Конкурс за независими изследвания Програма "Стимулиране на върхови научни постижения"

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Конкурс за независими изследвания - Програма "Стимулиране на върхови научни постижения"
Краен срок: 15 ноември 2009 г.
С финансовата подкрепа на Фондация "Америка за България".
Програмата за независими изследвания на Центъра подкрепя млади и утвърдени учени, работещи в сферата на социалните и хуманитарните науки. Програмата не поставя тематични ограничения пред проектните предложения на кандидатите. Присъствието на изследователските срещи, публичните лекции и дискусиите на индивидуални проекти, организирани от Центъра, съставляват част от програмата. Одобрените кандидати следва да преустановят преподавателските и административните си ангажименти за срока на участието си в програмата с цел най-пълно ангажиране с изследователската им задача.
Центърът ще предостави следните месечни възнаграждения на одобрените кандидати:
- Четири 5-месечни стипендии за млади български изследователи по 700 евро; и
- Четири 5-месечни стипендии за утвърдени български учени по 1000 евро.
Възнаграждението включва всички дължими данъци и социални осигуровки. На участниците ще бъдат предоставени работно място в ЦАИ и достъп до всички информационни ресурси. Те ще бъдат включени в текущите изследвания и академични събития на Центъра.
Настоящата програма е разделена на два семестъра:
- Семестър I: 1 март - 31 юли 2010 г.; и
- Семестър II: 1 септември - 31 декември 2010 г.
Кандидатите трябва да посочат предпочитания от тях семестър. Окончателното семестриално разпределение на одобрените кандидати ще бъде направено с оглед на тематичния състав на групите.
- Всички кандидати трябва да бъдат български граждани.
- Изисквания към младите учени: избираеми са пост-докторанти, асистенти и научни сътрудници, защитили докторската си дисертация преди не повече от 12 години преди крайния срок на настоящия конкурс. Кандидатите трябва да демонстрират научна зрялост чрез поне една значима публикация по тема, различна от докторската им теза, и чрез cъществени академични постижения, съответстващи на тяхната научна област и етап на научна кариера.
- Изисквания към утвърдените учени: избираеми са доценти, професори, доктори на науките с поне 10 години значим научен принос, засвидетелстван от техни публикации (поне една издадена монография и публикации в реферирани международни научни издания), участия в международни изследвания, конференции и т.н.
Повечето международни събития на ЦАИ (семинари, проектни обсъждания, лекции на гостуващи учени) се провеждат на английски език. Доброто владеене на английски е предпоставка за пълноценното участие в текущите дейности на ЦАИ. В зависимост от аудиторията, устните представяния може да се изнасят на немски, френски или български език. Изследователските резултати ще бъдат публикувани на английски език. Кандидатите следва да посочат/ коментират езиковите си умения в документите си за кандидатстване.
Лице за контакт:
Г-жа Ралица Петрова, e-mail: petrova@cas.bg
София 1000, ул. "Неофит Рилски" № 70, Център за академични изследвания София
тел.: + 359 2 9803704 / факс: + 359 2 9803662


Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) - “Ideas” Specific programme

Grants for Starting and Advanced Researchers

European Research Council (ERC) grants will be awarded through open competition to projects headed by young and established researchers, irrespective of their origins, who are working in Europe - the sole criterion for selection is excellence. The aim here is to recognise the best ideas, and retain and confer status and visibility to the best brains in Europe, while also attracting talent from abroad.

By challenging Europe's brightest minds, the ERC expects to bring about new and unpredictable scientific and technological discoveries - the kind that can form the basis of new industries, markets, and broader social innovations of the future.

Calls for proposals

Call Identifier

Call Title

Publication Date



ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grant




ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grant



Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) - “People” Specific Programme

The 'People' Specific Programme will be implemented through actions under five headings:

  • ' Initial training of researchers to improve mostly young researchers' career perspectives in both public and private sectors, by broadening their scientific and generic skills, including those related to technology transfer and entrepreneurship.

