, 2007  



Ginneken, Luc Van., Erik Meers, Ruben Guisson, Ann Ruttens, Kathy Elst, Filip M. G. Tack, Jaco Vangronsveld, Ludo Diels, Winnie Dejonghe. Journal of environmental engineering and landscape management, http:/www.jeelm.vgtu.lt/en, Vol XV, No 4, 227–236, 2007



Kabata-Pendias, Alina, Arun B Mukherjee, Trace Elements from Soil to Human. SpringerLink (Online service, Inc NetLibrary), Springer, 2007, 550 p, ISBN 3540327142, 9783540327141



Munroe, MD. PhD Thesis, 2007 - ProQuest



Shilev, S., A. Fernandez, E. D. Sancho.. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 8 (1), 94 -100, 2007



Тодоров, Живко Михайлов. Дисертация 2007



Ching, JA., Binag CA, Alejandro GJD.. Philippine Agricultural Scientist. 91(2):134-142, 2008



Puschenreiter, Markus. Project No. SN-01/20. SUMATECS. Sustainable management of trace element contaminated soils –Development of a decision tool system and its evaluation for practical application. Final Research Report. Start date of project: Project duration: 29.10.2007 12 months (2007-2008), End date of project: 28.10.2008, 23.12.2008, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU) Final Report, version 2.



Sankaran RP, Ebbs SD. Physiologia Plantarum, 132 (1), 69–78, 2008.



Chih-yi, Lee. PhD Thesis. Treatment of copper, chromium and nickel contaminated soil by phytoremediation. Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering and Scinece, 2009, 148 p., etd-0806109-083637



Fässler, Erika. PhD Thesis.Effect of soil and plant amendments on trace element uptake and distribution in crop plants, Diss. ETH No. 18684, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, 2009



Nehnevajova, Erika; Rolf Herzig;  Ccile Bourigault;  Sara Bangerter; Jean-Paul Schwitzgubel. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 11(4): 329 - 346, 2009



Üstbaş, Y., M. Taşan, Ü. Geçgel. Trakya Bölgesinde Üretilen Ayçiçeği Tohumu (Helianthus annus L.) Yağlarında Bakır, Demir, Journal of Tekirdag Agricultual Faculty 55, 6(1), 2009



Василев, А., М. Берова, Н. Стоева, Зл. Златев.. Аграрни науки, 1, 45-52, 2009



Fässler, E., Brett H. Robinson, Werner Stauffer, Satish K. Gupta, Andreas Paprit and Rainer Schulin. Agriculture, Ecosystams & Environment, 2010, in press



Fässler, E., Brett H. Robinson, Satish K. Gupta and Rainer Schulin. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 2010, 10.1007/s10705-009-9342-z



Licina, V., Svetlana Antic-Mladenovic, Mirjana Kresovic, Jrg Rinklebe. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 41(4): 482 – 496 2010



Hao, X., Zhou, D., Wang, Y., Shi, F., International Journal of Phytoremediation. 13 (3)289-301, 16, 2011



Ruilian Yu, Junfeng Ji, Xuyin Yuan, Yinxian Song, Cheng Wang.. Plant Soil DOI 10.1007/s11104-011-1006-5, 2011

На работата

V. Angelova, P. Zaprjanova, K. Ivanov, Defining of the mobile forms of Pb and Cd acid soils, Почвознан. Агрохим. Екол., 39, (1), С. 8-15 (2004).



Рогова, Ольга Борисовна, Дисертация, Москва, 2010

Каталог: cntnr -> NID -> Registyr NID -> RZA -> kat Obstha himia
RZA -> С п и с ъ к на научните трудове на проф дсн Иванка лечева
RZA -> С п и с ъ к на научните трудове на доц дсн Хари Самалиев
kat Obstha himia -> С п и с ъ к на научните трудове на гл ас д-р инж марин нейков маринов
RZA -> С п и с ъ к на научните трудове на доц д-р владислав попов
kat Obstha himia -> С п и с ъ к на научните трудове на проф. Дхн мери атанасова камбурова за периода 2007-2012 г
kat Obstha himia -> С п и с ъ к на научните трудове на доц д-р пенка личева
kat Obstha himia -> С п и с ъ к на научните трудове на доц д-р стефан кръстев

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