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Информация за нов сайт на Имикб
Секция Микробна генетика


Ръководител: доц. Златка Милчева Алексиева
Тел: +359 2 9793120, +359 2 9793114 Fax: +3592 8700 109

e-mail: zlatkama@microbio.bas.bg ; zlatkama@yahoo.com


доц., д-р Недка Шиварова,

гл. ас., д-р Мария Гергинова
гл. ас., д-р Анна Терзийска

гл. ас. Надежда Пенева

гл. ас., д-р Хюсеин Йеменджиев
Област на изследвания:
Mолекулярно-генетични изследвания на дрожди и плесени: видова идентификация с помощта на PCR и ДНК секвенционен и филогенетичен анализ; Изследване на процеса на разграждане на ароматни замърсители на почви и води с индустриален произход: кинетика на растеж и деградация, анализ на разградни продукти, ензимни анализи и математическо моделиране и лабораторна оценка на технологично значими микробни щамове.

Създадена е колекция от щамове с висок деградационен потенциал по отношение на фенол и негови производни: хидрокси феноли, крезоли, нитрофеноли и др. за първи път е установена способността на щам на Trametes versicolor да разгражда и усвоява като единствен въглероден източник фенол и негови производни. За първи път са определени ензимните активности и субстратната специфичност в изследваните щамове дрожди (Trichosporon cutaneum) и плесени (Aspergillus awamori, Trametes versicolor, Penicillium, Cladosporium etc.). Идентифицирани и секвенирани са гени, кодиращи белтъци с фенол хидроксилазна активност в щамове на Aspergillus awamori и Aspergillus fumigatus. Със съвременни молекулярни подходи е получена информация за биоразнообразието на плесенни родове и видове, изолирани от почвени проби, взети от о-в Ливингстон, Антарктида. Изследва се техния биодеградационен потенциал на генетично и биохимично ниво.


  • Проект N 2009/2012 DTK 02/74, Молекулярни и биохимични анализи на щамове антарктически гъби: Проучвания за възможността за биоразграждане на фенолни и поли-ароматни замърсители на околната среда. Финансиране от Националния фонд за научни изследвания

  • Проект N 2007/10 VU-B-207/06, Биоразграждане на токсични химични замърсители на околната среда от филаментозни гъби. Финансиране от Националния фонд за научни изследвания

  • Проект N 2004/06 MU-K 1402/04: Характеристика на молекулярен биомаркер за определяне на фенол хидроксилазни гени. Финансиране от Националния фонд за научни изследвания

  • Проект N 2004/08 К-1205/02, Изследване на ензими, участващи в разграждане на фенол и фенолни производни от Trichosporon cutaneum. Финансиране от Националния фонд за научни изследвания

  • Проект N 1994/98 SS-457/94, "Биохимична и генетична характеристика на биосинтеза на S-съдържащи аминокиселини в белтъчния продуцент Trichosporon cutaneum R57", Финансиране от Националния фонд за научни изследвания

Участие в научни проекти:

  • 2010/13 Биотехнологично производство на студено-активни ензими от антарктически гъби, италиано-българска двустранна проект.

  • 2008/11 ДО02/172/08 Нова cold active супероксид дисмутаза от антарктически гъби: биотехнологично производнство, химично характеризиране и приложение. Финансиране от Националния фонд за научни изследвания

  • 2009/10 DO 02-103/08 Микробна трансформация на стероиди в микро-канална система, Съвместен изследователски проект, България - Словения. Финансиране от Министерството на образованието, младежта и науката, България

  • 2008/10 Приложение на микро-реакторна технология и йонни течности, за развитието на рационални и устойчиви биотрансформационни / биоразграждащи процеси, Съвместен изследователски проект, България - Словения


  • T Gojevargova, Z. Alexieva, D. Ivanova. Cell immobilization of Trichosporon cutaneum strain with phenol degradation ability on new modified polymer carries, Process Biochemistry, 2000, 35, pp. 699-704.

