Дата на раждане 4 Октомври 1974 Образование

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Главен Асистент д-р Атанас Терзийски

Дата на раждане

4 Октомври 1974


2001 - 2006

Докторска степен в Университета Дуисбург-Есен, Германия

1992 - 1997

Магистърска степен по Химия, Пловдивски университет

1988 - 1992

Образцова математическа гимназия, Пловдив

Професионални интереси

1. Хетерогенни реакции, Поточни реактори, Моделиране, Спектроскопия

2. Информационни технологии, Мрежово инжинерство

Работни срещи

Юни 2009

Среща по CERT/CLOSER, Кишинев, Молдова

Ноември 2007

RIPE: LIR обучителен курс, София

Юли 2007

TRANSITS CSIRT обучение, София

Ноември 2006

Training course on EGGE (Enabling Grids for E-sciencE) Institute for Parallel Processing: (1) Induction to GRID computing and EGEE project; (2) gLite middleware Application Development Course, BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria

Октомври 2006

Обучение на обучаващи по 6DISS, Брюксел, Белгия

Септември 2006

SEEREN2 Лятно училище, Крит, Гърция


A. Terziyski, N. Kochev, Distributed Software System for Data Evaluation and Numerical Simulations of Atmospheric Processes, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Title: Numerical Methods and Applications), 2011, Volume 6046/2011, 182-189, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-18466-6_21
A. Terziyski, Deliverable D2.1.3: Report of 3th Deployment Case Study, 6DEPLOY Consortium, 2010
A. Terziyski, N. Kochev, Data Evaluation and Computer Simulations of Atmospheric Processes, Journal of International Scientific Publications, Issue Ecology & Safety; Volume 3, 2009, 547-556, ISSN 1313-2563
A. Terziyski, N. Kochev, Modelling Of Surface And Bulk Processes In The Atmosphere, Journal of International Scientific Publications, Issue Ecology & Safety; Volume 2, 2008, 341-357, ISSN 1313-2563
A. Terziyski, N. Kochev, Simulations of Adsorption with Simultaneous Ice Bulk Diffusion in a Closed System, Union of Scientists in Bulgaria, 16 Nov 2007, ISSN 1311-9419
Behr, P., A. Terziyski, R. Zellner, Z., Acetone Adsorption on Ice Surfaces in the Temperature Range T = 190-220 K: Evidence for Aging Effects Due to Crystallographic Changes of the Adsorption Sites, J. Phys. Chem. A, 110 (26), 8098-8107 (2006)
A. Terziyski, P. Behr, R. Zellner, Modeling of adsorption and desorption processes in coated wall flow tube reactors, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Plovdiv, Scientific Works - Chemistry, vol. 32, book 5, (2004), 31-38
Behr, P., U. Scharfenort, A. Terziyski, R. Zellner, Thermodynamics of the interaction of acetone and acetic acid with ice surfaces at temperatures between 190 and 223 K, Torus Press (2004)
Behr, P., A. Terziyski, R. Zellner, Z., Reversible Gas Adsorption in Coated Wall Flow Tube Reactors. Model Simulations for Langmuir Kinetics. Z. Phys. Chem. 218 (2004) 1307
P. Behr, K. Demiral, U. Scharfenort, A. Terziyski, and R. Zellner, Uptake Kinetics of Oxygenated Organics on Ice Surfaces (HEP16), Chemical Mechanism Development, EC / EUROTRAC-2 Joint Workshop "Shaping the Future of  Atmospheric Chemistry Research in Europe" - Proceedings, Paris, 9-11 September. 247-251 (2002)
Kochev, N. T., P. N. Penchev, A. Terziyski, G. N. Andreev, Software Approaches for Structure Information Acquisition and Training of Chemistry Students. Intern. J. Information Theories&Applications, 8(4), 199-206 (2001)


2010 - 2012, Национален фонд научни изследвания – Министерство на образованието и науката (Млади учени), “Моделиране на сорбционни процеси, протичащи в атмосферата”
2007 - 2009, NATO PDD(CP)-(CBP.EAP.RIG 982653), Modelling of Physical and Chemical Processes in Flow Reactors
Активно участие в: GÉANT, 6DEPLOY, 6DISS, SEEREN2, BioSupport, MADARA


A. Terziyski, P. Behr, U. Scharfenort, R. Zellner, Adsorption of Acetone on Ice at Temperatures between 188 and 223 K: Thermodynamic Data and Kinetic Model Simulation, Bunsentagung Meeting, Frankfurt, Germany, (2005)

P. Behr, U. Scharfenort, A. Terziyski, G.M. Nathanson, R. Zellner, Dynamik der Streuung monoenergetischer HCl und HBr-Molekuele an fluessigen Schwefelsaeure/Wasser-Oberflaechen zwischen 213 und 238 K, Bunsentagung Meeting, Frankfurt (Germany) (2005)

P. Behr, U. Scharfenort , A. Terziyski, R. Zellner, Adsorptions/Desorptions-Kinetik von Aceton auf Eisoberfl¨achen bei Temperaturen um 200 K. Experiment und nummerische Simulation., Bunsentagung Meeting, Dresden (Germany) (2004)

P. Behr, U. Scharfenort, A. Terziyski, K. Demiral, R. Zellner, Thermodynamics and kinetics of the interaction of acetone and acetic acid with ice surfaces at temperatures of 190-220 K, International Symposium on Combustion and Atmospheric Pollution, St. Petersburg (Russia), 8-11 July (2003)

P. Behr, A. Terziyski, U. Scharfenort, K. Demiral and R. Zellner, Heterogene Wechselwirkung von Aceton und Essigsaeure mit Eisoberflaechen, Bunsentagung Meeting, Kiel (Germany) (2003)

U. Scharfenort, P. Behr, A. Terziyski and R. Zellner, Heterogeneous interactions of acetone, ethanol and n-propanol with ice surface between 190-250K, 17th International Symposium on Gas Kinetics, Essen (Germany), August (2002)

A. Terziyski, P. Behr, U. Scharfenort and R. Zellner, The interaction of acetic acid with ice surfaces at 198-223K, 17th International Symposium on Gas Kinetics, Essen (Germany), August (2002)


Български, Английски

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