Sgs, bg03. 01, bg03. 03 Дата/Date: 28. 07. 2014

Размер141.15 Kb.
Отговори на искания за разяснения по покани BG02.01, BG02.02, BG02.03, BG03.SGS, BG03.01, BG03.03

Responses on clarificationn reqiests, calls BG02.01, BG02.02, BG02.03, BG03.SGS, BG03.01, BG03.03
Дата/Date: 28.07.2014








(приложим и за BG02.02, BG02.03)
(Applicable also to BG02.02, BG02.03)

Моля да дадете дефиниция на приложимите бенефициенти по програмата в категорията учебни заведения.
Please define the applicable Project promoters in the programme in the category of educational facilities

Съгласно програмното споразумение за програма BG02, допустими бенефициенти са научно-изследователски институции (research and development institutions), в т.ч. университети. Поканата не поставя други ограничения за вида на допустимите бенефициенти. Примери за български институции от този вид са Българската академия на науките, или висши училища, извършващи научно-производствена дейност по смисъла на чл. 6, ал. 2 от закона за висшето образование.
According to the Programme agreement for programme BG02, eligible beneficiaries are research and development institutions, including universities. The call does not place any other restrictions to the type of eligible beneficiaries. Examples of Bulgarian institutions of this kind include the Bulgarian academy of sciences, or high schools performing research and development in the sense of Art. 6, para. 2 of the Higher education Act.

(приложим и за BG02.02, BG02.03)
(Applicable also to BG02.02, BG02.03)

Какви са критериите за допустимост на бенефициенти?
What are the eligibility criteria for the Project Promoters?

Изискванията към допустимите бенефициенти (вид организации и изискванията към тях за доказване на добро финансово управление), посочени в Раздел III, т. 3.1 от поканата, публикувана на адрес

The requirements to the eligible Project promoters (in terms of organisation types and good governance requirements) are listed in Section III, p. 3.1 of the call published at

(приложим и за всички останали покани, открити на 21.07.2014)
Applicable also to all other calls opened on 21.07.2014)

Какъв тип партньорства са позволени? Възможно ли е да се реализира партньорство между:

What partnership types are allowed? Is it possible to have a partnership between:

Изискванията към партньорството са описани в Раздел III, т. 4 на поканата.

Requirements to the partnership are listed in Section III, p. 4 of the call.

  • Допустим бенефициент от сектор образование и частно предприятие от Норвегия? Необходимо ли е партньорите да са с еднакъв статут?

  • An eligible project promoter in the education sector and a private enterprise from Norway? Do the partners have to have the same status?

Да, такова партньорство е допустимо. Изискванията към партньорите са идентични с поставените в чл. 1.5.1 (w) от Регламента на ФМ на ЕИП, а изискванията към бенефициента са посочени в чл. 1.5.1 (x) от Регламента и Раздел III, т. 3.1 от поканата, публикувана на адрес

Yes, such a partnership is eligible. Requirements to the partners are identical to the listed in Art.1.5.1 (w) of the EEA Regulation, whereas requirements to the Project promoter are detailed in Art. 1.5.1 (x) of the Regulation and Section III, p. 3.1 of the call published at

  • Само един партньор ли е допустим по програмата?

  • Is only one partner eligible in the programme

Не. Партньорството може да се състои и от бенефициент и няколко партньора. Вж. Раздел III, т. 4 на поканата.

No. The partnership may consist of an Applicant and several partners. See Section III, p. 4 of the call.

Може ли да се реализира партньорство между допустим бенефициент, българско частно предприятие и Норвежки партньор (частно или държавно предприятие, университет или NGO)?

Can there be a partnership between an eligible beneficiary, a private company and a Norwegian partner (private or public enterprise, university or NGO)?

Да, при спазване на гореописаните изисквания към кандидата/бенефициента и партньорите
Yes, as long as the requirements to the Applicant/Project promoter and the partners (listed above) are fulfilled.

(приложим и за всички останали покани, открити на 21.07.2014)
Applicable also to all other calls opened on 21.07.2014)

Къде могат да се прочетат конкретните указания за кандидатстване по програмата?

Where can the specific application guidelines for the programme be found?

Цялата необходима информация за кандидатстване се съдържа в поканата и приложения към нея, публикувани на адрес . В процес на тестване е онлайн кандидатстване, чието откриване за кандидатите ще бъде оповестено със съобщение на адрес и

All necessary information for applicants is contained in the call and attachments thereto published at . Online application is being tested and its availability to applicants will be notified by means of messages published at and


В покана BG03.01 Мрежа за обмен на информация и повишаване на капацитета относно инвазивните видове са изборени допустими дейности (гл. 5, стр. 21). Една от тях е „Съвместен инструмент за споделяне на информация и база данни, съвместима най-малкото с Европейската мрежа EASIN и Националната система за мониторинг на биологичното разнообразие на ниво, което позволява автоматично споделяне на данни. Съвместимост с други системи, по-специално Нордическата мрежа NOBANIS, ще се счита за предимство.”

