Списък на публикациите 2001 – 2015 I. Книги и помагала

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ylvia Velikova, CV Annexes


2001 – 2015

1. a. Harakchiyska, Ts., Stefanova, E., Iordanova, M., Angelova, V., Ivanova I., Velikova, S., Geshev, G., Dimitrova, S. and S. Tashevska (2006) Quality in Foreign Language Teaching: Assessment Criteria for Secondary Schools, British Council Bulgaria, ISBN-10: 954-91830-2-5.

b. Харакчийска, Ц., Стефанова, Е., Йорданова, М., Ангелова, В., Иванова, И., Великова, С., Гешев, Г., Димитрова, С. и Ташевска, С. (2006) Качествено преподаване на чужд език (в комплект с DVD). Британски съвет, България, ISBN-13: 978-954-91830-2-3.

2. a. Thomas, D., Svetlana, D., Geshev, G., and S. Tashevska (eds) (2002) A Baseline Survey of Pre-service English Language Teacher Education in Bulgaria 2001 – 2002, British Council Bulgaria, (co-author), ISBN 954-91239-2-8.

b. Томас, Д., Димитрова, С., Гешев, Г. и С. Ташевска (ред.) (2002) Базово проучване на подготовката на учители по английски език в България (2001-2002), British Council Bulgaria, авторски колектив, ISBN 954-91239-1-X.


3. a. VELIKOVA, Sylvia (2014) “A Journey into the World around and the World within: A Case Study of Three Bulgarian Students’ Learning Mobility Experiences”, In Rabensteiner, Pia-Maria & Gerhard Rabensteiner (eds), Internationalization in Teacher Education: Mobilities, Schneider Verlag Hohengehren GmbH, 17-40, ISBN: 978-3-8340-1394-1.

b. ВЕЛИКОВА, Силвия (2014) “Пътуване по света и към себе си: въздействието на транснационалната мобилност с учебна цел върху български студенти”, В: Rabensteiner, Pia-Maria & Gerhard Rabensteiner (eds), Internationalization in Teacher Education: Mobilities, Schneider Verlag Hohengehren GmbH, 41-61, ISBN: 978-3-8340-1394-1.

4. VELIKOVA, Sylvia (2013) “Using the European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages (EPOSTL) to Scaffold Reflective Teacher Learning in English Language Teacher Education”, In Julian Edge & Steve Mann (eds), Innovations in Pre-service Education and Training for English Language Teachers, London: British Council UK, 201-216, ISBN 978-0-86355-702-6, http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/sites/teacheng/files/C442_Innovations_PRESETT_FINAL_WEB%20ONLY_v2.pdf

5. a. VELIKOVA, Sylvia (2012) “Teaching Active Listening: Towards an Integrated Approach to L2 Listening Instruction”, In Rabensteiner, Pia-Maria & Eero Ropo (eds) European Dimension in Education and Teaching: New Perspective to European Instruction, Schneider Verlag Hohengehren GmbH, 97-111, ISBN 978-3-8340-1056-8.

b. ВЕЛИКОВА, Силвия (2012) „Обучението по активно слушане: към интегриран подход за развиване на умения за слушане на чужд език“. В: Rabensteiner, Pia-Maria & Eero Ropo (eds) European Dimension in Education and Teaching: New Perspective to European Instruction, Schneider Verlag Hohengehren GmbH, 80-97, ISBN 978-3-8340-1056-8.

6. a. VELIKOVA, Sylvia (2009) “Implementing the European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages in a Lifelong Learning Context”, In Pia-Maria Rabensteiner, & Eero Ropo (eds), European Dimension in Education and Teaching: Indentity and Values in Education. Schneider Verlag Hohengehren, 93-106, ISBN: 978-38340-0651-6.

b.ВЕЛИКОВА, Силвия (2009)Внедряване на Европейско портфолио за стажант-преподаватели по езици в контекста на учене през целия живот”, In Pia-Maria Rabensteiner & Eero Ropo (eds), European Dimension in Education and Teaching: Indentity and Values in Education, Schneider Verlag Hohengehren, 107–119, ISBN: 978-38340-0651-6.


7. PEREZ, Daniel and Sylvia VELIKOVA (2011) “Listening and Cross-cultural Understanding in Conversation (with a focus on American Culture)”, 20th BETA-IATEFL Annual International Conference “Creativity in Language Teaching – Reaching out to the New Generation of Learners”, 29. 04-01. 05 2011, New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria, ISSN 1311-7351.


