На доц. Д-р димитър томов томов, доктор

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I. Дипломна работа и дисертация

1. Томов, Д. Върху цитирането на автори и литература в българските медицински списания. Дипломна работа. София, Софийски университет „Кл. Охридски”, Факултет по история, Катедра по библиотекознание и научна информация, 1982.

2. Томов, Д. Т. Интернационализация на интердисциплинарните научни комуникации (на примера на тестикуларната морфология). Дисертация за степен „доктор”. София, Център по наукознание и история на науката-БАН, 1998.
II. Учебници и раздели в монографии

3. Пенев, З., Д. Томов. Проблеми на венеризма. Под ред. З. Пенев. София, Център за научна информация по медицина и здравеопазване, 1981.

4. Томов, Д. Въведение в научната информация и информационна култура. Варна, Колор принт, 1994.

5. Томов, Д. Как се пише дипломна работа. Варна, Медицински университет „Проф. д-р Параскев Стоянов”-Варна, 2001.

6. Томов, Д., Г. Кобаков. Икономически анализи при диагностиката и лечението на чернодробните метастази от колоректален рак.- В: Чернодробни метастази от колоректален рак - диагностика и лечение. Под ред. Д. Костов и Г. Кобаков. Варна, Медицински университет „Проф. д-р Параскев Стоянов”-Варна, 2006, 135-137.

7. Томов, Д., Д. Костов. Мета-анализи върху чернодробните метастази от колоректален рак.- В: Чернодробни метастази от колоректален рак - диагностика и лечение. Под ред. Д. Костов и Г. Кобаков. Варна, Медицински университет „Проф. д-р Параскев Стоянов”-Варна, 2006, 131-133.

8. Томов, Д., Г. Кобаков, Д. Костов. Критическа оценка на съвременното състояние на проблемния кръг.- В: Чернодробни метастази от колоректален рак - диагностика и лечение. Под ред. Д. Костов и Г. Кобаков. Варна, Медицински университет „Проф. д-р Параскев Стоянов”-Варна, 2006, 139-140.

9. Томов, Д. Българската школа и развитието на съвременната приложна наукометрия.- В: 40 години наукознание в България. София, Център по наукознание и история на науката при БАН, 2008, 137-150.

III. Статии в български и чужди списания

10. Markov, G., D. Tomov, S. Georgieva. Considerations on the incidence and widespreading of dissseminated sclerosis in the district of Varna.- Scripta Scientifica Medica (Sofia), 11, 1974, 77-82.

11. Tomov, D. Information flow over the problem ‘Ultrastructure of the testis’ in the medico-biological referenced journals.- Scripta Scientifica Medica (Sofia), 19, 1982, 91-93.

12. Ivanova, M., D. Tomov. Citations to Bulgarian authors and literature in the reference lists of Soviet medical journals.- Bibliotekar (Sofia), 1981, No 1, 21-22 (in Bulgarian).

13. Ivanova, M., D. Tomov. Bibliographic self-citations in some Bulgarian journals.- Iz opita na zdravnite zavedenia (Sofia), 1981, No 3, 95-104 (in Bulgarian).

14. Ivanova, M., D. Tomov. On library supplying with scientific periodicals.- Bibliotekar (Sofia), 1982, No 7, 18-21 (in Bulgarian).

15. Nanov, S., D. Tomov. Über das Zitieren von Autoren und von Literatur in den Verhandlungen der Anatomischen Gesellschaft.- Verhandlungen der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, 76, 1982, 613-614.

16. Tomov, D. Citation analysis of the Bulgarian authors and literature in the Proceedings of ‘Immunology of Reproduction’.- Scripta Scientifica Medica (Sofia), 20, 1983, 136-140.

17. Tomov, D. On the capacities of citation analysis when studying the Bulgarian medical science.- Bibliotekar (Sofia), 1983, No 1, 22-25 (in Bulgarian).

18. Tomov, D., L. Dimitrova. A conference on scientometrics and linguistics of the scientific text.- Sotsiologicheski problemi (Sofia), 1983, No 6, 135-136 (in Bulgarian).

19. Tomov, D., Z. Nanov. Scientometric investigations and research activity of university students.- Problems of Higher Education (Sofia), 1983, No 5, 23-27 (in Bulgarian).

20. Tomov, D On the possibilities for creation of a Bulgarian ‘Science Citation Index’.- Sotsiologicheski pregled (Sofia), 1984, No 6, 50-55 (in Bulgarian).

21. Tomov, D. On the citations in Bulgarian medical journals.- Bibliotekar (Sofia), 1984, No 10, 11-14 (in Bulgarian).

22. Tomov, D. A method for scientometric analysis of international scientific communications.- Sotsiologicheski pregled (Sofia), 1986, No 7, 67-72 (in Bulgarian).