Моля уточнете в детайли:

Какви са изискванията към информационната система като цяло?

In the Call BG03.01 Invasive alien species networking for information exchange and capacity building are written the eligible activities (Chapter 5, page 21). One of them is: “A joint information sharing tool and a database, compatible as a minimum with the European network EASIN and the Bulgarian Biodiversity monitoring system at a level that provides for automated data sharing. Compatibility to other systems, in particular the Nordic network NOBANIS, will be considered a plus.

Please, would you specify in details:
What are the requirements for the information system in general?

Информация относно техническата инфраструктура на успешното партньорство се съдържа на стр. 21 и 22 в поканата т. 2 и 3 в описанието на допустимите дейности под заглавието За резултата „Мрежата за обмен на информация за ИЧВ е активна и информацията се споделя и използва”. Няма изисквания за използването на специфични софтуерни решения или софтуерна архитектура. Имайте пред вид обсче, че информационната система/портал с геореферирана информационна база данни, разработена от проекта, трябва да бъде съвместима с НСМБР, EU EASIN и евентуално NOBANIS и да може да получава и подава данни към тези системи.
Information regarding the technical infrastructure of the successful partnership is contained on pp. 21 and 22 of the Call for proposals, p. 2 and 3 of the description of eligible activities under the heading For the Output “IAS Networking for information exchange is active and information is being shared and used” There are no requirements for the use of specific software solutions or software architecture. However, you have keep in mind that the information system/portal with geo-database information, developed under the project must be compatible with NBMS, EU EASIN and possibly also NOBANIS and capable of retrieving data and submitting data to these systems.


От какво трябва да се състои базата данни?
What the database should consist?

Тъй като всяко кандидатстващо партньорство има различни съществуващи данни и информационни системи, детайлизирането на структурата на базата данни и начина на работа на информационната система е оставено на кандидата и партньорите му. Моля имайте пред вид минималните изисквания, поставени в поканата, а именно че всички данни трябва да включват:

    • Размер на популацията

    • Точно географско положение (GPS координати) или географски район в случай на широко разпространение на вида

    • Опасността, която видът представлява за екосистемите и за местните видове

    • Икономическата полза от вида (т.е. оценка на икономическата и социална стойност на вида и препоръки за смекчаване на социалното въздействие в случай на задействана процедура за изтребването му)

    • Други съображения, описани в проектното предложение

При вземането на решение за обхвата и типа на IT инфраструктурата кандидатът и партньорите му следва да имат пред вид, че IT инфраструктурата е средство за постигане и устойчива поддръжка на всички цели на информационната мрежа, описани в ч. 5.1 на поканата.

Since each candidate partnership have different existing data and information systems, the detailed structure of the database and operational mode of the information system is left to the applicant and their partners. Please keep in mind the minimal requirements set in the call, namely that all of the data must include:

- Size of population

- Exact geographical position (GPS coordinates) – geographical area if not possible do to wide distribution of the species

- What danger the species impose to the ecosystems and to the native species

- Its economic use (i.e. assessment of the economic and social value of the species and recommendations for mitigating the social impact that may rise if procedures for its eradication are started)

- Other considerations described in the project proposal

When deciding on the scope and type of IT solutions the applicant and their partners should bear in mind that the IT infrastructure is a means to achieve and maintain in a sustainable manner all objectives of the information network as described in part 5.1 of the Call for proposals.


Какъв трябва да бъде типът данни, за да бъде съвместим с НСМБР, EASIN и NOBANIS?

What should be the data type in order to be compatible with the Bulgarian Biodiversity Monitoring System, EASIN and NOBANIS?

Съответната функционалност в НСМБР е в процес на разработка. Моля свържете се с за съдействие, доколкото е възможно на този етап.
Препоръчваме на кандидата и партньорите му да се свържат с NOBANIS за детайли от техническо естество.
Информацията, налична при програмния оператор относно EASIN, произтича от кореспонденция, разменена през м. февруари 2014 г. с поддръжката на EASIN (, която е приведена по-долу. За допълнителна/актуализирана информация, моля свържете се пряко с EASIN:

  1. Търсачката, която обслужва двата уиджета, изглежда работи като търсачка на стандартни метаданни, показваща линкове към информацията на мрежите – членове по няколко начина, в т.ч. като карти. Има ли изискване мрежите-членове да експонират данни (напр. чрез уеб услуги) и какточно функционира това? Има ли други технически въпроси, които следва да се вземат пред вид за осигуряване на съвместимост (ще бъдем благодарни за линк или приложен документ с допълнителни указания)?

