European curriculum vitae format

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curriculum vitae


Personal information


Syrakova Margarita


Department of Meteorology and Geophysics, Faculty of Physics, 5 James Boucher Blvd., 1164 Sofia, Bulgaria


359 2 8161 291 (office)




Date of birth




Work/Teaching experience

• Dates (from – to)

17.03.1992 - onwards

Assoc. Professor (Docent)

01.06.1981 – 17.03.1992

Research-worker - I degree

01.12.1976 – 01.06.1981

Research-worker II degree

01.12.1975 – 01.12.1976

Research-worker III degree)
01.03.1975 – 01.12.1975

Specialist (physicist)

01.11.1971 – 01.03.0975

PhD student

25.10.1968 – 01.11.1971

Specialist (physicist)

• Name and address of employer

Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”

• Type of business or sector

Lecturer at the department of Meteorology and geophysics

• Occupation or position held

Associate professor

• Main activities and responsibilities

Lectures and exercises in the bachelor and master degrees

Teaching experience

• Dates (from – to)

• Educational Institution

Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”

• Faculty/Department

Faculty of Physics



Climatology: 1975-1997

Physics of Climate – bachelor degree: 2007

Synoptic meteorology, now Synoptic analysys – bachelor degree: since 1997 onwards

Satellite Images in the Synoptic analysys – master degree: since 2003 onwards

History ot the Earth’s climate – master degree: since 2005 onwards

Physics of the Earth and atmosphere – master degree: since 2005 onwards
Seminars and practical exercises:

General meteorology: 1976/1977

Climatology: 1975-1997

Practical exercises on Synoptic meteorology (Synoptic analysys): since 1978 onwards

Practical exercises on Satellite Images in the Synoptic analysys: since 2003 onwards

History ot the Earth’s climate – master degree: since 2005 onwards

MMPh- Vector calculations: 1992, 1993,1998

Следдипломна квалификация:

Individual specializations – consultations on Climatology and Synoptic meteorology


Faculty of Biology (specialty of Ecology)


Climatology and Hydrology (the part on Climatology) – lectures and exercises: 1992-1998

• Faculty/Departmebt

Faculty of chemistry (specialty of Ecochemistry)

• Courses

Meteorology and Climatology - bachelor degree - lectures and exercises: since 2006/2007 onwards

Education and training

• Dates (from – to)

11.1971 – 03.0975

PhD student

• Name and type of organization providing education and training

Sofia University Faculty of Physics

• Principal subjects/occupational

skills covered

• Title of qualification awarded

PhD (in physics)

• Level in national classification

(if appropriate)

• Dates (from – to)


• Name and type of organization providing education and training

Sofia Univesrity, Faculty of Physics

• Principal subjects/occupational

skills covered

• Title of qualification awarded

Basic courses in physics and mathematics and special courses in meteorology

• Level in national classification

(if appropriate)

Personal skills

and competences

Acquired in the course of life and career but not necessarily covered by formal certificates and diplomas.

Mother tongue


Other languages


• Reading skills


Writing skills


• Verbal skills



• Reading skills


• Writing skills

good, basic

• Verbal skills



1. List of publications

List of publications


Dr Margarita Kirilova Syrakova

Dept. of Meteorology and Geophysics, Faculty of Physics, Sofia University

1. М.Сиракова, Н.Годев – Критеий за прогноза на вътрешномасовите гръмотевични

бури над Софийско поле. Хидрология и метеорология, No 3, 1970, 39-47

M.Syrakova, N.Godev – A criterion for a forecast of the inner-mass thunderstorms over Sofia plain. Hydrology and Meteorology, No 3, 1970, 39-47

2. С.Панчев, М.Сиракова – Горизонтальная макротурбулентная диффузия в атмосфере. Хидрология и метеорология, No 4, 1970, 33-39

S.Panchev, M.Syrakova – Horizontal macroturbulent exchange in the atmosphere. Hydrology and Meteorology, No 4, 1970, 33-39

3. С.Панчев, М.Сиракова – Макротурбулентный обмен в атмосфере и отклонение ветра от геострофического. Хидрология и метеорология, No 2, 1971, 3-9

S.Panchev, M.Syrakova – Macroturbulent exchange in the atmosphere and wind deviation from geostrophic one. Hydrology and Meteorology, No 2, 1971, 3-9