  • M. Gerginova, Zlateva P., Alexieva Z., Atanasov B., Shivarova N., Peneva N. Influence of nutrient medium content on the growth and degradation characteristics of strain Trichosporon cutaneum R57, Proc.BioPS 2001, Sofia, October 1-3, 2001, v.1, pp. 9-12. (in Bulgarian)

  • Z. Alexieva, M. Gerginova, N. Shivarova, B. Atanasov, P. Zlateva. Growth kinetics of Trichosporon cutaneum and its mutants for phenol degradation, Proc. Tenth Congress of the Bulgarian Microbiologist, Plovdiv, October 9-12, 2002, pp. 34-38

  • M. Gerginova, N. Peneva, A. Christov, Z. Alexieva. Investigation on phenol degrading enzymes of Trichosporon cutaneum, Proc. Tenth Congress of the Bulgarian Microbiologist, Plovdiv, October 9-12, 2002, pp. 195-198

  • Z. Alexieva, M. Guerginova, P. Zlateva, N. Peneva. Comparisson of degradation ability and growth dynamics of Trichosporon cutaneum R57 in organic and mineral media comprising phenol, Proc.BioPC, 2002, Sofia, pp. 1.14 – 1.17.

  • D. Ivanova, T. Godjevargova, N. Dimova, Z. Alexieva. Utilization of toxic organic chemicals by Trichosporon cutaneum R57, Biotechnology&Biotechnological Equipment, 2002, v.16, N 2, pp.146-149.

  • Z. Aleksieva, D. Ivanova, T. Godjevargova, B. Atanasov. Degradation of some phenol derivatives by Trichosporon cutaneum R57, Process Biochemistry, 2002, 37(11), pp. 1215 - 1219.

  • D. Ivanova, Tz. Godjevargova, Zl. Alexieva. Biodegradation of organic compounds, components of waste waters by immobilized cells of Trichosporon cutaneum, Annuaire de L, Universite de Sofia “St. Kl. Ohridski”, 2003, v. 95, 4, pp. 183-190.

  • N. Dimova, T. Godjevargova, Z. Alexieva, P. Dalev. Amino acid analysis of protein hydrolyzate by high effective liquid chromatography, Annuaire de L, Universite de Sofia “St. Kl. Ohridski”, 2003, v. 95, 4, pp. 191-196.

  • Alexieva Z., Gerginova M., Shivarova N., Atanasov B., Zlateva P. Phenol degradation kinetics of Trichosporon cutaneum mutant strains, Comptes Rendus de l’Académie Bulgare des Sciences, 2003, 56 (4), 101-104.

  • Zlateva P., Gerginova M., Dimova N., Peneva N., Ivanova D., Godjevargova T., Alexieva Z. Degradation kinetics of resorcinol using Trichosporon cutaneum R57 strain. Proc.BioPC 28-29.X. 2003, Sofia, pp. 1.56 – 1.59.

  • Godjevargova T., Ivanova D., Alexieva Z., Dimova N. Biodegradation of toxic organic components from industrial phenol production waste waters by free and immobilized Trichosporon cutaneum R57, Process Biochemistry, 2003, 38 (6), 915-920.

  • Alexievaa Z., Gerginova M., Zlateva P., Peneva N. Comparison of growth kinetics and phenol metabolizing enzymes of Trichosporon cutaneum R57 and mutants with modified degradation abilities, Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 2004, 34 (3-4), pp. 242-247.

  • Zlateva P., Gerginova M., Manasiev J., Dimova N., Shivarova N., Alexieva Z. Biokinetic studies on phenol and cresol isomer mixtures utilized by Trichosporon cutaneum. Proc.BioPS 2004,Sofia, 2004, v.1, pp 32-35.

  • P. Zlateva, M. Gerginova, J. Manasiev, B. Atanasov, N. Peneva, N. Dimova, Z. Alexieva. Kinetic parameters determination of the phenolic derivatives assimilation by Trichosporon cutaneum R57. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 2005, v. 19 (1): 93-97.

  • Nelly Georgieva and Zlatka Alexieva. Selection and Characterization of L-Ethionine Resistant Mutants of Trichosporon cutaneum, Zeitschrite fuer Naturforschung C., 2005, 60c, 9/10, 657 – 660.

  • Zlateva P., Gerginova M., Manasiev J., Dimova N., Shivarova N., Alexieva Z. Interection kinetics of monochlorophenols and phenol degradation by Trichosporon cutaneum R57, Proc.BioPS 2005,Sofia, v.1, pp I-59 - I-70.

  • Alexieva Z., Gluhchev G., Simeonov I. Bioinformatics – new interdisciplinary scientific area. Automatics and informatics, 2005, 4, pp. 5-7. (in Bulgarian)

  • Stoilova, I., Krastanov, A., Stanchev, V., Daniel, D., Gerginova, M., Alexieva, Z. Biodegradation of high amounts of phenol, catechol, 2,4-dichlorophenol and 2,6-dimethoxyphenol by Aspergillus awamori cells Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 2006, 39 (5), pp. 1036-1041.

