Научна автобиография Собствено име(на) Фамилия(и)

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Научна автобиография

Собствено име(на) Фамилия(и)

Александър Кирилов здравков


Минно-геоложки университет „Св. Иван Рилски”, Студентски град, София 1700

Катедра „Геология и проучване на полезни изкопаеми”

Мобилен (незадължително)

+359 886 439 459



Дата на раждане, Място

14.01.1978, София

Длъжност(и) момента)


2012 до сега

Заемана длъжност или позиция


Име и адрес на работодателя

Минно-геоложки университет „Св. Иван Рилски“, Студентски град, София

Длъжност(и) (предишни)


2014 - 2016

Заемана длъжност или позиция

Ръководител “Научно-изследователска лаборатория по електронна микроскопия”

Име и адрес на работодателя

Минно-геоложки университет „Св. Иван Рилски“, Студентски град, София


2007 - 2012

Заемана длъжност или позиция

Главен асистент

Име и адрес на работодателя

Минно-геоложки университет „Св. Иван Рилски“, Студентски град, София


2004 - 2007

Заемана длъжност или позиция


Име и адрес на работодателя

Минно-геоложки университет „Св. Иван Рилски“, Студентски град, София

Образование и обучение



Придобитата квалификация


Образователна институция

Минно-геоложки университет „Св. Иван Рилски“


1996 - 2001

Придобитата квалификация

Инженер геолог

Образователна институция

Минно-геоложки университет „Св. Иван Рилски“

Чужд (и) език (езици)

Руски, Английски





Европейско ниво (*)



Участие в разговор

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Самостоятелно ниво на владеене


Самостоятелно ниво на владеене


Самостоятелно ниво на владеене


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Самостоятелно ниво на владеене


Самостоятелно ниво на владеене


Самостоятелно ниво на владеене


Самостоятелно ниво на владеене


Самостоятелно ниво на владеене

Професионална информация и приложения

Области на професионални и научни интереси

(ключови думи)

Въглищна геология и петрология,

Органична и неорганична геохимия,

Седиментология, Фациален и басейнов анализ,

Членство в професионални и браншови организации

International Committee of Coal and Organic Petrology – ICCOP

International Association of Sedimentologists – IAS

American Association of Petroleum Geologists - AAPG

Bulgarian Geological Society – BGS


Общо 41 публикации


Участник в 18 научно-изследователски проекта

Участие в научни сесии и конгреси

Участник в 18 международни научни конференции

Специализации в чужбина

Специализация по Органична петрология в Montanuniversitaet, Leoben, Austria, 2003 г. - 6 м.

Специализация по Органична геохимия в Montanuniversitaet, Leoben, Austria, 2013 г. - 1 м.

Специализация по Органична геохимия в Montanuniversitaet, Leoben, Austria, 2014 г. - 3 м.

Други професионални компетенции

Компютърни умения – MS Office, Statistika, Photoshop, Corel Draw, Map Info, ArcGIS

Zdravkov'>Приложение 1


  1. Kortenski, J., A. Zdravkov. 2003. Distribution of major and trace elements in lignite from Belibreg Basin, Bulgaria. – Rev. Bulg. Geol. Soc., 64, 1-3, 59-68 – in Bulgarian.

  2. Zdravkov, A., J. Kortenski. 2004a. Petrology, mineralogy and depositional environment of the coals from Beli breg basin, Bulgaria. - Comp. Rendus Acad. Bulg. Sci., 57, 1, 53-58.

  3. Zdravkov, A., J. Kortenski. 2004b. Maceral composition and depositional environment of the lignites from Beli breg basin, Bulgaria. – Rev. Bulg. Geol. Soc., 65, 1-3, 157-166.

  4. Zdravkov, A., J. Kortenski. 2004c. Petrology and depositional environment of the coals from Bobov dol basin, Bulgaria. – Annual UMG, 47, 1, 101-108.

  5. Vatsev, M., A. Zdravkov. 2004. On the stratigraphy of the Neogene sediments from Belibreg Basin, West Sredna Gora zone (preliminary results). – Proc. Ann. Sc. Conference “Geology 2004”, Sofia. Pp. 95-96.

