Name: Veselin Petkov Bosakov Birth date: 22. 07. 1953 Nationality

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Personal details

Name: Veselin Petkov Bosakov

Birth date: 22.07.1953

Nationality: Bulgarian

Contact address: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Institute for Philosophical Research

6, Patriarch Evhtimi blvd.

1000 Sofia, Bulgaria

Telephone number: GSM 359-898944337

Area of scientific research: Sociology of Religion, Sociology of Islam, Civil Society, Critical Theory, Humanistic Sociology.

Degrees Ph.D. degree 1988, Institute of Sociology, BAS, “Basic Aspects of the Critical Theory of Jurgen Habermas”.

MA degree 1979, Jagello University, Institute of Sociology, Krakow, Poland. “Non-Marxist Conceptions on Alienation”.

Awards,scholarly or other distinctions: 1990, 1991. Diplomas on Philosophy and Social Sciences, Interuniversity Centre, Dubrovnik, Croatia;
1990. Scholarship for Studying the archive of Florian Znaniecki, German Scientific Society; Faculty of Sociology at Bielefeld University, Germany;
1987, 1989. Diplomas from “Sociological Readings for Young Sociologists in Memory of Prof. Zhivko Oshavkov”, Institute of Sociology, BAS.

Practical experience

Scientific positions: 2010 till present, Associate Professor, Department of Religions, Beliefs, Everyday Life, ISSK, BAS;

1997-2010; Associate Professor, Department of Sociology of Religions and Everyday Life, Institute of Sociology, BAS;

1994-1997; Research Fellow, Department of Sociology of Religions and Everyday Life, Institute of Sociology, BAS;
1988-1994; Research Fellow, Department of History of Sociology, Institute of Sociology, BAS;
1983-1988; Specialist, Department of History of Sociology, Institute of Sociology, BAS;
1980-1983; Doctoral student, Department of History of Sociology, Institute of Sociology.

Teaching experience: 2004-2006; History of Sociology, University of Veliko Turnovo S.S. Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Philosophy;
2004-2005; Contemporary Macro and Micro Sociological Theories, UNWE;
1994-2001; History of Sociology, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski;

1997-2000; History of Sociology, New Bulgarian University.

Training of specialists MA students:

and MA students: Milena Stoycheva Petrusheva,

Oleg Yordanov Komsalov,

Neli Dimitrova Parnareva

Expert and consulting activity: 2008. Consultant on research project “Tension and Understanding between Ethno-religious Communities in Bulgaria and Neighbouring Countries”. Project for EU 6FP;
2000. Review for competition for awarding the “associate professor” degree in sociology for Plovdiv University Paisiy Hilendarski, candidate: Dr. Krasimir Ivanov Kanev;

2000. National Conceptions for Ethnic and Religious Tolerance, NCEDI at CM;

Membership in different institutions:
2011 to the present, 1987-1997, Union of Bulgarian Scientists;

1987-2006; BulgarianSociological Association;

1987-1995; International Sociological Association.

Academic activities
Participation in schools and conferences

1998. «Aspects of Orthodoxy and Orthopraxis of Islam Relevant to Bulgarian Alians: Paper presented at international conference The Role of Religion and particularly Islam in the Process of Social Marginalization of Ethno-religious Communities, London, UK;
1998. «Religious and socio-cultural dimensions of the Kazalbashi community in Bulgaria». Paper presented at the international conference Doctrine, Organization, and Activity of Religious Communities and Movements, Nis, Yugoslavia,;
1991. «Communicative competence: a normative basis for Habermas’s Critical Theory». Paper presented at international seminar Philosophy and Social Science, International University Centre, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia;
1990. «Attempt at Outlining a Variant of the Paradigm of Humanistic Sociology». Paper presented at the international symposium on Sociology in the Coming 21st Century, Strasbourg, France;
1990. «The Humanistic Coefficient of Florian Znaniecki». Paper presented at the seminar Lifeworld and Environment, University of Bielefeld, Germany,;
1990. «Sociological Worlds of the Frankfurt School». Paper presented at international seminar Philosophy and Social Science, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia;

1989. „Habermas’s Interpretation of Critique and Marxism as Critique”. Paper presented at international seminar Theoretic and Methodological Problems of Sociological Cognition, Warsaw;

