Iii. Course details Extended syllabus

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III. Course details - Extended syllabus

Week 1

Introduction to the course (lecture - The lectures are not planned as conventional ones. They will be much more interactive combined with small sessions with questions and answers as well as debates and discussions.)

The goal of this lecture is to introduce some basic concepts and approaches. It should reveal concepts as masculinity and male identity; ideal(s) of masculinity; construction of masculinities; models and versions of manliness; discourses on masculinity; social, cultural and institutional boundaries of manliness; male codes; masculinity and male honor, “machismo” and identity; masculinity, power and patriarchy; the relationship between lived experienced of men and the institutional structures in which they are embedded. Many theories about masculinity will be presented as well as the contributions of different disciplines in social sciences and humanities.

Reading assignments – All the titles that are mentioned below are part of the already prepared reader.

Beynon, John., Masculinities and Culture. Buckingam, Open Univ. Press, 2002., pp. 1-5.

Connell, R. W. Masculinities. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1995, chapter 1 (“The Science of Masculinity”, pp. 3-44.)

Pateman, Carole The Fraternal Social Contract – In: Adams, R.; Sarvan, D. (eds.) Masculinity Studies Reader., Blackwell, 2002., pp. 119-134.

Week 2

New trends in the History of Masculinity – problems, achievements and perspectives (lecture)

Short overview will be presented on the main contributions that have been done on gender in history, history of masculinity and the new history of masculinity in the last 10-15 years. The main authors and basic studies will be introduced to the students. The lecture will try to answer the question “What should historians do with masculinity?” Special attention will be paid to different historical sources through which one can study history of masculinity and its role in political life.

Reading assignments

Boyarin, Daniel, Unheroic Conduct. The Rise of Heterosexuality and the Invention of the Jewish Man. University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles, 1997., (“Introduction”, pp. 1-30.)

Connell, R. W. Masculinities. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1995, chapter 8 (“The History of Masculinity”, pp. 185-203.)

Alter, Joseph S. “Indian Clubs and Colonialism: Hindu Masculinity and Muscular Christianity.” – In: Comparative Study of Society and History, 2004, pp. 497-534.

Week 3

The Image of Man: the Creation of Modern Masculinity in Europe (lecture)

This lecture will present the transition from premodern to modern masculinity; gender in modern times; the making of the modern body and the creation of modern ideal of masculinity; modern duel and its functions; the establishment of model of male beauty; modern forms of socialization of the male sex; social and cultural dimensions of masculinity; male codes of honor; the notions of heroic and military masculinity; national identity and masculinity; nationalism and sexuality; imperialism and gender; masculinity in comparative perspective. Special attention will be drawn to masculinities in modern times in Britain, France, Germany as well as Southern European “machismo”.

Reading assignments
Mosse, George L. The Image of Man: the Creation of Modern Masculinity. New York, Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1996.chapters 1 to 4, pp. 3-76

Week 4

Interim test examination

As far as knowledge obtained in the first three lectures is fundamental to the rest of the course students should make a long test that covered all the topics from the first three lectures.

Week 5

Changing Men and Masculinities in PostOttoman Bulgaria (lecture)

The lecture will start with representations of different forms of Bulgarian Masculinity during the “Revival Period” and the transformations that occurred after 1878, with the establishment of modern Bulgarian state and its institutions. It will address topics as masculinity ideal and reality with different social and cultural factors that determined them; the role and place of masculinity in Bulgarian politics; the differences, interdependence, conflicts and circulating energies between traditional patriarchal masculinity, modern national revolutionary masculinity, liberal, conservative, socialist and other forms of “masculinity”. It will also reveal different social and cultural divisions of masculinity – bourgeoisie, state officials’ masculinity, masculinity of the intelligentsia; rural masculinity etc.

Reading assignments

Detchev, Stefan, From “Hush” to “Official” (Fashioning of “Gospodina”) – “Balkan Masculinity”, Institutions and Identity in 1880s and 1890s, Centre for Advanced Study, Sofia, www.cas.bg

Еленков, Ив. Един възможен прочит на Бай Ганю след препрочит на Алековата биография. – Демократически преглед, 1997, лято, книга 32, с. 272-293.