8. VELIKOVA, Sylvia (2009) “Listening to Academic Lectures in English as а Foreign Language”. In Dimitrov, N. & B. Borisova (eds), Трудове на Великотърновския университет, „Св. св. Кирил и Методий”, Филологически факултет, книга 1, том 31 Модернизация на хуманитарното образование в условията на Болонския процес в страните от Европейския съюз и в Русия, България, Велико Търново 28-29.05. 2009, 231-245, ISSN 0204-6369. //Trudove na Velikotŭrnovskii︠a︡ universitet "Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodiĭ," Filologicheski fakultet (Travaux de l'Université "St. St. Cyrille et Methode" de V. Tirnovo, Faculté philologique) book 1, volume 31, Modernization of Humanities Education in the Context of the Bologna Process in the Countries of the European Union and Russia, Veliko Turnovo 28-29.05. 2009, 231-245, ISSN 0204-6369.

9. VELIKOVA, Sylvia (2006) “Listening to Second Language Lectures: Student Learning Style Preferences and Perceived Strategy Use”, In Danova, M. & M. Katsarska (eds) Intercultural Communication, Proceedings of the International Conference of the Bulgarian American Studies Association and the Bulgarian Society for British Studies - Plovdiv 2006. POLIS Publishers, Sofia, 485-498, ISBN 978-954-796-030-5.

10. VELIKOVA, Sylvia (2006) "The European Dimension in Initial English Language Teacher Education in Bulgaria", The Language Policy of the EU and European University Education, Veliko Turnovo 5 - 7 October 2005, Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1, 195-201, ISBN-10: 9547361422; ISBN 13: 9789547361423.

11. ВЕЛИКОВА, Силвия (2005) Стратегии за слушане в академичния дискурс Език и стратегии в обучението Университетско издателство “Св. св. Кирил и Методий”, 277-284; ISBN: 9545244755.

12. VELIKOVA, Sylvia (2002) “Raising Learner Awareness of the Social Dynamics of Listening in the Context of Teaching English as a Foreign Language”, Dialogues: American Studies in an International Context. Conference Proceedings, (2002): 373-376, ISBN 954-91615-1-X.


13. VELIKOVA, Sylvia and Dimiter TSVETKOV (2015) “Strategies for L2 Lecture Comprehension: An Intervention Study”, Research Result. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics Series, Volume 1, No 3 (5), 117-126, ISSN 2313-8912

14. PICCININI, Veronika, VELIKOVA, Sylvia, REBROVÁ, Andrea, (editors and co-authors) (2012) “The Cambridge grammar of English in the ELT classroom: teaching selected features of spoken English.“ In Hanna Komorowska (ed) Humanising Language Teaching Magazine, year 14, issue 1, February 2012, ISSN 1755-9715, http://www.hltmag.co.uk/feb12/idea.htm

15. IVANOVA, IRINA and SYLVIA VELIKOVA (2012) “Future Teachers’ Perceptions of Classroom Observation and Its Impact on Their Professional Learning”, В: Годишник на Шуменския университет "Епископ Константин Преславски". Факултет по хуманитарни науки, т. XXIII А, Шумен: Университетско издателство "Епископ Константин Преславски", стр. 241-255, ISSN 1311-7300.

16. ВЕЛИКОВА, Силвия (в съавторство) (2006) “Стандарт за качествено преподаване на чужд език в България: оценяване на професионалната компетентност на учителя чрез наблюдение на урочната практика,” сп. “Чуждоезиково обучение”, кн. 6, 2006, стр. 34-51, ISSN 0205 – 1834.

  1. ВЕЛИКОВА, Силвия “Европейско портфолио за бъдещи учители по езици, Грац 2006”, сп. “Чуждоезиково обучение”, кн. 5, 2006, стр. 75-78 (“European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages, Graz 2006”, Foreign Language Teaching Journal, Sofia, 2006 (5) 75-78), ISSN 0205 – 1834.

  2. ВЕЛИКОВА, Силвия (в съавторство).“Слушането в апологетиката на Свети Кирил Философ”, Преславска книжовна школа, т. 6. Академично издателство “Проф. М. Дринов”, (2002): 38-43, ISBN 954-430-885-7.