2011. «New Islamic Culture». Paper presented at international conference Dynamics of World Religions and the Significance of Orthodoxicality, Sofia;
2011. «Religion and Values /the case of Bulgarian Muslims/». Paper presented at conference Diversity in Unity, Sofia;
2009. «Value Orientations of Muslims in Bulgaria». Paper presented at conference Bulgaria and European Values, Sofia;
2004. «Islam in the Balkans». Paper presented at the international conference Sociological Worlds of Peter Berger, Sofia;
2002. „Bulgarian Turks-Muslims in the Context of the Attitude to Bulgarian Christians”. Paper presented at international conference Turks in Germany, Turks in Bulgaria: Similarities and Differences in Social Integration, Participation in Politics, and Legal Status, Sofia;
1994. Participation in plenary and section discussions at the international scientific conference Cultural, Historical, and Ethno-political Relations between Christianity and Islam in the Balkans, 14th-16th Century, Varna;
1993. Participation in national roundtable Parents, Children, Sects, organized by the Democratic Union of Women, Plovdiv;
1992. Participation in international seminar Public Opinion Studies, organized by CSD and the American Information Agency, Sandanski;
1989. «Crisis Trends in Contemporary Capitalism». Paper read at the Sociological Readings for Young Sociologists in Memory of Prof. Zhivko Oshavkov, Lom,;
1989. «The Paradigm of Habermas’s Critical Theory». Paper presented at international conference Partners, Opponents, but not Enemies, Varnа;
1988. «Sociological Thought in Socialist Bulgaria». Paper presented in co-authorship with R.F. B. Stavrov and R. F. A. Mihailova at the Polish-Bulgarian Seminar Theoretic-methodological Problems of Sociological Knowledge, Varnа;
1988. «The Marxist Sociological Paradigm». Paper presented at the 15th Varna International School of Philosophy, Varna;
1987. «Marxism and Habermas’s Conception of Knowledge». Paper presented at the Sociological Readings for Young Sociologists in Memory of Prof. Zhivko Oshavkov, Lom;
1983. «Marxist Interpretation of Justice». Paper presented at the Fourth Congress of Bulgarian Sociologists, Sofia;

Publications list: Books:
Интеграцията на мюсюлманите в България. Иврай, София, 2010г., ISBN 978-954-9388-28-2; [Integration of Muslims in Bulgaria].
Идентичност и многообразие на исляма в България. Виртуален център за музика, култура и научни изследвания, София, 2006г., ISBN-10:954-9-1564-5-1, ISBN-13:978-954-91564-5-4; [Identity and Diversity of Islam in Bulgaria].
Българските турци между културата на съседство и религиозната идентичност. ЛиК, София, 2000г., ISBN 954-607-319-X.; [Bulgarian Turks between the Culture of Neighbourhood and Religious Identity].
Празникът в Исляма. Кодът. София, 1996г.; [The Holiday in Islam. The Code].
Хуманистичната социология на Флориан Знанйецки. София, 1995г. [The Humanistic Sociology of Florian Znaniecki].


The Religious Determination of Value Orientations Among Muslims in Bulgaria, Sociological Problems, XVII ISA World Congress, Special Issue 2010, ISSN 0324-1572;

Ценностни ориентации на мюсюлманите в България. В: Георги Фотев (съставител). Европейските ценности в днешното българско общество. София, УИ «Св. Кл. Охридски», 2009, ISBN 978-954-07-2899-5; [Value Orientations of Muslims in Bulgaria].

Модели на участие и форми на солидарност в религиозния морал на исляма. - Институт „Отворено” общество, сп. Политики, бр.03/2009. он-лайн, [Participation Models and Forms of Solidarity in the Religious Morality of Islam].

