С п и с ъ к на научните трудове на доц д-р Мариана борисова накова

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на научните трудове на доц. д-р Мариана борисова накова

за периода 2007-12 г.

Общ брой

В български издания

В български списания с импакт фактор и в чужди издания

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Устни доклади


Устни доклади






1. Накова М., Циоку В.,* (2007). Вертицилийно увяхване по памука в Южна България и Северна Гърция, Научна конференция 70 години ИЗР, 29-30.05.2006, Растениевъдни науки, 44, 416-419

2. Накова М., Наков Б., (2007). Потенциални възможности на растителната защита и аграрното производство, Сборник на докладите от II международен симпозиум “Екологични подходи при производството на безопасни храни”, 18-19.10.2007, Пловдив, 137-149

3. Накова М., Наков Б., (2008). Фитосанитарни проблеми в лозарството, Лозарство и винарство, 3, 26-29

4. Накова М., Титянов М., (2009). Електис – нов фунгицид за контрол на маната по лозата, Лозарство и винарство, 2, 38-43

5. Накова М., Наков, Б., (2009). Еска по лозата, Лозарство и винарство, 1, 54-57

6. Накова, М., (2009). Маната по слънчогледа не е за подценяване, Растителна защита, 2, 7-9

7. Накова М., (2009). Антракнозата по розата в България, Аграрни науки, 1, стр.19-23

8. Накова М., (2009). Мрежести петна по ечемика, Аграрни науки, 2, стр. 45-49

9. Nakova M., (2010). Phytophthora species causing root and crown rot on apples in Bulgaria. Pesticidi I fitomedicina, 25(1): 43-50.

10. Nakova M., (2010). Monitoring of Phytophthora species on fruit trees in Bulgaria. European Journal of plant pathology, 128 (4): 517-525.

11. Накова М., (2011). Фитосанитарен мониторинг на болестите по лавандулата. Аграрни науки, 5: 6-11

12. Nakova M., (2011). Phytophthora root and crown rot on fruit trees in Bulgaria. Journal of agricultural sciences and technology A. USA 1 (1): 57-67

1. Наков, Б., Ангелова Р., Накова М., Андреев Р., (2007). Прогноза и сигнализация на болестите и неприятелите по културните растения, ИМН – Пловдив

А. Устни доклади

1. Наков Б., Накова М., (2007). Фитосанитарни проблеми в трайните агроценози, Сборник доклади Юбилейна Конференция с международно участие, 15-години Висше Училище Земеделски Колеж, 24-25.10.2007 Пловдив, 148-158

2. Накова М., Наков Б., (2007). Потенциални възможности на растителната защита и аграрното производство, Сборник на докладите от II международен симпозиум “Екологични подходи при производството на безопасни храни”, 18-19.10.2007, Пловдив, 137-149

3. Наков Б., Накова М., (2008). Здравен статус на земеделските агроценози – химизация – проблеми на съвременната растителна защита, Сборник на докладите от VII национална научно-техническа конференция с международно участие “Екология и Здраве”, 10 Април 2008, Пловдив, 21-34

4. Nakova M., (2010). Фитофторите – потенциален проблем при трайните култури в България. Сборник с материали на Международен симпозиум 65 години Аграрен Университет Пловдив “Традиции и предизвикателства пред аграрното образование, науката и бизнеса”, 14-17 Октомври 2010, Пловдив. LV (3): 83-96.

Б. Постерни доклади

1. Наков Б., Накова М., Рехаб М.,* (2007). Екскориоза по лозата /Diaporthe perjuncta Nissl., Phomopsis viticola Sacc./, Научна конференция 70 години ИЗР, 29-30.05.2006, Растениевъдни науки, 44, 317-319

2. Накова М., Циоку В.,* (2007). Вертицилийно увяхване по памука в Южна България и Северна Гърция, Научна конференция 70 години ИЗР, 29-30.05.2006, Растениевъдни науки, 44, 416-419

3. Nakova M., (2009). Phytophthora species causing root and crown rot on apples in Bulgaria, Proceedings of VIth Congress of plant protection and symposium of biological control, Zlatibor, Serbia, 23-27 Nov 2009, 69

4. Nakova M., Najdenov M., (2010). Role of solarization and biological control methods in Phytophthora management. COST Action FP0801 “Established and emerging Phytophthora: Increasing treats to woodland and forest ecosystems in Europe”, Fifth meeting June 28-30 Viterbo (Italy). Proceedings, p. 58