  6. Kortenski, J., А. Zdravkov. 2005. Petrology of sub-bituminous coal from Pirin Basin. – Annual UMG, 48, 1, 59-64 – in Bulgarian.

  7. Zdravkov, А, I. Kostova, J. Kortenski. 2005. Paleoenvironmental setting during coal deposition in Elhovo Neogene basin, Bulgaria – Comp. Rendus Acad. Bulg. Sci., 58, 9, 1075-1082.

  8. Bechtel, А., R.F. Sachsenhofer, A. Zdravkov, I. Kostova, R. Gratzer, 2005. Influence of floral assemblage, facies and diagenesis on petrography and organic geochemistry of the Eocene Bourgas coal and the Miocene Maritza-East lignite (Bulgaria). Organic Geochemistry, 36, 11, 1498-1522.

  9. Kostova, I., A. Zdravkov. 2005. Petrology and depositional environment of lignites from Maritza West basin, Bulgaria. Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, 58, 12, 1421-1428.

  10. Zdravkov, А., R.F. Sachsenhofer, I. Kostova, J. Kortenski. 2006. Reconstruction of pаlаeoenvironment during coal deposition in the Neogene Karlovo graben, Bulgaria. - Int. J. Coal Geol., 67, 1, 79-94.

  11. Izart, A., R.F. Sachsenhofer, V.A. Privalov, M. Elie, E.A. Panova, V.A. Antsiferov, D. Alsaab, T. Rainer, A. Sotirov, A. Zdravkov, M.V. Zhykalyak. 2006. Stratigraphic distribution of macerals and biomarkers in the Donets Basin: Implications for paleoecology, paleoclimatology and eustacy. Int. J. of Coal Geol., 66, 1-2, 69-107.

  12. Kostova, I., A. Zdravkov, 2006. Mineralogy of lignites from Maritza West basin, Bulgaria. Comp. Rendus Acad. Bulg. Sci., 59, 1, 57-64.

  13. Kortenski, J., A. Zdravkov, D. Pinalova. 2006. Applying the International in-seam coal classification and the International codification system to the colas from Pernik coal province. – Annual UMG, 49, 1, 41-46 – in Bulgarian.

  14. Ajdanlijsky, G., A. Zdravkov, J. Kortenski, D. Reischenbacher. 2006. – Facial characteristics of the Roman Formation (Aptian) - an example of one section near Mezdra, Western Forebalcan. – Annual UMG, 49, 1, 85-90.

  15. Zdravkov, А., I. Kostova, J. Kortenski. 2007. Properties and depositional environment of the Neogene Elhovo lignite, Bulgaria. - Int. J. Coal Geol., 71, 4, 488-504.

  16. Kostova, I., A. Zdravkov. 2007. Organic petrology, mineralogy and depositional environment of the Kipra lignite seam, Maritza-West basin, Bulgaria. Int. J. Coal Geol., 71, 4, 527-541.

  17. Kortenski, J., A. Zdravkov, D. Pinalova. 2007. Applying the International in-seam coal classification and the International codification system to the coals of Struma-Mesta province. – Annual UMG, 50, 1, 49-54 – in Bulgarian.

  18. Kortenski, J., A. Zdravkov. 2007. Distribution of major elements in lignites from Sofia coal province, Bulgaria. - Review Bulg. Geol. Soc., 68, 1-3, 157-166 – in Bulgarian.

  19. Zdravkov, A., J. Kortenski. 2008. Petrographic composition of the lignite from the Staniantsi basin, Bulgaria. – Compt. Rend. Acad. Sc. Bulg., 61, 2, 217-222.

  20. Kortenski, J., A. Zdravkov, D. Pinalova. 2008. Applying the International in-seam coal classification and the International codification system to coals from Balkan Basin. – Annual UMG, 51, 1, 41-47 – in Bulgarian.

  21. Kortenski, J., A. Zdravkov. 2008. Presence and distribution of major elements in coals from Bobov Dov Basin, Bulgaria. - Annual UMG, 51, 1, 34-40 – in Bulgarian.