  1. ВЕЛИКОВА, Силвия (2015) „Работна среща по проект “Empowering language networks” (LACS), 27.02.2015 http://www.beta-iatefl.org/bg/5674/blog-publikacii/rabotna-sreshha-lacs/

  2. ВЕЛИКОВА, Силвия (2014) „Работен семинар по проект “Empowering Language networks” (LACS), Грац, Австрия, 11.06. 2014 http://www.beta-iatefl.org/bg/5439/blog-novini/lacs/

  3. VELIKOVA, Sylvia (2014) “LACS Workshop ‘Empowering Language Networks’, European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML), Graz, Austria’ In BETA-IATEFL E-Newsletter, Issue 12, July-August, 2014, pp. 49-54, ISSN 1314-687

  4. VELIKOVA, Sylvia (2013) „Looking Back and Moving Ahead Together“, In BETA-IATEFL E-Newsletter, Issue 6, July-August, 2013, pp. 11-13, ISSN 1314-687.


  1. Маркова, Зарина и Силвия Великова (редактори) (2015) Celebrating variety: making the most of your teaching and learning context. Papers from the 24th BETA-IATEFL Annual International Conference, University of National and World Economy, 6th-7th June 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria, BETA-IATEFL E-Newsletter, Issue 18, Year IV, 2015, 201 pp., ISSN 1314-6874, http://www.beta-iatefl.org/publications/2015-sofia/

  2. Маркова, Зарина и Силвия Великова (редактори) (2014) The English language classroom: Can research meet practice? Papers from the 23rd BETA-IATEFL Annual International Conference, 11-13 April, 2014, Blagoevgrad. BETA-IATEFL E-Newsletter, Issue 14, Year III, 2014, 116 pp., ISSN 1314-6874, http://www.beta-iatefl.org/publications/2014-blagoevgrad/

  3. В редколегия. Език и стратегии в обучението. Сборник посветен на 70-годишнината на доц. д-р Стефанка Стефанова и доц. д-р Мариета Тончева. (2005) Университетско издателство “Св. св. Кирил и Методий”, 404 стр., ISBN: 9545244755


2001 – 2015


  1. „Case study: The European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages (EPOSTL) in Bulgaria“, presentation at the LACS network meeting “Empowering Language Networks”, European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe, Graz, Austria, 10-11.02. 2015

  2. “BETA and ECML Projects”, presentation at the LACS central workshop “Empowering Language Networks”, European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe, Graz, Austria, 22-23 May 2014

  3. “Academic listening: A skill worth learning” and “What is a Teaching Portfolio”
    8th International Meeting, Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten, Viktor Frankl Hochschule, Klagenfurt, Austria, 3-7 November 2014

  4. Тhe Role of Metacognition in L2 Lecture Listening”, 7th International Meeting, Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten, Viktor Frankl Hochschule, Klagenfurt, Austria, 4-8 November 2013

  5. “Teaching English and Teacher Education: Connecting Theory and Practice” (joint talk), International Meeting, Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten University College of Teacher Training-Klagenfurt, Austria, 4-8 November, 2013

  6. “Listening in EFL Teaching and Learning”, Faculty of Education, University of Zaragoza, Spain, 28 April – 4 May 2013

  7. “Listening: A Powerful Skill for the Teacher”, and “Know Yourself Better and Grow as a Teacher with the Personal Development Portfolio”, presentations at the International Meeting, Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten University College of Teacher Training-Klagenfurt, Austria, 11-17 November 2012

  8. „Evaluating Teaching Performance”, mentor training workshop at Lucian Blaga University, Sibiu, Romania within the project „Training Teacher Mentors in Secondary Schools“, 25-29 July 2011

  9. “Fostering a Culture of Listening in the Language Classroom”, 45th IATEFL Annual Conference and Exhibition, Brighton, UK, 15-19 April 2011

  10. “Cross-cultural and Gender Aspects of Academic Listening”, International Interdisciplinary Conference “Comparisons, Interactions аnd Contestations Within/Across Cultures”, University of Bucharest – University of Veliko Turnovo, Bucharest, Romania, 17 – 20 June 2010

  11. “Gender Differences in L2 Lecture Listening: What Does Research Say?”, plenary talk at the 9th International Students’ Research Conference, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia, 19-20 May 2010

