Катедра Атомна физика, Физически факултет, бул

Размер161.31 Kb.


Лична информация


Ценов, Румен Василев


Катедра Атомна физика, Физически факултет, бул. Джеймс Баучър 5, гр. София 1164, България









Дата на раждане

14 януари 1955 г.

Трудов стаж

• Дати (от-до)

от 1 май 1981 г. до сега

• Име и адрес на работодателя

Софийски университет „Св. Климент Охридски”, Физически факултет, бул. „Джеймс Баучър № 5, София, 1164, България

• Вид на дейността или сферата на работа


• Заемана длъжност

физик, асистент, ст. асистент, гл. асистент, доцент

• Основни дейности и отговорности

преподаване във висше училище, научно-изследователска работа

• Дати (от-до)

октомври 1979 – юли 1986

• Име и адрес на работодателя

Обединен институт за ядрени изследвания, г. Дубна, Московска област, Руска федерация

• Вид на дейността или сферата на работа

научно-изследователска работа

• Заемана длъжност

техник, инженер, ст. инженер, научен сътрудник

• Основни дейности и отговорности

експериментална изследователска работа в областта на физиката на елементарните частици; защитена дисертация и получена научна степен „кандидат на физико-математическите науки”

Преподавателски опит

• Дати (от-до)

от октомври 1986 г. до сега

Учебно заведение

Софийски университет „Св. Климент Охридски”

• Факултет/Департамент

Физически факултет

• Курсове

Атомна и ядрена физика, Физика на елементарните частици, Симетрии на фундаменталните взаимодействия, Физика на атомното ядро и елементарните частици, Симетрии във физиката на елементарните частици

Научни публикации

Приложение 1

Образование и обучение

• Дати (от-до)

октомври 1975 – май 1980

• Име и вид на обучаващата или образователната организация

Софийски университет „Св. Климент Охридски”, Физически факултет

• Основни предмети/застъпени професионални умения

специалност „Физика”

• Наименование на придобитата квалификация

физик със специализация по физика на атомното ядро и елементарните частици

• Ниво по националната класификация (ако е приложимо)

• Дати (от-до)

септември 1970 – май 1973

• Име и вид на обучаващата или образователната организация

22-ро средно политехническо училище „Г.С. Раковски”, София

• Основни предмети/застъпени професионални умения

математическа паралелка с професионално обучение по програмиране и числени методи

• Наименование на придобитата квалификация

среден специалист – програмист на електронно-изчислителни машини

• Ниво по националната класификация (ако е приложимо)

Лични умения и компетенции


Майчин език


Други езици


• Четене


• Писане


• Разговор



• Четене


• Писане


• Разговор


Социални умения и компетенции

Работя добре в екип, лесно се адаптирам в колектив, вкл. и международен, имам добри комуникационни умения благодарение на дългогодишното ми участие в големи международни научни колективи, които разработват и провеждат поредици от експерименти във физиката на елементарните частици

Организационни умения и компетенции

Умея да координирам и управлявам дейността на група хора (до няколко десетки) и да ги организирам за решаване на задачите на групата. Тези умения са придобити при ръководенето на програмни колективи за изпълнение на научно-изследователски проекти и по време на мандата ми като ръководител на катедра „Атомна физика” в Софийския университет (2003-2007 гг.)

Технически умения и компетенции

Поради естеството на научните изследвания, в които участвам, се занимавам от около 30 години с използването на компютърна техника за обработка на големи масиви от данни и техния анализ. Познавам много добре операционните системи от типа UNIX, вкл. LINUX и тези от типа Windows. Използвам програмните езици C++/C, Fortran, Basic, както и MySQL за програмиране на бази данни. Имам значителен опит в писането на големи програмни пакети от големи колективи и администрирането на подобна дейност.

Ежедневно използвам компютър за комуникация, търсене на информация в Internet и всякаква канцеларска дейност.

Други умения и компетенции

Притежавам образователната и научна степен „доктор” по специалност 01.03.05 „Физика на високите енергии и елементарните частици” от номенклатурата на Висшата атестационна комисия.

Свидетелство за управление на МПС

Категория В от декември 1975 г.

Допълнителна информация

Освен основната ми специализация в Обединения институт за ядрени изследвания в гр. Дубна, Русия, съм специализирал и работил продължително в Научно-изследователския център в Юлих, Германия (повече от 15 месеца за периода 1993-2004 г.) и в Европейския център за ядрени изследвания (CERN) в Женева, Швейцария (повече от 38 месеца за периода 1994-2007 г.).

Член съм на Факултетния съвет на Физическия факултет в мандатите 2003-2007 г. и 2007- 2011 г. Председател съм на Общото събрание на Физическия факултет в мандатите 2002-2003 г., 2003-2007 г., 2007-2011 г. Член съм на Академическия съвет на Софийския университет в мандата 2007-2011 г.


