Списък на научните публикации на ст н. с I ст д-р екатерина георгиева филчева

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1. Filcheva E., M. Grozeva, S. Krastanov. 1988. Interaction between soil humus and lead. Humus et Planta IX, 22-26 Аugust 1988, Praha

2. Filcheva E., M. Antova. 1988. Peculiarities in defining the fractional humus composition of a alpine hydromorphic soils. Humus et Planta, IX, 22-26 August 1988, Praha

3. Raichev T., E. Filcheva. 1988. Improved methodology for separation of humus matter from soils. Humus et Planta, IX, 22-26 August 1988, Praha

4. Ivanov I., R. Kotsilkova, T. Raichev, E. Filcheva. 1988. Influence of the transformation of the plant residues upon the rheology of the clay minerals. Humus et Planta, IX, 22-26 August 1988, Praha

5.Boyadgiev T., E. Filcheva, L. Petrova. 1992. Organic Matter Composition of the Main Soil Groups in Bulgaria. 6th INT. Meeting IHSS “Humic Substances in the Global Environment and Implications in Human Health”. September 20-25, 1992, Monopoli (Bari), Italy, 246.

6. Boyadgiev T., E. Filcheva, L. Petrova. 1993.Organic carbon reserve of Bulgarian soils. Int. Symp. “Soil Processes and Management Systems, Grenhouse Gas Emissions and Carbon Sequestration”, April, 5-9, 1993, Columbus, Ohio, USA.

7. Banov M., E. Filcheva, B. Hristov. 1993. Humus accumulation and its quality composition in reclamed lands. Int. Symp. “Soil Processes and Management Systems, Grenhouse Gas Emissions and Carbon Sequestration”, April, 5-9, 1993, Columbus, Ohio, USA

8. Filcheva E., M. Cheshire. D. Mcphail. 1994. Effect of heavy metal contamination on the rate of decomposition of sewage sludge. 3rd Int. Symp. On Environmental Geochemistry. 12-15 September, 1994, Krakow, Poland, 114-115.

9. Filcheva E., L. Raikova, P. Petkov. 1996. Humus characteristics of some Bulgarian soils. Int. Conference on Land degradation, 10-14 June, 1996, Adana, Turkey, 133.

10. Teoharov M., E. Filcheva. 1996. Humus formation in weakly developed, hardly eroded soils, formed on soft rocks. Int. Conference on Land Degradation, 10-14 June, 1996, Adana, Turkey, 163.

11. Chakalov K., T. Popova, E. Filcheva-Konisheva. 1996. Influence of cation-exchange composition of organo-zeolite composts on the ion-hydroxide equilibrium of copper. ESSC second International congress “Development and Implementation of Soil Conservation Strategies for Sustainable Land Use. September 1-7, Munich, Germany, 50.

12. Filcheva-Konisheva E., K. Chakalov, T. Popova. 1996. Characteristics of organo-zeolite composts (lignin, barks, peat) and possibilities for soil utilization. ESSC second International congress “Development and Implementation of Soil Conservation Strategies for Sustainable Land Use. September 1-7, Munich, Germany, 58.

13. Filcheva E., P.Bojinova, L. Stanislavova. 1997. Organic matter characteristics of polluted soils in the region of lead-zinc smelter near the town of Plovdiv. 4th Int. Meeting on Red Mediterranean Soils, 27 May-2 June, 1997, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

14. Filcheva E., K. Chakalov, T. Popova. 1998. Possibility to manage soil-forming processes. 16th World Congress of Soil Science, 20-26 August, 1998, Montpellier, France, v. 1, p. 116.

15. Dilkova R., E. Filcheva, G. Kerchev, M. Kercheva. 1998. Humus peculiarities of the virgin surface waterlogged soils. 1998. 16th World Congress of Soil Science, 20-26 August, 1998, Montpellier, France, v. 1, p. 378.

16. Filcheva E., K. Chakalov, T. Popova. 1998. Influence of Organic Matter Composition on the Fertility of Organo-zeolite Compost. In Abstract Book “Humic Substances Downunder: Understanding and managing Organic Matter in Soils, Sediments and Waters”, 20-25 September, 1998, Adelaide, Australia, p. 86.

17. Dilkova R., E. Filcheva, G. Kerchev, and M. Kercheva. 1999. Changes of organic Matter And Aggregate Stability of The Arable Waterlogged Soils. Int. Symposium “Agricultural Practices for Carbon Sequestration in Soil. 19-23 July, Columbus, Ohio, USA, p. 10.

18. Filcheva E., K. Chakalov. 1999.Soil Fertility Management With Zeolite Amendments. Effect Of Zeolite On The Carbon Sequestration. A Review. Int. Symposium “Agricultural Practices for Carbon Sequestration in Soil. 19-23 July, Columbus, Ohio, USA, p. 13.

19. Filcheva E., T. Mitova. 1999.Effect Of Rotation On The Composition Of Soil Organic Matter. Int. Symposium “Agricultural Practices for Carbon Sequestration in Soil. 19-23 July, Columbus, Ohio, USA, p. 13-14.