Платформата EASIN показва информацията на мрежите след процедура на пропълзяване на данните, индексация и хармонизация, като поддържа референция към оригиналния източник.

Формалните изисквания ще бъдат установени и се препоръчва да експонирате данните чрез уеб услуги, за да се запази оперативната съвместимост и сравнимостта.
Информацията, която EASIN брокерът на данни извлича, обикновено е:

• Име на вида

• Кога е намерен

• Къде е намерен

Форматът на местоположението, в което видът е бил намерен, следва да бъде двойка стойности, указващи дължината и ширината в проекция WGS 84.

  1. Можете ли да дадете информация за политиките по споделяне и собственост на данните, които се прилагат? Има ли един общ документ на EASIN или всяка единица данни е предмет на политиките за споделяне на данни на съответния си собственик? Каква е разликата между регистрирани и анонимни потребители по отношение на достъпа до данни на различни собственици? И тук бихме били благодарни за връзка/връзки

Целим да създадем споразумение за сътрудничество с провайдърите на данни и информация (вж. проекта в Приложение 1), което съдържа и политики за собственост (чл. 6).

Освен това обсъдихме с правната служба на JRC и ще включим в уеб страницата на JRC условия за ползване на уеб страницата и информацията в нея (вж. Приложение 2).

  1. Ще предлагате ли функционалност за открито търсене през мобилни устройства и какъв вид допълнителни изисквания биха могли да изникнат от това по отношение на сайтовете на членовете (напр. гъвкав (fluid) дизайн, специфични теми и т.н.)?

Мобилна версия на EASIN платформата е планирана и ще бъде въведена в бъдещи версии.

Към момента функционалността за открито търсене е достъпна през уеб браузъри (поддържа се Mozilla Firefox) и уиджетите на EASIN могат да бъдат интегрирани във всяка уеб страница, тъй като са технологично независими и поддържат различни скинове (теми) за оформление.

  1. Доколкото разбирам, проектът ви е практически неутрален по отношение на платформите. Можете ли да ни дадете представа за софтуера, ползван от членовете, доколкото го знаете? По-специфично, има ли опит в ползването на Drupal (ползването на тази система може да бъде съвместимо с други мрежи, например LTER и да създаде допълнителна синергия)?

Да, проектът EASIN е независим от технологиите и както споменахме по-горе, уиджетите му могат да бъдат интегрирани във всяка уеб страница, съответно и в платформа на Drupal.

Прост пример можете да намерите на следния линк

The relevant functionality in the Bulgarian Biodiversity Monitoring System is under development. Please contact for guidance as far as available.

The applicant and their partners are advised to contact NOBANIS for details of a technical nature.
The information available to the Programme operator concerning EASIN is derived from an exchange dating February 2014 with the EASIN support ( which is detailed below. For further/updated information, please contact EASIN directly:

  1. The search engine behind both widgets apparently works as a standard metadata search that displays links to the member networks' information in several ways, incl. as maps. Is there a requirement for the member networks to expose data (i.e. via web services), and how exactly does this function? Are there any other technical issues to be considered to ensure compatibility (link or attached document with further instructions will be appreciated)?

EASIN platform shows network’s information after a procedure of data crawling, indexation and harmonization, keeping a reference to the original source.

Formal requirements are about to be established and it’s recommended to expose data through web-services, in order to preserve interoperability and compatibility.
The information indexed and retrieved by the EASIN data broker are usually:

• Name of the species

• When the species is found

• Where the species is found

The format of the location in which the species is found should be a couple of values indicating latitude and longitude in WGS 84 projection.

  1. Can you give information on the data sharing and data ownership policies in place? Is there a single EASIN document, or is each data item subject to its respective owners' data sharing policy? What is the difference between registered and anonymous users in terms of access to different owners' data? Again, link(s) would be welcome.

We aim to establish collaboration agreement with data and information providers (see draft in Annex 1) which include ownership policies (Article 6).

Furthermore, we have discussed with the JRC legal services and will include in the JRC web site terms and conditions to use the website and the information therein (see Annex 2).

  1. Will you provide open search functionality for mobile devices and what sort of additional requirements is this likely to place on members' sites (i.e. fluid design, specific theming, etc.)?

A mobile version of the EASIN platform is planned and will be introduced in future releases.

So far OpenSearch functionality is available through web browsers (Mozilla Firefox is supported) and EASIN widgets can be integrated into any webpage as they are technology independent and support various layout skins (themes).

  1. I gather that your project is quite completely platform neutral. Can you give an overview of members' software solutions as far as you know them? In particular, is there experience with using Drupal (the use of this system may be compatible with other networks such as LTER and create additional synergies)?

