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Списък на публикациите

на доц. д-р Илийчо Петков Илиев

Катедра “Математика, физика и химия”, ТУ – филиал Пловдив


А. В страната

1. Il. Iliev, N. Sabotinov, Sn. Gocheva, “Numerical model of laser level population in helium-cadmium gas discharge”, Bulgarian Journal of Physics, vol. 28, 1-2 (2001), 39-49.

2. Ил. Илиев, “Аналитично представяне на функцията на разпределение по енергия на бързите електрони в хелиев високочестотен разряд”, Е+Е, Изд. на Съюза по електроника, електротехника и съобщения, С., 10-12 (2001) 8-10.

3. Ил. Илиев, “Разпределение на температурата на газа във високочестотен хелиево-кадмиев лазер”, Е+Е, Изд. на Съюза по електроника, електротехника и съобщения, С., 5-6 (2002) ,9-13.

4. I.P.Iliev, S.G.Gocheva. Electric field intensity evaluation for helium-cadmium laser. Prosedings of the 27th Summer School “Application of mathematics in engineering and economics”, Heron Press, Sofia, pp. 456-463,2001.

5. I.P. Iliev, N.V. Sabotinov and S.G.Gocheva. Determination of some parameters of RF capacity discharge. J. of Tech. Univ. at Plovdiv, vol. 3, pp. 101-105, 1996.

6. I.P. Iliev, S.G.Gocheva and N.V. Sabotinov. Computer simulation of the electron temperature and energy level in a radio-frequency He-Cd discharge. J. of Tech. Univ. at Plovdiv, vol. 9, pp. 11-21, 2000.

7. Iliev I.P. On the electron energy distribution functions of the fast electrons in radio-frequency helium discharge. J. of Tech. Univ. at Plovdiv, vol. 9, pp. 7-10, 2000.

8 И.П.Илиев, С.Г.Гочева, Числено моделиране на електродни профили с еднородни полета, Научни трудове на ПУ “П. Хилендарски”, том 25, кн. 4, 1987.

9. I.P. Iliev, N.V. Sabotinov and S.G.Gocheva. On a model of a copper bromide vapor laser. J. of Tech. Univ. at Plovdiv, vol. 1, pp. 157-162, 1995.

10.Ил. Илиев, “Интензификация на охлаждането в напречен високочестотен хелиево-кадмиев лазер”, Е+Е, Изд. на Съюза по електроника, електротехника и съобщения, С., 7-9 (2003) 48-51.

11.Ил. Илиев, Сн. Гочева, “Числено определяне на интензивността на електрическото поле във високочестотен хелиев разряд“, Е+Е, Изд. на Съюза по Електроника, електротехника и съобщения, С., 10-12 (2003), 16-19.

12.Ил. Илиев, Сн. Гочева-Илиева, “Числено изследване устойчивостта на високочестотен хелиев разряд", Техническа мисъл, изд. БАН, год. XLI, 1-2 (2004) 44-50.

13.Ил. Илиев, Сн. Гочева, “Инженерни методи за влияние върху устойчивостта във високочестотен хелиев разряд “, Техническа мисъл, БАН, год. XLI, 3 (2004) 30-34.

14.Iliev I.P., Gocheva S.G. A Model of Laser Génération Propagation in the atmosphère. J. of Tech. Univ. at Plovdiv, vol.12, 2005.

15.Iliycho P. Iliev, Snezhana G. Gocheva-Ilieva and Nikola V. Sabotinov, Statistical analysis of the output power in copper bromide laser, J. of the Tech. Univ. at Plovdiv, “Fundamental Sciences and Applications”, Anniversary Sci. Conf.’2006, vol. 13(10), 2006, pp. 71-76.

Б. В чужбина
16.И.Т.Димов, И.П.Илиев, Б.С.Литвинов, Об алгоритме расчета предпробойных полей в люминесцентных лампах, Светотехника, № 4, Москва, 1980.

17.И.Т. Димов, И.П.Илиев, Численные методы и программы моделирования на ЭВМ предпробойных полей в люминесцентных лампах, Электротехн. промышленность, Светотехнические изделия, 6 , Москва, 1981.

18.I I.Iliev, S.Gocheva and N.Sabotinov, On the stability of radio-frequency discharge, Proceedings of SPIE (Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineering), Bellingham, WA, USA, Vol. 5449, 2004, pp. 131-135.