  22. Kortenski, J., A. Zdravkov, T. Boyadzhieva. 2009. Presence and distribution of major elements in coals from Karlovo Basin. – Review Bulg. Geol. Soc., 70, 1-3, 63-71 – in Bulgarian.

  23. Stefanova M., S.P. Marinov, A. Zdravkov and J. Kortenski. 2010. Paleoenvironmental reconstruction and climate change in South Eastern Europe (Neogene Karlovo lignites, Central Bulgaria). - Sci. Annals of the Aristotle Univer. оf Thesaloniki, spec. vol. 100, 279-286.

  24. Kortenski, J., A. Zdravkov. 2010. Alkali and alkali-earth major elements in the lignites from Sofia coal province, Bulgaria. – Scientific contributions Magazine, in press; in Bulgarian.

  25. Kortenski, J., S. Bakardjiev, A. Sultanov, A. Zdravkov. 2010. The new potentials of the Laboratory of Organic Petrology in the University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski”. - Geology and mineral resources, 9, 9-12 – in Bulgarian.

  26. Kortenski, J., A. Zdravkov. 2010. Petrology of coals from Gotse Delchev Basin, southwest Bulgaria. – Annual UMG, 53, 1, 86-93 – in Bulgarian.

  27. Zdravkov, A., A. Bechtel, R. Sachsenhofer, J. Kortenski, R. Gratzer. 2011. Vegetation differences and diagentic changes in two Bulgarian lignite deposits – insights from coal petrology and biomarker composition. – Org. Geochem., 42, 237-254.

  28. Kortenski, J., A. Zdravkov. 2011. Petrology and depositional environment of the lignite seam I from Gotse Delchev basin, South-West Bulgaria. - Compt. Rend. Acad. Sc. Bulg., 64, 719-724.

  29. Zdravkov, A. 2011. Petrological and geochemical characteristics of coal and associated rocks in Belibreg and Staniantsi Basins. Resume Ph.D. Thesis, 64pp. - in Bulgarian.

  30. Kortenski, J., A. Zdravkov. 2011. Petrologic and palaeogeographic properties of coals from Pernik province, Bulgaria. – Review Bulg. Geol. Soc., 72, 1-3, 11 – 25 – in Bulgarian.

  31. Zdravkov, A. 2012. Palaeoenvironmental significance of lacustrine/palustrine limestones from Stanyantsi coal basin, West Bulgaria. Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, 65, 10, 1395 – 1404.

  32. Zdravkov, A., K. Ruskov, I. Nikova, B. Hristov, D. Petrov, D. Bakardjiev. 2012. Occurrence and distriburion of arsenic in soils around Bobov dol Thermoelectric Power Plant. Annual UMG, 55, 1, 30 – 38 – in Bulgarian.

  33. Ruskov, K., A. Zdravkov, I. Nikova, B. Hristov, D. Petrov, D. Bakardjiev. 2012. Application of remote sensing techniques for the study of ground surface in the area of Thermal Power Plant Bobov dol. Annual UMG, 55, 1, 44 – 49 – in Bulgarian.

  34. Stefanova, М., J. Kortenski, A. Zdravkov, S. Marinov. 2013. Palaeoenvironmental settings of the Sofia lignite basin: insights from coal petrography and molecular indicators. Int. J. Coal Geol., 107, 45-61.

  35. Kortenski, J., N. Hristov, A. Zdravkov, N. Sechkariov, D. Merachev. 2013. Geochemical properties of coal seams from Dobrudja Basin, Bulgaria, in relation to their underground gasification. Annual UMG, 56, 65-70 – in Bulgarian.

  36. Hristov, B., E. Filcheva, I. Nikova, A. Zdravkov, K. Ruskov, D. Petrov, D. Bakardzhiev, 2013. Fractional Composition of Organic Matter in Surface Horizon of Soils from “Bobov Dol” Valley. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 19, 3, 485-489.

  37. Nikova, I, B. Hristov, A. Zdravkov, K. Ruskov, D. Petrov, D. Bakardzhiev. 2013. Monitoring of the chemical characteristics of the soils around “Bobov Dol” Thermoelectric Power Plant. Pedology, Agrochemistry and Ecology, 3, 55-62.

