Bulgaria Rural Development Programme (National)

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Bulgaria - Rural Development Programme (National)



Programme type

Rural Development Programme




BG - National

Programming period

2014 - 2020

Managing authority

Дирекция "Развитие на селските райони" (РСР) в Министерство на земеделието и храните.



Version status


Last modification date

02/07/2014 - 18:35:51 CEST

Table of contents

1.Title of the Rural Development Programme 7

2.Member State or administrative region 7

2.1.Geographical area covered by the programme 7

2.2.Classification of the region 7

3.Ex-ante Evaluation 8

3.1.Description of the process, including timing of main events, intermediate reports, in relation to the key stages of RDP development. 8

3.2.Structured table containing the recommendations of the ex-ante evaluation and how they have been addressed. 9 АНС 11 АНС 11АНС 12 АНС 13 АНС 13 АНС 13 АНС 14 АНС 15 АНС 15

3.2.10.SWOT Aнализ 16

3.2.11.Административни ресурси 16

3.2.12.Комуникация 16

3.2.13.Обучение на персонала 17

3.2.14.План за оценка 17

3.2.15.Потребности 18

3.2.16.Специфични цели 19

3.2.17.Стратегия 1 19

3.2.18.Стратегия 2 20

3.2.19.Стратегия 3 20

3.2.20.Тематична подпрограма за малки стопанства 20

3.2.21.Участие на заинтересованите страни 21

3.2.22.Финансови средства 1 21

3.2.23.Финансови средства 2 22

3.2.24.Финансови средства 3 22

3.3.Ex-ante Evaluation report 23

4.SWOT and identification of needs 24

4.1.SWOT 24

4.1.1.Comprehensive overall description of the current situation of the programming area, based on common and programme-specific context indicators and other qualitative up-to-date information 24

4.1.2.Strengths identified in the programming area 32

4.1.3.Weaknesses identified in the programming area 34

4.1.4.Opportunities identified in the programming area 36

4.1.5.Threats identified in the programming area 37

4.1.6.Common Context Indicators 38

4.2.Needs assessment 44

4.2.1.Тематична подпрограма 48

4.2.2.• Въвеждане на водоспестяващи и енергоспестяващи поливни технологии в стопанствата 49

4.2.3.• Въвеждане на подходящи системи за стопанисване на горските насаждения в аспекта на променящите се климатични условия 50

4.2.4.• Въвеждане на системи за ранно предупреждение за превенция на пожарите в горите 50

4.2.5.• Възстановяване и поддържане на полезащитните горски пояси и извършване на противоерозионни залесявания 50

4.2.6.• Възстановяване и реконструкция на хидромелиоративната инфраструктура извън стопанствата 51

4.2.7.• Залесяване на ерозирали и застрашени от ерозия изоставени земеделски земи извън горските територии 51

4.2.8.• Изграждане на нови и реконструкция на съществуващи мощности за преработка на вторични продукти 52

4.2.9.• Изпълнение на дейностите на Третия национален план действие по изменение на климата 52

4.2.10.• Осигуряване на достъп до фиксирана широколентова мрежа в селските територии без покритие 53

4.2.11.• Повишаване квалификацията и управленските умения 53

4.2.12.• Повишаване на енергийната ефективност 54

4.2.13.• Повишаване на жизнеспособността на малките земеделски стопанства 55

4.2.14.• Повишаване на жизнеспособността на малките земеделски стопанства 56

4.2.15.• Повишаване на инвестициите в неземеделските сектори на селските райони 56

4.2.16.• Повишаване на конкурентоспособността в секторите мляко, месо, плодове и зеленчуци и етерично-маслени и лекарствени култури 57

4.2.17.• Повишаване на кооперирането между земеделските производители 58

4.2.18.• Повишаване на осведомеността 58

4.2.19.• Повишаване на проникването и използването на интернет в селските райони 59

4.2.20.• Подобряване на достъпа до външни финансови средства 60

4.2.21.• Подобряване на капацитета на участниците в организацията за трансфер на знания и иновации 60