Приложение 1: Списък на научните публикации

Приложение 1 : Списък на научните публикации (към юли 2008 г.)
JOURNAL articles
A1. G.S.Bitsadze,...,R.Tsenov et al

Wide-Aperture Gaseous Threshold Cherenkov Counter

Prib i Tekhn. Exp., 1982, No.3, p.56-59 (Instr.Exp.Res.,v.25,1982,p.589), Preprint JINR P1-81-30, Dubna, 1981

A2. G.S.Bitsadze,...,R.Tsenov et al.

Study of the Hypercharge Exchange Reactions π+ + p  K+ + Σ+ and π+ + p  K+ + Σ+(1385) at 12 GeV/c

Nucl.Phys. B260(1985)497-509
A3. V.A.Antjukhov,...,R.Tsenov et al.

HYPERON spectrometer

Prib i Tekhn. Exp.,1985,No.5, p.35-42 (Instr.Exp.Res.,v.28,1985,p.1021)

A4. V.Hlinka,...,R.Tsenov et al.

Recent Advances in Wide-Gap Drift Chambers Developing for the Spectrometer HYPERON

Acta Phys.Slov., v.36(1986) p.255-265;Preprint Inst.Phys.Biophys.Univ.Comen. UKJF-85-35, Bratislava, 1985

A5. Yu.A.Budagov,...,R.V.Tsenov

Measurement of Electromagnetic Shower Position With an Electrodeless Drift Chamber

Nucl.Instr.and Meth. A238(1985)74-78

A6. G.S.Bitsadze,...,R.Tsenov et al.

Accuracy of Electromagnetic Shower Position Determination by Wide-Gap Drift Chamber

Nucl.Instr.and Meth. A251(1986)61-66; Preprint JINR D13-85-694, Dubna, 1985

A7. G.S.Bitsadze,...,R.Tsenov et al.

A new upper limit for the branching ratio of the decay KS e+ e

Phys.Lett. 167B(1986)138-140, Preprint JINR E1-85-610, Dubna, 1985

A8. G.S.Bitsadze,...,R.Tsenov et al.

An Eight-Channel Gaseous Threshold Cherenkov Counter

Prib. i Tekhn. Exp., 1986, No.3, p.81-84 (Instr.Exp.Res.,v.29,1986,p.596),

Preprint JINR 13-85-80, Dubna, 1985
A9. S.A.Akimenko,...,R.Tsenov et al.

The Relative Yields of η-mesons Produced by Positive Pions and Kaons at 10 GeV

Yad.Fiz.,v.43(1986)615-618 (Sov.J.Nucl.Res.,v.43,1986,p.392), Preprint IHEP 85-93, Serpukhov,1985

A10. G.S.Bitsadze,...,R.Tsenov et al.

A-dependence of η-meson Inclusive Production at 10.5 GeV/c

Nucl.Phys B279(1987)770-784, Preprint JINR E1-86-129, Dubna, 1986

A11. Yu.A.Budagov,...,R.Tsenov et al.

Focusing Mirrors Based on the Foam Polyurethane

Prib i Tekhn. Exp.,1987, No.3, p.211-212 (Instr.Exp.Res.,v.30,1987,p.737), Preprint JINR 13-86-10, Dubna, 1986

A12. G.S.Bitsadze,...,R.Tsenov et al.

Performance of Hodoscopic Lead Glass Electromagnetic Calorimeter of 2 m2 Aperture

Prib i Tekhn. Exp.,1987, No.4, p.51-58 (Instr.Exp.Res.,v.30,1987,p.807), Preprint JINR 13-86-105 Dubna, 1986

A13. G.S.Bitsadze,...,R.Tsenov et al.

Coordinate Resolution of a Hodoscopic Electromagnetic Calorimeter of 2 m2 Aperture with Active Converter and Drift Chambers

Prib i Tekhn. Exp.,1990, No.2, p.70-74 (Instr.Exp.Tech.,v.33,1990,p.305-10), Preprint JINR 13-88-928, Dubna, 1986

A14. S.A.Akimenko,...,R.Tsenov et al.

Experimental Study of K0-Meson Inclusive Production in the K+ + A-interactions at 11.2 GeV

Yad.Fiz.,v.53,1991,p.429-438 (Sov.J.Nucl.Phys.,v.53,1991,p.267-73,No.2), Preprint IHEP 90-10, Protvino, 1990

A15. S.A.Akimenko,...,R.Tsenov et al

Experimental Study of K0(892)-Meson Inclusive Production in the K++A-interactions at 11.2 GeV

Yad.Fiz.,v.52,1990,p.1397-1406 (Sov.J.Nucl.Phys.,v.52,1990,p.884-9,No.5), Preprint IHEP 90-36, Protvino, 1990

A16. S.A.Akimenko,...,R.Tsenov et al.

Measurement of the K+ π0 e+ ν Form Factors

Phys.Lett.B 259(1991)225-228

A17. S.A.Akimenko,...,R.Tsenov et al

Experimental Study of K0-Meson Inclusive Production in the K+ + A Interactions at 11.2 GeV

Yad.Fiz.,v.56,1993,p.83-91,No.1, Preprint JINR E1-92-299, Dubna, 1992

A18. Akimenko S.A.,,,R.Tsenov et al.