20. Dinev N., L. Stanislavova, E. Filcheva, P. Bojinova. 2000. Phytoremediation Potential of Species from Brassiccaceae and Salvia sclarea for Zinc, cadmium and Lead Contaminated Soils. Race News, Special Issue "Contaminated land Problems in Central and Eastern Europe", 18-19.01.2000, Katowice, Poland, 89.

21. Filcheva E., L. Stanislavova, N. Dinev. 2001. Heavy Metals Distribution in the Fractions of Soil organic Matter. Nat. conference with Int. participation “90 Years Soil Science in Bulgaria”, 13-15 September, 2001, Sofia, Bulgaria, 45.

22.Chakalov K., T. Popova, E. Filcheva, K. Dimitrov. 2001. Land reclamation without humus coverage in the region of Maritza-iztok. JSCo. Int. Workshop on contaminated soils and sites “Assesment of the quality of contaminated soils and sites in Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC) and New Independent States (NIS), 3- September-3 October, 2001, Sofia, Bulgaria, 50.

23.Filcheva E., K. Chakalov, T. Popova, K. Dimitrov. 2001. Soil forming processes of zeolite amended clay banks in the region of Maritza-iztok. JSCo. 2001. Int. Workshop on contaminated soils and sites “Assessment of the quality of contaminated soils and sites in Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC) and New Independent States (NIS), 3- September-3 October, 2001, Sofia, Bulgaria, 51.

24. Dinev N., E. Filcheva, V. Koutev. 2001. Comarative Investiganion of Some Bulgarian and Czech Soils for Heavy metal Content and Humic Fractions. Nat. conference with Int. participation “90 Years Soil Science in Bulgaria”, 13-15 September, 2001, Sofia, Bulgaria, 45.

25. Popova T., K. Chakalov, E. Filcheva. 2001. Influence of Zeolite Amendments on the Phosphate Buffer Capacity of the Heavy Metal Polluted Soils. Nat. conference with Int. participation “90 Years Soil Science in Bulgaria”, 13-15 September, 2001, Sofia, Bulgaria, 45-46.

26 .Chakalov.K., T. Popova, E.Filcheva, K.Mitov. 2002. Improvement of zeolite effect on polluted soils for better nitrogen and carbon storage. I. Influence of zeolite amendments on oxidation-reduction charges (Eh) on heavy metal and As polluted soils. Zeolite'02. 6th Int. conf. “On the Occurrence, properties and utilization of natural zeolites” (P. Misaelides ed.). Thessaloniki, Greece, 3-7 June, 2002, 52-54.

27. Popova. T., K. Chakalov, E.Filcheva, K.Mitov. 2002. Improvement of zeolite effect on the polluted soils for nitrogen and carbon storage. II. Influence of zeolite amendment on nitrogen storage in heavy metal and As polluted soils. Zeolite'02. 6th Int. conf. “On the Occurrence, properties and utilization of natural zeolites” (P. Misaelides ed.). Thessaloniki, Greece, 3-7 June, 2002, 297-298.

28. Filcheva E., T. Popova, K. Chakalov, and K.Mitov 2002. Improvement of zeolite effect on the polluted soils for nitrogen and carbon storage. III. Influence of zeolite amendments on organic carbon storage in heavy metal polluted soils. Zeolite'02. . 6th Int. conf. On the “Occurrence, properties and utilization of natural zeolites” (P. Misaelides ed.). Thessaloniki, Greece, 3-7 June, 2002, 101-102.

29.Mitov K, T. Popova, E.Filcheva, Chakalov.K. 2002. Improvement of zeolite effect on polluted soils for better nitrogen and carbon storage. IV. Influence of zeolite materials on the microbial action of heavy metal polluted soils. Zeolite'02. . 6th Int. conf. “On the Occurrence, properties and utilization of natural zeolites” (P. Misaelides ed.). Thessaloniki, Greece, 3-7 June, 2002, 236-237.

30. Bozhinova P., L. Stanislavova, E. Filcheva, G. Petkova. 2002. Heavy Metal Uptake by plants from Sewage Sludge Amended Soils. First pedological days of Slovakia, 17-19 June, Visoki Tatri, Rachkova dolina, Slovakia.

31. Chakalov K., T. Popova, E. Filcheva, K. Mitov, O. Petrov. 2003. Improvement of zeolite effect in polluted soils for better nitrogen and carbon sequestration. In: Nat. Conf. With Int. Participation "The degradation and soil protection in soil in Albania", 22-23 April, 2003, Tirana, Albania.



Райчев Т., Н.Мицулов, Е. Филчева, И. Узунов, П. Конишев, Д. Лазаров. 1993. Mетод и устройство за определяне съдържанието на въглерод и степента на вътрешно молекулна окисленост на почвеното органично вещество. Авторско свидетелство № 46427, ИНРА, София, 29.04.1993


Райчев Т., Н. Мицулов, Е. Филчева, И. Узунов. 1993. Метод и устройство за определяне съдържанието и степента на вътрешномолекулна окисленост на лесно и трудно окисляемата фракция на почвеното органично вещество. Авторско свидетелство, № 47906, ИНРА, 10.06.1993, София

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