  38. Zdravkov, A., J. Kortenski. 2013. Atlas of macerals in Bulgarian coals. University of Mining and Geology, electronic manual for geology students, 157 p., http://mgu.bg/drugi/ebooks/Atlas_of_macerals_in_Bulgarian_coals.pdf, in Bulgarian.

  39. Predeanu, G., C. Panaitescu, M. Bălănescu, G. Bieg, A.G. Borrego, M.A. Diez, P. Hackley, B. Kwiecińska, M. Marques, M. Mastalerz, M. Misz-Kennan, S. Pusz, I. Suárez Ruiz, S. Rodrigues, A.K. Singh, A.K. Varma, A. Zdravkov, D. Životić. 2015. Microscopical characterization of carbon materials derived from coal and petroleum and their interaction phenomena in making steel electrodes, anodes and cathode blocks for the Microscopy of Carbon Materials Working Group of the ICCP. International Journal of Coal Geology, 139, 63-79, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.coal.2014.07.011.

  40. Zdravkov, A., Bechtel, A., Ćorić, S., Sachsenhofer, R.F., 2015. Depositional environment, organic matter characterization and hydrocarbon potential of Middle Miocene sediments from northeastern Bulgaria (Varna-Balchik Depression). Geol. Carp., 66, 5, 409 – 426.

  41. Kortenski, J., K. Vechkova-Stoeva, A. Zdravkov. 2015. Occurrence and distribution of major elements in coals from Burgas Basin, Bulgaria. Annual UMG, 58, 79-86.

  42. Stefanova, М., B.R.T. Simoneit, S.P. Marinov, A. Zdravkov, J. Kortenski. 2016. Novel Polar Biomarkers of the Miocene Maritza-East Lignite, Bulgaria. Organic Geochemistry, 96, 1-10.

  43. Nikova, I., V. Tsolova, B. Hristov, A. Zdravkov, K. Ruskov. 2016. Geochemical pattern of soils in Bobovdol valley, Bulgaria. Assessment of Cd and Co contents. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, in press.

Приложение 2


  1. Kortenski, J., A. Zdravkov. 2002. Geochemical properties of lignite from Belibreg and Staniantsi Basins. Project number FG-24/2002.

  2. Kortenski, J., A. Zdravkov. 2003. Petrology and mineral composition of lignite from Belibreg and Staniantsi Basins. Project number FG-33/2003.

  3. Kortenski, J., A. Zdravkov, D. Pinalova. 2004. Classification of the coals, mined by “Mini Otkrit dobiv” AG, Pernik, according to the requirements of the International codification system and International in-seam coal classification. Project number UMG-SRD 1837.

  4. Kortenski, J., A. Zdravkov, D. Pinalova. 2004. Classification of the coals, mined by “Mina Pirin” AG, according to the requirements of the International codification system and International in-seam coal classification. Project number UMG-SRD 1838.

  5. Kortenski, J., A. Zdravkov, D. Pinalova. 2004. Classification of the coals, mined by “Mini Bobov dol” AG, according to the requirements of the International codification system and International in-seam coal classification. Project number UMG-SRD 1841.

  6. Kortenski, J., A. Zdravkov, D. Pinalova. 2004. Classification of the coals, mined by “Mina Balkan 2000” AG, according to the requirements of the International codification system and International in-seam coal classification. Project number UMG-SRD 1842.

  7. Kortenski, J., A. Zdravkov. 2004. Petrographic properties of coals from Sofia coal province. Project number FG-38/2004.

  8. Kortenski, J., A. Zdravkov, R.F. Sachsenhofer, A. Bechtel, M. Stefanova, S. Marinov, K. Markova, I. Kostova, L.N.deB. Gonsalvesh, T. Boyadzieva. Correlation of late Alpine coal basins from Central and Eastern Europe in respect to their geological settings, palaeoenvironmental, petrographic and geochemical properties and their ecological significance – Contract VU-05/06 – 2006-2010, Science-research Fund.

  9. Vatsev, M., J. Kortenski, A. Zdravkov, S. Dzhuranov, Y. Stefanov, B. Cenov, V. Stoyanova, W. Hristova, B. Bozhinov, V. Petkova, V. Tomev. Sedimentary cycles and correlation of Palaeogenic basins from southwest Bulgaria and east FYROM. Contract VU – 03/06 2006-2010, Science-research Fund.