  • Godjevargova, T., Ivanova, D., Aleksieva, Z., Burdelova, G.Biodegradation of phenol by immobilized Trichosporon cutaneum R57 on modified polymer membranes  Process Biochemistry , 2006, 41 (11), pp. 2342-2346

  • Gerginova M., Manasiev J., Shivarova N., Alexieva Z. Influence of various phenolic compounds on phenol hydroxylase activity of a Trichosporon cutaneum strain. Zeitschrite für Naturforschung C., 2007, v. 62c (1-2): 83-86.

  • Alexieva Z., Gerginova M., Atanasov B. Phenol hydroxylase dependence on the various hydroxyl phenols utilized as substrates by Trichosporon cutaneum R57 11th Congress of the Bulgarian Microbiologists, St. Constantine, Varna, Bulgaria, 5-7.10.2006.

  • Gerginova, M., Manasiev, J., Petrova, P., Krastanov, A., Alexieva, Z. Dot-blot analysis by biotin labeled probe for identifying phyA gene in microbial strains. 11th Congress of the Bulgarian Microbiologists, St. Constantine, Varna, Bulgaria, 5-7.10.2006., 136-138.

  • Gerginova, M., Manasiev, J., Shivarova, N., Alexieva, Z. Phenol hydroxylase activity of Trichosporon cutaneum. 11th Congress of the Bulgarian Microbiologists, St. Constantine, Varna, Bulgaria, 5-7.10.2006., 139-142.

  • Manasiev, J., Primov, T., Gerginova, M., Peneva, N., Alexieva, Z. Creating oligonucleotide primers for PCR analysis and phyA gene sequencing in Trichosporon cutaneum R57 strain. 11th Congress of the Bulgarian Microbiologists, St. Constantine, Varna, Bulgaria,5-7.10.2006., pp. 132-135.

  • Plamena Zlateva, Maria Gerginova, Blagoy Atanasov, Zlatka Alexieva, Fuzzy model for toxicity evaluation of phenol derivatives degraded by yeast Trichosporon cutaneum. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie Bulgare des Sciences, 2006, 59 (12), pp. 1253-1258.

  • Gerginova M., N.Dimova, D.Ivanova, Z.Alexieva. Studies on biodegradation of aromatic pollutants by Trichosroron cutaneum yeast strain. In: Bioremediation of Soils Contaminated with Aromatic Compounds, Heipieper H. J. (Ed.), NATO Science Series: IV. Earth and Environmental Sciences, 2007, vol. 76, pp.67-74.

  • Zlatka Alexieva. Biochemical and genetic aspects of aromatic pollutants biodegradation by yeast Trichosporon cutaneum, Journal of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2007, 3, pp. 39-43. (in Bulgarian)

  • Alexieva, Z., Dimkov, R. The system of training on biotechnology in Bulgaria - Features and problems. Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment, 2007, 21 (4), pp. 506-509.

  • Alexieva, Z., Gerginova, M., Zlateva, P., Manasiev, J., Ivanova, D., Dimova, N. Monitoring of aromatic pollutants biodegradation. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2008, 40, 233-240.

  • Hyusein Yemendzhiev, Maria Gerginova, Plamena Zlateva, Ivanka Stoilova, Albert Krastanov, Zlatka Alexieva. Рhenol and cresol mixture degradation by Aspergillus awamori strain: biochemical and kinetic substrate interactions Proceedings of “CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES IN ENVIRONMENT” ECOpole'07 Conference, Poland, 2008, v.2, 1, pp. 153-159.

  • Z. Alexieva, M. Gerginova, J. Manasiev, P. Zlateva, N. Shivarova, A. Krastanov. Phenol and cresol mixture degradation by the yeast Trichosporon cutaneum Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2008, 35 (11), pp. 1297-1301.

  • H. Yemendzhiev, M. Gerginova, A. Krastanov, I. Stoilova, Z. Alexieva. Growth of Trametes versicolor on phenol, Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2008, 35 (11), pp. 1309-1312.