19.Il. Iliev, Sn. Gocheva-Ilieva, “Study of the Weak to Heavy-Current Transition in High-Frequency Discharge in Nitrogen”, Facta Universitatis, Series: Electronics and energetics, Niš, Serbia and Montenegro, vol. 19, no. 2, August, 2006, 209-217.

20.I. P. Iliev, S. G. Gocheva-Ilieva, N. P. Denev and N. V. Sabotinov, Statistical Study of the Copper Bromide Laser Efficiency, Proc. of American Institute of Physics (AIP), p. 680, vol. 899 - Sixth Intern. Conf. of the Balkan Physical Union. August 22-26, 2006, Istanbul, Turkey

21.I. P. Iliev and S. G. Gocheva-Ilieva, Statistical techniques for examining copper bromide laser parameters, Conference Proceedings of American Institute of Physics (AIP), vol. CP936, pp. 267-270, 2007. Int. Conf. of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, ICNAAM 2007, Corfu, Greece, September 16-20, 2007,

22.S. G. Gocheva-Ilieva and I. P. Iliev, Mathematical modeling of the electric field in copper bromide laser, Conference Proceedings of American Institute of Physics (AIP), vol. CP936, pp. 527-530, 2007. Int. Conf. of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, ICNAAM 2007, Corfu, Greece, September 16-20, 2007,

23.I.P.Iliev, S.G.Gocheva-Ilieva, D.N.Astadzhov, N.P.Denev and N.V.Sabotinov, Statistical analysis of the CuBr laser efficiency improvement Optics and Laser Technology, vol. 40, issue 4, pp. 641-646, 2008. IF: 0.892 (2008)

24.I.P. Iliev, S. G. Gocheva-Ilieva, N. V. Sabotinov, Analytic study of the temperature profile in a copper bromide laser, Quantum Electron., vol. 38, N 4, 2008, 338-342. IF 0.835 (2008)

25. I.P. Iliev, S. G. Gocheva-Ilieva, D. N. Astadjov, N. P. Denev and N. V. Sabotinov, Statistical approach in planning experiments with copper a bromide vapor laser, Quantum Electron., vol. 38, N 5, 436-440, 2008. IF 0.8359 (2008)

26.I.P. Iliev and S. G. Gocheva-Ilieva, On the application of the multidimensional statistical techniques for exploring copper bromide vapor laser, Conference Proceedings of American Institute of Physics (AIP), CP1067, 2008, 475-482,The 34th Conference Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics (AMEE'08), June 6 - 12, 2008, Sozopol.

27.Iliev, S. G. Gocheva-Ilieva, K.A. Temelkov, N.K. Vuchkov and N. V. Sabotinov, Analytical model of the temperature in UV CU+ lasers, Conference Proceedings of American Institute of Physics (AIP) , CP1067, 2008, 114-121. The 34th Conference Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics (AMEE'08), June 6 - 12, 2008, Sozopol.

28.I.P. Iliev, S. G. Gocheva-Ilieva and N. V. Sabotinov, Classification analysis of the variables in CuBr laser, Quantum Electron., vol. 39,№ 2, 143-146 , 2009. IF: 0.835 (2008)

29.I. P. Iliev, S. G. Gocheva-Ilieva, N. V. Sabotinov, Modelling of radio-frequency breakdown in argon, 15th International School on Condensed Matter Physics, Varna, 31 August - 5 September, 2008, Journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials (JOAM), vol. 11, №10, 2009, pp.1392-1395.

IF 0.577 (2008).

30.Iliycho P. Iliev, Snezhana G. Gocheva-Ilieva and Nikola V. Sabotinov, Prognosis of the Copper Bromide Laser Generation through Statistical Methods, Proc. SPIE (Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineering), Bellingham, WA, USA,vol. 7131 71311J1-J8, 2009, XVII Intern. Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers & High Power Lasers 2008, Lisbon, Portugal, 15 - 19 September 2008.

31.I.P.Iliev, S.G.Gocheva-Ilieva, N.V.Sabotinov, Improved model of the gas temperature in a copper bromide laser, Quantum Electron., vol.39, № 5, 425-430, 2009. IF 0.835 (2008) .