Investigations of Inclusive Production of K0- and K0*(892)-mesons in K + A Interactions at 11.2 GeV

Z.Phys.C, 56(1992) p.537-46, No.4

A19. A.G.Asmolov,...R.Tsenov et al.

The Spectrometric Complex "Hyperon" for Investigation of Rare K-meson Decays

Prib i Tekhn. Exp.,1994, No.3, p.13-24

A20. B.Y.Batusov,...,R.Tsenov et al., (Serpukhov-167 Collaboration)

Measurement of Dalitz-plot Slope Parameters for K+ π+ π0 π0 Decay

Nucl.Phys.B 516(1998)3-12, Prepr. JINR E1-96-252, Dubna, 1996

A21. S.Foertsch ,...,R.Tsenov et al. (GEM collaboration)

Measurement of p + p π+ + d Reaction Close to Threshold


A22. M.Drochner,...,R.Tsenov et al. (GEM collaboration)

Total and Differential Cross Sections of p + p π+ + d Reaction down to 275 keV above Threshold

Phys.Rev.Lett.,v.77,No.3 (1996)454-7.

A23. E.Eskut,..., R.Tzenov et al. (The CHORUS Collaboration)

The CHORUS Experiment to Search for νμ ντ Oscillation

Nucl.Instr.&Meth.,v.A401(1997)p.7-44., CERN-PPE/97-033, Mar 1997.

A24.B. Razen,...,R.Tsenov et al. (GEM collaboration)

pp + Precise Angular Distribution Close to Threshold from 0.3 to 5 MeV

Nucl. Phys. A626(1997) p.63

A25. E.Eskut,..., R.Tsenov et al. (The CHORUS Collaboration)

A Search for νμ ντ Oscillation

Phys.Lett.B, v.424, No.1-2 (1998) p.202-212, CERN-PPE/97-149, Nov. 1997

A26. E.Eskut,..., R.Tsenov et al. (The CHORUS Collaboration)

A Search for νμ ντ Oscillation Using the τ Decay Modes into a Single Charged Particle

Phys.Lett.B, v.434, No.1-2 (1998) p.205-213, CERN-PPE/98-073, April 1998

A27. P.Annis,..., R.Tsenov et al. (The CHORUS Collaboration)

Observation of Neutrino Induced Diffractive Ds+* Production and Subsequent Decay Ds*→Ds→τ→μ

Phys.Lett.B 435(1998) 458-464, No.3-4, CERN-EP/98-97, May 1998

A28. M.Drochner,...,R.Tsenov et al. (GEM collaboration)

The p + p π+ + d reaction close to Threshold at COSY

Nucl.Phys.A 643(1998)55-82

A29. W.Garske,...,R.Tsenov et al (GEM collaboration)

Meson Production Studied with the GEM detector

Acta Phys.Pol. v.B29(1998)p.3025

A30. B. Razen,...,R.Tsenov et al. (GEM collaboration)

Beam Energy Calibration with Meson production

Acta Phys.Pol.v.B29(1998)p.3119

A31. M.Betigeri,...,R.Tsenov et al. (GEM collaboration)

The Germanium Wall of the GEM Detector System,


A32. M.G.Betigeri,... R.Tsenov et al. (GEM collaboration)

Precise Momentum Detemination of the External COSY Proton Beam near 1930 MeV/c.,

Nucl. Insrum. Meth. A 426(1999) 249-253

A33. M.Drochner,...R.Tsenov et al (GEM collaboration)

Replay to Comment on " Total and Differential Cross Sections of p + p π+ + d Reaction down to 275 keV above Threshold"

Phys. Rev. Lett. (1999) 83 1693

A34. M.Betigeri,...,R.Tsenov et al. (GEM Collaboration)

Test of Charge Independence in p+d→ (A=3)+π Reactions.

Nucl. Phys. A 663&664 (2000) 963c-966c
A35. M.Betigeri,...,R.Tsenov et al. (GEM Collaboration)

Measurement of p+ d → 3He + η in S11 resonance

Phys. Lett.B 472 (2000) 267-272

A36. W.Klimala,...,R.Tsenov et al. (GEM collaboration)

Meson Production in p + d Reactions

Acta Phys. Polon. B31 (2000) 2231-2238

A37. M.Betigeri,...,R.Tsenov et al.

Differential Cross Section Measurement of the p + p → d + π+ Reaction at 850 MeV/c,

Phys.Rev.C 63 (2001) 044011

A38. M.Betigeri,...,D.Kolev,R.Tsenov,...,K.Zwoll (GEM collaboration)

Measurement of the p + p → d + π+ Reaction at 850 MeV/c and partial wave cross sections,

Phys.Rev. C, 65 (2002)064001

A39. E.Eskut,...,R.Tsenov et al. (CHORUS Collaboration)

New Results from a Search for νμ → ντ and νe → ντ Oscillation

Phys.Lett.B 497 (2001) no.1-2, pp.8-22, CERN-EP/2000-147.

