С п и с ъ к на научните трудове на Андон Василев андонов

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на научните трудове на Андон Василев андонов

за периода 2007-12 г.

Общ брой

В български издания

В български списания с импакт фактор и в чужди издания

В материали от конференции

В България

В чужбина






Учебни помагала

Сортове и патенти











Участие в научни форуми

В България

В чужбина

Устни доклади


Устни доклади







  1. Vassilev A., L. Koleva, M. Berova, N. Stoeva, 2007. Development of a plant test system for evaluation of the toxicity of metal contaminated soils. I. sensitivity of plant species to heavy metal stress, Journal of Central European Agriculture, 8, (2), 135-140.

  2. Vassilev, A., A. Perez-Sanz, A. Cuypers, J. Vangronsveld, 2007. Tolerance of two hydroponically grown Salix genotypes to excess Zn. J. Plant Nutr. 30, 1472 – 1482.

  3. Vassilev, A., L. Koleva, M. Berova, N. Stoeva, 2007. Development of a plant test system for metal toxicity evaluation. I. Sensitivity of plant species to heavy metal stress. J. Central European Agriculture, 8 (2), 135-140.

  4. Stoeva, N., M. Berova, A. Vassilev, Z. Zlatev, T. Bineva, D. Staneva, 2007. Effects of tidiazuron and diethilentriamine on gamma-irradiated oats and triticale plants. J. Central European Agriculture, 8 (2), 147-152.

  5. Петкова, В., Н. Велков, А. Василев, 2007. Физиологична реакция на чувствителни и устойчиви сортове краставици (Cucumis sativus L.) към причинителя на брашнестата мана Sphaerotheca fuliginea (Shlecht.:fr) Poll). Растениевъдни науки, 44, 430-435.

  6. Schroder, P., R. Herzig, B. Bojinov, A. Ruttens, E. Nehnevajova, S. Stamatidis, A. Memon, A. Vassilev, M. Caviezel, J. Vangronsveld, 2008. Bioenergy to save the world. Producing novel plants for growth on abandoned land. Environm. Science and Pollution Research. 15 (3), 196-204.

  7. Koleva, L., D. Staneva, I. Yordanova, Ts. Bineva, A. Vassilev, 2008. Characterization of cadmium uptake by roots of durum wheat plants. J. Central European Agriculture, Vol. 9 (3), 533-538.

  8. Koleva, L., D. Staneva, I. Yordanova, T. Bineva, A. Vassilev, 2008. Cultivar differences in Cd, Zn and Pb accumulation and productivity of durum wheat plants grown in metal contaminated soils. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Food Physics and Physical Chemistry of Food, 24-27 September, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, pp. 112-119.

  9. Василев, А., 2008. Проблемни тежки метали – обща характеристика, фитоакумулация, толерантност на растенията и фитотоксичност. Екология и бъдеще, VII (4), 50-61.

  10. Василев, А., 2008. Фиторемедиация на замърсени с тежки метали почви. Екология и бъдеще, VII (4), 61-68.

  11. Vangronsveld, J., R. Herzig, N. Weyens, J. Boulet, K. Adriaensen, A. Ruttens, T. Thewys, A. Vassilev, E. Meers, E. Nehnevajova, D. van der Lelie, M. Mench, 2009. Phytoremediation of contaminated soils and groundwater: lessons from the field. Environm. Science and Pollution Research, 16, 765–794.

  12. Василев, А., М. Берова, Н. Стоева, З. Златев, 2009. Разработване и пилотно изпитване на растителен тест за оценка на токсичността на замърсени с тежки метали почви. Аграрни науки, 1, 45-53.

  13. Василев, А., А. Николова, 2009. Структурно-функционални промени в листата на Lactuca sativa L. и Phaseolus vulgare L. при нарастване на нивата на тежки метали в кореновата среда. Аграрни науки, 1, 33-39.

  14. Maneva, V., I. Lecheva, A. Vassilev, I. Semerdjieva, 2009. Changes in the photosynthetic performance of infested leaves of two barley cultivars to aphids. Proceedings of 46th Croatian and 6th International Symposium on Agriculture, 831-836.

