С п и с ъ к на научните трудове на доц дсн Хари Самалиев

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на научните трудове на доц. дсн Хари Самалиев

за периода 2007-12 г.

Общ брой

В български издания

В български списания с импакт фактор и в чужди издания

В материали от конференции

В България

В чужбина






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В България

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Устни доклади


Устни доклади







  1. Samaliev, H. (2007). Evaluation of bacterium Pseudomonas oryzihabitans alone and in combination with oxamil and plant resistance for control of Meloidogyne spp. on vegetables grown in greenhouses. Experimental Pathology and Parasitology, 10 (2), 7-14.

  2. Mohamedova, M. and H. Samaliev (2007). Influence of temperature on effectiveness of rhizobacterium Bacillus subtilis against root-knot nematode Meloidogyne arenaria. Plant Scince, 44 (6): 483-487.

  3. Самалиев, Х., Мохамедова, М., Байчева, О., Владов, И. (2008). Применение видов и штаммов бактерий и ризобактерий – перспективный способ борьбы с галловыми нематодам (Meloidogyne spp.). Российская Академия Наук - Институт проблем экологии и эволюции им. А. Н. Северцова Ран. Материалы Международной научной конференции „Биоразнообразие и экология паразитов наземных и водных ценозов” (9-11 декабря 2008. Москва), 342-345.

  4. Ilieva, Z., H. Samaliev, P. Nikolov, E. Tomeva. 2008. Assessment of Infestation of Oriental Tobacco with Gall Nematodes of Genus Meloidogyne (Tylenchida : Meloidogynidae) in Bulgaria. Journal of Mountain Agriculture on the Balkans, vol. 11 (4) 758-766.

  5. Samaliev, H. (2008). Influence of temperature on effectiveness of bacterium Pseudomonas oryzihabitans, from entomophatogenic nematode Steinernema abbasi, on root-knot nematode Meloidogyne javanica. Experimental Pathology and Parasitology, 11 (3), 34-28.

  6. Самалиев, Х. (2009). Галовите нематоди от род Meloidogyne Goeldi по зеленчуковите култури, отглеждани при оранжерийни условия в България. Растениевъдни науки, 46, 351-360.

  7. Самалиев, Х. (2009). Расов състав на четири вида галови нематоди от род Meloidogyne Goeldi по зеленчуковите култури, отглеждани при оранжерийни условия в България. Растениевъди науки, 46, 490-494.

  8. Samaliev, H. (2009). Solarization of soil for the control of root-knot nematodes Meloidogyne species in vegetable glasshouses in southern Bulgaria. Plant science, 46, 361-365.

  9. Самалиев, Х. (2009). Влияние на температурата върху прикрепянето и развитието на Pasteuria penetrans Sayre and Starr върху Meloidogyne incognita. Аграрни науки, 2, 37-43.

  10. Samaliev, H. and O. Baycheva (2010) Distribution of Root-Knot Nematodes (Genus Meloidogyne Goeldi) on the Potatoes in the Pazardzhik, Smolyan And Samokov Regions in Bulgaria. Теретические и практические проблемы паразитологии. Руццийская академия наук, 458-465.

  11. Mohamedova, M., and H. Samaliev (2010). Influence of rhizobacterium Bacillus subtilis on root-knot nematode Meloidogyne arenaria. Agricultural university – Plovdiv, Scientific Works, Vol. LV, (2), 155-163.

  12. Samaliev, H. (2011) Plant-parasitic nematodes associated with potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) in Bulgaria. Plant Scince, vol. 48 (5) 470-474.

  13. Mohamedova, M., and H. Samaliev (2011). Effect of of rhizobacterium Bacillus subtilis on the development of root-knot nematode Meloidogyne arenaria at difference temperature. Agricultural Science and Technology, vol. 3, 378-383.

  14. Samaliev, H. (2011) Effect of cell-free filtrate of the bacterium Pseudomonas oryzihabitans on the potato cyst nematode Globodera pallida at different temperature, Plant Scince, vol. 48 (5), 465-469.

  15. Samaliev, H. (2011) Pseudomonas oryzihabitans Bacterium, Oxamyl and Plant Resistance for Control of Globodera species on Potatoes in Bulgaria. Journal of Balvan Ecology, vol.14 (3), 253-261.

