Youth acting united

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Project name: “Youth acting united”

This project is co-funded by the European Union

through the Bulgaria– Serbia IPA Cross- border Programme CCI 2007CB16IPO006-2011-2

Bulgaria – Serbia EUROPEAN UNION IPA Cross- Border Programme


9th – 12th GRADE YOUTHS FOR THE PERIOD 2014 – 2020



Проектът е съ-финансиран от Европейския съюз чрез Програмата за

трансгранично сътрудничество по ИПП България–Сърбия.

Овај пројекат се кофинансира од стране Европске уније кроз ИПА Програм

прекограничне сарадње Бугарска-Србија.


9th – 12th GRADE YOUTHS FOR THE PERIOD 2014 – 2020


1. Background and purpose

2. Subject and strategic goals

ІІ. Section І: Starting points and prerequisites

1. Why should Vidin and Zajecar have their own strategy for the leisure of youths?

2. Philosophy of the Strategy

3. Mission of the Strategy

4. Information database

5. Legislative and institutional framework

6. Interested parties

7. Expected results

ІІІ. Section ІІ: Problem situation in Vidin and Zajecar

1. Specific features of Vidin and Zajecar

2. Analysis and diagnosis

ІV. Section ІІІ: Strategic priorities for implementing the Strategy for the leisure of young people

First priority: “The young people – main value of Vidin and Zajecar society and of institutions for rationalization of the leisure time of youths through change of the motivation and their attitudes”

Second priority: “Access of the young people to sport, tourism and leisure, ecology, history and culture – existing facilities and necessity of new, modern and multifunctional facilities”

Third priority: “Partnership between the young people from Vidin and Zajecar and establishing youth network for rationalization and use of leisure time”

V. Organization and Management of the Strategy for the leisure of youths

1. Management teams of the Strategy

2. Resourcing

3. Indicators for assessing the quality of the Strategy implementation

4. Monitoring and civil control of the Strategy implementation

5. Tools

VІ. Conclusion

VІІ. Appendixes

1. Background and purpose
This Strategy for the leisure of youths in Vidin covers the period 2014 – 2020. It is developed within the “Youth Acting United” Project under Bulgaria – Serbia IPA Cross-border Programme by the leading partner “East-West” Association Vidin and the NGO partner “Children’s Joy” Zajecar.

The Strategy is part of the idea for making a model of the leisure and limiting the use of drugs, alcohol and smoking, reducing the aggression and development of tolerance among youths, prevention and combating hypodynamia, provoking positive and effective practices.

The Strategy is inspired by the results of a study of the attitudes about the use of psychotropic substances among 8th – 12th grade students carried out in 2011 under “United against Drugs” Project of the Bulgaria – Serbia IPA Cross-border Programme. The main conclusion of the study is that prevention should focus on rationalization of leisure trough sport, music, places for recreation and meeting friends, building confidence and self-estimation, responsibilities and obligations, involvement of the young people in attractive forms of spending their free time.

According to the National Statistical Institute, for us the term “youth community” or young people cover 15 to 34 year-olds in the following age groups: 15 – 19; 20 – 24; 25 – 29; 30 – 34. Our Strategy covers the first age group of youths. It is very important, because this age group is the basis of forming civil awareness and attitude.

The Strategy is part of the big idea for achieving the so called “dream of Vidin and Zajecar youth” within the stated period.

The purpose of the Strategy is to help the young people from Vidin and Zajecar rationalize their leisure time, change their attitudes and stimulate their motivation for participation in activities that develop their abilities, satisfy their needs, strengthen their physical and mental health, and give sense to their daily life.

The Strategy aims to develop in youths the need of communication, tolerance and cooperation. It also aims to attract the attention of institutions to young people for creating conditions and especially new and modern equipment facilities in order to involve more young people in their free time, including through new forms in the fields of sport, tourism, leisure, ecology, history and culture.
2. Subject and Strategic goals
The subject of the Strategy is development of an adequate model of leisure of the youth and establishment of an effective system to cover all the young people in their leisure time.

Providing varieties of youth activities and basis for expansion of youth space in Vidin and Zajecar.

Effective communication between the youths from Vidin and Zajecar and the institutions.
Strategic Goals:

  • Outlining the strategic priorities for the period 2014 – 2020

  • Effective use of the personnel and facilities capacity;

  • Uniting the young people from Vidin and Zajecar into “youth network”;

  • Getting to know the youth from Vidin and Zajecar and their joint participation in activities, events, projects and programmes;

  • Change in the attitude of the local authorities and other public institutions and coordination of their responsibilities and obligations;

  • Conducting inquiries and discussions about leisure time and incorporating the ideas and problems of the youth in the institutions agenda;

  • Analysis of reasons and factors;

  • Achieving maximum scope of young people involved in various activities in their free time.

ІІ. SECTION І: Starting points and prerequisites
1. Why should Vidin and Zajecar have their own Strategy for the leisure of youths?

