Списък на научните публикации на Константин Янков Ставрев

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на Константин Янков Ставрев

I. Крупномащабна структура на Вселената
A. Публикации по темата на дисертационния труд “Изследване на

големите празнини в пространственото разпределение на куповете от галактики в Северната галактична полусфера”
1. Stavrev, K. Y.

A Study of the Large Voids in the Spatial Distribution of Galaxy Clusters

in the Northern Galactic Hemisphere.

2000, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 144, 323-347

[ИФ за 2000 г. 1.745]

2. Stavrev, K. Y.

On the Large-Scale Periodicity in the Spatial Distribution of Rich

Clusters of Galaxies.

2002, Publ. Astron. Obs. Belgrade, No. 73, p. 247-255

3. Stavrev, K. Y.

A Search for Large Voids from Combined Samples of Galaxy Clusters

and Galaxies.

1998, In: McLean, B. et al. (eds.) Proc. IAU Symp. 179 “New Horizons

from Multi-Wavelength Sky Surveys”, 26-30 August 1996, Baltimore,

MD, USA. Kluwer, Dordrecht, p. 332-334

[ИФ за 1998 г. 0.305]

4. Stavrev, K. Y.

Large Voids of Rich Clusters of Galaxies.

1990, Publ. Astron. Dept. Eotvos Univ. 10, 115-123

5. Stavrev, K. Y.

Large Voids of Clusters of Galaxies in the North Galactic Hemisphere.

1990, In: Jaschek, C. and Murtagh, F. (eds.) Errors, Bias and Uncertainti-

es in Astronomy. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, p. 411-414

6. Kalinkov, M., Stavrev, K., and Kuneva, I.

New Results on Large-Scale Structures.

1985, Astron. Nachr. 306, 283-300

[ср. ИФ 0.45]

Б. Купове и свръхкупове от галактики
7. Kalinkov, M., Stavrev, K., Karadjov, D., Mihnevsky, N.

Measurements of Diameters of Galaxies on the Palomar Observatory

Sky Survey.

1972, Известия на Секцията по астрономия 5, 97-147

8. Kalinkov, M., Stavrev, K.

An Indirect Confirmation of Hierarchical Cosmological Models.

1975, Докл. БАН 28, 13-16

[ИФ за 1975 г. 0.038]

9. Kalinkov, M., Stavrev, K.

Abell Clusters and Radio Sources at 1400 MHz.

1975, Докл. БАН 28, 867-869

[ИФ за 1975 г. 0.038]

10. Kalinkov, M., Stavrev, K., Dermendjiev, V.

Correlation Test for Clustering of Radio Sources at 1400 MHz.

1975, Докл. БАН 28, 1009-1010

[ИФ за 1975 г. 0.038]

11. Калинков, М., Ставрев, К., Канева, И.

Об определении расстояний до скоплений галактик из каталога


1975, Письма в АЖ 1, 7-8

12. Kalinkov, M., Stavrev, K., Dermendjiev, V.

Existence of Third-Order Clusters of Galaxies among ED Clusters.

1975, Докл. БАН 28, 1443-1445

[ИФ за 1975 г. 0.038]

13. Kalinkov, M., Kaneva, I., Stavrev, K., Tomov, B., Vlahova, K.,

Yanev, K.

Construction of Complete Sets of Gaussian Smoothing and Filtering

Functions for Discrete Fields of Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies.

1976, Докл. БАН 29, 453-455

[ИФ за 1975 г. 0.038]

14. Kalinkov, M., Stavrev, K., Kaneva, I., Dermendjiev, V.

Observational Evidence of High-Order Clustering of Galaxies.

1976, In: Kharadze, E. K. (ed.) Proc. Third European Astronomical

Meeting, Tbilisi, 1-5 July 1975. Metsniereba, Tbilisi, p. 309-320

15. Kalinkov, M., Stavrev, K., Kaneva, I., Dermendjiev, V., Rudnicki, K.

The Structure of Clusters of Galaxies from Observational Point of View.