  16. Samaliev, H. and M. Mohamedova (2011) Plant-parasitic nematodes associated with strawberry (Fragaria aiianassa Duch.) in Bulgaria. Bulgarian journal of agricultural science, vol. 17 (6), 730-735.

  17. Markova, D. and H. Samaliev. (2011) Pathogenicity of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne hapla on Potato in Bulgaria. Agricultural Science, vol. 3 (7), 71-76.

  18. Samaliev, H. (2011) Pseudomonas oryzihabitans Bacterium, Oxamyl and Plant Resistance for Control of Globodera species on Potatoes in Bulgaria. Journal of Balvan Ecology, vol.14 (3), 253-261.

  19. Udalova, Zh., Vasjukova, N., Zinovieva, S., Damianova,A., Baicheva, O., and H. Samaliev (2011). Imunomodulation Activity of Chitin-Chitosan Oligomer with Fragments of Salicylic Acid in the System Tomato-Root–knot Nematode. Journal of Balvan Ecology, 14, 397-403.

  20. Nacheva E., Petkova V., Pevicharova G., Samaliev H. (2011). Оrfei – a new Bulgarian Potato Variety Resistant to Potato Cyst Nematodes Globodera rostochiensis and Globodera pallida. Аграрная наука - сельскохозяйственному производству Сибири, Монголии, Казахстана, 1, 128-131.

  21. Samaliev, H., and E. Nacheva (2011). Screening of Tetraploid Clones and Varieties with Different Genetic Backgrounds for Resistance to Potato Cyst Nematodes, Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida. Journal of Balvan Ecology, vol.14, 405-413.

  22. Samaliev, H. and Sht. Kalinova (2012) Reproduction of Meloidogyne hapla and Pratylenchis penetrans on Some Common Weeds in Potato Fields in Bulgaria. Bulgarian journal of agricultural science, 18, (4) (in press).

  23. Samaliev, H. and E. Nacheva (2012). Relationship Between Population Densities of Globodera pallida and Growth of Partially Resistant and Susceptible Potato Cultivars Selected in Bulgaria. Plant Scince, 49, (1) 79-83.


  1. Nacheva, E., V. Petkova, G. Pevicharova, H. Samaliev. New potato cultivar “ORFEI”. BG patent 10966 / 30.11.2011.


  1. Андреев, Р., Я. Димитров, Х. Самалиев, В. Харизанова. 2004/2009. Ръководство за упражнения по ентомология – за студентите от Агрономическия и ЛГ факултет. Академично издателство АУ-Пловдив.

  2. Самалиев, Х., Д. Стоянов, 2008. Паразитни нематоди по културните растения и борбата с тях. Акдемично издателство, Аграрен университет, Пловдив, 332 стр.


А. Устни доклади

  1. Ilieva, Z., H. Samaliev, P. Nikolov, E. Tomeva. 2007. Assessment of Infestation of Oriental Tobacco with Gall Nematodes of Genus Meloidogyne (Tylenchida : Meloidogynidae) in Bulgaria.XXXIInd Traditional Plant Protection Meeting of Republic of Macedonia, Ochrid, 13-16X1, 2007.

  2. Самалиев, Х., Мохамедова, М., Байчева, О., И. Владов, 2008. Применение видов и штаммов бактерий и ризобактерий – перспективный способ борьбы с галловыми нематодам (Meloidogyne spp.). Российская Академия Наук - Институт проблем экологии и эволюции им. А. Н. Северцова Ран. Материалы Международной научной конференции „Биоразнообразие и экология паразитов наземных и водных ценозов”, 9-11 декабря 2008. Москва.

Б. Постерни доклади

  1. Nacheva E., Petkova V., Pevicharova G., Samaliev H. 2011. Оrfei – a new Bulgarian Potato Variety Resistant to Potato Cyst Nematodes Globodera rostochiensis and Globodera pallida. ХIV Международная конференция «Аграрная наука - сельскохозяйственному производству Сибири, Монголии и Казахстана», 2011.