Yes, EASIN project is technology independent and as mentioned above its widgets can be integrated into any webpage, consequently in a Drupal platform too.

A simple example can be found following this link

Приложения към отговора за съвместимост с EASIN (въпрос 7). Тези приложения няма да бъдат превеждани на български.

Annexes to response on the EASIN compatibility (Question 7)
Annex 1


The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, represented for the purpose of signing this Agreement by [to be added], [Director-General or Director of the Institute for Environment and Sustainability of the Joint Research Centre], duly entitled to sign,

(hereinafter referred to as ‘the JRC’),


[name of the counterparty to be added],

with the registered address at [to be added],

[further identification of the counterparty as necessary to be added],

represented for the purpose of signing this agreement by [name of the signing person to be added], [function of the signing person to be added], duly entitled to sign,

(hereinafter referred to as ‘[to be added]’).

Hereinafter referred to individually as ‘the Party’ or collectively as ‘the Parties’.

[to be added] is a research institute, whose mission is to support the cooperative research in the field of [to be added].
As the Commission's in-house science service, the Joint Research Centre's mission is to provide EU policies with independent, evidence-based scientific and technical support throughout the whole policy cycle. Working in close cooperation with policy Directorates-General, the JRC addresses key societal challenges while stimulating innovation through developing new methods, tools and standards, and sharing its know-how with the Member States, the scientific community and international partners. Through its Institute for Environment and Sustainability in Ispra, the JRC conducts research in the field of biological invasions.
In September 2012 the JRC launched the European Alien Species Information Network (EASIN). EASIN’s main aim is to facilitate the exploration of existing alien species information from distributed sources through a network of interoperable web services. The success of the project is intimately related to the establishment of collaboration with existing data providers and experts in the field of biological invasions. The establishment of a Collaboration Agreement between the JRC and the data providers to formalise their collaboration in the context of EASIN has been proposed by DG ENV and by potential collaborators during a workshop with key data providers organised by the JRC in December 2012.
EASIN depends on data and knowledge sharing from global, European, regional and national data providers and relevant experts. In turn data providers should benefit from belonging to the partnership as they would get increased visibility, gain access to a variety of data mining, and data analysis services and functions which will benefit from integration of several distributed spatial datasets, as well as enjoying the benefit of stable data exchange and feedback mechanisms. The Collaboration Agreement would also foster a sense of ownership amongst the partners.
Through joint efforts of [to be added] and the Commission, the need for new approaches can be identified and lead to development in the areas of data and knowledge sharing on alien species occurrences, pathways of introduction, impact assessment and management, tools and web services to display and retrieve shared information and provide for an early warning and rapid response system, thus working to the mutual benefit of both organisations in the achievement of their objectives.
The Parties have expressed their mutual desire to co-operate in the field of biologic invasions within the context of the EASIN and are for that purpose signing this Collaboration Agreement.



    1. The general objective of this Collaboration Agreement is to contribute more effectively to understanding and resolving scientific issues in the field of biologic invasions within the context of the EASIN and to ensure that the outcomes generated under this Collaboration Agreement are utilized in ways most likely to benefit the public.

    1. This Collaboration Agreement will, in particular, have the following objectives:

  1. To extend the EASIN network of partners and further develop its tools and web services.

  2. To share and integrate data needed to address scientific, invasions management and policy questions.

  3. To promote mutual interest and improve co-operation efforts on biological invasions between data providers and data users.

  4. To deepen the understanding of the environmental, economic and social issues relating to biological invasions.

  5. To strengthen the EU policy on invasive alien species, i.a. through the support to risk assessing and through the development of an early warning system.

    1. In order to fully achieve the objectives of this Collaboration Agreement, the Parties will take the following actions:

  1. Participation of (to be included) in EASIN as a data provider

  2. Collaborate to establish an editorial board providing for long-term maintenance of the EASIN catalogue of Alien Species

  3. Harmonise Alien Species definitions and data formats and promote these to end-users internationally.

  4. Joint identification of tools and web services to be developed to improve accessibility to Alien Species data.

  5. Initiate and maintain a dialogue on matters of biological invasions, exploring possibilities for developing research projects of mutual interest.

  6. Exchange appropriate scientific and technological information, for example, through conducting occasional seminars and workshops.

  7. Work jointly to develop initiatives for obtaining, financing and implementing the research projects of mutual interest.

The Parties may identify any other action that they deem appropriate to achieve the objectives of this Collaboration Agreement.


    1. Each Party will be responsible for its personnel in relation to activities undertaken pursuant to this Collaboration Agreement. For the purposes of this Collaboration Agreement, ‘personnel’ shall mean all persons associated with one Party, including (i) employees, (ii) guest researchers, (iii) persons under contracts similar to employment contracts and (iv) any other persons whose actions can be reasonably attributed to that Party.

