Вашите схванати, болящи, пулсиращи стави могат да са инфектирани!

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Internet, Real Age, Arthritis Infected, July, 2010

Превод: Стефи Коен


Вашите схванати, болящи, пулсиращи стави могат да са...ИНФЕКТИРАНИ!

50% от хората, страдащи от артрит

са инфектирани с тази
често срещана бактерия...

Сега, след като вече знаете това, лечението е толкова просто, толкова бързо и толкова лесно, че аз ОЩЕ СЕГА ще ви го подскажа

Уважаеми грижещи се за здравето си читатели,

Обзалагам се, че вие досега не сте се сещали, че една противна настинка или вирус, който сте пипнали преди години биха могли сега да унищожават ставите ви – което ви причинява ужасни артритни болки и страдания. Обзалагам се също така, че и вашият лекар никога не ви е споменавал тази възможност...

Но съществува основателна вероятност именно това да се случва с вас.

Всъщност, нови изследвания подсказват, че артритът не е просто неизбежен факт в следствие на стареенето. Напротив, ваашата болка може да е причинена от болестотворен вид бактерии, които предизвикват хаос в ставите ви. Ето как действат...

Микроплазмата е често срещана бактерия в устата ви и досега тя се считаше за относително безвредна. Но нови изследвания показват, че тези незабележими микроорганизми всъщност могат да се промъкнат в кръвта ви, да атакуват ставите и хрущялите ви и действително да причинят или ускорят появяването на артритни болки.

А ето и зашеметяващата част: почти 50% от всички болни от артрит могат да имат тази инфекция.

Научете се как да използвате силен и изцяло естествен лек срещу бактериите, който може да премахне артритната болка завинаги...

Добрата новина е, че без значение дали имате остео- или ревматоиден артрит, вие можете да успеете да се отървете от тази опасна инфекция – както и от болката – като използвате революционно ново лечение. Освен това – то е изцяло естествено и не изисква рецепта. Лошата новина е, че вашият лекар традиционалист вероятно още не е чувал за тази важна напредничава теория, която набира сила в най-добрите изследователски лаборатории в САЩ...

Но това не означава, че тя не е добре известна в определени кръгове.

Ако щете вярвайте, но този нов подход се използва успешно от лекари, практикуващи нови теории в цялата страна. А сега, б And now, thanks to a new book by best-selling author and medical maverick William L. Fischer, you too can learn how to treat or eliminate years of unnecessary arthritis pain by using this important natural cure.

Естествена алтернатива, която традиционните производители на лекарства искат да държат скрита...

Известен лекар от Калифорнийския център за необичайна имунология въвежда силен нов подход за премахването на тази опасна инфекция. Но поради огромния натиск от страна на американските фармацевтични гиганти (онези, които произвеждат предписваните с рецепти лекарства за артрит), този прост, ефикасен и евтин алтернативен лек остава една добре пазена тайна за медицинската общност.

In Fischer's - How to Fight Arthritis & Win - you'll discover more about this revolutionary arthritis treatment that goes straight to the underlying cause of the pain. Turn right to chapter one in this important new book to get the inside scoop on how to get tested and where to go for treatment. Once you've read all about this arthritis-busting breakthrough, you'll be shocked at how easy it is to rid yourself of this infection - and conquer your arthritis pain - for good!

But this isn't the only way this alternative medicine pioneer knows to treat and even cure arthritis - not by a long shot. Keep reading...

In How to Fight Arthritis & Win, you'll also learn about how to:

  • Reduce arthritis swelling and inflammation by up to 97% with a scientifically proven, all-natural supplement that actually protects the stomach

  • Block 50% of rheumatoid attacks...without drugs or exercise

  • Spot and avoid common foods that trigger joint pain and reduce your mobility

  • Recognize the 15 warning signs that your arthritis is getting worse

Ще ви разкажа повече за тези важни открития след малко I'll tell you more about these important discoveries in a moment. Но първо искам да ви кажа шокиращата истина за две от най-новите лекарства ‘чудо’ за артрит на фармацевтичната индустрия But first, I want to tell you the shocking truth about two of the pharmaceutical industry's newest 'miracle' arthritis drugs.

Celebrex и Vioxx: Опасни лекарства, които могат да повишат риска ви от сърдечен удар и инсулт с до 60%

Водещата причина за инвалидност в САЩ, артритът, руши живота на 43 милиона американци. Той може да направи ежедневните задачи непоносими. За да се справим с хроничната болка много от нас разчитат на нестероидни лекарства като аспирин или ибупрофен. Те могат да действат добре, но след време тези продавани без рецепта лекарства могат да разядат стомаха ви и да ви причинят язви.