А. Устни доклади

  1. Самалиев, Х., Д. Маркова (2009) Влияние на температурата върху ефективността на ризобактерията Bacillus subtilis върху галовата нематода Meloidogyne hapla, паразит по картофите в България. International Science conference, "Economics and Society development on the Base of Knowledge", Union of Scientist - Stara Zagora, 4th-5th June 2009.

  2. Mohamedova, M., and H. Samaliev (2010). Influence of rhizobacterium Bacillus subtilis on root-knot nematode Meloidogyne arenaria. Agricultural university – Ubilee scientific konferense with international participation “Traditions and challenges education, science and business” 14-17 Oktober, Plovdiv.

  3. Markova, D. and H. Samaliev (2010) Distribution of Root-Knot Nematodes (Genus Meloidogyne Goeldi) on the Potatoes in the Pazardzhik, Smolyan and Samokov Regions in Bulgaria. 19th International Syposium “Ecology & Safety” 7-10 June 2010, Sunny Beach, Bulgaria.

Б. Постерни доклади

  1. H. Samaliev (2011) Relative susceptibility of selected cultivars of potato to Pratylenchus penetrans (Pratylenchidae:Nematoda). International Science conference,"Economics and Society development on the Base of Knowledge", Union of Scientist - Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, 2th - 3th June 2011.

  2. Мохамедова, М. и Х. Самалиев. 2011. Роля на различните видове агенти за биологичен контрол в системите за борба с растителнопаразитните нематоди. Юбилейна национална научна конференция с международно участие “Човекът и Вселената”, Декември 2011.

  3. Markova, D., H. Samaliev, and E. Начева (2011). Реакция на картофени сортове и линии към Българска популация на галовите нематоди Мeloidogyne species. Научна сесия „Дни на науката 2011” на Съюза на учените в България – Пловдив, 10-11 ноември, 2011.

  4. Samaliev, H. and D. Markova (2011) Temperature response on the Pathogenicity and Reproduction of Meloidogyne hapla and M. arenaria on Potato variety Marine. Scientific Symposium „Dais of Scientis 2011” Union of Scientist - Plovdiv, 10-11 November 2011.

  5. Самалиев, Х. (2011) Патотипов състав на цистообразуващите нематоди по картофите Globodera rostochensis и Globodera pallida (Heteroderidae:Nematodа). International Science conference,"Economics and Society development on the Base of Knowledge", Union of Scientist - Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, 2th - 3th June 2011.


на забелязаните цитати на доц. дсн Хари Самалиев

Общ брой

В български издания

В български списания с импакт фактор и в чужди издания

В дисертации





На работата:


Samaliev, H. Y., Andreoglou, F. I., Elawad, S. A., Hague, N. G. M. and S. R. Gowen (2000). The nematicidal effect of the bacteria Pseudomonas oryzihabitans and Xenorhabdus namatophilus on the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne javanica. Nematology, 2: 507-514.


Andaló, V., Maximiniano, C., Campos, V. and Alcides M. Jr. (2007). Efeito de Filtrados Entomobacterianos sobre Juvenis de Meloidogyne spp. Nematologia Brasileira Piracicaba (SP) Brasil, Vol. 31(3), 186-194.


Inam-Ul-Haq, M., Gowen, S.R., Javed, N., Shahina, F. Izhar-Ulhaq, M., Humayoon, N. and Pembroke, B. (2007) Antagonistic potential of bacterial isolates associated with entomopathogenic nematodes against tomato wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp., lycopersici undere greenhouse conditions. Pak. J. Bot., 39(1): 279-283.


Mahar, A.N., Jan, N.D., Mahar, G.M. and Mahar, A.Q. (2008). Control of Insects with Entomopathogenic Bacterium Xenorhabdus nematophila and its Toxic Secretions. Int. J. Agri. Biol., Vol. 10, No. 1, 54-56.


Tsai, M.H., Tang, L.C. and Hou, R.F. (2008) The bacterium associated with the entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema abbasi (Nematoda: Steinernematidae) isolated from Taiwan. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 99 (2), p.242-245.


Kapsalis, A., Gravanis, F. and Gowen, S. R. (2008). Involvement of phenazine-1-carboxylic acid, siderophores and hydrogen cyanide in suppression of Rhizoctonia solani and Pythium spp. damping-off by Pseudomonas oryzihabitans and Xenorhabdus nematophila. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment Vol.6(1) : 168-171.