32. I.P. Iliev, S.G. Gocheva-Ilieva, K.A. Temelkov, N.K. Vuchkov and N.V., Sabotinov, Modeling of the radial heat flow and cooling processes in a deep ultraviolet Cu+ Ne-CuBr laser, Math. Probl.  Eng., Theory, Methods and Applications, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, New York, NY, Vol. 2009, Article ID 582732, 17 pages (2009) , http://www.hindawi.com/journals/mpe/2009/582732.html IF: 0.553

33. I. P. Iliev, S. G.Gocheva-Ilieva, K.A. Temelkov, N.K. Vuchkov, N.V. Sabotinov, An improved radial temperature model of a high-powered He-SrBr2 laser, J Optics and Laser technology, Elsevier, (in print) IF: 0.981 (2009)

34. I.P. Iliev, S.G. Gocheva-Ilieva, K.A. Temelkov, N.K. Vuchkov and N.V. Sabotinov, Analytical model of temperature profile for a He-SrBr2 laser, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials (JOAM), vol.11, ISS.11- 2009 (Printing date November 19, 2009), pp. 1735 - 1742. IF: 0.433http://inoe.inoe.ro/joam/index.php?option=magazine&op=view&idu=2224&catid=44

35. S.G.Gocheva-Ilieva, I.P.Iliev, Parametric and nonparametric empirical regression models: case study of copper bromide laser generation, Mathematical problems in Engineering, Hindawi, published: 02.03.2010, IF: 0.553 (2009)http://www.hindawi.com/journals/mpe/aip.697687.html 

36. I.P. Iliev, S.G. Gocheva-Ilieva, Model of the radial gas-temperature distribution in a copper bromide vapour laser, Модель радиального распределения температуры газа в лазере на парах бромида меди, Quantum Electron., vol. 40, N6, 479 - 483 (2010), IF: 0.791 http://iopscience.iop.org/1063-7818/40/6/A03

Доклади на международни конференции
А. Конференции, проведени в страната
37.I.P. Iliev, N.V. Sabotinov and S.G.Gocheva – Ilieva. Numerical evaluation of heat-conductivity for He-Cd laser, in Rec. Abstr. Fourth Int. Conf. Numer. Metods and Appl. (Sofia, Bulgaria), August 19-23, 1998, p. 128. (summary)

38.I.P. Iliev, S.G.Gocheva and N.V. Sabotinov. Heat-transfer model and intensification of cooling for RF-exited He-Cd laser discharge. Fourth Gen. Conf. of the Balkan Phys. Union, 22-25 August, 2000, Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria.

39.I.P.Iliev, S.G.Gocheva. Electric field intensity evaluation for helium-cadmium laser. 27th summer school “ Application of mathematics in engineering and economics”. June 10-16, 2001, Sozopol.

40.I.P. Iliev, S.G.Gocheva and N.V. Sabotinov. Primary mathematical model of the heat exchange for the RF-excited gas discharge in He-Cd laser system. Part I-Construction of the model. Jubil. Conf. 30 years of the Math. Departememt of Univ.of Plovdiv, 2000, стр.113-116.

41.I.P. Iliev, S.G.Gocheva and N.V. Sabotinov. Primary mathematical model of the heat exchange for the RF-excited gas discharge in He-Cd laser system. Part II-Numerical results. Jubil. Conf. 30 years of the Math. Departement of Univ.of Plovdiv, 2000, стр.117-12
42.I.P. Iliev, S.G.Gocheva, Автоматизиране проектирането на електродни профили в импулсно-периодични СО2 лазери, II National Conference and Technical Exhibition with International Participation Laser and their Applications, Plovdiv, November, 26-28,1986, p. 28 (summary).

43.I.P. Iliev, S.G.Gocheva and N.V. Sabotinov. Numerical modeling of the potential distribution in metal vapor lasers. , III National Conference and Technical Exhibition with International Participation Laser and their Applications, Plovdiv, October 10-14, 1988, p.52 (summary).

44.I.P. Iliev, N.V. Sabotinov, Numerical Optimization of the Discharge Arising in the Vapor laser. IV National Conference and Technical Exhibition with International Participation Laser and their Applications, Plovdiv, October 23-26, 1990, p.62 (summary).