1976, In: Kharadze, E. K. (ed.) Proc. Third European Astronomical

Meeting, Tbilisi, 1-5 July 1975. Metsniereba, Tbilisi, p. 321-331

16. Kalinkov, M., Dermendjiev, V., Staikov, B., Kaneva, I., Tomov, B.,

Stavrev, K.

Superclustering of Galaxies.

1978, In: Longair, M. S. and Einasto, J. (eds.) Proc. IAU Symp. No. 79

“The Large Scale Structure of the Universe”, Tallin, USSR, September

12-16, 1977. Reidel, Dordrecht, p. 276-279

[ср. ИФ 0.83]

17. Kalinkov, M., Stavrev, K., Kuneva, I.

Catalogue of Abell and Zwicky Clusters of Galaxies (on magnetic tape).

Version 1976.

1976, Centre de Donnees Stellaires, Strasbourg, France

18. Kalinkov, M., Kaneva, I., Stavrev, K.

Data Retrieval in the Metacatalogue of Galaxies.

1982, In: Jaschek, C. and Heintz, W. (eds.) “Automated Data Retrieval

in Astronomy”. Reidel, Dordrecht, p. 261-263

19. Kalinkov, M., Stavrev, K., Kuneva, I.

Catalogue of Clusters that are Members of Superclusters.

1983, In: Abell, G. O. and Chincarini, G. (eds.) IAU Symp. No. 104

”Early Evolution of the Universe and its Present Structure”, Kolymbary,

Crete, August 30 - September 2, 1982. Reidel, Dordrecht, p. 185-186

[ИФ за 1983 г. 1.42]

20. Kalinkov, M., Stavrev, K., and Kuneva, I.

Clusters of Galaxies and X-ray Sources.

1984, Adv. Space Res. 3, 227-230

21. Kalinkov, M., Stavrev, K., and Kuneva, I.

Superclustering of Galaxies and X-ray Sources.

1984, Adv. Space Res. 3, 231-234

22. Калинков, М., Ставрев, К., Канева, И.

Ближайшие сверхскопления из богатых скоплений галактик.

1984, Астрон. цирк., № 1340, с. 4-7

23. Kalinkov, M., Stavrev, K. Y., Kuneva, I. F.

Simple Redshift Calibration to Abell Clusters of Galaxies.

1984, Докл. БАН 37, 987-990

[ИФ за 1984 г. 0.125]
24. Kalinkov, M., Stavrev, K. Y., Kuneva, I. F.

Redshift Estimations for Abell Clusters of Galaxies.

1984, Докл. БАН 37, 1135-1138

[ИФ за 1984 г. 0.125]

25. Kalinkov, M., Stavrev, K. Y., Kuneva, I. F.

Correlations among Characteristics of Rich Clusters of Galaxies and

Some Selection Effects.

1984, Докл. БАН 37, 1283-1286

[ИФ за 1984 г. 0.125]

26. Kalinkov, M., Stavrev, K. Y., Kuneva, I. F.

Near Superclusters, whose Members are Very Rich Clusters of Galaxies.

1984, Докл. БАН 37, 1443-1446

[ИФ за 1984 г. 0.125]

27. Kalinkov, M., Stavrev, K. Y., Kuneva, I. F.

New Machine-Readable Version of Abell Catalog of Clusters of


1984, Докл. БАН 37, 1591-1594

[ИФ за 1984 г. 0.125]

28. Kalinkov, M., Stavrev, K. Y., Kuneva, I. F.

Relations among Optical, Radio, and X-ray Properties of Abell Clusters

of Galaxies.

1985, In: Nieto, J.-L. (ed.) “Photometry of Galaxies”, Lecture Notes in

Physics, vol. 232. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p. 331-334

[ср. ИФ 0.99]

29. Kalinkov, M., Stavrev, K., Kuneva, I.

Automated Data Retrieval in Observational Cosmology.

