Автобиография Лична информация

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Лична информация


Николай Витанов Витанов


Катедра Теоретична физика, Физически факултет, бул. Джеймс Баучър 5, гр. София 1164, България


служ.: (02)8161652






Дата на раждане


Трудов стаж

• Дати (от-до)

януари 2001 -

• Име и адрес на работодателя

СУ”Св. Климент Охридски” - Физически факултет, бул. “Джеймс Баучър” 5, гр. София 1164

• Вид на дейността или сферата на работа

Образование и наука

• Заемана длъжност


• Основни дейности и отговорности


Преподавателски опит

(може и в приложение)

• Дати (от-до)

2001 - 2008

• Учебно заведение

СУ “Св. Климент Охридски”

• Факултет/Департамент

Физически факултет

• Курсове

квантова механика, теоретична механика, електродинамика, специални функции, квантови преходи (лекции); квантова механика, термодинамика и статистическа физика (упражнения)

Научни публикации

виж приложението

Образование и обучение

• Дати (от-до)

1990 – 1993

• Име и вид на обучаващата или образователната организация

СУ “Св. Климент Охридски”, Физически факултет

• Основни предмети/застъпени професионални умения

квантова физика

• Наименование на придобитата квалификация


• Ниво по националната класификация (ако е приложимо)


• Дати (от-до)


• Име и вид на обучаващата или образователната организация

СУ “Св. Климент Охридски”, Физически факултет

• Основни предмети/застъпени професионални умения


• Наименование на придобитата квалификация


• Ниво по националната класификация (ако е приложимо)


Лични умения и компетенции

Придобити в жизнения път или в професията, но не непременно удостоверени с официален документ или диплома.

Майчин език


Други езици


• Четене


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• Разговор



• Четене


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• Разговор



• Четене


• Писане


• Разговор



• Четене


• Писане


• Разговор


Социални умения и компетенции

Съвместно съжителство с други хора в интеркултурно обкръжение, в ситуации, в които комуникацията и екипната работа са от съществено значение (например в културата и спорта) и др.


Организационни умения и компетенции

Координация, управление и адмистрация на хора, проекти и бюджети в професионалната среда или на доброволни начала (например в областта на културата и спорта) у дома и др.


Технически умения и компетенции

Работа с компютри, със специфично оборудване, машини и др.

работа с компютри

Други умения и компетенции

Компетенции, които не са споменати по-горе.


Свидетелство за управление на МПС

Категория C




of Nikolay V. Vitanov

1. G. S. Panev and N. V. Vitanov

A calibration method for determination of the absolute values of the total charge-exchange cross sections in crossed-beams experiment

Bulg. J. Phys. 17, 402-406 (1990)
2. N. V. Vitanov and G. S. Panev

On the asymptotic form of the electron wavefunction in the atom and the ion

Europhys. Lett. 16, 159-164 (1991)

3. G. S. Panev and N. V. Vitanov

Total charge-transfer cross sections in collisions of Sr ions with Mg and Ca atoms

J. Phys. B 25, L23-L27 (1992)

4. N. V. Vitanov and G. S. Panev

Generalization of the Demkov formula in near-resonant charge transfer

J. Phys. B 25, 239-248 (1992)

5. N. V. Vitanov and G. S. Panev

Asymptotic electron wavefunctions of excited atoms

Bulg. J. Phys. 19, 22-26 (1992)
6. M. Drewsen, N. V. Vitanov, and H. K. Haugen

Transverse laser cooling of a metastable argon beam: dependence on the interaction time

Phys. Rev. A 47, 3118-3121 (1993)

7. M. Drewsen and N. V. Vitanov

Intensifying atomic beams by two-step transverse laser cooling

J. Phys. B 26, 4109-4116 (1993)

8. N. V. Vitanov

Generalized Demkov model: strong-coupling approximation

J. Phys. B 26, L53-L60 (1993), erratum J. Phys. B 26, 2085 (1993)

9. M. Drewsen, N. V. Vitanov, and H. K. Haugen

Kinetic effects of three- to thirteen-photon velocity-tuned resonances investigated by a time-of-flight technique

Phys. Rev. A 49, 1141-1148 (1994)

10. N. V. Vitanov

Asymmetrized Rosen-Zener model

J. Phys. B 27, 1351-1360 (1994)

11. N. V. Vitanov

Generalized Nikitin model: strong-coupling approximation

J. Phys. B 27, 1791-1805 (1994)

12. N. V. Vitanov

Complete population return in a two-state system driven by a smooth asymmetric pulse

