Euro; Starting date: March 2005; Duration: 13 Months

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EU 6FP Project ALIPRO - Supporting the ALIgnment of IST research PROgrammes on mobile communications in the New Member States

Project web-site:; Budget: 550000 euro; Starting date: March 2005; Duration: 13 Months; Geographical scope: all new member states, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, and Germany; Project Consortium: 14 organizations; Strategic objective: To progress towards the achievement of the objectives of the European Research Area in a given IST field; Project Coordinator: MOST Foundation – Poland.

Bulgarian Organization and Coordinator: Dr. Elena Shoikova, Technical University – Sofia,,

ALIPRO’s main goal is to support the European integration and alignment of national and regional research programmes in the field of mobility in the New Member States and the Associated Candidate Countries.

To be more specific, ALIPRO aims to achieve the following general goals:

  • Better alignment of national and regional research programmes on mobility with the European IST research, according to the goal of creating a European Research Area.

  • Stimulating an intensified information flow between the major stakeholders: public authorities in the NMS and ACC responsible for national and regional research programmes and R&D entities that benefit from these programmes. In addition, ALIPRO aims to encourage a continuous, close relationship on policy-making and working level between these stakeholders and the European Commission.

  • Sharing knowledge and information, developing awareness, and promoting best practices on mobile IST programmes as identified during the ALIPRO project execution

ALIPRO will achieve its general goals through the following operational objectives: Benchmarking, Vision and roadmap, Dissemination of the results to the relevant stakeholders.

Main Results:

  • 24 March 2006 Brussels, ALIPRO Workshop - European visions for research programmes on mobile communications in the New Member States and Acceding and Candidate Countries

  • Benchmarking catalogue

  • Overview of national research programmes on mobile telecommunications in NMS and ACC including best practices (benchmarking results)

  • National reports – Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Turkey.

  • Vision and roadmap for integrating national research activities into European IST research

FP6-2004-IST-3 ALIPRO e изследователски проект, финансиран от ЕС по Шеста Рамкова Програма

Web-site:; Бюджет: 550000 Евро; Начало: Март 2005; Продължителност: 13 месеца ; Kонсорциум:14 организации от всички нови страни-членки на ЕС, кандидатите за присъединяване към ЕС-Румъния и България и асоциираната страна Турция и Германия; Стратегическа цел:

Координатор на проекта ALIPRO: Фондацията MOST (Foundation for Mobile and Open Society through wireless Technology) от Полша

Основната цел на ALIPRO е да подпомага Европейската интеграция и хармонизирането на националните и регионални научно-изследователски програми, свързани с мобилните технологии, в новите страни-членки и кандидатите за присъединяване към ЕС.

Организация от България: Технически Университет-София

Лице за контакти: доц. д-р Елена Шойкова,,

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