23. Tomov, D., S. Nanov, Y. Yonkov. Scientific communications upon the problem ‘Testicular histoenzymology’.- Verhandlungen der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, 80, 1986, 739-740.

24. Tomov, D., F. Filipov, N. Kolev. Communication patterns in the field of nuclear magnetic resonance.- Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, B 36, 1986, No 1, 171-174.

25. Nanov, S., S. Minkova, D. Tomov, Tz. Tzvetkov. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and succinate dehydrogenase activity in the testis of fertile men.- Verhandlungen der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, 80, 1986, 727-728.

26. Tomov, D. Atherosclerosis and Bulgarian medical science - problem-oriented scientometric and empirical sociological investigations.- Sotsiologicheski pregled (Sofia), 1987, No 1, 65-70 (in Bulgarian).

27. Tomov, D. Scientometrics and international collaboration in science.- Nauchen zhivot (Sofia), 1989, No 5, 9-11 (in Bulgarian)

28. Tomov, D., Z. Nanov. International scientific communications in morphological journals. I. Publication activity.- Verhandlungen der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, 82, 1989, 1019-1021.

29. Tomov, D., Z. Nanov. International scientific communications in morphological journals. II. Reviewing, secondary abstracting and citation analysis.- Verhandlungen der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, 82, 1989, 1023-1024.

30. Tomov, D. Internationalization of scientific communications in the field of reproductive oncology.- Scripta Scientifica Medica (Varna), 28, 1991, Suppl. 1, 207-208.

31. Mileva, P., D. Tomov. A new form for automatized information service.- Bibliotekar (Sofia), 1991, No 6, 8-10 (in Bulgarian).

32. Tomov, D. Concerning the ‘Recommendations of the Higher Testimonial Committee dealing with the criteria for evaluation of the research activity of a single scientist or scientific unit’.- Nauka, 1992, No 1, 13-14 (in Bulgarian).

33. Tomov, D. Bibliometric analysis of the internationalization of the contemporary interdisciplinary science.- Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya Informatsia, Series 1, 1993, No 10, 30-32 (in Russian).

34. Tomov, D. Comparative scientometrics and dynamic stratification in modern science.- Science and Science of Science (Kiev), 3, 1994, No 5, 165-166.

35. Tomov, D. Internationalization of Bulgarian science as reflected in Science Citation Index (Compact Disk Edition - I-VIII 1995).- Iz opita na zdravnite zavedenia (Sofia), 1996, No 3, 30-41 (in Bulgarian).

36. Tomov, D., H. Mutafov. Comparative indicators of interdisciplinarity in modern science.- Scientometrics, 37, 1996, No 2, 267-278.

37. Tomov, D., H. Mutafov, C. Diacov. Bulgarian Citation Index (a challenge of science in our country).- Iz opita na zdravnite zavedenia (Sofia), 1996, No 3, 5-15 (in Bulgarian).

38. Tomov, D., S. Popova, N. Feschieva, H. Mutafov. Institutionalization of research in the field of Parkinsonism.- Scripta Scientifica Medica (Varna), 29, 1997, Suppl. 4, 185-189.

39. Tomov, D., H. Mutafov, C. Diacov. Science Citation Index®, Bulgarian Citation Index, and modern Bulgarian science.- Scripta Scientifica Medica (Varna), 29, 1997, Suppl. 4, 179-184.

40. Tomov, D. Historiography of fundamental andrology in Bulgaria: a scientometric approach.- Asklepios, 11, 1997-1998, 77-81.

41. Tomov, D. Contemporary neurotrophic factor research: towards a more human paradigm.- Biomedical Reviews (Varna), 10, 1999, 107-110.

42. Tomov, D., O. Persson. Internationalization of clinical and experimental memory research.- Scripta Scientifica Medica (Varna), 31, 1999, 159-166.

43. Mutafov, H., D. Tomov, T. Grigorova, C. Diacov. Medical Information Centre, Bulgarian Citation Index, and modern Bulgarian science. I. Bulgarian medical journals (1993-1998).- Scripta Scientifica Medica (Varna), 31, 1999, 167-171.

44. Tomov, D., P. Mileva. Historiography of scientific communications in the field of memory and blood-brain barrier.- Scripta Scientifica Medica (Varna), 32, 2000, 69-71.

45. Tomov, D. Some critical remarks on the Stop Word Lists of ISI publications.- Journal of Documentation, 57, 2001, No 6, 798-808.

46. Tomov, D. The unity of interdisciplinarity, institutionalization and internationalization of science: reflections from/on cell biology.- Biomedical Reviews (Varna), 12, 2001, 41-55.