J. Phys. B 28, L19-L22 (1995)

13. N. V. Vitanov

Shape effects in some two-state models with non-analytic pulse envelopes

J. Phys. B 28, 1975-1984 (1995)

14. N. V. Vitanov and P. L. Knight

Coherent excitation of a two-state system by a train of short pulses

Phys. Rev. A 52, 2245-2261 (1995)

15. N. V. Vitanov and P. L. Knight

Control of atomic transitions by the symmetry of excitation pulses

Opt. Commun. 121, 31-35 (1995)

16. N. V. Vitanov and P. L. Knight

Coherent excitation by asymmetric pulses

J. Phys. B 28, 1905-1920 (1995)

17. N. V. Vitanov and B. M. Garraway

Landau-Zener model: effects of finite coupling duration

Phys. Rev. A 53, 4288-4304 (1996), erratum Phys. Rev. A 54, 5458 (1996)

18. N. V. Vitanov and S. Stenholm

Non-adiabatic effects in population transfer in three-level systems

Opt. Commun. 127, 215-222 (1996)

19. B. M. Garraway and N. V. Vitanov

Population dynamics and phase effects in periodic level crossings

Phys. Rev. A 55, 4418-4432 (1997)

20. N. V. Vitanov and S. Stenholm

Analytic properties and effective two-level problems in stimulated Raman adiabatic passage

Phys. Rev. A 55, 648-660 (1997)

21. N. V. Vitanov and S. Stenholm

Pulsed excitation of a transition to a decaying level

Phys. Rev. A 55, 2982-2988 (1997)

22. N. V. Vitanov and S. Stenholm

Properties of stimulated Raman adiabatic passage with intermediate-level detuning

Opt. Commun. 135, 394-405 (1997)

23. N. V. Vitanov and S. Stenholm

Population transfer by delayed pulses via continuum states

Phys. Rev. A 56, 741-747 (1997)

24. N. V. Vitanov and S. Stenholm

Population transfer via a decaying state

Phys. Rev. A 56, 1463-1471 (1997)

25. N. V. Vitanov and K.-A. Suominen

Time-dependent control of ultracold atoms in magnetic traps

Phys. Rev. A 56, R4377-R4380 (1997)

26. R. G. Unanyan, N. V. Vitanov, and S. Stenholm

Suppression of incoherent ionization in population transfer via continuum

Phys. Rev. A 57, 462-466 (1998)

27. N. V. Vitanov

Analytic model of a three-state system driven by two laser pulses on two-photon resonance

J. Phys. B 31, 709-725 (1998)

28. N. V. Vitanov

Adiabatic population transfer by delayed laser pulses in multistate systems

Phys. Rev. A 58, 2295-2309 (1998)

29. N. V. Vitanov, B. W. Shore, and K. Bergmann

Adiabatic population transfer in multistate chains via dressed intermediate states

Eur. Phys. J. D 4, 15-29 (1998)

30. N. V. Vitanov

Transition times in the Landau-Zener model

Phys. Rev. A 59, 988-994 (1999)

31. S. Stenholm and N. V. Vitanov

Ambiguity in quantum optics: The pure state

J. Mod. Opt. 46, 239-254 (1999)

32. N. V. Vitanov and K.-A. Suominen

Nonlinear level crossing models

Phys. Rev. A 59, 4580-4588 (1999)

33. N. V. Vitanov, K.-A. Suominen, and B. W. Shore

Creation of coherent atomic superpositions by fractional stimulated Raman adiabatic passage

J. Phys. B 32, 4535-4546 (1999)

34. N. V. Vitanov

Pulse-order invariance of the initial-state population in multistate chains driven by delayed laser pulses

Phys. Rev. A 60, 3308-3310 (1999)

35. N. V. Vitanov and S. Stenholm

Adiabatic population transfer via multiple intermediate states

Phys. Rev. A 60, 3820-3832 (1999)

36. R. G. Unanyan, N. V. Vitanov, B. W. Shore, and K. Bergmann

Coherent properties of a tripod system coupled via a continuum

Phys. Rev. A 61, 043408 (2000)

37. N. V. Vitanov, B. W. Shore, R. G. Unanyan, and K. Bergmann

Measuring a coherent superposition

Opt. Commun. 179, 73-83 (2000)

38. N. V. Vitanov

Measuring a coherent superposition of multiple states

J. Phys. B 33, 2333-2346 (2000)
39. T. Rickes, L. P. Yatsenko, S. Steuerwald, T. Halfmann, B. W. Shore, N. V. Vitanov, and K. Bergmann

