Програма за регионално развитие на Румъния за 2007-2013г

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МСП, които участват в схеми за енергийна ефективност и ползване/производство на ВЕИ

Дефиниция /вид

‘Involved in’ refers to SMEs either actually having an up and running scheme or being engaged in the process of review or the preparation of an action plan which would lead to a more efficient use of energy, the installation of a renewable energy power source (see above) for all or part of their operation, etc. For these purposes involvement with renewable energy can include taking their energy from a power company which supplies this source of energy.

Единица за измерване


Governmental authorities / private donors should provide information on number of SMEs actively involved in these programmes, what the scheme is and, where applicable, details of any reduction in energy or waste costs, or proportion of energy from renewable sources

Целесъобразност при взимане на политически решения

Program level indicator



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МСП, които разработват екологични продукти

Дефиниция /вид

Environmental products are any kind of energy saving products / services and renewables, i.e. insulation and solar panels

Единица за измерване


Governmental authorities / private entities should report on number of new or redeveloped (e.g. projects marketed more effectively) products developed, resulting in improved environmental performance



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Институционална рамка


Прилагане на Рамковата конвенция за климата

Дефиниция /вид

The existence of legislation for the implementation, at the national level, of international agreements related to sustainable development. 

Единица за измерване

The relationship between laws, policies and other instruments and obligations assumed under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol


Implementation is the application of global agreements at the national level through various general and specific measures, including national programs (policies, plans, voluntary agreements with industry, capacity building, etc.), legislation (including laws, decrees, regulations, ordinances, orders, or any other legally-binding measure), financial measures, and institutional arrangements. 

Целесъобразност при взимане на политически решения

This indicator signifies initial government action to effectively implement ratified international agreements related to sustainable development. Determine the existence of national legislation for the implementation of ratified international agreements.  Express the indicator as a ratio between agreements legislated for and agreements ratified. 


The content of national legislation for the implementation of international agreements can vary from general provisions to specific regulatory requirements.  The more detailed the provisions, the greater the likelihood that the agreement will be fully implemented.  However, the existence of legislation does not necessarily imply effective implementation or compliance.  The indicator is not very suitable for showing meaningful trends. 



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Приложение 9. Примерни индикатори за опазване на биоразнообразието възприети от международни организации




Площ на ключовите екосистеми

Дефиниция /вид

This indicator will use trends in the extant area of identified key ecosystems to assess the relative effectiveness of measures for conserving biodiversity at ecosystem level and as a tool to estimate the need for specific conservation measures to maintain the biological diversity in a country or region.

Единица за измерване

Area (km2 or ha) of selected ecosystem types.


Ecosystem area will normally be derived from mapped data on land cover.  This is most efficiently done using data in electronic form and Geographic Information System (GIS) software.  Increasingly, land cover maps are derived from remotely sensed data, these will be combined with biological and other ancillary information to produce ecosystem maps.  In some cases, retrospective information may be obtained from historical data sets to provide context and longer-term trends.  The greatest difficulty is in arriving at an agreed ecosystem classification that is compatible with the available data.  It is also fundamental to ensure consistency of the classification and the method of measurement, including considerations of spatial scale and resolution, over time.

How and whether data on different ecosystems should be combined into a single indicator has yet to be determined.  It is possible that trends in ecosystem area may be combined in ways that are analogous to the approaches used for species population trends.

Целесъобразност при взимане на политически решения

The indicator has the potential to illustrate the effectiveness of national measures designed to conserve biological diversity and ensure its use is sustainable, including the measures implemented in fulfillment of obligations accepted under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).


This indicator is relevant to many other global agreements for which the maintenance of biological diversity is important, including: Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (Bonn); Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES); United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOSS); Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat (Ramsar); Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (World Heritage Convention).  

Related regional conventions and agreements include: Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Berne); Program for the Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF); Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR).


Application of this indicator is constrained by several factors, but these can mostly be overcome if resources and personnel are available.  The main factor preventing the immediate and widespread application of this indicator is the scarcity of suitable time-series of land cover data.  The reliability of evaluating the extent and uniqueness of ecosystem depends on the detail, quality and compatibility of ecosystem classification applied across continuous terrestrial and marine areas.

Ecosystem diversity distribution has not been mapped at an appropriate scale for many areas of high biological diversity.  A structured monitoring framework using standardized classification procedures would provide one solution to this problem, but might well not meet the full range of needs for this type of data.

The indicator fails to account for variation in ecosystem status other than extent.  Perturbations that do not affect total area will not be recognized through monitoring this indicator, nor will it be possible to anticipate likely future trends in ecosystem status through this indicator alone.  Measures of ecosystem condition and protection status are needed to answer this deficiency.


UNCSD 2001

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UNEP-WCMC (http://www.unep-wcmc.org).

Land cover data are available from Eros Data Centre (http://edcdaac.usgs.gov/glcc/glcc.html)

and from the CORINE programme (see http://www.satellus.se).  




Обща площ на териториите определени за опазване на национално ниво

Дефиниция /вид

All lands and marine territories (disaggregated) under conservation designation of any sort.

Единица за измерване

Area (km2, ha)

Целесъобразност при взимане на политически решения

European policies and initiatives such as the NATURA 2000 Network, the Birds, and the Habitats Directives comprise a series of elements all aimed at achieving biodiversity conservation through land protection. Monitoring trends in area under conservation designation provides a relevant general indicator for biodiversity conservation trends.