1985, In: Proc. of the International Conference on Computer Based

Scientific Research, Plovdiv, 15-20 October, 1984, vol. II, p. 550-557

30. Калинков, М., Ставрев, К., Кынева, И.

Корреляция оптических характеристик скоплений галактик Эйбела.

1985, Письма в АЖ 11, 243-250

[ср. ИФ 0.41]
II. Индивидуални галактики
31. Richter, G. M., Schmidt, K.-H., Thaenert, W., Stavrev, K. , Panov, K.

Surface Photometry of the Dwarf Galaxy VII Zw 009.

1991, Astron. Nachr. 312, 309-314

[ИФ за 1991 г. 0.227]

32. Popovic, L. C., Stavrev, K. Y., Tsvetkova, K., Tsvetkov, M., Ilic, D.,

Sanchez, S. F., Richter, G. M.

Mrk 1040 and its companion LEDA 212995.

2005, Aerospace Research in Bulgaria, vol. 20, p. 126-130

33. Ilich, D., Stavrev, K. Y., Tsvetkova, K., Tsvetkov, M., Popovic, L. C.

Spectrophotometric Observations of Mrk 817: Preliminary results.

2005, Proc. of the 4th Serbian-Bulgarian Astronomical Conference,

21-24 April 2004, Belgrade, Serbia, p. 183-186

34. Popovic, L. C., Stavrev, K. Y., Tsvetkova, K., Tsvetkov, M., Ilic, D.,

Sanchez, S. F., Richter, G. M., Böhm, P.

Observations of AGNs with the 2m telescope of Rozhen Observatory:

Aims and preliminary results.

2004, Proc. of the 4th Serbian-Bulgarian Astronomical Conference,

21-24 April 2004, Belgrade, Serbia, p. 251-257

35. Arbutina, B., Ilić, D., Stavrev, K., Urošević, D., Vukotić, B., Onić, D.

Optical observations of M81 galaxy group in narrow band [SII] and Hα

filters: Holmberg IX.

2009, Serb. Astron. J. 179, 1-8

III. Избухващи звезди
36. Tsvetkov, M., Stavrev, K. Y., Tsvetkova, K.

Machine-Readable Version of the Tonantzintla Catalogue of Flare Stars

in the Pleiades Region.

1987, Bull. d’Inform. CDS 33, 137-139

37. Tsvetkov, M., Stavrev, K. Y., Tsvetkova, K.

Analysis of the Machine-Readable Version of the Tonantzintla Catalogue

of the Pleiades Flare Stars.

1989, In: Haisch, B. M. and Rodono, M. (eds.) IAU Colloquium No. 104:

Solar and Stellar Flares. Poster Papers, Stanford, CA (USA), 15-19 Aug.

1988. Catania Astrophys. Obs., p.147-150

38. Tsvetkova, K. P., Tsvetkov, M. K., Stavrev, K. Y.

Flare Stars Database II.

1995, In: Proc. IAU Symp. 164 “Stellar Populations”, eds. P. C. van der

Kruit and G. Gilmore (Dordrecht: Kluwer), p. 360-360

[ИФ за 1995 г. 0.467]

39. Tsvetkova, K. P., Tsvetkov, M. K., Stavrev, K. Y.

Flare Stars Database: Present Status.

1995, In: Greiner, J., Duerbeck, H. W., Gershberg, R. E. (eds.) Proc. IAU

Coll. 151 “Flares and Flashes”, Sonneberg, Germany, 5-9 Dec. 1994.

Lecture Notes in Physics, vol. 454, Springer Verlag, Berlin, p. 121-124

[ср. ИФ 0.99]
40. Tsvetkova, K. P., Tsvetkov, M. K., Stavrev, K. Y.

Development of the Flare Stars Database.

1996, In: Contadakis, M. E. et al. (eds.) Proc. 2nd Hellenic Astronomical

Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, 1995. Hellenic Astron.Soc., p.146-150
41. Semkov, Е. Н., Tsvetkov, M. K., Borisova, A. P., Stavrev, K. Y., Krol, P.,

Birkle, K., Mito, H., Tarusawa, K.

