Уважаеми Факултетни координатори

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Уважаеми Факултетни координатори,
Към момента Швейцария не е подписала споразумение с ЕК за участие в Програма Еразъм+. По указания на ЕК и ЦРЧР няма възможност за осъществяване на мобилности с партньорски университети от Швейцария през 2014/2015 година, като се надяваме двете страни да постигнат договореност за следващите години до края на програмния период.

Въпреки това, СУ вече има сключени двустранни споразумения за мобилности по програма Еразъм + и в приложените по-долу мейли нашите университетите-партньори изразяват желание за продължаване на сътрудничеството, като декларират техния ангажимент да осигурят финансиране на мобилностите извън финансирането по Еразъм+.
Ние не можем да се произнесем еднозначно дали факултетите не трябва да обявяват тези договори и поради тази причина те не са изключени от таблицата, която изпращаме.
Оставаме на вас да решите как да процедирате, на база информацията, получена от швейцарските университети (вж. по-долу).
С поздрав,

Отдел Международна дейност и протокол

University of Fribourg
Dear partner,


Yesterday, the EU confirmed that Switzerland will definitely not be admitted as a full member of Erasmus + for the academic year 2014/2015. We deeply regret this decision.


Be assured that the University of Fribourg strongly wishes to maintain our partnership in order to enable your students and our students to experience a study abroad in our respective institutions. And whatever may happen at political level in the coming days and weeks, we are ready to welcome your students and host them as we did before.

The Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation is still working with the EU on a solution. In parallel, it also works on the possibility to provide funding for Swiss participation in individual projects. During the silent participation of Switzerland in the Erasmus programme (1995 until 2010) the grants for our outgoings and incomings were provided by the Swiss Confederation. Our government has not taken any decision yet to return to this former way of funding but we are confident that a solution of this kind will be found. We will inform you as soon as we receive more information about this matter.


We would very much appriciate if you agree to maintain our partnership for student and staff mobility and look forward to continuing our cooperation even outside of the offical Erasmus+ programme.


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.

Kind regards,

International Relations Office and the
Office for Erasmus and international relations of the Faculty of Law

University of Fribourg - CH FRIBOUR01
Av. de l'Europe 20, 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland
Email: international@unifr.ch, Phone: autoshape 3+41 26 300 70 46
University of Geneva
Dear Partners and Colleagues,
As a result of the Swiss popular vote of February 9th  2014, the European Union decided to suspend on-going negotiations on Swiss participation in Erasmus+. 


The University of Geneva is highly convinced of the importance of keeping valuable partnerships active and effective. 

We propose therefore to maintain the student and staff mobility foreseen for 2014/2015 on the basis of the Erasmus+ agreement 2014/15 – 2020/2021 already signed (or in the process of being signed) with your Institution, in order to allow our respective students and staff to benefit from a mobility experience.
The exchange modalities will remain unchanged (number of students; academic calendar; no fees for tuition, registration, examinations or for access to laboratory and library facilities for incoming students,...) and the principles established in the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2014-2020 will be fully applicable to both Institutions.
Moreover, 2014-2015 incoming students from your Institution will receive a scholarship equivalent to the grants for Erasmus+ exchanges normally provided by the European Commission.  
Hence, please continue to nominate your students to the University of Geneva.
We look forward to continuing our collaboration with your Institution and we would be grateful if you could confirm your interest in maintaining our collaboration under the terms mentioned above.
Best regards,

Vera Sandoval, MSc 

Incoming ERASMUS Student Coordinator, Bilateral Agreements
Tel. autoshape 3+41 .22.379.82.95 Fax + 41.22.379.80.80

University of Geneva

UniMail, International Relations Office (R050) 
Bd du Pont d'Arve, 40
CH-1211 Genève 4
Bern University of Applied Sciences
Dear Partner,


We would like to comment on the current situation following Switzerland's vote of February 9, 2014 on the bilateral Agreements with the EU about the free movement of persons. We certainly apologize for possible uncertainties and the resulting inconvenience this may have caused.


For the academic year 2014/15 Switzerland will not be considered as an equal program country in the framework of Erasmus+ but the negotiations for Switzerland's full participation in the Erasmus+ program will be continued. In the meantime, the alternative to the full Erasmus+ membership is returning to an indirect participation and then all agreements remain valid according to all mobility actions and the ERASMUS principles in general. We are highly confident that the Swiss federal institutions will take the initiative to regulate related questions concerning the payment of the ERASMUS grants like they did for incoming as well as outgoing students between 1995 until 2010. As soon as we have concrete information on that we will be happy to forward it.


Bern University of Applied Sciences wants to keep up the well-established and excellent partnership with you. We are encouraging our students to apply for exchange activities more than ever – and hope that you will encourage your students to stick with their plans to come to Bern. We are looking forward to receiving your nominations.


In case you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


With warm regards,




Christine Beck

Head of International Office


Bern University of Applied Sciences


University of Bern

Dear Partner

We come back to you with regards to our previous message concerning

Switzerland's exclusion from Erasmus+ in 2014/15 and its consequences for

the University of Bern and our partners.
It is certain now that Switzerland will not be considered a programme

country for Erasmus+ in 2014/15. However, we would like to assure you

again that we will nonetheless welcome your students and staff as before.

We can now also confirm that the University of Bern will provide incoming

students and staff with a grant approximately equivalent to the grants for

Erasmus+ mobility normally provided by the European Commission. We very

much hope that you will also be able to accept our students. The

University of Bern will pay them a grant as well.

We would like to continue our partnership on the basis of the existing

Erasmus agreement we have with you. Even if we are not considered a

programme country in Erasmus+ for 2014/15 we still adhere to the

principles and guidelines agreed in our Erasmus agreement. If necessary,

you can discard the word "Erasmus+" in the agreement. If this is not

possible for you and you would like to sign a new agreement instead please

let us know.
Thank you very much for your cooperation and all your support in these

difficult times. Please let us know if you agree with cooperating further

under these conditions and if you will be able to accept our students as

well. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to

contact us.
We are looking forward to receive your nominations. Your students can

apply at

With kindest regards
Ellen Krause and Martina Thürig

University of Bern

International Office

Hochschulstrasse 4

3012 Bern



Université de Lausanne (UNIL)

Dear Partners,

Dear Colleagues,

This is an important message regarding the bilateral relationship between your institution and the University of Lausanne: the University of Lausanne will assign to each of your students, professors and administrative staff planing to come to UNIL a scholarship equivalent to the Grants for Erasmus+ Mobility normally provided by the European Commission.

Therefore, we do encourage your students, professors and administrative staff to apply for an exchange with the University of Lausanne.

If possible, we suggest to keep the same exchange conditions as we recently signed in the Erasmus+ Inter-Institutional agreement 2014-2020, but we can also sign a new agreement if needed.

We hope that you will  to take this proposal into consideration and look forward to receiving your nominations.

Best regards,

Antoinette Charon Wauters
Head of international relations
University of Lausanne


 Sylvie Kohli

 Coordinatrice Erasmus

 Université de Lausanne (UNIL)
 Bureau des Relations internationales
 Château de Dorigny
 CH - 1015 Lausanne


 Tél: autoshape 5+41 21 692 20 24

 Fax: +41 21 692 20 05
 For international students and partners: www.unil.ch/international
 Pour la communauté UNIL: www.unil.ch/echanges
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