  • ' Life-long training and career development' to support experienced researchers in complementing or acquiring new skills and competencies or in enhancing inter/multidisciplinarity and/or intersectoral mobility, in resuming a research career after a break and in (re)integrating into a longer term research position in Europe after a trans-national mobility experience.

  • ' Industry-academia pathways and partnerships' to stimulate intersectoral mobility and increase knowledge sharing through joint research partnerships in longer term co-operation programmes between organisations from academia and industry, in particular SMEs and including traditional manufacturing industries.

  • ' International dimension', to contribute to the life-long training and career development of EU-researchers, to attract research talent from outside Europe and to foster mutually beneficial research collaboration with research actors from outside Europe.

  • ' Specific actions' to support removing obstacles to mobility and enhancing the career perspectives of researchers in Europe.

Calls for proposals

Call Identifier

Call Title

Publication Date



Marie Curie Reintegration Grants




Researchers' night




Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (ITN)




2009 Classics Colloquium

Few places are left for the eighth Europaeum Classics Colloquium on Teaching, Teachers and Students taking place in Prague from November 6-8th on the theme of  include Greek education and attitudes; sophistry and philosophy; pedagogy; didacticism; Roman education and attitudes; and literary depictions of teaching and learning. Classics graduate scholars from most Europaeum universities are taking part alongside leading academic experts from Prague ,Oxford, Madrid and Bologna, presenting papers for discussion and critique by fellow scholars. Among those taking part will Professor Tobias Reinhardt (Oxford), Professor Dagmar Muchnova and Professor Lucie Doležalová ( Charles University, Prague) and Professor Juan Antonio Álvarez-Pedrosa Núñez (Complutense , Madrid).

See the draft Programme. For more information about the event, please contact Martina Vaníková, at Charles University .

LEIDEN : Upcoming conference on ideological discourses

The University of Leiden is organising an international conference on Ideological Discourses in the Latin Literature of the Early Modern Age on 26-28th November 2009. Please contact Professor Dr. Marc Laureys, University of Bonn, or Professor Dr. Karl Enenkel, University of Leiden, for more information on how to attend.

Workshop on avionics data, control and software systems, Noordwijk, the Netherlands
[Event Date: 2009-11-03]

The European Space Agency (ESA) will hold a workshop on avionics data, control and software systems (ADCSS) from 3 to 5 November in Noordwijk, the Netherlands.

The event will cover relevant avionics topics in the form of roundtables and will provide a forum for position papers and interaction between the organisers and the participants. Sessions will cover:
- space avionics open interface architecture;
-... read more

Patent Information Conference 2009, Biarritz, France
[Event Date: 2009-11-03]

The Patent Information Conference 2009 will take place from 3 to 5 November in Biarritz, France.

The event, organised by the European Patent Office (EPO) in cooperation with the French Patent Office (INPI), will be composed of plenary, discussion and training sessions, revolving around issues related to patenting.

More specifically, sessions will be dedicated to some of the following issues:

- 'Quality... read more

Biodiversity research conference, Brussels, Belgium
[Event Date: 2009-11-04]

A conference on biodiversity research will take place on 4 November in Brussels, Belgium.

The event aims to identify current gaps and bottlenecks in the biodiversity research agenda and to explore and define research priorities to be considered in the development of the EU biodiversity research strategy.

It is organised by the Science and Technology Options Assessment (STOA) panel of the European Parliament... read more

Workshop on ICT research and creative enterprises, Torino, Italy
[Event Date: 2009-11-04]

The CREATE ('Information and communication technologies (ICT) innovations in creative industries') project consortium is organising an international conference named 'CREATE: Connecting ICT research and creative enterprises', that will take place in Turin, Italy, on 4 and 5 November 2009.

Sponsored by the Region of Piedmont, the event will highlight the latest in ICT innovation in creative industries... read more

Conference on sustainable industrial policies, Brussels, Belgium
[Event Date: 2009-11-05]

The German Öko-Institut (Institute for Applied Ecology) is organising its annual international conference on 5 November in Brussels, Belgium.