A long-term photometric study of V 1184 Tauri.

2008, Astronomy & Astrophysics 483, 537-542

[ИФ за 2008 г. 4.153]
42. Peneva, S. P.; Semkov, E. H.; Stavrev, K. Y.
Photometric study of the FUor star V 1735 Cyg (Elias 1-12).

2009, Ap&SS 323, 329-335

[ИФ за 2009 г. 1.404]
43. Peneva, S.P., Semkov, E.H., Stavrev, K.Y.

Long-term light curves of 4 young variable stars.

2010, Bulg. Astron. J. 14, 79-87

IV. Слънчева активност (протуберанси)
44. Rusin, V., Rybansky, M., Dermendjiev, V., Stavrev, K. Y.

Solar Prominences in the Years 1967-1985.

1986, Contributions of the Astron. Observ. Skalnate Pleso 15, 175-181

45. Rusin, V., Rybansky, M., Dermendjiev, V., Stavrev, K. Y.

Catalogue of Solar Prominences (1967-1986).

1988, Contributions of the Astron. Observ. Skalnate Pleso 17, 63-292

46. Dermendjiev, V. N., Buyukliev, G. T., Stavrev, K. Y.

Formation of Surge Prominences in the Solar Atmosphere. II. Two-

Dimensional Hydro-Magnetic Numeric Experiments.

1989, Астрофизические исследования 5, 118-127

47. Dermendjiev, V. N., Stavrev, K. Y., Buyukliev, G. T.

The Solar Cycle as Seen from Prominence and Green Corona Line Data.

1992, In: Harvey, K. L . (ed.) The Solar Cycle. ASP Conf. Series,

vol. 27, p. 386-394

48. Dermendjiev, V. N., Stavrev, K. Y., Andreeva, P. L.

Prominences Activity during the Ascending Phase of the Solar Cycle 22.

1992, Solar Physics (Letters) 138, 415-418

[ИФ за 1992 г. 1.301]

49. Dermendjiev, V. N., Stavrev, K. Y., Rusin, V. and Rybansky, M..

On the Problem of the Secondary Polar Zone of Prominence Activity.

1993, Contrib. Astron. Obs. Skalnate Pleso 23, 118-128

50. Dermendjiev, V. N., Stavrev, K. Y., Rusin, V. and Rybansky, M..

Secondary Polar Zone of Prominence Activity Revealed from Lomnicky

Stit Observations.

1994, Astron. Astrophys. 281, 241-244

[ИФ за 1994 г. 2.328]

51. Rusin, V., Rybansky, M., Dermendjiev, V., Stavrev, K. Ya.

Catalogue of Solar Prominences 1987-1993.

1994, Contrib. Astron. Obs. Skalnate Pleso Suppl. 24, 135-136

V. Архивирани широкоъгълни фотографични наблюдения
52. Stavrev, K. Y.

Observations Catalog for the 2m RCC Telescope at NAO-Rozhen.

1993, IAU Working Group on Wide-Field Imaging Newsletter, No. 3,

p. 78-79

53. Tsvetkov, M. K., Stavrev, K. Y., Tsvetkova, K. P., Ivanov, P. V.,

Iliev, M. S.

The WG WFI Plate Database (WFPDB): Present Status.

1994, In: MacGillivray, H. T. et al. (eds.) Proc. IAU Symp. 161

“Astronomy from Wide-Field Imaging”. Kluwer, Dordrecht, p. 359-364

[ИФ за 1994 г. 0.525]

54. Stavrev, K. Y. and Barzova, I. S.

Direct-Photography Observations with the 2 m RCC Telescope at NAO-

Rozhen: Catalogue of Plates and Archive-Data Analysis.