5. Nakova M., (2008). Phytophthora root and crown rot on fruit trees in Bulgaria, Third International Workshop on Phytophthora/Pythium and related genera, “Integration of Traditional and Modern Approaches for Investigating the Taxonomy and Evolution“, 23-24 August 2008, Torino, Italy, Proceedings p. 40; 9th International Congress of plant pathology, Italy August 24-29, 2008, Journal of plant pathology, v. 90(2, supplement), August 2008, 233

6. Nakova M., (2008) Monitoring of Phytophthora Species on Fruit Trees in Bulgaria, Third International Workshop on Phytophthora/Pythium and related genera, “Integration of Traditional and Modern Approaches for Investigating the Taxonomy and Evolution“, 23-24 August 2008, Torino, Italy, p. 40-41.


на забелязаните цитати на доц. д-р мариана борисова накова

Общ брой

В български издания

В български списания с импакт фактор и в чужди издания

В дисертации





На работата

В хабилитационен труд на професор д-р Мария Боровинова „Икономически важни гъбни болести по ябълка и череша и техния контрол при интегрирано плодопроизводство” Кюстендил, 2007 г.:



Наков Б., Накова М., (1988). Проучвания върху биологията и зимуването на антракнозата (Colletotrichum fructigenum /Berk/ Vassil) по черешата и вишната. Научни трудове на ВСИ “Васил Коларов”, Пловдив, т. ХХХІІІ, кн. 3: 137-141.



Наков Б., Накова М., (1989). Изследвания върху глеоспорозата по някои културни растения. Научни трудове на ВСИ, Пловдив, т. ХХХІV, кн. 4: 161-167.



Наков Б., Накова М., (1991). Кладоспориоза /черно гниене/ по ябълката /Cladosporium herbarum (Pers) Link/. Научни трудове на ВСИ, Пловдив, т. ХХХVІ, кн. 3: 59-63.



Накова М., (2004). Фитофторно гниене по ябълката и черешата. Растениевъдни науки, 41: 82-86.



Nakova M., (2003). Phytophthora root and crown rot of fruit trees in Bulgaria. Proceedings 3rd International Plant Protection Symposium at Debrecen University, p. 196-203, From ideas to implementation, 15-16 October 2003, Debrecen, Hungary

На работата

Накова М., (2004). Фитофторно гниене по ябълката и черешатa. Растениевъдни науки, 41: 82-86.



Георгиев И., (2007). Проучване на болестта Фитофторно кореново и стъблено гниене по соята. Растениевъдни науки, 44:328-332.

На работата

В Дисертация на Коста Балтас (2008). „Мониторинг на икономически важните болести и неприятели по черешата при условията на биологично производство и разработване на алтернативна система за борба с тях.”



Андреев Р., Накова М., (2003). Борба с болестите и неприятелите при биологичното земеделие. В Основи на органичното земеделие (под редакцията на Янчева Х., и Манолов И.). FIBL, Пловдив.



Лечева Ив., Петров П., Накова М., Боровинова М., Велчева Н., Симова Сп., Станева Е., Иванова Л., Тасева В., Калинова Щ., Николов П., Ценова М. (2006). Добра растителнозащитна практика при костилковите овощни видове. В: правила за добра растителнозащитна практика в земеделието. МЗГ, НСРЗ, София.

На работата

Накова М., Б. Наков (2009). Еска по лозата. Лозарство и винарство, 1: 55-57



Николова Е. (2010). Еска по лозата-разпространение, стопанско занчение и форми на проявление. Лозарство и винарство, 1: 46-52.

На работата

Накова М., (1988). Проучване върху пирикулариозата по ориза в България. Дисертация за ксн, ИЗР Костинброд, България.



Наков Б., Ангелова Р., Накова М., Андреев Р., (2007). Прогноза и сигнализация на болестите и неприятелите по културните растения. ИМН, Пловдив.



Бобев Св., (2009). Справочник на болевстите по културните растения. Пловдив

На работата

Накова М., Желев Ж., (1994). По салатата се появи нова болест с причинител Phylosticta lactucae. Растителна защита, 10: 20-21.



