Учебен център Юнайтед

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Настоящият тест по английски език е само ориентировъчен и има за цел да провери знанията Ви до настоящия момент, като това не Ви обвързва по никакъв начин със записване на курс при нас!


  • Тестът се състои от 3 секции - тестови въпроси( всеки въпрос има по един верен отговор), кратко писмо/e-mail/ и кратък превод.

  • Ако не изберете отговор на някой въпрос, не се притеснявайте! По-добре го оставете празен, защото ако "налучкате" отговора, това ще даде на Вас и на бъдещия Ви преподавател грешна представа за знанията Ви.

  • След като попълните теста, моля изпратете го за проверка на следния e-mail адрес : office@uls-bg.com След като наш преподавател го прегледа, ще се свържем с Вас обратно по e-mail или по телефон, който сте предоставили, за да дадем препоръки за курсовете, които може да са Ви от полза.

Пожелаваме Ви успех! :)

Име ....................................................................................................

Телефон .............................................................................................

E-mail .................................................................................................

Дата на теста ......................................................................................


Секция 1

Изберете (a, b, c or d) и отбележете отговора с цвят по Ваш избор, подчертайте го или просто го напишете в празното поле.

(1) Roberta _____ from The United States.

a) are

b) is

c) am

d) be
(2) What’s _____ name?

a) -

b) his

c) him

d) he
(3) My friend _____ in London.

a) living

b) live

c) lives

d) is live
(4) Where _____?

  1. works Tom

  2. Tom works

  3. Tom does work

  4. does Tom work

(5) I ­_____ coffee.

  1. no like

  2. not like

  3. like don’t

  4. don’t like

(6) ‘_____ to Australia, Ginny?’ ‘Yes, two years ago.”

  1. Did you ever go

  2. Do you ever go

  3. Have you ever been

  4. Are you ever going

(7) Tokyo is _____ city I’ve ever lived in.

  1. the most big

  2. the bigger

  3. the biggest

  4. the more big

(8) A vegetarian is someone _____ doesn’t eat meat.

  1. who

  2. what

  3. which

  4. whose

(9) _____ these days.

  1. I never a newspaper buy

  2. I never buy a newspaper

  3. I buy never a newspaper

d) Never I buy a newspaper
(10) I _____ watch TV tonight.

  1. am

  2. go to

  3. going to

  1. am going to

(11) I wish I _____ more money!

  1. have

  2. had

  3. would have

  4. was having

(12) _____ be famous one day?

  1. Would you like

  2. Would you like to

  3. Do you like

  4. Do you like to

(13) It’s my birthday _____ Friday.

  1. on

  2. in

  3. at

  4. by

(14) I _____ eighteen years old.

  1. am

  2. have

  3. have got

  4. -

(15) I _____ a headache.

  1. am

  2. do

  3. have

  4. got

(16) Do you _____ a uniform at your school?

  1. carry

  2. wear

  3. use

d) hold
(17) ‘What time is it?’ ‘I have no _____.’

  1. idea

  2. opinion

  3. answer

  1. time

(18) The meal was very expensive. Look at the _____!

  1. ticket

  2. receipt

  3. invoice

  4. bill

(19) How many _____ of trousers have you got?

  1. items

  2. pairs

  3. sets

  4. times

(20) Joel came back from his holiday in Brazil looking really _____.

  1. tanned

  2. sunned

  3. coloured

  4. darkened

(21) Harry can _____ English.

  1. to speak

  2. speaking

  3. speak

d) speaks
(22) I’m not interested _____ sports.

a) for

b) about

c) in

  1. to

(23) She likes _____ expensive clothes.

  1. wearing

  2. to wearing

  3. wear

  4. is wearing

(24) Harry _____ his father’s car when the accident happened.

  1. was driving

  2. drove

  3. had driven

  4. has been driving

(25) I was wondering _____ tell me when the next plane from Chicago arrives?

  1. could you

  2. can you

  3. if you could

  4. if could you

(26) If I _____ him, I would have spoken to him, wouldn’t I?

  1. saw

  2. had seen

  3. have seen

  4. would have seen

(27) I like your hair. Where _____?

  1. do you have cut

  2. have you cut it

  3. do you have cut it

  4. do you have it cut

(28) I think Joey must _____ late tonight. His office light is still on.

  1. have worked

  2. work

  3. be working

  4. to work

(29) John tells me Jack’s going out with Helen, _____ I find hard to believe.

  1. which

  2. who

  3. whose

  4. that

(30) What _____ this weekend, Lance?

  1. will you do

  2. are you doing

  3. will you have done

  4. do you do

(31) The weather has been awful. We’ve had very _____ sunshine this summer.

  1. little

  2. a little

  3. few

  4. a few

(32) Did you hear what happened to Kate? She _____.

  1. is arrested

  2. arrested

  3. has been arrested

  4. is being arrested

(33) I usually _____ up at about 7.30.

  1. go

  2. be

  3. do

  4. get

(34) I _____ football every week.

a) play

b) go

c) do

d) have
(35) My sister _____ the cooking in our house.

  1. does

  2. makes

  3. cooks

  4. takes

(36) Don’t forget to _____ the light when you leave the room.

  1. turn up

  2. turn in

  3. turn off

  4. turn over

(37) She was in _____ when she heard the tragic news.

  1. crying

  2. tears

  3. cries

  4. tearful

(38) He _____ that he hadn’t stolen the computer, but no one believed him.

  1. reassured

  2. informed

  3. insisted

  4. persuaded

(39) Could you _____ me that book for a couple of days, please?

  1. lend

  2. owe

  3. borrow

  4. rent

(40) Greg is _____ a lot of time at Yvonne’s house these days!

  1. taking

  2. spending

  3. having

  4. doing

Секция 2

Напишете писмо/e-mail/ до познат от чужбина, на когото е необходимо да се представите с повече информация за Вас. Напишете от къде сте, къде живеете, с какво се занимавате, Вашите хобита и интереси. Споменете от кога учите английски и как бихте искали да го подобрите. Напишете няколко изречения около 80-100 думи.








Секция 3

Преведете следния текст от английски на български език. Опитайте се да не превеждате буквално - изразете се със свои думи, като не изменяте смисъла.
London is changing and its change is fast. Look at the horizon and you will see well-known sights like Big Ben and Buckingham palace , impressive new buildings like the Swiss Re tower, or also known as the Gherkin. Get on the London eye, the most impressive Ferris wheel, which will offer you the greatest view to the city. London is a city which doesn’t sacrifice its greenery and parks in the name of innovations. On the contrary, there are a lot of parks and open spaces, where you can have fun. You can choose between golf courses, sailing in a lake or visiting open theatre.








гр. София, ул. Бузлуджа 62, ет.2

тел. 0897985190


e-mail office@uls-bg.com

Каталог: wp-content -> uploads -> 2016
2016 -> Цдг №3 „Пролет Списък на приетите деца
2016 -> Българска федерация по тенис на маса „В”-1” рг мъже – Югоизточна България мъже временно класиране
2016 -> Национален кръг на олимпиадата по физика 05. 04. 2016 г., гр. Ловеч Възрастова група клас
2016 -> Българска федерация по тенис на маса „А” рг мъже – Южна България мъже временно класиране
2016 -> Конкурс за изписване на великденски яйце по традиционната техника съвместно с одк велинград 27 април
2016 -> Министерство на образованието и науката регионален инспекторат по образованието – софия-град

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