  • I. Stoilova, A. Krastanov, H. Yemendzhiev, Z. Alexieva. Influence of concentration of conidia of Aspergillus awamori nrrl 3112 on the catabolism of aromatic hydrocarbons and their mixtures, Electronic Journal of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Chemistry
    ( EJEAFChe ), 2008, 7 (4), pp. 2833-2843

  • Manasiev J., Gerginova M., Yemendzhiev H., Peneva N., Alexieva Z. Molecular Analysis of Phenol Degrading Microbial Strains, Zeitschrite für Naturforschung C., 2008, 63c (1-2), pp. 133-138.

  • Z. Alexieva, M. Gerginova, P. Zlateva, D. Ivanova, N. Peneva, B. Atanasov. Biodegradation of aromatic contaminants present in industrial production waste waters by Trichosporon cutaneum, in: Current Research Topics in Applied Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology, ed.: Antonio Mendez – Vilas, World Scientific Publishing Co., Pte. Ltd.,Singapore, 2009, pp. 170-175.

  • Albert Krastanov; Ivanka Stoilova; Husein Yemendzhiev; Zlatka Alexieva. Degradation of phenols by Fusarium moniliforme, in: Current Research Topics in Applied Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology, ed.: Antonio Mendez – Vilas, World Scientific Publishing Co., Pte. Ltd., Singapore, 2009, pp. 203-207.

  • H. Yemendzhiev, Z. Alexieva and A. Krastanov, Decolorization of Synthetic Dye Reactive Blue 4 by Mycelial Culture of White-rot Fungi Trametes versicolor 1, Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 2009, 23, pp. 1337-1339.

  • H. Yemendzhiev, M. Gerginova, A. Terziyska, Z. Alexieva, Biochemical and Genetic Studies of Phenol Biodegradation by Aspergillus awamori Strain, Comptes Rendus de l’Académie Bulgare des Sciences, 2009, 62, 9, pp. 1089-1094.

  • Gerginova M, Shivarova N, Peneva N, Yemendzhiev H, Alexieva Z. Influence of readily assimilated carbon sources on the phenol degradation of Trichosporon cutaneum R57 strain. CEST2009 Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, 3-5 September 2009 Greece, Α-351-356.

  • R. Dimkov, A. Atev, Y. Topalova, Z. Alexieva, A. Atanasov University biotechnology as an educational and research space Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 23, 2, pp.742-746, 2009, ISSN:1310-2818

  • M. Gerginova, N. Shivarova, N. Peneva, H. Yemendzhiev, Z. Alexieva. Influence of readily assimilated carbon sources on the phenol degradation by Trichosporon cutaneum R57 strain, in: Microorganisms in Industry and Environment, ed.: Antonio Mendez – Vilas, World Scientific Publishing Co., Pte. Ltd., Singapore, 2011, pp. 239-243.

  • A. Krastanov, H. Yemendzhiev, I. Stoilova, Z. Aexieva. Reactive Violet 12 dye decolorization by mycelial culture of Trametes versicolor, in: Microorganisms in Industry and Environment, ed.: Antonio Mendez – Vilas, World Scientific Publishing Co., Pte. Ltd., Singapore, 2011, pp. 244-247.

  • H. Yemendzhiev, Z. Alexieva, I. Stoilova, A. Krastanov. The decolorization of azo - dyes by Trametes versicolor under the influence of different glucose concentrations, in: Microorganisms in Industry and Environment, ed.: Antonio Mendez – Vilas, World Scientific Publishing Co., Pte. Ltd., Singapore, 2011, pp. 257-260.

  • Anna Terziyska, Nadejda Peneva, E. Karpenko, Nedka Shivarova, Zlatka Alexieva. Growth of Trichosporon cutaneum R57 strain on phenanthrene Comptes Rendus de l’Académie Bulgare des Sciences, 2010, 63(11), pp. 1583-1588.

  • Hyusein Yemendzhiev, Plamena Zlateva, Anna Terziyska, Zlatka Alexieva. Phenol and resorcinol mixture degradation by Aspergillus awamori strain. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie Bulgare des Sciences, 2010, 63(11), pp. 1577-1582.

  • Alexieva, Z., Yemendzhiev, H., Zlateva, P. Cresols utilization by Trametes versicolor and substrate interactions in the mixture with phenol. Biodegradation,   2010, 21, 4, pp. 625-635.