  15. Василев, А., Л. Колева, 2010. Поглъщане и транспорт на тежките метали в растенията. Растениевъдни науки, 47, 492-502

  16. Василев, А., Л. Колева, 2010. Токсични ефекти на тежките метали в растителната клетка. Растениевъдни науки, 47, 483-491.

  17. Василев, А., А. Николова, 2010. Сравнително изследване върху чувствителността на два растителни теста за оценка на метална фитотоксичност. Аграрни науки, 3, 27-32.

  18. Василев, А., М. Берова, Н. Стоева, З. Златев, Н. Динев, 2010. Метална фитотоксичност - подходящи индикатори и екотоксикологична оценка на замърсени с тежки метали почви. Аграрни науки, 4, 51-58.

  19. Koleva, L., A. Nikolova, I. Semerdjieva, A. Vassilev, 2010. Comparative morphological and histological study on zinc- and cadmium-treated durum wheat plants with similar growth inhibition. General and Applied Plant Physiology, 36 (1-2), 8-11.

  20. Колева, M., A. Василев, 2010. Влияние на почвеното засушаване във фенофаза цъфтеж-плодообразуване върху продуктивността на три сорта памук. Аграрни науки, 4, 85-88.

  21. Zlatev, Z., A. Vassilev, V. Goltsev, G. Popov, 2010. Drought-induced changes in chlorophyll fluorescence of young bean plants. Аграрни науки, 4, 75-79.

  22. Vassilev, A., A. Nikolova, 2010. Studies on terrestrial herbaceous plants tolerance to excess heavy metals: methodological approach. Ecologia Balkanica, 2, 65-74.

  23. Колева, Л., А. Василев, 2010. Сортови различия в акумулацията на кадмий в органите на растения от твърда пшеница. Юбилейна научна конференция на АУ-Пловдив, LV, 1, 177-181.

  24. Василев, А., М. Колева, 2010. Фотосинтетична реакция на растения от три сорта памук към почвено засушаване. Юбилейна научна конференция на АУ-Пловдив, LV, 1, 195-202.

  25. Станчоев, Б., А. Василев, 2010. Физиологическая реакция растений двух сортов томатов к почвенной засухе. Сборник студенческих научных работ, выпуск 16. Издателство РГАУ-МСХА имени К. А. Тимирязева, 137-141.

  26. Балев, Г., А. Василев, 2010. Ефекти на фунгицида Пиктор върху фотосинтезата на слънчогледови растения в условия на засушаване и висока температура. Юбилейна научна конференция на АУ-Пловдив, т. LV, кн. 3, 151-155.

  27. Митков, А., А. Василев, Т. Тонев, 2010. Физиологично състояние на пшенични растения при различна плътност на основни плевели и след третиране с хербициди. Юбилейна научна конференция на АУ-Пловдив, LV, 2, 113-119.

  28. Nikolova, A., A. Vassilev, 2011. Study on Tribulus terrestris L. anatomy and ecological adaptation. Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment, 25 (2), 2369-2372.

  29. Vassilev, A., F. Lidon, 2011. Cd-induced membrane damages and changes in soluble protein and free amino acid contents in young barley plants. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 23 (2), 130-136.

  30. Vassilev, A., A. Nikolova, L. Koleva, F. Lidon, 2011. Effects of excess Zn on growth and photosynthetic performance of young bean plants. Journal of Phytology, 3 (6), 58-62.

  31. Василев, А., Н. Динев, 2011. Екотоксикологична оценка на замърсени с тежки метали почви в района на Кремиковци и КЦМ-Пловдив. Почвознание, Агрохимия и Екология, XLV, приложение 1-4, 72-76.

  32. Титянов, М., А. Василев, Т. Тонев, 2011. Влияние на суспензионния тор Лактофол B върху фотосинтетичната активност на слънчогледови растения, третирани с имазамокс. Аграрни науки, 7, 27-31.

  33. Тонев, Т., А. Василев, 2011. Селективност и фитотоксичност на хербицидите. Растителна защита, торове и семена, 2, 45 – 47.