Оджаков, П. История на българското право. Част втора. Книга първа. Семейно право и битие. Русе, Скоропечатницата на Спиро Гулабчев, 1893., гл. III, IV, с. 37-67.

Камбосев, д-р К. Нашето училище и гимнастиката. – Медицинска беседа, II, ред. д-р Витанов, 1895-96, с. 14-19.

Week 6

Bulgarian Nationalism and the Ideal of Masculinity (seminar)

As far as students have basic knowledge about Bulgarian and Balkan nationalisms this topic will be organized as a seminar with student presentations and analyses of primary sources from the period. In their presentations and during the seminar students should answer some questions like these:

What are the gender dimensions of the language of national ideology?

What kind of role did masculinity play in the ideological construction of modern Bulgarian national identity?

What was the hegemonic masculinity and Bulgarianness that was associated with it?

What “masculine” and “feminine” features had the stigmatized image of the Balkan “other” (Turk, Greek, Romanian, Serb, Montenegrin etc.)?

What types of masculinity were marginalized and stigmatized?

What was the intersection between nationalism and sexuality?

Where and how we can map the masculine dimension of Bulgarian nationalism in European perspective?

Reading assignments
Mosse, George L. Nationalism and Sexuality. Middle–Class Morality and Sexual Norms in Modern Europe. Madison, Wisconsin, The University of Wisconsin Press, 1986., chapter I, pp. 1-22.

Detchev, Stefan, From “Hush” to “Official” (Fashioning of “Gospodina”) – “Balkan Masculinity”, Institutions and Identity in 1880s and 1890s, Centre for Advanced Study, Sofia, www.cas.bg

Стоянов, З. Христо Ботйов. Опит за биография. С., 1976 – откъси с. 214-217, 238-241, 248-251, 276-281, 360-361.

Week 7

Masculinity and Political Scandals in Bulgaria in the late XIX and the beginning of the XX century (seminar)

Before this seminar, students should read concrete texts about political scandals from the period that involve the problems of masculinity and male honor. Based on this knowledge some students will write short papers on famous political scandals and announced duels with political character. During the discussion students should try to answer the following questions:

Did some notions of masculinity predetermine the corruption and its forms? Can one say that some styles of masculinity and the corruptive culture have common roots?

What were the intersections between politics, sexuality, and society?

What were the different male codes of honor?

What social functions did the duel play? Why usually the Bulgarian duels did not occur?

How influential were “the sexual scandals” in politics?

What kind of knowledge about Bulgarian masculinity and sexuality is hidden in these private cases that turned to be public political affairs?

Reading assignments

Detchev, Stefan, From “Hush” to “Official” (Fashioning of “Gospodina”) – “Balkan Masculinity”, Institutions and Identity in 1880s and 1890s, Centre for Advanced Study, Sofia, www.cas.bg

Величков, Петър. Страсти и скандали в царска България, т. I, II, III. “Изток-Запад”, София, 2004, с. 74-80.

Week 8
Revolutionary movement in Macedonia and Trachia and Masculinity (seminar)

Part of the students should know preliminary some texts that contain “imprinted” in them different forms of masculinity, presented within the frameworks of organizations like ВМОРО и ВМОК. This sources, that are otherwise very well known, the participants in the course should interpret and analyze using the accumulated knowledge and research perspective they have obtained in the previous classes. These are part of the questions which students should try to answer:

What were the features of “haidouk” masculinity? How did it influence masculinity of the organized revolutionary movement? To what extent did organized movement influence masculinity of the members and masculinity of local population?

Were there any repercussions of some European ideals of masculinity on the movement in Macedonia?

To what extent did ВМОРО influence masculinity and sexuality at the local level?

To what extent did the ideal of masculinity establish in the organized movement influence the Bulgarian national notions and ideals of masculinity in the Bulgarian principality (kingdom) and especially in the capital Sofia?

Reading assignments

Силянов, Хр. Освободителните борби на Македония. Т. I, С., 1983., с. 86-89; 104-105.

