Historic Town of Kavarna Bulgarian transcript

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CultureTalk Bulgaria Video Transcripts: http://langmedia.fivecolleges.edu

Historic Town of Kavarna

Bulgarian transcript:
Както казах във началото, аз съм израстнал във Каварна - всъщност не съм роден във Каварна, но съм израстнал до 18 годишна възраст в Каварна и считам Каварна за моя роден град.
Град Каварна се намира във Североизточна България, на брега на Северното Българско крайбрежие и е град, който е съществувал от дълбока древност - преди 2 500 години. Първоначално е бил Тракийско селище, след което е бил - била създадена Мегарска колония от гърците от град Мегара - гръцки колонисти, които са населили града и са търгували със местните тракийски племена. Местното тракийско племе, което е обитавало района се е казвало Кробизи, а градът е просъществувал дълго време през през древ...1 - през античността, и е бил разрушаван няколко пъти от земетресение.
Ако някой му се отдаде възможност да отиде във Каварна, ще види долу на плажа на морето един нос, който е отрязан, тоест една голяма част от него е във морето, вседствие на едно жестоко земетресение 4-ти век преди Новата Ера. Този нос се нарича Чиракман. Той е бил селище до 4-ти век преди Новата Ера до това разрушително земетресение, което се е случило тогава. Град Каварна е бил и средновековно селище, крепост и център, счита се, историците считат, че е бил център на Добружанското княжество през 13-ти и 14-ти век.
Градът се населява от хора, които са изключително тясно свързани със морето - рибари, моряци, военни моряци, търговски моряци и така нататък. Духът на морето винаги е съществувал във Каварна. Сега Каварна се.. е известна повече със рок фестивалите, но това е хубаво, разбира се, защото популяризира града, но аз мисля, че най-важното качество на Каварна е нейната връзка със... със морето. Така че град Каварна, която между другото представлява и много добра туристическа дестинация, би била много интересно място за всеки един чужденец, който иска да научи нещо за България.

English translation:
Like I said in the beginning, I grew up in the town of Kavarna – actually, I was not born in Kavarna, but I have lived in Kavarna until I was 18 years old, and I consider Kavarna to be my hometown.
The town of Kavarna is located in Northeastern Bulgaria, on the Northern coast of Bulgaria, and it is a town that has existed since antiquity – for 2,500 years. Originally, [Kavarna] was a Thracian settlement; later on, a Megaran colony was established [there] by the Megaran Greeks – Greek colonizers who populated the town and traded with the local Thracian tribes. The local Thracian tribe was called Krobyzoi, and their town existed for a long time throughout antiquity, and had been destroyed by earthquakes several times.
If someone gets a chance to visit Kavarna, they will see a cape down by the beach, by the sea, that has been cut off, that is to say, a big part of it [has fallen] into the sea as the result of a severe earthquake in the 4th century BC. Its name is Cape Chirakman. It had been a settlement until 4th century BC, until the destructive earthquake that happened back then. The town of Kavarna has also been a medieval settlement, a fortress and a center – it is considered ... historians think that it was the center [capital] of the Principality of Dobrudzha in the 13th and 14th centuries.
The town is populated by people who are extremely closely connected to the sea – fishermen, sailors, navy sailors, merchant sailors and so on. The spirit of the sea has always existed in Kavarna. Nowadays Kavarna has… is more famous for its rock festivals, but that is good, of course, because it popularizes the town, but I think that Kavarna’s most important trait is [found in] its connection to the sea. Overall, the town of Kavarna, which by the way is an excellent tourist destination, would be a very interesting place for any tourist who wants to learn something about Bulgaria.

About CultureTalk: CultureTalk is produced by the Five College Center for the Study of World Languages and housed on the LangMedia Website. The project provides students of language and culture with samples of people talking about their lives in the languages they use every day. The participants in CultureTalk interviews and discussions are of many different ages and walks of life. They are free to express themselves as they wish. The ideas and opinions presented here are those of the participants. Inclusion in CultureTalk does not represent endorsement of these ideas or opinions by the Five College Center for the Study of World Languages, Five Colleges, Incorporated, or any of its member institutions: Amherst College, Hampshire College, Mount Holyoke College, Smith College and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.
© 2013 Five College Center for the Study of World Languages and Five Colleges, Incorporated

1 The interviewee stopped mid-word to correct himself. The original word that he was looking to use here is “древността” – “antiquity”. He eventually used another word with a similar meaning – “античност”.
Perhaps the interviewee chose to use the word “античност” because of its nuance: while both “античност” and “древност” mean “remote past”, “античност” can be used to refer specifically to the Ancient Greek and Ancient Roman eras. The chosen word is an especially good fit for describing Kavarna since the town’s history is linked to those eras.

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