Under the title 'Green transformation towards a sustainable industrial policy for Europe', international experts will discuss which measures should be taken to achieve sustainability and environmental goals, as well as economic goals, in European and national-level... read more

Symposium on the future of higher education institutions, Stockholm, Sweden
[Event Date: 2009-11-05]

The Academia Europaea and the Wenner Gren Foundation will hold an international symposium entitled 'From information to knowledge; from knowledge to wisdom: challenges and changes facing higher education in the digital age' from 5 to 7 November in Stockholm, Sweden.

The event will revolve around how higher education institutions can adapt to the challenges they face in the 21st century, as European universities... read more

Annual meeting of the Loire Scientific Community and River Managers, Saint-Etienne, France
[Event Date: 2009-11-06]

The third annual meeting of the Loire Scientific Community and River Managers will be held on 6 November in Saint-Etienne, France.

Entitled 'Integrated river management: valorisation of research findings', the event is intended as a platform for sharing results, experiences and best practices, in order to help develop and promote knowledge. At the same time, it will highlight the Loire as a European benchmark... read more

Conference on labour market disadvantage and active labour market policies, Brussels, Belgium
[Event Date: 2009-11-09]

A meeting entitled 'Employer's recruitment decisions, labour market disadvantage and active labour market policies' will be held on 9 November in Brussels, Belgium.

The event is being organised within the framework of the RECWOWE ('Reconciling work and welfare in Europe') Network of Excellence, which is supported through the 'Social-science and humanities' theme of the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6).

Employer... read more

Pre-conference workshop on food research, Budapest, Hungary
[Event Date: 2009-11-10]

In the frame of the European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) Conference 2009 'New challenges in food preservation', a pre-conference workshop will take place on 10 November in Budapest, Hungary.

During the workshop, several large-scale food projects funded under the Sixth and Seventh Framework Programmes (FP6/FP7) will present their latest findings and future activities. Amongst the... read more

Open innovation workshop on space and automotive technologies, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
[Event Date: 2009-11-10]

The European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC) will hold an open innovation workshop on space and automotive technologies on 10 November in Noordwijk, The Netherlands.

The workshop will identify technology areas in the space and automotive sectors where joint programmes can add value. In addition to plenary talks, participants will be able to contribute to... read more

Genetically Modified Crops Coexistence Conference, Melbourne, Australia
[Event Date: 2009-11-10]

The Genetically Modified Crops Coexistence Conference (GMCC) will take place from 10 to 12 November in Melbourne, Australia.

The conference will cover key issues on coexistence between GM and non-GM agricultural supply chains ranging from the production level to the market place.

Topics include:

- gene flow in agricultural systems;
- strategies for coexistence and organisational measures across the supply... read more

Russian national information day on biotechnology, health, nanotechnology, Moscow, Russia
[Event Date: 2009-11-11]

The Russian National Contact Points (NCPs) for Biotechnology, Health, Nanothechnology and Small and Medium Enterprises will hold an information day on biotechnology, health and nanotechnology research under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) on 11 November in Moscow, Russia.

During the event, the main issues relevant to Russian participation in those FP7 research themes will be discussed. Participants... read more

Conference on new challenges in food preservation, Budapest, Hungary
[Event Date: 2009-11-11]

The European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) and the EU-funded project PathogenCombat are organising a conference on new challenges in food preservation from 11 to 13 November in Budapest, Hungary.

As with previous EFFoST events, the programme will be comprised of lectures by invited experts supplemented by extensive poster sessions.

Topics include:

- processing (emerging technologies,... read more

EUROSPHERE project conference, Osnabrück, Germany
[Event Date: 2009-11-13]

The EU-funded EUROSPHERE ('Diversity and the European public sphere: towards a citizens' Europe') project will hold a conference to present its first results on 13 and 14 November in Osnabrück, Germany.

The EUROSPHERE partners will present their theoretical and methodological approaches and address the central research topics of EUROSPHERE. The conference will focus on two major thematic issues:

- Does... read more

NEARCTIS workshop on ICT for traffic management and optimisation, London, UK
[Event Date: 2009-11-13]

The EU-funded Network of Excellence NEARCTIS ('A network of excellence for advanced road cooperative traffic management in the information society') is organising its second workshop to take place on 13 November in London, UK.