  12. “Piloting and Implementing the European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages at the University of Veliko Turnovo”, presentation at the central EPOSTL2 workshop, ECML, Graz, Austria 11-13 June 2008

  13. “The Dossier”, presentation at the central EPOSTL2 workshop, ECML, Graz, Austria 11-13 June 2008

  14. “Competence-based Language Teacher Education and Curriculum Design”, presentation at the Seminar on “Curriculum Design for Degrees in Education around Europe: the case of Austria, Bulgaria, Norway and Spain”, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain, 31 January– 03 February 2008

  15. “The Bulgarian Education System and Language Teacher Education Curriculum”, presentation at the International Arion Seminar at the University of Jyväskylä Teacher Training School, Jyväskylä, Finland, 17th March 2006


  1. “Designing an Academic Listening Course: Challenges and Successes”, paper given at the 24th BETA-IATEFL Annual International Conference, University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria, 05-07 June 2015

  2. “L2 Lecture Listening: From Practice to Research and Back Again”, presentation at the 23rd BETA-IATEFL Annual International Conference, South West University, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, 11-13 May 2014

  3. “Using the EPOSTL to Scaffold Reflective Teacher Learning in English Language Teacher Education”, presentation at 22nd BETA-IATEFL Annual Conference, DIQLL, Shumen University, Varna, Bulgaria, 21-23 June 2013

  4. “The Role of Metacognition in Second Language Lecture Listening”, paper given at the International Jubilee Conference “50 Years University of Veliko Turnovo”, Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria, 10 June 2013

  5. “Learn the Art of Listening: A project worth taking up”, presentation at the 21st BETA-IATEFL Annual International Conference “Innovative Teaching, Active Learning, Effective Assessment Practices”, University of Ruse, Ruse, Bulgaria, 29 March - 01 April 2012

  6. “The EPOSTL in Practice”, workshop at the Pre-Conference Event “Teachers as Lifelong Learners” at the 19th International Annual Conference of the Bulgarian English Teachers’ Association (BETA-IATEFL) “English Language Education in Diverse Learning Environments and Cultures”, Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria, 23 April 2010

  7. “Listen beyond the Words: Teaching Learners How To Listen Well”, workshop at the 19th International Annual Conference of the Bulgarian English Teachers’ Association (BETA-IATEFL) “English Language Education in Diverse Learning Environments and Cultures”, Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria, 24-25 April 2010

  8. “Gender Differences in Lecture Listening”, Jubilee conference “Language, Culture, Identity”, University of Shumen, Varna, Bulgaria, 7-8 November 2009

  9. “Re-thinking Language Teacher Education: The European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages”, presentation at the 17th Conference of the Bulgarian English Teachers Association (BETA-IATEFL), Sofia, Bulgaria, 10 – 11 May 2008

  10. “The European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages: piloting and implementation at the University of Veliko Turnovo”, presentation at the Interdepartmental Meeting “Teaching English and American Studies at University Level within the framework of the project ‘English Studies in Non-Anglophone Contexts. East Europe: Higher Education in Bulgaria and Romania’”, Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria, 17-18 May 2008

  11. „Using the EPOSTL for Quality Language Teacher Education”, presentation at the 2nd International Conference “Ideas for Quality in Language Education“ of the Bulgarian Association for Quality Language Services (OPTIMA), member of EAQUALS, Sofia, Bulgaria, 25 – 26 October 2008

  12. “Be the Expert!”, workshop at the 15th Conference of the Bulgarian English Teachers Association (BETA-IATEFL), Sofia, Bulgaria, 2005

  13. “Listening Strategies in Academic Communication”, paper presented at the 9th International BASA, BSBS, Shumen University Conference, Shumen, Bulgaria, 2004

  14. “Future Teachers’ Perceptions of Classroom Observation and Its Impact on Their Professional Learning”, paper presented at the Plovdiv University International Conference “New Prospects”, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 2003

  15. “Observing Teachers in Action: providing a focus for reflection on classroom experience”, paper presented at the Shumen University Jubilee Conference, Shumen, Bulgaria, 2002

  16. "Observation: classroom action and mentors’ reaction", paper presented at the IATEFL East and IATEFL Bulgaria Conference, Plovdiv, 2001

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Sylvia Velikova

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