A40. E.Eskut,...,R.Tsenov et al. (CHORUS Collaboration)

Observation of Weak Neutral Current Neutrino Production of J/ψ

Phys.Lett.B 503 (2001) p.1-9, CERN-EP-2000-154.

A41. M.Betigeri,...,R.Tsenov et al. (GEM collaboration)

Meson Production in p + d Reactions

Nucl. Phys. A 689 (2001) 398-401, arXiv:nucl-ex/0009019.

A42. M.Betigeri,....,R.Tsenov et al. (GEM collaboration)

Simultaneous Measurements of the p + d → (A=3) + π Reactions

Nucl. Phys. A 690 (2001) 473-493.

A43. J.Bojowald,...,R.Tsenov et al. (GEM Collaboration)

Magnetic Spectrometer BigKarl for studies of Meson production reactions,

Nucl. Instr.&Meth., A 487 (2002) 314-322.

A44. A. Kayis-Topaksu,...,R.Tsenov et al. (CHORUS Collaboration)

Measurement of D0 Production in Neutrino Charged-Current Interactions,

Phys.Lett.B 527 (2002) p.173, CERN-EP/2002-005.

A45. A. Kayis-Topaksu,...,R.Tsenov et al. (CHORUS Collaboration)

Observation of one event with the characteristics of associated charm production in neutrino charged-current interactions,

CERN-EP/2002-036, Phys. Lett. B. 539 (2002) 188-196.
A46. A. Kayis-Topaksu,...,R.Tsenov et al. (CHORUS Collaboration)

Determination of the semi-leptonic branching fraction of charm hadrons produced in neutrino charged-current interactions,

CERN-EP/2002-075, Phys. Lett. B. 549 (2002) 48-57.

A47. M. Abdel-Bary, …,R.Tsenov et al. (GEM Collaboration)

π0 - η meson mixing in pd → 3+/3Heπ0 reactions

Phys.Rev.C 68(2003) p.1603

A48. S.Abdel-Smad,...R.Tsenov et al. (GEM Collaboration)

Isospin Symmetry Breaking and scaling observed in pion production in p+d reactions,

Phys.Lett.B 553 (2003) p.31-37

A49. H.Machner,...,D. Kolev,R.Tsenov,...,K. Zwoll (GEM collaboration)

Search for up-down quark mass differences via isospin symmetry breaking.

Prog.Part.Nucl.Phys. 50 (2003) 605-614

A50. A. Kayis-Topaksu,...,R.Tsenov et al. (CHORUS Collaboration)

Measurement of c+ production in neutrino charged-current interactions,

CERN-EP/2003-001, Phys. Lett. B, 555 (2003) 156-166.

A51. A. Kayis-Topaksu,...,R.Tsenov et al. (CHORUS Collaboration)

Measurement of the Z/A dependence of neutrino charged-current total cross-sections,

CERN-EP/2002-102, Eur. Phys. J. C30 (2003) 159-167.

A52. S.Abdel-Samad,...,R.Tsenov et al. (GEM Collaboration)

Study of p+ d → 3A + π Reactions in the -resonance region

Eur.Phys.J A 17 (2003) 879-882

A53. A. Kayis-Topaksu,...,R.Tsenov et al. (CHORUS Collaboration

Cross-section measurement for quasi-elastic production of charmed baryons in N interactions,

CERN-EP/2003-063, Phys. Lett. B, 575 (2003) pp.198-207.

A54. A. Kayis-Topaksu,...,R.Tsenov et al. (CHORUS Collaboration)

Experimental Study Of Trimuon Events In Neutrino Charged-Current Interactions ,

CERN-PH-EP/2004-029, Phys. Lett. B, 596 (2004), 44-53.

A55. G. Onengut,...,R.Tsenov et al. (CHORUS Collaboration)

Measurement of charm production in antineutrino charged-current interactions ,

CERN-PH-EP/2004-057, Phys. Lett. B, 604 (2004) 11-21.

A56. G. Onengut,...,R.Tsenov et al. (CHORUS Collaboration)

Measurement of fragmentation properties of charmed particle production in charged-current neutrino interactions,

CERN-PH-EP/2004-056, Phys. Lett. B, 604 (2004), 145-156.

A57. M. Abdel-Barya,…,R.Tsenov et al. (GEM Collaboration)

Detailed comparison of the pp→π+pn and pp→π+d reactions at 951 MeV,

Phys. Lett.B, 610 (2005), 31-36

A58. G. Onengut,...,R.Tsenov et al. (CHORUS Collaboration)

Measurements of D0 production and branching fractions in neutrino nucleon scattering ,

CERN-PH-EP/2005-008, Phys. Lett. B, 613 (2005)105-117.