  34. Попов, Н., Е. Гаргова, К. Рахова, А. Василев, В. Ройчев, 2011. Комплексно производствено изпитване на растежния регулатор “Рени” върху добива на грозде и качеството на виното от сортовете “Шардоне” и “Каберне Совиньон”. Аграрни науки, 5, 11 – 14.

  35. Koleva-Valkova, L., A. Vassilev, A. Cuypers, J. Vangronsveld, 2012. Comparative study of cadmium and zinc toxic effects on cell redox status in durum wheat plants. Аграрни науки, 8 (in press).

  36. Cuypers, A., T. Remans, N. Weyens, J. Colpaert, A. Vassilev, J. Vangronsveld, 2012. Soil plant relationships of metals and metalloids (Chapter 6). In: Heavy metals in soils (3rd edition): Trace Metals and Metalloids in Soils and their Bioavailability. (Ed. B. Alloway). Springer Verlag, Environmental Pollution Series (in press; July 2012).


  1. Васил Керин, Малгожата Берова, Андон Василев, Невена Стоева, Златко Златев, 2011. Учебник по Физиология на растенията. Акад. Издателство на Аграрния университет –Пловдив.

  2. Андон Василев, 2011. Взаимодействия на растенията с тежките метали. Акад. Издателство на Аграрния университет – Пловдив.

  3. Питър Кулаков, Барбара Зииб, Константин Теритце, Иван Атанасов, Андон Василев, Радка Донкова, 2009. Ръководство по фито/биоремедиация на замърсени почви и места. Акад. Издателство на Аграрния университет –Пловдив, 104 стр.

  4. Малгожата Берова, Невена Стоева, Андон Василев, Златко Златев, 2007. Ръководство за упражнения по Физиология на растенията. Академично издателство на Аграрния университет - Пловдив.

  5. Светлева, Д., С. Петров, А. Стефанова, К. Кожухарова, Н. Ганушева, П. Костадинова, Н. Стоева, А. Василев, М. Берова, П. Мурзова, 2009. Тестове по Биология за кандидат-студенти. Академично издателство на Аграрния университет - Пловдив.

  6. Tonev, T., M. Tityanov, A. Vassilev, 2011. Guide to integrated weed management and proficiency in agriculture. Biblioteka Zemedelsko Obrazovanie. ISBN 978-954-90762-5-7.


А. Постерни доклади

  1. Maneva, V., I. Lecheva, A. Vassilev, I. Semerdjieva, 2009. Changes in the photosynthetic performance of infested leaves of two barley cultivars to aphids. Proceedings of 46th Croatian and 6th International Symposium on Agriculture, 831-836.

  2. Станчоев, Б., А. Василев, 2010. Физиологическая реакция растений двух сортов томатов к почвенной засухе. Сборник студенческих научных работ, выпуск 16. Издателство РГАУ-МСХА имени К. А. Тимирязева, 137-141.

  3. Vassilev, A., L. Koleva, N. Dinev, 2011. Development and use of plant test system for evaluation of biological quality of metal contaminated soils in Bulgaria. Konferencja Naukowa “Nauka i praktyka ogrodnicza dla zdrowia i srodowiska (Lublin, Poland, 14-16 September, 2011.


А. Постерни доклади

  1. Koleva, L., D. Staneva, I. Yordanova, T. Bineva, A. Vassilev, 2008. Cultivar differences in Cd, Zn and Pb accumulation and productivity of durum wheat plants grown in metal contaminated soils. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Food Physics and Physical Chemistry of Food, 24-27 September, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, pp. 112-119.

  2. Vassilev, A., 2009. Photosynthetic performance of Zn-treated bean plants. IX Юбилейна национална конференция по Физиология на растенията с международно участие „Физиологията на растенията – традиции и предизвикателства през 21 век”, 19-20.IX.2009 г.

  3. Златев, З., А. Василев, Н. Стоева, М. Берова, 2009. Влияние на засушаването върху бързите светлинни криви при млади растения фасул. IX Юбилейна национална конференция по Физиология на растенията с международно участие „Физиологията на растенията – традиции и предизвикателства през 21 век”, 19-20.IX.2009 г.