Efficient adiabatic population transfer by two-photon excitation assisted by a laser-induced Stark shift

J. Chem. Phys. 113, 534-546 (2000)
40. N. V. Vitanov, T. Halfmann, B. W. Shore, and K. Bergmann

Laser-induced population transfer by adiabatic passage techniques (review article)

Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 52, 763-809 (2001)
41. N. V. Vitanov, M. Fleischhauer, B. W. Shore, and K. Bergmann

Coherent manipulation of atoms and molecules by sequential pulses (review article)

Adv. At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46, 55-190 (2001)
42. R. G. Unanyan, N. V. Vitanov, and K. Bergmann

Preparation of entangled states by adiabatic passage

Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 137902 (2001)
43. N. V. Vitanov, B. W. Shore, L. Yatsenko, K. Böhmer, T. Halfmann, T. Rickes, and K. Bergmann

Power broadening revisited: Theory and experiment

Opt. Commun. 199, 117-126 (2001)
44. L. P. Yatsenko, N. V. Vitanov, B. W. Shore, T. Rickes, K. Bergmann

Creation of coherent superpositions using Stark-chirped rapid adiabatic passage

Opt. Commun. 204, 413-423 (2002)

45. R. G. Unanyan, M. Fleischhauer, N. V. Vitanov, and K. Bergmann

Entanglement generation by adiabatic navigation in the space of symmetric multiparticle states

Phys. Rev. A 66, 042101 (2002)

46. T. Halfmann, T. Rickes, N. V. Vitanov, and K. Bergmann

Lineshapes in coherent two-photon excitation

Opt. Commun. 220, 353-359 (2003)


47. S. Marienfeld, Y. Pashayan,  N. V. Vitanov, B. W. Shore, H. Hotop, and K. Bergmann

Influence of laser bandwidth and transit time on the excitation probability of a rovibrational two-level system

J. Chem. Phys. 119, 5069-5077 (2003)

48. N. V. Vitanov, L. P. Yatsenko, and K. Bergmann

Population transfer by an amplitude-modulated pulse

Phys. Rev. A 68, 043401(8) (2003)

49. L. P. Yatsenko, B.W. Shore, N. V. Vitanov, and K. Bergmann

Retroreflection-induced bichromatic adiabatic passage

Phys. Rev. A 68, 043405(13) (2003)


50. F. Vewinger, M. Heinz, R. Garcia Fernandez, N. V. Vitanov, and K. Bergmann

Creation and Measurement of a Coherent Superposition of Quantum States

Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 213001(4) (2003)

51. N. V. Vitanov, Z. Kis, and B. W. Shore

Coherent excitation of a degenerate two-level system by an elliptically polarized laser pulse

Phys. Rev. A 68, 063414 (2003)

52. N. V. Vitanov and B. Girard

Adiabatic excitation of rotational ladder by chirped laser pulses

Phys. Rev. A 69, 033409(13) (2004)

53. Z. Kis, A. Karpati, B. W. Shore, and N. V. Vitanov

Stimulated Raman adiabatic passage between degenerate levels

Phys. Rev. A 70, 053405(20) (2004)

54. G. S. Vasilev and N. V. Vitanov

Coherent excitation of a two-state system by a Gaussian field

Phys. Rev. A 70, 053407(11) (2004)

55. P. A. Ivanov, N. V. Vitanov, and K. Bergmann

Effect of dephasing on stimulated Raman adiabatic passage

Phys. Rev. A 70, 063409(8) (2004)

56. E. S. Kyoseva and N. V. Vitanov

Resonant excitation amidst dephasing: An exact analytic solution

Phys. Rev. A 71, 054102(4) (2005)

57. P. A. Ivanov and N. V. Vitanov

Adiabatic evolution amidst dephasing

Phys. Rev. A 71, 063407(7) (2005)

58. R. Garcia-Fernandez, A. Ekers, L. P. Yatsenko, N. V. Vitanov, and K. Bergmann

Control of population flow in coherently driven quantum ladders

Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 043001(4) (2005)

59. Z. Kis, N. V. Vitanov, A. Karpati, C. Barthel, and K. Bergmann

Creation of arbitrary coherent superposition states by stimulated Raman adiabatic passage

Phys. Rev. A 72, 033403(10) (2005)