  10. Sultanov, A., J. Kortenski, A. Zdravkov. Sedimentological characteristic of coal-bearing rocks from Belibreg Basin, west Bulgaria. - UMG, SRD 114 – 2008.

  11. Bakardziev, S., J. Kortenski, A. Sultanov, A. Zdravkov, S. Marinov, M. Stefanova, N. Vichev, E. Filcheva. Improvement of the petrological investigations of coal, oily shales, and dispersed organic matter in rocks and soils by purchasing a modern scientific-research microscope. Contract DО 02-55, 2008- 2010, Science-research Fund.

  12. Bakardzhiev, S., J. Kortenski, A. Zdravkov. Modernizing the Laboratory of Organic Petrology in the University of Mining and Geology „St. Ivan Rilski“ by additional equipping the scientific microscope –UMG, SRD-I-РО02, 2009.

  13. Popov, K., S. Bakardziev, J. Kortenski, K. Ruskov, A. Zdravkov. Дистанционни методи в геологията – the use of multispectral and high resolution images on Central Srednogorie. UMG SRD-134, 2010.

  14. Bakardzhiev, S., K. Popov, K. Ruskov, J. Kortenski, A. Zdravkov, S. Strashimirov, S. Dobrev, E. Zaneva, J. Jordanov. Multispectral and statistical methods for determination of trace elements in different mineral and energy resources. UMG SRD-156, 2011.

  15. Zdravkov, A., K. Ruskov, I. Nikova, B. Hristov, D. Petrov, D. Bakardjiev. Developing methodology for assessment of the impact on the environment of toxic elements, released by coal utilization in Thermoelectric Power Plants. Contract DMU 03/34, 2011, Science-research Fund.

  16. Zdravkov, А. 2013. Petrological and geochemical characteristics of the coals from Dobrudzha Basin, Bulgaria. Ministry of Science and Education, Programm “Science-Bussiness”, contract No D02-785.

  17. Stoilov, I., A. Zdravkov, D. Decheva. 2013. Development of innovative, energy-saving and eco-technologies in the exploration, extraction and processing of mineral and energy resources by improving pro-innovative infrastructure of Mining and Geology "St. Ivan Rilski", Ministry of Economic and Energy, Operational Programme "Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy" 2007-2013, Contr. No. BG161PO003-

Участия в национални и международни конференции

  1. Zdravkov, A., J. Kortenski, 2003. Petrology and depositional environment of coals from Beli Breg basin, Bulgaria. Bulgarian Geological Society, Annual Scientific Conference “Geology, 2003”

  2. Zdravkov, A., J. Kortenski. 2004. Petrology and depositional environment of coal from Bobov dol Basin. International scientific conference UMG “St. Ivan Rilski”.

  3. M. Vatsev, A. Zdravkov, 2004. On the stratigraphy of the neogene sediments from Belibreg Basin, west Sredna Gora zone (preliminary results). Bulgarian Geological Society, Annual Scientific Conference “Geology, 2004”, 16-17.12.2004, 95-96.

  4. Kortenski, J., A. Zdravkov. 2005. Petrology of sub-bituminous coals from Pirin Basin, Bulgaria. International scientific conference UMG “St. Ivan Rilski”, 20-21.10.2005.

  5. Zdravkov, A., I. Kostova, J. Kortenski, 2005. Coal properties and depositional environment of the Neogene Elhovo lignite, Bulgaria. 57th Annual Meeting of the International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology – ICCP, Abstracts Book, 8-9;

  6. Stefanova, M., S.P. Marinov, V. Stamenova, L., Gonsalvesh, A. Zdravkov, 2005. Preliminary observation on biomarker composition of Neogene Lom lignite, Bulgaria. 57th Annual Meeting of the International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology – ICCP, Abstracts Book, 17-18;

  7. Kostova, I., A. Zdravkov, 2005. Organic petrology and mineralogy of coals from Maritza-West basin, Bulgaria. 57th Annual Meeting of the International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology – ICCP, Abstracts Book, 18-19;

  8. Kortenski, J., A. Zdravkov, D. Pinalova. 2006. Applying the International in-seam coal classification and the International codification system to the coals from Pernic coal province. International scientific conference UMG “St. Ivan Rilski”, October, 2006.