Накова М., Желев Ж., (1994). По салатата се появи нова болест с причинител Phylosticta lactucae. Растителна защита, 10: 20-21.

На работата

Leaf removal for control of botrytis bunch rot of wine grapes in the midwestern United States, JT English, ML Kaps, JF Moore, J Hill, М Nakova, Plant disease, 1993, 77 (12) : 1224-1227



Epidemiology of Botrytis cinerea in orchard and vine crops

PAG Elmer… - Botrytis: Biology, pathology and control, 2007 - Springer

Substantial economic crop losses occur worldwide in tree fruits, nut crops, vines and small fruits as a result of infection by Botrytis cinerea. Fungicide-based management, once an accepted practice, is becoming increasingly restricted, a trend likely to continue in the ...

С позовавания в 28 - Сродни статии - Всички 3 версии



Management of understorey to reduce the primary inoculum of Botrytis cinerea: Enhancing ecosystem services in vineyards

MA Jacometti, SD Wratten, Walter M… - Biological Control, 2007 – Elsevier, v 40, issue 1. 57-46

Botrytis bunch rot, caused by Botrytis cinerea (Pers.: Fr) is an important disease of grapevines that causes worldwide crop losses and reductions in wine quality. The pathogen predominantly overwinters on vine debris on the vineyard floor. In the current work, ...

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Understorey management increases grape quality, yield and resistance to Botrytis cinerea

MA Jacometti, SD Wratten, Walter M… - Agriculture, ecosystems & environment, 2007 – Elsevier, v 122, issue 3

A bare ground control was compared with four mulch types (anaerobically and aerobically fermented marc (grape pressings), inter-row grass clippings and shredded office paper) which were applied in winter under 10-year-old Riesling vines in a 10-replicate ...

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. [PDF] The value of fungicides in US Crop production

[PDF] от croplifefoundation.org

LP Gianessi… - Crop Protection Institute, CropLife …, 2005 - croplifefoundation.org

CropLife Foundation 1156 15th Street, NW #400 Washington, DC 20005 Phone 202-296-1585 
www.croplifefoundation.org Fax 202-463-0474 ... This study was funded by CropLife 
America. The following organizations have reviewed the report's case studies and have ...

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. Enhancing ecosystem services in vineyards: using cover crops to decrease botrytis bunch rot severity

MA Jacometti, SD Wratten… - International Journal of …, 2007 - Taylor & Francis

Botrytis bunch rot is a disease that causes loss of yield and quality in many fruit and vegetable crops in temperate climates worldwide. The rot is caused by the fungus Botrytis cinerea, a saprophytic necrotroph. In grapes, the presence of the fungus can reduce yield, ...

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Effect of climate on vine and bunch characteristics: Bunch rot disease susceptibility

CC Steel, Greer DH… - … Proceedings International symposium on Grape Production and Processing 785, 2006 - actahort.org Book series: Acta Horticulturae, issue , 253-262, published 2008

Abstract: Climatic conditions of temperature, light (quantity and quality) humidity and rainfall have major impacts on vine performance, crop yield and berry quality when vines are exposed to extremes in these various climate parameters. A major climatic contrast ...

С позовавания в 3 - Сродни статии



Managing grey mould on raspberry grown under protection without use of fungicides during flowering and fruiting

T O'Neill, E Wedgwood, AM Berrie… - Agronomy for Sustainable …, 2011 - Springer

Abstract Grey mould, caused by Botrytis cinerea, is one of the most important diseases of raspberry. In the UK, the majority of raspberry production has recently switched to cropping under polythene tunnels but without corresponding changes in managing grey mould ...



[PDF] Influence of Leaf Removal before Veraison on Sugars and Organic Acids in Three Wine Grape Cultivars

[PDF] от illinois.edu

N Wlordarchak, M Kushad… - ILLINOIS STATE … - ipm.illinois.edu

Abstract Leaf removal of fruit bearing shoots was investigated to elucidate its impacts on o Brix, TA, pH, D-glucose, D-fructose, L-tartaric acid, and L-malic acid in Frontenac, Vignoles, and Norton wine grapes grown in Illinois. Fruit bearing shoots were thinned to one cluster ...