A59. G. Onengut,...,R.Tsenov et al. (CHORUS Collaboration)

Measurement of D* production in neutrino interactions

CERN-PH-EP/2005-010, Phys. Lett. B, 614(2005) 155-164.

A60. M. Abdel-Bary,…,R.V.Tsenov et al (GEM Collaboration)

A precision determination of the mass of the η- meson,

Phys. Lett. B, 619(2005) 281 [arXiv:hep-ex/0505006]

A61. G. Onengut,...,R.Tsenov et al. (CHORUS Collaboration)

Search for Superfragments and Measurement of the Production of Hyperfragments in Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions

CERN-PH-EP/2005-017, Nucl. Phys. B, 718 (2005) 35-54.

A62. A. Kayis-Topaksu,...,R.Tsenov et al. (CHORUS Collaboration)

Measurement of topological muonic branching ratios of charmed hadrons produced in neutrino-induced charged-current interactions

CERN-PH-EP/2005-039, Phys. Lett. B, 626 (2005) 24-34
A63. G. Onengut,...,R.Tsenov et al. (CHORUS Collaboration)

Measurement of nucleon structure functions in neutrino scattering

CERN-PH-EP/2005-048, Phys. Lett. B, 632(2006) 65-75.

A64. M.Bogomilov, D.Kolev, R.Tsenov

Performance of the Resistive Plate Chambers of the HARP Experiment

Ann. de l’Universite de Sofia ”St.Kliment Ohridski”, t. 99 (2006) pp.5-24.

A65. M.G. Catanesi,...,R.Tsenov et al. (HARP Collaboration)

Measurement of the production cross-section of positive pions in p-Al collisions at 12.9 GeV/c

Nucl.Phys. B732 (2006) 1-45

A66.R. Acquafredda ,...,R.Tsenov et al.,

First Events from the CNGS Neutrino Beam Detected in the OPERA Experiment

New J.Phys. v.8 (2006) p. 303; hep-ex/0611023

A67. M.G. Catanesi,...,R.Tsenov et al. (HARP Collaboration)

The HARP Detector at the CERN PS

Nucl.Instr.&Meth. A, vol. 571 (2007) pp.527-61

A68. M.G. Catanesi,...,R.Tsenov et al. (HARP Collaboration)

Particle identification algorithms for the HARP forward spectrometer

Nucl.Instr.&Meth. A, vol. 572 (2007) pp. 899-921

A69. M.Bogomilov,...,R.Tsenov et al.

Physics Performance of the Barrel RPC System of the HARP Experiment

IEEE Trans.Nucl.Sci., v.54 (2007) pp. 342-53, No.2

A71.A.Kayis-Topaksu,...,R.Tsenov et al. [CHORUS Collaboration]

Charge-Particle Multiplicities in Charged-Current Neutrino and Anti-Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions,

Eur. Phys. J. C 51, 775-785 (2007), [CERN-PH-EP/2007-023, arXiv:0707.1586].

A72.A.Kayis-Topaksu,...,R.Tsenov et al. [CHORUS Collaboration]

Associated Charm Production in Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions

Eur. Phys. J. C52 (2007) 543-552, [CERN-PH-EP/2007-031, arXiv:0708.2820]

A73. M.G. Catanesi,...,R.Tsenov et al. [HARP Collaboration],

Measurement of the Production of Charged Pions by Protons on a Tantalum Target

Eur. Phys. J. C51 (2007) 787-824, [arXiv:0706.1600].

A74. M.G. Catanesi,...,R.Tsenov et al. [HARP Collaboration],

Measurement of the production cross-section of positive pions in the collision of 8.9GeV/c protons on beryllium

Eur. Phys. J. C52 (2007) 29-53, [hep-ex/0702024].

A75. M.G. Catanesi,...,R.Tsenov et al. [HARP Collaboration]

Large-angle production of charged pions by 3 GeV/c-12 GeV/c protons on carbon,
copper and tin targets,

Eur. Phys. J. C53 (2008)177-204, [arXiv:0709.3464]

 A76. M.G. Catanesi,...,R.Tsenov et al. [HARP Collaboration]

Large-angle production of charged pions by 3 GeV/c-12.9 GeV/c protons on beryllium,
 aluminium and lead targets,

Eur. Phys. J. C54 (2008)37-60, [arXiv: 0709.3458]

A77. K. Kilian,...,R.Tsenov et. al.

