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Човекът в търсене на смисъл - Виктор Франкъл
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Ascher, L. Michael, „Paradoxical Intention“, in Handbook of Behavioral Interventions, A.
Goldstein and Е. B. Foa, eds. New York, John Wiley, 1980.
-, and C. Alex Pollard, „Paradoxical Intention“, in The Therapeutic Efficacy of the Major
Psychotherapeutic Techniques, Usuf Hariman, ed., Springfield, Illinois, Charles C. Thomas,
Barnitz, Harry W., „Frankl's Logotherapy“, in Existentialism and The New Christianity.
New York, Philosophical Library, 1969.
Bruno, Frank J., „The Will to Meaning“, in Human Adjustment and Personal Growth: Seven
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Bulka, Reuven P., „Hasidism and Logotherapy: Encounter Through Anthology“, in Mystics and Medics: A Comparison of Mystical and Psychotherapeutic Encounters. New York, Human
Sciences Press, 1979. o-, „From Confusin to Fusion“, in The Other Side of the Couch: What Therapists Believe,
E. Mark Stern, ed. New York, The Pilgrim Press, 1981.
-, „Logotherapy and Judaism–Some Philosophical Comparisons“, in A Judaism
Psychology- Reader. Reuven P. Bulka and Moshe HaLevi Spero, eds. Springfield, Illinois,
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Corey, Gerald, „Viktor Frankl“, in Professional and Ethical Issues in Counseling and
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Downing, Lester N., „Logotherapy“, in Counseling Theories and Techniques. Chicago,
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-, „Paradoxical Intention: A Logotherapeutic Technique“, In Active Psychotherapy, Harold
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-, „The Significance of Meaning for Health“, in Religion and Medicine: Essays on Meaning,
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-, „The Task of Education in an Age of Meaninglessness“, in New Prospects for the Small
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Reynolds, David K., „Logotherapy“, in Morita Psychotherapy. Berkeley, University of
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