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[PDF] Influence of Leaf Removal before Veraison on Yield and Fruit Quality of Three Wine Grape Cultivars

[PDF] от uiuc.edu

N Wlordachak, M Kushad… - ILLINOIS STATE HORTICULTURAL … - ipm.uiuc.edu

Abstract Fruit yield and quality are equally important to wine grape growers, because having a proper balance between the volume of wine produced and the quality of that wine are essential for maximizing profits. The general belief among grape growers is that the ...

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Influence of Leaf Removal before Veraison on Yield and Fruit Quality of Three Wine Grape Cultivars

[PDF] от illinois.eduN Wlordachak, M Kushad… - ILLINOIS STATE … - ipm.illinois.edu
Am. J. Enol. Vitic., 37, 243-247. English, JT, Kaps, ML, Moore, JF, Hill, J., &
Leaf removal for control of botrytis bunch rot of wine grapes in the midwestern united
Plant Disease, 77, 1224-1227. Ezzahouani, A., & Williams, LE (2003).



Management of raspberry and strawberry grey mould in open field and under protection. A review

X Xu, E Wedgwood, AM Berrie, J Allen… - Agronomy for …, 2011 - Springer

Abstract Grey mould, caused by Botrytis cinerea, is one of the most important diseases of strawberry and raspberry. In the UK, the majority of raspberry and strawberry production has recently switched to cropping under polythene tunnels. Although the risk of grey mould is ...

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[PDF] Evaluation of Cultural Practices to Reduce Bunch Rot in Vignoles Grapevines

[PDF] от missouri.edu

RK Striegler, RA Allen… - on Advances in …, 2010 - extension.missouri.edu

Vignoles is an important interspecific hybrid grapevine cultivar that is grown extensively in the Eastern and Midwestern US This cultivar has moderate to low vigor and produces a mediumsized vine when grown on its own roots. Vignoles is very cold hardy and has a ...

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The Effect of Canopy Management on Yield and Fruit Composition of Noiret Wine Grape (Vitis sp.)

[PDF] от cornell.edu

B Riccardi - 2008 - dspace.library.cornell.edu

Abstract: Noiret is a complex interspecific hybrid red wine grape (Vitis sp.) released by Cornell University in 2006 for cold-climate growers. Shoot thinning (ST), before capfall, to 15 shoots per meter and basal leaf removal (BLR) to 75% visual exposure of pea-sized ...

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[PDF] Image-Assisted Gap Estimation, a Simple Method for Measuring Grapevine Leaf Canopy Density

[PDF] от crops.org

GN Hill, RM Beresford, PN Wood, KS Kim… - Crop Science, 2011 - crops.org

GN Hill,* RM Beresford, PN Wood, KS Kim, and PJ Wright abstRact This study compared an image analysis method of leaf canopy density measurement, imageassisted gap estimation (ImAGE), with the commonly used point quadrat (PQ) analysis. For ImAGE, a blue ...

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[PDF] Grapevine Trunk Diseases: Etiology, Epidemiology and Control

[PDF] от missouri.edu

WD Gubler, JR Urbes-Torres… - on Advances in …, 2010 - extension.missouri.edu

Grapevine trunk diseases are responsible for significant economic losses to the wine industry worldwide. Symptoms include dead spurs and cordon and trunk dieback due to canker formation in the vascular tissue, and in some cases, deformed leaves and shoots ...

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PL Sholberg, T Lowery, P Bowen… - Crop Protection …, 2008 - books.google.com

Abstract The goal of this research was to determine the effect of early season leaf stripping -on important diseases of wine grapes in British Columbia (BC), Canada. Large experimental plots were set up at two locations that represented south and central Okanagan Valley ...

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На работата

[PDF] от ucdavis.edu BK NAKOV, MB NAKOVA… - … Protection and Ecology, 2002 - afghanag.ucdavis.edu
... and Ecology 3, No 4, 890-895 (2002) Environmental risk assessment LONG-TERM ASSESSMENT
OF POLLUTION PROBLEMS IN GRAPES CENOSYS BK NAKOV*, MB NAKOVA, MAA REHAB Department of Phytopathology, Agricultural University ... 2. B. NAKOV, R. RAICHEV ...



Annals of West University of Timisoara

[PDF] от elearning-chemistry.ro

S COUNTY - elearning-chemistry.ro

Romania, various industries discharge wastes containing different heavy metals, into the environment, such as metallurgy, fuel and energy production, mining and smelting of metalliferous, pesticide and fertilizer industry and application, and other. The paper ...

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