This indicator does not specify the quality of the ecosystems under designated area status, nor does it measure the effects of management activities. As the ecological value of lands and marine areas varies widely, this indicator is more useful in combination with other indicators, such as the key ecosystems indicator. Some lands may be set aside for intensive management activities, such as timber felling, thereby significantly reducing their value as reserves for biodiversity.
This indicator may be relevant to many other global agreements for which the maintenance of biological diversity is important, including: Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (Bonn); Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES); United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOSS); Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat (Ramsar); Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (World Heritage Convention).


Related regional conventions and agreements include: Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Berne); Program for the Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF); Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR).



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EEA, Nationally Designated Areas (CDDA, dec 2004), http://dataservice.eea.europa.eu/dataservice/metadetails.asp?id=1017; European Commission, http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/index_en.htm




Обща площ на местообитанията с консервационна цел обявени по Директивата за хабитатите

Дефиниция /вид

Area (km2, ha)

Целесъобразност при взимане на политически решения

Meets the objectives and legal requirements of the Habitats Directive and other EC conservation requirements.
This indicator may be relevant to many other global agreements for which the maintenance of biological diversity is important, including: Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (Bonn); Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES); United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOSS); Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat (Ramsar); Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (World Heritage Convention).


Related regional conventions and agreements include: Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Berne); Program for the Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF); Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR).


The quality of the areas designated for conservation under the directive is not directly measurable using this indicator, although lands set aside to meet the requirements of the Habitats Directive can be presumed to be of conservation value.



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EEA, Nationally Designated Areas (CDDA, dec 2004), http://dataservice.eea.europa.eu/dataservice/metadetails.asp?id=1017




Обща площ на местообитанията с консервационна цел обявени по Директивата за птиците

Дефиниция /вид

Area (km2, ha)

Целесъобразност при взимане на политически решения

Meets the objectives and legal requirements of the Birds Directive and other EC conservation standards.
This indicator may be relevant to many other global agreements for which the maintenance of biological diversity is important, including: Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (Bonn); Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES); United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOSS); Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat (Ramsar); Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (World Heritage Convention).


Related regional conventions and agreements include: Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Berne); Program for the Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF); Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR).


The quality of the areas designated for conservation under the directive is not directly measurable using this indicator but areas set aside to meet the requirements of the Birds Directive may be presumed to have conservation value.



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Pan European Common Bird Monitoring Project, http://www.ebcc.info/pecbm.html




Тенденции в популациите на определени видове птици и пеперуди

Дефиниция /вид

This indicator measures the abundance of selected species of birds over time.

Единица за измерване

Number of birds of particular species counted in a given period of time at a given period of year over a given space. E.g., in Bulgaria the measurement unit used is transect routes in summer on random 1-km squares (n = 130 in 2005).


A selection of common farmland and woodland bird species should be assessed by national monitoring schemes.

These birds all use these specific habitats during their breeding season and also have a large range across Europe. National monitoring coordinators provide their own assessment - proportion of a species' national population breeding in a given habitat type in four categories (less than 25%, 25 to 50%, 50 to 75%, more than 75%).

Целесъобразност при взимане на политически решения

Many species of birds are highly sensitive to land use changes, loss of forest cover, and changes in forest structure and composition, thereby serving as overall indicators of ecosystem health and trends in biodiversity.


Lack of time series data. Some states such as Britain have high quality time series data going back many decades, while others such as Bulgaria have only begun to systematically track the abundance of selected bird species in the recent past.



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Pan-European Common Bird Monitoring project (EBCC, BirdLife Int, RSPB), Dutch Butterfly Conservation, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds




Тенденции в популациите на определени видове бозайници

Дефиниция /вид

Trend in abundance per habitat area

Единица за измерване

Number of individuals, breeding pairs, or other relevant units


Wildlife biologists measure the abundance of particular species using various methodologies, including aerial sightings, monitoring of particular herds or breeding pairs of mammalian species. Often monitoring activities are tied to species action plans for those species threatened with extinction

Целесъобразност при взимане на политически решения

Up to one in six of all European species of mammals are now threatened with extinction according to the most recent comprehensive review by the IUCN.


Lack of time series data. In addition, it is notoriously difficult to establish the population sizes of some species of animals, and estimates made by wildlife biologists can have a very wide range of possible error.


Adapted from EEA

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Large Carnivore Initiative, Europe

Large Herbivore Foundation


Институционална рамка


Брой защитени територии с план за управление

Дефиниция /вид

The existence of management plans for individual designated areas.

Единица за измерване



Collection of data from all relevant governmental organizations and units by a central unit, usually within the Ministry of Environment.

Целесъобразност при взимане на политически решения

Lands set aside for conservation but lacking management plans may fail over time to deliver the conservation benefits needed to meet legal objectives. Management planning is an imperfect but necessary instrument needed to meet conservation objectives in designated areas.


Management plans alone are insufficient to produce desired results. Moreover, the simple existence of a management plan does not give any indications of its quality. The capacity to implement them also depends upon the commitment of financial resources and the availability of well trained personnel.


Convention on Biological Diversity

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Каталог: devedu -> resources
resources -> Спин (синдром на придобитата имунна недостатъчност)
resources -> Жените в политиката: за и против квотния принцип
resources -> Спад на детската смъртност с 60% за 40 години
resources -> По данни на Световната здравна организация (сзо), маларията е една от най-разпространените заразни болести в световен мащаб
resources -> Поколение без хив: Елиминиране на предаването на хив от майка на дете до 2015 г
resources -> Конкурс "Можем да победим бедността"
resources -> Опазване на биологичното разнообразие в българия национална Стратегия за Опазване на Биологичното Разнообразие
resources -> Петнадесета специална закрила на някои категории работници и служители раздел II

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