  9. Aidanliyski, G., A. Zdravkov, J. Kortenski, D. Reischenbacher. 2006. – Facial characteristics of the Roman Formation (Albian) an example of one section near Mezdra, Western Forebalcan. International scientific conference UMG “St. Ivan Rilski”, October, 2006.

  10. Kortenski, J., A. Zdravkov, D. Pinalova. 2007. Applying the International in-seam coal classification and the International codification system to the coals from Struma-Mesta coal province. International scientific conference UMG “St. Ivan Rilski”, October, 2007.

  11. Yaneva, N., M. Stefanova, S. Marinov, A. Zdravkov, J. Kortenski: Petrographical and molecular indicators for the deposition environment of Sofia Lignite Basin, Bulgaria. the 11th Coal Geology Conference (Prague May 26-30, 2008).

  12. Kortenski, J., A. Zdravkov, D. Pinalova. 2008. Applying the International in-seam coal classification and the International codification system to the coals from Balkan Basin. International scientific conference UMG “St. Ivan Rilski”, October, 2008.

  13. Kortenski, J., A. Zdravkov. 2008. Occurrence and distribution of major elements in coal from Bobov dol Basin, Bulgaria. International scientific conference UMG “St. Ivan Rilski”, October, 2008.

  14. Stefanova, M., St. Marinov, A. Zdravkov, J. Kortenski. Palaeoenvironmental settings of the Sofia lignite basin: insights from coal petrography and molecular indicators. IMOG, 24 U\Int. Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, Sep. 6-11.2009 Bremen, Germany.

  15. Zdravkov, A., K. Ruskov, I. Nikova, B. Hristov, D. Petrov, D. Bakardjiev. 2012. Occurrence and distriburion of arsenic in soils around Bobov dol Thermoelectric Power Plant. International scientific conference UMG “St. Ivan Rilski”, October, 2012.

  16. Ruskov, K., A. Zdravkov, I. Nikova, B. Hristov, D. Petrov, D. Bakardjiev. 2012. Application of remote sensing techniques for the study of ground surface in the area of Thermal Power Plant Bobov dol. International scientific conference UMG “St. Ivan Rilski”, October, 2012.

  17. Stefanova, M., J. Kortenski, A. Zdravkov, S. Marinov. 2013. Palaeoenvirnmental settings of the Sofia lignite basin: insights from coal petrography and molecular indicators. 30th Annual meeting of the Society of Organic Petrology (TSOP), 1-4th September 2013, Poland, University of Silesia, Sosnowiec.

  18. Stefanova, M., J. Kortenski, A. Zdravkov, S. Marinov. 2013. Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the Sofia lignite based on petrography and biomarker assemblage. 26th International meeting on Organic Geochemistry – Organic Geochemistry: trends for the 21st century, Costa Adeje, Tenerife, Spain, September 15-20, 2013.

  19. Predeanu G., Panaitescu C., Balanescu M., Bieg G., Gómez Borrego A., Diez M. A., Kwiecińska B., Marques M., Mastalerz M., Misz-Kennan M., Pusz S., Suárez Ruiz I., Rodrigues S., Singh A. K., Varma A., Zdravkov A., Životić D. 2013. Microscopically characterization of carbon materials derived from coal and petroleum and their interaction phenomena on making steel electrodes, anodes and cathodes blocks, 65th Annual Meeting of the ICCP, ICCP program & abstract book, Eds. J. Ciesielczuk, M. Fabiańska, M. Misz-Kennan & K. Szopa, 25-31th August 2013 Sosnowiec, Poland, pp. 108-110.

  20. Kortenski, J., K. Vechkova-Stoeva, A. Zdravkov. 2015. Occurrence and distribution of major elements in coals from Burgas Basin, Bulgaria. International scientific conference UMG “St. Ivan Rilski”, October, 2015.

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Здравков, Александър Кирилов

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