The event will include an update on NEARCTIS activities and presentations on NEARCTIS-related topics by researchers and PhD students.

NEARCTIS is an academic network working in... read more

European Space Weather Week 2009, Bruges, Belgium
[Event Date: 2009-11-16]

The Sixth European Space Weather Week (ESWW) will take place from 16 to 20 November in Bruges, Belgium.

This year's meeting will discuss recent advances in both scientific and application-based domains and how these advances relate to user needs. There will also be an opportunity to discuss the space weather community's contribution to possible future European Space Agency (ESA) action in the area of space... read more

Forum on ICT for sustainable homes, Nice, France
[Event Date: 2009-11-16]

The first edition of the 'ICT (information and communication technology) for sustainable homes' research and industry forum will be held in Nice, France on 16 and 17 November.

The forum will be devoted to the new challenges faced by all those developing innovative products and services for the home environment, addressing such issues as:
- putting ICT to work for 'greener homes' (lower energy consumption,... read more

Course in exposure assessment, Umeå, Sweden
[Event Date: 2009-11-16]

A course entitled 'Exposure assessment I: chemical exposure assessment analysis and modelling' will take place from 16 to 20 November in Umeå, Sweden.

The objective of the course is to give an introduction to the field of exposure assessment, with a specific focus on chemical analysis and various modelling techniques. It is intended for PhD students, post docs, senior scientists and other professionals.... read more

European Nanoelectronics Forum 2009, Noordwijk, Netherlands
[Event Date: 2009-11-17]

The European Nanoelectronics Forum 2009 will take place on 17 and 18 November in Noordwijk, The Netherlands.

A combination of speeches, poster and demo sessions will cover the latest developments in the field.

The event is jointly organised by the Association for European Nanoelectronics Activities (AENEAS), the European Nanoelectronics Initiative Advisory Council (ENIAC) and the Cluster for Application... read more

Conference on the Euclid space mission, Noordwijk, the Netherlands
[Event Date: 2009-11-17]

A conference under the title 'Observing the Dark Universe with Euclid' will take place on 17 and 18 November in Noordwijk, the Netherlands.

Euclid is an all-sky space mission designed to map geometry of the Dark Universe. Its primary objectives are the study of dark energy, dark matter, modified gravity and cosmic initial conditions. The mission is optimised for weak gravitational lensing and baryonic... read more

Third European Conference on Ambient Intelligence, Salzburg, Austria
[Event Date: 2009-11-18]

The third European Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AMI-09) will be held in Salzburg, Austria, from 18 to 21 November.

Ambient intelligence is an area which combines the concepts of ubiquitous technology, intelligent systems and advanced user interfaces, putting humans at the centre of technological developments.

The event aims to bring together researchers from academia and industry across various... read more

Earth observation and the water cycle, Frascati, Italy
[Event Date: 2009-11-18]

A conference entitled 'Earth observation and the water cycle: towards a water cycle multi-mission strategy' will be held from 18 to 20 November in Frascati, Italy.

Recent advances in Earth observation (EO) satellites have made possible improved global observations of several key parameters governing the global water cycle. In the coming years, an increasing number of EO missions will be launched by space... read more

European Food Science Day, Brussels, Belgium
[Event Date: 2009-11-18]

The communication network CommNet is organising a European Food Science Day on 18 November in Brussels, Belgium.

At the European Food Science Day key results in the field of food quality, food safety, nutrition and health will be addressed. Experts will discuss topics such as the melamine case, swine flu, food allergies, nutrition in pregnancy for life-long health, and the impact of infant-feeding on obesity.... read more

Event on embedded systems, Eindhoven, Netherlands, and Leuven, Belgium
[Event Date: 2009-11-18]

A two-part event on embedded systems will take place on 12 November in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, and on 18 November in Leuven, Belgium.

