Секция микробна екология завеждащ секция: Ст н. с д-р К. Цекова

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Завеждащ секция: Ст. н.с. д-р К. Цекова

Teл: (+359 2) 979-31-67
E-mail: ktsekova@microbio.bas.bg

Дата на раждане

17.11.1950 г.

Място на раждане

Царева поляна, Хасковска област, България

Настоящ адрес

Българска академия на науките, Институт по микробиология “Стефан Ангелов”, ул.”Акад. Г. Бончев” бл.26, 1113, София, България


1968 - 1973

СУ “Св. Климент Охридски”, Химически факултет



Научна степен

Доктор по биология, 1985, Дисертация: “Биосинтез и кинетика на ензима глюкоамилаза от Aspergillus niger B77”. Ръководител: Чл.- кор. Проф. К. Марков

Професионална дейност

1974 – 1977

Специалист в Институт по виното, Министерство на земеделието

1978 – 1982

Специалист в секция “Биосинтез на органични киселини”, Институт по микробиология “Стефан Ангелов”, Българска Академия на науките (ИМикБ – БАН)

1983 - 2002

Научен сътрудник в секция “Микробна екология”, ИМикБ – БАН

2003 –

Старши научен сътрудник в секция “Микробна екология”, ИМикБ – БАН

2005 -

Завеждащ секция “Микробна екология”, ИМикБ – БАН

Преподавателска дейност


Университет по химични технологии и металургия, София

Настоящи национални проекти

“Биосорбция на йони на тежки метали от филаментозни гъби имобилизирани в полимерни хидрогелове” (Проект В-1407/04 към “Фонд научни изследвания”, Република България)

„Детоксикация на водни екосистеми, замърсени с тежки метали и ксенобиотици” (Проект TK01/0154 към “Фонд научни изследвания”, Република България)

Научни интереси

Биосинтез на биологично активни вещества; биосорбция на тежки метали от свободни и имобилизирани клетки на филаментозни гъби; детоксикация на водни екосистеми, замърсени с ксенобиотици

Главни изследователски направления на секцията

  • Биосинтез на биологично активни вещества: органични киселини и ензими.

  • Кинитика, моделиране, оптимизация на биотехнологични процеси и тяхното внедряване в индустрията.

  • Изследвания върху физиологичния отговор на микроорганизми към различни замърсители: тежки метали, фенол, нефтопродукти.

  • Биосорбция на тежки метали от свободни и имобилизирани клетки на филаментозни гъби.

  • Промени в структурата и функцията на микробни съобщества в речни и морски екосистеми в присъствие на ксенобиотици.

По-важни постижения

  • Изолирани са микробни асоциации, разграждащи фенол и нефтопродукти.

  • Създадена е имобилизирана система от органичен полимер с включена плесенна биомаса, притежаваща висок потенциал за извличане на йони на тежки метали от смесени разтвори.

Избрани публикации:

  • Tsekova, K., Galabova, D. Phosphatase production and activity in copper (II) accumulating Rhizopus delemar, Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 2003, 33, 926-931.

  • Todorova, N., Ivanov, I., Hristov, A., Karamfilov, V. Application of Ardrea analysis for early warning of the effects of oil pollution in coastal marine ecosystems. Research into laboratory “Microcosm” model, Ecological engineering and environment protection, 2005, 3-4, 69-75.

  • Ianis, M., Tsekova, K., Vasileva, S. Copper biosorption by Penicillium cyclopium: equilibrium and modeling study, Biotechnol. and Biotechnol. Eq., 2006, 20, 1, 195-202.

  • Tsekova, K., Christova, D., Ianis M. Heavy metal biosorption sites in Penicillium cyclopium. J. Appl. Sci. Environ. Mgt., 2006, 10, 3, 117-121.

  • Tsekova, K., Ianis, M., Dencheva, V., Ganeva, S. Biosorption of Binary Mixtures of Cooper and Cobalt by Penicillium brevicompactum Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, 2007, 62c, 261-264.

  • Tsekova, K., Ianis, M., Ganeva, S. Biosorption of binary mixtures of copper and cobalt by Penicillium cyclopium biomass. Comptes rendus de l`Academie bulgare des Sciences, 2007, 60(1), 63-70.

  • Todorova, D., Nedeva, D., Abrashev, R., Tsekova, K. Cd (II) stress response during the growth of Aspergillus niger B 77. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 2008, 104, 178-184.

  • Christova, D., Tsekova, K., Ivanova, S., Todorova, D. Application of hybrid hydrogels of Penicillium cyclopium cells immobilized in polymer network for heavy metal ions uptake. Ecological Engineering and Environmental Protection, 2008, 4, 21-27.

  • Vassileva, S., Tsekova, K., Christova, D., Todorova, D. Intelligent software analyzer design for parameters evaluation of ternary heavy metal ions removal by immobilized fungal biomass. International Journal of Biomathematics, 2008 (in press).

