Standard of Living in Bulgaria Bulgarian transcript

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CultureTalk Bulgaria Video Transcripts:

Standard of Living in Bulgaria

Bulgarian transcript:
Който има много пари във България - явно имаме вече 133-ма милионера, скоро ги обявиха 66 нови - за тях ... нямам поглед върху техния бюджет и как си разпределят парите, но съдя по скъпите коли, които си купуват и къщите, които имат и вилите, и полетите по всички държави по света.
Но обикновеният, средностатистическият българин, фактически, който работи много усилено, задължително на 2-3 места, за да може да си покрива ежемесечните разходи, защото е невъзможно със една заплата от 500 лева - която е дори висока заплата - да си покрива разходите, тъй като за ток плащат по 300 лева на месец през зимния сезон; за вода по 10; за храна отиват 1000 лева на месец, защото изключително високи са цените на хранителните продукти, по-високи, отколкото във Германия и Великобритания: на пилетата, на яйцата, на маслото, на сиренето, българското масло и българския кашкавал са изключително високи, така че просто не ми се иска да мисля какво правят хората, които имат нужда от някакъв вид лекарства, дори да са не някакво специално заболяване, просто някакъв вид лекарства. Как покриват тогава... как разпределят бюджета си?
Мъчно ми е за това, защото не го заслужава един интелигентен българин, а обикновено най-образованите най-много страдат, защото те са вложили пари във образованието си с надежда че ще има възвръщаемост, а няма - не винаги има възвръщаемост. и в миналото, докато и баща ми беше лекар, негови колеги свиреха по ресторантите, за да си изкарват прехраната, а не като лекари. Сега се повтаря същото за съжаление, което не ми се иска да продължава така, защото няма какво да се чудим защо най-интелигентните българи напуснаха и продължават да напускат страната.

English translation:
People who have a lot of money in Bulgaria… apparently we have 133 millionaires now, they recently announced 66 new ones… So, about them… I have no observations regarding their budgets and how they manage their money; I can only judge by the expensive cars that they buy, the houses and villas that they own, and the trips to countries all over the world.
However, the ordinary, the average Bulgarian, who in fact works very hard, at least two or three jobs in order to cover their monthly expenses, because it is impossible for one to cover their expenses with a monthly salary of 500 Lev1 – which is even considered a good salary – electricity costs about 300 Lev a month in winter; water – 10 Lev; food can cost up to a 1000 Lev a month because the prices of groceries are extremely high – higher than in Germany and the U.K. – [the prices] of chicken, eggs, butter, cheese… Bulgarian butter and Bulgarian cheese are extremely expensive. I just do not want to think about what people who need some sort of medication do; even if it is not for some serious illness, just some sort of medication. How do they cover… how do they manage their budgets?
I feel bad because intelligent Bulgarians do not deserve this, and it is usually those with good education that suffer the most because they have invested in their education, hoping that it would pay back, but it does not – it does not always pay back. Even in the past when my father was a physician, his colleagues used to play at restaurants to make a living [as musicians], not as doctors. Nowadays, the same thing is repeating, unfortunately, and I do not want things to carry on like that because it is becoming clear why the most intelligent Bulgarians have left and continue to leave the country.

About CultureTalk: CultureTalk is produced by the Five College Center for the Study of World Languages and housed on the LangMedia Website. The project provides students of language and culture with samples of people talking about their lives in the languages they use every day. The participants in CultureTalk interviews and discussions are of many different ages and walks of life. They are free to express themselves as they wish. The ideas and opinions presented here are those of the participants. Inclusion in CultureTalk does not represent endorsement of these ideas or opinions by the Five College Center for the Study of World Languages, Five Colleges, Incorporated, or any of its member institutions: Amherst College, Hampshire College, Mount Holyoke College, Smith College and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.
© 2013 Five College Center for the Study of World Languages and Five Colleges, Incorporated

1 Lev is the official currency in Bulgaria. 1 Bulgarian Lev equals to approx. 0.67 US$ (data for May 2013).

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