Department of Microbial Genetics,

Address: 'Georgi Bonchev' str., bl 26 Sofia 1113 Bulgaria
Head of the group: Assoc. Prof. Zlatka Alexieva, PhD

Telephone: +359 2 9793120; +359 2 9793114 Fax: +3592 8700 109

Email: zlatkama@microbio.bas.bg ; zlatkama@yahoo.com
Staff: Assoc. prof. Nedka Shivarova, PhD, assis. prof. Maria Gerginova, PhD, assis. prof. Anna Terziyska, PhD, assis. prof. Nadejda Peneva, assis. prof. Husein Yemendzhiev

Annotation: Molecular genetic studies of yeasts and molds: species identification using PCR and DNA sequence and phylogenetic analysis, studies of degradation of aromatic pollutants in soil and water with industrial origin: kinetics of growth and degradation analysis of degraded products, enzyme analysis and mathematical modeling and laboratory evaluation of technologically important microbial strains.

Achievements: A collection of strains with high potential for degradation of phenol and its derivatives: hydroxy phenols, cresols, etc. nitrophenol was build up. The ability of a strain of Trametes versicolor to degrade and use phenol and its derivatives as the sole carbon source was first established. For the first time certain enzyme activities and its substrate specificity in the tested strains of yeast (Trichosporon cutaneum) and fungi (Aspergillus awamori, Trametes versicolor, Penicillium, Cladosporium etc.) were determined. Genes coding for proteins with phenol hydroxylase activity in strains of Aspergillus awamori and Aspergillus fumigatus are identified and sequenced. The biodiversity of mold genera and species isolated from soil samples taken from Livingston Island, Antarctica has been investigated by modern molecular approaches. The biodegradation potential of the isolated moulds strains was examine on the genetic and biochemical levels.


  • 2009/2012 Project N DTK 02/74, Molecular and biochemical analyses of Antarctic fungi strains: studies on the biodegradation ability to phenolic and poly-aromatic pollutants of the environment. Funding provided by the National Found of Science

  • 2007/10 Project N VU-B-207/06, Biodegradation of toxic chemical pollutants of the environment by filamentous fungi. Funding provided by the National Found of Science

  • 2004/07 Project N K1205/02 Investigation on phenolic compounds degrading enzymes of Trichosporon cutaneum. Funding provided by the National Found of Science

  • 2004/06 Project N MU-K 1402/04: Characterization of molecular biomarker for the identification of yeast phenol hydroxylase genes. Funding provided by the National Found of Science

  • 2005/08 Project N К-1205/02, Study of enzymes involved in degradation of phenol and phenol derivatives by Trichosporon cutaneum. Funding provided by the National Found of Science

  • 1994/98 Project N SS-457/94, “Biochemical and genetic characterization of the biosynthesis of S-containing amino acids in the protein produced Trichosporon cutaneum R57”, Funding provided by the National Found of Science

Participation in scientific projects:

  • 2010/13 Biotechnological production of cold-active enzymes by Antarctic fungi, Italian-Bulgarian Bilateral project.

  • 2008/11 DO 02-172/08 Novel cold-active superoxide dismutase from Antarctic fungi: biotechnological production, chemical characterization and application. Funding provided by the National Found of Science

  • 2009/10 DO 02-103/08 Microbial transformation of steroids in the micro-channel system, call Bulgaria-Slovenia. Funding provided by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science, Bulgaria

  • 2008/10 Implementation of micro-reactor technology and ionic liquids for the development of rational and sustainable biotransformation/biodegradation processes, Joint Research Project, Bulgaria - Slovenia

Recent publications

  1. T Gojevargova, Z. Alexieva, D. Ivanova. Cell immobilization of Trichosporon cutaneum strain with phenol degradation ability on new modified polymer carries, Process Biochemistry, 2000, 35, pp. 699-704.

  2. M. Gerginova, Zlateva P., Alexieva Z., Atanasov B., Shivarova N., Peneva N. Influence of nutrient medium content on the growth and degradation characteristics of strain Trichosporon cutaneum R57, Proc.BioPS 2001, Sofia, October 1-3, 2001, v.1, pp. 9-12. (in Bulgarian)

  3. Z. Alexieva, M. Gerginova, N. Shivarova, B. Atanasov, P. Zlateva. Growth kinetics of Trichosporon cutaneum and its mutants for phenol degradation, Proc. Tenth Congress of the Bulgarian Microbiologist, Plovdiv, October 9-12, 2002, pp. 34-38

  4. M. Gerginova, N. Peneva, A. Christov, Z. Alexieva. Investigation on phenol degrading enzymes of Trichosporon cutaneum, Proc. Tenth Congress of the Bulgarian Microbiologist, Plovdiv, October 9-12, 2002, pp. 195-198

  5. Z. Alexieva, M. Guerginova, P. Zlateva, N. Peneva. Comparisson of degradation ability and growth dynamics of Trichosporon cutaneum R57 in organic and mineral media comprising phenol, Proc.BioPC, 2002, Sofia, pp. 1.14 – 1.17.