A large acceptance scintillator detector with wavelength shifting fibre read-out for search of ηetaη–nucleus bound states

Nucl.Instr.&Meth. A, 578 (2007) pp. 198-206 [arXiv:0705.2386]

A78. A.Artamonov,...,R.Tsenov et al.,

The time response of glass Resistive Plate Chambers to heavily ionizing particles,

J. Inst., 2 (2007) P10004 [arXiv: 0709.3756]

A79. E. Eskut,...,R.Tsenov et al.,

Final results from a search for nu-mu to nu-tau oscillations with the CHORUS experiment

Nucl. Phys. B, vol. 793 (2008) pp 326-343, No.1-2, CERN-PH-EP/2007-034, arXiv:0710.3361

A80. M.G. Catanesi,...,R.Tsenov et al. [HARP Collaboration]

Absolute momentum calibration of the HARP TPC,

J. Inst., 3, No 04 (April 2008) P04007[arXiv: 0709.2806]

A81. M.G. Catanesi,...,R.Tsenov et al. [HARP Collaboration]

Measurement of the production cross-sections of π± in p-C and π±-C interactions at 12 GeV/c,

Astroparticle Physics, 29 (2008) pp. 257-281 [arXiv: 0709.2806]

A82. M.G. Catanesi,...,R.Tsenov et al. [HARP Collaboration]

Large-angle production of charged pions with 3–12.9 GeV/c incident protons on nuclear targets,

Phys. Rev. C, 77 (2008) 055207

A83. M.G. Catanesi,...,R.Tsenov et al. [HARP Collaboration]

Forward π± production cross-sections of in p–O2 and p–N2 interactions at 12 GeV/c,

Accepted in Astroparticle Physics, [arXiv: 0807.1025].

B1. S.A.Akimenko,...,R.Tsenov et al.

Gas System for Wire Spark Chambers of HYPERON Spectrometer

JINR Communication 13-82-834, Dubna, 1982

B2. A.M.Blick,...,R.Tsenov et al.

Gas Treshold Cherenkov Counter with Focusing Mirror Made of Epoxy Compound and Aluminized Mylar Foil with Optimized Thickness of Reflecting Layer

JINR Communication 13-83-153, Dubna, 1983
B3. A.B.Jordanov, R.Tsenov

Monte-Carlo Calculation of Some Characteristics of Differential-Threshold Mode of Operation of Gas Cherenkov Counters

JINR Communication 1-83-217, Dubna, 1983
B4. G.S.Bitsadze,...,R.Tsenov et al.

On the Investigation of Vector Meson Inclusive Production on HYPERON Installation

JINR Communication 1-83-895, Dubna, 1983

B5. G.S.Bitsadze,...,R.Tsenov et al.

Experimental Study of the π+ + p K+ + Σ+ Reaction at 12 GeV/c

JINR Communication P1-84-657, Dubna, 1984

B6. G.S.Bitsadze,...,R.Tsenov et al.

Differential Cross Section of the π+ + p K+ + Σ+(1385) Reaction at 12 GeV/c

JINR Communication P1-84-658, Dubna, 1984

B7. S.N.Malyukov,...,R.Tsenov et al.

Data Processing in Experiments with the Use of Shower Hodoscopic Detector of 10x10 cm Cell Size of the HYPERON Facility

JINR Communication P10-86-138, Dubna, 1986
B8. G.S.Bitsadze,...,R.Tsenov.

Longitudinal Development of Electromagnetic Showers Produced by 5 and 9 GeV Positrons in Lead Glass

Preprint JINR E1-86-87, Dubna, 1986

B9. G.S.Bitsadze,...,R.Tsenov et al.

Differential Cross Sections for Reactions π+ + n K+ + Σ0 and π+ + n K+ + Λ and Ratio of Differential Cross Sections for Quasi-Binary Processes π+ + A K+ + Y'+ A' on Carbon and Deuterium Nuclei at 10.3 GeV/c

Preprint JINR E1-86-780, Dubna, 1986

B10. A.G.Asmolov,...,R.Tsenov et al.

Multiparticle Spectrometer

Proceedings of Workshop on the experimental program at UNK, p.253-63, Serpukhov, 1988, Preprint IHEP 88-13, Serpukhov, 1988

B11. R.G.Salukvadze,...,R.Tsenov et al.

QCD Effects in Hadron-Hadron and Hadron-Nucleus Interactions at 10 GeV

Proceedings of the International Conference "Quarks - 88", Tbilisi, 1988, p.765-80, World Scientific, Singapore, 1989

B12. S.I.Bityukov,...,R.Tsenov et al.

Status of the Multiparticle Spectrometer (MPS) Facility

Proceedings of Workshop "Physics at UNK", p.27-40, Protvino,1989

B13. T.V.Tsenov for Dubna-Serpukhov-Sofia- Bratislava-Kosice-Baku-Minsk-Gomel Collaboration

A Measurement of the K+  π0 e+ ν Form Factor

Proc. of the Workshop on Science at the KAON Factory, vol.1, ed.D.R.Gill, July 25-28, 1990, TRIUMF, Vancouver B.C., Canada

B14. Yu.A.Budagov,...,R.Tsenov et al.

The Differential Cross-Sections for Inclusive Reactions π+ + A → η + X at 10 GeV

Preprint JINR E1-91-496, Dubna, 1991

B15. O.W.Shult,...,R.Tsenov et al.