45.Il. Iliev, Sn. Gocheva, N. Sabotinov, “Determination of the energy of main group electrons in radio-frequency He-Cd discharge”, Europhysics Conference, Abstracts, 34th EGAS (European Group of Atomic Spectroscopy), 9-12 Juli, 2002,Sofia, Bulgaria, 401-402.

46.Il.Iliev, Sn. Gocheva, N. Sabotinov, “On the stability of radio-frequency discharge”, Abstract in Technical Digest, ILLA/LTL’2003, VIII Intern. Conf. “Laser and Laser-information technologies: fundamental problems and applications”, September 27- October 1, 2003, Plovdiv-Smolyan, Bulgaria, general organizer: Russian Academy of Sciences, 73.

47.Il. Iliev, Sn. Gocheva-Ilieva, A. Malinova, “Simulation of radio-frequency weak-current nitric discharge”, Proceedings of IV International Symposium Laser Technologies and Lasers “ LTL Plovdiv 2005”, 8.10-11.10.2005, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 250-255.

48.Iliycho Iliev and Snezhana Gocheva-Ilieva, Numerical results on the electric field in radio-frequency nitric discharge, XIV-th International Symposium on Electical Apparatus and Technologies, SIELA 2005, Proceedings, vol. I, 2-3 June 2005, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, pp. 95-100.

49.A.Malinova, S. Gocheva-Ilieva, I.Iliev. Web services-based simulation of metal vapor lasers. Proceedings of IX Intern. Conf. “Laser and Laser-information technologies: Fundamentals problèmes and applications”, October 4-7,2006, Smolyan, Bulgaria,p.p. 315-324

50.I.P.Iliev, S. Gocheva-Ilieva, A.Malinova, N.V. Sabotinov. Three criteria for studying the breakdown in radio-frequency discharge in nitrogen. Proceedings of IX Intern. Conf. “Laser and Laser-information technologies: fundamental problems and applications”, October 4-7, 2006, Smolyan, Bulgaria,p.p. 324-330, 2007.

51.Iliycho P. Iliev, Snezhana G. Gocheva-Ilieva and Nikola V. Sabotinov, Statistical analysis of the output power in copper bromide laser, Anniversary Sci. Conerencef . november 09-11’2006, Plovdiv, Bulgaria (пълният текст на доклада в [8]).

52.Snezhana Gocheva-Ilieva and Iliycho Iliev, Temperature model and intensification of cooling of radio-frequency gas discharge, Proceedings of 4th Intern. Conference Finite Difference methods and Applications, Lozenetz, Bulgaria,2006, August 26-29, editors: I. Firago, P. Vabishchevich, L. Vulkov, Ed. Rousse Univ. “A.Kanchev”, pp. 179-184, March 2007.

53.I.P. Iliev and S. G. Gocheva-Ilieva, On the application of the multidimensional statistical techniques for exploring copper bromide vapor laser, The 34th Conference Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics (AMEE'08), June 6 - 12, 2008, Sozopol. (пълният текст на доклада в [19]).

54.Iliev, S. G. Gocheva-Ilieva, K.A. Temelkov, N.K. Vuchkov and N. V. Sabotinov, Analytical model of the temperature in UV CU+ lasers, The 34th Conference Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics (AMEE'08), June 6 - 12, 2008, Sozopol . (пълният текст на доклада в [20]).

55.K.A. Temeklkov, N.K. Vuchkov, R.P. Ekov, E.P. Atanasov, J.T. Mouchovski, I.P. Iliev, S.G. Gocheva and N.V. Sabotinov. Theoretical and experimental study on asymmetric charge transfer, Penning ionization and gas temperature distribution in Ne and He discharges with metal and metal halide admixture. 3rd International Workshop & Summer School on Plazma Physics at Black Sea, June 30- July 5, 2008, Kiten, Bulgaria,25. (Programme and Abstracts).

56.I. P. Iliev, S. G. Gocheva-Ilieva, N. V. Sabotinov, Modelling of radio-frequency breakdown in argon, 15th International School on Condensed Matter Physics, Varna, 31 August - 5 September, 2008. (пълният текст на доклада в [22]).