60. G. S. Vasilev and N. V. Vitanov

Coherent excitation of a two-state system by a linearly chirped Gaussian pulse

J. Chem. Phys. 123, 174106(10) (2005)

61. S. Maniscalco, J. Piilo, N. V. Vitanov, and S. Stenholm

Transient dynamics of linear quantum amplifiers

Eur. Phys. J. D 36, 329-38 (2005)

62. A. A. Rangelov, N. V. Vitanov, L. P. Yatsenko, B. W. Shore, T. Halfmann, and K. Bergmann

Stark-shift-chirped rapid-adiabatic-passage technique among three states

Phys. Rev. A 72, 053403(12) (2005)

63. A. A. Rangelov, J. Piilo, and N. V. Vitanov

Counterintuitive transitions between crossing energy levels

Phys. Rev. A 72, 053404(9) (2005)

64. N. V. Vitanov and B. W. Shore

Quantum transitions driven by missing frequencies

Phys. Rev. A 72, 052507(8) (2005)

65. P. A. Ivanov, N. V. Vitanov, and K. Bergmann

Spontaneous emission in stimulated Raman adiabatic passage

Phys. Rev. A 72, 053412(8) (2005)

66. G. S. Vasilev and N. V. Vitanov

Complete and robust population transfer by zero-area pulses

Phys. Rev. A 73, 023416(6) (2006)

67. E. S. Kyoseva and N. V. Vitanov

Coherent pulsed excitation of degenerate multistate systems: Exact analytic solutions

Phys. Rev. A 73, 023420(11) (2006)

68. N. V. Vitanov and B. W. Shore

Stimulated Raman adiabatic passage in a two-state system

Phys. Rev. A 73, 053402(4) (2006)

69. L. P. Yatsenko, A. A. Rangelov, N. V. Vitanov, and B. W. Shore

Steering population flow in coherently driven lossy quantum ladders

J. Chem. Phys. 125, 014302(7) (2006)

70. X. Lacour, S. Guérin, N. V. Vitanov, L. P. Yatsenko and H. R. Jauslin

Implementation of single-qubit quantum gates by adiabatic passage and static laser phases

Opt. Commun. 264, 362-7 (2006)

71. P. A. Ivanov and N. V. Vitanov

State reconstruction of a qutrit by a minimal set of discrete measurements

Opt. Commun. 264, 368-74 (2006)

72. P. A. Ivanov, E. S. Kyoseva, and N. V. Vitanov

Engineering of arbitrary U(N) transformations by quantum Householder reflection

Phys. Rev. A 74, 022323(8) (2006)

73. A. A. Rangelov, N. V. Vitanov, and B. W. Shore

Extension of the Morris-Shore transformation to multilevel ladders

Phys. Rev. A 74, 053402(9) (2006); Erratum Phys. Rev. A 76, 039901(E) (2007)

74. V. Yannopapas and N. V. Vitanov

Photoexcitation-induced magnetism in arrays of semiconductor nanoparticles with strong excitonic oscillator strength

Phys. Rev. B 74, 193304 (2006)

75. B. W. Shore and N. V. Vitanov

Overdamping of coherently driven quantum systems

Contemp. Phys. 47, 341-62 (2006)

76. P. A. Ivanov, B. T. Torosov, and N. V. Vitanov

Navigation between quantum states by quantum mirrors

Phys. Rev. A 75, 012323(9) (2007)

77. G. S. Vasilev, S. S. Ivanov, and N. V. Vitanov

Degenerate Landau-Zener model: Exact analytic solution

Phys. Rev. A 75, 013417(9) (2007)

78. R. G. Unanyan, B. W. Shore, M. Fleischhauer, and N. V. Vitanov

Symmetry protected creation of superposition states and entanglement using circulant Hamiltonians

Phys. Rev. A 75, 022305(4) (2007)

79. V. Yannopapas and N. V. Vitanov

Spontaneous emission of two-level atoms placed within clusters of metallic nanoparticles

J. Phys.: Cond. Matter 19, 096210(10) (2007)

80. N. V. Vitanov

Complete population inversion by a phase jump: an exactly soluble model

New J. Phys. 9, 58(13) (2007)

81. V. Yannopapas and N. V. Vitanov

Electromagnetic Green's tensor and photon local density of states calculations for collections of spherical scatterers

Phys. Rev. B 75, 115124(9) (2007)

82. X. Lacour, S. Guérin, L. P. Yatsenko, N. V. Vitanov, and H. R. Jauslin

Uniform analytic description of dephasing effects in two-state transitions

Phys. Rev. A 75, 033417(6) (2007)