  • Tsekova K., Christova, D., Todorova, D. and Ivanova, S. Biosorption of ternary mixture of heavy metals by entrapted in PVA – hydrogel biomass of Penicillium cyclopium. Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, 2008, 61(9), 1175 - 1180


K.Tsekova, PhD, Associate Professor
Head of Department
Tel: (+359 2) 979-31-67
E-mail: ktsekova@microbio.bas.bg

Date of birth

November 17, 1950

Place of birth

Tsareva poliana, Haskovo, Bulgaria

Present address

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, The Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology, Acad. G. Bonchev St., Block 26, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria


1968 - 1973

St. Kliment Okhridski University of Sofia, Faculty of Chemistry



Scientific degree

Ph.D., 1985 Thesis: Biosynthesis and kinetics of the enzyme glucoamylase by Aspergillus niger B 77 Supervisor: Prof. K. Markov, Corresponding Member of BAS

Professional employment:

1974 – 1977

Researcher in the Institute of wine production at the Ministry of Agriculture, Sofia

1978 – 1982

Researcher in the Department Biosynthesis of organic acids in the Institute of Microbiology of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IM-BAS).

1983 - 2002

Assistant Professor, Department of Microbial ecology in the IM-BAS

2003 –

Assoc. Prof., Department of Microbial ecology in the IM-BAS

2005 -

Head of Department of Microbial ecology in the IM-BAS.



University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Sofia

Current national projects

“Heavy metal ions biosorption by filamentous fungi immobilized in polymer hydrogels” (Grant B-1407/04 from the National Scientific Research Council, Republic of Bulgaria)

“Detoxification of aqueous ecosystem polluted with heavy metals and xenobiotics” (Grant TK01/0154 from the National Scientific Research Council, Republic of Bulgaria)

Scientific interests

Biosynthesis of biologically active compounds (organic acids and enzymes); Biosorption of heavy metals by free and immobilized cells of filamentous fungi; detoxification of aqueous ecosystem polluted with xenobiotics

Main Research Topics of the Department

  • Biosynthesis of biological active substances: organic acids and enzymes

  • Kinetics, modelling, optimization of biotechnological processes and their set-up in industrial scales

  • Investigation on physiological response of microorganisms to different pollution: heavy metals, phenol, oil products

  • Biosorption of heavy metals by free and immobilized cells of filamentous fungi

  • The changes in the structure and function of microbial communities in river and marine ecosystems in the presence of xenobiotics.

Most Important Achievements

  • Microbial associations degrading phenol and oil products were selected.

  • It is created an immobilized system of organic polymer with entrapted fungal biomass possessing high potential for heavy metal ions removing from mixed solutions.

Selected Publications of the Department

  • Tsekova, K., Galabova, D. Phosphatase production and activity in copper (II) accumulating Rhizopus delemar, Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 2003, 33, 926-931.

  • Todorova, N., Ivanov, I., Hristov, A., Karamfilov, V. Application of Ardrea analysis for early warning of the effects of oil pollution in coastal marine ecosystems. Research into laboratory “Microcosm” model, Ecological engineering and environment protection, 2005, 3-4, 69-75.

  • Ianis, M., Tsekova, K., Vasileva, S. Copper biosorption by Penicillium cyclopium: equilibrium and modeling study, Biotechnol. and Biotechnol. Eq., 2006, 20, 1, 195-202.

  • Tsekova, K., Christova, D., Ianis M. Heavy metal biosorption sites in Penicillium cyclopium. J. Appl. Sci. Environ. Mgt., 2006, 10, 3, 117-121.

  • Tsekova, K., Ianis, M., Dencheva, V., Ganeva, S. Biosorption of Binary Mixtures of Cooper and Cobalt by Penicillium brevicompactum Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, 2007, 62c, 261-264.

  • Tsekova, K., Ianis, M., Ganeva, S. Biosorption of binary mixtures of copper and cobalt by Penicillium cyclopium biomass. Comptes rendus de l`Academie bulgare des Sciences, 2007, 60(1), 63-70.

  • Todorova, D., Nedeva, D., Abrashev, R., Tsekova, K. Cd (II) stress response during the growth of Aspergillus niger B 77. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 2008, 104, 178-184.

  • Christova, D., Tsekova, K., Ivanova, S., Todorova, D. Application of hybrid hydrogels of Penicillium cyclopium cells immobilized in polymer network for heavy metal ions uptake. Ecological Engineering and Environmental Protection, 2008, 4, 21-27.

  • Vassileva, S., Tsekova, K., Christova, D., Todorova, D. Intelligent software analyzer design for parameters evaluation of ternary heavy metal ions removal by immobilized fungal biomass. International Journal of Biomathematics, 2008 (in press).

  • Tsekova K., Christova, D., Todorova, D. and Ivanova, S. Biosorption of ternary mixture of heavy metals by entrapted in PVA – hydrogel biomass of Penicillium cyclopium. Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, 2008, 61(9), 1175 - 1180

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