Topics to be addressed include:
- 'Innovating in time of crisis - staying at the forefront of technology in an economic downturn';
- 'System quality - creating better and more reliable systems and coping with legacy';
- 'Security - shielding systems and the communication... read more

Workshop on the ageing population and medical research, Brussels, Belgium
[Event Date: 2009-11-19]

The Geriatric Medicines Working Party of the European Forum for Good Clinical Practice (EFGCP) will hold a workshop entitled 'The challenge of an ageing population for medical research: one-third of the EU population will be more than 60 years of age in 50 years time' on 19 and 20 November in Brussels, Belgium.

Experts in the fields of clinical research, ethics and philosophy, as well as social and patient... read more

Conference on CO2 geological storage, Obergurgl, Austria
[Event Date: 2009-11-22]

A conference on the latest progress in CO2 (carbon dioxide) geological storage will be held from 22 to 27 November in Obergurgl, Austria.

The aim of this conference is to draw conclusions from past research and to outline the future challenges to be addressed along the way to industrial implementation of CO2 capture and storage (CCS).

The first day will be dedicated to the characteristics of a good site... read more

Conference on hearing and sight loss, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain
[Event Date: 2009-11-22]

The European Science Foundation (ESF) and the University of Barcelona are organising a biomedical conference entitled 'Rare diseases II: hearing and sight loss' from 22 to 27 November in Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain.

The meeting will bring together experts in sensory neuroscience, developmental biology, genetics, cell biology, modelling, translational research and therapy. It aims to promote scientific... read more

Workshop on methane on Mars, Frascati, Italy
[Event Date: 2009-11-25]

A workshop on 'Methane on Mars: current observations, interpretation and future plans' will be held from 25 to 27 November in Frascati, Italy.

Methane has been detected in the Martian atmosphere by Earth-based telescopes and from orbit. This discovery indicates that Mars is either biologically or geologically active. The goal of the workshop is to review the available measurements, potential reservoirs... read more

Management International Conference, Sousse, Tunisia
[Event Date: 2009-11-25]

The tenth annual Management International Conference (MIC) 2009 will take place from 25 to 28 November in Sousse, Tunisia.

The aim of the conference is to present and discuss research that contributes to the sharing of new theoretical, methodological and empirical knowledge, and to a better understanding of management practices, particularly in the fields of creativity, innovation and management.

MIC... read more

'D4Science world user meeting', Rome, Italy
[Event Date: 2009-11-25]

The first 'D4Science world user meeting' will be held on 25 and 26 November at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations in Rome, Italy.

The objectives of the meeting are to:
- follow up on opportunities and innovative projects implementing advanced e-infrastructures for multidisciplinary scientific communities;
- share experiences and best practices while discussing the latest... read more

Conference on women's scientific careers, Paris, France
[Event Date: 2009-11-26]

The second international PROMETEA ('Empowering women engineers' careers in industrial and academic research') conference on women's scientific careers will be held in Paris, France on 26 and 27 November.

Organised by two French partners of the EU-funded PROMETEA Network, the Conference of the Deans of French Engineering Schools (CDEFI) and the French equal opportunities association ECEPIE, the event intends... read more

Conference on ethical aspects of ICT for older people, Brussels, Belgium
[Event Date: 2009-11-27]

The EU-funded SENIOR ('Social ethical and privacy needs in ICT [information and communication technology] for older people: a dialogue roadmap') project is organising its final conference on 27 November in Brussels, Belgium.

Under the title 'ICT for an ageing society - an ethical approach', the project partners will present their key results, including a collection of good ethical practices and industrial... read more

Workshop on synthetic aperture radar interferometry, Frascati, Italy
[Event Date: 2009-11-30]

The European Space Agency (ESA) will hold its sixth international workshop on 'Advances in the science and applications of SAR [synthetic aperture radar] interferometry' from 30 November to 4 December in Frascati, Italy.