47. Tomov, D., P. Mileva. Institutionalization of research in health economics.- Health Economics and Management (Varna), 1, 2001, No 2, 33-37 (in Bulgarian)

48. Kundra, R., D. Tomov. Collaboration patterns in Indian and Bulgarian epidemiology of neoplasms in MEDLINE for 1966-1999.- Scientometrics, 52, 2001, No 3, 519-523.

49. Penev, A., D. Tomov. Institutionalization of research in the field of quality of life with cardiac pacing.- Heart-Lung (Varna), 7, 2001, No 3, 31-40.

50. Mileva, P., D. Tomov, Zh. Radkova, G. Stoyanova, Zh. Todorova, R. Kuyumdzhieva. Virtual library of the Medical University of Varna - ideogenesis, presence, and future.- Scripta Scientifica Medica (Varna), 34, 2002, 103-106.

51. Томов, Д. Българският докторант и международният научно-информационен пазар.- Стратегии на образователната и научната политика, 2003, № 2, 31-48.

52. Penev, A., D. Tomov. Institutionalization of research on pericardial effusions.- Heart-Lung (Varna), 9, 2003, No 2, 48-55.

53. Tomov, D. International visibility of Bulgarian memory research.- Scripta Scientifica Medica (Varna), 36, 2004, 65-69.

54. Tomov, D. T., H. G. Mutafov. Dynamic stratification of document-type distributions in interdisciplinary biomedical research.- Scripta Periodica (Sofia), 7, 2004, № 1, Suppl., 12-18.

55. Кобаков, Г., Д. Томов, Д. Костов, Т. Темелков. Скали за оценка на индивидуалното качество на живот в колопроктологията.- Българска хирургия, 4, 2004, № 2, 18-21.

56. Кобаков, Г., Д. Костов, Е. Йорданов, Д. Томов, Т. Темелков. Качество на живот при болни с улцерозен колит след операция.- Българска хирургия, 4, 2004, № 2, 22-24.

57. Рангелова. Ж., Е. Мутафова, Т. Костадинова, Д. Томов. Общата медицина и целите на хилядолетието - проблеми на бедността и здравето в България.- Здравна икономика и мениджмънт, 5, 2005, № 4, 3-10.

58. Rangelova, Zh., E. Mutafova, T. Kostadinova, D. Tomov. Social stratification and health.- Bull. Med. Inst. after Mehrabyan (Yerevan), 2006, No 1, 84-88.

59. Томов, Д. Върху успоредното публикуване върху традиционни и електронни носители - законови предпоставки за приоритети в науката.- В: Трета мултидисциплинарна конференция на Атланто-Евро-Средиземноморската академия на медицинските науки. София, 10-14.V.2004 г.- Scripta Periodica (Sofia), 9, 2006, № 1, 15-24.

60. Tomov, D. T. Adipobiology: a scientometric view to its increasing significance.- Biomedical Reviews (Varna), 17, 2006, 113-118.

61. Tomov, D. Historiography of research in the field of memory and learning.- Asklepios, 19, 2006, 300-304.

62. Tomov, D. Historiography of research in the field of memory and cognition.- Asklepios, 19, 2006, 305-309.

63. Tomov, D., A. Penev. Adipobiology and hypertension-related memory: a scientometric approach to publication output.- Heart-Lung (Varna), 12, 2006, No 1, 35-45.

64. Tomov, D. Marketing of university medical education - the foreign and Bulgarian experience.- Acta Medica Bulgarica, 35, 2008, No 2, 68-74.

65. Tomov, D. International marketing policy of Bulgarian medical universities.- Scripta Periodica (Sofia), 11, 2008, No 4, 10-17.

66. Рохова, М., А. Димова, Д. Томов. Маркетинг в здарвеопазването: възникване и развитие на научните концепции.- Социална медицина, 2008, № 3, 33-37.

IV. Доклади в сборници на български и чужди научни форуми

67. Tomov, D. On the therapeutic effect from the application of magnet impulse device in the patients with joint and neurological diseases.- In: Influence of Occupational Medium and Environment on Human Resources. Fourth Symposium. Varna, 17.VI.1978. Proceedings. Varna, 1978, 168-179 (in Bulgarian).

68. Stoyanova, V., D. Tomov. On the balneologic treatment of premenstrual syndrome.- In: Influence of Occupational Medium and Environment on Human Resources. Fourth Symposium. Varna, 17.VI.1978. Proceedings. Varna, 1978, 151-167 (in Bulgarian).

69. Tomov, D., V. Stojanova. On the use of balneologic and mud-therapeutic procedures in premenstrual syndrome.- In: XVII. Congrès international de thalassothérapie. Varna, 16-20.V.1979. Rapports et communications. Varna, 1979, S. 343-346.