4.2.22.• Подобряване на организацията за трансфер на знания и иновации 61

4.2.23.• Подобряване на социалната инфраструктура 62

4.2.24.• Подобряване на техническата инфраструктура 62

4.2.25.• Подобряване на туристическата инфраструктурата 63

4.2.26.• Подобряване на управлението на риска в земеделските стопанства 63

4.2.27.• Подобряване на устойчивото стопанисване на горите чрез увеличаване дела на отгледните сечи 64

4.2.28.• Подпомагане на земеделието в райони с природни ограничения 64

4.2.29.• Предотвратяване и намаляване на замърсяването от селското стопанство 65

4.2.30.• Развитие на местния капацитет за устойчиво развитие 65

4.2.31.• Развитие на предприемачеството в селските райони 66

4.2.32.• Разнообразяване на земеделските и неземеделски дейности в стопанствата 66

4.2.33.• Разработване на добри практики за създаване и управление на интензивните горски култури за добив на биомаса 67

4.2.34.• Съхранение и възстановяване на ценните местообитания и видове в местата по Натура 2000 67

4.2.35.• Съхранение и увеличаване на почвеното плодородие 68

4.2.36.• Съхранение на генетичните ресурси 68

4.2.37.• Съхранение на дела на горите с висока консервационна стойност 69

4.2.38.• Съхранение на дела на полу-естествените тревни местообитания с висока природна стойност 69

4.2.39.• Увеличаване лесистостта и възстановяване на горския потенциал 70

4.2.40.• Увеличаване лесистостта и възстановяване на горския потенциал 70

4.2.41.• Увеличаване на броя и развитие на стопанствата на млади земеделски стопани с подходяща квалификация 70

4.2.42.• Увеличаване на дела на биологичното производство 71

4.2.43.• Увеличаване на пазара и подобряване на маркетинга на местни храни 71

4.2.44.• Увеличаване на площите с бързорастящи храсти и дървесни видове за производство на биоенергия 72

4.2.45.• Увеличаване на предлагането на продукти с висока добавена стойност и качество 72

4.2.46.• Укрепване на връзките между земеделски стопани, преработватели и търговци 73

4.2.47.• Ускоряване на иновациите и технологичното обновление в хранителната промишленост 73

4.2.48.• Ускоряване на модернизацията и технологичното обновление на земеделските стопанства 74

5.Description of the strategy 75

5.1.A justification of the needs selected to be addressed by the RDP, and the choice of objectives, priorities, focus areas and the target setting based on evidence from the SWOT and the needs assessment. Where relevant, a justification of thematic sub-programmes included in the programme. The justification shall in particular demonstrate the requirements referred to in Article 8(1)(c)(i) and (iv) of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 75

5.2.The combination and justification of the rural development measures for each focus area including the justification of the financial allocations to the measures and the adequacy of the financial resources with the targets set as referred to in Article 8(1)(c)(ii) and (iii). The combination of measures included in the intervention logic shall be based on the evidence from the SWOT analysis and justification and prioritisation of needs under point 5.1 80

5.2.1.P1: Fostering knowledge transfer and innovation in agriculture, forestry and rural areas 80

5.2.2.P2: Enhancing farm viability and competitiveness of all types of agriculture in all regions and promoting innovative farm technologies and the sustainable management of forests 81

5.2.3.P3: Promoting food chain organisation, including processing and marketing of agricultural products, animal welfare and risk management in agriculture 82

5.2.4.P4: Restoring, preserving and enhancing ecosystems related to agriculture and forestry 84

5.2.5.P5: Promoting resource efficiency and supporting the shift towards a low carbon and climate resilient economy in agriculture, food and forestry sectors 87

5.2.6.P6: Promoting social inclusion, poverty reduction and economic development in rural areas 90

5.3.A description of how the cross-cutting objectives will be addressed, including the specific requirements in Article 8(1)(c)(v) of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 93

5.4.Strategy summary table 95

5.5.A description of the advisory capacity to ensure adequate advice and support for the regulatory requirements and for actions related to innovation to demonstrate the measures taken as required in Article 8(1)(c)(vi) of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 98