4. М.Сиракова – Определение пространственно-временной статистической структуры полей метеорологическох элементов по данным наблюдений. Хидрология и метеорология, No 2, 1975, 29-36

M.Syrakova – Determination of the space-time statistical structure of meteorological elements using observational data. Hydrology and Meteorology, No 2, 1975, 29-36

5. С.Панчев, М.Сиракова – Пространственно-временная статистическая структура поля геопотенциала изобарической поверхности 500 мб, Хидрология и метеорология, No 4, 1975, 3-14

S.Panchev, M.Syrakova – Space-time statistical structure of geopotential at the 500-mb level. Hydrology and Meteorology, No 4, 1975, 3-14

5’. S.Panchev, M.Syrakova – Space-time statistical macrostructure of the geopotential field at the 500-mb level. The GARP Programme on Numerical Experimentation, Rep. No 8, 1975.
6. М.Сиракова – Пространственно-временная статистическая структура поля температуы на уровне 500 мб, Хидрология и метеорология, No 3, 1976, 3-12

M.Syrakova – Space-time statistical structure of temperature field at the 500-mb level. Hydrology and Meteorology, No 3, 1976, 3-12

6’. M.Syrakova – Space-time statistical macrostructure of the temperature field at the 500-mb level. The GARP Programme on Numerical Experimentation, Rep. No 9, 1975.
7. М.Сиракова – Влияние добавления данных на результат пространственно-временной оптимальной интерполяции. Българско геофизично списание, No 2, 1976, 36-42

M.Syrakova – Effect of the inclusion of data on the result of optimum space-time interpolation. Bulgarian Geophysical Journal, No 2, 1976, 36-42

8. M.Syrakova – Space-time interpolation of the geopotential at the 500-mb level. Българско геофизично списание, No 4, 1976

8’. M.Syrakova – Space-time interpolation of the geopotential at the 500-mb level. The GARP Programme on Numerical Experimentation, Rep. No 9, 1975

9. М.Сиракова, Зл.Михайлова – Двуточкови мезомащабни корелационни функции на температурата в Софийско поле. Хидрология и метеорология, No 2, 1976, 55-62

M.Syrakova, Zl.Michajlova – The two-point mesoscale correlation functions of the temperature over Sofia plain. Hydrology and Meteorology, No 2, 1976, 55-62

10. М.Сиракова – Пространственно-временная статистическая структура поля геопотенциала на разных уровнях в атмосфере. Българско геофизично списание, No1, 1978, 25-35

M.Syrakova – Space-time statistical structure of the geopotential field at various levels in the atmosphere. Bulgarian Geophysical Journal, No 1, 1978, 25-35

10’. M.Syrakova – Space-time statistical structure of the geopotential field at various levels in the atmosphere . The GARP Programme on Numerical Experimentation, Rep. No 15, 1977.
11. М.Сиракова – Пространственно-временная статистическая структура поля температуры на разных уровнях в атмосфере. Българско геофизично списание, No2, 1978, 10-21

M.Syrakova – Space-time statistical structure of the temperature field at various levels in the atmosphere. Bulgarian Geophysical Journal, No 2, 1978, 10-21

11’. M.Syrakova – Space-time statistical structure of the temperature field at various levels in the atmosphere . The GARP Programme on Numerical Experimentation, Rep. No 15, 1977.
12. М.Сиракова, Д.Сираков, Г.Джолов – Разлагане по естествени ортогонални функции на полето на средните десетдневни температури за района на България. Хидрология и метеорология, No 2, 1979, 26-36

M.Syrakova, D.Syrakov, G.Djolov – Empirical orthogonal functions of the mean decade temperature field over Bulgaria. Hydrology and Meteorology, No 2, 1979, 26-36

13. Д.Сираков, М.Сиракова, А.Драгоева – Пространствено-временна структура на полето на замърсяването в София по данни от експеримента “София-76”. Хидрология и метеорология, No 1, 1980, 25-36

D.Syrakov, M.Syrakova, A.Dragoeva – Space-time structure of the field of pollution over Sofia based on data of the experiment “Sofia-76”. Hydrology and Meteorology, No1, 1980, 25-36