  4. Zlatev, Z., M. Berova, N. Stoeva, A. Vassilev, 2010. Drought-induced changes in chlorophyll fluorescence of vigna plants. Юбилейна научна конференция с международно участие „Традиции и предизвикателства пред аграрното образование, наука и бизнес” (Пловдив, 14-17 октомври - 2010);

  5. Vassilev, A., 2011. Effects of the fungicide Pictor on photosynthesis of sunflower plants exposed to drought and high temperature stress. Conference “Molecular Basis of Plant Stress”, Varna, 21-23.IX.2011.


на забелязаните цитати на Андон василев андонов в периода 2007-2012 г.

Общ брой

В български издания

В български списания с импакт фактор и в чужди издания

В дисертации


На работата

Общ брой цитати


Vassilev, A., Perez-Sanz, A., Semane, B., Carleer, R., Vangronsveld, J., 2005. Cadmium accumulation and tolerance of two Salix genotypes hydroponically grown in presence of cadmium. Journal of Plant Nutrition 28 (12) , pp. 2159-2177


Marmiroli, M., Pietrini, F., Maestri, E., Zacchini, M., Marmiroli, N., Massacci, A., 2011. Growth, physiological and molecular traits in Salicaceae trees investigated for phytoremediation of heavy metals and organics. Tree Physiology 31 (12) , pp. 1319-1334


Pietrini, F., Zacchini, M., Iori, V., Pietrosanti, L., Ferretti, M., Massacci, 2010. Spatial distribution of cadmium in leaves and its impact on photosynthesis: Examples of different strategies in willow and poplar clones. Plant Biology 12 (2) , pp. 355-363


Malá, J., Cvrčkova, H., Máchová, P., Dostál, J., Šíma, P., 2010. Heavy metal accumulation by willow clones in short-time hydroponics. Journal of Forest Science 56 (1), pp. 27-33


Moreno-Jiménez, E., Peñalosa, J.M., Manzano, R., Carpena-Ruiz, R.O., Gamarra, R., Esteban, E., 2009. Heavy metals distribution in soils surrounding an abandoned mine in NW Madrid (Spain) and their transference to wild flora. Journal of Hazardous Materials 162 (2-3), pp. 854-859


Hasan, S.A., Fariduddin, Q., Ali, B., Hayat, S., Ahmad, A., 2009. Cadmium: Toxicity and tolerance in plants. Journal of Environmental Biology 30 (2), pp. 165-174


Wahid, A., Ghani, A., Javed, F. , 2008. Effect of cadmium on photosynthesis, nutrition and growth of mungbean. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 28 (2), pp. 273-280


Wahid, A., Ghani, A., Ali, I., Ashraf, M.Y., 2007. Effects of cadmium on carbon and nitrogen assimilation in shoots of mungbean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] seedlings. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 193 (5) , pp. 357-365


Dasgupta-Schubert, N., Whelan, T., Reyes, M.A., Lloren, C., Brandt, T.T., Persans, M.W., 2007. Light quanta modulated characteristics of Ni uptake by Brassica juncea seedlings: The interdependence of plant metal concentration and biomass. International Journal of Phytoremediation 9 (3) , pp. 207-225

На работата

Общ брой цитати


Vangronsveld, J., R. Herzig, N. Weyens, J. Boulet, K. Adriaensen, A. Ruttens, T. Thewys, A. Vassilev, E. Meers, E. Nehnevajova, D. van der Lelie, M. Mench, 2009. Phytoremediation of contaminated soils and groundwater: lessons from the field. Environm. Science and Pollution Research, 16, 765–794.