6.Assessment of the ex-ante conditionalities 100

6.1.Additional information 100

6.2. Ex-ante conditionalities 104

6.2.1.List of actions to be taken for general ex-ante conditionalities 138

6.2.2.List of actions to be taken for priority linked ex-ante conditionalities 141

7.Description of the performance framework 145

7.1.Indicators 145

7.1.1.P2: Enhancing farm viability and competitiveness of all types of agriculture in all regions and promoting innovative farm technologies and the sustainable management of forests 147

7.1.2.P3: Promoting food chain organisation, including processing and marketing of agricultural products, animal welfare and risk management in agriculture 148

7.1.3.P4: Restoring, preserving and enhancing ecosystems related to agriculture and forestry 149

7.1.4.P5: Promoting resource efficiency and supporting the shift towards a low carbon and climate resilient economy in agriculture, food and forestry sectors 150

7.1.5.P6: Promoting social inclusion, poverty reduction and economic development in rural areas 151

7.2.Alternative indicators 153

7.3.Reserve 154

8.Description of each of the measures selected 156

8.1.Description of the general conditions applied to more than one measure including, when relevant, definition of rural area, baselines, cross-compliance, intended use of financial instruments, intended use of advances, common provisions for investments, etc. 156

8.2.Description by measure 161

8.2.1.M01 - Knowledge transfer and information actions (art 14) 161

8.2.2.M02 - Advisory services, farm management and farm relief services (art 15) 187

8.2.3.M04 - Investments in physical assets (art 17) 212

8.2.4.M06 - Farm and business development (art 19) 271

8.2.5.M07 - Basic services and village renewal in rural areas (art 20) 313

8.2.6.M08 - Investments in forest area development and improvement of the viability of forests (art 21-26) 351

8.2.7.M09 - Setting-up of producer groups and organisations (art 27) 389

8.2.8.M10 - Agri-environment-climate (art 28) 399

8.2.9.M11 - Organic farming (art 29) 436

8.2.10.M12 - Natura 2000 and Water Framework Directive payments (art 30) 457

8.2.11.M13 - Payments to areas facing natural or other specific constraints (art 31) 478

8.2.12.M14 - Animal Welfare (art 33) 492

8.2.13.M15 - Forest environmental and climate services and forest conservation (art 34) 536

8.2.14.M16 - Co-operation (art 35) 554

8.2.15.M17 - Risk management (art 36-39) 576

8.2.16.M19 - Support for LEADER local development (CLLD – community-led local development) (art 35 Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013) 579

9.Evaluation Plan 612

9.1.Objectives and purpose 612

9.2.Governance and coordination 613

9.3.Evaluation topics and activities 615

9.4.Data and information 618

9.5.Timeline 620

9.6.Communication 623

9.7.Resources 624

10.Financing Plan 627

10.1. Annual EAFRD contributions in (€) 627

10.2. Single EAFRD contribution rate for all measures broken down by type of region as referred to in Article 59(3) of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 628

10.3.Breakdown by measure and type of operation with different EAFRD contribution rate (in € total period 2014-2020) 629

10.3.1.M01 - Knowledge transfer and information actions (art 14) 629

10.3.2.M02 - Advisory services, farm management and farm relief services (art 15) 630

10.3.3.M04 - Investments in physical assets (art 17) 631

10.3.4.M06 - Farm and business development (art 19) 632

10.3.5.M07 - Basic services and village renewal in rural areas (art 20) 633

10.3.6.M08 - Investments in forest area development and improvement of the viability of forests (art 21-26) 634

10.3.7.M09 - Setting-up of producer groups and organisations (art 27) 635

10.3.8.M10 - Agri-environment-climate (art 28) 636

10.3.9.M11 - Organic farming (art 29) 637

10.3.10.M12 - Natura 2000 and Water Framework Directive payments (art 30) 638

10.3.11.M13 - Payments to areas facing natural or other specific constraints (art 31) 639

10.3.12.M14 - Animal Welfare (art 33) 640

10.3.13.M15 - Forest environmental and climate services and forest conservation (art 34) 641

10.3.14.M16 - Co-operation (art 35) 642

10.3.15.M17 - Risk management (art 36-39) 643

10.3.16.M19 - Support for LEADER local development (CLLD – community-led local development) (art 35 Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013) 644

