Автобиография Лична информация

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Лична информация


Благоев, Александър Борисов


Катедра Оптика и Спектроскопия, Физически факултет, бул. Джеймс Баучър 5, гр. София 1164, България


+ 3592 8628490


+ 3592 8628490





Дата на раждане


Трудов стаж

2001 – до сега



1970 –1973


Професор във Физическия Факултет на СУ

Доцент във Физическия Факултет на СУ

Асистент във Физическия Факултет на СУ

Редовен докторант във Физическия Факултет на ЛГУ

Физик във Физическия Факултет на СУ

• Име и адрес на работодателя

Ректор на Софийския Университет, бул. Руски 15, София , България ,

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Преподавател, изследовател

Заемана длъжност


• Основни дейности и отговорности

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(може и в приложение)

28 години

• Дати (от-до)

• Учебно заведение

Софийски Университет

• Факултет/Департамент

Физически Факултет

• Курсове

Експериментална оптична спектроскопия, физика на плазмата, оптика и атомна физика

Научни публикации

Приложение 1

Образование и обучение

• 1998

1970 – 1974

1962 – 1968

Доктор на физическите науки – Физически Факултет на СУ

Докторант във физическия факултет на Ленинградския Университет, Русия

Студент във Физическия Факултет на Софийския Университет

• Име и вид на обучаващата или образователната организация

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• Наименование на придобитата квалификация

• Ниво по националната класификация (ако е приложимо)

Професор, д.фз.н.

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Придобити в жизнения път или в професията, но не непременно удостоверени с официален документ или диплома.

Майчин език


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Мн. Добро Мн добро

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Съвместна изследователска работа с 25 дипломнта и с 5 докторанта, успешно завършили

своето дипломиране. Съвместна работа с изследователски групи в специализации в чужбина

Организационни умения и компетенции

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ръководител на катедра Оптика и спектроскопия във Физическия Факултет на СУ в периода 2003 – 2007 година

Технически умения и компетенции

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Работа с компютри, експериментално оборудване, добри стъклодувни умения

Свидетелство за управление на МПС

Свидетелство за управление на МПС , професионален клас C


Приложение 1: Blagoev_A_List_Publications.doc


of the scientific papers written by

Prof. A. B. Blagoev, Faculty of Physics, University of Sofia

  1. Blagoev, N. Kolokolov, V. Milenin, "Measurement of electron energy distribution in plasma with periodically varying parameters", Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 42 (1972) 1701 Sov. Phys.  Techn. Phys. 17 (1973) 359.

  2. Blagoev, Yu. Kagan, N. Kolokolov, V. Milenin, A. Muradov “Investigation of the modulated discharge plasma with a pulse probe method” XI ICPIG, Prague, CSSR (1973) PROC., p 429.

  3. B. Blagoev , “Investigation of the electron energy distribution function in He aterglow plasma”, PhD thesis, Leningrade, 1973.

  4. Blagoev, Yu. Kagan, N. Kolokolov and R Ljaguschenko “Electron energy distribution function in the afterglow plasma. I“ Zh. Tekh.Fiz. 44 (1974) 333  338, ( Sov. Phys., Tekh. Phys. 19 (1975) 215).

  5. Blagoev, Yu Kagan, N Kolokolov and R Ljaguschenko “ Electron energy distribution function in the afterglow plasma. II“ Zh. Tekh.Fiz. 44 (1974) 339  342, ( Sov. Phys.  Tekh. Phys. 19 (1975) 215).

  6. Blagoev, Yu. Kagan, N. Kolokolov and R. Ljaguschenko, “Finite amplitude distortion of the electron distribution measured by probe current modulation” Zh. Tekh.Fiz. 45 (1975) 579  586, (Sov. Phys.  Tekh. Phys. 20 (1975) 360).

  7. Blagoev, Yu. Kagan, N. Kolokolov, R. Ljaguschenko, M. Petrunkin, P.Pramatarov , Influence of the superimposed potential oscillation on probe measurement of the electron energy distribution, XII ICPIG, Eindhoven, Netherlands (1975) PROCEEDINGS, p 385

  8. Blagoev, N. Kolokolov, R. Ljaguschenko and P. Pramatarov “ Electron energy distribution function in the afterglow plasma III “ Zh. Tekh.Fiz. 47 (1977) 2102  2108 (Sov. Phys. - Tekh. Phys. 22 (1977) 1221).

  9. Blagoev, Ts. Popov “Investigation of the electron energy distribution function in a neon afterglow plasma”, Phys. Lett. A 66 (1978) N 3, 210  212.,

  10. Blagoev, Ts. Popov - “Investigation of the electron energy distribution function in an argon afterglow plasma”, Phys. Lett. A 70 (1979) 416  418.