Witters, N., Mendelsohn, R., Van Passel, S., Van Slycken, S., Weyens, N., Schreurs, E., Meers, E., Vangronsveld, J. 2012. Phytoremediation, a sustainable remediation technology? II: Economic assessment of CO2 abatement through the use of phytoremediation crops for renewable energy production. Biomass and Bioenergy 39, pp. 470-477


Witters, N., Mendelsohn, R.O., Van Slycken, S., Weyens, N., Schreurs, E., Meers, E., Tack, F., Vangronsveld, J., 2012. Phytoremediation, a sustainable remediation technology? Conclusions from a case study. I: Energy production and carbon dioxide abatement. Biomass and Bioenergy 39, pp. 454-469


Seth, C.S., Remans, T., Keunen, E., Jozefczak, M., Gielen, H., Opdenakker, K., Weyens, N., Cuypers, A., 2012. Phytoextraction of toxic metals: A central role for glutathione. Plant, Cell and Environment 35 (2) , pp. 334-346


Bech, J., Corrales, I., Tume, P., Barceló, J., Duran, P., Roca, N., Poschenrieder, C., 2012. Accumulation of antimony and other potentially toxic elements in plants around a former antimony mine located in the Ribes Valley (Eastern Pyrenees). Journal of Geochemical Exploration 113 , pp. 100-105


Moreno-Jiménez, E., Esteban, E., Carpena-Ruiz, R.O., Lobo, M.C., Peñalosa, J.M., 2012. Phytostabilisation with Mediterranean shrubs and liming improved soil quality in a pot experiment with a pyrite mine soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials 201-202, pp. 52-59


Park, J., Song, W.-Y., Ko, D., Eom, Y., Hansen, T.H., Schiller, M., Lee, T.G., Lee, Y., 2012. The phytochelatin transporters AtABCC1 and AtABCC2 mediate tolerance to cadmium and mercury. Plant Journal 69 (2), pp. 278-288


Moreno-Jiménez, E., Esteban, E., Peñalosa, J.M., 2012. The fate of arsenic in soil-plant systems. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 215 , pp. 1-37


Beesley, L., Moreno-Jiménez, E., Gomez-Eyles, J.L., Harris, E., Robinson, B., Sizmur, T., 2011. A review of biochars' potential role in the remediation, revegetation and restoration of contaminated soils. Environmental Pollution 159 (12) , pp. 3269-3282


Marmiroli, M., Pietrini, F., Maestri, E., Zacchini, M., Marmiroli, N., Massacci, A. , 2011. Growth, physiological and molecular traits in Salicaceae trees investigated for phytoremediation of heavy metals and organics. Tree Physiology 31 (12) , pp. 1319-1334


Barzanti, R., Colzi, I., Arnetoli, M., Gallo, A., Pignattelli, S., Gabbrielli, R., Gonnelli, C. 2011. Cadmium phytoextraction potential of different Alyssum species, Journal of Hazardous Materials 196, pp. 66-72


Kagalkar, A.N., Jadhav, M.U., Bapat, V.A., Govindwar, S.P., 2011. Phytodegradation of the triphenylmethane dye Malachite Green mediated by cell suspension cultures of Blumea malcolmii Hook. Bioresource Technology 102 (22) , pp. 10312-10318


Wan, G., Najeeb, U., Jilani, G., Naeem, M.S., Zhou, W., 2011. Calcium invigorates the cadmium-stressed Brassica napus L. plants by strengthening their photosynthetic system. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 18 (9) , pp. 1478-1486


Lambrechts, T., Gustot, Q., Couder, E., Houben, D., Iserentant, A., Lutts, S. 2011. Comparison of EDTA-enhanced phytoextraction and phytostabilisation strategies with Lolium perenne on a heavy metal contaminated soil. Chemosphere 85 (8) , pp. 1290-1298


Schreurs, E., Voets, T., Thewys, T. , 2011. GIS-based assessment of the biomass potential from phytoremediation of contaminated agricultural land in the Campine region in Belgium. Biomass and Bioenergy 35 (10) , pp. 4469-4480


Pourrut, B., Lopareva-Pohu, A., Pruvot, C., Garçon, G., Verdin, A., Waterlot, C., Bidar, G., Douay, F., 2011. Assessment of fly ash-aided phytostabilisation of highly contaminated soils after an 8-year field trial. Part 2. Influence on plants. Science of the Total Environment 409 (21) , pp. 4504-4510


Lagomarsino, A., Mench, M., Marabottini, R., Pignataro, A., Grego, S., Renella, G., Stazi, S.R., 2011. Copper distribution and hydrolase activities in a contaminated soil amended with dolomitic limestone and compost. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 74 (7) , pp. 2013-2019