  6. D. Ivanova, T. Godjevargova, N. Dimova, Z. Alexieva. Utilization of toxic organic chemicals by Trichosporon cutaneum R57, Biotechnology&Biotechnological Equipment, 2002, v.16, N 2, pp.146-149.

  7. Z. Aleksieva, D. Ivanova, T. Godjevargova, B. Atanasov. Degradation of some phenol derivatives by Trichosporon cutaneum R57, Process Biochemistry, 2002, 37(11), pp. 1215 - 1219.

  8. D. Ivanova, Tz. Godjevargova, Zl. Alexieva. Biodegradation of organic compounds, components of waste waters by immobilized cells of Trichosporon cutaneum, Annuaire de L, Universite de Sofia “St. Kl. Ohridski”, 2003, v. 95, 4, pp. 183-190.

  9. N. Dimova, T. Godjevargova, Z. Alexieva, P. Dalev. Amino acid analysis of protein hydrolyzate by high effective liquid chromatography, Annuaire de L, Universite de Sofia “St. Kl. Ohridski”, 2003, v. 95, 4, pp. 191-196.

  10. Alexieva Z., Gerginova M., Shivarova N., Atanasov B., Zlateva P. Phenol degradation kinetics of Trichosporon cutaneum mutant strains, Comptes Rendus de l’Académie Bulgare des Sciences, 2003, 56 (4), 101-104.

  11. Zlateva P., Gerginova M., Dimova N., Peneva N., Ivanova D., Godjevargova T., Alexieva Z. Degradation kinetics of resorcinol using Trichosporon cutaneum R57 strain. Proc.BioPC 28-29.X. 2003, Sofia, pp. 1.56 – 1.59.

  12. Godjevargova T., Ivanova D., Alexieva Z., Dimova N. Biodegradation of toxic organic components from industrial phenol production waste waters by free and immobilized Trichosporon cutaneum R57, Process Biochemistry, 2003, 38 (6), 915-920.

  13. Alexievaa Z., Gerginova M., Zlateva P., Peneva N. Comparison of growth kinetics and phenol metabolizing enzymes of Trichosporon cutaneum R57 and mutants with modified degradation abilities, Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 2004, 34 (3-4), pp. 242-247.

  14. Zlateva P., Gerginova M., Manasiev J., Dimova N., Shivarova N., Alexieva Z. Biokinetic studies on phenol and cresol isomer mixtures utilized by Trichosporon cutaneum. Proc.BioPS 2004,Sofia, 2004, v.1, pp 32-35.

  15. P. Zlateva, M. Gerginova, J. Manasiev, B. Atanasov, N. Peneva, N. Dimova, Z. Alexieva. Kinetic parameters determination of the phenolic derivatives assimilation by Trichosporon cutaneum R57. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 2005, v. 19 (1): 93-97.

  16. Nelly Georgieva and Zlatka Alexieva. Selection and Characterization of L-Ethionine Resistant Mutants of Trichosporon cutaneum, Zeitschrite fuer Naturforschung C., 2005, 60c, 9/10, 657 – 660.

  17. Zlateva P., Gerginova M., Manasiev J., Dimova N., Shivarova N., Alexieva Z. Interection kinetics of monochlorophenols and phenol degradation by Trichosporon cutaneum R57, Proc.BioPS 2005,Sofia, v.1, pp I-59 - I-70.

  18. Alexieva Z., Gluhchev G., Simeonov I. Bioinformatics – new interdisciplinary scientific area. Automatics and informatics, 2005, 4, pp. 5-7. (in Bulgarian)

  19. Stoilova, I., Krastanov, A., Stanchev, V., Daniel, D., Gerginova, M., Alexieva, Z. Biodegradation of high amounts of phenol, catechol, 2,4-dichlorophenol and 2,6-dimethoxyphenol by Aspergillus awamori cells Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 2006, 39 (5), pp. 1036-1041.

  20. Godjevargova, T., Ivanova, D., Aleksieva, Z., Burdelova, G.Biodegradation of phenol by immobilized Trichosporon cutaneum R57 on modified polymer membranes  Process Biochemistry , 2006, 41 (11), pp. 2342-2346.

