Система за електронно обучение

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Add reference link

adds a reference link

Adds a reference link with name and



Edit reference link

edits a reference link

Edits the link, name and description of


the reference link.

Add exercise (add_exercise.jsp)

starts the wizard for creating the exercise by asking the exercise properties & HTML file

The professor can add a new exercise by defining the name, description and uploading the HTML file. The next step si mandatory and sends the user to the uploading of the image archive.

Exercise wizard - step 1 (exercise_wizard0.jsp)

adds images to exercise

An image archive is uploaded for the exercise already defined. The images

uploaded are saved on the server.

Exercise wizard - step 2

checks if there are any

The wizard checks automaticaly if the


images missing

uploaded HTML file needs any other

images than the ones from the archive.

If it does, a new request for uploading

the archive is made. Otherwise, the

wizard automaticaly moves to the next


Exercise wizard - step 3

define the exercise and the

Using an downloaded applet, the user


questions text

defines the text of the exercise and the

of questions. All the text which is not

used is not saved anymore.

Exercise wizard - step 4

define the type of each ques-

For each question, a question type is



defined by the user. Depending on the

question type, different editors are

used for defining the symbol set, edit-

ing, reviewing and presenting the


Exercise wizard - step 5 (exercise_wizard4.jsp)

define the symbol set used for writing the answer

For each question, a symbol set is defined. The symbols selected (and only them) will be used to write and dis-play the answer of the question.

Exercise wizard - step 6 (exercise_wizard5.jsp)

define the correct answer

Using the symbols already defined, the professor writes and saves the correct

answer to the question.

Edit exercise properties (edit_exercise_prop.jsp)

edit the properties of the question

Edits all the properties of the exercise. All the properties will be efective imme-


Exercise information

manages the properties of

Presents all the information on the


the exercise and all its inner

exercise, with direct access to func-


tions for deleting an exercise, a ques-tion or defining the order of the questions.

Edit question properties (edit_question_prop.jsp)

edits the properties of the question

Edits all the properties of the question. All the properties will be efective imme-


Edit question symbols

defines the symbols used for

A symbol set is defined by the user.


writting an answer to a ques-

The symbols selected (and only them)


will be used to write and display the

answer of the question.

Edit question answer (edit_question_answer.jsp)

defines the correct answer of the question

Using the symbols already defined, the professor writes and saves the correct

answer to the question.

Add laboratory (add_laboratory.jsp)

starts the wizard for creating the laboratory by asking the laboratory properties & HTML file

The professor can add a new labora-tory by defining the name, description and uploading the HTML file. The next step si mandatory and sends the user to the uploading of the image archive.

Laboratory wizard - step 1

adds images to exercise

An image archive is uploaded for the laboratory already defined. The images


uploaded are saved on the server.

Laboratory wizard - step

checks if there are any

The wizard checks automaticaly if the


images missing

uploaded HTML file needs any other


images than the ones from the archive.

If it does, a new request for uploading

the archive is made. Otherwise, the

wizard closes automaticaly.

Edit laboratory proper-ties (edit_laboratory_prop.jsp)

edit the properties of the lab-oratory

Edits all the properties of the labora-tory. All the properties will be efective immediately.

5. Модул за Е-обучение

Page list



Lesson page (show_lesson.jsp)

presents the lesson and the links to the browsing struc-ture

Presents the content of a lesson. Numerous functionalities are also pre-sented (links to the chapters page, les-son index page, additional materials and buttons for browsing through the lessons).

Lesson-only page (show_lesson_only.jsp)

presents the lesson and the links to the browsing struc-

Presents the content of a lesson. The interface is simplified and only brows-


ing functionalities are provieded.

Chapter list page (module_index_page.jsp)

displays the chapter hierar-chy defined for the current

Presents the list of all the defined chap-ters of the module. The chapters are


automaticaly indented based on their

structure and are linked to the presen-

tation of each chapter.