70. Ivanova, M., Zh. Todorova, D. Tomov. Bibliotherapy - an attempt to suggest some basic issues.- In: United Scientific Session of the District Hospital of Varna. Varna, 27-28.X.1979. Proceedings. Varna, 1979, No 4, 179-180 (in Bulgarian).

71. Tomov, D., M. Mihailov. Treatment by ultrasound of the diseases of the supporting and motor apparatus.- In: Influence of Occupational Medium and Environment on Human Resources. Sixth Symposium. Varna, 21.VI.1980. Proceedings. Varna, 1980, 65-71 (in Bulgarian).

72. Ivanova, M., D. Tomov. Abstracting of Bulgarian authors and literature in ‘Excerpta Medica’ during the period from 1976 to 1978.- In: Tenth Jubilee Session of the Higher Institute of Medicine of Varna. Varna, 31.X.1981. Proceedings. Varna, 1982, 223-226 (in Bulgarian).

73. Tomov, D. Bulgarian ‘Science Citation Index’ - possibilities and perspectives for research quality evaluation in Bulgaria.- In: Second National Conference with International Participation on Scientometrics and Linguistics of the Scientific Text. Varna, 2-27.X.1984. D. Tomov and L. Dimitrova, eds. Proceedings. Varna, 1984, 59-65.

74. Tomov, D., V. Kozhuharova. Citations to authors from Varna in Bulgarian medical journals during the period from 1883 till 1962.- In: 100 Years of Scientific Medical Thought in the Town of Varna. Jubilee Scientific Session. Varna, 10.XII.1983. Proceedings. Varna, 1984, 98-102 (in Bulgarian).

75. Tomov, D., P. Mileva. Scientometric evaluation of two medical abstracting journals ‘Excerpta Medica’ and ‘Medizinskij referativnij zhurnal’ on the example of the problem ‘Ovarian hyperandrogeny’.- In: Second National Conference with International Participation on Scientometrics and Linguistics of the Scientific Text. Varna, 2-27.X.1984. D. Tomov and L. Dimitrova, eds. Proceedings. Varna, 1984, 96-97.

76. Tomov, D., R. Slabakova, Z. Angelov. Comparative semantic analysis of title words and key words of anatomical journal articles and descriptors of ‘Excerpta Medica’.- In: Second National Conference with International Participation on Scientometrics and Linguistics of the Scientific Text. Varna, 2-27.X.1984. D. Tomov and L. Dimitrova, eds. Proceedings. Varna, 1984, 136-137.

77. Ivanova, M., D. Tomov, Zh. Todorova. Citation analysis of Bulgarian authors, Dr. Sc., in Bulgarian medical journals and Science Citation Index.- In: Second National Conference with International Participation on Scientometrics and Linguistics of the Scientific Text. Varna, 2-27.X.1984. D. Tomov and L. Dimitrova, eds. Proceedings. Varna, 1984, 82-83.

78. Mileva, P., V. Kozhuharova, D. Tomov. Scientometric analysis of peer reviews in Bulgarian and Soviet scientific medical journals.- In: Problems of Scientific Critique. Varna, 18.I.1984. Proceedings of a Theoretical Conference. Varna, Union of Scientists in Bulgaria, Varna Branch, 1984, 34-48 (in Bulgarian).

79. Vasilev, V., D. Tomov. Historiographic analysis of socio-hygienic and historical medical publications of the physician Alexander Nedyalkov.- In: 100 Years of Scientific Medical Thought in the Town of Varna. Jubilee Scientific Session. Varna, 10.XII.1983. Proceedings. Varna, 1984, 23-27 (in Bulgarian).

80. Tomov, D., Z. Nanov. Scientific communications in the field of testicular ultrastructure.- In: 5th World Congress on Human Reproduction. Athens, 22-26.IX.1985. Proceedings. Athens, 1986, 358-360.

81. Slabakova, R., D. Tomov. Some critical remarks on the ‘Stop word list of the title word index’ of Current Contents, a publication of the Institute for Scientific Information.- In: Theory and Practice of the Scientific and Scientific-Technical Text. Second National Conference with International Participation. Sofia, 14-16.V.1984. Proceedings. Sofia, 1986, 214-219 (in Bulgarian).

82. Tomov, D. Role of comparative scientometric investigations for the scientific progress of a small country.- In: Development of Science of Small Countries. Proceedings of the Second Bulgarian-Finnish Symposium. Veliko Tirnovo (Bulgaria), 31.III.-1.IV.1987. Sofia, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Science of Science Center, 1987, 219-228.

83. Tomov, D. Critical analysis of the statistical parameters of domestic tourism in Bulgaria.- In: Tourism and Youth - Problems of Social Effectiveness. Scientific and Practical Conference. Varna, 31.X.-1.XI.1987. Proceedings. Varna, 1987, 61-69 (in Bulgarian).