Channppa, B.S., Srivastava, A.N. and Dhawan,S.C. (2008). Effect of Cell Concentrations of Four Strains of Rhizobacteriunl, Pseudomonas fluorescens on Hatching and Mortality of Root-Knot Nematode, Meloidogyne incognita. Indian Journal of Nematology, Vol. 38 (2), 25-31.


Eapen, S. J. (2008) Mangaement of Plant parasitic nematodes, 215-238. In: Organic Spices by Parthasarathy, V.A., Kanndiannan, V.,Srinivasan, V. New India Publishing, pp. 740.


Emelianoff, V. (2008) Les problèmes de couple dans les symbioses némato-bactériennes parasites d’insecte. UNIVERSITÉ MONTPELLIER II. SCIENCES ET TECHNIQUES DU LANGUEDOC. (PhD) Disertation, 112 pp.



Jagdale, G.B., Kamoun, S., Grewal, P.S. (2009). Suppression of plant-parasitic nematodes by application of live and dead infective juveniles of an entomopathogenic nematode, Steinernema carpocapsae, on boxwood (Buxus spp.). Biological Control:10,1016, 1-7.


Кhan, S. A., Javed, N., Khan, M. A. and Khan M. M. (2009) Еffect of entomopathogenic nematodes on the invasion and development of Мeloidogyne incognita in tomato. Pak. J. Phytopathol., Vol. 21 (1): 71-76.


Hallmann, J., Davies, K. G. and Sikora, R. (2009). Biological Control Using Microbial Pathogenes, Endophytes and Antagonists, 380-408. In: Root-Knot Nematodes by Roland Perry,Maurice Moens, James L. Starr (ed.). CAB International, pp. 480.


KHAN, S. A. (2009) Screening of tomato cultivars against root knot nematodes and their biological management. Plant pathology faculty of agriculture, university of agriculture, faisalabad, pakistan. (PhD) Disertation. http://prr.hec.gov.pk/Thesis/45S.pdf


Oka, Y., Shuker, S. and Tkachi, N. (2009) Nematicidal efficacy of MCW-2, a new nematicide of the fluoroalkenyl group, against the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne javanica. Pest Management Science, 65, 10: 1082–1089.


Andaló, V., F. S. Rocha, C. Maximiniano, M. Jr. Alcides and V. P. Campos (2012). In vivo and in vitro study of the effects of entomopathogenic bacteria and their filtrates on Meloidogyne incognita. International Research Journal of Microbiology (IRJM) (ISSN: 2141-5463), Vol. 3 (1) 5-9.

На работата:


Andreoglou, F. I., Vegalas, I. K., Wood, M., Samaliev, H. Y. and S. R. Goween (2003) Influence of temperature on the motility of Pseudomonas oryzihabitans and control of Globodera rostochiensis. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 35: 1095-1101.


Tian, B., Yang, J. and Zhang, Ke-Qin (2007). Bacteria used in the biological control of plant-parasitic nematodes: populations,mechanisms ofaction, and future prospects. FEMS Microbiol Ecol 61 (2007) 197–213


Kapsalis, A., Gravanis, F. and Gowen, S. R. (2008). Involvement of phenazine-1-carboxylic acid, siderophores and hydrogen cyanide in suppression of Rhizoctonia solani and Pythium spp. damping-off by Pseudomonas oryzihabitans and Xenorhabdus nematophila. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment Vol.6(1) : 168-171.


Zaied, K. A. Kawther, S. Kash, S. A. Ibrahim and Tawfik, T. M. (2009). Improving Nematocidial Activity of Bacteria via Protoplast Fusion. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 3(2): 1412-1427, 2009


Bustos, D. C. G., Hernández, A. M. M., Ramírez, L. C., C. (2009 ) "Pseudomonas oryzihabitans: un microorganismo de creciente interés científico" . En: Colombia Nova  ISSN: 1794-2470  ed: Imprenta Nacional de Colombia, v.7 fasc.11 p.103 – 112.


Gang Wang, Dani Or (2010) Aqueous films limit bacterial cell motility and colony expansion on partially saturated rough surfaces. Environmental Microbiology, 12 (5) 363–1373.