  21. Gerginova M., Manasiev J., Shivarova N., Alexieva Z. Influence of various phenolic compounds on phenol hydroxylase activity of a Trichosporon cutaneum strain. Zeitschrite für Naturforschung C., 2007, v. 62c (1-2): 83-86.

  22. Alexieva Z., Gerginova M., Atanasov B. Phenol hydroxylase dependence on the various hydroxyl phenols utilized as substrates by Trichosporon cutaneum R57 11th Congress of the Bulgarian Microbiologists, St. Constantine, Varna, Bulgaria, 5-7.10.2006.

  23. Gerginova, M., Manasiev, J., Petrova, P., Krastanov, A., Alexieva, Z. Dot-blot analysis by biotin labeled probe for identifying phyA gene in microbial strains. 11th Congress of the Bulgarian Microbiologists, St. Constantine, Varna, Bulgaria, 5-7.10.2006., 136-138.

  24. Gerginova, M., Manasiev, J., Shivarova, N., Alexieva, Z. Phenol hydroxylase activity of Trichosporon cutaneum. 11th Congress of the Bulgarian Microbiologists, St. Constantine, Varna, Bulgaria, 5-7.10.2006., 139-142.

  25. Manasiev, J., Primov, T., Gerginova, M., Peneva, N., Alexieva, Z. Creating oligonucleotide primers for PCR analysis and phyA gene sequencing in Trichosporon cutaneum R57 strain. 11th Congress of the Bulgarian Microbiologists, St. Constantine, Varna, Bulgaria,5-7.10.2006., pp. 132-135.

  26. Plamena Zlateva, Maria Gerginova, Blagoy Atanasov, Zlatka Alexieva, Fuzzy model for toxicity evaluation of phenol derivatives degraded by yeast Trichosporon cutaneum. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie Bulgare des Sciences, 2006, 59 (12), pp. 1253-1258.

  27. Gerginova M., N.Dimova, D.Ivanova, Z.Alexieva. Studies on biodegradation of aromatic pollutants by Trichosroron cutaneum yeast strain. In: Bioremediation of Soils Contaminated with Aromatic Compounds, Heipieper H. J. (Ed.), NATO Science Series: IV. Earth and Environmental Sciences, 2007, vol. 76, pp.67-74.

  28. Zlatka Alexieva. Biochemical and genetic aspects of aromatic pollutants biodegradation by yeast Trichosporon cutaneum, Journal of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2007, 3, pp. 39-43. (in Bulgarian)

  29. Alexieva, Z., Dimkov, R. The system of training on biotechnology in Bulgaria - Features and problems. Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment, 2007, 21 (4), pp. 506-509.

  30. Alexieva, Z., Gerginova, M., Zlateva, P., Manasiev, J., Ivanova, D., Dimova, N. Monitoring of aromatic pollutants biodegradation. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2008, 40, 233-240.

  31. Hyusein Yemendzhiev, Maria Gerginova, Plamena Zlateva, Ivanka Stoilova, Albert Krastanov, Zlatka Alexieva. Рhenol and cresol mixture degradation by Aspergillus awamori strain: biochemical and kinetic substrate interactions Proceedings of “CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES IN ENVIRONMENT” ECOpole'07 Conference, Poland, 2008, v.2, 1, pp. 153-159.

  32. Z. Alexieva, M. Gerginova, J. Manasiev, P. Zlateva, N. Shivarova, A. Krastanov. Phenol and cresol mixture degradation by the yeast Trichosporon cutaneum Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2008, 35 (11), pp. 1297-1301.

  33. H. Yemendzhiev, M. Gerginova, A. Krastanov, I. Stoilova, Z. Alexieva. Growth of Trametes versicolor on phenol, Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2008, 35 (11), pp. 1309-1312.

  34. I. Stoilova, A. Krastanov, H. Yemendzhiev, Z. Alexieva. Influence of concentration of conidia of Aspergillus awamori nrrl 3112 on the catabolism of aromatic hydrocarbons and their mixtures, Electronic Journal of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Chemistry
    ( EJEAFChe ), 2008, 7 (4), pp. 2833-2843.

  35. Manasiev J., Gerginova M., Yemendzhiev H., Peneva N., Alexieva Z. Molecular Analysis of Phenol Degrading Microbial Strains, Zeitschrite für Naturforschung C., 2008, 63c (1-2), pp. 133-138.