84. Tomov, D., P. Prodanova. Anatomical journal articles in an abstracting journal and in ‘EMBASE’ of Excerpta Medica.- In: Automatization of the Information Service. Third Scientific and Applied Conference with International Participation. Burgas, 17-21.IX.1987. Proceedings. Sofia, 1987, Pt. 2, 133-138.

85. Tomov, D. Scientometrics and dynamic stratification in modern science.- In: Science and Technological Changes. Formation of the Preconditions for the Technological Break. Proceedings of the Sixth International Youth School on Science of Science. Sunny Beach Resort, 1987. Sofia, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Science of Science Center, 1989, 136-142.

86. Tomov, D. Bibliometrics, information culture, and social progress.- In: Bibliology, Development, Society. International Conference on Bibliology. Sofia, 4-7.X.1988. Sofia, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1990, 152-156 (in Bulgarian).

87. Tomov, D. Scientometric characteristics of Scripta Scientifica Medica for the period from 1983 to 1988.- In: XVI. Jubilee Scientific Session of the Higher Institute of Medicine of Varna. Tolbuhin, 22-23.V.1989. Proceedings. Varna, 1990, 312-314 (in Bulgarian).

88. Tomov, D., Y. Yosifova. Institutionalization of international research in the field of environmental and occupational toxicology of testicular morphology.- In: Fourth International Symposium and Exhibition on Environmental Contamination in Central and Eastern Europe. Warsaw, 15-17.IX.1998. Poster Abstracts, p. 123. Proceedings on CD-ROM (9 p., ID Code No 237).

89. Tomov, D. International communication patterns in epidemiology of testicular neoplasms.- In: Fifth International Symposium and Exhibition on Environmental Contamination in Central and Eastern Europe. Prague, 12-14 September 2000. Poster Abstracts, p. 70. Proceedings on CD-ROM (6 p., ID Code No 025).

90. Kundra, R., D. Tomov. International communication patterns in environmental pollution: comparison of Indian and Bulgarian publication output, 1966-1999.- In: Fifth International Symposium and Exhibition on Environmental Contamination in Central and Eastern Europe. Prague, 12-14 September 2000. Poster Abstracts, p. 167. Proceedings on CD-ROM (5 p., ID Code No 390).

91. Radkova, Zh. G., D. T. Tomov. International collaboration in the Proceedings of four symposia and exhibitions on environmental contamination in Central and Eastern Europe.- In: Fifth International Symposium and Exhibition on Environmental Contamination in Central and Eastern Europe. Prague, 12-14 September 2000. Oral Presentation. Abstracts, p. 168. Proceedings on CD-ROM (6 p., ID Code No 392).

92. Tomov, D. The challenge of interdisciplinary terminology in biomedical English language university education.- In: Languages for Specific Purposes. Second International Conference. Varna, 8-10.VI.2001. Proceedings. Varna, 2001, 242-244.

93. Tomov, D. T., S. Gerasimova. Computerized historiography of interdisciplinary collaboration in memory research.- In: Collaboration in Science and in Technology. Proceedings of the Second Berlin Workshop on Scientometrics and Informetrics. Berlin, 1-3.IX.2000. F. Havemann, R. Wagner-Döbler and H. Kretschmer, eds. Berlin, Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsforschung, 2001, 185-196.

94. Kundra, R., D. Tomov. Types of collaboration of Indian and Bulgarian research in epidemiology of neoplasms in MEDLINE for 1966-1999.- In: Collaboration in Science and in Technology. Proceedings of the Second Berlin Workshop on Scientometrics and Informetrics. Berlin, 1-3.IX.2000. F. Havemann, R. Wagner-Döbler and H. Kretschmer, eds. Berlin, Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsforschung, 2001, 119-127.

95. Tomov, D., N. Feschieva, S. Popova, H. Mutafov. Institutionalization of research on Parkinson syndrome.- In: Contemporary Problems of Parkinsonism. Jubilee Scientific and Practical Conference on Neurology. Borovets, 13-15.IV.1995. V. Chalmanov and V. Tsonev, eds. Proceedings. Sofia, Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, 2003, 269-272 (in Bulgarian).

96. Tomov, D. International scientific communications on the problem of ‘memory and stress’.- In: First National Tripartite Conference of the Bulgarian Society for the Study and Struggle against Stress with International Participation. Plovdiv, 12-13.IX.2003. Proceedings. Sofia, 2003, 474-480 (in Bulgarian).