Coyle, D.R., Zalesny, J.A., Zalesny Jr., R.S., Wiese, A.H., 2011. Irrigating poplar energy crops with landfill leachate negatively affects soil micro- and meso-fauna. International Journal of Phytoremediation 13 (9) , pp. 845-858


Becerra-Castro, C., Prieto-Fernández, A., Álvarez-Lopez, V., Monterroso, C., Cabello-Conejo, M.I., Acea, M.J., Kidd, P.S., 2011. Nickel solubilizing capacity and characterization of rhizobacteria isolated from hyperaccumulating and non-hyperaccumulating subspecies of alyssum serpyllifolium. International Journal of Phytoremediation 13 (SUPPL.1) , pp. 229-244


Ruttens, A., Boulet, J., Weyens, N., Smeets, K., Adriaensen, K., Meers, E., van Slycken, S., Vangronsveld, J., 2011. Short rotation coppice culture of willows and poplars as energy crops on metal contaminated agricultural soils. International Journal of Phytoremediation 13 (SUPPL.1) , pp. 194-207


Jacob, D.L., Otte, M.L., Hopkins, D.G., 2011. Phyto (in)stabilization of elements. International Journal of Phytoremediation 13 (SUPPL.1) , pp. 34-54


Kolbas, A., Mench, M., Herzig, R., Nehnevajova, E., Bes, C.M., 2011. Copper phytoextraction in tandem with oilseed production using commercial cultivars and mutant lines of sunflower. International Journal of Phytoremediation 13 (SUPPL.1) , pp. 55-76


Karami, N., Clemente, R., Moreno-Jiménez, E., Lepp, N.W., Beesley, L., 2011. Efficiency of green waste compost and biochar soil amendments for reducing lead and copper mobility and uptake to ryegrass. Journal of Hazardous Materials 191 (1-3) , pp. 41-48


Schwitzguébel, J.-P., Comino, E., Plata, N., Khalvati, M., 2011. Is phytoremediation a sustainable and reliable approach to clean-up contaminated water and soil in Alpine areas? Environmental Science and Pollution Research 18 (6) , pp. 842-856


Moreno-Jiménez, E., Vázquez, S., Carpena-Ruiz, R.O., Esteban, E., Peñalosa, J.M., 2011. Using Mediterranean shrubs for the phytoremediation of a soil impacted by pyritic wastes in Southern Spain: A field experiment. Journal of Environmental Management 92 (6) , pp. 1584-1590


Rebele, F., Lehmann, C., 2011. Phytoextraction of cadmium and phytostabilisation with mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris). Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 216 (1-4) , pp. 93-103


Maldonado-Magaña, A., Favela-Torres, E., Rivera-Cabrera, F., Volke-Sepulveda, T.L. , 2011. Lead bioaccumulation in Acacia farnesiana and its effect on lipid peroxidation and glutathione production. Plant and Soil 339 (1) , pp. 377-389


Di Lonardo, S., Capuana, M., Arnetoli, M., Gabbrielli, R., Gonnelli, C., 2011. Exploring the metal phytoremediation potential of three Populus alba L. clones using an in vitro screening. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 18 (1) , pp. 82-90


Lopareva-Pohu, A., Pourrut, B., Waterlot, C., Garçon, G., Bidar, G., Pruvot, C., Shirali, P., Douay, F., 2011. Assessment of fly ash-aided phytostabilisation of highly contaminated soils after an 8-year field trial. Part 1. Influence on soil parameters and metal extractability. Science of the Total Environment 409 (3) , pp. 647-654


Tack, F.M.G., Meers, E., 2010. Assisted phytoextraction: Helping plants to help us. Elements 6 (6), pp. 383-388


Thewys, T., Witters, N., Meers, E., Vangronsveld, J., 2010. Economic viability of phytoremediation of a cadmium contaminated agricultural area using energy maize. Part II: Economics of anaerobic digestion of metal contaminated maize in Belgium. International Journal of Phytoremediation 12 (7), pp. 663-679


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