1994, In: MacGillivray, H. T. et al. (eds.) Proc. IAU Symp. 161

“Astronomy from Wide-Field Imaging”. Kluwer, Dordrecht, p. 371-375

[ИФ за 1994 г. 0.525]

55. Tsvetkov, M. K., Stavrev, K. Y., Tsvetkova, K. P., and Mutafov, A. S.

News about the Wide-Field Plate Database.

1994, IAU Working Group on Wide-Field Imaging Newsletter, No. 5,

p. 47-49

56. Tsvetkov, M., Stavrev, K., Tsvetkova, K., Mutafov, A., Michailov, M.-E.

Schmidt Telescope Plate Archives.

1995, In: Chapman, J., Cannon, R. et al. (eds.) Proc. IAU Coll. 148

“Future Utilization of Schmidt Telescopes”. ASP Conf. Serries, vol. 84,

p. 148-155

57. Tsvetkov, M. K., Stavrev, K. Y., Tsvetkova, K. P., Mutafov, A. S.

Recent Development of the Wide-Field Plate Database.

1995, IAU Working Group on Wide-Field Imaging Newsletter, No. 8,

p. 5-17

58. Tsvetkov, M. K., Stavrev, K. Y., Tsvetkova, K. P., Mutafov, A. S.

Wide-Field Plate Database: A Progress Report.

1995, In: Greiner, J., Duerbeck, H. W., Gershberg, R. E. (eds.) Proc. IAU

Coll. 151 “Flares and Flashes”, Sonneberg, Germany, 5-9 Dec. 1994.

Lecture Notes in Physics, vol. 454, Springer Verlag, Berlin, p. 412-415

[ср. ИФ 0.99]
59. Цветков, М. К., Ставрев, К. Я., Цветкова, К. П., Мутафов, А. С.

Михайлов, М.-Е. С., Борисов, З. Х.

База от данни за широкоъгълни фотографични астрономически


1996, в: Маслев, К. и Куртев, Р. (ред.) Сборник с доклади на Науч-

натата сесия, посветена на 100-годишнината на Астрономическата

обсерватория на СУ “Св. Климент Охридски”, 3-4.10.1994 г.

Натурела, София, стр. 219-227

60. Tsvetkov, M. K., Stavrev, K. Y., Tsvetkova, K. P., Mutafov, A. S.

The Wide-Field Plate Database: New Prospects for Astronomical


1996, In: Contadakis, M. E. et al. (eds.) Proc. 2nd Hellenic Astronomical

Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, 1995. Hellenic Astron.Soc., p.140-145

61. Tsvetkov, M. K., Stavrev, K. Y., Tsvetkova, K. P., Semkov, E. H.,

Mutafov, A. S.

The Spectroscopic Plate Archives in the Wide-Field Plate Database.

1997, In: Contizas, E., Kontizas, M., Morgan, D. H., Vettolani, G. P.

(eds.) Proc. 2nd Conf. of IAU Comm. 9 Working Group on Wide-Field

Imaging “Wide-Field Spectroscopy”, Athens, Greece, May 20-25, 1996.

Kluwer, Dordrecht, p. 87-93

62. Tsvetkov, M. K., Stavrev, K. Y., Tsvetkova, K. P., Semkov, E. H.,

Mutafov, A. S., and Michailov, M.-E.

The Wide-Field Plate Database: Present Status and Future


1997, Baltic Astron. 6, 271-274

63. Tsvetkov, M. K., Stavrev, K. Y., Tsvetkova, K. P., Semkov, E. H.,

Mutafov, A. S., and Michailov, M.-E.

The Wide-Field Plate Database - A New Tool in Observational


1998, In: McLean, B. et al. (eds.) Proc. IAU Symp. 179 “New Horizons

from Multi-Wavelength Sky Surveys”, 26-30 August 1996, Baltimore,

MD, USA. Kluwer, Dordrecht), p. 462-464

[ИФ за 1998 г. 0.305]

64. Tsvetkov, M.K., Stavrev, K.Y., Tsvetkova, K.P., Semkov, E.H.,

Mutafov, A.S., Borisova , A.