97. Tomov, D. T. Institutionalization of research in the Proceedings of five international symposia and exhibitions on environmental contamination in Central and Eastern Europe.- In: Sixth International Symposium & Exhibition on Environmental Contamination in Central & Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States. Prague, 1-4.IX.2003. Abstracts, p. 193. Proceedings on CD-ROM. Tallahassee, FL, IICER, 2004, Paper No 380, 5 p.

98. Томов, Д. Наукометрия, наука и научен прогрес.- В: Методологически и морално-етични аспекти на научния труд. Научни трудове и материали в помощ на докторантите. Под ред. Т. Цветкова и Д. Илучев. Пловдив, Медицински университет-Пловдив, 2004, 96-112.

99. Tomov, D. Linguistic analysis of the term of ‘memory’ in scientific medical texts.- In: The Languages as Means for Education, Research and Professional Realization. III. International Conference. Varna, 8-10.VI.2004. Proceedings, 384-389.

100. Томов, Д. Научно-изследователската дейност на учениците и студентите.- В: Хуманизмът и прагматизмът в образованието на XXI. век. Международна научно-практическа конференция. Варна, 8-10.VI.2004 г. Доклади, 360-365.

101. Tomov, D., V. Tomov, M. Marcheva. On the usage of the term of ‘memory’ and its derivatives in scientific medical texts.- In: The Languages as Means for Education, Research and Professional Realization. III. International Conference. Varna, 8-10.VI.2004. Proceedings, 389-396.

102. Томов, Д., А. Загорска. Финансиране на науката в български и европейски университети.- В: Финансово-счетоводна теория и практика в процеса на присъединяване към Европейския съюз. Научно-практическа конференция. Варна, 17-18.IX.2004 г. Доклади. Варна, Икономически университет-Варна, 2005, 241-250.

103. Tomov, D., L. Koeva-Dimitrova. Dynamics of labour market in public health in Bulgaria and Europe.- In: European Perspectives of the National Economy. Scientific Conference with International Participation. Proceedings. Varna, Economic University of Varna, 2005, 462-472 (in Bulgarian).

104. Tomov, D., T. Kostadinova. Scientometric approach to health-related tourism.- In: Tourist Science and the Challenges of XXI Century. International Conference of the University of Economics of Varna. Varna, 3-4.XI.2005. Proceedings, 312-320.

105. Tomov, D., L. Koeva-Dimitrova, T. Kostadinova. Macroeconomic parameters of the development of university education and science in Bulgaria.- In: Economic Theory in the Beginning of the XXI Century - Achievements, Problems, Perspectives. Scientific Conference with International Participation. Proceedings. Varna, Economic University of Varna, 2005, 419-429 (in Bulgarian).

106. Tomov, D., M. Rohova, A. Dimova. A scientometric approach to hospital planning.- In: Is Planning in Crisis? International Scientific Conference. Svishtov, 3-4.VI.2005. Jubilee Almanac. Vol. 2. Svishtov, Tsenov Academy Publishing House, 2005, 169-175.

107. Tomov, D., E. Moutafova, M. Rohova, E. Atanasova. Public health planning at regional level (scientometric aspects).- In: Is Planning in Crisis? International Scientific Conference. Svishtov, 3-4.VI.2005. Jubilee Almanac.Vol. 2. Svishtov, Tsenov Academy Publishing House, 2005, 176-181.

108. Tomov, D., T. Kostadinova, E. Atanasova, A. Dimova, M. Rohova, L. Koeva-Dimitrova. International economics integration and competition in public health.- In: World Economy and Globalization. International Conference of the University of Economics of Varna. Varna, Steno, 2005, Pt. 2, 62-69.

109. Murad, A., E. Moutafova, T. Kostadinova, D. Tomov. Application of geographic information systems in the planning of public health, education, and tourism.- In: Economics, Investments, European Union. Proceedings of a Scientific Conference with International Participation. Varna, University of Economics of Varna, June 2006, pp. 67-75.

110. Tomov, D. International scientific communications in the field of the treatment of burns.- In: First National Conference on the Problems of Thermal Injury and Plastic Surgery. Varna, October 2006. Proceedings. Varna, Slavena, 2007, 65-71 (in Bulgarian).

111. Tomov, D. T., A. A. Murad. International communication patterns in an emerging interdisciplinary field - applications of geographic information systems in public health.- In: 11th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics. Madrid, 25-27.VI.2007. Proceedings of ISSI 2007. D. Torres-Sallinas and H. F. Moed, eds. Vol. II, 938-939.

112. Tomov, D. Bulgarian medical universities on the European education market.- In: Firms and Markets in Bulgaria under the Conditions of European Integration - an On-going Adaptation. Jubilee Scientific and Practical Conference. Varna, University of Economics of Varna, 15-16.V.2008. Proceedings, 2008, Vol. 1, 203-212.