  11. N. Kolokolov and O. Toronov “Influence of the fluctuations of plasma potential on the measurements of the electron energy distribution function by the probe current modulation method” Zh. Tekh.Fiz. 51 (1981) 2022  2027.

  12. A.Blagoev, Ts. Popov, T. 12. Mishonov “Upon the Ne, Ar, Kr metastable chemiionization rate coefficients”, PROCEEDINGS of the XV ICPIG, Minsk, USSR, (1981), v I, p. 381  382.

  13. Keishiro Niu, A. Blagoev et al. “Light ion beam propagation through plasma channel”, PROC. of 37 Ann. Congr. of the Jap.Phys. Soc., Niigata, Japan, (1981), p.163

  14. A.Blagoev, N.Pilosof, "Excitation transfer in the first triplet levels of krypton" Phys. Lett. A 83 (1981) 161  163.

  15. Blagoev, T. Mishonov, Ts. Popov “Interactions between metastable Xe atoms”, Phys. Lett. A 99 (1983) 221  223.

  16. Blagoev, T. Mishonov, Ts. Popov “Superelastic collisions between slow electrons and excited Kr and Xe atoms. Possible reaction mechanism for rare gases atoms”, Journ. of Phys. B 17 (1984) 435  441.

  17. Blagoev, Iv. Ivanov, T. Mishonov, Ts. Popov, “Absolute calibration of arbitrary total cross sections for electron impact excitation of Xe metastable states in the near - threshold region”, Journ. of Phys. B 17 (1984) L 647  652.

  18. Blagoev "Method of the plasma electron spectroskopy" Nat. Spectr. Conf., Varna 1986, vol 2, p 150  155

  19. G.Koinakov, N.Pilosof, A.Blagoev, "A microcomputer system for time varying optical absorption measurements" Spectr. Lett. 19 (1986) 1195 2205.

  20. N.Pilosof, A.Blagoev, G.Koinakov, "Automated system for light emission and absorption measurements with submicrosecond time resolution" B. Journ. of Phys. 15 (1988) 302  307.

  21. A. Blagoev, S. Kovashev, P. Popov “A study of the electron energy distribution function in the afterglow of a Cd-Ar discharge plasma”. XX EGAS, Graz, Austria, 1988 ABSTRACTS p. 383  384.

  22. N. Pilosof, A. Blagoev, “Excitation transfer between the first neon triplet levels” Journ. of Phys. B 21 (1988) 639  646.

  23. Blagoev, N. Pilosof, G. Koinakov, “Automated system for investigation of electron energy distribution function in decaying plasmas" Bulg. J. of Phys. 15 (1988) 617  624.

  24. Blagoev, T. Mishonov, S. Kovachev, N. Pilosof, "Bootstrap and jackknife solving of linear equation system for experimental data processing" E5-88-463 Preprint, Joint Inst. Nuclear Res., Dubna (1988)

  25. N. Pilosof, A. Blagoev, “Excitation transfer in the 4p5 6s electron configuration of Kr" XX EGAS (1988) Graz, Austria, ABSTRACTS , C4-43, p.282.

  26. Blagoev, S. Kovachev and P. Popov, “A study of the electron energy distribution in the afterglow of a Cd-Ar plasma” XX EGAS (1988) Graz, Austria, ABSTRACTS, C4-43, p.383  384.

  27. Blagoev, I. Rusinov, F. Sarlemijn, "A study of the electron energy distribution function in a Mg-Ar afterglow plasma", XIX ICPIG, 1989, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, PROC., paper 269.

  28. Blagoev, K. Blagoev, S. Kovachev and N. Pilosoff, G. Zartov, L. Mashev, “Wide-range automatic optical spectrometer” IV Nat. Conf. OPTIKA, Varna,(1987) PROC. p 55  58.

  29. Fr. Meijer, A. Blagoev, K. Blagoev, S. Kovachev and N. Pilosoff “One meter double- pass spectrometer” Report of the IV Nat. Conf. OPTIKA 89, Varna, 1989.

  30. Blagoev, T. Redko, I. Rusinov, "Diffusion coefficient of Mg atoms in argon" XXI EGAS,Upsala, Sweden, 1990, ABSTRACTS , p 697.

  31. Blagoev, Ju. Mincheva, N. Pilosof ,V. Vacheva, "Electron Impact Stepwise Excitation of Kr 4p 5p levels", XX IGPIG, Pisa, Italy, 1991, PROCEEDINGS, paper A 36

  32. Blagoev, J. Mincheva, N. Pilosof., “Excitation transfer in the 5p56s electron configuration of xenon" XXII EGAS (1991) Torun, Poland, ABSTRACTS p 146

  33. Blagoev, G. Petrov, S. Kovachev, Ts. Popov “Superelastic collisions between slow electrons and excited Hg atoms”, Journ. of Phys. B 25 (1992) 1599 1606.