57. S.G. Gocheva-Ilieva, I.P. Iliev, K.A. Temelkov, N.K. Vuchkov, N.V. Sabotinov, “Classifying the basic parameters of ultraviolet Copper Bromide laser, AMiTaNS 2009, Sozopol, 22-27 June 2009, AIP Conference Proceedings 1186, pp. 413-420, Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences, eds. M.D.Todorov and C.I.Christov, ISBN: 978-0-7354-0752-7. http://proceedings.aip.org/proceedings/confproceed/1186.jsp

58. I.Iliev, S. Gocheva-Ilieva et all., Temperature model of high-powered SrBr2 laser, 2nd Int. Conf. Application of mathematics in technical and natural sciences, Sozopol, 21-26.06.2010, (American Institute of Physics, приета за печат).
Б. Конференции, проведени в чужбина:

59.Il. Iliev, Sn. Gocheva-Ilieva, Hr. Semerdzhiev, “Computer modeling of characteristics of heavy current radio-frequency argon discharge”, XL Intern. Scient. Conf. on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST 2005, Proceedings of Papers, Serbia and Montenegro, Niš, June 29 – July 1, vol. 2 (2005) 705-708.

60. Il. Iliev, S. Gocheva-Ilieva, N. Denev, N.Sabotinov. Stastistical Studi of the Copper Bromide Laser Efficiency. 6th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, August 22-26, 2006, Istanbul, Turkey, Book of abstracts, 892. (пълният текст на доклада в [13]).

61.Anna A. Malinova, Snezhana G. Gocheva-Ilieva and Iliycho P. Iliev, Wrapping legacy codes for numerical simulation applications, Third Intern. Bulgarian-Turkish Conference Computer Science'06, 12 - 15 October, 2006, Istanbul, Turkey.Proceedings of Papers, pp. 202-207.

62. I.P. Iliev, S. G. Gocheva-Ilieva, Temperature profile of the impulse discharge, ICEST 2007, 24-27 June, 2007, Ohrid, Macedonia, Proceedings of papers, vol. 2, 769-772, 2007.

63.I. P. Iliev and S. G. Gocheva-Ilieva, Statistical techniques for examining copper bromide laser parameters, Proceedings of Int. Conf. of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, ICNAAM 2007,Corfu, Greece, September 16-20,2007. (пълният текст на доклада в [14]).

64.S. G. Gocheva-Ilieva and I. P. Iliev, Mathematical modeling of the electric field in copper bromide laser, Proceedings of Int. Conf. of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, ICNAAM 2007,Corfu, Greece, September 16-20, 2007. (пълният текст на доклада в [15]).

65.Iliycho P. Iliev, Snezhana G. Gocheva-Ilieva and Nikola V. Sabotinov, Prognosis of the Copper Bromide Laser Generation through Statistical Methods, XVII Intern. Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers & High Power Lasers 2008, Lisbon, Portugal, 15 - 19 September 2008.

66. S.G.Gocheva-Ilieva, I.P.Iliev, Modeling and prediction of laser generation in UV copper bromide laser via MARS, in: Advanced research in physics and engineering, series “Mathematics and Computers in Science and Engineering”, ed. O. Martin et al., Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Optics, Astrophysics and Astronomy (ICOAA '10), Cambridge, UK, February 20-22, 2010, ISBN:978-960-474-163-2, published by WSEAS Press, pp.166-171, 2010. http://www.wseas.us/e-library/conferences/2010/Cambridge/NAICIP/NAICIP-25.pdf

67 S.G.Gocheva-Ilieva, I.P.Iliev, Nonlinear regression model of copper bromide laser generation, The 19th COMPSTAT2010 symposium, Paris, France, August 22nd-27th 2010. http://www.compstat2010.fr/ , Springer_ebook, pp. 1071-1078. http://www-roc.inria.fr/axis/COMPSTAT2010/images/contents_ebook.pdf

Учебници, учебни помагала
1. И.П.Илиев. Лекции по физика.Учебник - Пловдив, 2009.

2 И.П.Илиев. Физика. Учебник- Пловдив, 2009

3.И.П.Илиев. Ръководство за решаване на задачи по физика, Учебно пособие. Изд. ТУ- Пловдив, 2004.
1. Снежана Г. Гочева- Илиева, Илийчо П. Илиев. Параметрични модели на характеристиките на меден

лазер с пари на меден бромид. Университетско издателство „Паисий Хилендарски”, Пловдив, 2010.



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