113. Murad, A. A., D. T. Tomov. Comparative scientometric indicators: the case of applications of geographic information systems and remote sensing in public health.- In: Excellence and Emergence. A New Challenge for the Combination of Quantitative and Qualitative Aproaches. 10th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators. Vienna, 17-20.IX.2008. Book of abstracts, 504-506.

V. Резюмета на доклади в български и чужди сборници и списания

114. Tomov, D. On the scientific communications concerning the problem of testicular morphology.- In: First National Conference with International Participation on Scientometrics and Linguistics of the Scientific Text. Varna, 17. VI.1983. D. Tomov and L. Dimitrova, eds. Abstracts, p. 48-49.

115. Tomov, D., R. Slabakova. Principles of compiling of a stop-word list for journal subject index.- In: First National Conference with International Participation on Scientometrics and Linguistics of the Scientific Text. Varna, 17. VI.1983. D. Tomov and L. Dimitrova, eds. Abstracts, p. 21.

116. Tomov, D., Z. Nanov. International collaboration in contemporary morphologic research.- In: 21st European Congress of Cytology. Vienna, 12-16.IX.1993. Abstracts.- Acta Cytologica, 37, 1993, No 4, p. 627.

117. Tomov, D. International communication patterns in an interdisciplinary field: contrast media research.- In: Fifth International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics. Rosary College, 7-10.VI.1995. Proceedings. Medford, NJ, Learned Information, Inc., 1995, p. 697.

118. Tomov, D., Z. Nanov. International collaboration of morphologists from Eastern Europe.- In: 11th Congress of Anatomists, Histologists and Embryologists. Sofia, 23-26.IX.1993. Summaries, p. 62.

119. Tomov, D., Zh. Georgieva, V. Mileva. International communication patterns in the field of microcirculation and hemorheology.- In: 9th European Conference on Clinical Hemorheology. Siena, 29.VI.-1.VII.1995. Abstracts.- Clinical Hemorheology, 15, 1995, No 3, p. 588.

120. Tomov, D., S. Popova, N. Feschieva. Institutionalization of research on disability and ageing in Europe (scientometric analysis).- In: Education and Training Needs in Relation to Disability and Ageing. Workshop 2/95 of TEMPUS JEP-3604. Pleven, 23-25.II.1995. Abstracts of the Bulgarian Presentations, 8-9.

121. Nanov, Z., D. Tomov, S. Minkova. Retractile testis - clinical issues and therapeutic opportunities.- In: 11th Annual Meeting of ESHRE. Hamburg, 28.VI.-1.VII.1995. Abstract Book 2.- Human Reproduction, 10, 1995, No 6, 100-101.

122. Tomov, D. Interdisciplinary communications in experimental histochemical research: a scientometric analysis.- In: First International Symposium on Experimental Morphology. Sofia, 24-26.V.1996. Abstracts der Vorträge und Poster.- Annals of Anatomy, 179, 1997, p. 196.

123. Tomov, D. T., B. Z. Nanova. In-vitro fertilization and embryo transfer: internationalization and institutionalization of research.- Human Reproduction, 12, 1997, No 6, p. 139-040 (Abstracts).

124. Tomov, D. Institutionalization of research on blood-tissue barriers in animal and man.- In: National Congress of the Bulgarian Anatomical Society with International Participation. Varna, 18-20.IX.1997. Symposium of Angiology: 35th Anniversary of the Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology-Varna.- Scripta Scientifica Medica (Varna), 30, 1997, Suppl. 1, p. 26.

125. Tomov, D., O. Persson. Institutionalization and internationalization in the field of memory research.- In: 1998 Forum of European Neuroscience. Berlin, 27.VI.-1.VII.1998. Poster presentation.- European Journal of Neuroscience, 10, 1998, Suppl. 10, p. 152 (No 56.74) (Abstracts).

126. Tomov, D. Scientific communication patterns in the field of memory and blood-brain barrier.- In: Symposium Internationale Quartum Anatomiae Clinicae. Varna, 6-8.X.2000. Oral presentations.- Scripta Scientifica Medica (Varna), 32, 2000, Suppl. 1, p. 48.

127. Penev, A., D. Tomov. Institutionalization of research on cardiac electric stimulation.- In: Fourth Conference of Heart-Lung Association of Varna. Varna, 1-3.VI.2001. Abstracts of Reports and Poster Communications.- Heart-Lung (Varna), 7, 2001, No 1, p. 53 (in Bulgarian).

128. Iossifova, Y. Y., A. Iossifova, D. Tomov. A survey about communication between medical staff and cancer patients in Bulgaria.- In: ESMO Summer Education Conference. Edinburgh, UK, 19-22.VI.2003.- Ann. Oncol., 14, 2003, Suppl. 3, 42 PD, p. iii50.