10.3.17.M20 - Technical assistance Member States (art 51-54) 645

11.Indicator Plan 646

11.1.Indicator Plan 646

11.1.1.P1: Fostering knowledge transfer and innovation in agriculture, forestry and rural areas 646

11.1.2.P2: Enhancing farm viability and competitiveness of all types of agriculture in all regions and promoting innovative farm technologies and the sustainable management of forests 649

11.1.3.P3: Promoting food chain organisation, including processing and marketing of agricultural products, animal welfare and risk management in agriculture 651

11.1.4.P4: Restoring, preserving and enhancing ecosystems related to agriculture and forestry 654

11.1.5.P5: Promoting resource efficiency and supporting the shift towards a low carbon and climate resilient economy in agriculture, food and forestry sectors 662

11.1.6.P6: Promoting social inclusion, poverty reduction and economic development in rural areas 667

11.2.Overview of the planned output and planned expenditure by measure and by focus area (generated automatically) 672

11.3.Secondary effects: identification of potential contributions of Rural Development measures/sub-measures programmed under a given focus area to other focus areas / targets 675

12.Additional national financing 676

12.1.M01 - Knowledge transfer and information actions (art 14) 676

12.2.M02 - Advisory services, farm management and farm relief services (art 15) 677

12.3.M04 - Investments in physical assets (art 17) 677

12.4.M06 - Farm and business development (art 19) 677

12.5.M07 - Basic services and village renewal in rural areas (art 20) 677

12.6.M08 - Investments in forest area development and improvement of the viability of forests (art 21-26) 677

12.7.M09 - Setting-up of producer groups and organisations (art 27) 677

12.8.M10 - Agri-environment-climate (art 28) 677

12.9.M11 - Organic farming (art 29) 678

12.10.M12 - Natura 2000 and Water Framework Directive payments (art 30) 678

12.11.M13 - Payments to areas facing natural or other specific constraints (art 31) 678

12.12.M14 - Animal Welfare (art 33) 678

12.13.M15 - Forest environmental and climate services and forest conservation (art 34) 678

12.14.M16 - Co-operation (art 35) 678

12.15.M17 - Risk management (art 36-39) 679

12.16.M19 - Support for LEADER local development (CLLD – community-led local development) (art 35 Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013) 679

12.17.M20 - Technical assistance Member States (art 51-54) 679

13.Elements needed for state aid assesment 680

13.1.M01 - Knowledge transfer and information actions (art 14) 682

13.2.M02 - Advisory services, farm management and farm relief services (art 15) 682

13.3.M04 - Investments in physical assets (art 17) 682

13.4.M06 - Farm and business development (art 19) 683

13.5.M07 - Basic services and village renewal in rural areas (art 20) 683

13.6.M08 - Investments in forest area development and improvement of the viability of forests (art 21-26) 684

13.7.M09 - Setting-up of producer groups and organisations (art 27) 684

13.8.M10 - Agri-environment-climate (art 28) 684

13.9.M11 - Organic farming (art 29) 685

13.10.M12 - Natura 2000 and Water Framework Directive payments (art 30) 685

13.11.M13 - Payments to areas facing natural or other specific constraints (art 31) 685

13.12.M14 - Animal Welfare (art 33) 686

13.13.M15 - Forest environmental and climate services and forest conservation (art 34) 686

13.14.M16 - Co-operation (art 35) 687

13.15.M17 - Risk management (art 36-39) 687

13.16.M19 - Support for LEADER local development (CLLD – community-led local development) (art 35 Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013) 687

14.Information on complementarity 689

14.1.Description of means for the complementarity and coherence with: 689

14.1.1.Other Union instruments and, in particular with ESI Funds and Pillar 1, including greening, and other instruments of the common agricultural policy 689

14.1.2.Where a Member State has opted to submit a national programme and a set of regional programmes as referred to in Article 6(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013, information on complementarity between them 691

14.2.Where relevant, information on the complementarity with other Union instruments, including LIFE 691