Освободителното движение в Македония и Одринско. Спомени и материали. С., 1983., с. 25 и сл.; 70 и сл.; 97-98.
Second option of week 8

“Boyhood”, Youth and Political Life (seminar)

This seminar will be also based on student presentations and discussion. The students should try to answer the following questions:

Was there generation difference as far as the ideal of masculinity was concerned?

What was the hegemonic masculinity among the Bulgarian youth?

How many youth cultures of masculinity can be discerned?

How the stigmatization towards political adversary as “boyish” or “womanish” was appropriated in the political debates?

Reading assignments

Благоев, Д. Кратки бележки из моя живот. С., 1977.

Бозвелиев, К. Моите спомени. С., 1993.

Влайков, Т. Г. Преживяното., ч. III, С., 1942.

Казасов, Д. Видяно и преживяно. 1891-1944. С., 1969.

Нейков, П. Спомени. С., 1990.

Week 9

“A bad time to be a husband”, “A difficult time to be a father” - The Crisis of Masculinity in Fin-de-siecle Bulgaria (lecture)

This lecture aims to trace the “crisis in masculinity” in the late XIX and the beginning of XX century. We will start with the European context at the time and the sense of “decadence” that overwhelmed the public sphere. After that, we will introduce topics as the effects of modernization process on the forms of masculinity and male honor; different aspects of the contradictions between traditional patriarchal masculinity and modern masculinity; the subversive effect of the modern political public sphere and the arising consumer culture on traditional and modern masculinity; the intersections between the politics of modernization and the changes that appeared in family life, masculine domesticity; marriage as an institution, fraternal power, divorces etc.
Reading assignments

Mosse, George L. The Image of Man: the Creation of Modern Masculinity. New York, Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1996., (chapter 5, Masculinity in Crisis: The Decadence, pp. 77-106.)

Detchev, Stefan, From “Hush” to “Official” (Fashioning of “Gospodina”) – “Balkan Masculinity”, Institutions and Identity in 1880s and 1890s, Centre for Advanced Study, Sofia, www.cas.bg

Алтънов, Ив. Бракоразводните конфликти в България. С., Печатница Право, 1929, с. 153-159.

Week 9

Masculinity, Feminism and Women’s Suffrage in Bulgaria (lecture)

The lecture deals with European dimensions of the phenomenon and the road to women’s suffrage; the relationship between women’s suffrage and the problem of patriarchal power and the government control. Special attention will be paid to Bulgarian phenomena as following: the feminine image as a stigma in male political debates; models of masculinity and their effect on the political debates about women’s suffrage; the image of man according the Bulgarian feminist discourse; forms of male intolerance towards women’s education, professional carrier, women’s suffrage and political activities etc.

Reading assignments

Иванова, Димитрина Д. Из “Време ли е да се дадат избирателни права на българката.” – Даскалова, Кр. (съст.) От сянката на историята. Жените в българското общество и култура (1840-1940). С., 1999., с. 245-250.

Попова, Кр., Воденичаров, П., Димитрова, Сн. Мъжете и жените в миналото. Благоевград, 2002. Гл. “Политика и равноправие”, с. 89-95.

Week 11

Political Pornography. Masculinity and Prostitution. (lecture)

This lecture will start with an overview of the genesis, development and changes in political pornography in Western Europe during XVIII and XIX centuries. After that the lecture will cover the Bulgarian case and the relationship between politics and pornography; different versions of political pornography in Bulgaria. We will emphasize the development of prostitution; male fantasies and the male image of the whore; sexual behaviors and normative notions of Bulgarian masculinity; male debates over prostitution policy; styles of masculinity and prostitution etc.

Reading assignments

Hunt, Lynn. (ed.) The Invention of Pornography. Obscenity and the Origins of Modernity, 1500-1800. Zone Books, New York, 1993., (Introduction pp. 9-45.)

Detchev, Stefan, From “Hush” to “Official” (Fashioning of “Gospodina”) – “Balkan Masculinity”, Institutions and Identity in 1880s and 1890s, Centre for Advanced Study, Sofia, www.cas.bg

Week 12

Balkan Wars (1912-13), First World War (1914-18) and Masculinity in Bulgaria (seminar).