The Physics research Program at COSY-Jülich,

14th RNCP Osaka Int. Symp. ISNP95, Osaka, Japan, 6-9Dec1995, Conf.Proc. “Nuclear reaction dynamics of nucleon-hadron many body systems”, p.460-47

B16. M.Drochner,...,R.Tsenov et al.

Study of the p + p → π+ + d Reaction Close to Threshold,

Talk presented at MESON 95, Blauberen, Germany, 10-15 July 1995 and at the 15 Int. Workshop on Nuclear Theory, Rila montain, 10-15 June 1996; INRNE Annual Report 1995, p.70-71, Sofia, 1996

B17. E.Eskut,..., R.Tsenov et al.

The CHORUS Neutrino Oscillation Search Experiment

Talk given at 28th International Conference on High-Energy Physics (ICHEP 96), Warsaw, Poland, 25-31 Jul 1996, CERN-PPE-96-196, Dec. 1996.
B18. M.Betigeri,...,R.Tsenov et al. (GEM Collaboration)

Test of Isospin Symmetry in N N  d π Reactions.

8th International Symposium on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon (MENU99), Zuoz, Switzerland, 16-20 Aug 1999, PiN Newslett. No 15 (1999) 152-155
B19. V. Batusov,...,R.Tsenov et al.,

Measurement of the Vector Formfactor Slope λ of the K+ π0 e+ ν Decay

Preprint JINR, P1-99-293, Dubna, 1999.

B20. R.Tzenov

Current Accelerator Searches for νμ ντ Oscillations

Conference “HEP2000: Current Developments in High-Energy Physics”, 20-23 April 2000, Ioannina, Greece

(see http://theory.physics.uoi.gr/hep2000/proceedings.html )
B21. V.Ju.Batusov,...,R.Tsenov et al.

Preliminary Results of Investigation of Semileptonic Decay K+ π0 e+ ν in Serpukhov E-167 experiment

JINR Comm. P1-2001-140, Dubna, 2001

B22. R.Siudak,...,R.Tsenov et al. (HIRES Collaboration)

The HIRES experiment at COSY and first test of a new Cherenkov detector.

Talk at Meson 2002: 7th International Workshop on Meson Production, Properties and Interaction, Cracow, Poland, 24-28 May 2002, Published in , Production, properties and interaction of mesons, Krakow 2002, pp. 447-450

B23. M.Ulicny,...,R.Tsenov et al. (GEM Collaboration)

Isospin symmetry breaking and beam momentum independence observed in pion production in p + d reactions. Talk at Meson 2002: 7th International Workshop on Meson Production, Properties and Interaction, Cracow, Poland, 24-28 May 2002, Published in , Production, properties and interaction of mesons, Krakow 2002, pp. 333-337
B24. J. Bojowald,...,R.Tsenov et al. (GEM Collaboration)

Isospin symmetry breaking: Experimental observation.

Talk at CFIF Fall Workshop 2002: Nuclear Dynamics: From Quarks to Nuclei. Dedicated to Peter Sauer on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday, Lisbon, Portugal, 31 Oct - 2 Nov 2002. Published in Few Body Syst.Suppl.15:61-66,2003. Also in Nuclear dynamics: From quarks to nuclei, Lisbon 2002,pp. 61-66

B25. Roumen Tsenov for HARP collaboration

MySQL Data-Base Applications for DST-like Physics Analysis

Proceedings of the 8th ICATPP Conference on Astroparticle, Particle, Space Physics, Detectors and Medical Physics Applications, Villa Erba, Como 6-10 October 2003, ed. by M. Barone et al, World Scientific Publishing, (2004) p.334-9

B26. G.Vankova, R Tsenov

Study of η-meson Production in d(polarized)+d → α+ η Reaction

Talk presented at Meetings in Physics at University of Sofia, vol. 6, ed. A. Proykova, Heron Press, Sofia, 2005, p 1-5

B27. H. Machner, …, R.Tsenov et al.

η-meson physics at GEM

Invited talk at Eta05 Workshop on Production and Decay of η - and η’ - Mesons, Cracow, Poland, 15-18 Sep 2005, Acta Phys.Slov., v.56, pp.227-236, 2006; nucl-ex/0511034

B28. M.Lesiak,…R.V.Tsenov et al.

Measurement of the Vector and Tensor Polarisation of Proton and Deuteron Beams

Talk presented at the XI Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics, Dubna, Russia, 27 Sep - 1 Oct 2005,

B29. Marek Gazdzicki ,…R.V.Tsenov et al.,

A New SPS Programme

Тalk at 3rd International Workshop on the Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinement, July 3-6 2006, Florence, Italy; nucl-ex/0612007

B30. T. Abe,…,R.V.Tsenov et al.,

Detectors and flux instrumentation for future neutrino facilities,

arXiv:0712.4129, 23 Dec. 2007 [physics.ins-det]

B31. A. Laszlo,…, R.Tsenov et al.

NA61/Shine at the CERN SPS,

arXiv:0709.1867 (2007)

B32. N. Abgrall,…, R.Tsenov et al.