    1. When it is necessary for personnel from one Party to participate for brief periods in carrying out activities implemented by the other Party in accordance with the provisions of Article 1.3, the Parties shall conclude a separate agreement as regards the invitation of their personnel to perform work at the other Party's facilities. The agreement shall regulate their mutual rights and obligations, the conditions of co-operation to be provided by the personnel, and the terms under which the Parties authorise their respective personnel to participate. Invited personnel shall comply with the rules and working conditions of the host Party. Invitation of persons not directly associated with one Party, for example, persons associated with subcontractors, is not permitted.

    1. The host Party will assist, as much as possible, in meeting the personal and professional needs of the visitor, including access to institutional facilities within the context of the regulations in force at the host site.

    1. For the purpose of the implementation of this Collaboration agreement, each Party shall put in place policy that assigns to the Party all rights in any intellectual property generated by the Party’s personnel (or – in case of subcontracting – by the subcontractor or its personnel), so that the Party can efficiently assert ownership as required under Article 8 of this Collaboration Agreement. If the foregoing is not possible under the applicable law, the policy must ensure that the Party acquires other legal title to the intellectual property as close as possible to ownership; in that case, other provisions of this Collaboration Agreement shall be interpreted in a way to accommodate the changed legal title to the intellectual property. Upon a specific request of the other Party, the Party concerned shall provide in writing clarifications of its policy to assert the ownership or other legal title to the intellectual property.


    1. Any loss, damage or injury of non-nuclear origin suffered by one Party in connection with the performance of this Collaboration Agreement shall be borne exclusively by it. If the loss, damage or injury is caused by a person invited by one Party, as described in Article 2.2, the sending Party will be liable for it.

    1. Each Party shall be exclusively liable for any loss, damage or injury of non-nuclear origin caused by its personnel to third parties, arising out of the performance of this Collaboration Agreement.

    1. Each Party shall indemnify the other Party for all liability in respect of any action for damages brought by third parties and caused by their respective personnel in the course of the performance of this Collaboration Agreement.

    1. Any liability for loss, damage or injury of nuclear origin will be determined by the legislation of the state in which the installation, which is at the origin of the loss, damage or injury, is located.


    1. The Parties will designate representatives who, at times mutually agreed upon by the Parties, will review the activities being carried out under this Collaboration Agreement and discuss any matter concerning the implementation of this Collaboration Agreement.

    1. The representative for the JRC will be [name and contact details to be added]

The representative for [to be added] will be [name and contact details to be added to be added]

    1. All notifications and correspondence under this Collaboration Agreement will be sent to the representatives.

    1. The Parties will communicate to each other in writing any changes with regard to the above-mentioned representatives.

    1. Each Party will draw up and make available to the other Party any documents necessary to establish the progress of the work forming the subject matter of this Collaboration Agreement.

    1. The Parties will consult each other to establish together the final report under this Collaboration Agreement. In the absence of agreement thereon, each Party will draw up separate reports. The final report will describe in detail the whole of the work and research carried out, as well as the results obtained in performance of this Collaboration Agreement and contain a summary of the principal work carried out and results obtained.



    1. All activities conducted pursuant to this Collaboration Agreement shall be subject to the availability of funds, personnel and other resources as well as to the applicable laws and regulations, policies and programmes of each Party.

    1. Each Party shall bear the cost of any expenditure it incurs relating to the performance of its tasks under this Collaboration Agreement. There will be no transfer of money between the Parties in connection with this Collaboration Agreement.

