Списък на научните трудове на доц. Антон иванов крил, доктор

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Крил, А. Диетарно и хормонално модулиране на индуциран от ретровирус рак на панкреаса при токачка. 2001. Дисертация за присъждане научната и образователна степен "Доктор", София, Институт по експериментална патология и паразитология, БАН, 159 стр.

Научен ръководител: ст.н.с. І ст. Д-р Тодор Кирев, дбн


№ по ред

  1. Kassabov, R., M. Nikiforova, A. Kril. Vergleichende Untersuchung einiger biologischen Eigenschaften von dem in vitro kultiviertem Stamm des enzootischen Rinderleucosevirus und einem BLV-Feldvirus. Tieraerzlische Umschau, 46, 1991, 480-483.

  2. Markova, N., M. Naidenova, A. Ouzounova, A. Kril. Effect of the MU-13 antibiotic complex in experimental infection. Compt. rend. de l’Acad. Bulg. des Sciences, 48, 7, 1995, 59-61.

  3. Kril, A., R. Alexandrova, E. Shikova, I. Ivanov, T. Kirev. A new unrecognized oncogenic property of the osteopetrosis virus strain Pts56. Compt. rend. de l’Acad. Bulg. des Sciences, 50, 1, 1997, 65-68.

  4. Kril, A., P. Jordanova and T. Kirev. The role of cholecystokinin in pancreatic growth of Guinea fowls. A pilot study. Experimental Pathology and Parasitology, 1, 1998, 51-54.

  5. Иванов, И., А. Крил, Р. Александрова, Г. Рашкова, Р. Русев. Получаване и характеризиране на клетъчни клонове от ембрионални клетки на птици за биотехнологични цели. IX Congress of the Bulgarian microbiologists, Sofia, Bulgaria, 15-17 October, 2, 1998, 388-392.

  6. Ivanov, I., A. Kril, R. Alexandrova, P. Jordanova. Establishment of a duck embryo permanent cell culture. Experimental Pathology and Parasitology, 1, 1998, 67-71.

  7. Kirev, T., R. A. Woutersen and A. Kril. Effects of long-term feeding of raw soya bean flour on virus-induced pancreatic carcinogenesis in guinea fowl. Cancer Letters, 135, 1999, 195-202.

  8. Radoucheva, T., N. Markova, V. Kussovski, K. Dilova, A. Kril. Experimental Yersinia enterocolotica O:3 arthritis in rats. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 5, 1999, 47-48.

  9. Tzvetkov, Y., A. Kril, B. B. Georgiev, N. H. Chipev. Morphology of lesions in the intestinal wall of the gentoo penguin, Pygoscelis papua, caused by Parorchites zederi (Cestoda: Dilepididae). Life Sciences, Bulgarian Antarctic Research 2, 1999, 62-67. PENSOFT Publishers Sofia – Moscow.

  10. Kril, A., P. Angelova-Gateva and T. Kirev. Influence of long-term cholecystokinin treatment on glucose homeostasis in guinea fowls with retrovirus-induced (pre)neoplastic pancreatic lesions. Experimental Pathology and Parasitology, 2, 1999, 18-21.

  11. Ivanov, I., A. Kril. Establishment and characterization of a permanent duck embryo cell line. Experimental Pathology and Parasitology, 4, 2000, 41-44.

  12. Ivanov, I., A. Kril, K. Simeonov, T. Popova, I. Sainova, Y. Tzvetkov. Propagation of avian pox vaccine strains in duck embryo cell cultures. Macedonian Veterinary Review, 29, (2), 2000, 33-38.

  13. Иванов, И. Г., А. И. Крил. Стабилна клетъчна линия от ембрионални клетки на патица - DEC 99. Публикация на патент BG 63125. Бюлетин на патентното ведомство на Република България № 4 от 28.04.2001 г.

  14. Ivanov, I., A. Kril, I. Sainova. Propagation of avian virus strains in the permanent duck embryo cell line. Experimental Pathology and Parasitology, 4/5, 2001, 31-34.

  15. Kril, A. and T. Kirev. The influence of long-term exogenous cholecystokinin (CCK-8) administration on the Pts 56 retrovirus-induced pancreatic carcinogenesis in guinea fowl. Experimental Pathology and Parasitology, 4/6, 2001, 27-39

  16. Ivanov, I., I. Sainova, A. Kril, K. Simeonov. Propagation of avian poxvirus vaccine strains in duck embryo cell line - DEC 99. Experimental Pathology and Parasitology, 4/6, 2001, 46-49.

  17. Sainova, I., A. Kril, I. Ivanov. Propagation of avian pox virus vaccine strains in a mammalian EBTr- cell line. A pilot study. Experimental Pathology and Parasitology, 4/7, 2001, 46-49.