Още през 1999, две големи фармацевтични компании въведоха нов клас противовъзпалителни лекарства, които се предполагаше че са по-безопасни за стомаха ви. Продажбите на така наречените супер-аспирини, Celebrex и Vioxx, скоро надминаха дори тези на чупещото рекорди лекарство против импотентност Виагра.... което не е лошо за лекарства, които не бяха изследвано доказани, че действат по-добре от аспирина или ибупрофена, но струваха много повече.

Но след излизането им на пазара, започнаха да се появяват резултати от обезпокоителни изследвания за това, че Cox-2 инхибиторите значително повишават риска ви да получите инсулт или сърдечен удар. Всъщност, през август 2001, списанието Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) съобщи, че пациентите, приемащи Cox-2 инхибитори повишават риска си от сърдечен удар с до 60%. След това през септември 2004 година производителят на Vioxx изтегли лекарството си от пазара заради опасения относно повишен риск от ‘сърдечносъдови заболявания’. Да... Cox-2 инхибиторите ви помагат да се справите с болката... но на каква цена?

За предотвратяване на риска от сърдечен удар, някои лекари съветват своите пациенти, които вземат Cox-2 инхибитори да добавят аспирин към ежедневния си режим. Каква ирония... аспиринът, приеман ежедневно причинява точно онова разстройство на стомаха, което Cox-2 инхибиторите са предназначени да предотвратяват първо на първо!

Но както ще видите, съществуват силни алтернативи...

Beat arthritis naturally and
safely... without increasing your
risk of heart attack

In the book How to Fight Arthritis & Win, you'll discover that you don't have to risk suffering a heart attack to conquer the pain. You can get rid of it naturally and safely.

Just turn to page 102. You'll meet Bertha M, 74, who developed debilitating arthritis in her early 40s. Living in constant pain for nearly three decades, she'd tried everything and failed to find a suitable treatment that worked. Finally, with the help of her daughter, Bertha came across a natural plant extract from Africa that has a long history of reducing inflammation in the body. After taking the supplement for four weeks, she described her improvement as miraculous. Now she's "baking cakes and cooking meals and looking after herself once again," her daughter reports. And - best of all - it works safely with virtually no side effects.

You too can benefit from this unique herbal treatment. But that's not all...

Queen Bee miracle milk
may ease arthritis pain

In chapter four of How to Fight Arthritis & Win, you'll read about royal jelly, known as 'nature's richest health food.' New research has shown that it can dramatically ease the pain and discomfort of arthritis.

Here's how it works. All bees feed on royal jelly for the first four days after they are hatched. It's a nutrient-rich milk made in the hive. But after four days, the supply is cut off to all but the queen bee. Researchers have now determined that a steady diet of royal jelly is what gives the queen bee her distinct size and superiority over the worker bees.

So what does this have to do with arthritis?

Well - royal jelly is jam - packed with therapeutic powers. It contains all the amino acids essential for human health, as well as 10 additional vitamins and six minerals. Plus, unique elements in royal jelly act as potent anti-inflammatory agents to reduce pain and stiffness in your joints.

Just turn to page 77 and meet Janet M...

She suffered from arthritis for years. Over time, her condition steadily worsened. But after a few days of taking royal jelly, she began to notice an improvement in her symptoms. Soon, she found it easier to get out of bed in the morning. And, within several weeks, even her husband admitted there was a real difference. 'I never would have thought something that came from a beehive could be so beneficial to people.'

But incorrect processing has destroyed the nutritional content of many of the brands of royal jelly found on your local health food store shelves. In How to Fight Arthritis & Win you will learn how to identify if the royal jelly you are about to purchase has been processed correctly to retain the maximum amount of its healing powers.

But that's not all...

Years of arthritis pain vanishes
with simple vitamin supplements

Even the toughest critics admit the food you eat and the vitamins your body absorbs can have a direct impact on your arthritis...good or bad. In How to Fight Arthritis & Win, you'll get straight answers on which foods and vitamins can cause arthritis pain...and which can help you conquer this insidious disease.

In chapter two, you'll read about one essential vitamin that plays a major role in fighting arthritis pain. Scientists have discovered that over time, a lack of this crucial nutrient in your body can wear out your joints, leading to arthritis pain. In fact, new research has shown that most arthritics are seriously deficient in this vitamin. In one study conducted at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland, 85% of arthritis patients had deficiencies so low that they qualified for a diagnosis of subclinical scurvy. To add insult to injury, it's been shown that regular aspirin use actually depletes the body's supply of this vital nutrient.