8.1. Intellectual Property (IP), and all rights pertaining thereto, created in and for the performance of the present Collaboration Agreement shall belong to the Party whose Personnel created it. The owning Party shall have the right to use, exploit, assign or dispose of such IP at its own will and discretion, unless otherwise provided for in the present Collaboration Agreement.
8.2. Upon termination or expiry of the present Collaboration Agreement, Parties shall send each other a declaration including the list of IP which they have created in and for the performance of the present Collaboration Agreement. Parties agree to grant each other rights of access and use for such IP on non-exclusive, royalty-free and non-transferable basis for internal and non-commercial purposes only.
8.3. Parties shall put in place appropriate means to ensure their ownership of rights in such IP to the extent necessary for the exercise of their duties and obligations under the present Agreement, subject to the maximum achievable extent under the applicable law.
8.4. In case the owning Party decides to waive or abandon its rights in such IP, or decides not to protect such IP, whether patentable or not, it undertakes to inform the other Party of its decision. The other Party may decide to pursue the protection of such IP by itself, in its own name and through its own means. For this end, Parties undertake to sign an Assignment Agreement particular to the IP concerned.
8.5. In case the IP created in and for the performance of the present Agreement cannot be clearly or reasonably separated between the Parties, or if the Parties have mutually contributed to the creation of the IP, or if it is evident that the IP created by the Parties have merged to such an extent that different parts cannot exist independently of the other, then such shall be considered as a jointly-owned IP.
8.6. Neither Party can dispose of, license, assign, or transfer such jointly-owned IP to third-parties without the prior written consent of the other Party in the absence of a particular joint-ownership agreement. Following the coming into existence of a jointly-owned IP, the Parties undertake to conclude a particular Joint-Ownership Agreement to govern the terms and conditions pertaining to rights, duties and obligations of the Parties concerning the jointly-owned IP.
8.7. In case the collaboration performed under the present Collaboration Agreement leads to the creation of results in the form of scientific, technical or academic publications, conference proceedings, reports, and similar written work authored through the involvement of the Personnel of both Parties, the Parties undertake to respect each other's rights, moral or economic, and to duly acknowledge and reference the authors and contributors.
8.8. Neither Party can publish, disseminate, make publicly available, or disclose to a third party any result of the cooperation without prior written consent of the other Party on the manner, timing and contents of such disclosure. Consent for the foregoing may not be unreasonably withheld. Any breach of the present provision shall be considered not only a breach of the present Article but also a breach of confidentiality.
8.9. Provisions of the present Article, and the rights, duties and obligations stipulated therein, shall remain valid and legally enforceable during the term of the present Collaboration Agreement and for a period of five years from the date of its termination or expiry unless otherwise extended in a Separate Agreement.
9.0 Parties allow the JRC, for the purposes of this Agreement, in the context of EASIN to access data on Alien Species occurrences, to store, index, and integrate the data contained therein, to produce maps, which retain proper reference and link of each record to the original source. The Parties understand that by accepting the present Collaboration Agreement they also allow indirect access to their databases. Use of the information provided by EASIN, including data of Parties, is subject to the terms and conditions published on the EASIN website.
9.1 Parties grant EASIN, for the aforementioned data, a worldwide licence to use, host, store, reproduce, modify, create derivative works (such as those resulting from translations, adaptations or other changes), communicate, publish, publicly perform, publicly display and distribute it, for the duration of the respective rights.


    1. The Parties undertake to keep confidential any information, documentation, data, reports referred to in Article 4, or any other material communicated to them by the other Party (i) as confidential or (ii) the disclosure of which may clearly be prejudicial to the other Party, until the information legitimately becomes publicly available through other parties or through work or actions lawfully performed outside (not based on activities under this Collaboration Agreement) or has been made available to the receiving Party by another party without any confidentiality restrictions. This confidentiality obligation applies also to information communicated orally when such information shall be kept confidential, for instance in the context of information exchange through seminars and workshops.

    1. Confidentiality of information exchanged orally or in writing in connection with this Collaboration Agreement shall be maintained for a period of five years after its expiry or termination. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any Party may indicate when communicating information to the other Party that the confidentiality of such information shall be maintained even after the said five-year period.

8.1 Any personal data included in or relating to this Agreement shall be processed in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data. The data shall be processed solely for the purposes of the performance, management and monitoring of the Agreement by [entity acting as data controller], without prejudice to possible transmission to the bodies charged with a monitoring or inspection task in application of Union law. The XXX shall have the right of access to his/her personal data and the right to rectify any such data. Should the XXX have any queries concerning the processing of his/her personal data, he/she shall contact [entity acting as data controller]. The XXX shall have a right of recourse at any time to the European Data Protection Supervisor.
8.2       As far as possible, through their collaborative activities that fall within the scope of this Agreement, and without prejudice to their other activities, the Parties will:

  • Promote free and open access to information, data and knowledge relevant to address the threats from invasive alien species;

  • Provide relevant information, data, and knowledge, through EASIN and other channels that may be agreed, and to regularly update such information, data, and knowledge, as necessary;

  • Endeavour to provide data providers with full attribution for any uses of their data, information, or knowledge, and respect the original integrity of their contributions;

  • Respect the intellectual property rights and/or licenses associated with documents, data, records, tools, software or materials that are used or made accessible to further the objectives of this Agreement.

8.3         Data transmitted by one Party to another Party under this Agreement shall be as accurate as possible, but the transmitting Party does not warrant the suitability or authenticity of the data for any use or application by the receiving Party or by any third parties.
8.4       Data are processed exclusively by the EASIN team. The EASIN final outcomes are JRC property although ownership of the data remains with its sources.


    1. Each Party can subcontract in whole or in part its activities under this Collaboration Agreement only with a written consent of the other Party, which consent may not be unreasonably withheld.

    1. The subcontracting Party shall remain bound by its obligations to the other Party , who shall retain its rights under the Collaboration Agreement, as if there were no subcontracting. The Party subcontracting the research work shall ensure the assignment of rights, the entire ownership of results, generated and owned by the sub-contractor to the contracting Party, including appropriate contractual provisions accordingly.