  34. T. Redko, I. Rusinov, A. Blagoev, "Diffusion of ground state and metastable (3s3p) magnesium atoms in He and Ne". Journ. of Phys. B 26 (1993) 107  111.

  35. N.B.Kolokolov and A.B.Blagoev , “Processes of ionization and quenching with creation of fast electrons ”Usp. Fiz. Nauk 163 (1993) N3, 56  77 (Physics - Uspekhi 36 (1993) 152)

  36. Blagoev, G. Bjandov, I. Rusinov, "Ionization of ground state mercury atoms by the metastable neon atoms".XXV EGAS, (1993) Caen, France, ABSTR. P1-072.

  37. R. Djulgerova, A. Blagoev and V. Mihailov, “Probe measurements of electron energy stribution function in Ar hollow cathode discharge under resonant laser irradiation”, XXV EGAS ( 1993) Caen, France, ABSTRACTS, D2-04.

  38. V. Mihailov, R. Djulgerova, and A. Blagoev “An interpretation of the Ne I (5s-2p) optogalvanic signal in a hollow cathode” Europhys. Lett. 30 (1995) 25 29.

  39. Kolokolov N B , Kudryavtsev A A and Blagoev A B, “Interaction processes with creation of fast electrons in the low temperature plasma” Physica Scripta 50 (1994) 371  402.

  40. E. Benova, Ts. Petrova, A. Blagoev and I. Zhelyazkov, "Axial distribution of metastable atoms and charged particles in an ultrahigh frequency Ar plasma column at moderate pressures" Journ. of Apll. Phys 79 (1996), (8), 3848  3852.

  41. M. Rusinov and A. B. Blagoev "Automated System for measurements of Langmuire probe characteristics based on 16 bit PC. II" B. Journ. of Phys 22 (1995) 48  54.

  42. M. Rusinov, and A. B. Blagoev "Automated system for transient optical absorption measurements” Bulg. Journ.of Phys 23 (1996) 73  78.

  43. Blagoev, I. Rusinov and M. Karov "Chemiionization of ground state Hg atoms by excited Ar atoms" Journ. of Phys B 30 (1997) 1361  1368.

  44. M. Rusinov, G. W. Paeva and A. B. Blagoev, "A method for simultaneous determination of the diffusion coefficient of particles in gas media and their reflection coefficient at the wall", J.of Phys D, APPL. PHYS. 30 (1997) 187884.

  45. B. Blagoev “Investigation of the interactions of long lived excited atoms in the afterglow of gas discharge plasma at low pressure”, Thesis of DSc degree in physics, 1997, Sofia.

  46. E. Benova, Ts. Petrova, A. Blagoev and I. Zhelyazkov,“Modelling of an axial ihomogeneous microwave argon plasma column at a moderate pressure “Journ. Apll. Phys, , 84 (1998) 147  .

  47. I. Ogoyski, I. M. Rusinov and A.B Blagoev , “Diffusion and depopulation of the metastable Cd 3P2.0 atoms in collisions with neon atoms “”,Journ.of Phys. B 32 (1999) 5479-87.

  48. I.Rusinov, A.Blagoev, M.Pentceva and V.Yordanov ,“Diffusion and wall loss of magnesium in decaying plasma” in “Advanced Technologies Based on Wave and Beam Generated Plasmas” Editors H.W.Schluter and A.Shivarova, Kluwer Academic Publ., Netherlands (1999) 497498.

  49. I Rusinov I M, Blagoev A B, Pentcheva M I and Yordanov V G, "Diffusion and surface losses of metal atoms in the afterglow of a pulsed hollow cathode discharge" XIV ESCAMPIG (1998) Malahide, Ireland, Abstracts, 508  509.

  50. D. A. Guenov and A. B. Blagoev, “Numerical model of low current negative glow helium plasma” Bulg. Journ.of Phys. 26, N 5-6, (1999) 148 - 156.

  51. Petrova Ts, Ogoyski A, Petrov G M and Blagoev A,“Investigation of the positive column of a Cd-Ne glow discharge“, Chem. Plasma Proc., 20 (2000) 365 – 391

  52. M. Rusinov and A. B. Blagoev “Sputtered Atoms Transport in a Cylindrical Hollow Cathode”,VACUUM 58 (2000) 256 – 262.

  53. Ts. Petrova, A. Ogoyski, G. M. Petrov and A. Blagoev, “An investigation of Cd-Ne afterglow plasma”, VACUUM.58 (2000) 263 – 271.

  54. Rusinov, S. Suzuki, A. Blagoev and H. Itoh, “Studies of diffusion losses in gaseous media using a.boundary condition of the third kind” Jap. Journ.Appl. Phys.39 (2000)2799 – 2803.