The main objectives of the workshop are to:
- provide a forum for scientific exchange and to initiate and encourage close collaboration between individual research groups;
- present new... read more

JRC workshop on organic food authentication, Geel, Belgium
[Event Date: 2009-11-30]

The European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) is organising a workshop entitled 'Organic food authentication: challenge or utopia?' from 30 November to 1 December in Geel, Belgium.

The rapid development of organic agriculture and the ever-increasing demand for organic products means new challenges for the international organic food certification and guarantee systems. At present, monitoring and... read more

Conference on environmental, industrial and applied microbiology, Lisbon, Portugal
[Event Date: 2009-12-02]

A conference on environmental, industrial and applied microbiology will be held from 2 to 4 December in Lisbon, Portugal.

General sessions will be dedicated to microbiological applications in various areas such agriculture, medicine and food sciences, while special sessions will address more specific topics, including:

- antimicrobial surfaces;

- bacteria-derived antimicrobial toxins;
- biofilms;
- bioremediation;
-... read more

ISPIM Innovation Symposium, New York, US
[Event Date: 2009-12-06]

The second ISPIM (International Society for Professional Innovation Management) Innovation Symposium entitled 'Stimulating recovery - the role of innovation management' will be held in New York City, US from 6 to 9 December.

The symposium will bring together academics, business leaders, consultants and other professionals involved in innovation management. The symposium format will include themed sessions... read more

Conference on fast reactors and related fuel cycles, Kyoto, Japan
[Event Date: 2009-12-07]

An international conference on 'Fast reactors and related fuel cycles - challenges and opportunities' will take place from 7 to 11 December in Kyoto, Japan.

Organised by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and hosted by the Japan Atomic Energy Agency, the conference aims to promote the exchange of information on national and multinational programmes, new developments and experience. This event... read more

Conference on acoustics computing for ambient intelligent applications, Barcelona, Spain
[Event Date: 2009-12-10]

The Acoustics Computing for Ambient Intelligent Applications (ACAIA09) conference will take place on 10 and 11 December in Barcelona, Spain.

ACAIA09 aims to provide a forum for reviewing the state of the art and new directions in the scientific, technological, economic, social and political issues related to acoustics computing for ambient intelligent applications. It will bring together ACAIA experts,... read more

Conference on cultural dynamics, Barcelona, Spain
[Event Date: 2009-12-10]

A conference entitled 'A topological approach to cultural dynamics' will be held from 10 to 12 December in Barcelona, Spain. It is sponsored by the ATACD ('A topological approach to cultural dynamics') network, which is funded under the 'New and emerging science and technology' (NEST) priority of the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6).

Topology is a mathematical discipline which can help in the understanding... read more

Conference on the origin of galaxies, Obergurgl, Austria
[Event Date: 2009-12-12]

A conference on 'The origin of galaxies: lessons from the distant universe' will take place from 12 to 17 December in Obergurgl, Austria. The event is organised jointly by the European Science Foundation (ESF), the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and the University of Innsbruck (LFUI).

Three major new facilities are at the disposal of European astronomers: the Herschel Space Observatory, the SCUBA-2 array... read more

Fourth European Quality Assurance Forum
Hosted by Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, 19-21 November 2009

Second EUA-CDE Workshop: "Structuring Doctoral Programmes - a means for continuous improvement"
Hosted by University of Zagreb, Croatia, 10-11 December 2009

Presentation of the TRENDS 2010 report:
TRENDS 2010: the EHEA– achievements and future challenges
Hosted by University of Vienna, Austria, 11 March 2010
(More information to follow)

EUA EXPERTS CONFERENCE: Towards Financially Sustainable Universities II: Diversifying Income Streams

Hosted by University of Bologna, Italy, 22-23 April 2010
(More information to follow)

European Commission public consultation on ‘Promoting the learning mobility of young people’

Category: Members & Partners, Event, Publication, Survey, Project, Job Ad, Call for proposals, Call for papers, Consultation of members, Report

 The European Commission has launched a public consultation on the green paper on ‘Promoting the learning mobility of young people’.