  18. Kirev, T., R.A. Woutersen and A. Kril. The effects of dietary fat on virus-induced pancreatic carcinogenesis in guinea fowl. Nutrition and Cancer: An International Journal, 42, (1), 2002, 98-104.

  19. Ivanov, I., A. Kril. Studies on the in vitro effects of the feed additive Pharmastim 8%. I. Cytotoxicity induced in BALB/c 3T3 and CHO cell lines. Experimental Pathology and Parasitology, 5/10, 2002, 69-77.

  20. Ivanov, I., A. Kril, Zh. Halkova, S. Tsolova, K. Troev. Study of the cytotoxicity of poly(oxyethylene phosphonate)s in vitro. Experimental Pathology and Parasitology, 5/10, 2003, 64-68.

  21. Sainova, I., A. Kril, K. Simeonov, T. Popova, I. Ivanov. Investigation of the morphology of cell clones derived from the mammalian EBTr cell line and their susceptibility to vaccine avian poxvirus strains FK and Dessau. Journal of Virological Methods, 124, 2004, 37-40.

  22. Simeonov, K., T. Popova, A. Kril, Y. Tzvetkov. Isolation of an avian poxvirus from partridges (Perdix perdix) in Bulgaria. Experimental Pathology and Parasitology, 6/12, 2004, 30-33.

  23. Каменов, Й и А. Крил. Върху диагнозата, клиничната картина и лекуването на дирофилариозата по кучетата. Научни доклади на ІV Национален конгрес на Българската асоциация на ветеринарните лекари за дребни животни /с международно участие/, Боровец, хотел “Самоков”, 4-6 юни 2004, 30-36.

  24. Georgieva, A., A. Kril, I. Ivanov. Cell Transformation Assays in Carcinogenicity Testing. Experimental Pathology and Parasitology. 8/1, 2005, 64-73.

  25. Kril, A., A. Georgieva, I. Ivanov. In Ovo Models of Carcinogenicity. Experimental Pathology and Parasitology. 8/2, 2005, 66-75.

  26. Sainova, I., A. Kril, I. Ivanov. Investigation of the replication of the vaccine avian pox virus strains FK and Dessau in avian cell culture systems. L’Annuaire de l’Université de Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski” 2004, Faculté de Formation d’Educateus et d’Instituteurs, Livre 4, 10eme Session Scientifique, Sofia’ 03, Partie I, Tome 96, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2005, 315 - 321.

  27. Sainova, I., A. Kril, I. Ivanov. Investigation of the replication of the vaccine avian pox virus strains FK and Dessau in mammalian cell culture systems. L’Annuaire de l’Université de Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski” 2004, Faculté de Formation d’Educateus et d’Instituteurs, Livre 4, 10eme Session Scientifique, Sofia’ 03, Partie I, Tome 96, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2005, 323 - 335.

  28. Симеонов, К., А. Крил, Й. Стоилов, Л. Думанова. Доказване на вируса на инфекциозната анемия по пилетата (CAV) и антитела срещу него посредством индиректен имунопероксидазен тест. Ветеринарна сбирка 3-4р 2005, /in press/.

  29. Georgieva, A., I. Ivanov, A. Kril. Alternative methods for detection of chemical carcinogens. Annuaire de lUniversite De SofiaSt. K. Ohridski”, Fakulte De Chemie. Tom 98-99, 2006, 207-213.

  30. Chotinsky, D., M. Krusteva, Ch. Stanchev, A. Kril. Effect of gamma radiation on full fat soybeans in broiler chickens. Bulgarian journal of agricultural science 12, 2006, 811-821.

  31. Naydenova, E., K. Troev, M. Topashka-Ancheva, G. Hagele, I. Ivanov, A. Kril. Synthesis, Cytotoxicity and Clastogenicity of Novel - Aminophosphonic Acids. Amino Acids. 33, 2007, 695-702.

  32. Georgieva, A., A. Kril, I. Ivanov. In Ovo Carcinogenicity of Cadmium Chloride and Lead Nitrate. Experimental Pathology and Parasitology. 2009, /in press/.

  33. Georgieva, A., A. Kril, I. Ivanov. Cytotoxicity of the fungicide mancozeb in vitro. Experimental Pathology and Parasitology. 11/3, 2009, /in press/.

  34. Geogrieva, A., A. Kril, I. Inanov. In ovo study on the embryotoxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic potential of the ethylene bisdithiocarbamate fungicide mancozeb. Experimental Pathology and Parasitology. 11/3, 2009, /in press/.

  35. Hristova, E., P. Todorov, A. Kril. Morphological characteristics of ovine fetal liver cells. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences 5(4), 2009, 498-503. ISSN 1817-3047.

  36. Dimitrov P., L. Yossifova, E. Gardeva, A. Todorova, R. Valtchovski, A. Kril, R. Russev. Bovine leukemia virus infection in laboratory animals. Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 62, 8, 2009, 965-970.

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