11.1 This Collaboration Agreement shall be governed by the law of the European Union, complemented, where necessary, by the substantive law of Italy.
11.2 Parties shall seek to settle any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with this Collaboration Agreement through amicable negotiations. Such effort shall be deemed to have failed when one of the Parties so notifies the other in writing.
11.3 If the Parties fail to settle their differences through amicable negotiations, such dispute will be exclusively referred by either Party to arbitration in accordance with UNCITRAL Rules of Arbitration then in force and the arbitration shall take place in Italy. The arbitral tribunal will have no authority to award punitive damages. The Parties agree to be bound by any arbitration award rendered as a result of such arbitration as the final adjudication of any dispute. The appointing authority will be the International Chamber of Commerce.


    1. This Collaboration Agreement shall enter into force on the date of its signature by the last Party and is concluded for a period of 5 years from said date. This Collaboration Agreement may be amended only by written agreement signed by the duly authorised representatives of both Parties. It will automatically be renewed every 5 years, unless terminated by either Party under the conditions of Article 12.2.

    1. Either Party may terminate this Collaboration Agreement at any time upon three months prior written notice to the other Party giving justified reasons for doing so. This shall inter alia be the case where research programmes and budget allocations are no longer compatible with the continuation of the working relationship, procedure or work programme. When a Party terminates this Collaboration Agreement, EASIN shall cease to retrieve data from this Party. The latest data retrieved from this Party and stored in the EASIN database shall remain online but will cease to be updated, unless the Party renders its relevant data publicly and freely available.

    1. The Parties shall evaluate the implementation of this Collaboration Agreement after it has been in force for [to be added] months/years. On the basis of this evaluation, the Parties may make modifications for the purpose of better fulfilling the objectives of this Collaboration Agreement.


    1. All provisions of this Collaboration Agreement apply without prejudice to the applicable law, including without limitation the law governing the right of public access to documents. Neither Party can claim any damages or breach of this Collaboration Agreement in cases where the other Party acts according to its obligations resulting from the applicable law.

    1. The following annex shall form an integral part of this Collaboration Agreement:

Technical Annex: Signed in two originals in the English language.

The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission

Done in Geel/Ispra/Karlsruhe/Petten/Sevilla on _____________________
Signature: _____________________________
[name to be added]

Director of the Institute for [to be added]

Joint Research Centre

For the [name of the counterparty to be added]

Done in ____________________________ on _____________________
Signature: _____________________________
[name to be added]

[official function of the signing person to be added]

EASIN data processing procedure
EASIN indexes and retrieves data from heterogeneous data resources through specific data broker software. This process relies on three elements:

  • The EASIN catalogue

  • The EASIN data broker

  • The data providers

The brokering process consists of four steps:

  1. Identification: the EASIN catalogue is used for identifying the alien species to check for retrieving related records/ occurrences;

  2. Check: the EASIN data broker checks identified alien species and related records on each data provider or changes in species and related records on each data provider;

  3. Indexation: the EASIN data broker tags and clusters the records from each data provider, retrieving information about spatial, temporal and publisher references;

  4. Transformations: the EASIN data broker transforms the records/ occurrences to the EASIN data model and stores them in the EASIN databases.

Each data provider has its particular data model, storage type, publishing approach, and standard that follows a specific data indexing procedure. Three different categories of data formats are identified, each one related to the organization and technology used by the Data providers:

  • File (Excel, comma separated value text)

  • Database (MS SQL, MS Access, Oracle, ArcGIS)

  • Remote service (Web-services based on SOAP/JSON protocols)

The information indexed and retrieved by the EASIN data broker from the data providers are:

  • Name of the species

  • When the species is found

  • Where the species is found

  • A reference to the publisher of the record

Depending on the data provider the dates (when), the locations (where) and the publishers (who reported) are stored in different systems and in different formats. These are transformed to a common format by the EASIN data broker to conform to the adopted EASIN data model.

These data are accessible to the EASIN users via interoperable web-services and mapping tools available at the EASIN web platform (
Data quality as well as communication to the EASIN team of updates of the data relies on the data provider, thus the EASIN databases can be updated consequently.
The management of the data collected is exclusive of the EASIN team and the EASIN final outcomes are JRC property; although ownership of the data remains with its sources, which is properly cited and linked.
Annex 2
I. About the website

  1. The general objective of the website is to facilitate the exploration of existing alien species information from distributed sources through a network of interoperable web services. This is done in particular through the EASIN catalogue of Alien Species, which entails the basic information needed to efficiently link to existing online databases and retrieve spatial information for Alien Species distribution in Europe. The EASIN offers various ways to search for Alien Species and make aggregation of alien species data from the catalogue. The website provides also information about the EASIN and all its activities (conferences, seminars, workshops etc.).