The good news is...vitamin deficiencies are relatively easy to correct. But you need to know exactly how much to take and for how long. Plus, it's important to find a doctor who is familiar with the technique. On page 68, of How to Fight Arthritis & Win you'll read about one doctor who's been using this treatment in his practice. He says "we take arthritics that are practically crippled and give them their health back. Even the worst cases are rehabilitated in six months."

But that's not the final word on vitamins...

A recent Danish study proves that a common supplement, available even at your local grocery store, allowed arthritis patients to reduce the amount of pain medication needed. That's good news, considering the havoc NSAIDs can wreak on your stomach not to mention the added risk of heart disease associated with the popular arthritis drugs known as Cox-2 inhibitors. Plus, patients taking these supplements experienced a marked reduction in swelling and morning stiffness. Turn to chapter two get complete details on this important vitamin treatment.

Maximize your body's
natural healing power

In chapter four you'll read about a Hollywood actor who swears by a supplement created from a natural element found in many protein foods and vegetables. Known to reduce pain and flare-ups for RA patients, this nutrient is necessary for maintaining healthy joints and thought to stabilize your immune system. But it's destroyed in cooking. On page 87, of How to Fight Arthritis & Win you'll get all the facts about this powerful alternative...plus, you'll learn how to take this important nutrient as a supplement.

Turn the page and you'll read about a naturally occurring substance in the body that plays a role in maintaining overall joint mobility and health. Studies dating back to 1987 prove that supplements of this all-natural substance can help to significantly reduce osteoarthritic pain and inflammation. In some studies, patients taking this supplement even reduced, or altogether replaced, their painkillers. And unlike NSAIDs, it doesn't cause damage to the digestive tract. On page 88, you'll find out what vitamin helps the body absorb this supplement so you'll get maximum pain relief.

Learn how you may be able
to reduce inflammation
by up to 50% with soothing herbal tea

Just order How to Fight Arthritis & Win today and see the dramatic scientific facts for yourself. In this powerful and easy-to-read resource, you'll discover how to conquer arthritis pain without harmful drugs. You can even benefit from proven, powerful treatments that are found in your kitchen. Just consider this...

  • A common vegetable has been proven in some studies to significantly diminish OA and RA, plus gout in scientific studies...but you have to know how to cook it. Learn how in Chapter 3 'eating for Joint Support and Pain Management'...

  • By drinking this hot tea you may be able to reduce arthritis swelling by 50%. It's even been proven to work in some cases in lab tests by the National Academy of Sciences. Read this miracle drink for yourself on page 62...

  • Strong bones can protect you from arthritis. But drinking milk and taking calcium supplements aren't enough. In chapter four, you'll uncover which calcium-rich foods can give you added protection to fend off arthritis...

Plus. . .

You've all probably heard about glucosamine and chondroitin by now. They've been touted as the rising stars of natural arthritis treatment. Even the Journal of the American Medical Association has concluded that glucosamine and chondroitin demonstrate 'moderate to large effects' in combating pain and joint deterioration associated with arthritis.

They do work, but their pain-relief power is limited in certain cases. On page 85, of How to Fight Arthritis & Win, you'll get the straight truth about glucosamine and chondroitin, tips on how to maximize their strength, plus new warnings for diabetics taking these supplements.

As you'll see, author William L. Fischer isn't afraid to speak the truth. Even if it's unpopular, he asks all the tough questions. For example...

Is your low-fat diet
causing your joint pain?

Many experts argue that arthritis is a metabolic condition, a dysfunction of the body's metabolism. The truth is...your body might be just too dry and your joints are literally drying out. In fact, chances are, if you've got arthritis, you'll also got dry skin, hair, and fingernails. By adding the right kind of fats and oils back into your diet, you'll lubricate your joints and protect them from wear and tear. Turn to page 50 to learn how to simple changes to your diet can help keep your joints from drying out.

Order your copy of How to Fight Arthritis & Win today!

As you'll see, How to Fight Arthritis & Win offers the most up-to-date information on research and breakthrough arthritis treatments. Plus, you'll get a balanced view of the current conventional medicine approach, while emphasizing natural and complementary alternatives to conquering this disease.

Plus, it's written in plain English, so you don't need a medical degree to read it. You'll get a full, easy-to-understand description of how each treatment works...where to go for help...possible risks...and recorded clinical results and case study successes.

If you toss and turn at night...if it takes hours to shake off morning stiffness...if you cringe in pain by just opening a jar or signing a check, don't wait another day. It's time to take action.

But first, you need to stop managing the pain. Stop popping pills. You can do better. Much better! It's time to get back to living. Wake up refreshed in the morning. Play a round of golf. Make homemade bread. Order your copy of How to Fight Arthritis & Win today. You'll find all the answers that can change your life.


Jenny Thompson

Director, Health Sciences Institute
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