The Wide-Field Plate Database: New Development and Applications.

1998, IAU WG on Sky Surveys Newsletter, No. 10, p. 10-16

65. Цветков, М. К., Ставрев, К. Я., Цветкова, К. П., Семков, Е. Х.

Мутафов, А. С., Борисова, А.

База от данни за широкоъгълни фотографични астрономически


1999, Publ. Astron. Obs. Belgrade 64, 11-14

66. Tsvetkov, M., Tsvetkova, K., Stavrev, K., Popov, V.

The Wide-Field Plate Archives in Europe.

2000, Publ. Astron. Obs. Belgrade, No. 67, p. 123-128

67. Tsvetkov, M. K., Stavinschi, M., Tsvetkova, K. P., Stavrev, K. Y.,

Bocsa, G., Popov, V. N., Cristescu, C.

Wide-Field Plate Database: The Bucharest Plate Catalogues.

2000, Baltic Astron. 9, 573-577

68. Tsvetkov, M. K., Stavinschi, M., Tsvetkova, K. P., Stavrev, K. Y.,

Lukarski, H. D., Christov, S. T., Popov, V. N., and Semkov, E. H.

The Wide-Field Plate Database: Towards a European Plate Centre.

2000, Baltic Astron. 9, 613-617

69. Tsvetkov, M. K., Stavinschi, M., Tsvetkova, K. P., Stavrev, K. Y.,

Bocsa, G., Popov, V. N., Cristescu, C.

The Bucharest Observatory Photographic Observations in the Wide-

Field Plate Database.

2000, Romanian Astron. J. 10, 177-186

70. Tsvetkova, K., Tsvetkov, M., Stavrev, K. Y., Borisova, A.,

Stavinschi, M., Protic-Benisek, V.

Balkan collaboration in the archiving of wide-field photographic


2005, In: Dimitrijevic, M. S. et al. (eds.) Proc. 4th Serbian-Bulgarian

Astronomical Conference, 21-24 April 2004, Belgrade, Serbia. Publ.

Astron. Soc. “Rudjer Boskovic” No. 5, p. 105-112

71. Tsvetkov, M., Balazs, L., Kelemen, J., Fronto, A., Holl, A., Stavrev,

K. Y., Tsvetkova, K., Borisova, A., Kalaglarsky, D., Bogdanovski, R.

Konkoly wide-field plate archive.

2005, In: Dimitrijevic, M. S. et al. (eds.) Proc. 4th Serbian-Bulgarian

Astronomical Conference, 21-24 April 2004, Belgrade, Serbia. Publ.

Astron. Soc. “Rudjer Boskovic” No. 5, p. 295-301

72. Tsvetkov, M., Tsvetkova, K., Stavrev, K .Y., Richter, G. M., Böhm, P.

Archiving of the Potsdam wide-field photographic observations.

2005, In: Dimitrijevic, M. S. et al. (eds.) Proc. 4th Serbian-Bulgarian

Astronomical Conference, 21-24 April 2004, Belgrade, Serbia. Publ.

Astron. Soc. “Rudjer Boskovic” No. 5, p. 309-315

73. Holl, A., Kalaglarsky, D. G., Tsvetkov, M. K., Tsvetkova, K. P.,

Stavrev, K.Y.

Interlinking between IBVS and WFPDB.

2006, In: Tsvetkov, M., Golev, V., Murtagh, F., Molina, R. (eds.) Proc.

MC Meeting and Workshop “Virtual Observatory: Plate Content

Digitization, Archive Mining and Image Sequence Processing”, Sofia,

27-30 April 2005. Heron Press, Sofia, p. 374-378
74. Harry Enke, Iliya Nickelt, Markus Demleitner, Milcho Tsvetkov, Katya

Tsvetkova, Konstantin Stavrev, Petra Böhm

AIP Archive of historic Carte du Ciel scans.

2009, German Astrophysical Virtual Observatory (electronic publication)


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