  2. Please note that this website contains both information owned by the European Union, which you may use freely, and information owned by third parties, such as data-providers which is subject to limitations. You should refer to terms and conditions provided on the respective third parties, including data-providers, should you wish to use information owned by the latter.

  3. Additional services of the website allow authenticated users to upload and retrieve documents and data on the EASIN internal database. Access to Services offered via the Website may require authentication.

  4. The EASIN is committed to ensuring the uninterrupted availability of the Website and to providing security to a professionally reasonable level of skill and care. However, this cannot be guaranteed. In this regard, access to the Website and its Services may also occasionally be suspended, restricted or impeded to permit repairs, maintenance or the introduction of new services or facilities.

II. Applicable terms

  1. Access to, and use of, any part of the website of the EASIN (hereinafter "the Website"), any document, material or other information, including data, text, images, and sound (hereinafter "Information") made available on the Website and any of the services provided via the Website (hereinafter "Services") are governed by these general terms and conditions of use (hereinafter "General Terms") and constitute acceptance of these General Terms by the user.

  2. Specific terms and conditions may apply to individual services or specific parts, including web-links in this Website, as indicated for those concerned services or parts. Where provided, specific terms and disclaimers shall supersede any differing provision of the General Terms in respect to those services or parts.

  3. The EASIN reserves the right to amend these General Terms and any other specific terms on the Website at any time by posting amended terms and conditions on the Website. Such amendments will take effect on the date on which they are posted.

III. Ownership

  1. EASIN depend on data and knowledge sharing from global, European, regional and national data providers and relevant experts. Contents offered by the EASIN may thus originate from partner data-holders and contain third-party proprietary information.

  1. Information published on the Website may be protected by intellectual and industrial property rights. Proprietary rights, including copyright, subsisting in any of the Information available via this Website are vested in their respective owners, being these the EASIN, partner data-holders or any other third-party credited as such. Access to the Services does not give users any ownership title in the Information made available to them on the Website. All rights not specifically granted herewith are reserved by the respective owner(s).

IV. Right of use

  1. Access to Information and Services of this Website is granted for consultation within the scope and objectives pursued by the EASIN, according to applicable European Union law.

  1. Use of the Information is regulated as follows.

Users may:

a) distribute or reproduce the Information as long as its source is mentioned;

b) create adaptations, translations, conversions, modifications or other derivative work based on the Information provided that:

i. reasonable steps have been taken to label or demarcate the alterations or otherwise clearly indicate that changes have been made to the original Information; and

ii. the author of the Information and/or the party credited as its provider - whichever appears on the Website - is mentioned, and the Website is cited as its source; and

iii. the right to reproduce and distribute any such adaptation is explicitly granted to any third party, under the same conditions as provided herein.

Users shall not:

a) perform any activity that could harm or violate the EASIN’s network performance and/or security, and, in particular, from uploading files containing virus or other malware that might damage the operation of another user's computer.

b) perform any activity that overcomes restrictions on data retrieval set by the EASIN interface or extract by any means data that are not publicly available through the EASIN services.

V. Restrictions

The foregoing licence does not cover information to which any granted or pending intellectual property right other than copyright apply (e.g. trademarks, designs and database rights). In that case, and in any event whenever a commercial use is required, users are encouraged to seek specific and explicit permission from the concerned right-holder(s).

VI. Disclaimer

Information provided to the EASIN by partner data-holders are displayed as received, without warranty of any kind and for information purposes only. Partner data-holders remain solely responsible for the accuracy and reliability of the data and information provided.

Use of data to which web-links are provided in this website is subject to compliance with the terms and conditions set out in the specific web-links of the original data providers.

While it strives to keep the Information timely and accurate, the EASIN makes no claims, assurances, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the Information available via the Website and, therefore, expressly disclaims its liability for errors and omissions to the maximum extent permitted by law.

The EASIN accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage that may arise from reliance on the Information and Services provided via the Website, including information or services hyperlinked from the Website which are and shall remain under the sole control and responsibility of concerned third-parties.

The EASIN is not in a position to certify the authenticity of any third-party submitted document, including any information contained therein; nor can the EASIN guarantee the concordance of any official text with corresponding digital copies that might be made available on the Website.

Should errors or omissions concerning the Information provided via this Website be brought to its attention, the EASIN will promptly endeavour to correct them directly or, where necessary, refer the matter to the concerned partner data-holder or third-party.

VII. Data processing and protection

Where this website requires information about you, such information shall be treated according to the policy described in Regulation (EC) N° 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2000 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data.

VIII. Contact

To contact the EASIN with respect to matters concerning the Website, please find the appropriate contact details on the EASIN's support-website (

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