129. Tomov, D. Dynamic institutionalization of memory research. I. Role of hippocampus.- Scripta Scientifica Medica (Varna), 36, 2004, Suppl. 1, p. 38.

130. Tomov, D. Dynamic institutionalization of memory research. II. Cerebral cortex histology. - Scripta Scientifica Medica (Varna), 36, 2004, Suppl. 1, p. 103.

131. Tomov, D., D. Minchev. Institutionalization of research in the field of ‘epilepsy and memory’.- In: National Conference on Epilepsy and Paroxysmal Conditions with International Participation. Varna, 7-10.X.2004. Abstracts, p. 15 (in Bulgarian).

132. Tomov, D. Historiography of research in the field of memory and intelligence: a scientometric approach.- In: 11th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the History of the Neurosciences (ISHN). Pavia, 21-25.VI.2006. Abstracts, p. 32.

133. Tomov, D., T. Kostadinova, R. Dervisheva. Neuropsychopharmacology and poverty in the elderly: scientometric and econometric aspects.- In: Vital Politics II. Health, Medicine and Bioeconomics into the 21st Century. International Conference. London, London School of Economics and Political Science, 7-9.IX.2006. Abstracts, p. 46.

134. Tomov, D. Dynamic institutionalization of memory research. III. Role of amygdala.- Scripta Scientifica Medica (Varna), 38, 2006, Suppl. 2, p. 88.

135. Tomov, D. T., Zh. G. Videnova. Results of a literature review on health-related physical activity.- In: 3rd Annual Meeting of HEPA Europe. Graz, Austria, 16-18.V.2007. Book of abstracts, p. 57.
VI. Рецензии на книги

136. Markov, G., D. Tomov. Book review: K. Falk. Die aphasischen Störungen aus der Sicht des Logopäden. Berlin, Verlag Volk und Wissen, 1973. 64 S. (Die Sonderschule, Bd. 18, 2. Beiheft).- Psychiatrie, Neurologie und medizinische Psychologie, 27, 1975, Nr. 6, S. 379-380.

137. Markov, G., D. Tomov. Book review: R. M. A. Suchenwirth. Taschenbuch der klinischen Neurologie. 2. Aufl. Stuttgart-New York, G. Fischer Verlag, 1976. 221 S.- Nevrologia, psihiatria i nevrohirurgia (Sofia), 1978, No 2, 133-134 (in Bulgarian).

138. Tomov, D. Book review: Bulgarian bibliography ’85.- Bibliotekar (Sofia), 1986, No 12, 24-25.

139. Tomov, D. Book review: Loet Leydesdorff. The challenge of scientometrics - the development, measurement, and self-orgnization of scientific communications. Leiden, DSWO Press, 1995. 10, 231 p.- Journal of Documentation, 55, 1999, No 5, 594-596.

140. Tomov, D. Book review: L. L. Thompson, ed. Bibliographic management of information in health sciences libraries. Current Practice in Health Sciences Librarianship, Vol. 6. Lanham, MD, and London; Medical Library Association and the Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2001. XX, 243 p.- Journal of Documentation, 57, 2001, No 6, 818-820.

VII. Библиографски указатели

141. Bibliography of the publications of the faculty of the Higher Institute of Medicine of Varna. Vol. 1 - 1962-1976. Compiled by M. Ivanova, V. Kozhuharova, D. Tomov. Zh. Todorova, ed. Varna, Higher Institute of Medicine of Varna, 1979.

142. Bibliography of dermatology and venereology (1975-1979). Compiled by V. Kozhuharova, D. Tomov, Z. Kalvacheva. D. Tomov, ed. Varna, Higher Institute of Medicine of Varna, 1980.

143. Bibliography of the publications of the faculty of the Higher Institute of Medicine of Varna. Vol. 2 - 1977-1980. Compiled by M. Ivanova, V. Kozhuharova, D. Tomov. M. Ivanova, ed. Varna, Higher Institute of Medicine of Varna, 1982.

144. Bibliography of Zlatko Yordanov Penev (1962-1983). Complied by Z. Kalvacheva. D. Tomov, ed. Varna, Higher Institute of Medicine of Varna, 1983.
VII. Научно-изследователски проект

145. Mutafova, E., T. Kostadinova, Zh. Rangelova, D. Tomov. Poverty and health. National Country Assessment. Report Framework Bulgaria. Supported by WHO, June, 2005.

VIII. Превод на книга

146. Kostov, D. V., G. L. Kobakov. A colour atlas of liver resections. Varna, Marko Markov Interregional Dispensary and Hospital of Oncological Diseases, 2010. 112 p. Translated into English by Dimitar T. Tomov.

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