14. М.Сиракова, Д.Сираков, А.Гочева – Разлагане по естествени ортогонални функции на полетата на някои температурни характеристики за района на България. Годишник на СУ, Физически факултет, том 70-71, 1980, 10-37

M.Syrakova, D.Syrakov, A.Gocheva – Empirical orthogonal functions of some temperature characteristics over the region of Bulgaria. Annuaire de l’Universite de Sofia, Faculte de Physiquye, vol.70-71, 1980, 10-37

15. Д.Сираков, М.Сиракова – Разлагане на някои температурни характеристики за района на България по естествени ортогонални функции на времето. Годишник на СУ, Физически факултет, том 74, 1981, 8-21

D.Syrakov, M.Syrakova – Expansion of some temperature characteristics over the region of Bulgaria on time-dependent empirical orthogonal functions. Annuaire de l’Universite de Sofia, Faculte de Physiquye, vol.74, 1981, 8-21

16. Д.Сираков, М.Сиракова, Хр.Христов – Регресионен анализ чрез ортогонално преобразуване пространството на предикторите и някои метеорологични приложения. Годишник на СУ, Физически факултет, том 77, 1983, 88-98

D.Syrakov, M.Syrakova, Ch.Christov – Regression analysis by orthogonal transformation of the predictor field and some meteorological applications. Annuaire de l’Universite de Sofia, Faculte de Physiquye, vol.77, 1983, 88-98

17. Д.Сираков, М.Сиракова – Дискриминантен анализ чрез ортогонално преобразуване пространството на предикторите и някои метеорологични приложения. Годишник на СУ, Физически факултет, том 77, 1983, 99-115

D.Syrakov, M.Syrakova – Discriminant analysis by orthogonal transformation of the predictor field and some meteorological applications. Annuaire de l’Universite de Sofia, Faculte de Physiquye, vol.77, 1983, 99-115

18. М.Сиракова – Някои бележки върху начина на нормиране на структурната функция. Хидрология и метеорология, No 5, 1984, 61-64

M.Syrakova – Some notes on the methods for normalizing the structure function. Hydrology and Meteorology, No 5, 1984, 61-64

19. Д.Сираков, М.Сиракова – Върху прогнозата на гръмотевични бури около София. Годишник на СУ, Физически факултет, том 79, 1986, 186-191; Доклад на Първия национален конгрес на физиците в България, 23.IX-1.X.1983

D.Syrakov, M.Syrakova – On the thunderstorm forecast in the region of Sofia. Annuaire de l’Universite de Sofia, Faculte de Physiquye, vol.79, 1986, 186-191

20. М.Сиракова – Разлагане по естествени ортогонални функции на вертикалните профили на геопотенциала в тропосферата и ниската стратосфера. Годишник на СУ, Физически факултет, том 80, 1992, 42-60

M.Syrakova – Empirical orthogonal functions of vertical geopotential profiles in the troposphere and low stratosphere. Annuaire de l’Universite de Sofia, Faculte de Physiquye, vol.80, 1992, 42-60

21. М.Сиракова – Разлагане по естествени ортогонални функции на вертикалните профили на температурата в тропосферата и ниската стратосфера. Годишник на СУ, Физически факултет, том 81, 1988, 47-62

M.Syrakova – Empirical orthogonal functions of vertical temperature profiles in the troposphere and low stratosphere. Annuaire de l’Universite de Sofia, Faculte de Physiquye, vol.81, 1993, 47-62

22. М.Сиракова, Р.Мицева – Прогноза на мразове през пролетта и есента чрез регресионен анализ. Годишник на СУ, Физически факултет, том 82, 1989, 183-208

M.Syrakova, R.Mitzeva – Forecasting frost in spring and autumn by means of regression analysis. Annuaire de l’Universite de Sofia, Faculte de Physiquye, vol.82, 1992, 183-208

23. М.Сиракова – Естествени ортогонални функции на вертикалните профили на геопотенциала и температурата в тропосферата и ниската стратосфера през лятото. Годишник на СУ, Физически факултет, том 83, 1989, 5-17

M.Syrakova – Empirical orthogonal functions of vertical geopotential and temperature profiles in the troposphere and low stratosphere in summer. Annuaire de l’Universite de Sofia, Faculte de Physiquye, vol.83-84, 1992, 5-17