Feedback is sought on a series of issues including:
• How to convince more young people to go abroad for learning
• Current obstacles to mobility
• How to get a wide range of players – such as the Commission, Member States, regions, education and training institutions, NGOs – to join forces in a new partnership for learning mobility.

The consultation is available in multiple languages and responses are accepted until 15 December 2009.

03-05. Nov


Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

23rd Annual Conference: Evaluation of Open and Distance Learning Systems


05-06 Nov


Notre Dame University-Louaize, Beirut, Lebanon

IAU Annual Conference: The role of higher education in promoting inter-cultural dialogue and understanding


05-07 Nov


Vancouver, Canada

Advancing the next Generation of Higher Education Scholarship and Scholars


09-11 Nov

UNESCO Bamako Cluster Office

Bamako, Mali

First International Conference on Building Research Capacity in Africa: Promoting Research in African Universities Through Regional and International Research and Knowledge Networks and the Use of ICTs


09-13 Nov

Universidad Católica Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina

X Encuentro Internacional Virtual Educa Argentina 2009: Education and Training in Ibero-America: Ten years of innovations (2000-2009)


11-12 Nov

National Academy for Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (NAIRTL)

Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Research-Teaching Linkages: Practice & Policy


11-12 Nov

Bergen, Norway

Bridges of Knowledge 2009: Abroad at Home - Towards Global Competence in Higher Education


16-18 Nov

International Association of Technology, Education and Development

Madrid, Spain

International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation


16-20 Nov


Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Rome, Italy

23rd General Assembly: The Catholic University in Post-Modern Societies. Ex Corde Ecclesiae Facing the Challenges of the 21st Century


19-21 Nov


Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

4th European Quality Assurance Forum: Creativity and Diversity: Challenges for quality assurance beyond 2010


20-22 Nov


Rome, Italy

Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age (CELDA 2009)


23-26 Nov

Penang, Malaysia

University-Community Engagement for Sustainability


01-02 Dec

NUI Galway, Ireland

Social Science Research and Policy Making: Bridging the Divide


06-08 Dec


Riga, Latvia

Higher Education Spaces and Places: for learning, innovation and knowledge exchange


07-09 Dec

Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation

Montreal, Canada

Using Social Statistics to Illuminate the Issues, Processes and Outcomes in HE: International Viewpoints


07-09 Dec

Rhodes University, South Africa

Inclusion and exclusion in higher education


08-10 Dec


Celtic Manor, Newport, United Kingdom

Challenging Higher Education: Knowledge, Policy And Practice


13-16 Dec

Penang, Malaysia

Second Global Higher Education Forum 2009: Global Higher Education: Current Trends, Future Perspectives



Responsible Partnering
Joining Forces in a World of Open Innovation: Guidelines for Collaborative Research and Knowledge Transfer between Science And Industry
Published by EUA, EIRMA, ProTon Europe and EARTO, 2009
Improving Quality, Enhancing Creativity:
Change Processes in European Higher Education Institutions
QAHECA Project

Collaborative Doctoral Education

University-Industry Partnerships for Enchancing Knowledge Exchange

Survey of Master Degrees in Europe

Results of the EUA Master Programmes in Europe Project
December 2007 - January 2009

Каталог: Documents -> Infobulletin
Infobulletin -> Месечен информационен бюлетин на нис при су „СВ. Кл. Охридски” декември 2011 с пожелание за весели празници
Infobulletin -> Бюлетин октомври 2010 съдържание: магистратури, стипендии, стажове
Infobulletin -> Ma in european history leiden, paris, oxford
Infobulletin -> Бюлетин май 2010 магистратури, стипендии, стажове ma in european history and civilisation
Infobulletin -> Конкурс за стипендия "дамян балабанов" за академичната 2010/ 2011 Г
Infobulletin -> Месечен информационен бюлетин на нис при су „СВ. Кл. Охридски” октомври 2011 съдържание
Infobulletin -> Месечен информационен бюлетин на нис при су „СВ. Кл. Охридски” ноември 2011 съдържание
Infobulletin -> Месечен информационен бюлетин на нис при су „СВ. Кл. Охридски” септември 2011 съдържание

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