Литература: Al-Khadra A, Nikolski V, Efimov ir

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за изпит по “Методи и средства за електропорация” по научната специалност 5.5.2. “Електротехника, електроника и автоматика”
(допълнителен курс за обща базова подготовка)

  1. Електропорация (електропермеабилизация). Кратко описание на феномена.

  2. Електрохимиотерапия. Пренасяне на цитотоксични лекарства и генен материал през мембраната на клетката.Обратима и необратима електропорация.

  3. Трансмембранно напрежение, индуцирано в изолирана клетка чрез генериране на електрично поле. Формула на Schwan. Модели отчитащи проводимостта на мембраната, цитоплазмата и външната среда. Ограничения при аналитичното описание на електричното поле за сфероидалната форма на клетката.

  4. Електропорация в клетъчна суспенсия и тъкани.

  5. Техники за индуциране на електрично поле в клетката. Генериране на електрични импулси.

  6. Влияние на параметрите на електричните импулси върху степента на електропермеабилизация.

  7. Оптимизация на параметрите на електричните импулси.

  8. Ефекти от генериране на нисковолтово високочестотно поле.

  9. Риск от фибрилация.

  10. Електроди.

  11. Генератори на високоволтови импулси.


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  9. Kotnik T, Bobanovic F, Miklavcic D (1997): ‘Sensitivity of transmembrane voltage induced by applied electric fields—a theoretical analysis’, Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, 43, 285–291.

  10. Kotnik T, Miclavcic D (2000): ‘Analytical description of transmembrane voltage induced by electric fields on spheroidal cells’, Biophysical J, 79, 670-679.

  11. Lebar AM, Troiano GC, Tung L, Miklavcic D (2002): ‘Inter-pulse interval between rectangular voltage pulses affects electroporation threshold of artificial lipid bilayers’, IEEE Trans NanoBioscience, 3(1), 116-120.

  12. Mali B, Jarm T, Corovic S, Snezna M, Paulin-Kosir, Cemazar M, Sersa G, Miclavcic D (2008): ‘The effect of electroporation pulses on functioning of the heart’, Med Biol Eng Comput, 46, 745-757.

  13. Miclavcic D, Beravs K, Semrov D, Cemazar M, Demsar F, Sersa G (1998): ‘The importance of electric field distribution for effective in vivo electroporation of tissues’, Biophysical J, 74, 2152-2158.

  14. Miclavcic D, Kotnik T (2004): ‘Electroporation of electrochemotherapy and gene therapy’, In: Bioelectromagnetic Meidicine, Eds. Paul J Kosch, Marko Markov, Taylor and Francis.

  15. Miller L, Leor J, Rubinsky B (2005): ‘Cancer cells ablation with irreversible elelectroporation’, Technol Cancer Research Treatment, 4(6), 1-7.

  16. Mir LM, Orlowski S, Belehradek J, Teissie J, Rols M-P, Sersa G, Miclavcic D, Gilbert R, Heller R (1995): ‘Biomedical applications of electric pulses with special emphasis on antitumor electrochemotherapy’, Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, 38, 203-207.

  17. Music B, Jarm T, Jager F, Miklavcic D (1992): ‘Algorithm for synchronization of electroporation pulse delivery with electrocardiogram’, American J Physiology - Heart Circulatory Physiology, 263 (4), H1128-H1136, doi: 10.2495/BIO030371.

  18. Pucihar G, Mir LM, Miclavcic D (2002): ‘The effect of pulse repetition frequency on the uptake into electropermeabilized cells in vitro with possible applications in electrochemotherapy’, Bioelectrochemistry, 57, 167-172.

  19. Rodamporn S, Beeby SP, Harris NR, Brown AD, Chad JE (2007): ‘Design and construction of a programmable electroporation system for biological applications’, Proceeding of the ThaiBME, 234-238.

  20. Rols M-P, Teissie J (1998): ‘Electropermeabilization of mammalian cells to macromolecules: Control by pulse duration’, Biophysical J, 75, 1415-1423.

  21. Schwan HP (1957): ‘Electrical properties of tissue and cell suspensions’, Adv Biol Med Physics, 5, 147–209.

  22. Seok Chan Kim (2008): ‘Electroporation by strong interval defibrillation shock in intact structurally normal and chronically infracted rabbit hearts’, MSc degree, Case Western Reserve University, pages 49.



  1. Tekle E, Astumian RD, Chock PB (1991): ‘Electroporation by using bipolar oscillating electric field: An improved method for DNA transfection of NIH 3T4 cells’, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 88, Biochemestry, 88, 4230-4234

  2. Weaver JC, Chizmandzhev YA (1996): ‘Theory of electroporation: A review’, Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, 41, 135-160.

  3. Yu Zhou, Fang Fang, Jianjun Chen, Huadong Wang, Haiyan Chang, Zhongdong Yang, Ze Chen (2008): ‘Electroporation at Low Voltages Enables DNA Vaccine to Provide Protection against a Lethal H5N1 Avian Influenza Virus Challenge in Mice’, Intervirology, 51, 241-246, doi: 10.1159/000156483.

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