24. П.Симеонов, М.Сиракова – Върху мезоструктурата на полетата на температурата и влажността в случаи с конвективна облачност и градови процеси. Проблеми на метеорологията и хидрологията, No 8, 1989

P.Simeonov, M.Syrakova – On the mesostructure of temperature and humidity fields in case of convective clouds and hail. Problems of Meteorology and Hydrology. No 8, 1989

25. M.Syrakova, S.Asteriu - Empirical orthogonal functions of precipitation in Bulgaria and Greece. Bulgarian Journal of Meteorology and Hydrology, No 2, 1990, 162-171
26. D.Syrakov, M.Syrakova – Space-time statistical structure of the pollution field over Sofia, Bulgaria. Monitoring and Control Strategies for Urban Air Pollution. NATO ASI Series, G, edited by I.Allegrini, Springer-Verlag, 1994
27. M.Syrakova, M.Zaharieva – Sofia heat island – diurnal and seasonal variations. Part I: Frequency distribution of hourly temperature differences. BJMH, v.9, No4, 1998, 210-219
28. M.Syrakova, M.Zaharieva – Sofia heat island – diurnal and seasonal variations. Part II: Diurnal and seasonal variations of the heat island intensity. BJMH, v.10, No1-2, 1999, 1-16
29. М.Сиракова – Векови ход на валежите в района на Балканския полуостров. Годишник на СУ, Физически факултет, том 91, 2001, 103-120

M.Syrakova – Secular variation of precipitation in the region of the Balkan peninsula. Annuaire de l’Universite de Sofia, Faculte de Physiquye, vol. 91, 2001, 103-120

30. Е.Донев, М.Сиракова – Числено симулиране на влиянието на сложната топография около Софийското поле върху полето на вятъра. Годишник на СУ, Физически факултет, том 92-93, 2001, 97-112

E.Donev, M.Syrakova – Numerical simulations of the wind field adjustment over the complex terrain around the Sofia plain. Annuaire de l’Universite de Sofia, Faculte de Physiquye, vol. 92-93, 2001, 97-112

31. M.Syrakova – Precipitation fluctuations over Bulgaria and Greece and their relationship with the Northern Hemisphere temperature anomalies. Annuaire de l’Universite de Sofia, Faculte de Physiquye, vol. 94, 2002, 113-148
32. M.Syrakova – Homogeneity analysis of climatological time series – experiments and problems. Idojaras, v. 107, No1, Jan-Mar 2003, 31-48

33. M.Syrakova, M.Stefanova – Homogenization of Bulgarian temperature series. International Journal of Climatology, submitted 2007

С.Панчев, И.Петков, М.Сиракова – Състояние и проблеми на университетското образование по физика на земята и атмосферата в НРБ. Доклад на Първия национален конгрес на физиците в България, 23.09-01.10.1983

S.Panchev, I.Petkov, M.Syrakova – State and problems of the university education in Physics of earth and atmosphere in Bulgaria. Report on the First National Congress of the Physicists in Bulgaria, 23.09-01.10.1983

М.Сиракова – Глобалното затопляне. Светът на физиката, кн. 4, 1999 (издание на СФБ) – научно-популярна

M.Syrakova – Global warming. World of Physics, No4, 1999 (ed. by the Union of Physicists in Bulgaria) - popular

К.Дончев, М.Сиракова – Местни признаци за предсказване на времето. Библ. на дружество “Г.Кирков”, поредица “Математика, физика, химия”, No 1, 1982, “Наука и изкуство”, София (52 стр.)

K.Donchev, M.Syrakova – Local indicators of weather forecasting. Series “Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry” of the scientific association “G.Kirkov”, No1, 1982, “Science and Art”, Sofia (52 pp).

М.Сиракова, Д.Сираков, К.Дончев – Метеорология за всеки. “Наука и изкуство”, София, 1989 (340 стр.) (научна, за масовия читател)

M.Syrakova, D.Syrakov, K.Donchev – Meteorology for everybody. “Science and Art”, Sofia, 1989 (340 pp) (popular)

М.Сиракова – Атмосфера и климат. “Херон прес”, София, 2000 (242 стр) (учебник)

M.Syrakova – Atmosphere and climate. Heron press”, Sofia, 2000 (242 pp) (university textbook)

Page - Curriculum vitae of

SYRAKOVA, Margarita

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