An opinion poll carried out in 2011 within the “United against Drugs” Projects among 8th – 12th grade students from Vidin and Zajecar shows that there is use of psychoactive substances, that there are no alternatives for leisure time and attracting the attentions of the young people. There are no centers for useful contacts. Sport, leisure and tourism facilities are not enough, especially in the winter.

At the same time leisure time increases but is not rationalized. The opinion poll on topic “Organization of Leisure Time” carried out in the period 06.01.2014 – 17.01.2014 clearly shows that 31.09% of the youths have free time every day, 33.05% - not every day, 15.04% during weekends and holidays and only 19.02% state they have little free time. Significant part of the time they spent at home – 61.14%, but at home the free time is spent mainly on the PC or in front of the TV. When they go out most of the time they spent in places of amusement with friends. The youths state that the reasons are the unsatisfactory alternatives and insufficient facilities.

A poll with the participation of 1000 students was carried out in Zajecar in December 2013. The poll clearly shows that 82.03% of the youths have free time 2-4 hours every day, and 17.07% have 2 hours free time daily. Youths are becoming more and more demanding in their requests, but do not know how to achieve their goals. They are not united in a network; do not know how to influence the institutions and how to protect their interests. This means that a change in the motivation is needed, as well as change in the values and attitude, change of society. Each city has the obligation to ensure the best conditions for living, work, recreation, and possibilities for leisure, especially for the young people. Today the competition between cities is very strong. The globalization and the European Union provide free movement and migration of youths to better living conditions.

Vidin and Zajecar need a new philosophy of their attitude to youths. This would lead to a positive change in the demographic structure as well.
2. Philosophy of the Strategy
Youths and their leisure time lie in the center of the Strategy.

It is s Strategy of the change of institutions attitude to youths and the motivation and attitude of youths;

It is a Strategy of development and cross-border cooperation between Vidin and Zajecar;

It overcomes stereotypes, inertness, conservative dogma in society, leads to positive results and reduces the accumulated negativity and despair among youths;

It assumes reciprocity – in order to change the young people we have to get to know and encourage them, to have dialogue with them and offer them alternatives.
3. Mission of the Strategy
The mission of the Strategy is: “Together to make Vidin and Zajecar attractive places for useful activities of youths in their leisure by offering an effective model refracted through the prism of the youth vision”.
4. Information database
Analysis of statistical data

Analysis of the results of the discussions, the three round tables and the opinion polls;

Youth barometer;

Diagnostics by SWOT analysis

5. Legislative and institutional framework

- European Programme “Youth in Action” together with the five modules;

- National programmes, laws and strategies for youth;

- Cross-border programmes;

- Regional Development Strategy of Vidin Region 2005 – 2015;

- Regional Strategy for Tourism Development 2009 – 2013.

6. Interested parties
- Vidin Municipality and Zajecar Municipality;

- Schools from Vidin and Zajecar;

- Non-governmental organizations of both countries;

- Sports and tourism organizations of both countries;

- Cultural institutions of both countries.

7. Expected results

Facilities and activities

Condition in 2014

Expectation for 2020

І. Sports facilities

1. In Vidin

2. In Zajecar


Sports hall

Indoor running track

School sports halls

Sports playgrounds in schools and neighborhoods

Sports clubs

Rowing facility


Indoor and outdoor sports facilities – 110 pcs:

16 volleyball courts

15 handball courts

6 basketball courts

35 football courts

2 sports tracks

1 Olympic-size swimming pool

1 sports hall with capacity of 3000 people

House of Sport of Sports club “Partizan”

4 school sports halls

Tennis courts of “Euroclub”

Sports complex „Popova plaza”

Shooting complex

Ice rink

Tennis courts

New sports complex

Bowling hall

Repair of sports facilities in schools, neighborhoods, and in the city

Repair of rowing facility

Indoor swimming pool – in the city and in schools

New school sports halls

Repair, restoration and modernization of existing sports facilities and construction of new and modern sports facilities, depending on the necessity

ІІ. Tourist sites

  1. In Vidin

  1. In Zajecar



Tourist routes

Tourist ecopath in Kraljevica area with length of 4 km

New ecopaths

New bikeway

New tourist routes

Restoration and extension of the route

ІІІ. Recreation areas

  1. In Vidin

  1. In Zajecar

Non-functioning city beach

Few recreation areas

Insufficiently developed riverside of the Danube for recreation

Three ponds

Gamzigrad public baths

Two city beaches

New areas in the Danube park

New vision of the Danube riverside

ІV. Information for youths about leisure

Insufficient information

Youth network

Youth barometer

Youths participation in projects

Delegation of rights

Participation of youths in the work of the City Council commissions

Discussion in the mass media

Funds to the City Council for promotion of projects of youths and establishment of award for outstanding youths

V. Sports calendar of Vidin and Zajecar

Traditional forms mainly related to the high sports skills

No initiatives for grassroots sport

New forms:

  • Festivals

  • Competitions

  • Olympiads

VІ. Cultural calendar of Vidin and Zajecar

Traditional forms

Enriching it by more concerts, cinema and joint activities in the filed of culture between Vidin and Zajecar

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