Офертен бюлетин №2112/2012 оферти за бизнес сътрудничество

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BCD (Business Cooperation Database) е централизирана база данни за обмен на предложения за бизнес сътрудничество на мрежата Enterprise Europe Network. Чрез нея контактните точки на мрежата от всички държави обменят информация и разпространяват оферти за бизнес сътрудничество.

За да получите координати на фирмата, подала офертата, е нужно да попълните приложения формуляр за проявен интерес и да го изпратите на e-mail адрес: een@pcci.bg или факс: 032 908988, 908999.

01. BCD ID20120529027 A Swedish company is looking for producers of bottles and cans used for cosmetic crmes and make-up. The producer should be flexible and able to produce the bottles accordingly to the design presented by the Swedish company. The materials must be environment friendly. All countries within the EU are of interest. 

02. BCD ID20120530022 Swedish company specialised within clothing design for covert surveillance operations is looking for a business partner who is a manufacturer of stripes in flimsy nylon, non-stretch, wide 1-2cm. The company will work as a subcontractor for the Swedish company and supply them with this type of product. 
03. BCD ID20120530034 A Romanian company working in the field of construction of residential and non-residential buildings is interested in offering its services as subcontractor for different construction projects across Europe such as apartment buildings, villas, hospitals, bridges, parking etc. 
04. BCD ID20120530046 Danish company, a leading supplier and producer of personal care products based on the highest quality ingredients, is looking for producers of hair wax who are interested in using the companys production capacities. 
05. BCD ID20120531041 A UK manufacturing company is seeking distributors and agents for its range of ophthalmic titanium surgical instruments. 

06. BCD ID20120604040 Swedish company within the health sector is looking for a partner who can work as retailer and sell their mobile device who contains the enterprise content management system that the company develops and provides for hospitals. 

07. BCD ID20120605001 A Romanian company specialized in manufacturing machine spare parts for automotive (components for excavators, vehicles, tractors - pistons, pins, rollers, gears), packaging machinery components, components for automotive assembly lines etc., is offering its services as subcontractor. 
08. BCD ID20120606004 A Danish company specialized in turnkey energy solutions is looking for a new supplier which is able to produce vertical steam and/or water tube boilers. The Danish company designs, engineers and constructs the energy plants according to the specific need of the costumers. The plants are feeded by one or more of the following fuel woodchip, wood pellets, straw, oil, gas. The new supplier can be situated in a number of countries. 

За контакт:

Елена Бояджиева

Enterprise Europe Network

Търговско-Промишлена Камара – Пловдив

ул.Самара № 7

Тел.: 032 908999

e-mail: een@pcci.bg
Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the European Commission is responsible for the use which might be made of the information contained herein. The views in this publication are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the policies of the European Commission.


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e-mail: een@pcci.bg, факс: 032 908988, 908999
Каталог: img -> files
files -> Бюлетин б2б събития организирани от Европейската мрежа в подкрепа на бизнеса Брой 7
files -> Бюлетин б2б събития организирани от Европейската мрежа в подкрепа на бизнеса Брой 3
files -> За брокерски събития
files -> За брокерски събития
files -> Офертен бюлетин 01/2013 оферти за бизнес сътрудничество
files -> За брокерски събития
files -> Офертен бюлетин № bbs/1713/2013 оферти за технологично сътрудничество
files -> Офертен бюлетин № bbs/1910/2010 оферти за технологично сътрудничество
files -> Офертен бюлетин 06/2013 оферти за бизнес сътрудничество
files -> Офертен бюлетин №1512/2012 оферти за бизнес сътрудничество

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