83. V. Yannopapas and N. V. Vitanov

Fluctuational electrodynamics in the presence of finite thermal sources

Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 053901(4) (2007)

84. E. S. Kyoseva, N. V. Vitanov, and B. W. Shore

Physical realizations of coupled Hilbert-space mirrors for quantum-state engineering

J. Mod. Opt. 54, S393-S413 (2007)

85. V. Yannopapas and N. V. Vitanov

First-Principles Theory of Van der Waals Forces between Macroscopic Bodies

Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 120406(4) (2007)

86. A. A. Rangelov, N. V. Vitanov and E. Arimondo

Stimulated Raman adiabatic passage into continuum

Phys. Rev. A 76, 043414(8) (2007)

87. B. T. Torosov and N. V. Vitanov

Coherent control of a quantum transition by a phase jump

Phys. Rev. A 76, 053404(7) (2007)

88. I. E. Linington and N. V. Vitanov

Robust creation of arbitrary-sized Dicke states of trapped ions by global addressing

Phys. Rev. A 77, 010302(R)(4) (2008)
89. P. A. Ivanov and N. V. Vitanov

Synthesis of arbitrary unitary transformations of collective states of trapped ions by quantum Householder reflections

Phys. Rev. A 77, 012335(7) (2008)

90. S. S. Ivanov and N. V. Vitanov

Steering quantum transitions between three crossing energy levels

Phys. Rev. A 77, 023406(9) (2008)

91. A. A. Rangelov, N. V. Vitanov, and B. W. Shore

Population trapping in three-state quantum loops revealed by Householder reflections

Phys. Rev. A 77, 033404(7) (2008)

92. B. T. Torosov and N. V. Vitanov

Exactly soluble two-state quantum models with linear couplings

J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41, 155309(16) (2008)

93. I. E. Linington and N. V. Vitanov

Decoherence-free preparation of Dicke states of trapped ions by collective stimulated Raman adiabatic passage

Phys. Rev. A 77, 062327 (2008)

94. I. E. Linington, P. A. Ivanov, N. V. Vitanov, and M. Plenio

Robust control of quantized motional states of a chain of trapped ions by collective adiabatic passage

Phys. Rev. A 77, 063837 (2008)

95. P. A. Ivanov and N. V. Vitanov, and M. B. Plenio

Synthesis of cluster states of trapped ions by collective addressing

Phys. Rev. A 78, 012323(5) (2008)

96. S. S. Ivanov, P. A. Ivanov, and N. V. Vitanov

Simple implementation of quantum search with trapped ions

Phys. Rev. A 78, 030301(R) (2008)

97. V. Yannopapas and N. V. Vitanov

Ultra-subwavelength focusing of light by a monolayer of metallic nanoshells with an adsorbed defect

Physica Status Solidi – Rapid Research Letters, accepted (2008)

98. N. V. Vitanov , B. W. Shore, and L. P. Yatsenko

Fluorescence spectral profiles associated with pulsed excitation

Ukr. J. Phys., submitted in May (2008)

99. V. Yannopapas and N. V. Vitanov

Tunable optical nanotraps for atoms atop flat metamaterial lenses

Phys. Rev. Lett., submitted on Sept 16th (2008)

100. A. A. Rangelov, B. W. Shore, and N.V. Vitanov

STIRAP in classical physics

Am. J. Phys., to be submitted in September (2008)

101. L. Praxmeyer, S. Stenholm and N.V. Vitanov

The information of ambiguity

J. Mod. Opt., to be submitted in September (2008)

102. I. E. Linington, B. T. Torosov, and N. V. Vitanov

Grover search with Dicke states of trapped ions

Phys. Rev. A, to be submitted in September (2008)

103. G. S. Vasilev and N. V. Vitanov

Effects of Stark shift and irreversible losses on chirped adiabatic passage

J. Phys. B, to be submitted in October (2008)



Николай Витанов Витанов

Каталог: var -> ezwebin site -> storage -> original -> application
application -> Литература на народите на Европа, Азия, Африка, Америка и Австралия
application -> Издадена от министъра на труда и социалната политика, обн., Дв, бр. 102 от 22. 12. 2009 г., в сила от 01. 2010 г
application -> Програма за Климентови дни 21 ноември – 02 декември 21 ноември Час: 08: 00
application -> Автобиография Лична информация
application -> Автобиография Лична информация
application -> Програма за държавен изпит за специалност
application -> Автобиография Лична информация
application -> Автобиография Лична информация
application -> Конспект по Латински език Употреба и значение на винителен падеж Употреба и значение на аблатив

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