15.Programme implementing arrangements 692

15.1.The designation by the Member State of all authorities referred to in Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 Article 65(2) and a summary description of the management and control structure of the programme requested under Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 Article 55(3)(i) and arrangements under Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 Article 74(3) 692

15.1.1.Authorities 692

15.1.2.Summary description of the management and control structure of the programme and arrangements for the independent examination of complaints 692

15.2.The envisaged composition of the Monitoring Committee 696

15.3.Provisions to ensure that the programme is publicised, including through the National Rural Network, making reference to the information and publicity strategy, which describes the information and publicity arrangements for the programme in more detail, referred to in Article 13 of this Regulation 697

15.4.Description of mechanisms to ensure coherence with regard to local development strategies implemented under LEADER, activities envisaged under the co-operation measure referred to in Article 35 of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013, the basic services and village renewal in rural areas measure referred to in Article 20 of that Regulation, and other ESI Funds 703

15.5.Description of actions to achieve a reduction of administrative burden for beneficiaries referred to in Article 27(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 704

15.6.Description of the use of technical assistance including actions related to the preparation, management, monitoring, evaluation, information and control of the programme and its implementation, as well as the activities concerning previous or subsequent programming periods as referred to in Article 59(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 706

16.List of actions to involve partners 710Създаване на Тематична работна група (ТРГ) за разработване на ПРСР(2014-2020) с участие на партньорите 710

16.1.1.Subject of the corresponding consultation 710

16.1.2.Summary of the results 710 Провеждане на 6 заседания на ТРГ. 710

16.2.1.Subject of the corresponding consultation 710

16.2.2.Summary of the results 710 Сформиране на фокус групи 711

16.3.1.Subject of the corresponding consultation 711

16.3.2.Summary of the results 711Привличане на партньори със съвещателен глас 711

16.4.1.Subject of the corresponding consultation 711

16.4.2.Summary of the results 711Представяне на ПРСР на две заседания на КН 712

16.5.1.Subject of the corresponding consultation 712

16.5.2.Summary of the results 712Достъп до информация, прозрачност 712

16.6.1.Subject of the corresponding consultation 712

16.6.2.Summary of the results 712

16.7.(Optional) explanations or additional information to complement the list of actions 712

17.National Rural Network 716

17.1.1.The procedure and the timetable for establishing the National Rural Network (hereinafter NRN) 716

17.1.2.The planned organisation of the network, namely the way organisations and administrations involved in rural development, including the partners, as referred to in Article 54(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 will be involved and how the networking activities will be facilitated 716

17.1.3.A summary description of the main categories of activity to be undertaken by the NRN in accordance with the objectives of the programme 717

17.1.4.Resources available for establishing and operating the NRN 722

18.Ex-ante assessment of verifiability, controllability and error risk 723

18.1.Statement by the Managing Authority and the Paying Agency on the verifiability and controllability of the measures supported under the Rural Development Programme 723

18.2.Statement by the functionally independent body referred to in Article 62(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 confirming the adequacy and accuracy of the calculations of standard costs, additional costs and income forgone 724

19.Transitional arrangements 725

19.1.Description of the transitional conditions by measure 725

19.2.Indicative carry-over table 726

20.Thematic sub-programmes 728

21.Documents 729

Каталог: wp-content -> uploads -> 2010
2010 -> Регионален инспекторат по образованието – бургас съюз на математиците в българия – секция бургас дванадесето състезание по математика
2010 -> 7 клас отговори на теста
2010 -> Закон за ветеринарномедицинската дейност /извадка/ в сила от 02. 05. 2006 г
2010 -> Регионален инспекторат по образованието – бургас съюз на математиците в българия – секция бургас дванадесето състезание по математика
2010 -> Закон за здравето /извадка/ в сила от 01. 01. 2005 г
2010 -> Закон за радиото и телевизията /извадка/ Отразена деноминацията от 07. 1999 г
2010 -> Закон за храните /извадка
2010 -> Регионален инспекторат по образованието – бургас съюз на математиците в българия – секция бургас десето състезание по математика
2010 -> Закон за контрол върху наркотичните вещества и прекурсорите /извадка/ в сила от 03. 10. 1999 г. Отразена деноминацията от 05. 07. 1999 г

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