Bulgarian Turks in the context of neighborhood with other ethnic-religious communities in Bulgaria. In: International Journal of Sociology of Language, 179 /2006/;.
Българският етнически модел /конструиране на основа за неговата интерпретация и изследване/. В: Светове в социологията. УИ „Св.Климент Охридски”, София, 2006г.; [The Bulgarian Ethnic Model /Constructing a Foundation for Its Interpretation and Study].
Българските турци-мюсюлмани през призмата на съседството им с най-масовия етнорелигиозен тип в България. Списание на БАН, 2004г.; [Bulgarian Turks-Muslims Seen Through the Prism of their Neighbourhood with the Largest Ethno-Religious Group in Bulgaria].
Профили на исляма в България: етническа и религиозна идентификация в проявленията на „другостта”. Социологически проблеми,

кн.1-2, 2004г.; [Profiles of Islam in Bulgaria: Ethnic and Religious Identification in Manifestations of “Otherness”].

Модерността поражда не секуларност, а плурализъм. Социологически проблеми,

кн.3-4, 2004г.; [Modernity Generates Not Secularity but Pluralism].

Текст, смисъл, неща. Социологически проблеми, кн. 1 – 2, 2000г.; [Text, Meaning, Things].
Religious and Sociocultural Dimensions of the Kazalbashi Community in Bulgaria (1999) – in Dordevic, D.B. (ed) Facta Universitatis, Series Philosophy and Sociology, vol. 2, N 6/2, University of Nis;
Еволюция на обществото в контекста на Хабермасовата Критична теория. Социологически преглед, юбилейно издание по случай 20-та годишнина на списанието, 1998г.; [Evolution of Society in the Context of Habermas’s Critical Theory].
Франкфуртска школа. В: Енциклопедичен речник по социология, изд. М-8-М, София, 1996г.; [The Frankfurt School].
Подстъпи към хуманистичната социология на Флориан Знанйецки. Социологически преглед, кн.4-5, 1993г.; [Approaches to the Humanistic Sociology of Florian Znaniecki].
Хабермасовото виждане за гражданско общество. Социологически проблеми, кн.2, 1992г.; [Habermas’s Understanding of Civil Society].
Кризисните явления в съвременния капитализъм през погледа на Юрген Хабермас. Социологически проблеми, кн.3, 1990г.; [Crisis Phenomena in Contemporary Capitalism in Jurgen Habermas’s View].
Логика на онто- и филогенетичното развитие. Философска мисъл, кн.3, 1990г.; [Logic of Onto and Philogenetic Development].
Марксизмът и Хабермасовата теория на познанието. Философска мисъл, кн.2, 1989г.; [Marxism and Habermas’s Theory of Knowledge].
Социологията на Флориан Знанйецки. Социологически проблеми, кн.4, 1989г.; [The Sociology of Florian Znaniecki].
Хабермасовата реконструкция на историческия материализъм. В: Социологически аспекти на Марксовото идейно наследство и кризисни развития на съвременната буржоазна социология. София, БАН, 1989г.; [Habermas’s Reconstruction of Historical Materialism].
Мястото и ролята на научно-техническия прогрес в теоретичния синдром на Юрген Хабермас. В: Култура и научно-техническа революция, Издание на ЕЦФС-БАН, София, 1986г.; [The Place and Role of Scientific and Technological Progress in the Theoretical Syndrome of Jurgen Habermas].
Марксизмът и Хабермасовата концепция за съвременния капитализъм. Ново време, кн.11, 1985г.; [Marxism and Habermas’s Conception of Contemporary Capitalism].
Някои аспекти на Критичната теория на

Ю.Хабермас. Социологически преглед, кн.7, 1984г.; [Some Aspects of the Critical Theory of J. Habermas].

Participation in national/international

scientific research projects:
“Integration of the Muslim Community in Contemporary Bulgarian Society”, headed by Assoc. Prof, Dr. Veselin Bosakov, 2007-2010.
„Islam in Bulgaria: Identity and Diversity” headed by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Veselin Bosakov, 2001-2006;
„Neighbourhood of Religious Communities in Contemporary Bulgarian Society in Transition” headed by Prof. DSc. Georgy Fotev, 1995-1999;
„Orthodoxy and Islam in the Structure and Development of Modernity”, headed by Prof. DSc. Georgy Fotev, 1989-1991;
„Sociological Theories of Civil Society” headed by Prof. DSc. Velichko Dobriyanov, 1989-1991;


Polish: fluent;

English: advanced;

Russian: advanced.

Computer skills
Word, Excel, Internet Explorer

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