Report from the NA61/SHINE experiment at the CERN SPS ,

CERN-OPEN-2008-012, CERN-Annual-Report-2007 (2008)

B33. R.Tsenov (on behalf of the HARP Collaboration)

HARP Collaboration results on the proton-nuclei interactions at few GeV energies

Talk presented at the XLIII Recontres de Moriond on Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories, La Thuile, 1-8 March 2008, arXiv: 0806.3957 (2008) [hep-ex]

C1. Ya.Antos,...,R.Tsenov et al.

Proposal for Investigation of the Reactions π+ + n → φ + p and π+ + n → ω + p at the HYPERON Facility

Preprint UEF-02-86, Kosice, 1986

C2. George H. Trilling,...,R.Tsenov et al. (Solenoid Detector Collaboration)

Expression of Interest by the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration to Construct and Operate a Detector at the Superconducting Super Collider.

SSCL-SR-1158, May 1990.

C3. George H. Trilling,...,R.Tsenov et al. (Solenoid Detector Collaboration)

Letter of Intent by the Solenoidal Detector Collaboration to Construct and Operate a Detector at the Superconducting Super Collider.

SDC-90-00151, SSCL-SR-1153A, Nov 1990.
C4. George H. Trilling,...,R.Tsenov et al.

Solenoidal Detector Collaboration: Technical Proposal

SDC-92-201, SSCL-SR-1215, April 1992

C5. M.Della Negra,..., R.Tsenov et al. (CMS Collaboration)

CMS: The Compact Muon Solenoid: Letter of Intent for a General Purpose Detector at The LHC.

CERN-LHCC-92-3, Oct 1992.
C6. G.Bayatian,...R.Tsenov et al. (RD43 Collaboration)

R&D Proposal: Proposal for Research and Development of a Hadron Calorimeter for High Magnetic Fields.

CERN-DRDC-94-22, May 1994

C7. M.Della Negra,..., R.Tsenov et al. (CMS Collaboration)

The Compact Muon Solenoid: Technical Proposal

CERN-LHCC-94-38, Dec. 1994.

C8. CMS collaboration,

The Hadron Calorimeter Project , Technical Design Report,

CERN/LHCC 97-31, 1997, 451pp.,CMS TDR 2, 20 June 1997, ISBN 92-9083-109-X

C9. CMS collaboration,

The Muon Project , Technical Design Report,

CERN/LHCC 97-32, 1997, 480pp., CMS TDR 3, 15 December 1997, ISBN 92-9083-121-3

C10. CMS collaboration,

The Electromagnetic Calorimeter Project, Technical Design Report ,

CERN/LHCC 97-33, 1997, 508pp., CMS TDR 4, 15 December 1997, ISBN 92-9083-122-1

C11. CMS collaboration,

The Tracker Project, Technical Design Report ,
CERN/LHCC 98-6, CMS TDR 5, 15 April 1998, ISBN 92-9083-124-3,

C12. CMS Collaboration,

The Trigger and Data Acquisition Project, Technical Design Report. Vol I: The Level-1 Trigger, Technical Design Report,

CERN/LHCC 2000-038, CMS TDR 6.1, December 15, 2000, ISBN 92-9083-110-2

C13. V. Yu. Batusov,...,R.Tsenov et al. (Collaboration HYPERON)

Study of K-meson Decays with the HYPERON-2 Spectrometer (Proposal for the Experiment)

JINR E1-98-193, Dubna, 1998
C14. M.G.Catanesi,...,R.Tsenov et al.,

Proposal to Study Hadron Production for the Neutrino Factory and for the Atmospheric Neutrino Flux

CERN-SPSC/99-35, SPSC/P315, Geneva, Nov. 1999

C15. M.G.Catanesi,...,R.Tsenov et al.,

Proposal to Study Helium-Induced Hadron Production for the Atmospheric Neutrino Flux (Addendum to the HARP Proposal)

CERN-SPSC/2001-016, SPSC/P315 Add.1, Geneva, May 2001.
C16. M.G.Catanesi,...,R.Tsenov et al.,

Proposal for Hadron Production Measurements Using the NA49 Detector for Use in Long-Baseline and Atmospheric Neutrino Flux Calculations

CERN-SPSC/2001-017, SPSC/P322, Geneva, May 2001.
C17. H.-H.Adam,...,R.Tsenov et al. (WASA-at-COSY Collaboration)

Proposal for the wide angle shower apparatus (WASA) at COSY

Oct 2004. 85pp, e-Print Archive: nucl-ex/0411038

C18. N. Antoniou ,...,R.Tsenov et al.,

Study of Hadron Production in Collisions of Protons and Nuclei at the CERN SPS

CERN-SPSC-2006-001 (Jan 2006) 55p.

C19. N. Antoniou ,...,R.Tsenov et al.,

Study of Hadron Production in Hadron-Nucleus and Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions at the CERN SPS

CERN-SPSC-2006-034 (Nov 2006) 90p.



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