Lesson list page (module_lesson_index.jsp)

displays the list with all the lessons of the current mod-ule

Presents the list with all the lessons of the current module. Each lesson con-tains a short description and link to the presentation of the lesson.

Additional materials

displays the list with all the

Presents two lists with all the auxiliary


additional links and refer-

files and links, ordered based on the


lessons where are defined.

Seach page (search.jsp)

returns the results to the search based on a query



Start test (start_test.jsp)

presents all the information about a test before entering the test

The test page is used as a starting point for the test. The page will contain a button with all the informations about the exercise and a “start test” button.

Testing (test.jsp)

the student takes the test by answering each question

The student can write the answer of each question by using the symbols

selected for this type of answer. Brows-

ing and timming capabilities are pro-

vided also.

End test

presents all the information

This page is the ending point of any


about a test after finishing it

test. It summarizes the information

regarding the test and the time elapsed

until its end.

Student activity page (student_activity.jsp)

presents all the tests of a stu-dent

A complete list of taken tests is pre-sented, grouped by each test.

Review test (update_test_results.jsp)

presents the answers of a test for beeing reviewed by the professor

The professor can review the results of each test by giving grades and writing comments for each question.

View test results

presents the answers of a

The student can see the answers of


test and the review of the

any ancient test (but it can not modify


them by any means) and also the com-

ments and the grades of the professor,

if any.

Show laboratory con-

presents the content of a lab-

The content of a laboratory will be pre-



sented in a separate window.


  1. Литературни източници

[1] www.eduworks.com

[2] www.sun.com/products-n-solutions/edu/ whitepapers/pdf/eLearning_Application_Infrastructure_wp.pdf

[3] http://w02-0618.web.dircon.net/elearning/papers/learningtechnologies.pdf

[4] http://java.sun.com/blueprints/patterns/MVC-detailed.html

[5]: http://www.cetis.ac.uk

[6] Altun, A. (2000). Patterns in Cognitive Processes and Strategies in Hypertext Reading: A Case Study of Two Experienced Computer Users. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia 9(1), 35-55. [Online]. Available: http://dl.aace.org/6275

[7] Psaromiligkos, Y., & Retalis, S. (2003). Re-evaluating the Effectiveness of a Web-based Learning System: A Comparative Case Study. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia 12(1), 5-20. [Online]. Available: http://dl.aace.org/12689

[8] Barker, P., van Schaik, P., & Pearson, R. (2003). Designing Electronic Performance Support Systems to Enhance Computer-Based Learning. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Based Learning in Science, Cyprus, Vol. 1. (pp. 226-237).

[9] Min, R., Kommers, P., Vos, H., & Dijkum, C. (2000). A Concept Model For Learning. Journal of Interactive Learning Research 11(3), 485-506. [Online]. Available: http://dl.aace.org/6523

[10] Hobbs, D. (2002). A Constructivist Approach to Web Course Design, A Review of the Literature. International Journal on E-Learning 1(2), 60-65. [Online]. Available: http://dl.aace.org/9190

[11] Lytras, M., Pouloudi, A., & Poulymenakou, A. (2002). Dynamic E-Learning Settings Through Advanced Semantics: The Value Justification of a Knowledge Management Oriented Metadata Schema. International Journal on E-Learning 1(4), 49-61. [Online]. Available: http://dl.aace.org/10614

[12] Alpert, S. (2003). Abstraction in Concept Map and Coupled Outline Knowledge Representations. Journal of Interactive Learning Research 14(1), 31-49. [Online]. Available: http://dl.aace.org/11566

[13] Weiner, C. (2003). Key Ingredients to Online Learning: Adolescent Students Study in Cyberspace – The Nature of the Study. International Journal on E-Learning 2(3), 44-50. [Online]. Available: http://dl.aace.org/13507

[14] http://wblst.presidence.univ-nantes.fr/Cobbalt-v2.0

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