Kaymak, H.K. (2010) Potential of PGPR in Agricultural Innovations, 45-81 pp. In: Maheshwari, D. K., Plant Growth and Health Promoting Bacteria. Springer Heilderberg Dordrecht London New York, pp. 453.


Сысоева, М. И., В. В. Лаврова, Е. Ф. Марковская, Е. М. Матвеева, Е. Г. Шерудило (2010) Влияние ежесуточных кратко временных снижений температуры на состояние фотосинтетического аппарата растений картофеля в условиях заражения фитопаразитической нематодой. Труды Карельского научного центра РАН, № 2, 41–46.

На работата:


Samaliev H. Y., and Stoyanov D. (2008). Parasitic Nematodes of Crop Plants and Their Control. Academic publishing house Agricultural University, 332.


Markova, D. and V. Yankova (2010) Response of tomato, cucumber and pepper to root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) in greenhouse production. Agroecology and Organic Agriculture, 45th Croatian and 5th International Symposium on Agriculture, 2010, Harvatska 105-109. http://sa.agr.hr/pdf/2010/sa2010_p0115.pdf


Мохамедова, M. (2009). Галовите нематоди от род Meloidogyne Goeldi по оранжерийните зеленчукови култури в Южна България и биологична борба с тях.

Дисертация, АУ-Пловдив, 158 стр.

На работата:


    Samaliev, H. and E. Nacheva (2001). Assessment of resistance to G. rostochiensis in selection material from potatoes. Agricultural University – Plovdiv Scientific Works, т. XXXX,. 255-259.


Masheva, St., M. Mihov (2009) IV Balkan Symposium on Vegetables and Potatoes 17 June 2009. ISHS Acta Horticulturae, 830: 145-149.


E. Nacheva (2009) Achievements and Trends in Potato Breeding in Maritsa Vegetable Crops Research Institute Plovdiv During the New Millennium. IV Balkan Symposium on Vegetables and Potatoes 17 June 2009. ISHS Acta Horticulturae 830: 176-178.

На работата:


Samaliev H., Grigorov P. and Samalieva A. (1998). Influence of population density of Globodera rostochiensis (Nematoda: Heteroderidae) on potato yield. Rastenievadni Nauki. 35 (3): 235-238


Fiers, M. (2010) Origins of the blemishes of potato tubers:From the soil microbiology to the pedoclimatic environment. Universite De Bourgogne. Unité Mixte de Recherche Microbiologie du Sol et de l'Environnement. PhD (DisertationІ, 259 pp., http://www2.dijon.inra.fr/umrmse/IMG/pdf/2010_FIERS_these.pdf


Fiers, M., V. Edel-Hermann, C. Chatot, Y. Le Hingrat, C. Alabouvette and Ch. Steinberg (2012) Potato soil-borne diseases. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 32 (1): 93-132

На работата:


Andreoglou, F.I., Samaliev, H.Y. and Gowen, S.R. (2000). Temperature response of the bacterium Pseudomonas oryzihabitans from the entomopathogenic nematodes Steinernema abbasi, on the potato cyst nematode Globodera rostochiensis. Aspects of Applied Biology 59:67-73.


Vegalas, I. K., Andreoglou, F. I., Peters, J. C. and Gowen, S. R. (2002). Testing the efficacy of microorgasms for antagonism to Pseudomonas oryzihabitans. Brighton crop protection Conference – Pests and Diseaser 3, 1049-1056

На работата:


Samaliev H. and Andreev R. (1998). Relationship between initial population density of potato cyst nematode Globodera pallida Thorne and the yield of partially resistant potato varieties. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 4 (4): 421-427.


Fiers, M. (2010) Origins of the blemishes of potato tubers:From the soil microbiology to the pedoclimatic environment. Universite De Bourgogne. Unité Mixte de Recherche Microbiologie du Sol et de l'Environnement. PhD (DisertationІ, 259 pp., http://www2.dijon.inra.fr/umrmse/IMG/pdf/2010_FIERS_these.pdf


Fiers, M., V. Edel-Hermann, C. Chatot, Y. Le Hingrat, C. Alabouvette and Ch. Steinberg (2012) Potato soil-borne diseases. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 32 (1): 93-132

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