This seminar will be based on student presentations. In advance students will have on their disposal studies about the changes that occurred in masculinity and the ideal of masculinity in Europe during the First World War. Besides, they will have on their disposal some Bulgarian primary sources (newspaper description, memoir, military brochure, picture etc.). In their presentations and during the discussion we will have a debate on the following issues:

How can we analyze gender in war? What kind of changes did war period bring to the performance of masculinity and the ideal of masculinity?

How can we trace the militarization of Bulgarian masculinity/ies?

What was the masculine military ideal? How can we describe it? Who did create it and for what kind of purposes? How can we describe, analyze and deconstruct it?

How did change the notion of man’s body during the wars?

What were the ideal of a hero during the wars and the notion of masculinity it presupposed?

What did the wars change in the traditional notions of “femininity” and “masculinity”?

What was the intersection between manliness in war and national ideology?

Reading assignments

Mosse, George L. Nationalism and Sexuality. Middle–Class Morality and Sexual Norms in Modern Europe. Madison, Wisconsin, The University of Wisconsin Press, 1986, chapter 6 (“War, Youth, and Beauty”, pp. 114-132.)

Панов, Т. Психология на българския народ. Университетско издателство “Св. Св. Кирил и Методий”, Велико Търново, 1992, гл. XVII и XVIII, (“Българинът като войник”, “Вероятното влияние на Балканската война върху психологията на народа”, с. 269- 282.)

Week 13

Masculinity in the Interwar period (lecture and seminar)

This lecture will be focused on some changes and redefinitions of masculinity after the wars with more emphasize on the generations that were fashioned by the wars and their participation in them; emergence and development of new ideals and forms of masculinity; the emergence of new right-wing movements and new ideals of masculinity copping similar ideological movements in Europe; male body as a political icon; sports and manhood; the relationship between sports, identity, nationalism and politics; masculinity and new industry of entertainment; masculinity and knowledge about sexuality in the period.
Reading assignments

Бакалов, Г. Жената и комунизмът – Даскалова, Кр. (съст). От сянката на историята. Жените в българското общество и култура. С., 1999., с. 145-159.

Mosse, George L. The Image of Man: the Creation of Modern Masculinity. New York, Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1996., chapter 8, (“The New Fascist Man”. pp. 155-180.)

Митаков, Кр. Верую, уредба и основни начала на Съюза на българите. С., 1928., с, 40-41.

Коцев, Вл. Фашизмът. Българско обяснение на фашисткото националистическо учение. С., 1929., с. 30-38.

Асенов, Д. Дан Колов. Царят на кеча – живот и борби. От Чадърлий до Диамантения пояс. С., 1936, с. 34-38.

Гидиков, Ст. Половата свитост на българина като основа на неговия характер. Откъси. – Драганов, М. (съст.) Народопсихология на българите. Антология, С., 1984., с. 572-577.

Оксел, д-р Герхард Половият живот. Книга за младите. С., 1941., гл. 2, “Самозадоволяване- инанизъм”; гл. 3 “Еднополова любов – хомосексуалност”, с. 10-21.

Захариев, д-р Захари. Мъже негодни за брак, С., 1942, с.7-32.

Week 14

Hollywoodculture and Masculinity in Bulgaria in the 1930s and the beginning of 1940s (seminar)

This seminar I am planing to be a lively discussion on the base of some papers and short descriptions of the most popular films at that time. Students also should analyze some extracts from comments on Hollywood productions taken from the political discourse at the time. We should address the following problems:

popular culture and Hollywood

notions of masculinity and gender

exhibitions of masculinity/ femininity on the screen

political debates on Hollywood masculinity

political ideologies, masculinity, entertainment and Hollywood Films

films and politics
Reading assignments – will be announced.
Weel 15 –

Final seminar. Presentations of the papers and final discussion on the topic.
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cpfp -> Икономическа Социология Форми и измерване на неформалната икономика в България Чавдар Христов Георгиев
cpfp -> Перспективи и проблеми на България по пътя на присъединяване към ес

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