  55. G. M. Petrov Ts. Petrova, A. Ogoyski, and A. Blagoev, “Cd –Ne direct current glow Discharge: An efficient source of ultraviolet radiation”, Appl.Phys. Lett 77 (2000) 40 - 42

  56. Petrova Ts, Ogoyski A, Petrov G M and Blagoev A,“Investigation of the positive column of a Cd-Ne glow discharge. II Afterglow” Plasma Chem. Plasma Proc., 21 (2001) 201 – 223.

  57. J Sasaki, T Nakamura, Y Uchida, T Someya, T Teramoto, A Blagoev and S Kawata, “Beam non uniformity smoothing using densty valley formed by heavy ion beam deposition in inertial confinement fusion pellet” Jap. Journ. Appl. Phys. 40 (2001) 968 - 971.

  58. Rusinov, A. Blagoev and V. Dimitrov “Diffusion of particles in plasma media”, Vacuum 60 (2002) 256 – 262

  59. Blagoev, D. Guenov and I. Ivanova-Stanik, “Monte Carlo simulation of the breakdown phase in dense plasma focus devices” PLASMA-2001, Abstracts, p. 69, Warsaw,

  60. V. Iordanov, D. Guenov, I.M. Ivanova-Stanik and A. Blagoev, “Ignition in dense plasma focus devices - a stohastic model” 34th EGAS, Sofia, July 2002, Abstracts, P2-80.

  61. B. Mihova, I Rusinov and A. Blagoev, “Determination of the diffusion coefficient in Mg atoms in Kr”, 34th EGAS, Sofia, July 2002, Abstracts, P2-57.

  62. Blagoev and G. Petrov, : Spectral line deconvolution”, German-Polish Conference on plasma diagnostic for fusion and applications, Greifswald, Sept. 2002, Abstracts, 01

  63. V Yordanov, D. Guenov, I. Ivanova-Stanik and A. Blagoev “Ionization growth in the breakdown of plasma focus discharge”, Vacuum, 76 (2004) 365 – 368.

  64. Rusinov I M, Blagoev A B “Determination of the diffusion coefficient of Mg in 3He at ambient temperatures” Vacuum 76 (2004) 421 – 423.

  65. A.I Ogoiski, S. Kawata, T. Someya and A. Blagoev “32-Beam ion irradiation of a heavy ion fusion pellet” Journ. Phys. D, Appl. Phys 37 (2004) 2392 - 2394

  66. A. Blagoev et al “A study of the interactions of long-lived excited atoms in the low temperature plasma” Jounal of Phys., Conference Series 44 (2006) 80 – 89.

  67. I M Rusinov, Blagoev A “Transport properties of ground-state W atoms in a hollow cathode discharge plasma”, Jounal of Phys., Conference Series 44 (2006) 210 – 214

  68. V Yordanov, I. Ivanova-Stanik and A. Blagoev, “PIC-MCC method with finite element solver for Poisson equation used in simulation of the breakdown phase in dense plasma focus devices”, Jounal of Phys., Conference Series 44 (2006) 215 – 220

  69. O. Djilianova , A. Blagoev et all., The Cu spectra as a tool for the late plasma focus diagnostics” Jounal of Phys., Conference Series 44 (2006) 175 – 179

  70. V Yordanov, I. Ivanova-Stanik and A. Blagoev “The role of the photo electric effect in sustaining Poisson equation used in simulation of the breakdown phase in dense plasma focus devices”, of the preionization process in the PF device”, Jounal of Phys., Conf.Ser., 63 in (2007) 0120022

  71. V Yordanov, I. Ivanova-Stanik and A. Blagoev “Development of the ionization wave in the breakdown of the PF Device”, Journ. of Phys D Appl. Phys. 40 (2007) 1-4

  72. I M Rusinov, I Bojunova and A. Blagoev “Transport properties of ground-state All atoms in a hollow- cathode discharge” Jounal of Phys., Conf.Ser., 63 (2007) in press

  73. I M Rusinov, I Bojunova and A. Blagoev “, III SSIWPP, Kiten, 2008, Abstracts, Jounal of Phys., Conf.Ser., In press

  74. V Yordanov, and A. Blagoev, “A study of the breakdown start time in a plasma focus-like model” III SSIWPP, Kiten, 2008, Abstracts

  75. V Yordanov, A. Blagoev, I Ivanova-Stanic, E. Veldhuizen, S. Nijdam, J. van Mullen and J.van Dijk “Surface ionization wave in a Plasma Focus like geometry” ”, Journ. of Phys D, Appl. Phys. In press (2008)



БЛАГОЕВ, Александър Борисов

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