  36. Z. Alexieva, M. Gerginova, P. Zlateva, D. Ivanova, N. Peneva, B. Atanasov. Biodegradation of aromatic contaminants present in industrial production waste waters by Trichosporon cutaneum, in: Current Research Topics in Applied Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology, ed.: Antonio Mendez – Vilas, World Scientific Publishing Co., Pte. Ltd.,Singapore, 2009, pp. 170-175.

  37. Albert Krastanov; Ivanka Stoilova; Husein Yemendzhiev; Zlatka Alexieva. Degradation of phenols by Fusarium moniliforme, in: Current Research Topics in Applied Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology, ed.: Antonio Mendez – Vilas, World Scientific Publishing Co., Pte. Ltd., Singapore, 2009, pp. 203-207.

  38. H. Yemendzhiev, Z. Alexieva and A. Krastanov, Decolorization of Synthetic Dye Reactive Blue 4 by Mycelial Culture of White-rot Fungi Trametes versicolor 1, Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 2009, 23, pp. 1337-1339.

  39. H. Yemendzhiev, M. Gerginova, A. Terziyska, Z. Alexieva, Biochemical and Genetic Studies of Phenol Biodegradation by Aspergillus awamori Strain, Comptes Rendus de l’Académie Bulgare des Sciences, 2009, 62, 9, pp. 1089-1094.

  40. Gerginova M, Shivarova N, Peneva N, Yemendzhiev H, Alexieva Z. Influence of readily assimilated carbon sources on the phenol degradation of Trichosporon cutaneum R57 strain. CEST2009 Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, 3-5 September 2009 Greece, Α-351-356.

  41. R. Dimkov, A. Atev, Y. Topalova, Z. Alexieva, A. Atanasov University biotechnology as an educational and research space Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 23, 2, pp.742-746, 2009, ISSN:1310-2818.

  42. M. Gerginova, N. Shivarova, N. Peneva, H. Yemendzhiev, Z. Alexieva. Influence of readily assimilated carbon sources on the phenol degradation by Trichosporon cutaneum R57 strain, in: Microorganisms in Industry and Environment, ed.: Antonio Mendez – Vilas, World Scientific Publishing Co., Pte. Ltd., Singapore, 2011, pp. 239-243.

  43. A. Krastanov, H. Yemendzhiev, I. Stoilova, Z. Aexieva. Reactive Violet 12 dye decolorization by mycelial culture of Trametes versicolor, in: Microorganisms in Industry and Environment, ed.: Antonio Mendez – Vilas, World Scientific Publishing Co., Pte. Ltd., Singapore, 2011, pp. 244-247.

  44. H. Yemendzhiev, Z. Alexieva, I. Stoilova, A. Krastanov. The decolorization of azo - dyes by Trametes versicolor under the influence of different glucose concentrations, in: Microorganisms in Industry and Environment, ed.: Antonio Mendez – Vilas, World Scientific Publishing Co., Pte. Ltd., Singapore, 2011, pp. 257-260.

  45. Anna Terziyska, Nadejda Peneva, E. Karpenko, Nedka Shivarova, Zlatka Alexieva. Growth of Trichosporon cutaneum R57 strain on phenanthrene Comptes Rendus de l’Académie Bulgare des Sciences, 2010, 63(11), pp. 1583-1588.

  46. Hyusein Yemendzhiev, Plamena Zlateva, Anna Terziyska, Zlatka Alexieva. Phenol and resorcinol mixture degradation by Aspergillus awamori strain. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie Bulgare des Sciences, 2010, 63(11), pp. 1577-1582.

  47. Alexieva, Z., Yemendzhiev, H., Zlateva, P. Cresols utilization by Trametes versicolor and substrate interactions in the mixture with phenol. Biodegradation,   2010, 21, 4, pp. 625-635.

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OTDEL OBSHTA MICROBIOLOGIA -> Секция Микробна генетика лаборатория по генетика на млечно кисели бактерии ръководител: доц д-р Светла Трифонова Данова
OTDEL OBSHTA MICROBIOLOGIA -> Секция „морфология на микроорганизмите и електронна микроскопия” Завеждащ секция: Доц д-р Стоянка Р. Стоицова
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OTDEL OBSHTA MICROBIOLOGIA -> Отдел Обща микробиология Секция Микробна биохимия Ръководител: Доц. Данка Гълъбова, д-р
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